Package com.ecyrd.jspwiki.xmlrpc

Source Code of com.ecyrd.jspwiki.xmlrpc.RPCHandlerTest

package com.ecyrd.jspwiki.xmlrpc;

import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.*;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.attachment.Attachment;
import junit.framework.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.apache.xmlrpc.*;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.xmlrpc.RPCHandler;

public class RPCHandlerTest extends TestCase
    TestEngine m_engine;
    RPCHandler m_handler;
    Properties m_props;

    static final String NAME1 = "Test";

    public RPCHandlerTest( String s )
        super( s );

    public void setUp()
        throws Exception
        m_props = new Properties();
        m_props.load( TestEngine.findTestProperties() );

        m_engine = new TestEngine( m_props );

        m_handler = new RPCHandler();
        WikiContext ctx = new WikiContext( m_engine, new WikiPage(m_engine, "Dummy") );
        m_handler.initialize( ctx );

    public void tearDown()
        TestEngine.deleteTestPage( NAME1 );
        m_engine.deleteAttachments( NAME1 );

    public void testNonexistantPage()
            m_handler.getPage( "NoSuchPage" );
            fail("No exception for missing page.");
        catch( XmlRpcException e )
            assertEquals( "Wrong error code.", RPCHandler.ERR_NOPAGE, e.code );

    public void testRecentChanges()
        throws Exception
        Date time = getCalendarTime( Calendar.getInstance().getTime() );
        Vector previousChanges = m_handler.getRecentChanges( time );

        m_engine.saveText( NAME1, "Foo" );
        WikiPage directInfo = m_engine.getPage( NAME1 );
        time = getCalendarTime( directInfo.getLastModified() );
        Vector recentChanges = m_handler.getRecentChanges( time );

        assertEquals( "wrong number of changes", 1, recentChanges.size() - previousChanges.size() );

    public void testRecentChangesWithAttachments()
        throws Exception
        Date time = getCalendarTime( Calendar.getInstance().getTime() );
        Vector previousChanges = m_handler.getRecentChanges( time );

        m_engine.saveText( NAME1, "Foo" );
        Attachment att = new Attachment( m_engine, NAME1, "TestAtt.txt" );
        att.setAuthor( "FirstPost" );
        m_engine.getAttachmentManager().storeAttachment( att, m_engine.makeAttachmentFile() );
        WikiPage directInfo = m_engine.getPage( NAME1 );
        time = getCalendarTime( directInfo.getLastModified() );
        Vector recentChanges = m_handler.getRecentChanges( time );

        assertEquals( "wrong number of changes", 1, recentChanges.size() - previousChanges.size() );

    public void testPageInfo()
        throws Exception
        m_engine.saveText( NAME1, "Foobar.[{ALLOW view Anonymous}]" );
        WikiPage directInfo = m_engine.getPage( NAME1 );

        Hashtable ht = m_handler.getPageInfo( NAME1 );
        assertEquals( "name", (String)ht.get( "name" ), NAME1 );

        Date d = (Date) ht.get( "lastModified" );

        Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
        cal.setTime( d );

        System.out.println("Real: "+directInfo.getLastModified() );
        System.out.println("RPC:  "+d );

        // Offset the ZONE offset and DST offset away.  DST only
        // if we're actually in DST.
        cal.add( Calendar.MILLISECOND,
                 (cal.get( Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET )+
                  (cal.getTimeZone().inDaylightTime( d ) ? cal.get( Calendar.DST_OFFSET ) : 0 ) ) );
        System.out.println("RPC2: "+cal.getTime() );

        assertEquals( "date", cal.getTime().getTime(),
                      directInfo.getLastModified().getTime() );

     *  Tests if listLinks() works with a single, non-existant local page.
    public void testListLinks()
        throws Exception
        String text = "[Foobar]";
        String pageName = NAME1;

        m_engine.saveText( pageName, text );

        Vector links = m_handler.listLinks( pageName );

        assertEquals( "link count", 1, links.size() );

        Hashtable linkinfo = (Hashtable) links.elementAt(0);

        assertEquals( "name", "Foobar", linkinfo.get("page") );
        assertEquals( "type", "local",  linkinfo.get("type") );
        assertEquals( "href", "http://localhost/Edit.jsp?page=Foobar", linkinfo.get("href") );

    public void testListLinksWithAttachments()
        throws Exception
        String text = "[Foobar] [Test/TestAtt.txt]";
        String pageName = NAME1;

        m_engine.saveText( pageName, text );

        Attachment att = new Attachment( m_engine, NAME1, "TestAtt.txt" );
        att.setAuthor( "FirstPost" );
        m_engine.getAttachmentManager().storeAttachment( att, m_engine.makeAttachmentFile() );

        // Test.

        Vector links = m_handler.listLinks( pageName );

        assertEquals( "link count", 2, links.size() );

        Hashtable linkinfo = (Hashtable) links.elementAt(0);

        assertEquals( "edit name", "Foobar", linkinfo.get("page") );
        assertEquals( "edit type", "local",  linkinfo.get("type") );
        assertEquals( "edit href", "http://localhost/Edit.jsp?page=Foobar", linkinfo.get("href") );

        linkinfo = (Hashtable) links.elementAt(1);

        assertEquals( "att name", NAME1+"/TestAtt.txt", linkinfo.get("page") );
        assertEquals( "att type", "local", linkinfo.get("type") );
        assertEquals( "att href", "http://localhost/attach/"+NAME1+"/TestAtt.txt", linkinfo.get("href") );

    private Date getCalendarTime( Date modifiedDate )
        Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
        cal.setTime( modifiedDate );
        cal.add( Calendar.HOUR, -1 );

        // Go to UTC
        // Offset the ZONE offset and DST offset away.  DST only
        // if we're actually in DST.
        cal.add( Calendar.MILLISECOND,
                 -(cal.get( Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET )+
                  (cal.getTimeZone().inDaylightTime( modifiedDate ) ? cal.get( Calendar.DST_OFFSET ) : 0 ) ) );

        return cal.getTime();

    public void testPermissions()
        throws Exception
        String text ="Blaa. [{DENY view Guest}] [{ALLOW view NamedGuest}]";

        m_engine.saveText( NAME1, text );

            Vector links = m_handler.listLinks( NAME1 );
            fail("Didn't get an exception in listLinks()");
        catch( XmlRpcException e ) {}

            Hashtable ht = m_handler.getPageInfo( NAME1 );
            fail("Didn't get an exception in getPageInfo()");
        catch( XmlRpcException e ) {}

    public static Test suite()
        return new TestSuite( RPCHandlerTest.class );

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