* MegaMek - Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Ben Mazur (bmazur@sev.org)
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* BLkFile.java
* Created on April 6, 2002, 2:06 AM
* @author taharqa
* @version
package megamek.common.loaders;
import megamek.common.Aero;
import megamek.common.Engine;
import megamek.common.Entity;
import megamek.common.EquipmentType;
import megamek.common.LocationFullException;
import megamek.common.TechConstants;
import megamek.common.util.BuildingBlock;
public class BLKAeroFile extends BLKFile implements IMechLoader {
// armor locatioms
public static final int NOSE = 0;
public static final int RW = 1;
public static final int LW = 2;
public static final int AFT = 3;
public BLKAeroFile(BuildingBlock bb) {
dataFile = bb;
public Entity getEntity() throws EntityLoadingException {
Aero a = new Aero();
if (!dataFile.exists("Name")) {
throw new EntityLoadingException("Could not find name block.");
if (dataFile.exists("Model") && dataFile.getDataAsString("Model")[0] != null) {
} else {
if (!dataFile.exists("tonnage")) {
throw new EntityLoadingException("Could not find weight block.");
// how many bombs can it carry
// get a movement mode - lets try Aerodyne
int nMotion = 16;
// figure out heat
if (!dataFile.exists("heatsinks")) {
throw new EntityLoadingException("Could not find weight block.");
if (!dataFile.exists("sink_type")) {
throw new EntityLoadingException("Could not find weight block.");
// figure out fuel
if (!dataFile.exists("fuel")) {
throw new EntityLoadingException("Could not find fuel block.");
// figure out engine stuff
int engineCode = BLKFile.FUSION;
if (dataFile.exists("engine_type")) {
engineCode = dataFile.getDataAsInt("engine_type")[0];
int engineFlags = Engine.TANK_ENGINE;
if (a.isClan()) {
engineFlags |= Engine.CLAN_ENGINE;
if (!dataFile.exists("SafeThrust")) {
throw new EntityLoadingException("Could not find SafeThrust block.");
int engineRating = (dataFile.getDataAsInt("SafeThrust")[0] - 2) * (int) a.getWeight();
a.setEngine(new Engine(engineRating, BLKFile.translateEngineCode(engineCode), engineFlags));
if (dataFile.exists("armor_type")) {
if (dataFile.exists("armor_tech")) {
if (dataFile.exists("internal_type")) {
if (!dataFile.exists("armor")) {
throw new EntityLoadingException("Could not find armor block.");
int[] armor = dataFile.getDataAsInt("armor");
if (armor.length != 4) {
throw new EntityLoadingException("Incorrect armor array length");
// set cockpit type if not default
if (dataFile.exists("cockpit_type")) {
if (dataFile.exists("source")) {
a.initializeArmor(armor[BLKAeroFile.NOSE], Aero.LOC_NOSE);
a.initializeArmor(armor[BLKAeroFile.RW], Aero.LOC_RWING);
a.initializeArmor(armor[BLKAeroFile.LW], Aero.LOC_LWING);
a.initializeArmor(armor[BLKAeroFile.AFT], Aero.LOC_AFT);
a.initializeArmor(0, Aero.LOC_WINGS);
// This is not working right for arrays for some reason
loadEquipment(a, "Nose", Aero.LOC_NOSE);
loadEquipment(a, "Right Wing", Aero.LOC_RWING);
loadEquipment(a, "Left Wing", Aero.LOC_LWING);
loadEquipment(a, "Aft", Aero.LOC_AFT);
// now organize the weapons into groups for capital fighters
if (dataFile.exists("omni")) {
if (a.isClan()) {
return a;
protected void loadEquipment(Entity t, String sName, int nLoc) throws EntityLoadingException {
String[] saEquip = dataFile.getDataAsString(sName + " Equipment");
if (saEquip == null) {
// prefix is "Clan " or "IS "
String prefix;
if (t.getTechLevel() == TechConstants.T_CLAN_TW) {
prefix = "Clan ";
} else {
prefix = "IS ";
boolean rearMount = false;
if (saEquip[0] != null) {
for (String element : saEquip) {
rearMount = false;
String equipName = element.trim();
if (equipName.startsWith("(R) ")) {
rearMount = true;
equipName = equipName.substring(4);
EquipmentType etype = EquipmentType.get(equipName);
if (etype == null) {
// try w/ prefix
etype = EquipmentType.get(prefix + equipName);
if (etype != null) {
try {
t.addEquipment(etype, nLoc, rearMount);
} catch (LocationFullException ex) {
throw new EntityLoadingException(ex.getMessage());
} else if (equipName != "0") {
* protected void organizeIntoGroups(Aero a) throws EntityLoadingException {
* //collect a hash of all the same weapons in each location by id
* Map<String, Integer> groups = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for
* (Mounted mounted : a.getTotalWeaponList()) { int loc =
* mounted.getLocation(); if(loc == Aero.LOC_RWING || loc == Aero.LOC_LWING)
* { loc = Aero.LOC_WINGS; } if(mounted.isRearMounted()) { loc =
* Aero.LOC_AFT; } String key = mounted.getType().getInternalName() + ":" +
* loc; if(null == groups.get(key)) { groups.put(key, 1); } else {
* groups.put(key, groups.get(key) + 1); } } //now we just need to traverse
* the hash and add this new equipment Set<String> set= groups.keySet();
* Iterator<String> iter = set.iterator(); while(iter.hasNext()) { String
* key = iter.next(); String name = key.split(":")[0]; int loc =
* Integer.parseInt(key.split(":")[1]); EquipmentType etype =
* EquipmentType.get(name); Mounted newmount; if (etype != null) { try {
* newmount = a.addWeaponGroup(etype, loc);
* newmount.setNWeapons(groups.get(key)); } catch (LocationFullException ex)
* { throw new EntityLoadingException(ex.getMessage()); } } else if(name !=
* "0"){ a.addFailedEquipment(name); } } }