* MegaMek - Copyright (C) 2000-2005 Ben Mazur (bmazur@sev.org)
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
package megamek.common.util;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Vector;
import megamek.common.Building;
import megamek.common.Compute;
import megamek.common.Coords;
import megamek.common.IBoard;
import megamek.common.IHex;
import megamek.common.ITerrain;
import megamek.common.ITerrainFactory;
import megamek.common.MapSettings;
import megamek.common.Terrains;
* @author Torren + Coelocanth
public class CityBuilder {
static final int N = 0;
static final int NE = 1;
static final int SE = 2;
static final int S = 3;
static final int SW = 4;
static final int NW = 5;
// Had to off set West and East as MM doesn't use them for hexes.
static final int W = 6;
static final int E = 7;
private MapSettings mapSettings;
private IBoard board;
private HashSet<Coords> cityPlan;
public CityBuilder(MapSettings mapSettings, IBoard board) {
// Auto-generated constructor stub
this.mapSettings = mapSettings;
this.board = board;
* This function will generate a city with a grid lay out. 4 rounds running
* North and South and 4 roads running east west
* @author Torren (Jason Tighe)
* @param buildingTemplate
* @return
public ArrayList<BuildingTemplate> generateCity(boolean genericRoad) {
int width = mapSettings.getBoardWidth();
int height = mapSettings.getBoardHeight();
int roads = mapSettings.getCityBlocks();
roads = (roads * Math.min(width, height)) / 16; // scale for bigger maps
String cityType = mapSettings.getCityType();
cityPlan = new HashSet<Coords>();
if (genericRoad) {
if (cityType.equalsIgnoreCase("HUB"))
buildHubCity(width, height, roads);
else if (cityType.equalsIgnoreCase("METRO"))
buildMetroCity(width, height);
else if (cityType.equalsIgnoreCase("GRID"))
buildGridCity(width, height, (roads + 5) / 6);
else if (cityType.equalsIgnoreCase("TOWN"))
return buildTown(width, height, roads, mapSettings.getTownSize());
return new ArrayList<BuildingTemplate>();
return placeBuildings(0);
public ArrayList<BuildingTemplate> placeBuildings(int radius) {
int width = mapSettings.getBoardWidth();
int height = mapSettings.getBoardHeight();
ArrayList<BuildingTemplate> buildingList = new ArrayList<BuildingTemplate>();
HashSet<Coords> buildingUsed = new HashSet<Coords>();
ArrayList<Coords> coordList = new ArrayList<Coords>();
Coords centre = new Coords(width / 2, height / 2);
double falloff = (double) mapSettings.getCityDensity()
/ (double) (radius * radius);
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
Coords coord = new Coords(x, y);
if (cityPlan.contains(coord) || buildingUsed.contains(coord)
|| !board.contains(coord)
|| !isHexBuildable(board.getHex(coord))) {
int localdensity = mapSettings.getCityDensity();
if (radius > 0) {
int distance = coord.distance(centre);
localdensity = (int) (mapSettings.getCityDensity() - (falloff
* distance * distance));
if (Compute.randomInt(100) > localdensity) {
continue; // empty lot
coordList = new ArrayList<Coords>();
while (Compute.randomInt(100) < localdensity) {
// try to make a bigger building!
int dir = Compute.randomInt(6);
Coords next = coord.translated(dir);
if (cityPlan.contains(next) || buildingUsed.contains(next)
|| !board.contains(next)
|| !isHexBuildable(board.getHex(next))) {
break; // oh well, cant expand here
int floors = mapSettings.getCityMaxFloors()
- mapSettings.getCityMinFloors();
if (floors <= 0)
floors = mapSettings.getCityMinFloors();
floors = Compute.randomInt(floors + 1)
+ mapSettings.getCityMinFloors();
int totalCF = mapSettings.getCityMaxCF()
- mapSettings.getCityMinCF();
if (totalCF <= 0)
totalCF = mapSettings.getCityMinCF();
totalCF = Compute.randomInt(totalCF + 1)
+ mapSettings.getCityMinCF();
int type = getBuildingTypeByCF(totalCF);
buildingList.add(new BuildingTemplate(type, coordList, totalCF,
floors, -1));
return buildingList;
private void buildGridCity(int maxX, int maxY, int roads) {
for (int y = 0; y < roads; y++) {
int startY = Compute.randomInt(maxY / roads) + ((y * maxY) / roads);
// int start = Compute.randomInt(2);
Coords coords = new Coords(-1, startY);
int roadStyle = Compute.randomInt(2) + 1;
int dir = Compute.randomInt(2) + NE;
buildStraightRoad(coords, dir, roadStyle);
startY = Compute.randomInt(maxY / roads) + ((y * maxY) / roads);
coords = new Coords(maxX, startY);
dir = Compute.randomInt(2) + SW;
buildStraightRoad(coords, dir, roadStyle);
for (int x = 0; x < roads; x++) {
int startX = Compute.randomInt(maxX / roads) + (x * (maxX / roads));
Coords coords = new Coords(startX, -1);
int roadStyle = Compute.randomInt(2) + 1;
buildStraightRoad(coords, S, roadStyle);
private ArrayList<BuildingTemplate> buildTown(int maxX, int maxY,
int roads, int size) {
buildHubCity(maxX, maxY, roads * size / 100);
return placeBuildings(Math.min(maxX, maxY) * size / 200);
private void buildHubCity(int maxX, int maxY, int roads) {
int midX = maxX / 2;
int midY = maxY / 2;
Vector<Integer> directions = new Vector<Integer>(8);
roads = Math.max(roads, 4);
cityPlan.add(new Coords(midX, midY));
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
for (int dir = 0; dir < roads; dir++) {
int baseDirection = -1;
int roadStyle = Compute.randomInt(2) + 1;
if (dir < 8) {
x = midX;
y = midY;
baseDirection = directions.remove(Compute.randomInt(directions
} else {
switch (Compute.randomInt(4)) {
case 1:
x = Compute.randomInt(maxX);
y = -1;
baseDirection = S;
case 2:
x = Compute.randomInt(maxX);
y = maxY;
baseDirection = N;
case 3:
x = -1;
y = Compute.randomInt(maxY);
baseDirection = NE + Compute.randomInt(2);
x = maxX;
y = Compute.randomInt(maxY);
baseDirection = SW + Compute.randomInt(2);
Coords coords = new Coords(x, y);
int nextDirection = baseDirection;
while (coords.x >= -1 && coords.x <= maxX && coords.y >= -1
&& coords.y <= maxY) {
int choice = Compute.randomInt(10);
if (board.contains(coords)) {
// don't change direction offboard
if (choice < 4) {
// keep going
} else if (choice < 6) {
// turn left
nextDirection = (5 + nextDirection) % 6;
} else if (choice < 8) {
// turn right
nextDirection = (1 + nextDirection) % 6;
} else {
// turn towards base direction
nextDirection = baseDirection;
coords = extendRoad(coords, nextDirection, roadStyle);
if (coords == null
|| (cityPlan.contains(coords) && x != midX && y != midY)) {
x = coords.x;
y = coords.y;
private void buildMetroCity(int maxX, int maxY) {
int midX = maxX / 2;
int midY = maxY / 2;
cityPlan.add(new Coords(midX, midY));
// have the city hub be the mid point with all the hexes around it
// cleared out
for (int hex = 0; hex < 6; hex++)
cityPlan.add(new Coords(Coords.xInDir(midX, midY, hex), Coords
.yInDir(midX, midY, hex)));
// first east west road
Coords coords = new Coords(-1, midY / 2);
buildStraightRoad(coords, E, 1);
// second east west road
coords = new Coords(-1, midY + (midY / 2));
buildStraightRoad(coords, E, 1);
// First North South Road
coords = new Coords(midX / 2, -1);
buildStraightRoad(coords, S, 1);
// second North South Road
coords = new Coords(midX + (midX / 2), -1);
buildStraightRoad(coords, S, 1);
for (int dir = 0; dir < 8; dir++) {
coords = new Coords(midX, midY);
buildStraightRoad(coords, dir, 2);
private Coords selectNextGrid(int dir, Coords coords) {
Coords result = coords.translated(dir);
if (dir == E)
if (dir == W)
return result;
* @param hex
* @return true if it is reasonable to build on this hex
private boolean isHexBuildable(IHex hex) {
if (hex.containsTerrain(Terrains.WATER)
|| hex.containsTerrain(Terrains.IMPASSABLE)
|| hex.containsTerrain(Terrains.MAGMA)
|| hex.containsTerrain(Terrains.SWAMP)) {
return false; // uneconomic to build here
if (hex.getElevation() >= 4) {
return false; // don't build on mountaintops (aesthetics)
return true;
* @param hex
* @return true if the hex needs a bridge to cross
private boolean hexNeedsBridge(IHex hex) {
if (hex.containsTerrain(Terrains.ROAD)
|| hex.containsTerrain(Terrains.BRIDGE))
return false;
return (hex.containsTerrain(Terrains.WATER) || hex
private void addRoad(IHex hex, int exitDirection, int type) {
ITerrainFactory tf = Terrains.getTerrainFactory();
if (hex.containsTerrain(Terrains.WATER)) {
hex.addTerrain(tf.createTerrain(Terrains.WATER, 0));
type = 1;
hex.addTerrain(tf.createTerrain(Terrains.ROAD, type, true,
(1 << exitDirection) & 63));
private void addBridge(IHex hex, int exits, int altitude, int cf) {
ITerrainFactory tf = Terrains.getTerrainFactory();
int bridgeElevation = altitude - hex.getElevation();
getBuildingTypeByCF(cf), true, (exits & 63)));
hex.addTerrain(tf.createTerrain(Terrains.BRIDGE_ELEV, bridgeElevation));
hex.addTerrain(tf.createTerrain(Terrains.BRIDGE_CF, cf));
private void connectHexes(Coords src, Coords dest, int roadStyle) {
if (board.contains(src)) {
IHex hex = board.getHex(src);
ITerrain t = hex.getTerrain(Terrains.ROAD);
if (t == null) {
t = hex.getTerrain(Terrains.BRIDGE);
if (t == null) {
addRoad(hex, src.direction(dest), roadStyle);
} else {
t.setExit(src.direction(dest), true);
* Build a bridge across an obstacle
* @todo: use a bridge not a road when bridges are working
* @param board
* @param start
* @param direction
* @return coordinates to resume roadbuilding
private Coords tryToBuildBridge(Coords start, int direction) {
if (!board.contains(start))
return null;
Vector<Coords> hexes = new Vector<Coords>(7);
Coords end = null;
Coords next = start.translated(direction);
while (hexes.size() < 6) {
if (!board.contains(next)) {
// offboard, why bother?
if (!hexNeedsBridge(board.getHex(next))) {
end = next;
next = next.translated(direction);
if (end != null) {
// got start and end, can we make a bridge?
if (hexes.size() == 0)
return null;
int elev1 = board.getHex(start).getElevation();
int elev2 = board.getHex(end).getElevation();
int elevBridge = board.getHex(end).terrainLevel(Terrains.BRIDGE);
if (elevBridge >= 0) {
if (Math.abs(elev2 + elevBridge - elev1) > 2)
return null;
elev1 = elev2 + elevBridge;
} else {
if (Math.abs(elev1 - elev2) > 4) {
// nobody could use the bridge, give up
return null;
elev1 = (elev1 + elev2) / 2;
// build the bridge
int exits = (1 << direction) | (1 << ((direction + 3) % 6));
int cf = mapSettings.getCityMinCF()
+ Compute.randomInt(1 + mapSettings.getCityMaxCF()
- mapSettings.getCityMinCF());
for (Enumeration<Coords> e = hexes.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
Coords c = e.nextElement();
addBridge(board.getHex(c), exits, elev1, cf);
connectHexes(start, hexes.firstElement(), 1);
connectHexes(end, hexes.lastElement(), 1);
return end;
private Coords extendRoad(Coords coords, int nextDirection, int roadStyle) {
Coords next = selectNextGrid(nextDirection, coords);
if (board.contains(next) && hexNeedsBridge(board.getHex(next))) {
if (nextDirection == E || nextDirection == W) {
nextDirection = coords.direction(next);
Coords end = tryToBuildBridge(coords, nextDirection);
return end;
connectHexes(coords, next, roadStyle);
connectHexes(next, coords, roadStyle);
return next;
private Coords resumeAfterObstacle(Coords coords, int nextDirection) {
Coords next = selectNextGrid(nextDirection, coords);
while (board.contains(next) && !isHexBuildable(board.getHex(next))) {
next = selectNextGrid(nextDirection, next);
return next;
private void buildStraightRoad(Coords start, int direction, int roadStyle) {
Coords coords = start;
while (coords != null && coords.x <= board.getWidth() && coords.x >= -1
&& coords.y <= board.getHeight() && coords.y >= -1) {
Coords next = extendRoad(coords, direction, roadStyle);
if (next == null) {
coords = resumeAfterObstacle(coords, direction);
} else
coords = next;
* Utility function for setting building type from CF table
* @param cf
* @return building type
public static int getBuildingTypeByCF(int cf) {
if (cf <= 15)
return Building.LIGHT;
if (cf <= 40)
return Building.MEDIUM;
if (cf <= 90)
return Building.HEAVY;
return Building.HARDENED;
* Adds an Road to the map. Goes from one border to another, and has one
* turn in it. Map must be at least 3x3.
private void addGenericRoad() {
Coords c = new Coords(Compute.randomInt(board.getWidth()), Compute
int side0 = Compute.randomInt(6);
int side1 = Compute.randomInt(5);
if (side1 >= side0) {
buildStraightRoad(c, side0, 1);
buildStraightRoad(c, side1, 1);