/* OpenSyncro - A web-based enterprise application integration tool
* Copyright (C) 2008 Smilehouse Oy, support@opensyncro.org
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* Created on 17.10.2005
package smilehouse.opensyncro.defaultcomponents.filesystem;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.util.Locale;
import smilehouse.gui.html.fieldbased.FieldInfo;
import smilehouse.gui.html.fieldbased.GUIContext;
import smilehouse.gui.html.fieldbased.editor.DefaultSelectOption;
import smilehouse.gui.html.fieldbased.editor.SelectEditor;
import smilehouse.gui.html.fieldbased.editor.TextEditor;
import smilehouse.gui.html.fieldbased.formatter.IntegerFormatter;
import smilehouse.gui.html.fieldbased.model.DefaultModelModifier;
import smilehouse.gui.html.fieldbased.model.ModelModifier;
import smilehouse.opensyncro.pipes.component.AbortTransferException;
import smilehouse.opensyncro.pipes.component.FailTransferException;
import smilehouse.opensyncro.pipes.component.PipeComponentData;
import smilehouse.opensyncro.pipes.component.PipeComponentUtils;
import smilehouse.opensyncro.pipes.component.SourceIF;
import smilehouse.opensyncro.pipes.gui.GUIConfigurationIF;
import smilehouse.opensyncro.pipes.gui.GUIDefinition;
import smilehouse.opensyncro.pipes.log.MessageLogger;
import smilehouse.opensyncro.pipes.metadata.SourceInfo;
import smilehouse.opensyncro.system.Environment;
import smilehouse.util.Utils;
* This component is like LocalFileSource, except it does not read all the data into memory at once.
* Instead it reads the file in multiple blocks thus enabling iterative processing of arbitrary
* large files. <br><br>
* The following attributes are used for splitting the input:
* <ul>
* <li><b>Delimiter</b>. The delimiter that is used to divide the file into components. For example this could be "\n" for a CSV file,
* in which case the component would be one row.
* The delimiter can also be a String, for example "\nNEXT\n".</li>
* <li><b>Block size</b>. Block size tells how many pieces one iteration block contains in maximum</li>
* <li><b>Quote char</b>. If the quote char is defined, delimiters inside quoted regions are ignored.</li>
* <li><b>Escape char</b>. If the escape char is defined, quote chars preceded by (unescaped) escape char are ignored.</li>
* </ul>
* The java style escape sequences '\n', '\r', '\f', '\t', '\\' can by used in the delimiter and as quote and escape chars.
public class IteratingFileSource implements SourceIF, GUIConfigurationIF {
// ---------------
// Attribute names
// ---------------
private static final String DIR_ATTR = "dir";
private static final String FILE_ATTR = "file";
private static final String CHARSET_ATTR = "charset";
private static final String DELIMITER_ATTR = "delim";
private static final String QUOTE_CHAR_ATTR = "quote";
private static final String ESCAPE_CHAR_ATTR = "escape";
private static final String BLOCK_SIZE_ATTR = "size";
private static final String[] CHARSETS = PipeComponentUtils.getCharacterSetArray();
protected static final String DEFAULT_CHARSET = "UTF-8";
private Splitter splitter;
private Reader reader;
protected PipeComponentData data;
// --------------
// GUI definition
// --------------
protected static GUI gui = new GUI();
protected static class GUI extends GUIDefinition {
public GUI() {
try {
// ------------------
// Simple text fields
// ------------------
addSimpleTextFieldForComponent(DIR_ATTR, DIR_ATTR, 70);
addSimpleTextFieldForComponent(FILE_ATTR, FILE_ATTR, 20);
addSimpleTextFieldForComponent(DELIMITER_ATTR, DELIMITER_ATTR, 10);
addSimpleTextFieldForComponent(QUOTE_CHAR_ATTR, QUOTE_CHAR_ATTR, 2);
addSimpleTextFieldForComponent(ESCAPE_CHAR_ATTR, ESCAPE_CHAR_ATTR, 2);
// --------------
// Iteration size
// --------------
ModelModifier modifier = new DefaultModelModifier() {
public Object getModelValue(Object model) throws Exception {
return new Integer( ((IteratingFileSource) model).getBlockSize() );
public void setModelValue(Object model, Object value) throws Exception {
((IteratingFileSource) model).setBlockSize( ((Integer) value).intValue() );
TextEditor editor = new TextEditor();
IntegerFormatter formatter = new IntegerFormatter();
FieldInfo fieldInfo = new FieldInfo(
addField(BLOCK_SIZE_ATTR, fieldInfo);
// --------------
// Charset select
// --------------
String id = CHARSET_ATTR;
ModelModifier modifier = new DefaultModelModifier() {
public Object getModelValue(Object model) throws Exception {
return ((IteratingFileSource) model).getCharset();
public void setModelValue(Object model, Object value) throws Exception {
((IteratingFileSource) model).getData().setAttribute(
(String) value);
SelectEditor editor = new SelectEditor();
for(int i = 0; i < CHARSETS.length; i++)
editor.addOption(new DefaultSelectOption(CHARSETS[i], CHARSETS[i]));
FieldInfo fieldInfo = new FieldInfo(id, id, modifier, editor);
addField(id, fieldInfo);
} catch(Exception e) {
"Couldn't create GUIContext for IteratingFileSource", e);
public IteratingFileSource(Object pipeComponentData) {
setData((PipeComponentData) pipeComponentData);
private int getBlockSize() throws NumberFormatException {
Integer size = getData().getIntegerAttribute(BLOCK_SIZE_ATTR);
return size != null ? size.intValue() : 1;
private void setBlockSize(int blockSize) {
getData().setAttribute(BLOCK_SIZE_ATTR, blockSize);
private String getCharset() {
String charset = getData().getAttribute(CHARSET_ATTR);
return charset != null && charset.length() > 0 ? charset : DEFAULT_CHARSET;
* @see smilehouse.opensyncro.pipes.component.SourceIF#give(smilehouse.opensyncro.pipes.metadata.SourceInfo, smilehouse.opensyncro.pipes.log.MessageLogger)
public String[] give(SourceInfo info, MessageLogger logger) throws FailTransferException,
AbortTransferException {
try {
String block = splitter.getNextBlock();
String debugMessage = block != null
? "Read "+block.length()+" characters."
: "No more data.";
logger.logMessage(debugMessage, this, MessageLogger.DEBUG);
return new String[] { block };
catch(IOException ioe) {
String message = "IOException while reading the file!";
logger.logMessage(message, this, MessageLogger.ERROR);
Environment.getInstance().log(message, ioe);
throw new AbortTransferException();
* Opens the file for reading and initializes the splitter.
* @see smilehouse.opensyncro.pipes.component.SourceIF#open(smilehouse.opensyncro.pipes.metadata.SourceInfo, smilehouse.opensyncro.pipes.log.MessageLogger)
public int open(SourceInfo info, MessageLogger logger) throws FailTransferException,
AbortTransferException {
// -------------
// Check the dir
// -------------
String dirName = getData().getNonNullAttribute(DIR_ATTR, logger, "Directory name not set!", MessageLogger.ERROR);
File dir = new File(dirName);
if(!dir.exists()) {
logger.logMessage("Directory '"+dirName+"' does not exist!", this, MessageLogger.ERROR);
if(!dir.isDirectory()) {
logger.logMessage("'"+dirName+"' is not a directory!", this, MessageLogger.ERROR);
// --------------
// Check the file
// --------------
String fileName = getData().getNonNullAttribute(FILE_ATTR, logger, "File name not set!", MessageLogger.ERROR);
File file = new File(dir, fileName);
if(!file.exists()) {
logger.logMessage("Directory '"+fileName+"' does not exist!", this, MessageLogger.ERROR);
if(file.isDirectory()) {
logger.logMessage("'"+fileName+"' is a directory!", this, MessageLogger.ERROR);
if(!file.canRead()) {
logger.logMessage("Cannot read the file'"+fileName+"'!", this, MessageLogger.ERROR);
// -----------------
// Get the delimiter
// -----------------
String delimiter = getData().getAttribute(DELIMITER_ATTR);
if(delimiter == null || delimiter.length() == 0) {
logger.logMessage("Delimiter not set!", this, MessageLogger.ERROR);
// ------------------
// Get the block size
// ------------------
int blockSize = 1;
String blockSizeStr = getData().getAttribute(BLOCK_SIZE_ATTR);
if(blockSizeStr == null || blockSizeStr.length() == 0) {
logger.logMessage("Block size not given, using 1", this, MessageLogger.WARNING);
else {
try {
blockSize = Integer.parseInt(blockSizeStr);
catch(NumberFormatException nfe) {
logger.logMessage("Block size '"+blockSizeStr+"' not a valid integer, using 1", this, MessageLogger.WARNING);
if(blockSize < 1) {
blockSize = 1;
logger.logMessage("Invalid block size, using 1", this, MessageLogger.WARNING);
// ----------------------------------------
// Open the file and configure the splitter
// ----------------------------------------
String encoding = getCharset();
try {
reader = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file), encoding);
this.splitter = new Splitter(reader, Utils.javaStyleUnescape(delimiter));
// Quote char
String quoteStr = getData().getAttribute(QUOTE_CHAR_ATTR);
if(quoteStr != null) {
quoteStr = Utils.javaStyleUnescape(quoteStr);
if(quoteStr.length() > 0)
splitter.setQuoteChar( new Character(quoteStr.charAt(0)) );
// Escape char
String escapeStr = getData().getAttribute(ESCAPE_CHAR_ATTR);
if(escapeStr != null) {
escapeStr = Utils.javaStyleUnescape(escapeStr);
if(escapeStr.length() > 0)
splitter.setEscapeChar( new Character(escapeStr.charAt(0)) );
catch(FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
logger.logMessage("File not found: " + file.getAbsolutePath(), this, MessageLogger.ERROR);
catch(UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {
logger.logMessage("Unsupported encoding: " + encoding, this, MessageLogger.ERROR);
* Closes the file.
* @see smilehouse.opensyncro.pipes.component.SourceIF#close(smilehouse.opensyncro.pipes.metadata.SourceInfo, smilehouse.opensyncro.pipes.log.MessageLogger)
public int close(SourceInfo info, MessageLogger logger) throws FailTransferException,
AbortTransferException {
if(reader != null) {
try {
reader = null;
catch(IOException ioe) {
String message = "IOException while trying to close the reader";
logger.logMessage(message, this, MessageLogger.ERROR);
Environment.getInstance().log(message, ioe);
* @see smilehouse.opensyncro.pipes.component.SourceIF#lastBlockStatus(int)
public void lastBlockStatus(int statusCode) throws FailTransferException, AbortTransferException {
// Not much use for this...
* @see smilehouse.opensyncro.pipes.gui.GUIConfigurationIF#getGUIContext()
public GUIContext getGUIContext() {
return gui.getGUIContext();
* @see smilehouse.opensyncro.pipes.gui.GUIConfigurationIF#getGUITemplate()
public String getGUITemplate() {
return "<table>"
+"<tr><td colspan=\"2\">$"+DIR_ATTR+"$</td><td>$"+FILE_ATTR+"$</td></tr>"
+"<tr><td colspan=\"3\">$"+CHARSET_ATTR+"$</td></tr>"
* @see smilehouse.opensyncro.pipes.component.PipeComponentIF#setData(smilehouse.opensyncro.pipes.component.PipeComponentData)
public void setData(PipeComponentData data) {
this.data = data;
* @see smilehouse.opensyncro.pipes.component.PipeComponentIF#getData()
public PipeComponentData getData() {
return data;
* @see smilehouse.opensyncro.pipes.component.PipeComponentIF#getID()
public String getID() {
return this.getClass().getName();
* @see smilehouse.opensyncro.pipes.component.PipeComponentIF#getDescription(java.util.Locale)
public String getDescription(Locale locale) {
return PipeComponentUtils.getDescription(locale, this.getClass());
* @see smilehouse.opensyncro.pipes.component.PipeComponentIF#getName()
public String getName() {
return "IteratingFileSource";
* @see smilehouse.opensyncro.pipes.component.PipeComponentIF#getType()
public int getType() {
class Splitter {
private Reader in;
private char[] delimiter;
/** An array for saving information on matches.
* If lastMatched[i] == true, then i+1 first characters of
* the searched string (delimiter) match the i+1 last read characters.
* Actually the algorithm is just a kind of a variant of bruteforcing
* where the characters are read one at a time and matched simultaneously
* to all the characters in the searched string.
private boolean[] lastMatched;
private Character quoteChar;
private Character escapeChar;
private int blockSize = 1;
private boolean stop = false;
public Splitter(Reader in, String delim) {
this.in = in;
this.delimiter = delim.toCharArray();
this.lastMatched = new boolean[delimiter.length -1];
public void setEscapeChar(Character escapeChar) {
this.escapeChar = escapeChar;
public void setQuoteChar(Character quoteChar) {
this.quoteChar = quoteChar;
public void setBlockSize(int blockSize) {
this.blockSize = blockSize;
public String getNextBlock() throws IOException {
return null;
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
for(int i=0; i<blockSize && !stop; i++)
return buffer.toString();
private void readNext(StringBuffer buffer) throws IOException {
for(int i=0; i<lastMatched.length; i++)
lastMatched[i] = false;
int c = 0;
boolean quoted = false;
boolean escaped = false;
while( (c = in.read()) != -1) {
char ch = (char) c;
if(!escaped) {
// ----------------------------
// Is this the quote character?
// ----------------------------
if(quoteChar != null && c == quoteChar.charValue()) {
if(quoted) {
// Quote begins
quoted = false;
for(int i=0; i<lastMatched.length; i++)
lastMatched[i] = false;
else {
// Quote ends
quoted = true;
// -----------------------------
// Is this the escape character?
// -----------------------------
if(escapeChar != null && c == escapeChar.charValue())
escaped = true;
escaped = false;
if(!quoted) {
for(int i=delimiter.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
if( (i == 0 || lastMatched[i-1]) && delimiter[i] == c) {
lastMatched[i] = true;
break match;
else if(i < lastMatched.length)
lastMatched[i] = false;
if(c == -1)
stop = true;