* MegaMek - Copyright (C) 2005 Ben Mazur (bmazur@sev.org)
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
package megamek.common.util;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import megamek.common.Board;
import megamek.common.Compute;
import megamek.common.Coords;
import megamek.common.Hex;
import megamek.common.IBoard;
import megamek.common.IHex;
import megamek.common.ITerrain;
import megamek.common.ITerrainFactory;
import megamek.common.MapSettings;
import megamek.common.PlanetaryConditions;
import megamek.common.Terrains;
public class BoardUtilities {
* Combines one or more boards into one huge megaboard!
* @param width the width of each individual board, before the combine
* @param height the height of each individual board, before the combine
* @param sheetWidth how many sheets wide the combined map is
* @param sheetHeight how many sheets tall the combined map is
* @param boards an array of the boards to be combined
public static IBoard combine(int width, int height, int sheetWidth,
int sheetHeight, IBoard[] boards, int medium) {
int resultWidth = width * sheetWidth;
int resultHeight = height * sheetHeight;
IHex[] resultData = new IHex[resultWidth * resultHeight];
boolean roadsAutoExit = true;
// Copy the data from the sub-boards.
for (int i = 0; i < sheetHeight; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < sheetWidth; j++) {
IBoard b = boards[i * sheetWidth + j];
if (b.getWidth() != width || b.getHeight() != height) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"board is the wrong size, expected " + width + "x"
+ height + ", got " + b.getWidth() + "x"
+ b.getHeight());
copyBoardInto(resultData, resultWidth, j * width, i * height,
boards[i * sheetWidth + j]);
// Copy in the other board's options.
if (boards[i * sheetWidth + j].getRoadsAutoExit() == false) {
roadsAutoExit = false;
IBoard result = new Board();
// Initialize all hexes - buildings, exits, etc
result.newData(resultWidth, resultHeight, resultData);
//assuming that the map setting and board types match
return result;
* Copies the data of another board into given array of Hexes, offset by the
* specified x and y.
protected static void copyBoardInto(IHex[] dest, int destWidth, int x,
int y, IBoard copied) {
for (int i = 0; i < copied.getHeight(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < copied.getWidth(); j++) {
dest[(i + y) * destWidth + j + x] = copied.getHex(j, i);
* Generates a Random Board
* @param width The width of the generated Board.
* @param height The height of the gernerated Board.
* @param steps how often the iterative method should be repeated
public static IBoard generateRandom(MapSettings mapSettings) {
int elevationMap[][] = new int[mapSettings.getBoardWidth()][mapSettings
double sizeScale = (double) (mapSettings.getBoardWidth() * mapSettings
/ ((double) (16 * 17));
generateElevation(mapSettings.getHilliness(), mapSettings
.getBoardWidth(), mapSettings.getBoardHeight(), mapSettings
.getRange() + 1, mapSettings.getProbInvert(), mapSettings
.getInvertNegativeTerrain(), elevationMap, mapSettings
IHex[] nb = new IHex[mapSettings.getBoardWidth()
* mapSettings.getBoardHeight()];
int index = 0;
for (int h = 0; h < mapSettings.getBoardHeight(); h++) {
for (int w = 0; w < mapSettings.getBoardWidth(); w++) {
if(mapSettings.getMedium() == MapSettings.MEDIUM_SPACE) {
nb[index++] = new Hex(0,"space:1",mapSettings.getTheme());
} else {
nb[index++] = new Hex(elevationMap[w][h], "", mapSettings
IBoard result = new Board(mapSettings.getBoardWidth(), mapSettings
.getBoardHeight(), nb);
if(mapSettings.getMedium() == MapSettings.MEDIUM_SPACE) {
return result;
/* initalize reverseHex */
HashMap<IHex, Point> reverseHex = new HashMap<IHex, Point>(2
* mapSettings.getBoardWidth() * mapSettings.getBoardHeight());
for (int y = 0; y < mapSettings.getBoardHeight(); y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < mapSettings.getBoardWidth(); x++) {
reverseHex.put(result.getHex(x, y), new Point(x, y));
int peaks = mapSettings.getMountainPeaks();
while (peaks > 0) {
int mountainHeight = mapSettings.getMountainHeightMin()
+ Compute.randomInt(1 + mapSettings.getMountainHeightMax()
- mapSettings.getMountainHeightMin());
int mountainWidth = mapSettings.getMountainWidthMin()
+ Compute.randomInt(1 + mapSettings.getMountainWidthMax()
- mapSettings.getMountainWidthMin());
int mapWidth = result.getWidth();
int mapHeight = result.getHeight();
// put the peak somewhere in the middle of the map...
Coords peak = new Coords(mapWidth / 4
+ Compute.randomInt((mapWidth + 1) / 2), mapHeight / 4
+ Compute.randomInt((mapHeight + 1) / 2));
generateMountain(result, mountainWidth, peak, mountainHeight,
if (mapSettings.getCliffs() > 0) {
addCliffs(result, mapSettings.getCliffs());
/* Add the woods */
int count = mapSettings.getMinForestSpots();
if (mapSettings.getMaxForestSpots() > 0) {
count += Compute.randomInt(mapSettings.getMaxForestSpots());
count *= sizeScale;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
placeSomeTerrain(result, Terrains.WOODS,
mapSettings.getProbHeavy(), mapSettings.getMinForestSize(),
mapSettings.getMaxForestSize(), reverseHex, true);
/* Add the rough */
count = mapSettings.getMinRoughSpots();
if (mapSettings.getMaxRoughSpots() > 0) {
count += Compute.randomInt(mapSettings.getMaxRoughSpots());
count *= sizeScale;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
placeSomeTerrain(result, Terrains.ROUGH, 0, mapSettings
.getMinRoughSize(), mapSettings.getMaxRoughSize(),
reverseHex, true);
/* Add the swamp */
count = mapSettings.getMinSwampSpots();
if (mapSettings.getMaxSwampSpots() > 0) {
count += Compute.randomInt(mapSettings.getMaxSwampSpots());
count *= sizeScale;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
placeSomeTerrain(result, Terrains.SWAMP, 0, mapSettings
.getMinSwampSize(), mapSettings.getMaxSwampSize(),
reverseHex, false); // can stack with woods or roughs
// Add the Fortified hexes
count = mapSettings.getMinFortifiedSpots();
if (mapSettings.getMaxFortifiedSpots() > 0) {
count += Compute.randomInt(mapSettings.getMaxFortifiedSpots());
count *= sizeScale;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
placeSomeTerrain(result, Terrains.FORTIFIED, 0, mapSettings
.getMinFortifiedSize(), mapSettings.getMaxFortifiedSize(),
reverseHex, false);
// Add the rubble
count = mapSettings.getMinRubbleSpots();
if (mapSettings.getMaxRubbleSpots() > 0) {
count += Compute.randomInt(mapSettings.getMaxRubbleSpots());
count *= sizeScale;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
placeSomeTerrain(result, Terrains.RUBBLE, 0, mapSettings
.getMinRubbleSize(), mapSettings.getMaxRubbleSize(),
reverseHex, true);
/* Add the water */
count = mapSettings.getMinWaterSpots();
if (mapSettings.getMaxWaterSpots() > 0) {
count += Compute.randomInt(mapSettings.getMaxWaterSpots());
count *= sizeScale;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
placeSomeTerrain(result, Terrains.WATER, mapSettings.getProbDeep(),
mapSettings.getMinWaterSize(), mapSettings
.getMaxWaterSize(), reverseHex, true);
/* Add the pavements */
count = mapSettings.getMinPavementSpots();
if (mapSettings.getMaxPavementSpots() > 0) {
count += Compute.randomInt(mapSettings.getMaxPavementSpots());
count *= sizeScale;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
placeSomeTerrain(result, Terrains.PAVEMENT, 0, mapSettings
.getMinPavementSize(), mapSettings.getMaxPavementSize(),
reverseHex, true);
/* Add the ice */
count = mapSettings.getMinIceSpots();
if (mapSettings.getMaxIceSpots() > 0) {
count += Compute.randomInt(mapSettings.getMaxIceSpots());
count *= sizeScale;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
placeSomeTerrain(result, Terrains.ICE, 0, mapSettings
.getMinIceSize(), mapSettings.getMaxIceSize(), reverseHex,
/* Add the craters */
if (Compute.randomInt(100) < mapSettings.getProbCrater()) {
addCraters(result, mapSettings.getMinRadius(), mapSettings
(int) (mapSettings.getMinCraters() * sizeScale),
(int) (mapSettings.getMaxCraters() * sizeScale));
/* Add the river */
if (Compute.randomInt(100) < mapSettings.getProbRiver()) {
addRiver(result, reverseHex);
/* Add special effects */
if (Compute.randomInt(100) < mapSettings.getProbFlood()) {
postProcessFlood(nb, mapSettings.getFxMod());
if (Compute.randomInt(100) < mapSettings.getProbDrought()) {
postProcessDrought(nb, mapSettings.getFxMod());
if (Compute.randomInt(100) < mapSettings.getProbFreeze()) {
postProcessDeepFreeze(nb, mapSettings.getFxMod());
if (Compute.randomInt(100) < mapSettings.getProbForestFire()) {
postProcessForestFire(nb, mapSettings.getFxMod());
/* Add the road */
boolean roadNeeded = false;
if (Compute.randomInt(100) < mapSettings.getProbRoad()) {
roadNeeded = true;
// add buildings
ArrayList<BuildingTemplate> buildings = mapSettings.getBoardBuildings();
CityBuilder cityBuilder = new CityBuilder(mapSettings, result);
if (buildings.size() == 0) {
buildings = cityBuilder.generateCity(roadNeeded);
for (int i = 0; i < buildings.size(); i++) {
placeBuilding(result, (buildings.get(i)));
return result;
private static void placeBuilding(IBoard board, BuildingTemplate building) {
int type = building.getType();
int cf = building.getCF();
int height = building.getHeight();
ITerrainFactory tf = Terrains.getTerrainFactory();
ArrayList<IHex> hexes = new ArrayList<IHex>();
int level = 0;
for (Iterator<Coords> i = building.getCoords(); i.hasNext();) {
Coords c = i.next();
IHex hex = board.getHex(c);
// work out exits...
int exits = 0;
for (int dir = 0; dir < 6; dir++) {
if (building.containsCoords(c.translated(dir))) {
exits |= (1 << dir);
// remove everything
hex.addTerrain(tf.createTerrain(Terrains.PAVEMENT, 1));
hex.addTerrain(tf.createTerrain(Terrains.BUILDING, type, true,
hex.addTerrain(tf.createTerrain(Terrains.BLDG_CF, cf));
hex.addTerrain(tf.createTerrain(Terrains.BLDG_ELEV, height));
// hex.addTerrain(tf.createTerrain(Terrains.BLDG_BASEMENT,
// building.getBasement()));
level += hex.getElevation();
// set everything to the same level
for (int j = 0; j < hexes.size(); j++) {
hexes.get(j).setElevation(level / hexes.size());
* Places randomly some connected Woods.
* @param probHeavy The probability that a wood is a heavy wood (in %).
* @param maxWoods Maximum Number of Woods placed.
protected static void placeSomeTerrain(IBoard board, int terrainType,
int probMore, int minHexes, int maxHexes,
HashMap<IHex, Point> reverseHex, boolean exclusive) {
Point p = new Point(Compute.randomInt(board.getWidth()), Compute
int count = minHexes;
if ((maxHexes - minHexes) > 0) {
count += Compute.randomInt(maxHexes - minHexes);
IHex field;
HashSet<IHex> alreadyUsed = new HashSet<IHex>();
HashSet<IHex> unUsed = new HashSet<IHex>();
field = board.getHex(p.x, p.y);
if (!field.containsTerrain(terrainType)) {
} else {
findAllUnused(board, terrainType, alreadyUsed, unUsed, field,
ITerrainFactory f = Terrains.getTerrainFactory();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (unUsed.isEmpty()) {
int which = Compute.randomInt(unUsed.size());
Iterator<IHex> iter = unUsed.iterator();
for (int n = 0; n < (which - 1); n++)
field = iter.next();
if (exclusive) {
int tempInt = (Compute.randomInt(100) < probMore) ? 2 : 1;
ITerrain tempTerrain = f.createTerrain(terrainType, tempInt);
findAllUnused(board, terrainType, alreadyUsed, unUsed, field,
if (terrainType == Terrains.WATER) {
* if next to an Water Hex is an lower lvl lower the hex. First we
* search for lowest Hex next to the lake
int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
Iterator<IHex> iter = unUsed.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
field = iter.next();
if (field.getElevation() < min) {
min = field.getElevation();
iter = alreadyUsed.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
field = iter.next();
* Searching starting from one Hex, all Terrains not matching terrainType,
* next to one of terrainType.
* @param terrainType The terrainType which the searching hexes should not
* have.
* @param alreadyUsed The hexes which should not looked at (because they are
* already supposed to visited in some way)
* @param unUsed In this set the resulting hexes are stored. They are stored
* in addition to all previously stored.
* @param searchFrom The Hex where to start
private static void findAllUnused(IBoard board, int terrainType,
HashSet<IHex> alreadyUsed, HashSet<IHex> unUsed, IHex searchFrom,
HashMap<IHex, Point> reverseHex) {
IHex field;
HashSet<IHex> notYetUsed = new HashSet<IHex>();
do {
Iterator<IHex> iter = notYetUsed.iterator();
field = iter.next();
if (field == null) {
for (int dir = 0; dir < 6; dir++) {
Point loc = reverseHex.get(field);
IHex newHex = board.getHexInDir(loc.x, loc.y, dir);
if ((newHex != null) && (!alreadyUsed.contains(newHex))
&& (!notYetUsed.contains(newHex))
&& (!unUsed.contains(newHex))) {
((newHex.containsTerrain(terrainType)) ? notYetUsed
: unUsed).add(newHex);
} while (!notYetUsed.isEmpty());
* add a crater to the board
public static void addCraters(IBoard board, int minRadius, int maxRadius,
int minCraters, int maxCraters) {
int numberCraters = minCraters;
if (maxCraters > minCraters) {
numberCraters += Compute.randomInt(maxCraters - minCraters);
for (int i = 0; i < numberCraters; i++) {
int width = board.getWidth();
int height = board.getHeight();
Point center = new Point(Compute.randomInt(width), Compute
int radius = Compute.randomInt(maxRadius - minRadius + 1)
+ minRadius;
int maxLevel = 3;
if (radius < 3) {
maxLevel = 1;
if ((radius >= 3) && (radius <= 8)) {
maxLevel = 2;
if (radius > 14) {
maxLevel = 4;
int maxHeight = Compute.randomInt(maxLevel) + 1;
/* generate CraterProfile */
int cratHeight[] = new int[radius];
for (int x = 0; x < radius; x++) {
cratHeight[x] = craterProfile((double) x / (double) radius,
* btw, I am interested if someone actually reads this comments, so
* send me and email to f.stock@tu-bs.de, if you do ;-)
/* now recalculate every hex */
for (int h = 0; h < height; h++) {
for (int w = 0; w < width; w++) {
int distance = (int) distance(center, new Point(w, h));
if (distance < radius) {
IHex field = board.getHex(w, h);
field.setElevation(// field.getElevation() +
* The profile of a crater: interior is exp-function, exterior cos function.
* @param x The x value of the function. range 0..1. 0=center of crater.
* 1=border of outer wall.
* @param scale Apply this scale before returning the result (recommend
* instead of afterwards scale, cause this way the intern
* floating values are scaled, instead of int result).
* @return The height of the crater at the position x from center. Unscaled,
* the results are between -0.5 and 1 (that means, if no scale is
* applied -1, 0 or 1).
public static int craterProfile(double x, int scale) {
double result = 0;
result = (x < 0.75) ? ((Math.exp(x * 5.0 / 0.75 - 3) - 0.04979) * 1.5 / 7.33926) - 0.5
: ((Math.cos((x - 0.75) * 4.0) + 1.0) / 2.0);
return (int) (result * scale);
* calculate the distance between two points
private static double distance(Point p1, Point p2) {
double x = p1.x - p2.x;
double y = p1.y - p2.y;
return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);
* Adds an River to the map (if the map is at least 5x5 hexes big). The
* river has an width of 1-3 hexes (everything else is no more a river). The
* river goes from one border to another. Nor Params, no results.
public static void addRiver(IBoard board, HashMap<IHex, Point> reverseHex) {
int minElevation = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
HashSet<IHex> riverHexes = new HashSet<IHex>();
IHex field;
Point p = null;
int direction = 0;
int nextLeft = 0;
int nextRight = 0;
int width = board.getWidth();
int height = board.getHeight();
/* if map is smaller than 5x5 no real space for an river */
if ((width < 5) || (height < 5)) {
/* First select start and the direction */
switch (Compute.randomInt(4)) {
case 0:
p = new Point(0, Compute.randomInt(5) - 2 + height / 2);
direction = Compute.randomInt(2) + 1;
nextLeft = direction - 1;
nextRight = direction + 1;
case 1:
p = new Point(width - 1, Compute.randomInt(5) - 2 + height / 2);
direction = Compute.randomInt(2) + 4;
nextLeft = direction - 1;
nextRight = (direction + 1) % 6;
case 2:
case 3:
p = new Point(Compute.randomInt(5) - 2 + width / 2, 0);
direction = 2;
nextRight = 3;
nextLeft = 4;
} // switch
/* place the river */
field = board.getHex(p.x, p.y);
ITerrainFactory f = Terrains.getTerrainFactory();
do {
/* first the hex itself */
field.addTerrain(f.createTerrain(Terrains.WATER, 1));
p = reverseHex.get(field);
/* then maybe the left and right neighbours */
riverHexes.addAll(extendRiverToSide(board, p, Compute.randomInt(3),
nextLeft, reverseHex));
riverHexes.addAll(extendRiverToSide(board, p, Compute.randomInt(3),
nextRight, reverseHex));
switch (Compute.randomInt(4)) {
case 0:
field = board.getHexInDir(p.x, p.y, (direction + 5) % 6);
case 1:
field = board.getHexInDir(p.x, p.y, (direction + 1) % 6);
field = board.getHexInDir(p.x, p.y, direction);
} while (field != null);
/* search the elevation for the river */
HashSet<IHex> tmpRiverHexes = new HashSet<IHex>(riverHexes);
while (!tmpRiverHexes.isEmpty()) {
Iterator<IHex> iter = tmpRiverHexes.iterator();
field = iter.next();
if (field.getElevation() < minElevation) {
minElevation = field.getElevation();
Point thisHex = reverseHex.get(field);
/* and now the six neighbours */
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
field = board.getHexInDir(thisHex.x, thisHex.y, i);
if ((field != null) && (field.getElevation() < minElevation)) {
minElevation = field.getElevation();
/* now adjust the elevation to same height */
Iterator<IHex> iter = riverHexes.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
field = iter.next();
* Extends a river hex to left and right sides.
* @param hexloc The location of the river hex, from which it should get
* started.
* @param width The width to wich the river should extend in the direction.
* So the actual width of the river is 2*width+1.
* @param direction Direction too which the riverhexes should be extended.
* @return Hashset with the hexes from the side.
private static HashSet<IHex> extendRiverToSide(IBoard board, Point hexloc,
int width, int direction, HashMap<IHex, Point> reverseHex) {
Point current = new Point(hexloc);
HashSet<IHex> result = new HashSet<IHex>();
IHex hex;
hex = board.getHexInDir(current.x, current.y, direction);
while ((hex != null) && (width-- > 0)) {
Terrains.WATER, 1));
current = reverseHex.get(hex);
hex = board.getHexInDir(current.x, current.y, direction);
return result;
* Flood negative hex levels Shoreline / salt marshes effect Works best with
* more elevation
protected static void postProcessFlood(IHex[] hexSet, int modifier) {
int n;
IHex field;
ITerrainFactory f = Terrains.getTerrainFactory();
for (n = 0; n < hexSet.length; n++) {
field = hexSet[n];
int elev = field.getElevation() - modifier;
if (elev == 0 && !(field.containsTerrain(Terrains.WATER))
&& !(field.containsTerrain(Terrains.PAVEMENT))) {
field.addTerrain(f.createTerrain(Terrains.SWAMP, 1));
} else if (elev < 0) {
if (elev < -4)
elev = -4;
field.addTerrain(f.createTerrain(Terrains.WATER, -elev));
* Converts water hexes to ice hexes. Works best with snow&ice theme.
protected static void postProcessDeepFreeze(IHex[] hexSet, int modifier) {
int n;
IHex field;
ITerrainFactory f = Terrains.getTerrainFactory();
for (n = 0; n < hexSet.length; n++) {
field = hexSet[n];
if (field.containsTerrain(Terrains.WATER)) {
int level = field.terrainLevel(Terrains.WATER);
if (modifier != 0) {
level -= modifier;
if (level > 0) {
field.addTerrain(f.createTerrain(Terrains.ICE, 1));
} else if (field.containsTerrain(Terrains.SWAMP)) {
if (field.terrainsPresent() == 0) {
if (Compute.randomInt(100) < 30) {
// if no other terrains present, 30% chance to change to
// rough
field.addTerrain(f.createTerrain(Terrains.ROUGH, 1));
} else {
field.addTerrain(f.createTerrain(Terrains.ICE, 1));
* Burning woods, with chance to be burnt down already
protected static void postProcessForestFire(IHex[] hexSet, int modifier) {
int n;
IHex field;
int level, newlevel;
int severity;
ITerrainFactory f = Terrains.getTerrainFactory();
for (n = 0; n < hexSet.length; n++) {
field = hexSet[n];
level = field.terrainLevel(Terrains.WOODS);
if (level != ITerrain.LEVEL_NONE) {
severity = Compute.randomInt(5) - 2 + modifier;
newlevel = level - severity;
if (newlevel <= level) {
if (newlevel <= 0) {
field.addTerrain(f.createTerrain(Terrains.ROUGH, 1));
} else {
field.addTerrain(f.createTerrain(Terrains.FIRE, 1));
* Dries up all bodies of water by 1-3 levels. dried up water becomes swamp
* then rough
protected static void postProcessDrought(IHex[] hexSet, int modifier) {
int n;
IHex field;
int level, newlevel;
int severity = 1 + Compute.randomInt(3) + modifier;
if (severity < 0)
ITerrainFactory f = Terrains.getTerrainFactory();
for (n = 0; n < hexSet.length; n++) {
field = hexSet[n];
if (field.containsTerrain(Terrains.SWAMP)) {
field.removeTerrain(Terrains.SWAMP); // any swamps are dried
// up to hardened mud
if (field.terrainsPresent() == 0 && Compute.randomInt(100) < 30) {
// if no other terrains present, 30% chance to change to
// rough
field.addTerrain(f.createTerrain(Terrains.ROUGH, 1));
level = field.terrainLevel(Terrains.WATER);
if (level != ITerrain.LEVEL_NONE) {
newlevel = level - severity;
if (newlevel == 0) {
field.addTerrain(f.createTerrain(Terrains.SWAMP, 1));
} else if (newlevel < 0) {
field.addTerrain(f.createTerrain(Terrains.ROUGH, 1));
} else {
field.addTerrain(f.createTerrain(Terrains.WATER, newlevel));
if (level > severity)
newlevel = severity;
newlevel = level;
field.setElevation(field.getElevation() - newlevel);
private static boolean hexCouldBeCliff(IBoard board, Coords c) {
int elevation = board.getHex(c).getElevation();
boolean higher = false;
boolean lower = false;
int count = 0;
for (int dir = 0; dir < 6; dir++) {
Coords t = c.translated(dir);
if (board.contains(t)) {
IHex hex = board.getHex(t);
int el = hex.getElevation();
if (el > elevation) {
lower = true;
} else if (el < elevation) {
higher = true;
} else {
return higher && lower && count <= 3 && count > 0;
private static void findCliffNeighbours(IBoard board, Coords c,
ArrayList<Coords> candidate, HashSet<Coords> ignore) {
int elevation = board.getHex(c).getElevation();
for (int dir = 0; dir < 6; dir++) {
Coords t = c.translated(dir);
if (board.contains(t) && !ignore.contains(t)) {
if (hexCouldBeCliff(board, t)) {
IHex hex = board.getHex(t);
int el = hex.getElevation();
if (el == elevation) {
findCliffNeighbours(board, t, candidate, ignore);
} else
protected static void addCliffs(IBoard board, int modifier) {
HashSet<Coords> ignore = new HashSet<Coords>(); // previously considered
// hexes
ArrayList<Coords> candidate = new ArrayList<Coords>();
for (int x = 0; x < board.getWidth(); x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < board.getHeight(); y++) {
Coords c = new Coords(x, y);
int elevation = board.getHex(c).getElevation();
if (ignore.contains(c))
if (!hexCouldBeCliff(board, c)) {
findCliffNeighbours(board, c, candidate, ignore);
// is the candidate interesting (at least 3 hexes)?
if (candidate.size() >= 3 && Compute.randomInt(100) < modifier) {
if (elevation > 0)
for (Iterator<Coords> e = candidate.iterator(); e.hasNext();) {
c = e.next();
IHex hex = board.getHex(c);
* adjust the board based on weather conditions
public static void addWeatherConditions(IBoard board, int weatherCond, int windCond) {
ITerrainFactory tf = Terrains.getTerrainFactory();
for (int x = 0; x < board.getWidth(); x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < board.getHeight(); y++) {
Coords c = new Coords(x, y);
IHex hex = board.getHex(c);
//moderate rain - mud in clear hexes, depth 0 water, and dirt roads (not implemented yet)
if(weatherCond == PlanetaryConditions.WE_MOD_RAIN) {
if(hex.terrainsPresent() == 0 || (hex.containsTerrain(Terrains.WATER) && hex.depth() == 0)) {
hex.addTerrain(tf.createTerrain(Terrains.MUD, 1));
if(hex.containsTerrain(Terrains.WATER)) {
//heavy rain - mud in all hexes except buildings, depth 1+ water, and non-dirt roads
//rapids in all depth 1+ water
if(weatherCond == PlanetaryConditions.WE_HEAVY_RAIN) {
if(hex.containsTerrain(Terrains.WATER) && !hex.containsTerrain(Terrains.RAPIDS) && hex.depth() > 0) {
hex.addTerrain(tf.createTerrain(Terrains.RAPIDS, 1));
else if(!hex.containsTerrain(Terrains.BUILDING) && !hex.containsTerrain(Terrains.ROAD)) {
hex.addTerrain(tf.createTerrain(Terrains.MUD, 1));
if(hex.containsTerrain(Terrains.WATER)) {
//torrential downpour - mud in all hexes except buildings, depth 1+ water, and non-dirt roads
//torrent in all depth 1+ water, swamps in all depth 0 water hexes
if(weatherCond == PlanetaryConditions.WE_DOWNPOUR) {
if(hex.containsTerrain(Terrains.WATER) && !(hex.terrainLevel(Terrains.RAPIDS) > 1) && hex.depth() > 0) {
hex.addTerrain(tf.createTerrain(Terrains.RAPIDS, 2));
else if(hex.containsTerrain(Terrains.WATER)) {
hex.addTerrain(tf.createTerrain(Terrains.SWAMP, 1));
else if(!hex.containsTerrain(Terrains.BUILDING) && !hex.containsTerrain(Terrains.ROAD)) {
hex.addTerrain(tf.createTerrain(Terrains.MUD, 1));
//check for rapids/torrents created by wind
if(windCond > PlanetaryConditions.WI_MOD_GALE
&& hex.containsTerrain(Terrains.WATER) && hex.depth() > 0) {
if(windCond > PlanetaryConditions.WI_STORM) {
if(!(hex.terrainLevel(Terrains.RAPIDS) > 1)) {
hex.addTerrain(tf.createTerrain(Terrains.RAPIDS, 2));
} else {
if(!hex.containsTerrain(Terrains.RAPIDS)) {
hex.addTerrain(tf.createTerrain(Terrains.RAPIDS, 1));
* Generates the elevations
* @param hilliness The Hilliness
* @param width The Width of the map.
* @param height The Height of the map.
* @param range Max difference betweenn highest and lowest level.
* @param invertProb Probability for the invertion of the map (0..100)
* @param invertNegate If 1, invert negative hexes, else do nothing
* @param elevationMap here is the result stored
public static void generateElevation(int hilliness, int width, int height,
int range, int invertProb, int invertNegative,
int elevationMap[][], int algorithm) {
int minLevel = 0;
int maxLevel = range;
boolean invert = (Compute.randomInt(100) < invertProb);
/* init elevation map with 0 */
for (int w = 0; w < width; w++) {
for (int h = 0; h < height; h++) {
elevationMap[w][h] = 0;
/* generate landscape */
switch (algorithm) {
case 0:
cutSteps(hilliness, width, height, elevationMap);
case 1:
midPoint(hilliness, width, height, elevationMap);
case 2:
cutSteps(hilliness, width, height, elevationMap);
midPoint(hilliness, width, height, elevationMap);
/* and now normalize it */
int min = elevationMap[0][0];
int max = elevationMap[0][0];
for (int w = 0; w < width; w++) {
for (int h = 0; h < height; h++) {
if (elevationMap[w][h] > max) {
max = elevationMap[w][h];
if (elevationMap[w][h] < min) {
min = elevationMap[w][h];
double scale = (double) (maxLevel - minLevel) / (double) (max - min);
int inc = (int) (-scale * min + minLevel);
int[] elevationCount = new int[maxLevel + 1];
for (int w = 0; w < width; w++) {
for (int h = 0; h < height; h++) {
elevationMap[w][h] *= scale;
elevationMap[w][h] += inc;
int mostElevation = 0;
for (int lvl = 1; lvl <= range; lvl++) {
if (elevationCount[lvl] > elevationCount[mostElevation]) {
mostElevation = lvl;
for (int w = 0; w < width; w++) {
for (int h = 0; h < height; h++) {
elevationMap[w][h] -= mostElevation;
if (invert) {
elevationMap[w][h] *= -1;
// invert negative terrain?
if (invertNegative == 1) {
for (int w = 0; w < width; w++) {
for (int h = 0; h < height; h++) {
if (elevationMap[w][h] < 0) {
elevationMap[w][h] *= -1;
public static void generateMountain(IBoard board, int width, Coords centre,
int height, int capStyle) {
final int mapW = board.getWidth();
final int mapH = board.getHeight();
ITerrainFactory tf = Terrains.getTerrainFactory();
for (int x = 0; x < mapW; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < mapH; y++) {
Coords c = new Coords(x, y);
int distance = c.distance(centre);
int elev = (100 * height * (width - distance)) / width;
elev = (elev / 100)
+ (Compute.randomInt(100) < (elev % 100) ? 1 : 0);
IHex hex = board.getHex(c);
if (elev >= height - 2) {
switch (capStyle) {
case MapSettings.MOUNTAIN_LAKE:
int lake = (width / 4);
int depth = ((lake - distance) + 1);
if (depth < 1) { // eliminates depth 0 water
depth = 1;
elev -= (Math.abs(lake - elev) - 1);
if (elev == height) {
// for volcanoes, invert the peak
switch (capStyle) {
hex.addTerrain(tf.createTerrain(Terrains.MAGMA, 2));
elev -= 2;
hex.addTerrain(tf.createTerrain(Terrains.MAGMA, 1));
elev -= 2;
elev -= 2;
if (hex.getElevation() < elev)
* Flips the board around the vertical axis (North-for-South) and/or the
* horizontal axis (East-for-West). The dimensions of the board will remain
* the same, but the terrain of the hexes will be swiched.
* @param horiz - a <code>boolean</code> value that, if <code>true</code>,
* indicates that the board is being flipped North-for-South.
* @param vert - a <code>boolean</code> value that, if <code>true</code>,
* indicates that the board is being flipped East-for-West.
public static void flip(IBoard board, boolean horiz, boolean vert) {
// If we're not flipping around *some* axis, do nothing.
if (!vert && !horiz) {
// We only walk through half the board, but *which* half?
int stopX;
int stopY;
int width = board.getWidth();
int height = board.getHeight();
if (horiz) {
// West half of board.
stopX = width / 2;
stopY = height;
} else {
// North half of board.
stopX = width;
stopY = height / 2;
// Walk through the current data array and build a new one.
int newX;
int newY;
IHex tempHex;
ITerrain terr;
for (int oldX = 0; oldX < stopX; oldX++) {
// Calculate the new X position of the flipped hex.
if (horiz) {
newX = width - oldX - 1;
} else {
newX = oldX;
for (int oldY = 0; oldY < stopY; oldY++) {
// Calculate the new Y position of the flipped hex.
if (vert) {
newY = height - oldY - 1;
} else {
newY = oldY;
// Swap the old hex for the new hex.
tempHex = board.getHex(oldX, oldY);
board.setHex(oldX, oldY, board.getHex(newX, newY));
board.setHex(newX, newY, tempHex);
IHex newHex = board.getHex(newX, newY);
IHex oldHex = board.getHex(oldX, oldY);
// Update the road exits in the swapped hexes.
terr = newHex.getTerrain(Terrains.ROAD);
if (null != terr) {
terr.flipExits(horiz, vert);
terr = oldHex.getTerrain(Terrains.ROAD);
if (null != terr) {
terr.flipExits(horiz, vert);
// Update the building exits in the swapped hexes.
terr = newHex.getTerrain(Terrains.BUILDING);
if (null != terr) {
terr.flipExits(horiz, vert);
terr = oldHex.getTerrain(Terrains.BUILDING);
if (null != terr) {
terr.flipExits(horiz, vert);
// Update the fuel tank exits in the swapped hexes.
terr = newHex.getTerrain(Terrains.FUEL_TANK);
if (null != terr) {
terr.flipExits(horiz, vert);
terr = oldHex.getTerrain(Terrains.FUEL_TANK);
if (null != terr) {
terr.flipExits(horiz, vert);
// Update the bridge exits in the swapped hexes.
terr = newHex.getTerrain(Terrains.BRIDGE);
if (null != terr) {
terr.flipExits(horiz, vert);
terr = oldHex.getTerrain(Terrains.BRIDGE);
if (null != terr) {
terr.flipExits(horiz, vert);
* one of the landscape generation algorithms
protected static void cutSteps(int hilliness, int width, int height,
int elevationMap[][]) {
Point p1, p2;
int sideA, sideB;
int type;
p1 = new Point(0, 0);
p2 = new Point(0, 0);
for (int step = 0; step < hilliness * 20; step++) {
* select which side should be decremented, and which increemented
sideA = (Compute.randomInt(2) == 0) ? -1 : 1;
sideB = -sideA;
type = Compute.randomInt(6);
* 6 different lines in rectangular area from border to border
* possible
switch (type) {
case 0: /* left to upper border */
p1.setLocation(0, Compute.randomInt(height));
p2.setLocation(Compute.randomInt(width), height - 1);
markSides(p1, p2, sideB, sideA, elevationMap, height);
markRect(p2.x, width, sideA, elevationMap, height);
case 1: /* upper to lower border */
p1.setLocation(Compute.randomInt(width), 0);
p2.setLocation(Compute.randomInt(width), height - 1);
if (p1.x < p2.x) {
markSides(p1, p2, sideA, sideB, elevationMap, height);
} else {
markSides(p2, p1, sideB, sideA, elevationMap, height);
markRect(0, p1.x, sideA, elevationMap, height);
markRect(p2.x, width, sideB, elevationMap, height);
case 2: /* upper to right border */
p1.setLocation(Compute.randomInt(width), height - 1);
p2.setLocation(width, Compute.randomInt(height));
markSides(p1, p2, sideB, sideA, elevationMap, height);
markRect(0, p1.x, sideA, elevationMap, height);
case 3: /* left to right border */
p1.setLocation(0, Compute.randomInt(height));
p2.setLocation(width, Compute.randomInt(height));
markSides(p1, p2, sideA, sideB, elevationMap, height);
case 4: /* left to lower border */
p1.setLocation(0, Compute.randomInt(height));
p2.setLocation(Compute.randomInt(width), 0);
markSides(p1, p2, sideB, sideA, elevationMap, height);
markRect(p2.x, width, sideB, elevationMap, height);
case 5: /* lower to right border */
p1.setLocation(Compute.randomInt(width), 0);
p2.setLocation(width, Compute.randomInt(height));
markSides(p1, p2, sideB, sideA, elevationMap, height);
markRect(0, p1.x, sideB, elevationMap, height);
* Helper function for the map generator increased a heightmap my a given
* value
protected static void markRect(int x1, int x2, int inc,
int elevationMap[][], int height) {
for (int x = x1; x < x2; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
elevationMap[x][y] += inc;
* Helper function for map generator inreases all of one side and decreased
* on other side
protected static void markSides(Point p1, Point p2, int upperInc,
int lowerInc, int elevationMap[][], int height) {
for (int x = p1.x; x < p2.x; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
int point = (p2.y - p1.y) / (p2.x - p1.x) * (x - p1.x) + p1.y;
if (y > point) {
elevationMap[x][y] += upperInc;
} else if (y < point) {
elevationMap[x][y] += lowerInc;
* midpoint algorithm for landscape generartion
protected static void midPoint(int hilliness, int width, int height,
int elevationMap[][]) {
int size;
int steps = 1;
int tmpElevation[][];
size = (width > height) ? width : height;
while (size > 0) {
size /= 2;
size = (1 << steps) + 1;
tmpElevation = new int[size + 1][size + 1];
/* init elevation map with 0 */
for (int w = 0; w < size; w++)
for (int h = 0; h < size; h++)
if ((w < width) && (h < height)) {
tmpElevation[w][h] = elevationMap[w][h];
} else {
tmpElevation[w][h] = 0;
for (int i = steps; i > 0; i--) {
midPointStep((double) hilliness / 100, size, 100, tmpElevation, i,
for (int w = 0; w < width; w++) {
for (int h = 0; h < height; h++) {
elevationMap[w][h] = tmpElevation[w][h];
* Helper function for landscape generation
protected static void midPointStep(double fracdim, int size, int delta,
int elevationMap[][], int step, boolean newBorder) {
int d1, d2;
int delta5;
int x, y;
d1 = size >> (step - 1);
d2 = d1 / 2;
fracdim = (1.0 - fracdim) / 2.0;
delta = (int) (delta * Math.exp(-0.6931 * fracdim * (2.0 * step - 1)));
delta5 = delta << 5;
x = d2;
do {
y = d2;
do {
elevationMap[x][y] = middleValue(elevationMap[x + d2][y + d2],
elevationMap[x + d2][y - d2], elevationMap[x - d2][y
+ d2], elevationMap[x - d2][y - d2], delta5);
y += d1;
} while (y < size - d2);
x += d1;
} while (x < size - d2);
delta = (int) (delta * Math.exp(-0.6931 * fracdim));
delta5 = delta << 5;
if (newBorder) {
x = d2;
do {
y = x;
elevationMap[0][x] = middleValue(elevationMap[0][x + d2],
elevationMap[0][x - d2], elevationMap[d2][x], delta5);
elevationMap[size][x] = middleValue(elevationMap[size - 1][x
+ d2], elevationMap[size - 1][x - d2],
elevationMap[size - d2 - 1][x], delta5);
y = 0;
elevationMap[x][0] = middleValue(elevationMap[x + d2][0],
elevationMap[x - d2][0], elevationMap[x][d2], delta5);
elevationMap[x][size] = middleValue(
elevationMap[x + d2][size - 1],
elevationMap[x - d2][size - 1], elevationMap[x][size
- d2 - 1], delta5);
x += d1;
} while (x < size - d2);
diagMid(new Point(d2, d1), d1, d2, delta5, size, elevationMap);
diagMid(new Point(d1, d2), d1, d2, delta5, size, elevationMap);
* calculates the diagonal middlepoints with new values
* @param p Starting point.
protected static void diagMid(Point p, int d1, int d2, int delta, int size,
int elevationMap[][]) {
int x = p.x;
int y;
int hx = x + d2;
int hy;
while ((x < size - d2) && (hx < size)) {
y = p.y;
hy = y + d2;
while ((y < size - d2) && (hy < size)) {
elevationMap[x][y] = middleValue(elevationMap[x][hy],
elevationMap[x][y - d2], elevationMap[hx][y],
elevationMap[x - d2][y], delta);
y += d1;
hy = y + d2;
x += d1;
hx = x + d2;
* calculates the arithmetic medium of 3 values and add random value in
* range of delta.
protected static int middleValue(int a, int b, int c, int delta) {
int result = (((a + b + c) / 3) + normRNG(delta));
return result;
* calculates the arithmetic medium of 4 values and add random value in
* range of delta.
protected static int middleValue(int a, int b, int c, int d, int delta) {
int result = (((a + b + c + d) / 4) + normRNG(delta));
return result;
* Gives a normal distributed Randomvalue, with mediumvalue from 0 and a
* Varianz of factor.
* @param factor varianz of of the distribution.
* @return Random number, most times in the range -factor .. +factor, at
* most in the range of -3*factor .. +3*factor.
private static int normRNG(int factor) {
return (2 * (Compute.randomInt(factor) + Compute.randomInt(factor) + Compute
.randomInt(factor)) - 3 * (factor - 1)) / 32;
protected static class Point {
public int x;
public int y;
public Point(int x, int y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public Point(Point other) {
this.x = other.x;
this.y = other.y;
* Set the location
* @param x x coordinate
* @param y y coordinate
public void setLocation(int x, int y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;