* MegaMek - Copyright (C) 2004,2005 Ben Mazur (bmazur@sev.org)
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* Created on Sep 25, 2004
package megamek.common.weapons;
import java.util.Vector;
import megamek.common.AmmoType;
import megamek.common.BattleArmor;
import megamek.common.Building;
import megamek.common.Compute;
import megamek.common.Entity;
import megamek.common.HitData;
import megamek.common.IGame;
import megamek.common.Infantry;
import megamek.common.RangeType;
import megamek.common.Report;
import megamek.common.ToHitData;
import megamek.common.actions.WeaponAttackAction;
import megamek.server.Server;
import megamek.server.Server.DamageType;
* @author Andrew Hunter
public class ACAPHandler extends AmmoWeaponHandler {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -4251291510045646817L;
protected int generalDamageType = HitData.DAMAGE_ARMOR_PIERCING;
* @param t
* @param w
* @param g
public ACAPHandler(ToHitData t, WeaponAttackAction w, IGame g, Server s) {
super(t, w, g, s);
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see megamek.common.weapons.WeaponHandler#calcDamagePerHit()
protected int calcDamagePerHit() {
double toReturn = wtype.getDamage();
// during a swarm, all damage gets applied as one block to one
// location
if ((ae instanceof BattleArmor) && (weapon.getLocation() == BattleArmor.LOC_SQUAD) && (ae.getSwarmTargetId() == target.getTargetId())) {
toReturn *= ((BattleArmor) ae).getShootingStrength();
// we default to direct fire weapons for anti-infantry damage
if ((target instanceof Infantry) && !(target instanceof BattleArmor)) {
toReturn = Compute.directBlowInfantryDamage(toReturn, bDirect ? toHit.getMoS()/3 : 0, Compute.WEAPON_DIRECT_FIRE, ((Infantry)target).isMechanized());
} else if (bDirect){
toReturn = Math.min(toReturn+(toHit.getMoS()/3), toReturn*2);
if (bGlancing) {
toReturn = (int) Math.floor(toReturn / 2.0);
if (game.getOptions().booleanOption("tacops_range") && (nRange > wtype.getRanges(weapon)[RangeType.RANGE_LONG])) {
toReturn = (int) Math.floor(toReturn * .75);
return (int) toReturn;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see megamek.common.weapons.WeaponHandler#handleEntityDamage(megamek.common.Entity,
* java.util.Vector, megamek.common.Building, int, int, int, int)
protected void handleEntityDamage(Entity entityTarget,
Vector<Report> vPhaseReport, Building bldg, int hits, int nCluster,
int nDamPerHit, int bldgAbsorbs) {
AmmoType atype = (AmmoType) weapon.getLinked().getType();
int nDamage;
HitData hit = entityTarget.rollHitLocation(toHit.getHitTable(), toHit
.getSideTable(), waa.getAimedLocation(), waa.getAimingMode());
if (entityTarget.removePartialCoverHits(hit.getLocation(), toHit
.getCover(), Compute.targetSideTable(ae, entityTarget))) {
// Weapon strikes Partial Cover.
Report r = new Report(3460);
r.subject = subjectId;
r.newlines = 0;
nDamage = 0;
missed = true;
// Each hit in the salvo get's its own hit location.
r = new Report(3405);
r.subject = subjectId;
r.newlines = 0;
if (hit.hitAimedLocation()) {
r = new Report(3410);
r.subject = subjectId;
r.newlines = 0;
// Resolve damage normally.
nDamage = nDamPerHit * Math.min(nCluster, hits);
if ( bDirect && (!(target instanceof Infantry) || (target instanceof BattleArmor)) ){
// A building may be damaged, even if the squad is not.
if (bldgAbsorbs > 0) {
int toBldg = Math.min(bldgAbsorbs, nDamage);
nDamage -= toBldg;
Vector<Report> buildingReport = server.damageBuilding(bldg, toBldg, entityTarget.getPosition());
for (Report report : buildingReport) {
report.subject = subjectId;
nDamage = checkTerrain(nDamage, entityTarget,vPhaseReport);
// A building may absorb the entire shot.
if (nDamage == 0) {
r = new Report(3415);
r.subject = subjectId;
r.newlines = 0;
} else {
int critModifer = 0;
if (bGlancing) {
critModifer -= 2;
}else if ( bDirect ) {
critModifer += toHit.getMoS()/3;
.addAll(server.damageEntity(entityTarget, hit, nDamage,
false, ae.getSwarmTargetId() == entityTarget
.getId() ? DamageType.IGNORE_PASSENGER
: damageType, false, false, throughFront, underWater));