* MegaMek - Copyright (C) 2002,2003 Ben Mazur (bmazur@sev.org)
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
package megamek.common;
import gd.xml.ParseException;
import gd.xml.tiny.ParsedXML;
import gd.xml.tiny.TinyParser;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Vector;
import megamek.common.util.BuildingTemplate;
* MapSettings.java Created on March 27, 2002, 1:07 PM
* @author Ben
public class MapSettings implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 6838624193286089780L;
public static final String BOARD_RANDOM = "[RANDOM]";
public static final String BOARD_SURPRISE = "[SURPRISE]";
public static final String BOARD_GENERATED = "[GENERATED]";
public static final int MOUNTAIN_PLAIN = 0;
public static final int MOUNTAIN_VOLCANO_EXTINCT = 1;
public static final int MOUNTAIN_VOLCANO_DORMANT = 2;
public static final int MOUNTAIN_VOLCANO_ACTIVE = 3;
public static final int MOUNTAIN_SNOWCAPPED = 4;
public static final int MOUNTAIN_LAKE = 5;
public static final int MEDIUM_GROUND = 0;
public static final int MEDIUM_ATMOSPHERE = 1;
public static final int MEDIUM_SPACE = 2;
private static final String[] mediumNames = { "Ground", "Atmosphere", "Space" };
private int boardWidth = 16;
private int boardHeight = 17;
private int mapWidth = 1;
private int mapHeight = 1;
private int medium = MEDIUM_GROUND;
private ArrayList<String> boardsSelected = new ArrayList<String>();
private ArrayList<String> boardsAvailable = new ArrayList<String>();
private ArrayList<BuildingTemplate> boardBuildings = new ArrayList<BuildingTemplate>();
* Parameters for the Map Generator Parameters refer to a default map siz 16
* x 17, with other size some of the parameters get linear transformed to
* give good result for new size
/** how much hills there should be, Range 0..99 */
private int hilliness = 40;
* how much cliffs should there be, range 0-100 (% chance for each cliff
* candidate)
private int cliffs = 0;
/** Maximum difference between highest elevation and lowest sink */
private int range = 5;
/** Probabiltity for invertion of the map, Range 0..100 */
private int probInvert = 5;
/** how much Lakes at least */
private int minWaterSpots = 1;
/** how much Lakes at most */
private int maxWaterSpots = 3;
/** minimum size of a lake */
private int minWaterSize = 5;
/** maximum Size of a lake */
private int maxWaterSize = 10;
/** probability for water deeper than lvl1, Range 0..100 */
private int probDeep = 33;
/** how much forests at least */
private int minForestSpots = 3;
/** how much forests at most */
private int maxForestSpots = 8;
/** minimum size of a forest */
private int minForestSize = 4;
/** maximum Size of a forest */
private int maxForestSize = 12;
/** probability for heavy woods, Range 0..100 */
private int probHeavy = 30;
/** how much rough spots at least */
private int minRoughSpots = 2;
/** how much rough spots at most */
private int maxRoughSpots = 10;
/** minimum size of a rough spot */
private int minRoughSize = 1;
/** maximum Size of a rough spot */
private int maxRoughSize = 2;
/** how much swamp spots at least */
private int minSwampSpots = 2;
/** how much swamp spots at most */
private int maxSwampSpots = 10;
/** minimum size of a swamp spot */
private int minSwampSize = 1;
/** maximum Size of a swamp spot */
private int maxSwampSize = 2;
/** how much pavement spots at least */
private int minPavementSpots = 0;
/** how much pavement spots at most */
private int maxPavementSpots = 0;
/** minimum size of a pavement spot */
private int minPavementSize = 1;
/** maximum Size of a pavement spot */
private int maxPavementSize = 6;
/** how much rubble spots at least */
private int minRubbleSpots = 0;
/** how much rubble spots at most */
private int maxRubbleSpots = 0;
/** minimum size of a rubble spot */
private int minRubbleSize = 1;
/** maximum Size of a rubble spot */
private int maxRubbleSize = 6;
/** how much fortified spots at least */
private int minFortifiedSpots = 0;
/** how much fortified spots at most */
private int maxFortifiedSpots = 0;
/** minimum size of a fortified spot */
private int minFortifiedSize = 1;
/** maximum Size of a fortified spot */
private int maxFortifiedSize = 2;
/** how much ice spots at least */
private int minIceSpots = 0;
/** how much ice spots at most */
private int maxIceSpots = 0;
/** minimum size of a ice spot */
private int minIceSize = 1;
/** maximum Size of a ice spot */
private int maxIceSize = 6;
/** probability for a road, range 0..100 */
private int probRoad = 0;
/** probability for a river, range 0..100 */
private int probRiver = 0;
/** probabilitay for Crater 0..100 */
private int probCrater = 0;
/** minimum Radius of the Craters */
private int minRadius = 2;
/** maximum Radius of the Craters */
private int maxRadius = 7;
/** maximum Number of Craters on one map */
private int maxCraters = 2;
/** minimum Number of Craters on one map */
private int minCraters = 1;
/** which landscape generation Algortihm to use */
/* atm there are 2 different: 0= first, 1=second */
private int algorithmToUse = 0;
/** a tileset theme to apply */
private String theme = "";
/** probability of flooded map */
private int probFlood = 0;
/** probability of forest fire */
private int probForestFire = 0;
/** probability of frozen map */
private int probFreeze = 0;
/** probability of drought */
private int probDrought = 0;
/** special FX modifier */
private int fxMod = 0;
/** Parameters for the city generator */
private int cityBlocks = 16;
private String cityType = "NONE";
private int cityMinCF = 10;
private int cityMaxCF = 100;
private int cityMinFloors = 1;
private int cityMaxFloors = 6;
private int cityDensity = 75;
private int townSize = 60;
private int invertNegativeTerrain = 0;
private int mountainPeaks = 0;
private int mountainWidthMin = 7;
private int mountainWidthMax = 20;
private int mountainHeightMin = 5;
private int mountainHeightMax = 8;
private int mountainStyle = MOUNTAIN_PLAIN;
/** end Map Generator Parameters */
/** Creates new MapSettings */
public MapSettings() {
.getBoardWidth(), megamek.common.preference.PreferenceManager
/** Create new MapSettings with all size settings specified */
public MapSettings(int boardWidth, int boardHeight, int mapWidth,
int mapHeight) {
setBoardSize(boardWidth, boardHeight);
setMapSize(mapWidth, mapHeight);
/** Creates new MapSettings that is a duplicate of another */
public MapSettings(MapSettings other) {
boardWidth = other.getBoardWidth();
boardHeight = other.getBoardHeight();
mapWidth = other.getMapWidth();
mapHeight = other.getMapHeight();
boardsSelected = (ArrayList<String>) other
boardsAvailable = (ArrayList<String>) other
invertNegativeTerrain = other.getInvertNegativeTerrain();
mountainHeightMin = other.getMountainHeightMin();
mountainHeightMax = other.getMountainHeightMax();
mountainPeaks = other.getMountainPeaks();
mountainStyle = other.getMountainStyle();
mountainWidthMin = other.getMountainWidthMin();
mountainWidthMax = other.getMountainWidthMax();
hilliness = other.getHilliness();
cliffs = other.getCliffs();
range = other.getRange();
probInvert = other.getProbInvert();
minWaterSpots = other.getMinWaterSpots();
maxWaterSpots = other.getMaxWaterSpots();
minWaterSize = other.getMinWaterSize();
maxWaterSize = other.getMaxWaterSize();
probDeep = other.getProbDeep();
minForestSpots = other.getMinForestSpots();
maxForestSpots = other.getMaxForestSpots();
minForestSize = other.getMinForestSize();
maxForestSize = other.getMaxForestSize();
probHeavy = other.getProbHeavy();
minRoughSpots = other.getMinRoughSpots();
maxRoughSpots = other.getMaxRoughSpots();
minRoughSize = other.getMinRoughSize();
maxRoughSize = other.getMaxRoughSize();
minSwampSpots = other.getMinSwampSpots();
maxSwampSpots = other.getMaxSwampSpots();
minSwampSize = other.getMinSwampSize();
maxSwampSize = other.getMaxSwampSize();
minPavementSpots = other.getMinPavementSpots();
maxPavementSpots = other.getMaxPavementSpots();
minPavementSize = other.getMinPavementSize();
maxPavementSize = other.getMaxPavementSize();
minRubbleSpots = other.getMinRubbleSpots();
maxRubbleSpots = other.getMaxRubbleSpots();
minRubbleSize = other.getMinRubbleSize();
maxRubbleSize = other.getMaxRubbleSize();
minFortifiedSpots = other.getMinFortifiedSpots();
maxFortifiedSpots = other.getMaxFortifiedSpots();
minFortifiedSize = other.getMinFortifiedSize();
maxFortifiedSize = other.getMaxFortifiedSize();
minIceSpots = other.getMinIceSpots();
maxIceSpots = other.getMaxIceSpots();
minIceSize = other.getMinIceSize();
maxIceSize = other.getMaxIceSize();
probRoad = other.getProbRoad();
probRiver = other.getProbRiver();
probCrater = other.getProbCrater();
minRadius = other.getMinRadius();
maxRadius = other.getMaxRadius();
minCraters = other.getMinCraters();
maxCraters = other.getMaxCraters();
algorithmToUse = other.getAlgorithmToUse();
theme = other.getTheme();
probFlood = other.getProbFlood();
probForestFire = other.getProbForestFire();
probFreeze = other.getProbFreeze();
probDrought = other.getProbDrought();
fxMod = other.getFxMod();
cityBlocks = other.getCityBlocks();
cityType = other.getCityType();
cityMinCF = other.getCityMinCF();
cityMaxCF = other.getCityMaxCF();
cityMinFloors = other.getCityMinFloors();
cityMaxFloors = other.getCityMaxFloors();
cityDensity = other.getCityDensity();
boardBuildings = other.getBoardBuildings();
townSize = other.getTownSize();
public int getBoardWidth() {
return boardWidth;
public int getBoardHeight() {
return boardHeight;
public void setBoardSize(int boardWidth, int boardHeight) {
if (boardWidth <= 0 || boardHeight <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Total board area must be positive");
// change only if actually different
if (this.boardWidth != boardWidth || this.boardHeight != boardHeight) {
this.boardWidth = boardWidth;
this.boardHeight = boardHeight;
public String getTheme() {
return theme;
public void setTheme(String th) {
theme = th;
public int getMapWidth() {
return mapWidth;
public int getMapHeight() {
return mapHeight;
public void setMapSize(int mapWidth, int mapHeight) {
if (mapWidth <= 0 || mapHeight <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Total map area must be positive");
this.mapWidth = mapWidth;
this.mapHeight = mapHeight;
// TODO make sure that nobody actualyl depends on .size()...
Vector<String> nullElements = new Vector<String>();
nullElements.setSize(mapWidth * mapHeight);
public Iterator<String> getBoardsSelected() {
return boardsSelected.iterator();
public ArrayList<String> getBoardsSelectedVector() {
return boardsSelected;
public void setBoardsSelectedVector(ArrayList<String> boardsSelected) {
this.boardsSelected = boardsSelected;
* Fills in all nulls in the boards selected list with the specified board
public void setNullBoards(String board) {
for (int i = 0; i < boardsSelected.size(); i++) {
if (boardsSelected.get(i) == null) {
boardsSelected.set(i, board);
public ArrayList<BuildingTemplate> getBoardBuildings() {
return boardBuildings;
public void setBoardBuildings(ArrayList<BuildingTemplate> buildings) {
boardBuildings = buildings;
* Replaces the specified type of board with random boards
public void replaceBoardWithRandom(String board) {
if (board == null) {
for (int i = 0; i < boardsSelected.size(); i++) {
if (board.equals(boardsSelected.get(i))) {
int rindex;
// if we have no boards, set rindex to 0, so the generated board
// gets selected
if (boardsAvailable.size() == 1) {
rindex = 0;
} else {
rindex = Compute.randomInt(boardsAvailable.size() - 3) + 3;
// Do a one pi rotation half of the time.
if (0 == Compute.randomInt(2)) {
boardsSelected.set(i, Board.BOARD_REQUEST_ROTATION
+ boardsAvailable.get(rindex));
} else {
boardsSelected.set(i, boardsAvailable.get(rindex));
* Removes selected boards that aren't listed in the available boards
public void removeUnavailable() {
for (int i = 0; i < boardsSelected.size(); i++) {
if (boardsSelected.get(i) == null || boardsAvailable.size() == 0
|| boardsAvailable.indexOf(boardsSelected.get(i)) == -1) {
boardsSelected.set(i, null);
public Iterator<String> getBoardsAvailable() {
return boardsAvailable.iterator();
public ArrayList<String> getBoardsAvailableVector() {
return boardsAvailable;
public void setBoardsAvailableVector(ArrayList<String> boardsAvailable) {
this.boardsAvailable = boardsAvailable;
* TODO??? public void setBridgeCF(int cf) { if (cf>0) { // only set if
* greater zero. Check for option is done in server. for (Enumeration
* eboards=boardsSelected.elements(); eboards.hasMoreElements(); ) { Board
* board=(Board)eboards.nextElement(); board.setBridgeCF(cf); } } }
* Checks, if the Mapgenerator parameters are all valid. If not they are
* changed to valid values.
public void validateMapGenParameters() {
if (hilliness < 0) {
hilliness = 0;
if (hilliness > 99) {
hilliness = 99;
if (cliffs < 0) {
cliffs = 0;
if (cliffs > 100) {
cliffs = 100;
if (range < 0) {
range = 0;
if (minWaterSpots < 0) {
minWaterSpots = 0;
if (maxWaterSpots < minWaterSpots) {
maxWaterSpots = minWaterSpots;
if (minWaterSize < 0) {
minWaterSize = 0;
if (maxWaterSize < minWaterSize) {
maxWaterSize = minWaterSize;
if (probDeep < 0) {
probDeep = 0;
if (probDeep > 100) {
probDeep = 100;
if (minForestSpots < 0) {
minForestSpots = 0;
if (maxForestSpots < minForestSpots) {
maxForestSpots = minForestSpots;
if (minForestSize < 0) {
minForestSize = 0;
if (maxForestSize < minForestSize) {
maxForestSize = minForestSize;
if (probHeavy < 0) {
probHeavy = 0;
if (probHeavy > 100) {
probHeavy = 100;
if (minRoughSpots < 0) {
minRoughSpots = 0;
if (maxRoughSpots < minRoughSpots) {
maxRoughSpots = minRoughSpots;
if (minRoughSize < 0) {
minRoughSize = 0;
if (maxRoughSize < minRoughSize) {
maxRoughSize = minRoughSize;
if (minSwampSpots < 0) {
minSwampSpots = 0;
if (maxSwampSpots < minSwampSpots) {
maxSwampSpots = minSwampSpots;
if (minSwampSize < 0) {
minSwampSize = 0;
if (maxSwampSize < minSwampSize) {
maxSwampSize = minSwampSize;
if (minPavementSpots < 0) {
minPavementSpots = 0;
if (maxPavementSpots < minPavementSpots) {
maxPavementSpots = minPavementSpots;
if (minPavementSize < 0) {
minPavementSize = 0;
if (maxPavementSize < minPavementSize) {
maxPavementSize = minPavementSize;
if (minRubbleSpots < 0) {
minRubbleSpots = 0;
if (maxRubbleSpots < minRubbleSpots) {
maxRubbleSpots = minRubbleSpots;
if (minRubbleSize < 0) {
minRubbleSize = 0;
if (maxRubbleSize < minRubbleSize) {
maxRubbleSize = minRubbleSize;
if (minFortifiedSpots < 0) {
minFortifiedSpots = 0;
if (maxFortifiedSpots < minFortifiedSpots) {
maxFortifiedSpots = minFortifiedSpots;
if (minFortifiedSize < 0) {
minFortifiedSize = 0;
if (maxFortifiedSize < minFortifiedSize) {
maxFortifiedSize = minFortifiedSize;
if (minIceSpots < 0) {
minIceSpots = 0;
if (maxIceSpots < minIceSpots) {
maxIceSpots = minIceSpots;
if (minIceSize < 0) {
minIceSize = 0;
if (maxIceSize < minIceSize) {
maxIceSize = minIceSize;
if (probRoad < 0) {
probRoad = 0;
if (probRoad > 100) {
probRoad = 100;
if (probInvert < 0) {
probInvert = 0;
if (probInvert > 100) {
probInvert = 100;
if (probRiver < 0) {
probRiver = 0;
if (probRiver > 100) {
probRiver = 100;
if (probCrater < 0) {
probCrater = 0;
if (probCrater > 100) {
probCrater = 100;
if (minRadius < 0) {
minRadius = 0;
if (maxRadius < minRadius) {
maxRadius = minRadius;
if (minCraters < 0) {
minCraters = 0;
if (maxCraters < minCraters) {
maxCraters = minCraters;
if (algorithmToUse < 0) {
algorithmToUse = 0;
if (algorithmToUse > 2) {
algorithmToUse = 2;
} /* validateMapGenParameters */
* Returns true if the this Mapsetting has the same mapgenerator settings
* and size as the parameter.
* @param other The Mapsetting to which compare.
* @return True if settings are the same.
public boolean equalMapGenParameters(MapSettings other) {
if ((boardWidth != other.getBoardWidth())
|| (boardHeight != other.getBoardHeight())
|| (mapWidth != other.getMapWidth())
|| (mapHeight != other.getMapHeight())
|| (invertNegativeTerrain != other
|| (hilliness != other.getHilliness())
|| (cliffs != other.getCliffs())
|| (range != other.getRange())
|| (minWaterSpots != other.getMinWaterSpots())
|| (maxWaterSpots != other.getMaxWaterSpots())
|| (minWaterSize != other.getMinWaterSize())
|| (maxWaterSize != other.getMaxWaterSize())
|| (probDeep != other.getProbDeep())
|| (minForestSpots != other.getMinForestSpots())
|| (maxForestSpots != other.getMaxForestSpots())
|| (minForestSize != other.getMinForestSize())
|| (maxForestSize != other.getMaxForestSize())
|| (probHeavy != other.getProbHeavy())
|| (minRoughSpots != other.getMinRoughSpots())
|| (maxRoughSpots != other.getMaxRoughSpots())
|| (minRoughSize != other.getMinRoughSize())
|| (maxRoughSize != other.getMaxRoughSize())
|| (minSwampSpots != other.getMinSwampSpots())
|| (maxSwampSpots != other.getMaxSwampSpots())
|| (minSwampSize != other.getMinSwampSize())
|| (maxSwampSize != other.getMaxSwampSize())
|| (minPavementSpots != other.getMinPavementSpots())
|| (maxPavementSpots != other.getMaxPavementSpots())
|| (minPavementSize != other.getMinPavementSize())
|| (maxPavementSize != other.getMaxPavementSize())
|| (minRubbleSpots != other.getMinRubbleSpots())
|| (maxRubbleSpots != other.getMaxRubbleSpots())
|| (minRubbleSize != other.getMinRubbleSize())
|| (maxRubbleSize != other.getMaxRubbleSize())
|| (minFortifiedSpots != other.getMinFortifiedSpots())
|| (maxFortifiedSpots != other.getMaxFortifiedSpots())
|| (minFortifiedSize != other.getMinFortifiedSize())
|| (maxFortifiedSize != other.getMaxFortifiedSize())
|| (minIceSpots != other.getMinIceSpots())
|| (maxIceSpots != other.getMaxIceSpots())
|| (minIceSize != other.getMinIceSize())
|| (maxIceSize != other.getMaxIceSize())
|| (probRoad != other.getProbRoad())
|| (probInvert != other.getProbInvert())
|| (probRiver != other.getProbRiver())
|| (probCrater != other.getProbCrater())
|| (minRadius != other.getMinRadius())
|| (maxRadius != other.getMaxRadius())
|| (minCraters != other.getMinCraters())
|| (maxCraters != other.getMaxCraters())
|| (!theme.equals(other.getTheme()))
|| (fxMod != other.getFxMod())
|| (cityBlocks != other.getCityBlocks())
|| (cityType != other.getCityType())
|| (cityMinCF != other.getCityMinCF())
|| (cityMaxCF != other.getCityMaxCF())
|| (cityMinFloors != other.getCityMinFloors())
|| (cityMaxFloors != other.getCityMaxFloors())
|| (cityDensity != other.getCityDensity())
|| (probFlood != other.getProbFlood())
|| (probForestFire != other.getProbForestFire())
|| (probFreeze != other.getProbFreeze())
|| (probDrought != other.getProbDrought())
|| (algorithmToUse != other.getAlgorithmToUse())
|| (mountainHeightMin != other.getMountainHeightMin())
|| (mountainHeightMax != other.getMountainHeightMax())
|| (mountainPeaks != other.getMountainPeaks())
|| (mountainStyle != other.getMountainStyle())
|| (mountainWidthMin != other.getMountainWidthMin())
|| (mountainWidthMax != other.getMountainWidthMax())
|| (boardBuildings != other.getBoardBuildings())) {
return false;
return true;
} /* equalMapGenParameters */
/** clone! */
public Object clone() {
return new MapSettings(this);
public int getInvertNegativeTerrain() {
return invertNegativeTerrain;
public int getHilliness() {
return hilliness;
public int getCliffs() {
return cliffs;
public int getRange() {
return range;
public int getProbInvert() {
return probInvert;
public int getMinWaterSpots() {
return minWaterSpots;
public int getMaxWaterSpots() {
return maxWaterSpots;
public int getMinWaterSize() {
return minWaterSize;
public int getMaxWaterSize() {
return maxWaterSize;
public int getProbDeep() {
return probDeep;
public int getMinForestSpots() {
return minForestSpots;
public int getMaxForestSpots() {
return maxForestSpots;
public int getMinForestSize() {
return minForestSize;
public int getMaxForestSize() {
return maxForestSize;
public int getProbHeavy() {
return probHeavy;
public int getMinRoughSpots() {
return minRoughSpots;
public int getMaxRoughSpots() {
return maxRoughSpots;
public int getMinRoughSize() {
return minRoughSize;
public int getMaxRoughSize() {
return maxRoughSize;
public int getMinSwampSpots() {
return minSwampSpots;
public int getMaxSwampSpots() {
return maxSwampSpots;
public int getMinSwampSize() {
return minSwampSize;
public int getMaxSwampSize() {
return maxSwampSize;
public int getMinPavementSpots() {
return minPavementSpots;
public int getMaxPavementSpots() {
return maxPavementSpots;
public int getMinPavementSize() {
return minPavementSize;
public int getMaxPavementSize() {
return maxPavementSize;
public int getMinRubbleSpots() {
return minRubbleSpots;
public int getMaxRubbleSpots() {
return maxRubbleSpots;
public int getMinRubbleSize() {
return minRubbleSize;
public int getMaxRubbleSize() {
return maxRubbleSize;
public int getMinFortifiedSpots() {
return minFortifiedSpots;
public int getMaxFortifiedSpots() {
return maxFortifiedSpots;
public int getMinFortifiedSize() {
return minFortifiedSize;
public int getMaxFortifiedSize() {
return maxFortifiedSize;
public int getMinIceSpots() {
return minIceSpots;
public int getMaxIceSpots() {
return maxIceSpots;
public int getMinIceSize() {
return minIceSize;
public int getMaxIceSize() {
return maxIceSize;
public int getProbRoad() {
return probRoad;
public int getProbRiver() {
return probRiver;
public int getProbCrater() {
return probCrater;
public int getMinRadius() {
return minRadius;
public int getMaxRadius() {
return maxRadius;
public int getMinCraters() {
return minCraters;
public int getMaxCraters() {
return maxCraters;
public int getAlgorithmToUse() {
return algorithmToUse;
public int getProbFlood() {
return probFlood;
public int getProbForestFire() {
return probForestFire;
public int getProbFreeze() {
return probFreeze;
public int getProbDrought() {
return probDrought;
public int getFxMod() {
return fxMod;
public int getCityBlocks() {
return cityBlocks;
public String getCityType() {
return cityType;
public int getCityMinCF() {
return cityMinCF;
public int getCityMaxCF() {
return cityMaxCF;
public int getCityMinFloors() {
return cityMinFloors;
public int getCityMaxFloors() {
return cityMaxFloors;
public int getCityDensity() {
return cityDensity;
public int getTownSize() {
return townSize;
public int getMountainHeightMin() {
return mountainHeightMin;
public int getMountainHeightMax() {
return mountainHeightMax;
public int getMountainPeaks() {
return mountainPeaks;
public int getMountainStyle() {
return mountainStyle;
public int getMountainWidthMin() {
return mountainWidthMin;
public int getMountainWidthMax() {
return mountainWidthMax;
* set the Parameters for the Map Generator
public void setElevationParams(int hill, int newRange, int prob) {
hilliness = hill;
range = newRange;
probInvert = prob;
* set the Parameters for the Map Generator
public void setWaterParams(int minSpots, int maxSpots, int minSize,
int maxSize, int prob) {
minWaterSpots = minSpots;
maxWaterSpots = maxSpots;
minWaterSize = minSize;
maxWaterSize = maxSize;
probDeep = prob;
* set the Parameters for the Map Generator
public void setForestParams(int minSpots, int maxSpots, int minSize,
int maxSize, int prob) {
minForestSpots = minSpots;
maxForestSpots = maxSpots;
minForestSize = minSize;
maxForestSize = maxSize;
probHeavy = prob;
* set the Parameters for the Map Generator
public void setRoughParams(int minSpots, int maxSpots, int minSize,
int maxSize) {
minRoughSpots = minSpots;
maxRoughSpots = maxSpots;
minRoughSize = minSize;
maxRoughSize = maxSize;
* set the Parameters for the Map Generator
public void setSwampParams(int minSpots, int maxSpots, int minSize,
int maxSize) {
minSwampSpots = minSpots;
maxSwampSpots = maxSpots;
minSwampSize = minSize;
maxSwampSize = maxSize;
* set the Parameters for the Map Generator
public void setPavementParams(int minSpots, int maxSpots, int minSize,
int maxSize) {
minPavementSpots = minSpots;
maxPavementSpots = maxSpots;
minPavementSize = minSize;
maxPavementSize = maxSize;
* set the Parameters for the Map Generator
public void setRubbleParams(int minSpots, int maxSpots, int minSize,
int maxSize) {
minRubbleSpots = minSpots;
maxRubbleSpots = maxSpots;
minRubbleSize = minSize;
maxRubbleSize = maxSize;
* set the Parameters for the Map Generator
public void setFortifiedParams(int minSpots, int maxSpots, int minSize,
int maxSize) {
minFortifiedSpots = minSpots;
maxFortifiedSpots = maxSpots;
minFortifiedSize = minSize;
maxFortifiedSize = maxSize;
* set the Parameters for the Map Generator
public void setIceParams(int minSpots, int maxSpots, int minSize,
int maxSize) {
minIceSpots = minSpots;
maxIceSpots = maxSpots;
minIceSize = minSize;
maxIceSize = maxSize;
* set the Parameters for the Map Generator
public void setRiverParam(int prob) {
probRiver = prob;
* set the Parameters for the Map Generator
public void setRoadParam(int prob) {
probRoad = prob;
* set the Parameters for the Map Generator
public void setCliffParam(int prob) {
cliffs = prob;
* set the Parameters for the Map Generator
public void setCraterParam(int prob, int minCrat, int maxCrat, int minRad,
int maxRad) {
probCrater = prob;
maxCraters = maxCrat;
minCraters = minCrat;
minRadius = minRad;
maxRadius = maxRad;
* set the Parameters for the Map Generator
public void setInvertNegativeTerrain(int invert) {
invertNegativeTerrain = invert;
* set Map generator parameters
public void setSpecialFX(int modifier, int fire, int freeze, int flood,
int drought) {
fxMod = modifier;
probForestFire = fire;
probFreeze = freeze;
probFlood = flood;
probDrought = drought;
public void setAlgorithmToUse(int alg) {
algorithmToUse = alg;
public void setCityParams(int cityBlocks, String cityType, int cityMinCF,
int cityMaxCF, int cityMinFloors, int cityMaxFloors,
int cityDensity, int townSize) {
this.cityBlocks = cityBlocks;
this.cityType = cityType;
this.cityMinCF = cityMinCF;
this.cityMaxCF = cityMaxCF;
this.cityMinFloors = cityMinFloors;
this.cityMaxFloors = cityMaxFloors;
this.cityDensity = cityDensity;
this.townSize = townSize;
public void setMountainParams(int mountainPeaks, int mountainWidthMin,
int mountainWidthMax, int mountainHeightMin, int mountainHeightMax,
int mountainStyle) {
this.mountainHeightMax = mountainHeightMax;
this.mountainHeightMin = mountainHeightMin;
this.mountainWidthMin = mountainWidthMin;
this.mountainWidthMax = mountainWidthMax;
this.mountainPeaks = mountainPeaks;
this.mountainStyle = mountainStyle;
// note the format is intended to be interoperable with mekwars' existing
// terrain.xml format
public void save(OutputStream os) {
try {
Writer output = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(os));
// Output the doctype and header stuff.
output.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"); //$NON-NLS-1$
output.write("<ENVIRONMENT>"); //$NON-NLS-1$
// theme
saveParameter(output, "THEME", theme);
// elevation params
saveParameter(output, "INVERTNEGATIVETERRAIN",
saveParameter(output, "HILLYNESS", hilliness);
saveParameter(output, "HILLELEVATIONRANGE", range);
saveParameter(output, "HILLINVERTPROB", probInvert);
saveParameter(output, "ALGORITHM", algorithmToUse);
saveParameter(output, "CLIFFS", cliffs);
// forest params
saveParameter(output, "FORESTMINSPOTS", minForestSpots);
saveParameter(output, "FORESTMAXSPOTS", maxForestSpots);
saveParameter(output, "FORESTMINHEXES", minForestSize);
saveParameter(output, "FORESTMAXHEXES", maxForestSize);
saveParameter(output, "FORESTHEAVYPROB", probHeavy);
// rough params
saveParameter(output, "ROUGHMINSPOTS", minRoughSpots);
saveParameter(output, "ROUGHMAXSPOTS", maxRoughSpots);
saveParameter(output, "ROUGHMINHEXES", minRoughSize);
saveParameter(output, "ROUGHMAXHEXES", maxRoughSize);
// Swamp params
saveParameter(output, "SWAMPMINSPOTS", minSwampSpots);
saveParameter(output, "SWAMPMAXSPOTS", maxSwampSpots);
saveParameter(output, "SWAMPMINHEXES", minSwampSize);
saveParameter(output, "SWAMPMAXHEXES", maxSwampSize);
// Road params
saveParameter(output, "ROADPROB", probRoad);
// water params
saveParameter(output, "WATERMINSPOTS", minWaterSpots);
saveParameter(output, "WATERMAXSPOTS", maxWaterSpots);
saveParameter(output, "WATERMINHEXES", minWaterSize);
saveParameter(output, "WATERMAXHEXES", maxWaterSize);
saveParameter(output, "WATERDEEPPROB", probDeep);
// River params
saveParameter(output, "RIVERPROB", probRiver);
// Crater params
saveParameter(output, "CRATERMINNUM", minCraters);
saveParameter(output, "CRATERMAXNUM", maxCraters);
saveParameter(output, "CRATERMINRADIUS", minRadius);
saveParameter(output, "CRATERMAXRADIUS", maxRadius);
saveParameter(output, "CRATEPROB", probCrater);
// Pavement params
saveParameter(output, "PAVEMENTMINSPOTS", minPavementSpots);
saveParameter(output, "PAVEMENTMAXSPOTS", maxPavementSpots);
saveParameter(output, "PAVEMENTMINHEXES", minPavementSize);
saveParameter(output, "PAVEMENTMAXHEXES", maxPavementSize);
// Rubble params
saveParameter(output, "RUBBLEMINSPOTS", minRubbleSpots);
saveParameter(output, "RUBBLEMAXSPOTS", maxRubbleSpots);
saveParameter(output, "RUBBLEMINHEXES", minRubbleSize);
saveParameter(output, "RUBBLEMAXHEXES", maxRubbleSize);
// Fortified params
saveParameter(output, "FORTIFIEDMINSPOTS", minFortifiedSpots);
saveParameter(output, "FORTIFIEDMAXSPOTS", maxFortifiedSpots);
saveParameter(output, "FORTIFIEDMINHEXES", minFortifiedSize);
saveParameter(output, "FORTIFIEDMAXHEXES", maxFortifiedSize);
// Ice params
saveParameter(output, "ICEMINSPOTS", minIceSpots);
saveParameter(output, "ICEMAXSPOTS", maxIceSpots);
saveParameter(output, "ICEMINHEXES", minIceSize);
saveParameter(output, "ICEMAXHEXES", maxIceSize);
// Special FX
saveParameter(output, "FXMOD", fxMod);
saveParameter(output, "PROBFREEZE", probFreeze);
saveParameter(output, "PROBFLOOD", probFlood);
saveParameter(output, "PROBFORESTFIRE", probForestFire);
saveParameter(output, "PROBDROUGHT", probDrought);
// City
saveParameter(output, "CITYTYPE", cityType);
saveParameter(output, "CITYBLOCKS", cityBlocks);
saveParameter(output, "CITYDENSITY", cityDensity);
saveParameter(output, "MINCF", cityMinCF);
saveParameter(output, "MAXCF", cityMaxCF);
saveParameter(output, "MINFLOORS", cityMinFloors);
saveParameter(output, "MAXFLOORS", cityMaxFloors);
saveParameter(output, "TOWNSIZE", townSize);
// mountain
saveParameter(output, "MOUNTPEAKS", mountainPeaks);
saveParameter(output, "MOUNTWIDTHMIN", mountainWidthMin);
saveParameter(output, "MOUNTWIDTHMAX", mountainWidthMax);
saveParameter(output, "MOUNTHEIGHTMIN", mountainHeightMin);
saveParameter(output, "MOUNTHEIGHTMAX", mountainHeightMax);
saveParameter(output, "MOUNTSTYLE", mountainStyle);
// Finish writing.
output.write("</ENVIRONMENT>"); //$NON-NLS-1$
} catch (IOException e) {
private void saveParameter(Writer output, String name, Object value)
throws IOException {
output.write(" <");
public void load(InputStream is) {
ParsedXML root = null;
try {
root = TinyParser.parseXML(is);
} catch (ParseException e) {
System.err.println("Error parsing map settings xml file."); //$NON-NLS-1$
Enumeration rootChildren = root.elements();
ParsedXML enivoronmentNode = (ParsedXML) rootChildren.nextElement();
if (enivoronmentNode.getName().equals("ENVIRONMENT")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
Enumeration children = enivoronmentNode.elements();
while (children.hasMoreElements()) {
try {
parseEnvironmentNode((ParsedXML) children.nextElement());
} catch (Exception ex) {
System.err.println("error in map settings file:");
} else {
.println("Root node of map settings file is incorrectly named. Name should be 'ENVIRONMENT' but name is '" + enivoronmentNode.getName() + "'"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
private void parseEnvironmentNode(ParsedXML node) {
Enumeration values = node.elements();
if (!(values.hasMoreElements())) {
ParsedXML value = (ParsedXML) values.nextElement();
String param = value.getContent();
if (null == param) {
String key = node.getName();
// theme
if (key.equals("THEME")) {
theme = param;
} else if (key.equals("INVERTNEGATIVETERRAIN")) {
invertNegativeTerrain = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("HILLYNESS")) {
hilliness = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("HILLELEVATIONRANGE")) {
range = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("HILLINVERTPROB")) {
probInvert = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("ALGORITHM")) {
algorithmToUse = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("CLIFFS")) {
cliffs = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("FORESTMINSPOTS")) {
minForestSpots = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("FORESTMAXSPOTS")) {
maxForestSpots = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("FORESTMINHEXES")) {
minForestSize = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("FORESTMAXHEXES")) {
maxForestSize = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("FORESTHEAVYPROB")) {
probHeavy = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("ROUGHMINSPOTS")) {
minRoughSpots = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("ROUGHMAXSPOTS")) {
maxRoughSpots = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("ROUGHMINHEXES")) {
minRoughSize = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("ROUGHMAXHEXES")) {
maxRoughSize = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("SWAMPMINSPOTS")) {
minSwampSpots = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("SWAMPMAXSPOTS")) {
maxSwampSpots = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("SWAMPMINHEXES")) {
minSwampSize = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("SWAMPMAXHEXES")) {
maxSwampSize = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("ROADPROB")) {
probRoad = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("WATERMINSPOTS")) {
minWaterSpots = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("WATERMAXSPOTS")) {
maxWaterSpots = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("WATERMINHEXES")) {
minWaterSize = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("WATERMAXHEXES")) {
maxWaterSize = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("WATERDEEPPROB")) {
probDeep = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("RIVERPROB")) {
probRiver = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("CRATERMINNUM")) {
minCraters = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("CRATERMAXNUM")) {
maxCraters = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("CRATERMINRADIUS")) {
minRadius = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("CRATERMAXRADIUS")) {
maxRadius = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("CRATEPROB")) {
probCrater = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("PAVEMENTMINSPOTS")) {
minPavementSpots = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("PAVEMENTMAXSPOTS")) {
maxPavementSpots = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("PAVEMENTMINHEXES")) {
minPavementSize = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("PAVEMENTMAXHEXES")) {
maxPavementSize = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("RUBBLEMINSPOTS")) {
minRubbleSpots = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("RUBBLEMAXSPOTS")) {
maxRubbleSpots = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("RUBBLEMINHEXES")) {
minRubbleSize = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("RUBBLEMAXHEXES")) {
maxRubbleSize = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("FORTIFIEDMINSPOTS")) {
minFortifiedSpots = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("FORTIFIEDMAXSPOTS")) {
maxFortifiedSpots = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("FORTIFIEDMINHEXES")) {
minFortifiedSize = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("FORTIFIEDMAXHEXES")) {
maxFortifiedSize = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("ICEMINSPOTS")) {
minIceSpots = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("ICEMAXSPOTS")) {
maxIceSpots = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("ICEMINHEXES")) {
minIceSize = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("ICEMAXHEXES")) {
maxIceSize = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("FXMOD")) {
fxMod = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("PROBFREEZE")) {
probFreeze = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("PROBFLOOD")) {
probFlood = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("PROBFORESTFIRE")) {
probForestFire = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("PROBDROUGHT")) {
probDrought = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("CITYTYPE")) {
cityType = param;
} else if (key.equals("CITYBLOCKS")) {
cityBlocks = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("CITYDENSITY")) {
cityDensity = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("MINCF")) {
cityMinCF = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("MAXCF")) {
cityMaxCF = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("MINFLOORS")) {
cityMinFloors = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("MAXFLOORS")) {
cityMaxFloors = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("TOWNSIZE")) {
townSize = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("MOUNTPEAKS")) {
mountainPeaks = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("MOUNTWIDTHMIN")) {
mountainWidthMin = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("MOUNTWIDTHMAX")) {
mountainWidthMax = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("MOUNTHEIGHTMIN")) {
mountainHeightMin = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("MOUNTHEIGHTMAX")) {
mountainHeightMax = Integer.valueOf(param);
} else if (key.equals("MOUNTSTYLE")) {
mountainStyle = Integer.valueOf(param);
public void setMedium(int m) {
medium = m;
public int getMedium() {
return medium;
public static String getMediumName(int m) {
return mediumNames[m];
void loadStringParameter(ParsedXML node, String param, String value) {
if (node.getName().equals(param)) {
value = node.getContent();
void loadIntParameter(ParsedXML node, String param, Integer value) {
if (node.getName().equals(param)) {
value = Integer.valueOf(node.getContent());