Package com.ecyrd.jspwiki.parser

Source Code of com.ecyrd.jspwiki.parser.JSPWikiMarkupParserTest

package com.ecyrd.jspwiki.parser;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Vector;

import javax.servlet.ServletException;

import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
import stress.Benchmark;

import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.*;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.attachment.Attachment;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.providers.BasicAttachmentProvider;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.render.XHTMLRenderer;

public class JSPWikiMarkupParserTest extends TestCase
    Properties props = new Properties();
    Vector<String>     created = new Vector<String>();

    static final String PAGE_NAME = "testpage";

    TestEngine testEngine;

    public JSPWikiMarkupParserTest( String s )
        super( s );

    public void setUp()
    throws Exception
        props.load( TestEngine.findTestProperties() );

        props.setProperty( "jspwiki.translatorReader.matchEnglishPlurals", "true" );
        testEngine = new TestEngine( props );

    public void tearDown()

    private void newPage( String name )
        throws WikiException
        testEngine.saveText( name, "<test>" );

        created.addElement( name );

    private void deleteCreatedPages()
        for( Iterator i = created.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
            String name = (String);



    private String translate( String src )
    throws IOException,
        return translate( new WikiPage(testEngine, PAGE_NAME), src );

    private String translate( WikiEngine e, String src )
        throws IOException,
        return translate( e, new WikiPage(testEngine, PAGE_NAME), src );

    private String translate( WikiPage p, String src )
        throws IOException,
        return translate( testEngine, p, src );

    private String translate( WikiEngine e, WikiPage p, String src )
        throws IOException,
        WikiContext context = new WikiContext( e, p );
        JSPWikiMarkupParser tr = new JSPWikiMarkupParser( context,
                                                          new BufferedReader( new StringReader(src)) );

        XHTMLRenderer conv = new XHTMLRenderer( context, tr.parse() );

        return conv.getString();

    private String translate_nofollow( String src )
        throws IOException,
        props.load( TestEngine.findTestProperties() );

        props.setProperty( "jspwiki.translatorReader.useRelNofollow", "true" );
        TestEngine testEngine2 = new TestEngine( props );

        WikiContext context = new WikiContext( testEngine2,
                                               new WikiPage(testEngine2, PAGE_NAME) );
        JSPWikiMarkupParser r = new JSPWikiMarkupParser( context,
                                                         new BufferedReader( new StringReader(src)) );

        XHTMLRenderer conv = new XHTMLRenderer( context, r.parse() );

        return conv.getString();

    public void testHyperlinks2()
    throws Exception

        String src = "This should be a [hyperlink]";

        assertEquals( "This should be a <a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"/Wiki.jsp?page=Hyperlink\">hyperlink</a>",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testHyperlinks3()
    throws Exception

        String src = "This should be a [hyperlink too]";

        assertEquals( "This should be a <a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"/Wiki.jsp?page=HyperlinkToo\">hyperlink too</a>",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testHyperlinks4()
    throws Exception

        String src = "This should be a [HyperLink]";

        assertEquals( "This should be a <a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"/Wiki.jsp?page=HyperLink\">HyperLink</a>",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testHyperlinks5()
    throws Exception

        String src = "This should be a [here|HyperLink]";

        assertEquals( "This should be a <a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"/Wiki.jsp?page=HyperLink\">here</a>",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testHyperlinksNamed1()
    throws Exception

        String src = "This should be a [here|HyperLink#heading]";

        assertEquals( "This should be a <a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"/Wiki.jsp?page=HyperLink#section-HyperLink-Heading\">here</a>",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testHyperlinksNamed2()
    throws Exception

        String src = "This should be a [HyperLink#heading]";

        assertEquals( "This should be a <a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"/Wiki.jsp?page=HyperLink#section-HyperLink-Heading\">HyperLink#heading</a>",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testHyperlinksNamed3()
    throws Exception

        String src = "!Heading Too\r\nThis should be a [HyperLink#heading too]";

        assertEquals( "<h4 id=\"section-testpage-HeadingToo\">Heading Too<a class=\"hashlink\" href=\"#section-testpage-HeadingToo\">#</a></h4>\nThis should be a <a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"/Wiki.jsp?page=HyperLink#section-HyperLink-HeadingToo\">HyperLink#heading too</a>",
                      translate(src) );
    //  Testing CamelCase hyperlinks

    public void testHyperLinks6()
    throws Exception

        String src = "[DiscussionAboutWiki] [WikiMarkupDevelopment].";

        assertEquals( "<a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"/Wiki.jsp?page=DiscussionAboutWiki\">DiscussionAboutWiki</a> <a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"/Wiki.jsp?page=WikiMarkupDevelopment\">WikiMarkupDevelopment</a>.",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testHyperlinksCC()
    throws Exception

        String src = "This should be a HyperLink.";

        assertEquals( "This should be a <a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"/Wiki.jsp?page=HyperLink\">HyperLink</a>.",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testHyperlinksCCNonExistant()
    throws Exception
        String src = "This should be a HyperLink.";

        assertEquals( "This should be a <a class=\"createpage\" href=\"/Edit.jsp?page=HyperLink\" title=\"Create &quot;HyperLink&quot;\">HyperLink</a>.",
                      translate(src) );

     *  Check if the CC hyperlink translator gets confused with
     *  unorthodox bracketed links.

    public void testHyperlinksCC2()
    throws Exception

        String src = "This should be a [  HyperLink  ].";

        assertEquals( "This should be a <a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"/Wiki.jsp?page=HyperLink\">  HyperLink  </a>.",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testHyperlinksCC3()
    throws Exception
        String src = "This should be a nonHyperLink.";

        assertEquals( "This should be a nonHyperLink.",
                      translate(src) );

    /** Two links on same line. */

    public void testHyperlinksCC4()
    throws Exception

        String src = "This should be a HyperLink, and ThisToo.";

        assertEquals( "This should be a <a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"/Wiki.jsp?page=HyperLink\">HyperLink</a>, and <a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"/Wiki.jsp?page=ThisToo\">ThisToo</a>.",
                      translate(src) );

    /** Two mixed links on same line. */

    public void testHyperlinksCC5()
    throws Exception

        String src = "This should be a [HyperLink], and ThisToo.";

        assertEquals( "This should be a <a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"/Wiki.jsp?page=HyperLink\">HyperLink</a>, and <a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"/Wiki.jsp?page=ThisToo\">ThisToo</a>.",
                      translate(src) );

    /** Closing tags only. */

    public void testHyperlinksCC6()
    throws Exception

        String src = "] This ] should be a HyperLink], and ThisToo.";

        assertEquals( "] This ] should be a <a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"/Wiki.jsp?page=HyperLink\">HyperLink</a>], and <a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"/Wiki.jsp?page=ThisToo\">ThisToo</a>.",
                      translate(src) );

    /** First and last words on line. */
    public void testHyperlinksCCFirstAndLast()
    throws Exception

        String src = "HyperLink, and ThisToo";

        assertEquals( "<a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"/Wiki.jsp?page=HyperLink\">HyperLink</a>, and <a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"/Wiki.jsp?page=ThisToo\">ThisToo</a>",
                      translate(src) );

    /** Hyperlinks inside URIs. */

    public void testHyperlinksCCURLs()
    throws Exception
        String src = "";

        // System.out.println( "EX:"+translate(src) );
        assertEquals( "<a class=\"external\" href=\"\"></a>",
                      translate(src) );

    /** Hyperlinks inside URIs. */

    public void testHyperlinksCCURLs2()
    throws Exception
        String src = "";

        // System.out.println( "EX:"+translate(src) );
        assertEquals( "<a class=\"external\" href=\"\"></a>",
                      translate(src) );

    /** Hyperlinks inside URIs. */

    public void testHyperlinksCCURLs3()
    throws Exception
        String src = "This should be a link:  Is it?";

        // System.out.println( "EX:"+translate(src) );
        assertEquals( "This should be a link: <a class=\"external\" href=\"\"></a>.  Is it?",
                      translate(src) );

    /** Hyperlinks in brackets. */

    public void testHyperlinksCCURLs4()
    throws Exception
        String src = "This should be a link: (  Is it?";

        // System.out.println( "EX:"+translate(src) );
        assertEquals( "This should be a link: (<a class=\"external\" href=\"\"></a>)  Is it?",
                      translate(src) );

    /** Hyperlinks end line. */

    public void testHyperlinksCCURLs5()
    throws Exception
        String src = "This should be a link:\nIs it?";

        // System.out.println( "EX:"+translate(src) );
        assertEquals( "This should be a link: <a class=\"external\" href=\"\"></a>\nIs it?",
                      translate(src) );

    /** Hyperlinks with odd chars. */

    public void testHyperlinksCCURLs6()
    throws Exception
        String src = "This should not be a link: http://''some.server''/wiki//Wiki.jsp\nIs it?";

        // System.out.println( "EX:"+translate(src) );
        assertEquals( "This should not be a link: http://<i>some.server</i>/wiki//Wiki.jsp\nIs it?",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testHyperlinksCCURLs7()
    throws Exception
        String src = "";

        // System.out.println( "EX:"+translate(src) );
        assertEquals( "<a class=\"external\" href=\";gobble=bobble+gnoo\">;gobble=bobble+gnoo</a>",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testHyperlinksCCURLs8()
    throws Exception
        String src = "";

        // System.out.println( "EX:"+translate(src) );
        assertEquals( "<a class=\"external\" href=\"\"></a>",
                      translate(src) );
    public void testHyperlinksCCURLs9()
    throws Exception
        String src = "";

        // System.out.println( "EX:"+translate(src) );
        assertEquals( "<a class=\"external\" href=\"\"></a>",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testHyperlinksCCNegated()
    throws Exception
        String src = "This should not be a ~HyperLink.";

        assertEquals( "This should not be a HyperLink.",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testHyperlinksCCNegated2()
    throws Exception
        String src = "~HyperLinks should not be matched.";

        assertEquals( "HyperLinks should not be matched.",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testHyperlinksCCNegated3()
    throws Exception
        String src = "The page ~ASamplePage is not a hyperlink.";

        assertEquals( "The page ASamplePage is not a hyperlink.",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testHyperlinksCCNegated4()
    throws Exception
        String src = "The page \"~ASamplePage\" is not a hyperlink.";

        assertEquals( "The page &quot;ASamplePage&quot; is not a hyperlink.",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testCCLinkInList()
    throws Exception

        String src = "*HyperLink";

        assertEquals( "<ul><li><a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"/Wiki.jsp?page=HyperLink\">HyperLink</a></li></ul>",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testCCLinkBold()
    throws Exception

        String src = "__BoldHyperLink__";

        assertEquals( "<b><a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"/Wiki.jsp?page=BoldHyperLink\">BoldHyperLink</a></b>",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testCCLinkBold2()
    throws Exception

        String src = "Let's see, if a bold __HyperLink__ is correct?";

        assertEquals( "Let's see, if a bold <b><a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"/Wiki.jsp?page=HyperLink\">HyperLink</a></b> is correct?",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testCCLinkItalic()
    throws Exception

        String src = "''ItalicHyperLink''";

        assertEquals( "<i><a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"/Wiki.jsp?page=ItalicHyperLink\">ItalicHyperLink</a></i>",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testCCLinkWithPunctuation()
    throws Exception

        String src = "Test. Punctuation. HyperLink.";

        assertEquals( "Test. Punctuation. <a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"/Wiki.jsp?page=HyperLink\">HyperLink</a>.",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testCCLinkWithPunctuation2()
    throws Exception

        String src = "Punctuations: HyperLink,ThisToo.";

        assertEquals( "Punctuations: <a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"/Wiki.jsp?page=HyperLink\">HyperLink</a>,<a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"/Wiki.jsp?page=ThisToo\">ThisToo</a>.",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testCCLinkWithScandics()
    throws Exception

        String src = "Onko t\u00e4m\u00e4 hyperlinkki: \u00c4itiSy\u00f6\u00d6ljy\u00e4?";

        assertEquals( "Onko t\u00e4m\u00e4 hyperlinkki: <a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"/Wiki.jsp?page=%C4itiSy%F6%D6ljy%E4\">\u00c4itiSy\u00f6\u00d6ljy\u00e4</a>?",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testHyperlinksExt()
    throws Exception
        String src = "This should be a []";

        assertEquals( "This should be a <a class=\"external\" href=\"\"></a>",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testHyperlinksExt2()
    throws Exception
        String src = "This should be a [link|]";

        assertEquals( "This should be a <a class=\"external\" href=\"\">link</a>",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testHyperlinksExtNofollow()
    throws Exception
        String src = "This should be a [link|]";

        assertEquals( "This should be a <a class=\"external\" href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">link</a>",
                      translate_nofollow(src) );

    //  Testing various odds and ends about hyperlink matching.

    public void testHyperlinksPluralMatch()
    throws Exception
        String src = "This should be a [HyperLinks]";


        assertEquals( "This should be a <a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"/Wiki.jsp?page=HyperLink\">HyperLinks</a>",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testHyperlinksPluralMatch2()
    throws Exception
        String src = "This should be a [HyperLinks]";

        assertEquals( "This should be a <a class=\"createpage\" href=\"/Edit.jsp?page=HyperLinks\" title=\"Create &quot;HyperLinks&quot;\">HyperLinks</a>",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testHyperlinksPluralMatch3()
    throws Exception
        String src = "This should be a [HyperLink]";


        assertEquals( "This should be a <a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"/Wiki.jsp?page=HyperLinks\">HyperLink</a>",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testHyperlinksPluralMatch4()
    throws Exception
        String src = "This should be a [Hyper links]";


        assertEquals( "This should be a <a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"/Wiki.jsp?page=HyperLink\">Hyper links</a>",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testHyperlinkJS1()
    throws Exception
        String src = "This should be a [link|\" onMouseOver=\"alert('Hahhaa');\"]";

        assertEquals( "This should be a <a class=\"external\" href=\"; onMouseOver=&quot;alert('Hahhaa');&quot;\">link</a>",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testHyperlinksInterWiki1()
    throws Exception
        String src = "This should be a [link|JSPWiki:HyperLink]";

        assertEquals( "This should be a <a class=\"interwiki\" href=\"\">link</a>",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testHyperlinksInterWiki2()
    throws Exception
        String src = "This should be a [JSPWiki:HyperLink]";

        assertEquals( "This should be a <a class=\"interwiki\" href=\"\">JSPWiki:HyperLink</a>",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testAttachmentLink()
    throws Exception

        Attachment att = new Attachment( testEngine, "Test", "TestAtt.txt" );
        att.setAuthor( "FirstPost" );
        testEngine.getAttachmentManager().storeAttachment( att, testEngine.makeAttachmentFile() );

        String src = "This should be an [attachment link|Test/TestAtt.txt]";

        assertEquals( "This should be an <a class=\"attachment\" href=\"/attach/Test/TestAtt.txt\">attachment link</a>"+
                      "<a href=\"/PageInfo.jsp?page=Test/TestAtt.txt\" class=\"infolink\"><img src=\"/images/attachment_small.png\" border=\"0\" alt=\"(info)\" /></a>",

    public void testAttachmentLink2()
    throws Exception
        props.setProperty( "jspwiki.encoding", "ISO-8859-1" );

        TestEngine testEngine2 = new TestEngine( props );

        testEngine2.saveText( "Test", "foo ");
        created.addElement( "Test" );

        Attachment att = new Attachment( testEngine2, "Test", "TestAtt.txt" );
        att.setAuthor( "FirstPost" );

        testEngine2.getAttachmentManager().storeAttachment( att, testEngine.makeAttachmentFile() );

        String src = "This should be an [attachment link|Test/TestAtt.txt]";

        assertEquals( "This should be an <a class=\"attachment\" href=\"/attach/Test/TestAtt.txt\">attachment link</a>"+
                      "<a href=\"/PageInfo.jsp?page=Test/TestAtt.txt\" class=\"infolink\"><img src=\"/images/attachment_small.png\" border=\"0\" alt=\"(info)\" /></a>",

     * Are attachments parsed correctly also when using gappy text?
    public void testAttachmentLink3()
    throws Exception
        TestEngine testEngine2 = new TestEngine( props );

        testEngine2.saveText( "TestPage", "foo ");
        created.addElement( "TestPage" );

        Attachment att = new Attachment( testEngine2, "TestPage", "TestAtt.txt" );
        att.setAuthor( "FirstPost" );

        testEngine2.getAttachmentManager().storeAttachment( att, testEngine.makeAttachmentFile() );

        String src = "[Test page/TestAtt.txt]";

        assertEquals( "<a class=\"attachment\" href=\"/attach/TestPage/TestAtt.txt\">Test page/TestAtt.txt</a>"+
                      "<a href=\"/PageInfo.jsp?page=TestPage/TestAtt.txt\" class=\"infolink\"><img src=\"/images/attachment_small.png\" border=\"0\" alt=\"(info)\" /></a>",

    public void testAttachmentLink4()
    throws Exception
        TestEngine testEngine2 = new TestEngine( props );

        testEngine2.saveText( "TestPage", "foo ");
        created.addElement( "TestPage" );

        Attachment att = new Attachment( testEngine2, "TestPage", "TestAtt.txt" );
        att.setAuthor( "FirstPost" );

        testEngine2.getAttachmentManager().storeAttachment( att, testEngine.makeAttachmentFile() );

        String src = "["+testEngine2.beautifyTitle("TestPage/TestAtt.txt")+"]";

        assertEquals( "<a class=\"attachment\" href=\"/attach/TestPage/TestAtt.txt\">Test Page/TestAtt.txt</a>"+
                      "<a href=\"/PageInfo.jsp?page=TestPage/TestAtt.txt\" class=\"infolink\"><img src=\"/images/attachment_small.png\" border=\"0\" alt=\"(info)\" /></a>",

    public void testNoHyperlink()
    throws Exception

        String src = "This should not be a [[HyperLink]";

        assertEquals( "This should not be a [HyperLink]",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testNoHyperlink2()
    throws Exception
        String src = "This should not be a [[[[HyperLink]";

        assertEquals( "This should not be a [[[HyperLink]",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testNoHyperlink3()
    throws Exception
        String src = "[[HyperLink], and this [[Neither].";

        assertEquals( "[HyperLink], and this [Neither].",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testNoPlugin()
    throws Exception
        String src = "There is [[{NoPlugin}] here.";

        assertEquals( "There is [{NoPlugin}] here.",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testErroneousHyperlink()
    throws Exception
        String src = "What if this is the last char [";

        assertEquals( "What if this is the last char ",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testErroneousHyperlink2()
    throws Exception
        String src = "What if this is the last char [[";

        assertEquals( "What if this is the last char [",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testExtraPagename1()
    throws Exception
        String src = "Link [test_page]";


        assertEquals("Link <a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"/Wiki.jsp?page=Test_page\">test_page</a>",
                     translate(src) );

    public void testExtraPagename2()
    throws Exception
        String src = "Link []";


        assertEquals("Link <a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"/Wiki.jsp?\"></a>",
                     translate(src) );

    public void testExtraPagename3()
    throws Exception
        String src = "Link [.testpage_]";


        assertEquals("Link <a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"/Wiki.jsp?page=.testpage_\">.testpage_</a>",
                     translate(src) );

    public void testInlineImages()
    throws Exception
        String src = "Link [test|]";

        assertEquals("Link <img class=\"inline\" src=\"\" alt=\"test\" />",
                     translate(src) );

    public void testInlineImages2()
    throws Exception
        String src = "Link [test|]";

        assertEquals("Link <a class=\"external\" href=\"\">test</a>",
                     translate(src) );

    public void testInlineImages3()
    throws Exception
        String src = "Link [test|]";

        assertEquals("Link <img class=\"inline\" src=\"\" alt=\"test\" />",
                     translate(src) );

    public void testInlineImages4()
    throws Exception
        String src = "Link [test|http://foobar.jpg]";

        assertEquals("Link <img class=\"inline\" src=\"http://foobar.jpg\" alt=\"test\" />",
                     translate(src) );

    // No link text should be just embedded link.
    public void testInlineImagesLink2()
    throws Exception
        String src = "Link [http://foobar.jpg]";

        assertEquals("Link <img class=\"inline\" src=\"http://foobar.jpg\" alt=\"http://foobar.jpg\" />",
                     translate(src) );

    public void testInlineImagesLink()
    throws Exception
        String src = "Link [|http://foobar.jpg]";

        assertEquals("Link <a class=\"external\" href=\"\"><img class=\"inline\" src=\"http://foobar.jpg\" alt=\"\" /></a>",
                     translate(src) );

    public void testInlineImagesLink3()
    throws Exception
        String src = "Link [SandBox|http://foobar.jpg]";


        assertEquals("Link <a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"/Wiki.jsp?page=SandBox\"><img class=\"inline\" src=\"http://foobar.jpg\" alt=\"SandBox\" /></a>",
                     translate(src) );

    public void testScandicPagename1()
    throws Exception
        String src = "Link [\u00C5\u00E4Test]";

        newPage("\u00C5\u00E4Test"); // FIXME: Should be capital

        assertEquals("Link <a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"/Wiki.jsp?page=%C5%E4Test\">\u00c5\u00e4Test</a>",

    public void testParagraph()
    throws Exception
        String src = "1\n\n2\n\n3";

        assertEquals( "<p>1\n</p><p>2\n</p>\n<p>3</p>", translate(src) );

    public void testParagraph2()
    throws Exception
        String src = "[WikiEtiquette]\r\n\r\n[Find page]";

        newPage( "WikiEtiquette" );

        assertEquals( "<p><a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"/Wiki.jsp?page=WikiEtiquette\">WikiEtiquette</a>\n</p>"+
                      "<p><a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"/Wiki.jsp?page=FindPage\">Find page</a></p>", translate(src) );

    public void testParagraph3()
    throws Exception
        String src = "\r\n\r\n!Testi\r\n\r\nFoo.";

        assertEquals( "<p />\n<h4 id=\"section-testpage-Testi\">Testi<a class=\"hashlink\" href=\"#section-testpage-Testi\">#</a></h4>\n<p>Foo.</p>",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testParagraph4()
    throws Exception
        String src = "\r\n[Recent Changes]\\\\\r\n[WikiEtiquette]\r\n\r\n[Find pages|FindPage]\\\\\r\n[Unused pages|UnusedPages]";


        assertEquals( "<p><a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"/Wiki.jsp?page=RecentChanges\">Recent Changes</a><br />\n"+
                      "<a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"/Wiki.jsp?page=WikiEtiquette\">WikiEtiquette</a>\n</p>\n"+
                      "<p><a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"/Wiki.jsp?page=FindPage\">Find pages</a><br />\n"+
                      "<a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"/Wiki.jsp?page=UnusedPages\">Unused pages</a></p>",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testParagraph5() throws Exception
        String src = "__File type sniffing__ is a way of identifying the content type of a document.\n\n"+
                     "In UNIX, the file(1) command can be used.";

        assertEquals( "<p><b>File type sniffing</b> is a way of identifying the content type of a document.\n</p>"+
                      "<p>In UNIX, the file(1) command can be used.</p>",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testParagraph6() throws Exception
        String src = "[{Counter}]\n\n__File type sniffing__ is a way of identifying the content type of a document.\n\n"+
                     "In UNIX, the file(1) command can be used.";

        assertEquals( "<p>1\n</p><p><b>File type sniffing</b> is a way of identifying the content type of a document.\n</p>\n"+
                      "<p>In UNIX, the file(1) command can be used.</p>",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testParagraph7() throws Exception
        String src = "[{$encoding}]\n\n__File type sniffing__ is a way of identifying the content type of a document.\n\n"+
                     "In UNIX, the file(1) command can be used.";

        assertEquals( "<p>ISO-8859-1\n</p><p><b>File type sniffing</b> is a way of identifying the content type of a document.\n</p>\n"+
                      "<p>In UNIX, the file(1) command can be used.</p>",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testParagraph8() throws Exception
        String src = "[{SET foo=bar}]\n\n__File type sniffing__ is a way of identifying the content type of a document.\n\n"+
                     "In UNIX, the file(1) command can be used.";

        assertEquals( "<p><b>File type sniffing</b> is a way of identifying the content type of a document.\n</p>\n"+
                      "<p>In UNIX, the file(1) command can be used.</p>",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testLinebreak()
    throws Exception
        String src = "1\\\\2";

        assertEquals( "1<br />2", translate(src) );

    public void testLinebreakEscape()
    throws Exception
        String src = "1~\\\\2";

        assertEquals( "1\\\\2", translate(src) );

    public void testLinebreakClear()
    throws Exception
        String src = "1\\\\\\2";

        assertEquals( "1<br clear=\"all\" />2", translate(src) );

    public void testTT()
    throws Exception
        String src = "1{{2345}}6";

        assertEquals( "1<tt>2345</tt>6", translate(src) );

    public void testTTAcrossLines()
    throws Exception
        String src = "1{{\n2345\n}}6";

        assertEquals( "1<tt>\n2345\n</tt>6", translate(src) );

    public void testTTLinks()
    throws Exception
        String src = "1{{\n2345\n[a link]\n}}6";


        assertEquals( "1<tt>\n2345\n<a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"/Wiki.jsp?page=ALink\">a link</a>\n</tt>6", translate(src) );

    public void testPre()
    throws Exception
        String src = "1{{{2345}}}6";

        assertEquals( "1<span style=\"font-family:monospace; white-space:pre;\">2345</span>6", translate(src) );

    public void testPre2()
    throws Exception
        String src = "1 {{{ {{{ 2345 }}} }}} 6";

        assertEquals( "1 <span style=\"font-family:monospace; white-space:pre;\"> {{{ 2345 </span> }}} 6", translate(src) );

    public void testPre3()
    throws Exception
        String src = "foo\n\nbar{{{2345}}}6";

        assertEquals( "<p>foo\n</p><p>bar<span style=\"font-family:monospace; white-space:pre;\">2345</span>6</p>", translate(src) );

    public void testPreEscape()
    throws Exception
        String src = "1~{{{2345}}}6";

        assertEquals( "1{{{2345}}}6", translate(src) );

    public void testPreEscape2()
    throws Exception
        String src = "1{{{{{{2345~}}}}}}6";

        assertEquals( "1<span style=\"font-family:monospace; white-space:pre;\">{{{2345}}}</span>6", translate(src) );

    public void testPreEscape3()
    throws Exception
        String src = "1 {{{ {{{ 2345 ~}}} }}} 6";

        assertEquals( "1 <span style=\"font-family:monospace; white-space:pre;\"> {{{ 2345 }}} </span> 6", translate(src) );

    public void testPreEscape4()
    throws Exception
        String src = "1{{{ {{{2345~}} }}}6";

        assertEquals( "1<span style=\"font-family:monospace; white-space:pre;\"> {{{2345~}} </span>6", translate(src) );

    public void testPreEscape5()
    throws Exception
        String src = "1{{{ ~ }}}6";

        assertEquals( "1<span style=\"font-family:monospace; white-space:pre;\"> ~ </span>6", translate(src) );

    public void testHTMLInPre()
    throws Exception
        String src = "1\n{{{ <b> }}}";

        assertEquals( "1\n<pre> &lt;b&gt; </pre>", translate(src) );

    public void testCamelCaseInPre()
    throws Exception
        String src = "1\n{{{ CamelCase }}}";

        assertEquals( "1\n<pre> CamelCase </pre>", translate(src) );

    public void testPreWithLines()
    throws Exception
        String src = "1\r\n{{{\r\nZippadii\r\n}}}";

        assertEquals( "1\n<pre>\nZippadii\n</pre>", translate(src) );

    public void testList1()
    throws Exception
        String src = "A list:\n* One\n* Two\n* Three\n";

        assertEquals( "A list:\n<ul><li>One\n</li><li>Two\n</li><li>Three\n</li></ul>",
                      translate(src) );

    /** Plain multi line testing:
     * One
     * Two
     * Three
    public void testMultilineList1()
    throws Exception
        String src = "A list:\n* One\n continuing.\n* Two\n* Three\n";

        assertEquals( "A list:\n<ul><li>One\n continuing.\n</li><li>Two\n</li><li>Three\n</li></ul>",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testMultilineList2()
    throws Exception
        String src = "A list:\n* One\n continuing.\n* Two\n* Three\nShould be normal.";

        assertEquals( "A list:\n<ul><li>One\n continuing.\n</li><li>Two\n</li><li>Three\n</li></ul>Should be normal.",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testHTML()
    throws Exception
        String src = "<b>Test</b>";

        assertEquals( "&lt;b&gt;Test&lt;/b&gt;", translate(src) );

    public void testHTML2()
    throws Exception
        String src = "<p>";

        assertEquals( "&lt;p&gt;", translate(src) );

    public void testHTMLWhenAllowed()
    throws Exception
        String src = "<p>";

        props.setProperty( "jspwiki.translatorReader.allowHTML", "true" );
        testEngine = new TestEngine( props );

        WikiPage page = new WikiPage(testEngine,PAGE_NAME);

        String out = translate( testEngine, page, src );

        assertEquals( "<p>", out );

    public void testHTMLWhenAllowedPre()
    throws Exception
        String src = "{{{ <br /> }}}";

        props.setProperty( "jspwiki.translatorReader.allowHTML", "true" );
        testEngine = new TestEngine( props );

        WikiPage page = new WikiPage(testEngine,PAGE_NAME);

        String out = translate( testEngine, page, src );

        assertEquals( "<pre> &lt;br /&gt; </pre>", out );

    // This test is not really needed anymore: the JDOM output mechanism
    // handles attribute and element content escaping properly.
    public void testQuotes()
    throws Exception
        String src = "\"Test\"\"";

        assertEquals( "&quot;Test&quot;&quot;", translate(src) );
    public void testHTMLEntities()
    throws Exception
        String src = "& &darr; foo&nbsp;bar &nbsp;&quot; &#2020;&";

        assertEquals( "&amp; &darr; foo&nbsp;bar &nbsp;&quot; &#2020;&amp;", translate(src) );

    public void testItalicAcrossLinebreak()
    throws Exception
        String src="''This is a\ntest.''";

        assertEquals( "<i>This is a\ntest.</i>", translate(src) );

    public void testBoldAcrossLinebreak()
    throws Exception
        String src="__This is a\ntest.__";

        assertEquals( "<b>This is a\ntest.</b>", translate(src) );

    public void testBoldAcrossParagraph()
    throws Exception
        String src="__This is a\n\ntest.__";

        assertEquals( "<p><b>This is a\n</b></p><p><b>test.</b></p>", translate(src) );

    public void testBoldItalic()
    throws Exception
        String src="__This ''is'' a test.__";

        assertEquals( "<b>This <i>is</i> a test.</b>", translate(src) );

    public void testFootnote1()
    throws Exception
        String src="Footnote[1]";

        assertEquals( "Footnote<a class=\"footnoteref\" href=\"#ref-testpage-1\">[1]</a>",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testFootnote2()
    throws Exception
        String src="[#2356] Footnote.";

        assertEquals( "<a class=\"footnote\" name=\"ref-testpage-2356\">[#2356]</a> Footnote.",
                      translate(src) );

    /** Check an reported error condition where empty list items could cause crashes */

    public void testEmptySecondLevelList()
    throws Exception
        String src="A\n\n**\n\nB";

        // System.out.println(translate(src));
        assertEquals( "<p>A\n</p><ul><li><ul><li>\n</li></ul></li></ul><p>B</p>",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testEmptySecondLevelList2()
    throws Exception
        String src="A\n\n##\n\nB";

        // System.out.println(translate(src));
        assertEquals( "<p>A\n</p><ol><li><ol><li>\n</li></ol></li></ol><p>B</p>",
                      translate(src) );

     * <pre>
     *   *Item A
     *   ##Numbered 1
     *   ##Numbered 2
     *   *Item B
     * </pre>
     * would come out as:
     * <li>Item A
     * </ul>
     * <ol>
     * <ol>
     * <li>Numbered 1
     * <li>Numbered 2
     * <ul>
     * <li></ol>
     * </ol>
     * Item B
     * </ul>
     *  (by Mahlen Morris).

    public void testMixedList()
    throws Exception
        String src="*Item A\n##Numbered 1\n##Numbered 2\n*Item B\n";

        String result = translate(src);

        // Remove newlines for easier parsing.
        result = TextUtil.replaceString( result, "\n", "" );

        assertEquals( "<ul><li>Item A"+
                      "<ol><li>Numbered 1</li>"+
                      "<li>Numbered 2</li>"+
                      "<li>Item B</li>"+
                      result );
     *  Like testMixedList() but the list types have been reversed.

    public void testMixedList2()
    throws Exception
        String src="#Item A\n**Numbered 1\n**Numbered 2\n#Item B\n";

        String result = translate(src);

        // Remove newlines for easier parsing.
        result = TextUtil.replaceString( result, "\n", "" );

        assertEquals( "<ol><li>Item A"+
                      "<ul><li>Numbered 1</li>"+
                      "<li>Numbered 2</li>"+
                      "<li>Item B</li>"+
                      result );

     * <pre>
     *   * bullet A
     *   ** bullet A_1
     *   *# number A_1
     *   * bullet B
     * </pre>
     * would come out as:
     * <ul>
     *   <li>bullet A
     *     <ul>
     *       <li>bullet A_1</li>
     *     </ul>
     *     <ol>
     *       <li>number A_1</li>
     *     </ol>
     *   </li>
     *   <li>bullet B</li>
     * </ul>

    public void testMixedListOnSameLevel()
    throws Exception
        String src="* bullet A\n** bullet A_1\n*# number A_1\n* bullet B\n";

        String result = translate(src);

        // Remove newlines for easier parsing.
        result = TextUtil.replaceString( result, "\n", "" );

        assertEquals( "<ul>"+
                      "<li>bullet A"+
                      "<li>bullet A_1</li>"+
                      "<li>number A_1</li>"+
                      "<li>bullet B</li>"+
                      result );
     * <pre>
     *   * bullet A
     *   ** bullet A_1
     *   ## number A_1
     *   * bullet B
     * </pre>
     * would come out as:
     * <ul>
     *   <li>bullet A
     *     <ul>
     *       <li>bullet A_1</li>
     *     </ul>
     *     <ol>
     *       <li>number A_1</li>
     *     </ol>
     *   </li>
     *   <li>bullet B</li>
     * </ul>

    public void testMixedListOnSameLevel2()
    throws Exception
        String src="* bullet A\n** bullet A_1\n## number A_1\n* bullet B\n";

        String result = translate(src);

        // Remove newlines for easier parsing.
        result = TextUtil.replaceString( result, "\n", "" );

        assertEquals( "<ul>"+
                      "<li>bullet A"+
                      "<li>bullet A_1</li>"+
                      "<li>number A_1</li>"+
                      "<li>bullet B</li>"+
                      result );

     * <pre>
     *   * bullet 1
     *   ## number 2
     *   ** bullet 3
     *   ## number 4
     *   * bullet 5
     * </pre>
     * would come out as:
     *   <ul>
     *       <li>bullet 1
     *           <ol><li>number 2</li></ol>
     *           <ul><li>bullet 3</li></ul>
     *           <ol><li>number 4</li></ol>
     *       </li>
     *       <li>bullet 5</li>
     *   </ul>

    public void testMixedListOnSameLevel3()
    throws Exception
        String src="* bullet 1\n## number 2\n** bullet 3\n## number 4\n* bullet 5\n";

        String result = translate(src);

        // Remove newlines for easier parsing.
        result = TextUtil.replaceString( result, "\n", "" );

        assertEquals( "<ul>"+
                      "<li>bullet 1"+
                      "<ol><li>number 2</li></ol>"+
                      "<ul><li>bullet 3</li></ul>"+
                      "<ol><li>number 4</li></ol>"+
                      "<li>bullet 5</li>"+
                      result );
     * <pre>
     *   # number 1
     *   ** bullet 2
     *   ## number 3
     *   ** bullet 4
     *   # number 5
     * </pre>
     * would come out as:
     *   <ol>
     *       <li>number 1
     *           <ul><li>bullet 2</li></ul>
     *           <ol><li>number 3</li></ol>
     *           <ul><li>bullet 4</li></ul>
     *       </li>
     *       <li>number 5</li>
     *   </ol>

    public void testMixedListOnSameLevel4()
    throws Exception
        String src="# number 1\n** bullet 2\n## number 3\n** bullet 4\n# number 5\n";

        String result = translate(src);

        // Remove newlines for easier parsing.
        result = TextUtil.replaceString( result, "\n", "" );

        assertEquals( "<ol>"+
                      "<li>number 1"+
                      "<ul><li>bullet 2</li></ul>"+
                      "<ol><li>number 3</li></ol>"+
                      "<ul><li>bullet 4</li></ul>"+
                      "<li>number 5</li>"+
                      result );

    public void testNestedList()
    throws Exception
        String src="*Item A\n**Numbered 1\n**Numbered 2\n*Item B\n";

        String result = translate(src);

        // Remove newlines for easier parsing.
        result = TextUtil.replaceString( result, "\n", "" );

        assertEquals( "<ul><li>Item A"+
                      "<ul><li>Numbered 1</li>"+
                      "<li>Numbered 2</li>"+
                      "<li>Item B</li>"+
                      result );

    public void testNestedList2()
    throws Exception
        String src="*Item A\n**Numbered 1\n**Numbered 2\n***Numbered3\n*Item B\n";

        String result = translate(src);

        // Remove newlines for easier parsing.
        result = TextUtil.replaceString( result, "\n", "" );

        assertEquals( "<ul><li>Item A"+
                      "<ul><li>Numbered 1</li>"+
                      "<li>Numbered 2"+
                      "<li>Item B</li>"+
                      result );

    public void testPluginInsert()
    throws Exception
        String src="[{INSERT com.ecyrd.jspwiki.plugin.SamplePlugin WHERE text=test}]";

        assertEquals( "test", translate(src) );

    public void testPluginHTMLInsert()
    throws Exception
        String src="[{INSERT com.ecyrd.jspwiki.plugin.SamplePlugin WHERE text='<b>Foo</b>'}]";

        assertEquals( "<b>Foo</b>", translate(src) );

    public void testPluginNoInsert()
    throws Exception
        String src="[{SamplePlugin text=test}]";

        assertEquals( "test", translate(src) );

    public void testPluginInsertJS()
    throws Exception
        String src="Today: [{INSERT JavaScriptPlugin}] ''day''.";

        assertEquals( "Today: <script language=\"JavaScript\"><!--\nfoo='';\n--></script>\n <i>day</i>.", translate(src) );

    public void testShortPluginInsert()
    throws Exception
        String src="[{INSERT SamplePlugin WHERE text=test}]";

        assertEquals( "test", translate(src) );

     *  Test two plugins on same row.
    public void testShortPluginInsert2()
    throws Exception
        String src="[{INSERT SamplePlugin WHERE text=test}] [{INSERT SamplePlugin WHERE text=test2}]";

        assertEquals( "test test2", translate(src) );

    public void testPluginQuotedArgs()
    throws Exception
        String src="[{INSERT SamplePlugin WHERE text='test me now'}]";

        assertEquals( "test me now", translate(src) );

    public void testPluginDoublyQuotedArgs()
    throws Exception
        String src="[{INSERT SamplePlugin WHERE text='test \\'me too\\' now'}]";

        assertEquals( "test 'me too' now", translate(src) );

    public void testPluginQuotedArgs2()
    throws Exception
        String src="[{INSERT SamplePlugin WHERE text=foo}] [{INSERT SamplePlugin WHERE text='test \\'me too\\' now'}]";

        assertEquals( "foo test 'me too' now", translate(src) );

     *  Plugin output must not be parsed as Wiki text.
    public void testPluginWikiText()
    throws Exception
        String src="[{INSERT SamplePlugin WHERE text=PageContent}]";

        assertEquals( "PageContent", translate(src) );

     *  Nor should plugin input be interpreted as wiki text.
    public void testPluginWikiText2()
    throws Exception
        String src="[{INSERT SamplePlugin WHERE text='----'}]";

        assertEquals( "----", translate(src) );

    public void testMultilinePlugin1()
    throws Exception
        String src="Test [{INSERT SamplePlugin WHERE\n text=PageContent}]";

        assertEquals( "Test PageContent", translate(src) );

    public void testMultilinePluginBodyContent()
    throws Exception
        String src="Test [{INSERT SamplePlugin\ntext=PageContent\n\n123\n456\n}]";

        assertEquals( "Test PageContent (123+456+)", translate(src) );

    public void testMultilinePluginBodyContent2()
    throws Exception
        String src="Test [{INSERT SamplePlugin\ntext=PageContent\n\n\n123\n456\n}]";

        assertEquals( "Test PageContent (+123+456+)", translate(src) );

    public void testMultilinePluginBodyContent3()
    throws Exception
        String src="Test [{INSERT SamplePlugin\n\n123\n456\n}]";

        assertEquals( "Test  (123+456+)", translate(src) );

     *  Has an extra space after plugin name.
    public void testMultilinePluginBodyContent4()
    throws Exception
        String src="Test [{INSERT SamplePlugin \n\n123\n456\n}]";

        assertEquals( "Test  (123+456+)", translate(src) );

     *  Check that plugin end is correctly recognized.
    public void testPluginEnd()
    throws Exception
        String src="Test [{INSERT SamplePlugin text=']'}]";

        assertEquals( "Test ]", translate(src) );

    public void testPluginEnd2()
    throws Exception
        String src="Test [{INSERT SamplePlugin text='a[]+b'}]";

        assertEquals( "Test a[]+b", translate(src) );

    public void testPluginEnd3()
    throws Exception
        String src="Test [{INSERT SamplePlugin\n\na[]+b\n}]";

        assertEquals( "Test  (a[]+b+)", translate(src) );

    public void testPluginEnd4()
    throws Exception
        String src="Test [{INSERT SamplePlugin text='}'}]";

        assertEquals( "Test }", translate(src) );

    public void testPluginEnd5()
    throws Exception
        String src="Test [{INSERT SamplePlugin\n\na[]+b{}\nGlob.\n}]";

        assertEquals( "Test  (a[]+b{}+Glob.+)", translate(src) );

    public void testPluginEnd6()
    throws Exception
        String src="Test [{INSERT SamplePlugin\n\na[]+b{}\nGlob.\n}}]";

        assertEquals( "Test  (a[]+b{}+Glob.+})", translate(src) );

    public void testNestedPlugin1()
        throws Exception
        String src="Test [{INSERT SamplePlugin\n\n[{SamplePlugin}]\nGlob.\n}}]";

        assertEquals( "Test  ([{SamplePlugin}]+Glob.+})", translate(src) );

    public void testNestedPlugin2()
        throws Exception
        String src="[{SET foo='bar'}]Test [{INSERT SamplePlugin\n\n[{SamplePlugin text='[{$foo}]'}]\nGlob.\n}}]";

        assertEquals( "Test  ([{SamplePlugin text='[bar]'}]+Glob.+})", translate(src) );

    //  FIXME: I am not entirely certain if this is the right result
    //  Perhaps some sort of an error should be checked?
    public void testPluginNoEnd()
    throws Exception
        String src="Test [{INSERT SamplePlugin\n\na+b{}\nGlob.\n}";

        assertEquals( "Test {INSERT SamplePlugin\n\na+b{}\nGlob.\n}", translate(src) );

    public void testVariableInsert()
    throws Exception
        String src="[{$pagename}]";

        assertEquals( PAGE_NAME+"", translate(src) );

    public void testTable1()
    throws Exception
        String src="|| heading || heading2 \n| Cell 1 | Cell 2 \n| Cell 3 | Cell 4\n\n";

        assertEquals( "<table class=\"wikitable\" border=\"1\">"+
                      "<tr class=\"odd\"><th> heading </th><th> heading2 </th></tr>\n"+
                      "<tr><td> Cell 1 </td><td> Cell 2 </td></tr>\n"+
                      "<tr class=\"odd\"><td> Cell 3 </td><td> Cell 4</td></tr>\n"+
                      "</table><p />",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testTable2()
    throws Exception
        String src="||heading||heading2\n|Cell 1| Cell 2\n| Cell 3 |Cell 4\n\n";

        assertEquals( "<table class=\"wikitable\" border=\"1\">"+
                      "<tr class=\"odd\"><th>heading</th><th>heading2</th></tr>\n"+
                      "<tr><td>Cell 1</td><td> Cell 2</td></tr>\n"+
                      "<tr class=\"odd\"><td> Cell 3 </td><td>Cell 4</td></tr>\n"+
                      "</table><p />",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testTable3()
    throws Exception
        String src="|Cell 1| Cell 2\n| Cell 3 |Cell 4\n\n";

        assertEquals( "<table class=\"wikitable\" border=\"1\">"+
                      "<tr class=\"odd\"><td>Cell 1</td><td> Cell 2</td></tr>\n"+
                      "<tr><td> Cell 3 </td><td>Cell 4</td></tr>\n"+
                      "</table><p />",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testTable4()
    throws Exception
        String src="|a\nbc";

        assertEquals( "<table class=\"wikitable\" border=\"1\">"+
                      "<tr class=\"odd\"><td>a</td></tr>\n"+
                      translate(src) );

     * Tests BugTableHeaderNotXHMTLCompliant
     * @throws Exception
    public void testTable5()
    throws Exception
        String src="Testtable\n||header|cell\n\n|cell||header";

        assertEquals( "<p>Testtable\n</p>"+
                      "<table class=\"wikitable\" border=\"1\">"+
                      "<tr class=\"odd\"><th>header</th><td>cell</td></tr>\n</table><p />\n"+
                      "<table class=\"wikitable\" border=\"1\">"+
                      "<tr class=\"odd\"><td>cell</td><th>header</th></tr>"+
                      translate(src) );

    public void testTableLink()
    throws Exception
        String src="|Cell 1| Cell 2\n|[Cell 3|ReallyALink]|Cell 4\n\n";


        assertEquals( "<table class=\"wikitable\" border=\"1\">"+
                      "<tr class=\"odd\"><td>Cell 1</td><td> Cell 2</td></tr>\n"+
                      "<tr><td><a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"/Wiki.jsp?page=ReallyALink\">Cell 3</a></td><td>Cell 4</td></tr>\n"+
                      "</table><p />",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testTableLinkEscapedBar()
    throws Exception
        String src="|Cell 1| Cell~| 2\n|[Cell 3|ReallyALink]|Cell 4\n\n";


        assertEquals( "<table class=\"wikitable\" border=\"1\">"+
                      "<tr class=\"odd\"><td>Cell 1</td><td> Cell| 2</td></tr>\n"+
                      "<tr><td><a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"/Wiki.jsp?page=ReallyALink\">Cell 3</a></td><td>Cell 4</td></tr>\n"+
                      "</table><p />",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testDescription()
    throws Exception
        String src=";:Foo";

        assertEquals( "<dl><dt></dt><dd>Foo</dd></dl>",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testDescription2()
    throws Exception
        String src=";Bar:Foo";

        assertEquals( "<dl><dt>Bar</dt><dd>Foo</dd></dl>",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testDescription3()
    throws Exception
        String src=";:";

        assertEquals( "<dl><dt></dt><dd /></dl>",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testDescription4()
    throws Exception
        String src=";Bar:Foo :-)";

        assertEquals( "<dl><dt>Bar</dt><dd>Foo :-)</dd></dl>",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testDescription5()
    throws Exception
        String src=";Bar:Foo :-) ;-) :*]";

        assertEquals( "<dl><dt>Bar</dt><dd>Foo :-) ;-) :*]</dd></dl>",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testRuler()
    throws Exception
        String src="----";

        assertEquals( "<hr />",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testRulerCombo()
    throws Exception
        String src="----Foo";

        assertEquals( "<hr />Foo",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testRulerCombo2()
    throws Exception
        String src="Bar----Foo";

        assertEquals( "Bar----Foo",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testShortRuler1()
    throws Exception
        String src="-";

        assertEquals( "-",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testShortRuler2()
    throws Exception
        String src="--";

        assertEquals( "--",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testShortRuler3()
    throws Exception
        String src="---";

        assertEquals( "---",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testLongRuler()
    throws Exception
        String src="------";

        assertEquals( "<hr />",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testHeading1()
    throws Exception
        String src="!Hello\nThis is a test";

        assertEquals( "<h4 id=\"section-testpage-Hello\">Hello<a class=\"hashlink\" href=\"#section-testpage-Hello\">#</a></h4>\nThis is a test",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testHeading2()
    throws Exception
        String src="!!Hello, testing 1, 2, 3";

        assertEquals( "<h3 id=\"section-testpage-HelloTesting123\">Hello, testing 1, 2, 3<a class=\"hashlink\" href=\"#section-testpage-HelloTesting123\">#</a></h3>",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testHeading3()
    throws Exception
        String src="!!!Hello there, how are you doing?";

        assertEquals( "<h2 id=\"section-testpage-HelloThereHowAreYouDoing\">Hello there, how are you doing?<a class=\"hashlink\" href=\"#section-testpage-HelloThereHowAreYouDoing\">#</a></h2>",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testHeadingHyperlinks()
    throws Exception
        String src="!!![Hello]";

        assertEquals( "<h2 id=\"section-testpage-Hello\"><a class=\"createpage\" href=\"/Edit.jsp?page=Hello\" title=\"Create &quot;Hello&quot;\">Hello</a><a class=\"hashlink\" href=\"#section-testpage-Hello\">#</a></h2>",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testHeadingHyperlinks2()
    throws Exception
        String src="!!![Hello|]";

        assertEquals( "<h2 id=\"section-testpage-Hello\"><a class=\"external\" href=\"\">Hello</a><a class=\"hashlink\" href=\"#section-testpage-Hello\">#</a></h2>",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testHeadingHyperlinks3()
    throws Exception
        String src="![Hello|]";

        assertEquals( "<h4 id=\"section-testpage-Hello\"><a class=\"external\" href=\";c=d\">Hello</a><a class=\"hashlink\" href=\"#section-testpage-Hello\">#</a></h4>",
                      translate(src) );

     *  in 2.0.0, this one throws OutofMemoryError.
    public void testBrokenPageText()
    throws Exception
        String translation = translate( brokenPageText );

        assertNotNull( translation );

     *  Shortened version of the previous one.
    public void testBrokenPageTextShort()
    throws Exception
        String src = "{{{\ncode.}}\n";

        assertEquals( "<pre>\ncode.}}\n</pre>", translate(src) );

     *  Shortened version of the previous one.
    public void testBrokenPageTextShort2()
    throws Exception
        String src = "{{{\ncode.}\n";

        assertEquals( "<pre>\ncode.}\n</pre>", translate(src) );

    public void testExtraExclamation()
        throws Exception
        String src = "Hello!";

        assertEquals( "Hello!", translate(src) );

     * Used by the ACL tests.
     * @param array
     * @param key
     * @return
    private boolean inArray( Object[] array, Object key )
        for( int i = 0; i < array.length; i++ )
            if ( array[i].equals( key ) )
                return true;
        return false;
     * Used by the ACL tests.
     * @param array
     * @param key
     * @return
    private boolean inGroup( Object[] array, Principal key )
        for( int i = 0; i < array.length; i++ )
            if (array[i] instanceof Group)
                if (((Group)array[i]).isMember(key))
                    return true;
        return false;
     *  ACL tests.
     public void testSimpleACL1()
     throws Exception
     String src = "Foobar.[{ALLOW view JanneJalkanen}]";

     WikiPage p = new WikiPage( PAGE_NAME );

     String res = translate( p, src );

     assertEquals("Page text", "Foobar.", res);

     Acl acl = p.getAcl();

     Principal prof = new WikiPrincipal("JanneJalkanen");

     assertTrue( "has read", inArray( acl.findPrincipals( new PagePermission( PAGE_NAME, "view") ), prof ) );
     assertFalse( "no edit", inArray( acl.findPrincipals( new PagePermission( PAGE_NAME, "edit") ), prof ) );

     public void testSimpleACL2()
     throws Exception
     String src = "Foobar.[{ALLOW view JanneJalkanen}]\n"+
     "[{ALLOW edit JanneJalkanen, SuloVilen}]";

     WikiPage p = new WikiPage( PAGE_NAME );

     String res = translate( p, src );

     assertEquals("Page text", "Foobar.\n", res);

     Acl acl = p.getAcl();

     // ACL says Janne can read and edit
      Principal prof = new WikiPrincipal("JanneJalkanen");
      assertTrue( "read for JJ", inArray( acl.findPrincipals( new PagePermission( PAGE_NAME, "view") ), prof ) );
      assertTrue( "edit for JJ", inArray( acl.findPrincipals( new PagePermission( PAGE_NAME, "edit") ), prof ) );

      // ACL doesn't say Erik can read or edit
       prof = new WikiPrincipal("ErikBunn");
       assertFalse( "no read for BB", inArray( acl.findPrincipals( new PagePermission( PAGE_NAME, "view") ), prof ) );
       assertFalse( "no edit for EB", inArray( acl.findPrincipals( new PagePermission( PAGE_NAME, "edit") ), prof ) );

       // ACL says Sulo can edit, but doens't say he can read (though the AuthMgr will tell us it's implied)
        prof = new WikiPrincipal("SuloVilen");
        assertFalse( "read for SV", inArray( acl.findPrincipals( new PagePermission( PAGE_NAME, "view") ), prof ) );
        assertTrue( "edit for SV", inArray( acl.findPrincipals( new PagePermission( PAGE_NAME, "edit") ), prof ) );
    private boolean containsGroup( List l, String name )
        for( Iterator i = l.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
            String group = (String);

            if( group.equals( name ) )
                return true;

        return false;
     *   Metadata tests
    public void testSet1()
    throws Exception
        String src = "Foobar.[{SET name=foo}]";

        WikiPage p = new WikiPage( testEngine, PAGE_NAME );

        String res = translate( p, src );

        assertEquals("Page text", "Foobar.", res);

        assertEquals( "foo", p.getAttribute("name") );

    public void testSet2()
    throws Exception
        String src = "Foobar.[{SET name = foo}]";

        WikiPage p = new WikiPage( testEngine, PAGE_NAME );

        String res = translate( p, src );

        assertEquals("Page text", "Foobar.", res);

        assertEquals( "foo", p.getAttribute("name") );

    public void testSet3()
    throws Exception
        String src = "Foobar.[{SET name= Janne Jalkanen}]";

        WikiPage p = new WikiPage( testEngine, PAGE_NAME );

        String res = translate( p, src );

        assertEquals("Page text", "Foobar.", res);

        assertEquals( "Janne Jalkanen", p.getAttribute("name") );

    public void testSet4()
    throws Exception
        String src = "Foobar.[{SET name='Janne Jalkanen'}][{SET too='{$name}'}]";

        WikiPage p = new WikiPage( testEngine, PAGE_NAME );

        String res = translate( p, src );

        assertEquals("Page text", "Foobar.", res);

        assertEquals( "Janne Jalkanen", p.getAttribute("name") );
        assertEquals( "Janne Jalkanen", p.getAttribute("too") );

    public void testSetHTML()
    throws Exception
        String src = "Foobar.[{SET name='<b>danger</b>'}] [{$name}]";

        WikiPage p = new WikiPage( testEngine, PAGE_NAME );

        String res = translate( p, src );

        assertEquals("Page text", "Foobar. &lt;b&gt;danger&lt;/b&gt;", res);

        assertEquals( "<b>danger</b>", p.getAttribute("name") );

     *  Test collection of links.

    public void testCollectingLinks()
    throws Exception
        LinkCollector coll = new LinkCollector();
        String src = "[Test]";
        WikiContext context = new WikiContext( testEngine,
                                               new WikiPage(testEngine,PAGE_NAME) );

        MarkupParser p = new JSPWikiMarkupParser( context,
                                                  new BufferedReader( new StringReader(src)) );
        p.addLocalLinkHook( coll );
        p.addExternalLinkHook( coll );
        p.addAttachmentLinkHook( coll );


        Collection links = coll.getLinks();

        assertEquals( "no links found", 1, links.size() );
        assertEquals( "wrong link", "Test", links.iterator().next() );

    public void testCollectingLinks2()
    throws Exception
        LinkCollector coll = new LinkCollector();
        String src = "["+PAGE_NAME+"/Test.txt]";

        WikiContext context = new WikiContext( testEngine,
                                               new WikiPage(testEngine,PAGE_NAME) );

        MarkupParser p = new JSPWikiMarkupParser( context,
                                                  new BufferedReader( new StringReader(src)) );
        p.addLocalLinkHook( coll );
        p.addExternalLinkHook( coll );
        p.addAttachmentLinkHook( coll );


        Collection links = coll.getLinks();

        assertEquals( "no links found", 1, links.size() );
        assertEquals( "wrong link", PAGE_NAME+"/Test.txt",
                      links.iterator().next() );

    public void testCollectingLinksAttachment()
    throws Exception
        // First, make an attachment.

            testEngine.saveText( PAGE_NAME, "content" );
            Attachment att = new Attachment( testEngine, PAGE_NAME, "TestAtt.txt" );
            att.setAuthor( "FirstPost" );
            testEngine.getAttachmentManager().storeAttachment( att, testEngine.makeAttachmentFile() );

            LinkCollector coll        = new LinkCollector();
            LinkCollector coll_others = new LinkCollector();

            String src = "[TestAtt.txt]";
            WikiContext context = new WikiContext( testEngine,
                                                   new WikiPage(testEngine,PAGE_NAME) );

            MarkupParser p = new JSPWikiMarkupParser( context,
                                                      new BufferedReader( new StringReader(src)) );
            p.addLocalLinkHook( coll_others );
            p.addExternalLinkHook( coll_others );
            p.addAttachmentLinkHook( coll );


            Collection links = coll.getLinks();

            assertEquals( "no links found", 1, links.size() );
            assertEquals( "wrong link", PAGE_NAME+"/TestAtt.txt",
                          links.iterator().next() );

            assertEquals( "wrong links found", 0, coll_others.getLinks().size() );
            String files = testEngine.getWikiProperties().getProperty( BasicAttachmentProvider.PROP_STORAGEDIR );
            File storagedir = new File( files, PAGE_NAME+BasicAttachmentProvider.DIR_EXTENSION );

            if( storagedir.exists() && storagedir.isDirectory() )
                TestEngine.deleteAll( storagedir );

    public void testDivStyle1()
    throws Exception
        String src = "%%foo\ntest\n%%\n";

        assertEquals( "<div class=\"foo\">\ntest\n</div>\n", translate(src) );

    public void testDivStyle2()
    throws Exception
        String src = "%%(foo:bar;)\ntest\n%%\n";

        assertEquals( "<div style=\"foo:bar;\">\ntest\n</div>\n", translate(src) );

    public void testSpanStyle1()
    throws Exception
        String src = "%%foo test%%\n";

        assertEquals( "<span class=\"foo\">test</span>\n", translate(src) );

    public void testSpanStyle2()
    throws Exception
        String src = "%%(foo:bar;)test%%\n";

        assertEquals( "<span style=\"foo:bar;\">test</span>\n", translate(src) );

    public void testSpanStyle3()
    throws Exception
        String src = "Johan %%(foo:bar;)test%%\n";

        assertEquals( "Johan <span style=\"foo:bar;\">test</span>\n", translate(src) );

    public void testSpanStyle4()
    throws Exception
        String src = "Johan %%(foo:bar;)test/%\n";

        assertEquals( "Johan <span style=\"foo:bar;\">test</span>\n", translate(src) );

    public void testSpanEscape()
    throws Exception
        String src = "~%%foo test~%%\n";

        assertEquals( "%%foo test%%\n", translate(src) );

    public void testSpanNested()
    throws Exception
        String src = "Johan %%(color: rgb(1,2,3);)test%%\n";

        assertEquals( "Johan <span style=\"color: rgb(1,2,3);\">test</span>\n", translate(src) );

    public void testSpanStyleTable()
    throws Exception
        String src = "|%%(foo:bar;)test%%|no test\n";

        assertEquals( "<table class=\"wikitable\" border=\"1\"><tr class=\"odd\"><td><span style=\"foo:bar;\">test</span></td><td>no test</td></tr>\n</table>",
                      translate(src) );

    public void testSpanJavascript()
    throws Exception
        String src = "%%(visibility: hidden; background-image:url(javascript:alert('X')))%%\nTEST";

        assertEquals( "<span class=\"error\">Attempt to output javascript!</span>\nTEST", translate(src) );

    // FIXME: This test must be enabled later on!
    public void testSpanJavascript2()
    throws Exception
        String src = "%%(visibility: hidden; background&#09;-image:url(j&#000013;avas&#99;ript:'url()';alert('X');)%%\nTEST";

        assertEquals( "<span class=\"error\">Attempt to output javascript!</span>\nTEST", translate(src) );
    public void testHTMLEntities1()
    throws Exception
        String src = "Janne&apos;s test";

        assertEquals( "Janne&apos;s test", translate(src) );

    public void testHTMLEntities2()
    throws Exception
        String src = "&Auml;";

        assertEquals( "&Auml;", translate(src) );

    public void testBlankEscape()
    throws Exception
        String src = "H2%%sub 2%%~ O";

        assertEquals( "H2<span class=\"sub\">2</span>O", translate(src) );

    public void testEmptyBold()
    throws Exception
        String src = "____";

        assertEquals( "<b></b>", translate(src) );

    public void testEmptyItalic()
    throws Exception
        String src = "''''";

        assertEquals( "<i></i>", translate(src) );

    public void testRenderingSpeed1()
       throws Exception
        Benchmark sw = new Benchmark();

        for( int i = 0; i < 100; i++ )
            translate( brokenPageText );

        System.out.println("100 page renderings: "+sw+" ("+sw.toString(100)+" renderings/second)");

    public void testPunctuatedWikiNames()
        throws Exception
        String src = "[-phobous]";

        assertEquals( "<a class=\"createpage\" href=\"/Edit.jsp?page=-phobous\" title=\"Create &quot;-phobous&quot;\">-phobous</a>", translate(src) );

    public void testPunctuatedWikiNames2()
        throws Exception
        String src = "[?phobous]";

        assertEquals( "<a class=\"createpage\" href=\"/Edit.jsp?page=Phobous\" title=\"Create &quot;Phobous&quot;\">?phobous</a>", translate(src) );

    public void testPunctuatedWikiNames3()
        throws Exception
        String src = "[Brightness (apical)]";

        assertEquals( "<a class=\"createpage\" href=\"/Edit.jsp?page=Brightness%20%28apical%29\" title=\"Create &quot;Brightness (apical)&quot;\">Brightness (apical)</a>", translate(src) );

    public void testDeadlySpammer()
        throws Exception
        String deadlySpammerText = "zzz <a href=\"\">frogringtone</a> zzz[URL=]frog ringtone[/URL] frogringtone<br>";

        StringBuffer death = new StringBuffer( 20000 );

        for( int i = 0; i < 1000; i++ )
            death.append( deadlySpammerText );


        System.out.println("Trying to crash parser with a line which is "+death.length()+" chars in size");
        //  This should not fail
        String res = translate( death.toString() );

        assertTrue( res.length() > 0 );

    public void testSpacesInLinks1() throws Exception
        newPage("Foo bar");
        String src = "[Foo bar]";

        assertEquals( "<a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"/Wiki.jsp?page=Foo%20bar\">Foo bar</a>", translate(src) );

    /** Too many spaces */
    public void testSpacesInLinks2() throws Exception
        newPage("Foo bar");
        String src = "[Foo        bar]";

        assertEquals( "<a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"/Wiki.jsp?page=Foo%20bar\">Foo        bar</a>", translate(src) );
    public void testIllegalXML() throws Exception
        String src = "Test \u001d foo";
        String dst = translate(src);
        assertTrue( "No error", dst.indexOf("JDOM") != -1 );

    public void testXSS1() throws Exception
        String src = "[\"> <img src=\"foobar\" onerror=\"alert(document.cookie)\"/>]";

        String dst = translate(src);

        assertEquals( "<a class=\"external\" href=\";&gt; &lt;img src=&quot;foobar&quot; onerror=&quot;alert(document.cookie)&quot;/&gt;\">;&gt; &lt;img src=&quot;foobar&quot; onerror=&quot;alert(document.cookie)&quot;/&gt;</a>", dst );
    public void testAmpersand1() throws Exception
        newPage( "Foo&Bar" );
        String src = "[Foo&Bar]";

        String dst = translate(src);

        assertEquals( "<a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"/Wiki.jsp?page=Foo%26Bar\">Foo&amp;Bar</a>", dst );

    public void testAmpersand2() throws Exception
        newPage( "Foo & Bar" );
        String src = "[Foo & Bar]";

        String dst = translate(src);

        assertEquals( "<a class=\"wikipage\" href=\"/Wiki.jsp?page=Foo%20%26%20Bar\">Foo &amp; Bar</a>", dst );
    // This is a random find: the following page text caused an eternal loop in V2.0.x.
    private static final String brokenPageText =
        "Please ''check [RecentChanges].\n" +
        "\n" +
        "Testing. fewfwefe\n" +
        "\n" +
        "CHeck [testpage]\n" +
        "\n" +
        "More testing.\n" +
        "dsadsadsa''\n" +
        "Is this {{truetype}} or not?\n" +
        "What about {{{This}}}?\n" +
        "How about {{this?\n" +
        "\n" +
        "{{{\n" +
        "{{text}}\n" +
        "}}}\n" +
        "goo\n" +
        "\n" +
        "<b>Not bold</b>\n" +
        "\n" +
        "motto\n" +
        "\n" +
        "* This is a list which we\n" +
        "shall continue on a other line.\n" +
        "* There is a list item here.\n" +
        "*  Another item.\n" +
        "* More stuff, which continues\n" +
        "on a second line.  And on\n" +
        "a third line as well.\n" +
        "And a fourth line.\n" +
        "* Third item.\n" +
        "\n" +
        "Foobar.\n" +
        "\n" +
        "----\n" +
        "\n" +
        "!!!Really big heading\n" +
        "Text.\n" +
        "!! Just a normal heading [with a hyperlink|Main]\n" +
        "More text.\n" +
        "!Just a small heading.\n" +
        "\n" +
        "This should be __bold__ text.\n" +
        "\n" +
        "__more bold text continuing\n" +
        "on the next line.__\n" +
        "\n" +
        "__more bold text continuing\n" +
        "\n" +
        "on the next paragraph.__\n" +
        "\n" +
        "\n" +
        "This should be normal.\n" +
        "\n" +
        "Now, let's try ''italic text''.\n" +
        "\n" +
        "Bulleted lists:\n" +
        "* One\n" +
        "Or more.\n" +
        "* Two\n" +
        "\n" +
        "** Two.One\n" +
        "\n" +
        "*** Two.One.One\n" +
        "\n" +
        "* Three\n" +
        "\n" +
        "Numbered lists.\n" +
        "# One\n" +
        "# Two\n" +
        "# Three\n" +
        "## Three.One\n" +
        "## Three.Two\n" +
        "## Three.Three\n" +
        "### Three.Three.One\n" +
        "# Four\n" +
        "\n" +
        "End?\n" +
        "\n" +
        "No, let's {{break}} things.\\ {{{ {{{ {{text}} }}} }}}\n" +
        "\n" +
        "More breaking.\n" +
        "\n" +
        "{{{\n" +
        "code.}}\n" +
        "----\n" +
        "author: [Asser], [Ebu], [JanneJalkanen], [Jarmo|]\n";

    public static Test suite()
        return new TestSuite( JSPWikiMarkupParserTest.class );

    public static Test suiteSingle( String test )
        return new TestSuite( JSPWikiMarkupParserTest.class, test );
    public static void main( String[] argv )
        if( argv.length > 0 )

Related Classes of com.ecyrd.jspwiki.parser.JSPWikiMarkupParserTest

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