* MegaMek - Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Ben Mazur (bmazur@sev.org)
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
package megamek.client.ui.AWT;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Button;
import java.awt.Choice;
import java.awt.Dialog;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.FileDialog;
import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import java.awt.Frame;
import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;
import java.awt.GridBagLayout;
import java.awt.Insets;
import java.awt.Label;
import java.awt.Panel;
import java.awt.ScrollPane;
import java.awt.TextField;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.FocusEvent;
import java.awt.event.FocusListener;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.FilenameFilter;
import megamek.client.ui.Messages;
import megamek.client.ui.AWT.widget.SimpleLine;
import megamek.common.MapSettings;
public class RandomMapDialog extends Dialog implements ActionListener,
FocusListener {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -1676096571134662220L;
private static final String NONE = Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.elevNONE"); //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String LOW = Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.elevLow"); //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String MEDIUM = Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.elevMedium"); //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String HIGH = Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.elevHigh"); //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String INVALID_SETTING = Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.InvalidSetting"); //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final int NORMAL_LINE_WIDTH = 195;
private static final int ADVANCED_LINE_WIDTH = 295;
private ScrollPane scrAll = new ScrollPane();
private Button butOK = null;
private Button butAdvanced = null;
private Button butSave = null;
private Button butLoad = null;
private Panel panButtons = null;
private Panel panOptions = null;
private Label labBoardSize = null;
private TextField texBoardWidth = null;
private TextField texBoardHeight = null;
private Choice choElevation = null;
private Choice choCliffs = null;
private Choice choWoods = null;
private Choice choLakes = null;
private Choice choPavement = null;
private Choice choRubble = null;
private Choice choFortified = null;
private Choice choIce = null;
private Choice choRough = null;
private Choice choRoads = null;
private Choice choRivers = null;
private Choice choSwamp = null;
private Choice choCraters = null;
private Choice choCity = null;
private Choice choMountain = null;
private Label labElevation = null;
private Label labCliffs = null;
private Label labWoods = null;
private Label labLakes = null;
private Label labPavement = null;
private Label labRubble = null;
private Label labFortified = null;
private Label labIce = null;
private Label labRough = null;
private Label labRoads = null;
private Label labRivers = null;
private Label labSwamp = null;
private Label labTheme = null;
private Label labCraters = null;
private Label labCity = null;
private Label labMountain = null;
private SimpleLine slElevation = null;
private SimpleLine slCliffs = null;
private SimpleLine slWoods = null;
private SimpleLine slLakes = null;
private SimpleLine slPavement = null;
private SimpleLine slRubble = null;
private SimpleLine slFortified = null;
private SimpleLine slIce = null;
private SimpleLine slRough = null;
private SimpleLine slRoads = null;
private SimpleLine slRivers = null;
private SimpleLine slSwamp = null;
private SimpleLine slBoardSize = null;
private SimpleLine slCraters = null;
private SimpleLine slCity = null;
private SimpleLine slMountain = null;
private SimpleLine slElevationAd = null;
private SimpleLine slWoodsAd = null;
private SimpleLine slLakesAd = null;
private SimpleLine slPavementAd = null;
private SimpleLine slRubbleAd = null;
private SimpleLine slFortifiedAd = null;
private SimpleLine slIceAd = null;
private SimpleLine slRoughAd = null;
private SimpleLine slRoadsAd = null;
private SimpleLine slRiversAd = null;
private SimpleLine slSwampAd = null;
private SimpleLine slBoardSizeAd = null;
private SimpleLine slCratersAd = null;
private SimpleLine slCityAd = null;
private SimpleLine slInvertNegativeAd = null;
private TextField texTheme;
/** how much hills there should be, Range 0..100 */
private Label labHilliness;
private TextField texHilliness;
/** invert negative terrain? 1 yes, 0 no */
private Label labInvertNegative = null;
private TextField texInvertNegative = null;
/** Maximum level of the map */
private Label labRange;
private TextField texRange;
private Label labProbInvert;
private TextField texProbInvert;
private Label labCliffsAd;
private TextField texCliffs;
/** how much Lakes at least */
private Label labWaterSpots;
private TextField texMinWaterSpots;
/** how much Lakes at most */
private TextField texMaxWaterSpots;
/** minimum size of a lake */
private Label labWaterSize;
private TextField texMinWaterSize;
/** maximum Size of a lake */
private TextField texMaxWaterSize;
/** probability for water deeper than lvl1, Range 0..100 */
private Label labProbDeep;
private TextField texProbDeep;
/** how much forests at least */
private Label labForestSpots;
private TextField texMinForestSpots;
/** how much forests at most */
private TextField texMaxForestSpots;
/** minimum size of a forest */
private Label labForestSize;
private TextField texMinForestSize;
/** maximum Size of a forest */
private TextField texMaxForestSize;
/** probability for heavy wood, Range 0..100 */
private Label labProbHeavy;
private TextField texProbHeavy;
/** rough */
private Label labRoughSpots;
private TextField texMinRoughSpots;
private TextField texMaxRoughSpots;
private Label labRoughSize;
private TextField texMinRoughSize;
private TextField texMaxRoughSize;
/** swamp */
private Label labSwampSpots;
private TextField texMinSwampSpots;
private TextField texMaxSwampSpots;
private Label labSwampSize;
private TextField texMinSwampSize;
private TextField texMaxSwampSize;
/** pavement/ice */
private Label labPavementSpots;
private TextField texMinPavementSpots;
private TextField texMaxPavementSpots;
private Label labPavementSize;
private TextField texMinPavementSize;
private TextField texMaxPavementSize;
private Label labIceSpots;
private TextField texMinIceSpots;
private TextField texMaxIceSpots;
private Label labIceSize;
private TextField texMinIceSize;
private TextField texMaxIceSize;
/** rubble / fortified */
private Label labRubbleSpots;
private TextField texMinRubbleSpots;
private TextField texMaxRubbleSpots;
private Label labRubbleSize;
private TextField texMinRubbleSize;
private TextField texMaxRubbleSize;
private Label labFortifiedSpots;
private TextField texMinFortifiedSpots;
private TextField texMaxFortifiedSpots;
private Label labFortifiedSize;
private TextField texMinFortifiedSize;
private TextField texMaxFortifiedSize;
/** probability for a road, range 0..100 */
private Label labProbRoad;
private TextField texProbRoad;
/** probability for a river, range 0..100 */
private Label labProbRiver;
private TextField texProbRiver;
/* Craters */
private Label labProbCrater;
private TextField texProbCrater;
private Label labRadius;
private TextField texMinRadius;
private TextField texMaxRadius;
private Label labMaxCraters;
private TextField texMaxCraters;
private TextField texMinCraters;
/* FX */
private Label labProbDrought;
private TextField texProbDrought;
private Label labProbFire;
private TextField texProbFire;
private Label labProbFlood;
private TextField texProbFlood;
private Label labProbFreeze;
private TextField texProbFreeze;
private Label labFxMod;
private TextField texFxMod;
/* City */
private Label labCityBlocks;
private Label labCityCF;
private Label labCityFloors;
private Label labCityDensity;
private Label labTownSize;
private TextField texCityBlocks;
private TextField texCityMinCF;
private TextField texCityMaxCF;
private TextField texCityMinFloors;
private TextField texCityMaxFloors;
private TextField texCityDensity;
private TextField texTownSize;
// Mountain
private Label labMountainPeaks;
private Label labMountainHeight;
private Label labMountainWidth;
private Label labMountainStyle;
private TextField texMountainPeaks;
private TextField texMountainStyle;
private TextField texMountainHeightMin;
private TextField texMountainHeightMax;
private TextField texMountainWidthMin;
private TextField texMountainWidthMax;
/** Algorithm */
private Label labAlgorithmToUse;
private TextField texAlgorithmToUse;
GridBagLayout gridbag;
private MapSettings mapSettings = null;
private Frame frame = null;
private IMapSettingsObserver bsd = null;
private boolean advanced = false;
private boolean initiated = false;
public RandomMapDialog(Frame parent, IMapSettingsObserver bsd,
MapSettings mapSettings) {
super(parent, Messages.getString("RandomMapDialog.title"), true); //$NON-NLS-1$
this.mapSettings = mapSettings;
frame = parent;
this.bsd = bsd;
setLayout(new BorderLayout());
add(scrAll, BorderLayout.CENTER);
add(panButtons, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
initiated = true;
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
if (e.getSource().equals(butOK)) {
if (applyValues()) {
} else if (e.getSource().equals(butSave)) {
FileDialog fd = new FileDialog(
Messages.getString("RandomMapDialog.FileSaveDialog"), FileDialog.SAVE); //$NON-NLS-1$
fd.setDirectory("data" + File.separatorChar + "boards");
fd.setFilenameFilter(new FilenameFilter() {
public boolean accept(File f, String s) {
return s.endsWith(".xml");
String filename = fd.getDirectory() + File.separator + fd.getFile();
if (filename.indexOf('.') == -1) {
filename = filename + ".xml";
File f = new File(filename);
try {
mapSettings.save(new FileOutputStream(f));
} catch (Exception ex) {
} else if (e.getSource().equals(butLoad)) {
FileDialog fd = new FileDialog(
Messages.getString("RandomMapDialog.FileLoadDialog"), FileDialog.LOAD); //$NON-NLS-1$
fd.setFilenameFilter(new FilenameFilter() {
public boolean accept(File f, String s) {
return s.endsWith(".xml");
File f = new File(fd.getDirectory() + File.separator + fd.getFile());
try {
mapSettings.load(new FileInputStream(f));
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (!advanced) {
advanced = true;
.getString("RandomMapDialog.Normal")); //$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
advanced = !advanced;
if (advanced) {
.getString("RandomMapDialog.Normal")); //$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
.getString("RandomMapDialog.Advanced")); //$NON-NLS-1$
private void setupOptions() {
addLabelTextField(labBoardSize, texBoardWidth, texBoardHeight, "x"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (!advanced) {
addLabelTextField(labTheme, texTheme);
addOption(labElevation, choElevation, slElevation);
addOption(labCliffs, choCliffs, slCliffs);
addOption(labWoods, choWoods, slWoods);
addOption(labRough, choRough, slRough);
addOption(labSwamp, choSwamp, slSwamp);
addOption(labRoads, choRoads, slRoads);
addOption(labLakes, choLakes, slLakes);
addOption(labRivers, choRivers, slRivers);
addOption(labCraters, choCraters, slCraters);
addOption(labPavement, choPavement, slPavement);
addOption(labIce, choIce, slIce);
addOption(labRubble, choRubble, slRubble);
addOption(labFortified, choFortified, slFortified);
addOption(labCity, choCity, slCity);
addOption(labMountain, choMountain, slMountain);
} else {
addLabelTextField(labTheme, texTheme);
addLabelTextField(labHilliness, texHilliness);
addLabelTextField(labRange, texRange);
addLabelTextField(labProbInvert, texProbInvert);
addLabelTextField(labAlgorithmToUse, texAlgorithmToUse);
addLabelTextField(labCliffsAd, texCliffs);
addLabelTextField(labMountainPeaks, texMountainPeaks);
addLabelTextField(labMountainStyle, texMountainStyle);
addLabelTextField(labMountainHeight, texMountainHeightMin,
texMountainHeightMax, "-");
addLabelTextField(labMountainWidth, texMountainWidthMin,
texMountainWidthMax, "-");
addLabelTextField(labForestSpots, texMinForestSpots,
texMaxForestSpots, "-"); //$NON-NLS-1$
addLabelTextField(labForestSize, texMinForestSize,
texMaxForestSize, "-"); //$NON-NLS-1$
addLabelTextField(labProbHeavy, texProbHeavy);
addLabelTextField(labRoughSpots, texMinRoughSpots,
texMaxRoughSpots, "-"); //$NON-NLS-1$
addLabelTextField(labRoughSize, texMinRoughSize, texMaxRoughSize,
"-"); //$NON-NLS-1$
addLabelTextField(labSwampSpots, texMinSwampSpots,
texMaxSwampSpots, "-"); //$NON-NLS-1$
addLabelTextField(labSwampSize, texMinSwampSize, texMaxSwampSize,
"-"); //$NON-NLS-1$
addLabelTextField(labProbRoad, texProbRoad);
addLabelTextField(labWaterSpots, texMinWaterSpots,
texMaxWaterSpots, "-"); //$NON-NLS-1$
addLabelTextField(labWaterSize, texMinWaterSize, texMaxWaterSize,
"-"); //$NON-NLS-1$
addLabelTextField(labProbDeep, texProbDeep);
addLabelTextField(labProbRiver, texProbRiver);
addLabelTextField(labProbCrater, texProbCrater);
addLabelTextField(labMaxCraters, texMinCraters, texMaxCraters, "-"); //$NON-NLS-1$
addLabelTextField(labRadius, texMinRadius, texMaxRadius, "-"); //$NON-NLS-1$
addLabelTextField(labPavementSpots, texMinPavementSpots,
texMaxPavementSpots, "-");
addLabelTextField(labPavementSize, texMinPavementSize,
texMaxPavementSize, "-");
addLabelTextField(labRubbleSpots, texMinRubbleSpots,
texMaxRubbleSpots, "-");
addLabelTextField(labRubbleSize, texMinRubbleSize,
texMaxRubbleSize, "-");
addLabelTextField(labFortifiedSpots, texMinFortifiedSpots,
texMaxFortifiedSpots, "-");
addLabelTextField(labFortifiedSize, texMinFortifiedSize,
texMaxFortifiedSize, "-");
addLabelTextField(labIceSpots, texMinIceSpots, texMaxIceSpots, "-");
addLabelTextField(labIceSize, texMinIceSize, texMaxIceSize, "-");
addLabelTextField(labProbDrought, texProbDrought);
addLabelTextField(labProbFire, texProbFire);
addLabelTextField(labProbFreeze, texProbFreeze);
addLabelTextField(labProbFlood, texProbFlood);
addLabelTextField(labFxMod, texFxMod);
addOption(labCity, choCity, slCity);
addLabelTextField(labCityBlocks, texCityBlocks);
addLabelTextField(labCityCF, texCityMinCF, texCityMaxCF, "-");
addLabelTextField(labCityFloors, texCityMinFloors,
texCityMaxFloors, "-");
addLabelTextField(labCityDensity, texCityDensity);
addLabelTextField(labTownSize, texTownSize);
addLabelTextField(labInvertNegative, texInvertNegative);
if (initiated) {
private void setupButtons() {
private void createComponents() {
butOK = new Button(Messages.getString("Okay")); //$NON-NLS-1$
butAdvanced = new Button(Messages.getString("RandomMapDialog.Advanced")); //$NON-NLS-1$
butSave = new Button(Messages.getString("RandomMapDialog.Save")); //$NON-NLS-1$
butLoad = new Button(Messages.getString("RandomMapDialog.Load")); //$NON-NLS-1$
panButtons = new Panel();
panButtons.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
panOptions = new Panel();
gridbag = new GridBagLayout();
labBoardSize = new Label(Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.BoardSize"), Label.LEFT); //$NON-NLS-1$
texBoardWidth = new TextField(2);
texBoardHeight = new TextField(2);
slBoardSize = new SimpleLine(NORMAL_LINE_WIDTH);
// Normal setting components...
labElevation = new Label(Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.labElevation"), Label.LEFT); //$NON-NLS-1$
choElevation = new Choice();
slElevation = new SimpleLine(NORMAL_LINE_WIDTH);
labCliffs = new Label(
Messages.getString("RandomMapDialog.labCliffs"), Label.LEFT); //$NON-NLS-1$
choCliffs = new Choice();
slCliffs = new SimpleLine(NORMAL_LINE_WIDTH);
labWoods = new Label(
Messages.getString("RandomMapDialog.labWoods"), Label.LEFT); //$NON-NLS-1$
choWoods = new Choice();
slWoods = new SimpleLine(NORMAL_LINE_WIDTH);
labLakes = new Label(
Messages.getString("RandomMapDialog.labLakes"), Label.LEFT); //$NON-NLS-1$
choLakes = new Choice();
slLakes = new SimpleLine(NORMAL_LINE_WIDTH);
labRough = new Label(
Messages.getString("RandomMapDialog.labRough"), Label.LEFT); //$NON-NLS-1$
choRough = new Choice();
slRough = new SimpleLine(NORMAL_LINE_WIDTH);
labSwamp = new Label(
Messages.getString("RandomMapDialog.labSwamp"), Label.LEFT); //$NON-NLS-1$
choSwamp = new Choice();
slSwamp = new SimpleLine(NORMAL_LINE_WIDTH);
labPavement = new Label(Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.labPavement"), Label.LEFT);
choPavement = new Choice();
slPavement = new SimpleLine(NORMAL_LINE_WIDTH);
labRubble = new Label(Messages.getString("RandomMapDialog.labRubble"),
choRubble = new Choice();
slRubble = new SimpleLine(NORMAL_LINE_WIDTH);
labFortified = new Label(Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.labFortified"), Label.LEFT);
choFortified = new Choice();
slFortified = new SimpleLine(NORMAL_LINE_WIDTH);
labIce = new Label(Messages.getString("RandomMapDialog.labIce"),
choIce = new Choice();
slIce = new SimpleLine(NORMAL_LINE_WIDTH);
labCraters = new Label(
Messages.getString("RandomMapDialog.labCraters"), Label.LEFT);
choCraters = new Choice();
slCraters = new SimpleLine(NORMAL_LINE_WIDTH);
labRivers = new Label(
Messages.getString("RandomMapDialog.labRivers"), Label.LEFT); //$NON-NLS-1$
choRivers = new Choice();
slRivers = new SimpleLine(NORMAL_LINE_WIDTH);
labRoads = new Label(
Messages.getString("RandomMapDialog.labRoads"), Label.LEFT); //$NON-NLS-1$
choRoads = new Choice();
slRoads = new SimpleLine(NORMAL_LINE_WIDTH);
labCity = new Label(
Messages.getString("RandomMapDialog.labCity"), Label.LEFT); //$NON-NLS-1$
choCity = new Choice();
slCity = new SimpleLine(NORMAL_LINE_WIDTH);
labMountain = new Label(Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.labMountain"), Label.LEFT); //$NON-NLS-1$
choMountain = new Choice();
slMountain = new SimpleLine(NORMAL_LINE_WIDTH);
// Advanced setting components...
labTheme = new Label(Messages.getString("RandomMapDialog.labTheme"),
texTheme = new TextField(20);
/** how much hills there should be, Range 0..99 */
labHilliness = new Label(Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.labHilliness"), Label.LEFT); //$NON-NLS-1$
texHilliness = new TextField(2);
/** Maximum level of the map */
labRange = new Label(
Messages.getString("RandomMapDialog.labRange"), Label.LEFT); //$NON-NLS-1$
texRange = new TextField(2);
labProbInvert = new Label(Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.labProbInvert"), Label.LEFT); //$NON-NLS-1$
texProbInvert = new TextField(2);
labCliffsAd = new Label(
Messages.getString("RandomMapDialog.labCliffs"), Label.LEFT); //$NON-NLS-1$
texCliffs = new TextField(2);
// mountain
labMountainHeight = new Label(Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.labMountainHeight"), Label.LEFT); //$NON-NLS-1$
labMountainWidth = new Label(Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.labMountainWidth"), Label.LEFT); //$NON-NLS-1$
labMountainPeaks = new Label(Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.labMountainPeaks"), Label.LEFT); //$NON-NLS-1$
labMountainStyle = new Label(Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.labMountainStyle"), Label.LEFT); //$NON-NLS-1$
texMountainPeaks = new TextField(2);
texMountainHeightMin = new TextField(2);
texMountainHeightMax = new TextField(2);
texMountainWidthMin = new TextField(2);
texMountainWidthMax = new TextField(2);
texMountainStyle = new TextField(2);
/** how much Lakes at least */
labWaterSpots = new Label(Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.labWaterSpots"), Label.LEFT); //$NON-NLS-1$
texMinWaterSpots = new TextField(2);
/** how much Lakes at most */
texMaxWaterSpots = new TextField(2);
/** minimum size of a lake */
labWaterSize = new Label(Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.labWaterSize"), Label.LEFT); //$NON-NLS-1$
texMinWaterSize = new TextField(2);
/** maximum Size of a lake */
texMaxWaterSize = new TextField(2);
/** probability for water deeper than lvl1, Range 0..100 */
labProbDeep = new Label(Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.labProbDeep"), Label.LEFT); //$NON-NLS-1$
texProbDeep = new TextField(2);
/** how much forests at least */
labForestSpots = new Label(Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.labForestSpots"), Label.LEFT); //$NON-NLS-1$
texMinForestSpots = new TextField(2);
/** how much forests at most */
texMaxForestSpots = new TextField(2);
/** minimum size of a forest */
labForestSize = new Label(Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.labForestSize"), Label.LEFT); //$NON-NLS-1$
texMinForestSize = new TextField(2);
/** maximum Size of a forest */
texMaxForestSize = new TextField(2);
/** probability for heavy wood, Range 0..100 */
labProbHeavy = new Label(Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.labProbHeavy"), Label.LEFT); //$NON-NLS-1$
texProbHeavy = new TextField(2);
/** rough */
labRoughSpots = new Label(Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.labRoughSpots"), Label.LEFT); //$NON-NLS-1$
texMinRoughSpots = new TextField(2);
texMaxRoughSpots = new TextField(2);
labRoughSize = new Label(Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.labRoughSize"), Label.LEFT); //$NON-NLS-1$
texMinRoughSize = new TextField(2);
texMaxRoughSize = new TextField(2);
/** swamp */
labSwampSpots = new Label(Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.labSwampSpots"), Label.LEFT); //$NON-NLS-1$
texMinSwampSpots = new TextField(2);
texMaxSwampSpots = new TextField(2);
labSwampSize = new Label(Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.labSwampSize"), Label.LEFT); //$NON-NLS-1$
texMinSwampSize = new TextField(2);
texMaxSwampSize = new TextField(2);
/** pavement */
labPavementSpots = new Label(Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.labPavementSpots"), Label.LEFT);
texMinPavementSpots = new TextField(2);
texMaxPavementSpots = new TextField(2);
labPavementSize = new Label(Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.labPavementSize"), Label.LEFT);
texMinPavementSize = new TextField(2);
texMaxPavementSize = new TextField(2);
/** Rubble */
labRubbleSpots = new Label(Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.labRubbleSpots"), Label.LEFT);
texMinRubbleSpots = new TextField(2);
texMaxRubbleSpots = new TextField(2);
labRubbleSize = new Label(Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.labRubbleSize"), Label.LEFT);
texMinRubbleSize = new TextField(2);
texMaxRubbleSize = new TextField(2);
/** Fortified */
labFortifiedSpots = new Label(Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.labFortifiedSpots"), Label.LEFT);
texMinFortifiedSpots = new TextField(2);
texMaxFortifiedSpots = new TextField(2);
labFortifiedSize = new Label(Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.labFortifiedSize"), Label.LEFT);
texMinFortifiedSize = new TextField(2);
texMaxFortifiedSize = new TextField(2);
/** ice */
labIceSpots = new Label(Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.labIceSpots"), Label.LEFT);
texMinIceSpots = new TextField(2);
texMaxIceSpots = new TextField(2);
labIceSize = new Label(
Messages.getString("RandomMapDialog.labIceSize"), Label.LEFT);
texMinIceSize = new TextField(2);
texMaxIceSize = new TextField(2);
/** probability for a road, range 0..100 */
labProbRoad = new Label(Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.labProbRoad"), Label.LEFT); //$NON-NLS-1$
texProbRoad = new TextField(2);
/** probability for a river, range 0..100 */
labProbRiver = new Label(Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.labProbRiver"), Label.LEFT); //$NON-NLS-1$
texProbRiver = new TextField(2);
/* Craters */
labProbCrater = new Label(Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.labProbCrater"), Label.LEFT); //$NON-NLS-1$
texProbCrater = new TextField(2);
labRadius = new Label(
Messages.getString("RandomMapDialog.labRadius"), Label.LEFT); //$NON-NLS-1$
texMinRadius = new TextField(2);
texMaxRadius = new TextField(2);
labMaxCraters = new Label(Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.labMaxCraters"), Label.LEFT); //$NON-NLS-1$
texMaxCraters = new TextField(2);
texMinCraters = new TextField(2);
/* FX */
labProbDrought = new Label(Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.labProbDrought"), Label.LEFT);
labProbFire = new Label(Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.labProbFire"), Label.LEFT);
labProbFreeze = new Label(Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.labProbFreeze"), Label.LEFT);
labProbFlood = new Label(Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.labProbFlood"), Label.LEFT);
labFxMod = new Label(Messages.getString("RandomMapDialog.labFxMod"),
texProbDrought = new TextField(2);
texProbFire = new TextField(2);
texProbFreeze = new TextField(2);
texProbFlood = new TextField(2);
texFxMod = new TextField(2);
/* Buildings */
labCityBlocks = new Label(Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.labCityBlocks"), Label.LEFT);
labCityCF = new Label(Messages.getString("RandomMapDialog.labCityCF"),
labCityFloors = new Label(Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.labCityFloors"), Label.LEFT);
labCityDensity = new Label(Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.labCityDensity"), Label.LEFT);
labTownSize = new Label(Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.labTownSize"), Label.LEFT);
texCityBlocks = new TextField(2);
texCityMinCF = new TextField(2);
texCityMaxCF = new TextField(2);
texCityMinFloors = new TextField(2);
texCityMaxFloors = new TextField(2);
texCityDensity = new TextField(2);
texTownSize = new TextField(2);
labInvertNegative = new Label(Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.labInvertNegative"), Label.LEFT); //$NON-NLS-1$
texInvertNegative = new TextField(1);
/** Algorithm */
labAlgorithmToUse = new Label(Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.labAlgorithmToUse"), Label.LEFT); //$NON-NLS-1$
texAlgorithmToUse = new TextField(2);
slElevationAd = new SimpleLine(ADVANCED_LINE_WIDTH);
slWoodsAd = new SimpleLine(ADVANCED_LINE_WIDTH);
slLakesAd = new SimpleLine(ADVANCED_LINE_WIDTH);
slPavementAd = new SimpleLine(ADVANCED_LINE_WIDTH);
slRubbleAd = new SimpleLine(ADVANCED_LINE_WIDTH);
slFortifiedAd = new SimpleLine(ADVANCED_LINE_WIDTH);
slIceAd = new SimpleLine(ADVANCED_LINE_WIDTH);
slRoughAd = new SimpleLine(ADVANCED_LINE_WIDTH);
slRoadsAd = new SimpleLine(ADVANCED_LINE_WIDTH);
slRiversAd = new SimpleLine(ADVANCED_LINE_WIDTH);
slSwampAd = new SimpleLine(ADVANCED_LINE_WIDTH);
slBoardSizeAd = new SimpleLine(ADVANCED_LINE_WIDTH);
slCratersAd = new SimpleLine(ADVANCED_LINE_WIDTH);
slCityAd = new SimpleLine(ADVANCED_LINE_WIDTH);
slInvertNegativeAd = new SimpleLine(ADVANCED_LINE_WIDTH);
private void addOption(Label label, Choice choice, SimpleLine sl) {
GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints();
c.weightx = 1;
c.weighty = 1;
c.gridwidth = 1;
c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
gridbag.setConstraints(label, c);
c.gridwidth = 1;
c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER;
c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
gridbag.setConstraints(choice, c);
c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER;
c.insets = new Insets(2, 0, 2, 0);
gridbag.setConstraints(sl, c);
private void fillChoice(Choice c) {
private void addLabelTextField(Label label, TextField text) {
GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints();
c.weightx = 1;
c.weighty = 0;
c.gridwidth = 1;
c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
gridbag.setConstraints(label, c);
c.weightx = 0;
c.weighty = 0;
c.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;
c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER;
c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
gridbag.setConstraints(text, c);
private void addLabelTextField(Label label, TextField text,
TextField text2, String separator) {
GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints();
c.weightx = 1;
c.weighty = 0;
c.gridwidth = 1;
c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
gridbag.setConstraints(label, c);
c.weightx = 0;
c.weighty = 0;
c.gridwidth = 1;
c.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;
c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
gridbag.setConstraints(text, c);
Label l = new Label(separator, Label.CENTER);
gridbag.setConstraints(l, c);
c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER;
gridbag.setConstraints(text2, c);
private void addSeparator(SimpleLine sl) {
GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints();
c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER;
c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER;
c.insets = new Insets(2, 0, 2, 0);
gridbag.setConstraints(sl, c);
private void loadValues() {
texBoardWidth.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getBoardWidth())
texBoardHeight.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getBoardHeight())
.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getHilliness()).toString());
texRange.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getRange()).toString());
texProbInvert.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getProbInvert())
texCliffs.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getCliffs()).toString());
texMinWaterSpots.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getMinWaterSpots())
texMaxWaterSpots.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getMaxWaterSpots())
texMinWaterSize.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getMinWaterSize())
texMaxWaterSize.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getMaxWaterSize())
texMinForestSpots.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getMinForestSpots())
texMaxForestSpots.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getMaxForestSpots())
texMinForestSize.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getMinForestSize())
texMaxForestSize.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getMaxForestSize())
texMinRoughSpots.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getMinRoughSpots())
texMaxRoughSpots.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getMaxRoughSpots())
texMinRoughSize.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getMinRoughSize())
texMaxRoughSize.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getMaxRoughSize())
texMinSwampSpots.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getMinSwampSpots())
texMaxSwampSpots.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getMaxSwampSpots())
texMinSwampSize.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getMinSwampSize())
texMaxSwampSize.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getMaxSwampSize())
texMinPavementSpots.setText(new Integer(mapSettings
texMaxPavementSpots.setText(new Integer(mapSettings
.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getMinPavementSize())
.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getMaxPavementSize())
texMinRubbleSpots.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getMinRubbleSpots())
texMaxRubbleSpots.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getMaxRubbleSpots())
texMinRubbleSize.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getMinRubbleSize())
texMaxRubbleSize.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getMaxRubbleSize())
texMinFortifiedSpots.setText(new Integer(mapSettings
texMaxFortifiedSpots.setText(new Integer(mapSettings
texMinFortifiedSize.setText(new Integer(mapSettings
texMaxFortifiedSize.setText(new Integer(mapSettings
texMinIceSpots.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getMinIceSpots())
texMaxIceSpots.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getMaxIceSpots())
texMinIceSize.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getMinIceSize())
texMaxIceSize.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getMaxIceSize())
texProbDeep.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getProbDeep()).toString());
.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getProbHeavy()).toString());
.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getProbRiver()).toString());
texProbRoad.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getProbRoad()).toString());
texProbCrater.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getProbCrater())
.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getMinRadius()).toString());
.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getMaxRadius()).toString());
texMaxCraters.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getMaxCraters())
texMinCraters.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getMinCraters())
texProbDrought.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getProbDrought())
texProbFire.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getProbForestFire())
texProbFreeze.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getProbFreeze())
.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getProbFlood()).toString());
texFxMod.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getFxMod()).toString());
texInvertNegative.setText(new Integer(mapSettings
texCityBlocks.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getCityBlocks())
.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getCityMinCF()).toString());
.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getCityMaxCF()).toString());
texCityMinFloors.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getCityMinFloors())
texCityMaxFloors.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getCityMaxFloors())
texCityDensity.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getCityDensity())
texTownSize.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getTownSize()).toString());
texAlgorithmToUse.setText(new Integer(mapSettings.getAlgorithmToUse())
private boolean applyValues() {
int boardWidth;
int boardHeight;
int hilliness, range, cliffs;
int minWaterSpots, maxWaterSpots, minWaterSize, maxWaterSize, probDeep;
int minForestSpots, maxForestSpots, minForestSize, maxForestSize, probHeavy;
int minRoughSpots, maxRoughSpots, minRoughSize, maxRoughSize;
int minPavementSpots, maxPavementSpots, minPavementSize, maxPavementSize;
int minRubbleSpots, maxRubbleSpots, minRubbleSize, maxRubbleSize;
int minFortifiedSpots, maxFortifiedSpots, minFortifiedSize, maxFortifiedSize;
int minIceSpots, maxIceSpots, minIceSize, maxIceSize;
int minSwampSpots, maxSwampSpots, minSwampSize, maxSwampSize;
int probRoad, probRiver, probInvert;
int minRadius, maxRadius, minCraters, maxCraters, probCrater;
int drought, fire, freeze, flood, fxmod;
int algorithmToUse;
String theme = "";
String cityType;
int cityBlocks = 4;
int cityMinCF = 10;
int cityMaxCF = 100;
int cityMinFloors = 1;
int cityMaxFloors = 6;
int cityDensity = 75;
int townSize = 60;
int mountainPeaks, mountainHeightMin, mountainHeightMax;
int mountainStyle, mountainWidthMin, mountainWidthMax;
int invertNegative = 0;
try {
boardWidth = Integer.parseInt(texBoardWidth.getText());
boardHeight = Integer.parseInt(texBoardHeight.getText());
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.OnlyIntegersWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if ((boardWidth <= 0) || (boardHeight <= 0)) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.BoardSizeWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
theme = texTheme.getText();
if (advanced) {
try {
hilliness = Integer.parseInt(texHilliness.getText());
range = Integer.parseInt(texRange.getText());
cliffs = Integer.parseInt(texCliffs.getText());
probInvert = Integer.parseInt(texProbInvert.getText());
minWaterSpots = Integer.parseInt(texMinWaterSpots.getText());
maxWaterSpots = Integer.parseInt(texMaxWaterSpots.getText());
minWaterSize = Integer.parseInt(texMinWaterSize.getText());
maxWaterSize = Integer.parseInt(texMaxWaterSize.getText());
minForestSpots = Integer.parseInt(texMinForestSpots.getText());
maxForestSpots = Integer.parseInt(texMaxForestSpots.getText());
minForestSize = Integer.parseInt(texMinForestSize.getText());
maxForestSize = Integer.parseInt(texMaxForestSize.getText());
minRoughSpots = Integer.parseInt(texMinRoughSpots.getText());
maxRoughSpots = Integer.parseInt(texMaxRoughSpots.getText());
minRoughSize = Integer.parseInt(texMinRoughSize.getText());
maxRoughSize = Integer.parseInt(texMaxRoughSize.getText());
minSwampSpots = Integer.parseInt(texMinSwampSpots.getText());
maxSwampSpots = Integer.parseInt(texMaxSwampSpots.getText());
minSwampSize = Integer.parseInt(texMinSwampSize.getText());
maxSwampSize = Integer.parseInt(texMaxSwampSize.getText());
minPavementSpots = Integer.parseInt(texMinPavementSpots
maxPavementSpots = Integer.parseInt(texMaxPavementSpots
minPavementSize = Integer
maxPavementSize = Integer
minRubbleSpots = Integer.parseInt(texMinRubbleSpots.getText());
maxRubbleSpots = Integer.parseInt(texMaxRubbleSpots.getText());
minRubbleSize = Integer.parseInt(texMinRubbleSize.getText());
maxRubbleSize = Integer.parseInt(texMaxRubbleSize.getText());
minFortifiedSpots = Integer.parseInt(texMinFortifiedSpots
maxFortifiedSpots = Integer.parseInt(texMaxFortifiedSpots
minFortifiedSize = Integer.parseInt(texMinFortifiedSize
maxFortifiedSize = Integer.parseInt(texMaxFortifiedSize
minIceSpots = Integer.parseInt(texMinIceSpots.getText());
maxIceSpots = Integer.parseInt(texMaxIceSpots.getText());
minIceSize = Integer.parseInt(texMinIceSize.getText());
maxIceSize = Integer.parseInt(texMaxIceSize.getText());
probRoad = Integer.parseInt(texProbRoad.getText());
probRiver = Integer.parseInt(texProbRiver.getText());
probHeavy = Integer.parseInt(texProbHeavy.getText());
probDeep = Integer.parseInt(texProbDeep.getText());
probCrater = Integer.parseInt(texProbCrater.getText());
minRadius = Integer.parseInt(texMinRadius.getText());
maxRadius = Integer.parseInt(texMaxRadius.getText());
maxCraters = Integer.parseInt(texMaxCraters.getText());
minCraters = Integer.parseInt(texMinCraters.getText());
algorithmToUse = Integer.parseInt(texAlgorithmToUse.getText());
drought = Integer.parseInt(texProbDrought.getText());
fire = Integer.parseInt(texProbFire.getText());
freeze = Integer.parseInt(texProbFreeze.getText());
flood = Integer.parseInt(texProbFlood.getText());
fxmod = Integer.parseInt(texFxMod.getText());
cityBlocks = Integer.parseInt(texCityBlocks.getText());
cityMinCF = Integer.parseInt(texCityMinCF.getText());
cityMaxCF = Integer.parseInt(texCityMaxCF.getText());
cityMinFloors = Integer.parseInt(texCityMinFloors.getText());
cityMaxFloors = Integer.parseInt(texCityMaxFloors.getText());
cityDensity = Integer.parseInt(texCityDensity.getText());
mountainHeightMin = Integer.parseInt(texMountainHeightMin
mountainHeightMax = Integer.parseInt(texMountainHeightMax
mountainWidthMin = Integer.parseInt(texMountainWidthMin
mountainWidthMax = Integer.parseInt(texMountainWidthMax
mountainStyle = Integer.parseInt(texMountainStyle.getText());
mountainPeaks = Integer.parseInt(texMountainPeaks.getText());
invertNegative = Integer.parseInt(texInvertNegative.getText());
townSize = Integer.parseInt(texTownSize.getText());
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.OnlyIntegersWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if ((hilliness < 0) || (hilliness > 99)) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.AmmountOfElevationWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if ((cliffs < 0) || (cliffs > 100)) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.CliffsWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (range < 0) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.elevRangeWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if ((probInvert < 0) || (probInvert > 100)) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.depressionWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (minWaterSpots < 0) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MinLakesWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (maxWaterSpots < 0) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MaxLakesWarn1")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (maxWaterSpots < minWaterSpots) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MaxLakesWarn2")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (minWaterSize < 0) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MinLakeSizeWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (maxWaterSize < 0) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MaxLakeSizeWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (maxWaterSize < minWaterSize) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MaxLakeSizeWarn1")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if ((probDeep < 0) || (probDeep > 100)) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.DeepWaterProbWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (minForestSpots < 0) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MinForestsWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (maxForestSpots < 0) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MaxForestsWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (maxForestSpots < minForestSpots) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MaxForestsWarn1")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (minForestSize < 0) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MinForestSizeWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (maxForestSize < 0) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MaxForestSizeWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (maxForestSize < minForestSize) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MaxForestSizeWarn1")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if ((probHeavy < 0) || (probHeavy > 100)) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.HeavyForestProbWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (minRoughSpots < 0) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MinRoughsWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (maxRoughSpots < 0) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MaxRoughsWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (maxRoughSpots < minRoughSpots) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MaxRoughsWarn1")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (minRoughSize < 0) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MinRoughSizeWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (maxRoughSize < 0) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MaxRoughSizeWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (maxRoughSize < minRoughSize) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MaxRoughSizeWarn1")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (minSwampSpots < 0) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MinSwampsWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (maxSwampSpots < 0) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MaxSwampsWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (maxSwampSpots < minSwampSpots) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MaxSwampsWarn1")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (minSwampSize < 0) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MinSwampSizeWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (maxSwampSize < 0) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MaxSwampSizeWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (maxSwampSize < minSwampSize) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MaxSwampSizeWarn1")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (minPavementSpots < 0) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MinPavementWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (maxPavementSpots < 0) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MaxPavementWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (maxPavementSpots < minPavementSpots) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MaxPavementWarn1")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (minPavementSize < 0) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MinPavementSizeWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (maxPavementSize < 0) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MaxPavementSizeWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (maxPavementSize < minPavementSize) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MaxPavementSizeWarn1")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (minRubbleSpots < 0) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MinRubbleWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (maxRubbleSpots < 0) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MaxRubbleWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (maxRubbleSpots < minRubbleSpots) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MaxRubbleWarn1")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (minRubbleSize < 0) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MinRubbleSizeWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (maxRubbleSize < 0) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MaxRubbleSizeWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (maxRubbleSize < minRubbleSize) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MaxRubbleSizeWarn1")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (minFortifiedSpots < 0) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MinFortifiedWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (maxFortifiedSpots < 0) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MaxFortifiedWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (maxFortifiedSpots < minFortifiedSpots) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MaxFortifiedWarn1")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (minFortifiedSize < 0) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MinFortifiedSizeWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (maxFortifiedSize < 0) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MaxFortifiedSizeWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (maxFortifiedSize < minFortifiedSize) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MaxFortifiedSizeWarn1")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (minIceSpots < 0) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MinIceWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (maxIceSpots < 0) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MaxIceWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (maxIceSpots < minIceSpots) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MaxIceWarn1")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (minIceSize < 0) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MinIceSizeWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (maxIceSize < 0) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MaxIceSizeWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (maxIceSize < minIceSize) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MaxIceSizeWarn1")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if ((probRiver < 0) || (probRiver > 100)) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.RiverProbWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if ((probRoad < 0) || (probRoad > 100)) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.RoadProbWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if ((probCrater < 0) || (probCrater > 100)) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.CratersProbWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (minRadius < 0) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MinCraterRadiusWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (maxRadius < 0) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MaxCraterRadiusWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (maxRadius < minRadius) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MaxCraterRadiusWarn1")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (maxCraters < 0) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MaxCratersWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (minCraters < 0) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MinCratersWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (maxCraters < minCraters) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MaxCratersWarn1")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if ((algorithmToUse < 0) || (algorithmToUse > 2)) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.AlgorithmWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if ((cityMinCF < 1) || (cityMaxCF > 150)) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.CFOutOfRangeWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if ((cityMinFloors < 1) || (cityMaxFloors > 100)) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.FloorsOutOfRangeWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if ((cityDensity < 1) || (cityDensity > 100)) {
new AlertDialog(frame, INVALID_SETTING, Messages
.getString("RandomMapDialog.DensityOutOfRangeWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
if (((mountainWidthMin < 1) || (mountainWidthMax < mountainWidthMin))
&& (mountainPeaks > 0)) {
new AlertDialog(
.getString("RandomMapDialog.MountainWidthOutOfRangeWarn")).setVisible(true); //$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
String s = choElevation.getSelectedItem();
if (s.equals(NONE)) {
hilliness = 0;
range = 0;
} else if (s.equals(LOW)) {
hilliness = 25;
range = 3;
} else if (s.equals(MEDIUM)) {
hilliness = 50;
range = 5;
} else {
hilliness = 75;
range = 8;
s = choCliffs.getSelectedItem();
if (s.equals(NONE)) {
cliffs = 0;
} else if (s.equals(LOW)) {
cliffs = 25;
} else if (s.equals(MEDIUM)) {
cliffs = 50;
} else {
cliffs = 75;
s = choWoods.getSelectedItem();
if (s.equals(NONE)) {
minForestSize = 0;
maxForestSize = 0;
minForestSpots = 0;
maxForestSpots = 0;
probHeavy = 0;
} else if (s.equals(LOW)) {
minForestSize = 3;
maxForestSize = 6;
minForestSpots = 3;
maxForestSpots = 6;
probHeavy = 20;
} else if (s.equals(MEDIUM)) {
minForestSize = 3;
maxForestSize = 10;
minForestSpots = 4;
maxForestSpots = 8;
probHeavy = 30;
} else {
minForestSize = 8;
maxForestSize = 13;
minForestSpots = 6;
maxForestSpots = 10;
probHeavy = 45;
s = choLakes.getSelectedItem();
if (s.equals(NONE)) {
minWaterSize = 0;
maxWaterSize = 0;
minWaterSpots = 0;
maxWaterSpots = 0;
probDeep = 0;
} else if (s.equals(LOW)) {
minWaterSize = 1;
maxWaterSize = 5;
minWaterSpots = 1;
maxWaterSpots = 5;
probDeep = 20;
} else if (s.equals(MEDIUM)) {
minWaterSize = 6;
maxWaterSize = 10;
minWaterSpots = 2;
maxWaterSpots = 5;
probDeep = 30;
} else {
minWaterSize = 8;
maxWaterSize = 15;
minWaterSpots = 3;
maxWaterSpots = 6;
probDeep = 45;
s = choRough.getSelectedItem();
if (s.equals(NONE)) {
minRoughSize = 0;
maxRoughSize = 0;
minRoughSpots = 0;
maxRoughSpots = 0;
} else if (s.equals(LOW)) {
minRoughSize = 1;
maxRoughSize = 2;
minRoughSpots = 2;
maxRoughSpots = 6;
} else if (s.equals(MEDIUM)) {
minRoughSize = 2;
maxRoughSize = 5;
minRoughSpots = 3;
maxRoughSpots = 8;
} else {
minRoughSize = 3;
maxRoughSize = 7;
minRoughSpots = 5;
maxRoughSpots = 10;
s = choSwamp.getSelectedItem();
if (s.equals(NONE)) {
minSwampSize = 0;
maxSwampSize = 0;
minSwampSpots = 0;
maxSwampSpots = 0;
} else if (s.equals(LOW)) {
minSwampSize = 1;
maxSwampSize = 2;
minSwampSpots = 2;
maxSwampSpots = 6;
} else if (s.equals(MEDIUM)) {
minSwampSize = 2;
maxSwampSize = 5;
minSwampSpots = 3;
maxSwampSpots = 8;
} else {
minSwampSize = 3;
maxSwampSize = 7;
minSwampSpots = 5;
maxSwampSpots = 10;
s = choPavement.getSelectedItem();
if (s.equals(NONE)) {
minPavementSize = 0;
maxPavementSize = 0;
minPavementSpots = 0;
maxPavementSpots = 0;
} else if (s.equals(LOW)) {
minPavementSize = 1;
maxPavementSize = 2;
minPavementSpots = 2;
maxPavementSpots = 6;
} else if (s.equals(MEDIUM)) {
minPavementSize = 2;
maxPavementSize = 5;
minPavementSpots = 3;
maxPavementSpots = 8;
} else {
minPavementSize = 3;
maxPavementSize = 7;
minPavementSpots = 5;
maxPavementSpots = 10;
s = choRubble.getSelectedItem();
if (s.equals(NONE)) {
minRubbleSize = 0;
maxRubbleSize = 0;
minRubbleSpots = 0;
maxRubbleSpots = 0;
} else if (s.equals(LOW)) {
minRubbleSize = 1;
maxRubbleSize = 2;
minRubbleSpots = 2;
maxRubbleSpots = 6;
} else if (s.equals(MEDIUM)) {
minRubbleSize = 2;
maxRubbleSize = 5;
minRubbleSpots = 3;
maxRubbleSpots = 8;
} else {
minRubbleSize = 3;
maxRubbleSize = 7;
minRubbleSpots = 5;
maxRubbleSpots = 10;
s = choFortified.getSelectedItem();
if (s.equals(NONE)) {
minFortifiedSize = 0;
maxFortifiedSize = 0;
minFortifiedSpots = 0;
maxFortifiedSpots = 0;
} else if (s.equals(LOW)) {
minFortifiedSize = 1;
maxFortifiedSize = 2;
minFortifiedSpots = 1;
maxFortifiedSpots = 2;
} else if (s.equals(MEDIUM)) {
minFortifiedSize = 2;
maxFortifiedSize = 3;
minFortifiedSpots = 2;
maxFortifiedSpots = 4;
} else {
minFortifiedSize = 2;
maxFortifiedSize = 4;
minFortifiedSpots = 3;
maxFortifiedSpots = 6;
s = choIce.getSelectedItem();
if (s.equals(NONE)) {
minIceSize = 0;
maxIceSize = 0;
minIceSpots = 0;
maxIceSpots = 0;
} else if (s.equals(LOW)) {
minIceSize = 1;
maxIceSize = 2;
minIceSpots = 2;
maxIceSpots = 6;
} else if (s.equals(MEDIUM)) {
minIceSize = 2;
maxIceSize = 5;
minIceSpots = 3;
maxIceSpots = 8;
} else {
minIceSize = 3;
maxIceSize = 7;
minIceSpots = 5;
maxIceSpots = 10;
s = choRoads.getSelectedItem();
if (s.equals(NONE)) {
probRoad = 0;
} else if (s.equals(LOW)) {
probRoad = 25;
} else if (s.equals(MEDIUM)) {
probRoad = 50;
} else {
probRoad = 75;
s = choRivers.getSelectedItem();
if (s.equals(NONE)) {
probRiver = 0;
} else if (s.equals(LOW)) {
probRiver = 25;
} else if (s.equals(MEDIUM)) {
probRiver = 50;
} else {
probRiver = 75;
s = choCraters.getSelectedItem();
if (s.equals(NONE)) {
probCrater = 0;
minRadius = 0;
maxRadius = 0;
minCraters = 0;
maxCraters = 0;
} else if (s.equals(LOW)) {
probCrater = 25;
minRadius = 1;
maxRadius = 3;
minCraters = 1;
maxCraters = 3;
} else if (s.equals(MEDIUM)) {
probCrater = 50;
minRadius = 1;
maxRadius = 5;
minCraters = 3;
maxCraters = 8;
} else {
probCrater = 75;
minRadius = 3;
maxRadius = 9;
minCraters = 6;
maxCraters = 14;
s = choMountain.getSelectedItem();
if (s.equals(NONE)) {
mountainPeaks = 0;
mountainHeightMin = 4;
mountainHeightMax = 6;
mountainWidthMin = 7;
mountainWidthMax = 10;
mountainStyle = 0;
} else if (s.equals(LOW)) {
mountainPeaks = 1;
mountainHeightMin = 4;
mountainHeightMax = 6;
mountainWidthMin = 7;
mountainWidthMax = 10;
mountainStyle = 0;
} else if (s.equals(MEDIUM)) {
mountainPeaks = 2;
mountainHeightMin = 6;
mountainHeightMax = 8;
mountainWidthMin = 7;
mountainWidthMax = 10;
mountainStyle = 0;
} else {
mountainPeaks = 3;
mountainHeightMin = 8;
mountainHeightMax = 10;
mountainWidthMin = 9;
mountainWidthMax = 14;
mountainStyle = MapSettings.MOUNTAIN_SNOWCAPPED;
cityBlocks = 16;
cityMinCF = 10;
cityMaxCF = 100;
cityMinFloors = 1;
cityMaxFloors = 6;
cityDensity = 75;
townSize = 60;
algorithmToUse = 0;
probInvert = 0;
fxmod = 0;
flood = 0;
freeze = 0;
fire = 0;
drought = 0;
cityType = choCity.getSelectedItem();
if (!advanced && cityType.equals("TOWN")) {
cityBlocks = 3;
cityMaxCF = 50;
cityMaxFloors = 3;
mapSettings.setBoardSize(boardWidth, boardHeight);
mapSettings.setElevationParams(hilliness, range, probInvert);
mapSettings.setWaterParams(minWaterSpots, maxWaterSpots, minWaterSize,
maxWaterSize, probDeep);
mapSettings.setForestParams(minForestSpots, maxForestSpots,
minForestSize, maxForestSize, probHeavy);
mapSettings.setRoughParams(minRoughSpots, maxRoughSpots, minRoughSize,
mapSettings.setSwampParams(minSwampSpots, maxSwampSpots, minSwampSize,
mapSettings.setPavementParams(minPavementSpots, maxPavementSpots,
minPavementSize, maxPavementSize);
mapSettings.setRubbleParams(minRubbleSpots, maxRubbleSpots,
minRubbleSize, maxRubbleSize);
mapSettings.setFortifiedParams(minFortifiedSpots, maxFortifiedSpots,
minFortifiedSize, maxFortifiedSize);
mapSettings.setIceParams(minIceSpots, maxIceSpots, minIceSize,
mapSettings.setCraterParam(probCrater, minCraters, maxCraters,
minRadius, maxRadius);
mapSettings.setSpecialFX(fxmod, fire, freeze, flood, drought);
mapSettings.setCityParams(cityBlocks, cityType, cityMinCF, cityMaxCF,
cityMinFloors, cityMaxFloors, cityDensity, townSize);
mapSettings.setMountainParams(mountainPeaks, mountainWidthMin,
mountainWidthMax, mountainHeightMin, mountainHeightMax,
if (!advanced) {
return true;
public void focusGained(FocusEvent fe) {
if (fe.getSource() instanceof TextField) {
TextField tf = (TextField) fe.getSource();
public void focusLost(FocusEvent fe) {
if (fe.getSource() instanceof TextField) {
TextField tf = (TextField) fe.getSource();
tf.select(0, 0);
public void setMapSettings(MapSettings mapSettings) {
this.mapSettings = mapSettings;
private void setProperSize() {
Dimension dopt = panOptions.getPreferredSize();
Dimension dbt = panButtons.getPreferredSize();
int width = Math.min(dopt.width + dbt.width + 50,
int height = Math.min(dopt.height + dbt.height + 50, getParent()
setSize(width, height);
private void setProperLocation() {
int x = (getParent().getSize().width - getSize().width) / 2;
int y = (getParent().getSize().height - getSize().height) / 2;
setLocation(x, y);