* OLAT - Online Learning and Training<br>
* http://www.olat.org
* <p>
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); <br>
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.<br>
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* <p>
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* <p>
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,<br>
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* <br>
* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. <br>
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and <br>
* limitations under the License.
* <p>
* Copyright (c) since 2004 at Multimedia- & E-Learning Services (MELS),<br>
* University of Zurich, Switzerland.
* <p>
package org.olat.group;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.olat.admin.securitygroup.gui.GroupController;
import org.olat.basesecurity.Manager;
import org.olat.basesecurity.ManagerFactory;
import org.olat.basesecurity.SecurityGroup;
import org.olat.core.gui.UserRequest;
import org.olat.core.gui.translator.PackageTranslator;
import org.olat.core.gui.translator.Translator;
import org.olat.core.id.Identity;
import org.olat.core.id.User;
import org.olat.core.logging.OLATRuntimeException;
import org.olat.core.util.FileUtils;
import org.olat.core.util.StringHelper;
import org.olat.core.util.Util;
import org.olat.core.util.ZipUtil;
import org.olat.core.util.filter.FilterFactory;
import org.olat.core.util.i18n.I18nModule;
import org.olat.course.CourseFactory;
import org.olat.course.CourseModule;
import org.olat.course.ICourse;
import org.olat.course.groupsandrights.ui.DefaultContextTranslationHelper;
import org.olat.group.area.BGArea;
import org.olat.group.area.BGAreaManagerImpl;
import org.olat.group.context.BGContext;
import org.olat.group.context.BGContextManagerImpl;
import org.olat.resource.OLATResource;
import org.olat.user.UserManager;
import org.olat.user.propertyhandlers.UserPropertyHandler;
* @author Christian Guretzki
public class BusinessGroupArchiver {
private static final String DELIMITER = "\t";
private static final String EOL = "\n";
private final static String ALL_IN_ONE_FILE_NAME_PREFIX = "members";
private final static String ZIP_WITH_FILE_PER_GROUP_NAME_PREFIX = "members";
private static final String FILE_PER_GROUP_OR_AREA_INCL_GROUP_MEMBERSHIP = "memberlistwizard.archive.type.filePerGroupOrAreaInclGroupMembership"; //used as well as translation key
private static final String FILE_PER_GROUP_OR_AREA = "memberlistwizard.archive.type.filePerGroupOrArea"; //used as well as translation key
private static final String ALL_IN_ONE = "memberlistwizard.archive.type.allInOne";
private static String OWNER = "owner";
private static String PARTICIPANT = "participant";
private static String WAITING = "waiting";
private static BusinessGroupArchiver instance = new BusinessGroupArchiver();
private Manager securityManager;
private Translator translator;
private Map<Locale,PackageTranslator> translatorMap;
private List<UserPropertyHandler> userPropertyHandlers;
* constructs an unitialised BusinessGroup, use setXXX for setting attributes
public BusinessGroupArchiver() {
securityManager = ManagerFactory.getManager();
String groupCtrlPackage = Util.getPackageName(GroupController.class);
PackageTranslator fallBacktranslator = new PackageTranslator(groupCtrlPackage, I18nModule.getDefaultLocale());
String myPackage = Util.getPackageName(this.getClass());
translator = new PackageTranslator(myPackage, I18nModule.getDefaultLocale(), fallBacktranslator);
// fallback to translate user properties
translator = UserManager.getInstance().getPropertyHandlerTranslator(translator);
// get user property handlers used in this group archiver
userPropertyHandlers = UserManager.getInstance().getUserPropertyHandlersFor(BusinessGroupArchiver.class.getCanonicalName(), true);
public static BusinessGroupArchiver getInstance() {
return instance;
* Retrives a PackageTranslator for the input locale.
* @param locale
* @return
protected Translator getPackageTranslator(Locale locale) {
if(I18nModule.getDefaultLocale().equals(locale)) {
return translator;
} else {
if(translatorMap==null) {
translatorMap = new HashMap<Locale,PackageTranslator>();
if(translatorMap.containsKey(locale)) {
return translatorMap.get(locale);
} else {
String groupCtrlPackage = Util.getPackageName(GroupController.class);
PackageTranslator fallBacktranslator = new PackageTranslator(groupCtrlPackage, locale);
String myPackage = Util.getPackageName(this.getClass());
PackageTranslator trans = new PackageTranslator(myPackage, locale, fallBacktranslator);
translatorMap.put(locale, trans);
return trans;
public void archiveGroup(BusinessGroup businessGroup, File archiveFile) {
FileUtils.save(archiveFile, toXls(businessGroup), "utf-8");
private String toXls(BusinessGroup businessGroup) {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
// Export Header
appendIdentityTable(buf, businessGroup.getOwnerGroup(), translator.translate("archive.header.owners"));
appendIdentityTable(buf, businessGroup.getPartipiciantGroup(), translator.translate("archive.header.partipiciant"));
if (businessGroup.getWaitingListEnabled() ) {
appendIdentityTable(buf, businessGroup.getWaitingGroup(), translator.translate("archive.header.waitinggroup"));
return buf.toString();
private void appendIdentityTable(StringBuffer buf, SecurityGroup group, String title ) {
if (group != null) {
appendTitle(buf, title );
for (Iterator iter = securityManager.getIdentitiesAndDateOfSecurityGroup(group).iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
Object[] element = (Object[]) iter.next();
Identity identity = (Identity) element[0];
Date addedTo = (Date) element[1];
appendIdentity(buf, identity, addedTo );
private void appendTitle(StringBuffer buf, String title) {
private void appendIdentity(StringBuffer buf, Identity owner, Date addedTo) {
Locale loc = translator.getLocale();
// add the identities user name
// add all user properties
for (UserPropertyHandler propertyHandler : userPropertyHandlers) {
String value = propertyHandler.getUserProperty(owner.getUser(), loc);
if (StringHelper.containsNonWhitespace(value)) {
// add the added-to date
private void appendIdentityTableHeader(StringBuffer buf) {
// first the identites name
buf.append( translator.translate("table.user.login") );
// second the users properties
for (UserPropertyHandler propertyHandler : userPropertyHandlers) {
String label = translator.translate(propertyHandler.i18nColumnDescriptorLabelKey());
// third the users added-to date
buf.append( translator.translate("table.subject.addeddate") );
public void archiveBGContext(BGContext context, File archiveFile) {
FileUtils.save(archiveFile, toXls(context), "utf-8");
private String toXls(BGContext context) {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
// Export Context Header
List groups = BGContextManagerImpl.getInstance().getGroupsOfBGContext(context);
for (Iterator iter = groups.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
BusinessGroup group = (BusinessGroup) iter.next();
buf.append( toXls(group) );
return buf.toString();
* Creates an temp CSV (comma separated) file containing the members info
* (namely with the columns specified in "columnList"), the area info (for
* the filtered "areaList"), and separated in role sections: owners,
* participants and waiting.
* @param context
* @param columnList
* @param areaList
* @param archiveType
* @param userLocale
* @return the output file which could be an CSV or a zip file depending on the input archiveType.
* @see BGArea
public File archiveAreaMembers(BGContext context, List<String> columnList, List<BGArea> areaList, String archiveType, UserRequest ureq) {
List<Member> owners = new ArrayList<Member>();
List<Member> participants = new ArrayList<Member>();
List<Member> waitings = new ArrayList<Member>();
List areas = BGAreaManagerImpl.getInstance().findBGAreasOfBGContext(context);
for (Iterator areaIterator = areas.iterator(); areaIterator.hasNext();) {
BGArea area = (BGArea) areaIterator.next();
if (areaList.contains(area)) { //rely on the equals() method of the BGArea impl
List areaBusinessGroupList = BGAreaManagerImpl.getInstance().findBusinessGroupsOfArea(area);
for (Iterator groupIterator = areaBusinessGroupList.iterator(); groupIterator.hasNext();) {
BusinessGroup group = (BusinessGroup) groupIterator.next();
if(group.getOwnerGroup()!=null) {
Iterator ownerIterator = securityManager.getIdentitiesAndDateOfSecurityGroup(group.getOwnerGroup()).iterator();
addMembers(area.getKey(), ownerIterator, owners, OWNER);
if(group.getPartipiciantGroup()!=null) {
Iterator participantsIterator = securityManager.getIdentitiesAndDateOfSecurityGroup(group.getPartipiciantGroup()).iterator();
addMembers(area.getKey(), participantsIterator, participants, PARTICIPANT);
if(group.getWaitingGroup()!=null) {
Iterator waitingIterator = securityManager.getIdentitiesAndDateOfSecurityGroup(group.getWaitingGroup()).iterator();
addMembers(area.getKey(), waitingIterator, waitings, WAITING);
Locale userLocale = ureq.getLocale();
String charset = UserManager.getInstance().getUserCharset(ureq.getIdentity());
Translator trans = getPackageTranslator(userLocale);
List<OrganisationalEntity> organisationalEntityList = getOrganisationalEntityList(areaList);
return generateArchiveFile(context, owners, participants, waitings, columnList, organisationalEntityList,
trans.translate("archive.areas"), archiveType, userLocale, charset);
* Creates an temp CSV (comma separated) file containing the members info
* (namely with the columns specified in "columnList"), the groups info (for
* the filtered "groupList"), and separated in role sections: owners,
* participants and waiting.
* @param context
* @param columnList
* @param groupList
* @param archiveType
* @param userLocale
* @return the output file which could be an CSV or a zip file depending on the input archiveType.
* @see BGContext
* @see BusinessGroup
public File archiveGroupMembers(BGContext context, List<String> columnList, List<BusinessGroup> groupList, String archiveType, UserRequest ureq) {
List<Member> owners = new ArrayList<Member>();
List<Member> participants = new ArrayList<Member>();
List<Member> waitings = new ArrayList<Member>();
List groups = BGContextManagerImpl.getInstance().getGroupsOfBGContext(context);
for (Iterator iter = groups.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
BusinessGroup group = (BusinessGroup) iter.next();
if (groupList.contains(group)) { //rely on the equals() method of the BusinessGroup impl
if(group.getOwnerGroup()!=null) {
Iterator ownerIterator = securityManager.getIdentitiesAndDateOfSecurityGroup(group.getOwnerGroup()).iterator();
addMembers(group.getKey(), ownerIterator, owners, OWNER);
if(group.getPartipiciantGroup()!=null) {
Iterator participantsIterator = securityManager.getIdentitiesAndDateOfSecurityGroup(group.getPartipiciantGroup()).iterator();
addMembers(group.getKey(), participantsIterator, participants, PARTICIPANT);
if(group.getWaitingGroup()!=null) {
Iterator waitingIterator = securityManager.getIdentitiesAndDateOfSecurityGroup(group.getWaitingGroup()).iterator();
addMembers(group.getKey(), waitingIterator, waitings, WAITING);
Locale userLocale = ureq.getLocale();
String charset = UserManager.getInstance().getUserCharset(ureq.getIdentity());
Translator trans = getPackageTranslator(userLocale);
List<OrganisationalEntity> organisationalEntityList = getOrganisationalEntityList(groupList);
return generateArchiveFile(context, owners, participants, waitings, columnList, organisationalEntityList,
trans.translate("archive.groups"), archiveType, userLocale, charset);
* @param context
* @return a List with the course titles associated with the input BGContext.
private List<String> getCourseTitles(BGContext context) {
List<String> courseTitles = new ArrayList<String>();
List resources = BGContextManagerImpl.getInstance().findOLATResourcesForBGContext(context);
for (Iterator iter = resources.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
OLATResource resource = (OLATResource) iter.next();
if (resource.getResourceableTypeName().equals(CourseModule.getCourseTypeName())) {
ICourse course = CourseFactory.loadCourse(resource);
return courseTitles;
private File generateArchiveFile(BGContext context, List<Member> owners, List<Member> participants, List<Member> waitings,
List<String> columnList, List<OrganisationalEntity> organisationalEntityList, String orgEntityTitle, String archiveType,
Locale userLocale, String charset) {
//TODO: sort member lists
File outFile = null;
Translator trans = getPackageTranslator(userLocale);
String archiveTitle = trans.translate("archive.title") + ": " + DefaultContextTranslationHelper.translateIfDefaultContextName(context, trans);
try {
if (ALL_IN_ONE.equals(archiveType)) {
//File tempDir = getTempDir();
outFile = archiveAllInOne(context, owners, participants, waitings, archiveTitle, columnList, organisationalEntityList,
orgEntityTitle, userLocale, ALL_IN_ONE_FILE_NAME_PREFIX, null, charset);
} else if (FILE_PER_GROUP_OR_AREA_INCL_GROUP_MEMBERSHIP.equals(archiveType)) {
outFile = archiveFilePerGroupInclGroupmembership(context, owners, participants, waitings, archiveTitle, columnList,
organisationalEntityList, orgEntityTitle, userLocale, charset);
} else if (FILE_PER_GROUP_OR_AREA.equals(archiveType)) {
outFile = archiveFilePerGroup(context, owners, participants, waitings, columnList, organisationalEntityList,
orgEntityTitle, userLocale, charset);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new OLATRuntimeException(BusinessGroupArchiver.class, "could not create temp file", e);
return outFile;
* Generates a single file for all groups. <br>
* It is the responsability of the caller to delete the returned file after
* download.
* @param owners
* @param participants
* @param waitings
* @param columnList
* @param groupList
* @param userLocale
* @return the generated file located into the temp dir.
private File archiveAllInOne(BGContext context,List<Member> owners, List<Member> participants, List<Member> waitings, String contextName,
List<String> columnList, List<OrganisationalEntity> organisationalEntityList, String orgEntityTitle, Locale userLocale,
String fileNamePrefix, File tempDir, String charset) throws IOException {
File outFile = null;
StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
Translator trans = getPackageTranslator(userLocale);
Translator propertyHandlerTranslator = UserManager.getInstance().getPropertyHandlerTranslator(trans);
appendContextInfo(stringBuffer, context, userLocale);
if (owners.size() > 0) {
appendSection(stringBuffer, trans.translate("archive.header.owners"), owners, columnList, organisationalEntityList, orgEntityTitle,
propertyHandlerTranslator, OWNER);
if (participants.size() > 0) {
appendSection(stringBuffer, trans.translate("archive.header.partipiciant"), participants, columnList, organisationalEntityList,
orgEntityTitle, propertyHandlerTranslator, PARTICIPANT);
if (waitings.size() > 0) {
appendSection(stringBuffer, trans.translate("archive.header.waitinggroup"), waitings, columnList, organisationalEntityList,
orgEntityTitle, propertyHandlerTranslator, WAITING);
appendInternInfo(stringBuffer, contextName, userLocale);
//prefix must be at least 3 chars
//add two of _ more if this is not the case
fileNamePrefix = fileNamePrefix + "_";
fileNamePrefix = fileNamePrefix.length() >= 3 ? fileNamePrefix : fileNamePrefix +"__";
outFile = File.createTempFile(fileNamePrefix, ".xls", tempDir);
FileUtils.save(outFile, stringBuffer.toString(), charset);
//FileUtils.saveString(outFile, stringBuffer.toString());
String outFileName = outFile.getName();
outFileName = outFileName.substring(0, outFileName.lastIndexOf("_"));
outFileName += ".xls";
File renamedFile = new File(outFile.getParentFile(), outFileName);
boolean succesfullyRenamed = outFile.renameTo(renamedFile);
if (succesfullyRenamed) {
outFile = renamedFile;
return outFile;
private void appendInternInfo(StringBuffer buf, String title, Locale userLocale) {
Translator trans = getPackageTranslator(userLocale);
* @return a temporary dir in the default temporary-file directory.
* @throws IOException
private File getTempDir() throws IOException{
//prefix must be at least 3 chars
File tempDir = File.createTempFile("temp","archive");
if(tempDir.delete()) {
return tempDir;
* Generates a CSV file per group and then creates a zip with them.
* @param owners
* @param participants
* @param waitings
* @param contextName
* @param columnList
* @param groupList
* @param userLocale
* @return the output zip file located into the temp dir.
private File archiveFilePerGroupInclGroupmembership(BGContext context, List<Member> owners, List<Member> participants,
List<Member> waitings, String contextName, List<String> columnList, List<OrganisationalEntity> groupList, String orgEntityTitle,
Locale userLocale, String charset) {
Set<String> outFiles = new HashSet<String>();
File root = null;
File tempDir = null;
try {
tempDir = getTempDir();
Iterator<OrganisationalEntity> groupIterator = groupList.iterator();
while (groupIterator.hasNext()) {
OrganisationalEntity group = groupIterator.next();
List<Member> groupOwners = getFilteredList(owners, group, this.OWNER);
List<Member> groupParticipants = getFilteredList(participants, group, this.PARTICIPANT);
List<Member> groupWaiting = getFilteredList(waitings, group, this.WAITING);
File filePerGroup = archiveAllInOne(context, groupOwners, groupParticipants, groupWaiting, contextName, columnList, groupList,
orgEntityTitle, userLocale, group.getName(), tempDir, charset);
if (root == null && filePerGroup != null) {
root = filePerGroup.getParentFile();
//prefix must be at least 3 chars
File zipFile = File.createTempFile(ZIP_WITH_FILE_PER_GROUP_NAME_PREFIX, ".zip");
boolean successfully = ZipUtil.zip(outFiles, root, zipFile);
if (successfully) { return zipFile; }
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new OLATRuntimeException(BusinessGroupArchiver.class, "could not create temp file", e);
} finally {
if (tempDir != null) {
FileUtils.deleteDirsAndFiles(tempDir, true, true);
return null;
* Generates a CSV file per group and then creates a zip with them.
* @param owners
* @param participants
* @param waitings
* @param contextName
* @param columnList
* @param groupList
* @param userLocale
* @return the output zip file located into the temp dir.
private File archiveFilePerGroup(BGContext context, List<Member> owners, List<Member> participants,
List<Member> waitings, List<String> columnList, List<OrganisationalEntity> groupList, String orgEntityTitle, Locale userLocale,
String charset) {
Set<String> outFiles = new HashSet<String>();
File root = null;
File tempDir = null;
try {
tempDir = getTempDir();
Iterator<OrganisationalEntity> groupIterator = groupList.iterator();
while (groupIterator.hasNext()) {
OrganisationalEntity group = groupIterator.next();
List<Member> groupOwners = getFilteredList(owners, group, this.OWNER);
List<Member> groupParticipants = getFilteredList(participants, group, this.PARTICIPANT);
List<Member> groupWaiting = getFilteredList(waitings, group, this.WAITING);
File filePerGroup = archiveFileSingleGroup(context, groupOwners, groupParticipants, groupWaiting, columnList, groupList, orgEntityTitle,
userLocale, group.getName(), tempDir, charset);
if (root == null && filePerGroup != null) {
root = filePerGroup.getParentFile();
//prefix must be at least 3 chars
File zipFile = File.createTempFile(ZIP_WITH_FILE_PER_GROUP_NAME_PREFIX, ".zip");
boolean successfully = ZipUtil.zip(outFiles, root, zipFile);
if (successfully) { return zipFile; }
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new OLATRuntimeException(BusinessGroupArchiver.class, "could not create temp file", e);
} finally {
if (tempDir != null) {
FileUtils.deleteDirsAndFiles(tempDir, true, true);
return null;
* Save one group to xls file.
* @param context
* @param groupOwners
* @param groupParticipants
* @param groupWaiting
* @param columnList
* @param organisationalEntityList
* @param orgEntityTitle
* @param userLocale
* @param fileNamePrefix
* @param tempDir
* @param charset
* @return
* @throws IOException
private File archiveFileSingleGroup(BGContext context, List<Member> groupOwners, List<Member> groupParticipants, List<Member> groupWaiting,
List<String> columnList, List<OrganisationalEntity> organisationalEntityList, String orgEntityTitle, Locale userLocale, String fileNamePrefix,
File tempDir, String charset) throws IOException {
File outFile = null;
StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
Translator trans = getPackageTranslator(userLocale);
Translator propertyHandlerTranslator = UserManager.getInstance().getPropertyHandlerTranslator(trans);
// choice element has only one selected entry
List<String> titles = getCourseTitles (context);
Iterator<String> titleIterator = titles.iterator();
DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, userLocale);
String formattedDate = dateFormat.format(new Date());
// coursename
while(titleIterator.hasNext()) {
// groupname
// date
// members
if (groupOwners.size() > 0) {
appendSection(stringBuffer, trans.translate("archive.header.owners"), groupOwners, columnList, new ArrayList<OrganisationalEntity>(), "",
propertyHandlerTranslator, OWNER);
if (groupParticipants.size() > 0) {
appendSection(stringBuffer, trans.translate("archive.header.partipiciant"), groupParticipants, columnList, new ArrayList<OrganisationalEntity>(),
"", propertyHandlerTranslator, PARTICIPANT);
if (groupWaiting.size() > 0) {
appendSection(stringBuffer, trans.translate("archive.header.waitinggroup"), groupWaiting, columnList, new ArrayList<OrganisationalEntity>(),
"", propertyHandlerTranslator, WAITING);
//appendInternInfo(stringBuffer, contextName, userLocale);
//prefix must be at least 3 chars
//add two of _ more if this is not the case
fileNamePrefix = fileNamePrefix + "_";
fileNamePrefix = fileNamePrefix.length() >= 3 ? fileNamePrefix : fileNamePrefix +"__";
fileNamePrefix = fileNamePrefix.replaceAll("[*?\"<>/\\\\:]","_"); // nicht erlaubte Zeichen in Dateinamen
String[] search = new String[] { "ß", "ä", "ö", "ü","Ä","Ö","Ü"," " };
String[] replace = new String[] { "ss", "ae", "oe", "ue","Ae","Oe","Ue","_" };
for (int i = 0; i < search.length; i++) {
fileNamePrefix = fileNamePrefix.replaceAll(search[i], replace[i]);
outFile = File.createTempFile(fileNamePrefix, ".xls", tempDir);
FileUtils.save(outFile, stringBuffer.toString(), charset);
//FileUtils.saveString(outFile, stringBuffer.toString());
String outFileName = outFile.getName();
outFileName = outFileName.substring(0, outFileName.lastIndexOf("_"));
outFileName += ".xls";
File renamedFile = new File(outFile.getParentFile(), outFileName);
boolean succesfullyRenamed = outFile.renameTo(renamedFile);
if (succesfullyRenamed) {
outFile = renamedFile;
return outFile;
* Filters the input "member" list, and returns only a sublist with the
* members of the input "group".
* @param members
* @param group
* @param role
* @return the list with only the members of the input group.
private List<Member> getFilteredList(List<Member> members, OrganisationalEntity group, String role) {
List<Member> filteredList = new ArrayList<Member>();
Iterator<Member> memberListIterator = members.iterator();
while (memberListIterator.hasNext()) {
Member currMember = memberListIterator.next();
if (currMember.getOrganisationalEntityRoleList().contains(new OrganisationalEntityRole(group.getKey(), role))) {
return filteredList;
* Wraps the identities from "identityIterator" into Members, and adds the
* members to the "members" list.
* @param group
* @param memberIterator
* @param members
* @param roleName
private void addMembers(Long entityKey, Iterator identityIterator, List<Member> members, String roleName) {
while (identityIterator.hasNext()) {
Object[] element = (Object[]) identityIterator.next();
Identity identity = (Identity) element[0];
OrganisationalEntityRole role = new OrganisationalEntityRole(entityKey, roleName);
Member member = new Member(identity,new ArrayList());
if(!members.contains(member)) {
} else {
Iterator<Member> memberSetIterator = members.iterator();
while(memberSetIterator.hasNext()) {
Member currMember = memberSetIterator.next();
if(currMember.equals(member)) {
* Appends course names and archive date.
* @param buf
* @param context
* @param userLocale
private void appendContextInfo(StringBuffer buf, BGContext context, Locale userLocale) {
List<String> titles = getCourseTitles (context);
DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, userLocale);
String formattedDate = dateFormat.format(new Date());
Translator trans = getPackageTranslator(userLocale);
Iterator<String> titleIterator = titles.iterator();
int i=0;
while(titleIterator.hasNext()) {
if(i<1) {
* Appends header labels to the input stringBuffer as follows: first the
* columnList items in that order and next the group list items.
* @param buf
* @param title
* @param columList
* @param groupList
private void appendHeader(StringBuffer buf, String title, List<String> columnList, List<OrganisationalEntity> organisationalEntityList,
String orgEntityTitle, Translator trans) {
int colSize = columnList.size();
for (int i = 0; i < colSize; i++) {
Iterator<String> columnIterator = columnList.iterator();
while(columnIterator.hasNext()) {
String columnKey = columnIterator.next();
buf.append( trans.translate(columnKey));
Iterator<OrganisationalEntity> groupIterator = organisationalEntityList.iterator();
while(groupIterator.hasNext()) {
OrganisationalEntity group = groupIterator.next();
* Appends member info to the input stringBuffer.
* @param buf
* @param member
* @param columnList
* @param groupList
* @param role
private void appendMember(StringBuffer buf, Member member, List<String> columnList, List<OrganisationalEntity> groupList, String role) {
if(columnList.contains("username")) {
// get selected user properties and append
User user = member.getIdentity().getUser();
for (String column : columnList) {
String key = column.substring(column.lastIndexOf(".")+1);
if(!key.contains("username")) {
String value = user.getProperty(key, null); // use default locale
buf.append((value == null ? "" : value));
List<OrganisationalEntityRole> groupRoleList = member.getOrganisationalEntityRoleList();
Iterator<OrganisationalEntity> groupIterator = groupList.iterator();
while(groupIterator.hasNext()) {
OrganisationalEntity group = groupIterator.next();
OrganisationalEntityRole groupRole = new OrganisationalEntityRole(group.getKey(), role);
if(groupRoleList.contains(groupRole)) {
* Appends the section header and next the members.
* @param stringBuffer
* @param sectionTitle
* @param members
* @param columnList
* @param groupList
* @param trans
* @param role
private void appendSection(StringBuffer stringBuffer, String sectionTitle, List<Member> members, List<String> columnList,
List<OrganisationalEntity> organisationalEntityList, String orgEntityTitle, Translator trans, String role) {
appendHeader(stringBuffer, sectionTitle, columnList, organisationalEntityList, orgEntityTitle, trans);
Iterator<Member> memberIterator = members.iterator();
while (memberIterator.hasNext()) {
Member member = memberIterator.next();
appendMember(stringBuffer, member, columnList, organisationalEntityList, role);
* Converts a list of items of a certain type (BusinessGroup,BGArea) in a list
* of OrganisationalEntitys.
* @param itemList
* @return
private List<OrganisationalEntity> getOrganisationalEntityList(List itemList) {
List<OrganisationalEntity> entryList = new ArrayList<OrganisationalEntity>();
Iterator itemIterator = itemList.iterator();
while (itemIterator.hasNext()) {
Object item = itemIterator.next();
if (item instanceof BusinessGroup) {
BusinessGroup group = (BusinessGroup) item;
entryList.add(new OrganisationalEntity(group.getKey(), group.getName()));
} else if (item instanceof BGArea) {
BGArea area = (BGArea) item;
entryList.add(new OrganisationalEntity(area.getKey(), area.getName()));
return entryList;
* Description:<br>
* An organisational entity is a Group or an Area.
* Encapsulates the entityKey and the role in the group.
* <P>
* Initial Date: 26.07.2007 <br>
* @author Lavinia Dumitrescu
private class OrganisationalEntityRole {
private Long entityKey;
private String roleInGroup;
public OrganisationalEntityRole(Long entityKey, String roleInGroup) {
this.entityKey = entityKey;
this.roleInGroup = roleInGroup;
public String getRoleInGroup() {
return roleInGroup;
public void setRoleInGroup(String roleInGroup) {
this.roleInGroup = roleInGroup;
public Long getEntityKey() {
return entityKey;
public void setEntityKey(Long groupKey) {
this.entityKey = groupKey;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
OrganisationalEntityRole that = (OrganisationalEntityRole) obj;
return this.entityKey.equals(that.getEntityKey()) && this.getRoleInGroup().equals(that.getRoleInGroup());
public int hashCode() {
return getEntityKey().intValue() + getRoleInGroup().hashCode();
* Description:<br>
* Encapsulates an <code>Identity</code> and a list of <code>OrganisationalEntityRole</code> of the <code>Identity</code>.
* <P>
* Initial Date: 26.07.2007 <br>
* @author Lavinia Dumitrescu
private class Member {
private Identity identity;
private List<OrganisationalEntityRole> organisationalEntityRoleList;
public Member(Identity identity, List<OrganisationalEntityRole> groupRoleList) {
this.identity = identity;
this.organisationalEntityRoleList = groupRoleList;
public List<OrganisationalEntityRole> getOrganisationalEntityRoleList() {
return organisationalEntityRoleList;
public void setOrganisationalEntityRoleList(List<OrganisationalEntityRole> groupRoleList) {
this.organisationalEntityRoleList = groupRoleList;
public Identity getIdentity() {
return identity;
public void setIdentity(Identity identity) {
this.identity = identity;
* Compares the identity of the members.
* @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
try {
Member groupMember = (Member)obj;
return this.identity.equals(groupMember.identity);
} catch(Exception ex) {
//nothing to do
return false;
public int hashCode() {
return this.identity.hashCode();
private class OrganisationalEntity {
private Long key;
private String name;
public OrganisationalEntity(Long key, String name) {
this.key = key;
this.name = name;
public Long getKey() {
return key;
public void setKey(Long key) {
this.key = key;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;