package com.ecyrd.jspwiki.plugin;
import java.util.Properties;
import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.TestEngine;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.WikiContext;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.WikiEngine;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.WikiPage;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.providers.ProviderException;
public class PluginManagerTest extends TestCase
public static final String NAME1 = "Test1";
Properties props = new Properties();
WikiEngine engine;
WikiContext context;
PluginManager manager;
public PluginManagerTest( String s )
super( s );
public void setUp()
throws Exception
props.load( TestEngine.findTestProperties() );
engine = new TestEngine(props);
context = new WikiContext( engine, new WikiPage(engine, "Testpage") );
manager = new PluginManager( engine, props );
public void tearDown() throws ProviderException
public void testSimpleInsert()
throws Exception
String res = manager.execute( context,
"{INSERT com.ecyrd.jspwiki.plugin.SamplePlugin WHERE text=foobar}");
assertEquals( "foobar",
res );
public void testSimpleInsertNoPackage()
throws Exception
String res = manager.execute( context,
"{INSERT SamplePlugin WHERE text=foobar}");
assertEquals( "foobar",
res );
public void testSimpleInsertNoPackage2()
throws Exception
props.setProperty( PluginManager.PROP_SEARCHPATH, "" );
PluginManager m = new PluginManager( engine, props );
String res = m.execute( context,
"{INSERT SamplePlugin2 WHERE text=foobar}");
assertEquals( "foobar",
res );
public void testSimpleInsertNoPackage3()
throws Exception
props.setProperty( PluginManager.PROP_SEARCHPATH, "" );
PluginManager m = new PluginManager( engine, props );
String res = m.execute( context,
"{INSERT SamplePlugin3 WHERE text=foobar}");
assertEquals( "foobar",
res );
/** Check that in all cases com.ecyrd.jspwiki.plugin is searched. */
public void testSimpleInsertNoPackage4()
throws Exception
props.setProperty( PluginManager.PROP_SEARCHPATH, ",blat.blaa" );
PluginManager m = new PluginManager( engine, props );
String res = m.execute( context,
"{INSERT SamplePlugin WHERE text=foobar}");
assertEquals( "foobar",
res );
public void testSimpleInsert2()
throws Exception
String res = manager.execute( context,
"{INSERT com.ecyrd.jspwiki.plugin.SamplePlugin WHERE text = foobar2, moo=blat}");
assertEquals( "foobar2",
res );
/** Missing closing brace */
public void testSimpleInsert3()
throws Exception
String res = manager.execute( context,
"{INSERT com.ecyrd.jspwiki.plugin.SamplePlugin WHERE text = foobar2, moo=blat");
assertEquals( "foobar2",
res );
public void testQuotedArgs()
throws Exception
String res = manager.execute( context,
"{INSERT SamplePlugin WHERE text='this is a space'}");
assertEquals( "this is a space",
res );
public void testQuotedArgs2()
throws Exception
String res = manager.execute( context,
"{INSERT SamplePlugin WHERE text='this \\'is a\\' space'}");
assertEquals( "this 'is a' space",
res );
public void testNumberArgs()
throws Exception
String res = manager.execute( context,
"{INSERT SamplePlugin WHERE text=15}");
assertEquals( "15",
res );
public void testNoInsert()
throws Exception
String res = manager.execute( context,
"{SamplePlugin WHERE text=15}");
assertEquals( "15",
res );
// This should be read from tests/etc/ini/jspwiki_module.xml
public void testAlias()
throws Exception
String res = manager.execute( context, "{samplealias text=15}");
assertEquals( "15", res );
public void testAlias2()
throws Exception
String res = manager.execute( context, "{samplealias2 text=xyzzy}");
assertEquals( "xyzzy", res );
public void testInitPlugin() throws Exception
manager.execute( context, "{JavaScriptPlugin}");
assertTrue( JavaScriptPlugin.c_inited );
public void testParserPlugin() throws Exception
engine.saveText(context, "[{SamplePlugin render=true}]");
engine.getHTML( "Testpage" );
assertTrue( SamplePlugin.c_rendered );
public static Test suite()
return new TestSuite( PluginManagerTest.class );