Package com.ecyrd.jspwiki

Source Code of com.ecyrd.jspwiki.WikiContext

    JSPWiki - a JSP-based WikiWiki clone.

    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
    or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
    distributed with this work for additional information
    regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
    to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
    "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
    with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
    software distributed under the License is distributed on an
    KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
    specific language governing permissions and limitations
    under the License.   
package com.ecyrd.jspwiki;

import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.*;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.auth.*;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.auth.permissions.AllPermission;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.auth.user.UserDatabase;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.i18n.InternationalizationManager;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.tags.WikiTagBase;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.ui.*;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.preferences.Preferences;

<p>Provides state information throughout the processing of a page.  A
*  WikiContext is born when the JSP pages that are the main entry
*  points, are invoked.  The JSPWiki engine creates the new
*  WikiContext, which basically holds information about the page, the
*  handling engine, and in which context (view, edit, etc) the
*  call was done.</p>
<p>A WikiContext also provides request-specific variables, which can
*  be used to communicate between plugins on the same page, or
*  between different instances of the same plugin.  A WikiContext
*  variable is valid until the processing of the page has ended.  For
*  an example, please see the Counter plugin.</p>
<p>When a WikiContext is created, it automatically associates a
{@link WikiSession} object with the user's HttpSession. The
*  WikiSession contains information about the user's authentication
*  status, and is consulted by {@link #getCurrentUser()}.
*  object</p>
<p>Do not cache the page object that you get from the WikiContext; always
*  use getPage()!</p>
@see com.ecyrd.jspwiki.plugin.Counter
@author Andrew R. Jaquith
public class WikiContext
    implements Cloneable, Command
    private    Command m_command = null;

    private    WikiPage   m_page;
    private    WikiPage   m_realPage;
    private    WikiEngine m_engine;
    private    String     m_template = "default";

    private    HashMap<String,Object> m_variableMap = new HashMap<String,Object>();

     *  Stores the HttpServletRequest.  May be null, if the request did not
     *  come from a servlet.
    protected  HttpServletRequest m_request = null;

    private    WikiSession m_session = null;

    /** User is administering JSPWiki (Install, SecurityConfig). */
    public static final String    INSTALL  = WikiCommand.INSTALL.getRequestContext();

    /** The VIEW context - the user just wants to view the page
        contents. */
    public static final String    VIEW     = PageCommand.VIEW.getRequestContext();

    /** User wants to view or administer workflows. */
    public static final String    WORKFLOW = WikiCommand.WORKFLOW.getRequestContext();

    /** The EDIT context - the user is editing the page. */
    public static final String    EDIT     = PageCommand.EDIT.getRequestContext();

    /** User is preparing for a login/authentication. */
    public static final String    LOGIN    = WikiCommand.LOGIN.getRequestContext();

    /** User is preparing to log out. */
    public static final String    LOGOUT   = WikiCommand.LOGOUT.getRequestContext();

    /** JSPWiki wants to display a message. */
    public static final String    MESSAGE  = WikiCommand.MESSAGE.getRequestContext();

    /** User is viewing a DIFF between the two versions of the page. */
    public static final String    DIFF     = PageCommand.DIFF.getRequestContext();

    /** User is viewing page history. */
    public static final String    INFO     = PageCommand.INFO.getRequestContext();

    /** User is previewing the changes he just made. */
    public static final String    PREVIEW  = PageCommand.PREVIEW.getRequestContext();

    /** User has an internal conflict, and does quite not know what to
        do. Please provide some counseling. */
    public static final String    CONFLICT = PageCommand.CONFLICT.getRequestContext();

    /** An error has been encountered and the user needs to be informed. */
    public static final String    ERROR    = WikiCommand.ERROR.getRequestContext();

    /** User is uploading something. */
    public static final String    UPLOAD   = PageCommand.UPLOAD.getRequestContext();

    /** User is commenting something. */
    public static final String    COMMENT  = PageCommand.COMMENT.getRequestContext();

    /** User is searching for content. */
    public static final String    FIND     = WikiCommand.FIND.getRequestContext();

    /** User wishes to create a new group */
    public static final String    CREATE_GROUP = WikiCommand.CREATE_GROUP.getRequestContext();

    /** User is deleting an existing group. */
    public static final String    DELETE_GROUP = GroupCommand.DELETE_GROUP.getRequestContext();

    /** User is editing an existing group. */
    public static final String    EDIT_GROUP = GroupCommand.EDIT_GROUP.getRequestContext();

    /** User is viewing an existing group */
    public static final String    VIEW_GROUP = GroupCommand.VIEW_GROUP.getRequestContext();

    /** User is editing preferences */
    public static final String    PREFS    = WikiCommand.PREFS.getRequestContext();

    /** User is renaming a page. */
    public static final String    RENAME   = PageCommand.RENAME.getRequestContext();

    /** User is deleting a page or an attachment. */
    public static final String    DELETE   = PageCommand.DELETE.getRequestContext();

    /** User is downloading an attachment. */
    public static final String    ATTACH   = PageCommand.ATTACH.getRequestContext();

    /** RSS feed is being generated. */
    public static final String    RSS      = PageCommand.RSS.getRequestContext();

    /** This is not a JSPWiki context, use it to access static files. */
    public static final String    NONE     = PageCommand.NONE.getRequestContext();

    /** Same as NONE; this is just a clarification. */
    public static final String    OTHER    = PageCommand.OTHER.getRequestContext();

    /** User is doing administrative things. */
    public static final String    ADMIN    = WikiCommand.ADMIN.getRequestContext();

    private static final Logger   log      = Logger.getLogger( WikiContext.class );

    private static final Permission DUMMY_PERMISSION  = new java.util.PropertyPermission( "", "read" );

     *  Create a new WikiContext for the given WikiPage. Delegates to
     * {@link #WikiContext(WikiEngine, HttpServletRequest, WikiPage)}.
     *  @param engine The WikiEngine that is handling the request.
     *  @param page   The WikiPage.  If you want to create a
     *  WikiContext for an older version of a page, you must use this
     *  constructor.
    public WikiContext( WikiEngine engine, WikiPage page )
        this( engine, null, findCommand( engine, null, page ) );

     * <p>
     * Creates a new WikiContext for the given WikiEngine, Command and
     * HttpServletRequest.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * This constructor will also look up the HttpSession associated with the
     * request, and determine if a WikiSession object is present. If not, a new
     * one is created.
     * </p>
     * @param engine The WikiEngine that is handling the request
     * @param request The HttpServletRequest that should be associated with this
     *            context. This parameter may be <code>null</code>.
     * @param command the command
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>engine</code> or
     *             <code>command</code> are <code>null</code>
    public WikiContext( WikiEngine engine, HttpServletRequest request, Command command )
        throws IllegalArgumentException
        if ( engine == null || command == null )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Parameter engine and command must not be null." );

        m_engine = engine;
        m_request = request;
        m_session = WikiSession.getWikiSession( engine, request );
        m_command = command;

        // If PageCommand, get the WikiPage
        if( command instanceof PageCommand )
            m_page = (WikiPage)((PageCommand)command).getTarget();

        // If page not supplied, default to front page to avoid NPEs
        if( m_page == null )
            m_page = m_engine.getPage( m_engine.getFrontPage() );

            // Front page does not exist?
            if( m_page == null )
                m_page = new WikiPage( m_engine, m_engine.getFrontPage() );

        m_realPage = m_page;

        // Special case: retarget any empty 'view' PageCommands to the front page
        if ( PageCommand.VIEW.equals( command ) && command.getTarget() == null )
            m_command = command.targetedCommand( m_page );

        // Debugging...
        if( log.isDebugEnabled() )
            HttpSession session = ( request == null ) ? null : request.getSession( false );
            String sid = ( session == null ) ? "(null)" : session.getId();
            log.debug( "Creating WikiContext for session ID=" + sid + "; target=" + getName() );

        // Figure out what template to use
        setDefaultTemplate( request );

     * Creates a new WikiContext for the given WikiEngine, WikiPage and
     * HttpServletRequest. This method simply looks up the appropriate Command
     * using {@link #findCommand(WikiEngine, HttpServletRequest, WikiPage)} and
     * delegates to
     * {@link #WikiContext(WikiEngine, HttpServletRequest, Command)}.
     * @param engine The WikiEngine that is handling the request
     * @param request The HttpServletRequest that should be associated with this
     *            context. This parameter may be <code>null</code>.
     * @param page The WikiPage. If you want to create a WikiContext for an
     *            older version of a page, you must supply this parameter
    public WikiContext(WikiEngine engine, HttpServletRequest request, WikiPage page)
        this( engine, request, findCommand( engine, request, page ) );

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see com.ecyrd.jspwiki.ui.Command#getContentTemplate()
    public String getContentTemplate()
        return m_command.getContentTemplate();

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see com.ecyrd.jspwiki.ui.Command#getJSP()
    public String getJSP()
        return m_command.getContentTemplate();

     *  Sets a reference to the real page whose content is currently being
     *  rendered.
     *  <p>
     *  Sometimes you may want to render the page using some other page's context.
     *  In those cases, it is highly recommended that you set the setRealPage()
     *  to point at the real page you are rendering.  Please see InsertPageTag
     *  for an example.
     *  <p>
     *  Also, if your plugin e.g. does some variable setting, be aware that if it
     *  is embedded in the LeftMenu or some other page added with InsertPageTag,
     *  you should consider what you want to do - do you wish to really reference
     *  the "master" page or the included page.
     *  @param page  The real page which is being rendered.
     *  @return The previous real page
     *  @since 2.3.14
     *  @see com.ecyrd.jspwiki.tags.InsertPageTag
    public WikiPage setRealPage( WikiPage page )
        WikiPage old = m_realPage;
        m_realPage = page;
        updateCommand( m_command.getRequestContext() );
        return old;

     *  Gets a reference to the real page whose content is currently being rendered.
     *  If your plugin e.g. does some variable setting, be aware that if it
     *  is embedded in the LeftMenu or some other page added with InsertPageTag,
     *  you should consider what you want to do - do you wish to really reference
     *  the "master" page or the included page.
     *  <p>
     *  For example, in the default template, there is a page called "LeftMenu".
     *  Whenever you access a page, e.g. "Main", the master page will be Main, and
     *  that's what the getPage() will return - regardless of whether your plugin
     *  resides on the LeftMenu or on the Main page.  However, getRealPage()
     *  will return "LeftMenu".
     *  @return A reference to the real page.
     *  @see com.ecyrd.jspwiki.tags.InsertPageTag
     *  @see com.ecyrd.jspwiki.parser.JSPWikiMarkupParser
    public WikiPage getRealPage()
        return m_realPage;

     *  Figure out to which page we are really going to.  Considers
     *  special page names from the, and possible aliases.
     *  This method forwards requests to
     *  {@link com.ecyrd.jspwiki.ui.CommandResolver#getSpecialPageReference(String)}.
     *  @return A complete URL to the new page to redirect to
     *  @since 2.2

    public String getRedirectURL()
        String pagename = m_page.getName();
        String redirURL = null;

        redirURL = m_engine.getCommandResolver().getSpecialPageReference( pagename );

        if( redirURL == null )
            String alias = (String)m_page.getAttribute( WikiPage.ALIAS );

            if( alias != null )
                redirURL = getViewURL( alias );
                redirURL = (String)m_page.getAttribute( WikiPage.REDIRECT );

        return redirURL;

     *  Returns the handling engine.
     *  @return The wikiengine owning this context.
    public WikiEngine getEngine()
        return m_engine;

     *  Returns the page that is being handled.
     *  @return the page which was fetched.
    public WikiPage getPage()
        return m_page;

     *  Sets the page that is being handled.
     *  @param page The wikipage
     *  @since 2.1.37.
    public void setPage( WikiPage page )
        m_page = page;
        updateCommand( m_command.getRequestContext() );

     *  Returns the request context.
     *  @return The name of the request context (e.g. VIEW).
    public String getRequestContext()
        return m_command.getRequestContext();

     *  Sets the request context.  See above for the different
     *  request contexts (VIEW, EDIT, etc.)
     *  @param arg The request context (one of the predefined contexts.)
    public void setRequestContext( String arg )
        updateCommand( arg );

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see com.ecyrd.jspwiki.ui.Command#getTarget()
    public Object getTarget()
        return m_command.getTarget();

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see com.ecyrd.jspwiki.ui.Command#getURLPattern()
    public String getURLPattern()
        return m_command.getURLPattern();

     *  Gets a previously set variable.
     *  @param key The variable name.
     *  @return The variable contents.
    public Object getVariable( String key )
        return m_variableMap.get( key );

     *  Sets a variable.  The variable is valid while the WikiContext is valid,
     *  i.e. while page processing continues.  The variable data is discarded
     *  once the page processing is finished.
     *  @param key The variable name.
     *  @param data The variable value.
    public void setVariable( String key, Object data )
        m_variableMap.put( key, data );
        updateCommand( m_command.getRequestContext() );

     *  This method will safely return any HTTP parameters that
     *  might have been defined.  You should use this method instead
     *  of peeking directly into the result of getHttpRequest(), since
     *  this method is smart enough to do all of the right things,
     *  figure out UTF-8 encoded parameters, etc.
     *  @since 2.0.13.
     *  @param paramName Parameter name to look for.
     *  @return HTTP parameter, or null, if no such parameter existed.
    public String getHttpParameter( String paramName )
        String result = null;

        if( m_request != null )
            result = m_request.getParameter( paramName );

        return result;

     *  If the request did originate from a HTTP request,
     *  then the HTTP request can be fetched here.  However, it the request
     *  did NOT originate from a HTTP request, then this method will
     *  return null, and YOU SHOULD CHECK FOR IT!
     *  @return Null, if no HTTP request was done.
     *  @since 2.0.13.
    public HttpServletRequest getHttpRequest()
        return m_request;

     *  Sets the template to be used for this request.
     *  @param dir The template name
     *  @since 2.1.15.
    public void setTemplate( String dir )
        m_template = dir;

     * Returns the target of this wiki context: a page, group name or JSP. If
     * the associated Command is a PageCommand, this method returns the page's
     * name. Otherwise, this method delegates to the associated Command's
     * {@link com.ecyrd.jspwiki.ui.Command#getName()} method. Calling classes
     * can rely on the results of this method for looking up canonically-correct
     * page or group names. Because it does not automatically assume that the
     * wiki context is a PageCommand, calling this method is inherently safer
     * than calling <code>getPage().getName()</code>.
     * @return the name of the target of this wiki context
     * @see com.ecyrd.jspwiki.ui.PageCommand#getName()
     * @see com.ecyrd.jspwiki.ui.GroupCommand#getName()
    public String getName()
        if ( m_command instanceof PageCommand )
            return m_page != null ? m_page.getName() : "<no page>";
        return m_command.getName();

     *  Gets the template that is to be used throughout this request.
     *  @since 2.1.15.
     *  @return template name
    public String getTemplate()
        return m_template;

     *  Convenience method that gets the current user. Delegates the
     *  lookup to the WikiSession associated with this WikiContect.
     *  May return null, in case the current
     *  user has not yet been determined; or this is an internal system.
     *  If the WikiSession has not been set, <em>always</em> returns null.
     *  @return The current user; or maybe null in case of internal calls.
    public Principal getCurrentUser()
        if (m_session == null)
            // This shouldn't happen, really...
            return WikiPrincipal.GUEST;
        return m_session.getUserPrincipal();

     *  A shortcut to generate a VIEW url.
     *  @param page The page to which to link.
     *  @return An URL to the page.  This honours the current absolute/relative setting.
    public String getViewURL( String page )
        return getURL( VIEW, page, null );

     *  Creates an URL for the given request context.
     *  @param context e.g. WikiContext.EDIT
     *  @param page The page to which to link
     *  @return An URL to the page, honours the absolute/relative setting in
    public String getURL( String context,
                          String page )
        return getURL( context, page, null );

     *  Returns an URL from a page. It this WikiContext instance was constructed
     *  with an actual HttpServletRequest, we will attempt to construct the
     *  URL using HttpUtil, which preserves the HTTPS portion if it was used.
     *  @param context The request context (e.g. WikiContext.UPLOAD)
     *  @param page    The page to which to link
     *  @param params  A list of parameters, separated with "&amp;"
     *  @return An URL to the given context and page.
    public String getURL( String context,
                          String page,
                          String params )
        boolean absolute = "absolute".equals(m_engine.getVariable( this, WikiEngine.PROP_REFSTYLE ));

        // FIXME: is rather slow
        return m_engine.getURL( context,
                                absolute );


     * Returns the Command associated with this WikiContext.
     * @return the command
    public Command getCommand()
        return m_command;

     *  Returns a shallow clone of the WikiContext.
     *  @since 2.1.37.
     *  @return A shallow clone of the WikiContext
    public Object clone()
            // super.clone() must always be called to make sure that inherited objects
            // get the right type
            WikiContext copy = (WikiContext)super.clone();

            copy.m_engine = m_engine;
            copy.m_command = m_command;

            copy.m_template       = m_template;
            copy.m_variableMap    = m_variableMap;
            copy.m_request        = m_request;
            copy.m_session        = m_session;
            copy.m_page           = m_page;
            copy.m_realPage       = m_realPage;
            return copy;
        catch( CloneNotSupportedException e ){} // Never happens

        return null;

     *  Creates a deep clone of the WikiContext.  This is useful when you want
     *  to be sure that you don't accidentally mess with page attributes, etc.
     *  @since  2.8.0
     *  @return A deep clone of the WikiContext.
    public WikiContext deepClone()
            // super.clone() must always be called to make sure that inherited objects
            // get the right type
            WikiContext copy = (WikiContext)super.clone();

            //  No need to deep clone these
            copy.m_engine  = m_engine;
            copy.m_command = m_command; // Static structure

            copy.m_template       = m_template;
            copy.m_variableMap    = (HashMap<String,Object>)m_variableMap.clone();
            copy.m_request        = m_request;
            copy.m_session        = m_session;
            copy.m_page           = (WikiPage)m_page.clone();
            copy.m_realPage       = (WikiPage)m_realPage.clone();
            return copy;
        catch( CloneNotSupportedException e ){} // Never happens

        return null;
     *  Returns the WikiSession associated with the context.
     *  This method is guaranteed to always return a valid WikiSession.
     *  If this context was constructed without an associated
     *  HttpServletRequest, it will return {@link WikiSession#guestSession(WikiEngine)}.
     *  @return The WikiSession associate with this context.
    public WikiSession getWikiSession()
        return m_session;

     *  This method can be used to find the WikiContext programmatically
     *  from a JSP PageContext. We check the request context.
     *  The wiki context, if it exists,
     *  is looked up using the key
     *  {@link com.ecyrd.jspwiki.tags.WikiTagBase#ATTR_CONTEXT}.
     *  @since 2.4
     *  @param pageContext the JSP page context
     *  @return Current WikiContext, or null, of no context exists.
    public static WikiContext findContext( PageContext pageContext )
        HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) pageContext.getRequest();
        WikiContext context = (WikiContext)request.getAttribute( WikiTagBase.ATTR_CONTEXT );
        return context;

     * Returns the permission required to successfully execute this context.
     * For example, the a wiki context of VIEW for a certain page means that
     * the PagePermission "view" is required for the page. In some cases, no
     * particular permission is required, in which case a dummy permission will
     * be returned ({@link java.util.PropertyPermission}<code> "",
     * "read"</code>). This method is guaranteed to always return a valid,
     * non-null permission.
     * @return the permission
     * @since 2.4
    public Permission requiredPermission()
        // This is a filthy rotten hack -- absolutely putrid
        if ( WikiCommand.INSTALL.equals( m_command ) )
            // See if admin users exists
            boolean adminExists = false;
                UserManager userMgr = m_engine.getUserManager();
                UserDatabase userDb = userMgr.getUserDatabase();
                userDb.findByLoginName( Installer.ADMIN_ID );
                adminExists = true;
            catch ( NoSuchPrincipalException e )
                return DUMMY_PERMISSION;
            if ( adminExists )
                return new AllPermission( m_engine.getApplicationName() );

        // TODO: we should really break the contract so that this
        // method returns null, but until then we will use this hack
        if ( m_command.requiredPermission() == null )
            return DUMMY_PERMISSION;

        return m_command.requiredPermission();

     * Associates a target with the current Command and returns
     * the new targeted Command. If the Command associated with this
     * WikiContext is already "targeted", it is returned instead.
     * @see com.ecyrd.jspwiki.ui.Command#targetedCommand(java.lang.Object)
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public Command targetedCommand( Object target )
        if ( m_command.getTarget() == null )
            return m_command.targetedCommand( target );
        return m_command;

     * Checks whether the current user has access to this wiki context,
     * by obtaining the required Permission ({@link #requiredPermission()})
     * and delegating the access check to
     * {@link com.ecyrd.jspwiki.auth.AuthorizationManager#checkPermission(WikiSession, Permission)}.
     * If the user is allowed, this method returns <code>true</code>;
     * <code>false</code> otherwise. If access is allowed,
     * the wiki context will be added to the request as an attribute
     * with the key name {@link com.ecyrd.jspwiki.tags.WikiTagBase#ATTR_CONTEXT}.
     * Note that this method will automatically redirect the user to
     * a login or error page, as appropriate, if access fails. This is
     * NOT guaranteed to be default behavior in the future.
     * @param response the http response
     * @return the result of the access check
     * @throws IOException In case something goes wrong
    public boolean hasAccess( HttpServletResponse response ) throws IOException
        return hasAccess( response, true );

     * Checks whether the current user has access to this wiki context (and
     * optionally redirects if not), by obtaining the required Permission ({@link #requiredPermission()})
     * and delegating the access check to
     * {@link com.ecyrd.jspwiki.auth.AuthorizationManager#checkPermission(WikiSession, Permission)}.
     * If the user is allowed, this method returns <code>true</code>;
     * <code>false</code> otherwise. If access is allowed,
     * the wiki context will be added to the request as attribute
     * with the key name {@link com.ecyrd.jspwiki.tags.WikiTagBase#ATTR_CONTEXT}.
     * @return the result of the access check
     * @param response The servlet response object
     * @param redirect If true, makes an automatic redirect to the response
     * @throws IOException If something goes wrong
    public boolean hasAccess( HttpServletResponse response, boolean redirect ) throws IOException
        AuthorizationManager mgr = m_engine.getAuthorizationManager();
        boolean allowed = mgr.checkPermission( m_session, requiredPermission() );
        ResourceBundle rb = getBundle(InternationalizationManager.CORE_BUNDLE);

        // Stash the wiki context
        if( allowed )
            if ( m_request != null && m_request.getAttribute( WikiTagBase.ATTR_CONTEXT ) == null )
                m_request.setAttribute( WikiTagBase.ATTR_CONTEXT, this );

        // If access not allowed, redirect
        if( !allowed && redirect )
            Principal currentUser  = m_session.getUserPrincipal();
            Object[] arguments = { getName() };
            if( m_session.isAuthenticated() )
      "User "+currentUser.getName()+" has no access - forbidden (permission=" + requiredPermission() + ")" );
                String pageurl = m_page.getName();
                m_session.addMessage( MessageFormat.format( rb.getString("security.error.noaccess.logged"), arguments) );
                response.sendRedirect( m_engine.getURL(WikiContext.LOGIN, pageurl, null, false ) );
      "User "+currentUser.getName()+" has no access - redirecting (permission=" + requiredPermission() + ")");
                String pageurl = m_page.getName();
                m_session.addMessage( MessageFormat.format( rb.getString("security.error.noaccess"), arguments) );
                response.sendRedirect( m_engine.getURL(WikiContext.LOGIN, pageurl, null, false ) );
        return allowed;

     *  Returns true, if the current user has administrative permissions (i.e. the omnipotent
     *  AllPermission).
     *  @since 2.4.46
     *  @return true, if the user has all permissions.
    public boolean hasAdminPermissions()
        boolean admin = false;

        admin = m_engine.getAuthorizationManager().checkPermission( getWikiSession(),
                                                                    new AllPermission(m_engine.getApplicationName()) );

        return admin;

     * Figures out which template a new WikiContext should be using.
     * @param request the HTTP request
    protected void setDefaultTemplate( HttpServletRequest request )
        // FIXME: Most definitely this should be checked for
        //        existence, or else it is possible to create pages that
        //        cannot be shown.
        String defaultTemplate = m_engine.getTemplateDir();

        //  Figure out which template we should be using for this page.
        String template = null;
        if ( request != null )
            template = request.getParameter( "skin" );

        // If request doesn't supply the value, extract from wiki page
        if( template == null )
            WikiPage page = getPage();
            if ( page != null )
                template = (String)page.getAttribute( WikiEngine.PROP_TEMPLATEDIR );


        // If something over-wrote the default, set the new value.
        if ( template != null )
            setTemplate( template );
            setTemplate( defaultTemplate );

     * Looks up and returns a PageCommand based on a supplied WikiPage and HTTP
     * request. First, the appropriate Command is obtained by examining the HTTP
     * request; the default is {@link PageCommand#VIEW}. If the Command is a
     * PageCommand (and it should be, in most cases), a targeted Command is
     * created using the (non-<code>null</code>) WikiPage as target.
     * @param engine the wiki engine
     * @param request the HTTP request
     * @param page the wiki page
     * @return the correct command
    protected static Command findCommand( WikiEngine engine, HttpServletRequest request, WikiPage page )
        String defaultContext = PageCommand.VIEW.getRequestContext();
        Command command = engine.getCommandResolver().findCommand( request, defaultContext );
        if ( command instanceof PageCommand && page != null )
            command = command.targetedCommand( page );
        return command;

     * Protected method that updates the internally cached Command.
     * Will always be called when the page name, request context, or variable
     * changes.
     * @param requestContext the desired request context
     * @since 2.4
    protected void updateCommand( String requestContext )
        if ( requestContext == null )
            m_command = PageCommand.NONE;
            CommandResolver resolver = m_engine.getCommandResolver();
            m_command = resolver.findCommand( m_request, requestContext );

        if ( m_command instanceof PageCommand && m_page != null )
            m_command = m_command.targetedCommand( m_page );

     *  Locates the i18n ResourceBundle given.  This method interprets
     *  the request locale, and uses that to figure out which language the
     *  user wants.
     *  @see com.ecyrd.jspwiki.i18n.InternationalizationManager
     *  @param bundle The name of the bundle you are looking for.
     *  @return A resource bundle object
     *  @throws MissingResourceException If the bundle cannot be found
    // FIXME: This method should really cache the ResourceBundles or something...
    public ResourceBundle getBundle( String bundle ) throws MissingResourceException
        Locale loc = Preferences.getLocale( this );
        ResourceBundle b = m_engine.getInternationalizationManager().getBundle(bundle, loc);

        return b;

     *  Returns the locale of the HTTP request if available,
     *  otherwise returns the default Locale of the server.
     *  @return A valid locale object
     *  @param context The WikiContext
    public static Locale getLocale( WikiContext context )
        return Preferences.getLocale( context );
        HttpServletRequest request = context.getHttpRequest();
        return ( request != null )
                ? request.getLocale() : Locale.getDefault();


Related Classes of com.ecyrd.jspwiki.WikiContext

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