Package com.ecyrd.jspwiki.htmltowiki

Source Code of com.ecyrd.jspwiki.htmltowiki.XHtmlElementToWikiTranslator$PreStack

    JSPWiki - a JSP-based WikiWiki clone.

    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
    or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
    distributed with this work for additional information
    regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
    to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
    "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
    with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
    software distributed under the License is distributed on an
    KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
    specific language governing permissions and limitations
    under the License. 
package com.ecyrd.jspwiki.htmltowiki;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils;
import org.jdom.Element;
import org.jdom.Attribute;
import org.jdom.JDOMException;
import org.jdom.Text;
import org.jdom.xpath.XPath;

* Converting XHtml to Wiki Markup.  This is the class which does all of the heavy loading.
* @author Sebastian Baltes (
public class XHtmlElementToWikiTranslator
    private static final String UTF8 = "UTF-8";

    private XHtmlToWikiConfig m_config;

    private WhitespaceTrimWriter m_outTimmer;

    private PrintWriter m_out;

    private LiStack m_liStack = new LiStack();

    private PreStack m_preStack = new PreStack();

     *  Create a new translator using the default config.
     *  @param base The base element from which to start translating.
     *  @throws IOException If reading of the DOM tree fails.
     *  @throws JDOMException If the DOM tree is faulty.
    public XHtmlElementToWikiTranslator( Element base ) throws IOException, JDOMException
        this( base, new XHtmlToWikiConfig() );

     *  Create a new translator using the specified config.
     *  @param base The base element from which to start translating.
     *  @param config The config to use.
     *  @throws IOException If reading of the DOM tree fails.
     *  @throws JDOMException If the DOM tree is faulty.
    public XHtmlElementToWikiTranslator( Element base, XHtmlToWikiConfig config ) throws IOException, JDOMException
        this.m_config = config;
        m_outTimmer = new WhitespaceTrimWriter();
        m_out = new PrintWriter( m_outTimmer );
        print( base );

     *  FIXME: I have no idea what this does...
     *  @return Something.
    public String getWikiString()
        return m_outTimmer.toString();

    private void print( String s )
        s = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml( s );
        m_out.print( s );

    private void print( Object element ) throws IOException, JDOMException
        if( element instanceof Text )
            Text t = (Text)element;
            String s = t.getText();
            if( m_preStack.isPreMode() )
                m_out.print( s );
                // remove all "line terminator" characters
                s = s.replaceAll( "[\\r\\n\\f\\u0085\\u2028\\u2029]", "" );
                m_out.print( s );
        else if( element instanceof Element )
            Element base = (Element)element;
            String n = base.getName().toLowerCase();
            if( "imageplugin".equals( base.getAttributeValue( "class" ) ) )
                printImage( base );
            else if( "wikiform".equals( base.getAttributeValue( "class" ) ) )
                // only print the children if the div's class="wikiform", but not the div itself.
                printChildren( base );
                boolean bold = false;
                boolean italic = false;
                boolean monospace = false;
                String cssSpecial = null;
                String cssClass = base.getAttributeValue( "class" );

                // accomodate a FCKeditor bug with Firefox: when a link is removed, it becomes <span class="wikipage">text</span>.
                boolean ignoredCssClass = cssClass != null && cssClass.matches( "wikipage|createpage|external|interwiki|attachment" );

                Map styleProps = null;

                // Only get the styles if it's not a link element. Styles for link elements are
                // handled as an AugmentedWikiLink instead.
                if( !n.equals( "a" ) )
                    styleProps = getStylePropertiesLowerCase( base );

                if( styleProps != null )
                    String fontFamily = (String)styleProps.get( "font-family" );
                    String whiteSpace = (String)styleProps.get( "white-space" );
                    if( fontFamily != null && ( fontFamily.indexOf( "monospace" ) >= 0
                            && whiteSpace != null && whiteSpace.indexOf( "pre" ) >= ) )
                        styleProps.remove( "font-family" );
                        styleProps.remove( "white-space" );
                        monospace = true;

                    String weight = (String)styleProps.remove( "font-weight" );
                    String style = (String)styleProps.remove( "font-style" );

                    if( n.equals( "p" ) )
                        // change it so we can print out the css styles for <p>
                        n = "div";

                    italic = "oblique".equals( style ) || "italic".equals( style );
                    bold = "bold".equals( weight ) || "bolder".equals( weight );
                    if( !styleProps.isEmpty() )
                        cssSpecial = propsToStyleString( styleProps );
                if( cssClass != null && !ignoredCssClass )
                    if( n.equals( "div" ) )
                        m_out.print( "\n%%" + cssClass + " \n" );
                    else if( n.equals( "span" ) )
                        m_out.print( "%%" + cssClass + " " );
                if( bold )
                    m_out.print( "__" );
                if( italic )
                    m_out.print( "''" );
                if( monospace )
                    m_out.print( "{{{" );
                if( cssSpecial != null )
                    if( n.equals( "div" ) )
                        m_out.print( "\n%%(" + cssSpecial + " )\n" );
                        m_out.print( "%%(" + cssSpecial + " )" );
                printChildren( base );
                if( cssSpecial != null )
                    if( n.equals( "div" ) )
                        m_out.print( "\n%%\n" );
                        m_out.print( "%%" );
                if( monospace )
                    m_out.print( "}}}" );
                if( italic )
                    m_out.print( "''" );
                if( bold )
                    m_out.print( "__" );
                if( cssClass != null && !ignoredCssClass )
                    if( n.equals( "div" ) )
                        m_out.print( "\n%%\n" );
                    else if( n.equals( "span" ) )
                        m_out.print( "%%" );

    private void printChildren( Element base ) throws IOException, JDOMException
        for( Iterator i = base.getContent().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
            Object c =;
            if( c instanceof Element )
                Element e = (Element)c;
                String n = e.getName().toLowerCase();
                if( n.equals( "h1" ) )
                    m_out.print( "\n!!! " );
                    print( e );
                else if( n.equals( "h2" ) )
                    m_out.print( "\n!!! " );
                    print( e );
                else if( n.equals( "h3" ) )
                    m_out.print( "\n!! " );
                    print( e );
                else if( n.equals( "h4" ) )
                    m_out.print( "\n! " );
                    print( e );
                else if( n.equals( "p" ) )
                    if( e.getContentSize() != 0 ) // we don't want to print empty elements: <p></p>
                        print( e );
                else if( n.equals( "br" ) )
                    if( m_preStack.isPreMode() )
                        String parentElementName = base.getName().toLowerCase();

                        // To beautify the generated wiki markup, we print a newline character after a linebreak.
                        // It's only safe to do this when the parent element is a <p> or <div>; when the parent
                        // element is a table cell or list item, a newline character would break the markup.
                        // We also check that this isn't being done inside a plugin body.
                        if( parentElementName.matches( "p|div" )
                            && !base.getText().matches( "(?s).*\\[\\{.*\\}\\].*" ) )
                            m_out.print( " \\\\\n" );
                            m_out.print( " \\\\" );
                    print( e );
                else if( n.equals( "hr" ) )
                    print( "----" );
                    print( e );
                else if( n.equals( "table" ) )
                    if( !m_outTimmer.isCurrentlyOnLineBegin() )
                    print( e );
                else if( n.equals( "tr" ) )
                    print( e );
                else if( n.equals( "td" ) )
                    m_out.print( "| " );
                    print( e );
                    if( !m_preStack.isPreMode() )
                        print( " " );
                else if( n.equals( "th" ) )
                    m_out.print( "|| " );
                    print( e );
                    if( !m_preStack.isPreMode() )
                        print( " " );
                else if( n.equals( "a" ) )
                    if( !isIgnorableWikiMarkupLink( e ) )
                        if( e.getChild( "IMG" ) != null )
                            printImage( e );
                            String ref = e.getAttributeValue( "href" );
                            if( ref == null )
                                if( isUndefinedPageLink( e ) )
                                    m_out.print( "[" );
                                    print( e );
                                    m_out.print( "]" );
                                    print( e );
                                ref = trimLink( ref );
                                if( ref != null )
                                    if( ref.startsWith( "#" ) ) // This is a link to a footnote.
                                        // convert "#ref-PageName-1" to just "1"
                                        String href = ref.replaceFirst( "#ref-.+-(\\d+)", "$1" );
                                        // remove the brackets around "[1]"
                                        String textValue = e.getValue().substring( 1, (e.getValue().length() - 1) );
                                        if( href.equals( textValue ) ){ // handles the simplest case. Example: [1]
                                            print( e );
                                        else{ // handles the case where the link text is different from the href. Example: [something|1]
                                            m_out.print( "[" + textValue + "|" + href + "]" );
                                        Map augmentedWikiLinkAttributes = getAugmentedWikiLinkAttributes( e );

                                        m_out.print( "[" );
                                        print( e );
                                        if( !e.getTextTrim().equalsIgnoreCase( ref ) )
                                            m_out.print( "|" );
                                            print( ref );

                                            if( !augmentedWikiLinkAttributes.isEmpty() )
                                                m_out.print( "|" );

                                                String augmentedWikiLink = augmentedWikiLinkMapToString( augmentedWikiLinkAttributes );
                                                m_out.print( augmentedWikiLink );
                                        else if( !augmentedWikiLinkAttributes.isEmpty() )
                                            // If the ref has the same value as the text and also if there
                                            // are attributes, then just print: [ref|ref|attributes] .
                                            m_out.print( "|" + ref + "|" );
                                            String augmentedWikiLink = augmentedWikiLinkMapToString( augmentedWikiLinkAttributes );
                                            m_out.print( augmentedWikiLink );

                                        m_out.print( "]" );
                else if( n.equals( "b" ) || n.equals("strong") )
                    m_out.print( "__" );
                    print( e );
                    m_out.print( "__" );
                else if( n.equals( "i" ) || n.equals("em") || n.equals( "address" ) )
                    m_out.print( "''" );
                    print( e );
                    m_out.print( "''" );
                else if( n.equals( "u" ) )
                    m_out.print( "%%( text-decoration:underline; )" );
                    print( e );
                    m_out.print( "%%" );
                else if( n.equals( "strike" ) )
                    m_out.print( "%%strike " );
                    print( e );
                    m_out.print( "%%" );
                    // NOTE: don't print a space before or after the double percents because that can break words into two.
                    // For example: %%(color:red)ABC%%%%(color:green)DEF%% is different from %%(color:red)ABC%% %%(color:green)DEF%%
                else if( n.equals( "sup" ) )
                    m_out.print( "%%sup " );
                    print( e );
                    m_out.print( "%%" );
                else if( n.equals( "sub" ) )
                    m_out.print( "%%sub " );
                    print( e );
                    m_out.print( "%%" );
                else if( n.equals("dl") )
                    m_out.print( "\n" );
                    print( e );

                    // print a newline after the definition list. If we don't,
                    // it may cause problems for the subsequent element.
                    m_out.print( "\n" );
                else if( n.equals("dt") )
                    m_out.print( ";" );
                    print( e );
                else if( n.equals("dd") )
                    m_out.print( ":" );
                    print( e );
                else if( n.equals( "ul" ) )
                    m_liStack.push( "*" );
                    print( e );
                else if( n.equals( "ol" ) )
                    m_liStack.push( "#" );
                    print( e );
                else if( n.equals( "li" ) )
                    m_out.print( m_liStack + " " );
                    print( e );

                    // The following line assumes that the XHTML has been "pretty-printed"
                    // (newlines separate child elements from their parents).
                    boolean lastListItem = base.indexOf( e ) == ( base.getContentSize() - 2 );
                    boolean sublistItem = m_liStack.toString().length() > 1;

                    // only print a newline if this <li> element is not the last item within a sublist.
                    if( !sublistItem || !lastListItem )
                else if( n.equals( "pre" ) )
                    m_out.print( "\n{{{" ); // start JSPWiki "code blocks" on its own line
                    print( e );

                    // print a newline after the closing braces
                    // to avoid breaking any subsequent wiki markup that follows.
                    m_out.print( "}}}\n" );
                else if( n.equals( "code" ) || n.equals( "tt" ) )
                    m_out.print( "{{" );
                    print( e );
                    m_out.print( "}}" );
                    // NOTE: don't print a newline after the closing brackets because if the Text is inside
                    // a table or list, it would break it if there was a subsequent row or list item.
                else if( n.equals( "img" ) )
                    if( !isIgnorableWikiMarkupLink( e ) )
                        m_out.print( "[" );
                        print( trimLink( e.getAttributeValue( "src" ) ) );
                        m_out.print( "]" );
                else if( n.equals( "form" ) )
                    // remove the hidden input where name="formname" since a new one will be generated again when the xhtml is rendered.
                    Element formName = (Element)XPath.selectSingleNode( e, "INPUT[@name='formname']" );
                    if( formName != null )

                    String name = e.getAttributeValue( "name" );

                    m_out.print( "\n[{FormOpen" );

                    if( name != null )
                        m_out.print( " form='" + name + "'" );

                    m_out.print( "}]\n" );

                    print( e );
                    m_out.print( "\n[{FormClose}]\n" );
                else if( n.equals( "input" ) )
                    String type = e.getAttributeValue( "type" );
                    String name = e.getAttributeValue( "name" );
                    String value = e.getAttributeValue( "value" );
                    String checked = e.getAttributeValue( "checked" );

                    m_out.print( "[{FormInput" );

                    if( type != null )
                        m_out.print( " type='" + type + "'" );
                    if( name != null )
                        // remove the "nbf_" that was prepended since new one will be generated again when the xhtml is rendered.
                        if( name.startsWith( "nbf_" ) )
                            name = name.substring( 4, name.length( ));
                        m_out.print( " name='" + name + "'" );
                    if( value != null && !value.equals( "" ) )
                        m_out.print( " value='" + value + "'" );
                    if( checked != null )
                        m_out.print( " checked='" + checked + "'" );

                    m_out.print( "}]" );

                    print( e );
                else if( n.equals( "textarea" ) )
                    String name = e.getAttributeValue( "name" );
                    String rows = e.getAttributeValue( "rows" );
                    String cols = e.getAttributeValue( "cols" );

                    m_out.print( "[{FormTextarea" );

                    if( name != null )
                        if( name.startsWith( "nbf_" ) )
                            name = name.substring( 4, name.length( ));
                        m_out.print( " name='" + name + "'" );
                    if( rows != null )
                        m_out.print( " rows='" + rows + "'" );
                    if( cols != null )
                        m_out.print( " cols='" + cols + "'" );

                    m_out.print( "}]" );
                    print( e );
                else if( n.equals( "select" ) )
                    String name = e.getAttributeValue( "name" );

                    m_out.print( "[{FormSelect" );

                    if( name != null )
                        if( name.startsWith( "nbf_" ) )
                            name = name.substring( 4, name.length( ));
                        m_out.print( " name='" + name + "'" );

                    m_out.print( " value='" );
                    print( e );
                    m_out.print( "'}]" );
                else if( n.equals( "option" ) )
                    // If this <option> element isn't the second child element within the parent <select>
                    // element, then we need to print a semicolon as a separator. (The first child element
                    // is expected to be a newline character which is at index of 0).
                    if( base.indexOf( e ) != 1 )
                        m_out.print( ";" );

                    Attribute selected = e.getAttribute( "selected" );
                    if( selected !=  null )
                        m_out.print( "*" );

                    String value = e.getAttributeValue( "value" );
                    if( value != null )
                        m_out.print( value );
                        print( e );
                    print( e );
                print( c );

    private void printImage( Element base ) throws JDOMException
        Element child = (Element)XPath.selectSingleNode( base, "TBODY/TR/TD/*" );
        if( child == null )
            child = base;
        Element img;
        String href;
        Map<Object,Object> map = new ForgetNullValuesLinkedHashMap();
        if( child.getName().equals( "A" ) )
            img = child.getChild( "IMG" );
            href = child.getAttributeValue( "href" );
            img = child;
            href = null;
        if( img == null )
        String src = trimLink( img.getAttributeValue( "src" ) );
        if( src == null )
        map.put( "align", base.getAttributeValue( "align" ) );
        map.put( "height", img.getAttributeValue( "height" ) );
        map.put( "width", img.getAttributeValue( "width" ) );
        map.put( "alt", img.getAttributeValue( "alt" ) );
        map.put( "caption", emptyToNull( XPath.newInstance( "CAPTION" ).valueOf( base ) ) );
        map.put( "link", href );
        map.put( "border", img.getAttributeValue( "border" ) );
        map.put( "style", base.getAttributeValue( "style" ) );
        if( map.size() > 0 )
            m_out.print( "[{Image src='" + src + "'" );
            for( Iterator i = map.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
                Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
                if( !entry.getValue().equals( "" ) )
                    m_out.print( " " + entry.getKey() + "='" + entry.getValue() + "'" );
            m_out.print( "}]" );
            m_out.print( "[" + src + "]" );

    private String emptyToNull( String s )
        return s == null ? null : (s.replaceAll( "\\s", "" ).length() == 0 ? null : s);

    private String propsToStyleString( Map styleProps )
        StringBuffer style = new StringBuffer();
        for( Iterator i = styleProps.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
            Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
            style.append( " " ).append( entry.getKey() ).append( ": " ).append( entry.getValue() ).append( ";" );
        return style.toString();

    private boolean isIgnorableWikiMarkupLink( Element a )
        String ref = a.getAttributeValue( "href" );
        String clazz = a.getAttributeValue( "class" );
        return (ref != null && ref.startsWith( m_config.getPageInfoJsp() ))
               || (clazz != null && clazz.trim().equalsIgnoreCase( m_config.getOutlink() ));

     * Checks if the link points to an undefined page.
    private boolean isUndefinedPageLink( Element a)
        String classVal = a.getAttributeValue( "class" );

        return classVal != null && classVal.equals( "createpage" );

     *  Returns a Map containing the valid augmented wiki link attributes.
    private Map getAugmentedWikiLinkAttributes( Element a )
        Map<String,String> attributesMap = new HashMap<String,String>();

        String id = a.getAttributeValue( "id" );
        if( id != null && !id.equals( "" ) )
            attributesMap.put( "id", id.replaceAll( "'", "\"" ) );

        String cssClass = a.getAttributeValue( "class" );
        if( cssClass != null && !cssClass.equals( "" )
            && !cssClass.matches( "wikipage|createpage|external|interwiki|attachment" ) )
            attributesMap.put( "class", cssClass.replaceAll( "'", "\"" ) );

        String style = a.getAttributeValue( "style" );
        if( style != null && !style.equals( "" ) )
            attributesMap.put( "style", style.replaceAll( "'", "\"" ) );

        String title = a.getAttributeValue( "title" );
        if( title != null && !title.equals( "" ) )
            attributesMap.put( "title", title.replaceAll( "'", "\"" ) );

        String lang = a.getAttributeValue( "lang" );
        if( lang != null && !lang.equals( "" ) )
            attributesMap.put( "lang", lang.replaceAll( "'", "\"" ) );

        String dir = a.getAttributeValue( "dir" );
        if( dir != null && !dir.equals( "" ) )
            attributesMap.put( "dir", dir.replaceAll( "'", "\"" ) );

        String charset = a.getAttributeValue( "charset" );
        if( charset != null && !charset.equals("") )
            attributesMap.put( "charset", charset.replaceAll( "'", "\"" ) );

        String type = a.getAttributeValue( "type" );
        if( type != null && !type.equals( "" ) )
            attributesMap.put( "type", type.replaceAll( "'", "\"" ) );

        String hreflang = a.getAttributeValue( "hreflang" );
        if( hreflang != null && !hreflang.equals( "" ) )
            attributesMap.put( "hreflang", hreflang.replaceAll( "'", "\"" ) );

        String rel = a.getAttributeValue( "rel" );
        if( rel != null && !rel.equals( "" ) )
            attributesMap.put( "rel", rel.replaceAll( "'", "\"" ) );

        String rev = a.getAttributeValue( "rev" );
        if( rev != null && !rev.equals( "" ) )
            attributesMap.put( "rev", rev.replaceAll( "'", "\"" ) );

        String accesskey = a.getAttributeValue( "accesskey" );
        if( accesskey != null && !accesskey.equals( "" ) )
            attributesMap.put( "accesskey", accesskey.replaceAll( "'", "\"" ) );

        String tabindex = a.getAttributeValue( "tabindex" );
        if( tabindex != null && !tabindex.equals( "" ) )
            attributesMap.put( "tabindex", tabindex.replaceAll( "'", "\"" ) );

        String target = a.getAttributeValue( "target" );
        if( target != null && !target.equals( "" ) )
            attributesMap.put( "target", target.replaceAll( "'", "\"" ) );

        return attributesMap;

     * Converts the entries in the map to a string for use in a wiki link.
    private String augmentedWikiLinkMapToString( Map attributesMap )
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

        for ( Iterator itr = attributesMap.entrySet().iterator(); itr.hasNext(); )
            Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
            String attributeName = (String)entry.getKey();
            String attributeValue = (String)entry.getValue();

            sb.append( " " + attributeName + "='" + attributeValue + "'" );

        return sb.toString().trim();

    private Map getStylePropertiesLowerCase( Element base ) throws IOException
        String n = base.getName().toLowerCase();

        //"font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;"
        String style = base.getAttributeValue( "style" );
        if( style == null )
            style = "";

        if( n.equals( "p" ) || n.equals( "div" ) )
            String align = base.getAttributeValue( "align" );
            if( align != null )
                // only add the value of the align attribute if the text-align style didn't already exist.
                if( style.indexOf( "text-align" ) == -1 )
                    style = style + ";text-align:" + align + ";";

        if( n.equals( "font" ) )
            String color = base.getAttributeValue( "color" );
            String face = base.getAttributeValue( "face" );
            String size = base.getAttributeValue( "size" );
            if( color != null )
                style = style + "color:" + color + ";";
            if( face != null )
                style = style + "font-family:" + face + ";";
            if( size != null )
                if( size.equals( "1" ) )
                    style = style + "font-size:xx-small;";
                else if( size.equals( "2" ) )
                    style = style + "font-size:x-small;";
                else if( size.equals( "3" ) )
                    style = style + "font-size:small;";
                else if( size.equals( "4" ) )
                    style = style + "font-size:medium;";
                else if( size.equals( "5" ) )
                    style = style + "font-size:large;";
                else if( size.equals( "6" ) )
                    style = style + "font-size:x-large;";
                else if( size.equals( "7" ) )
                    style = style + "font-size:xx-large;";

        if( style.equals( "" ) )
            return null;

        style = style.replace( ';', '\n' ).toLowerCase();
        LinkedHashMap m = new LinkedHashMap();
        new PersistentMapDecorator( m ).load( new ByteArrayInputStream( style.getBytes() ) );
        return m;

    private String trimLink( String ref )
        if( ref == null )
            return null;
            ref = URLDecoder.decode( ref, UTF8 );
            ref = ref.trim();
            if( ref.startsWith( m_config.getAttachPage() ) )
                ref = ref.substring( m_config.getAttachPage().length() );
            if( ref.startsWith( m_config.getWikiJspPage() ) )
                ref = ref.substring( m_config.getWikiJspPage().length() );

                // Handle links with section anchors.
                // For example, we need to translate the html string "TargetPage#section-TargetPage-Heading2"
                // to this wiki string "TargetPage#Heading2".
                ref = ref.replaceFirst( ".+#section-(.+)-(.+)", "$1#$2" );
            if( ref.startsWith( m_config.getEditJspPage() ) )
                ref = ref.substring( m_config.getEditJspPage().length() );
            if( m_config.getPageName() != null )
                if( ref.startsWith( m_config.getPageName() ) )
                    ref = ref.substring( m_config.getPageName().length() );
        catch ( UnsupportedEncodingException e )
            // Shouldn't happen...
        return ref;

    // FIXME: These should probably be better used with java.util.Stack

    private static class LiStack

        private StringBuffer m_li = new StringBuffer();

        public void push( String c )
            m_li.append( c );

        public void pop()
            m_li = m_li.deleteCharAt( m_li.length()-1 );
            // m_li = m_li.substring( 0, m_li.length() - 1 );

        public String toString()
            return m_li.toString();


    private class PreStack

        private int m_pre = 0;

        public boolean isPreMode()
            return m_pre > 0;

        public void push()
            m_outTimmer.setWhitespaceTrimMode( !isPreMode() );

        public void pop()
            m_outTimmer.setWhitespaceTrimMode( !isPreMode() );



Related Classes of com.ecyrd.jspwiki.htmltowiki.XHtmlElementToWikiTranslator$PreStack

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