* Copyright (C) 2003 Adam Olsen
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
package com.valhalla.jbother;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import javax.swing.*;
import com.valhalla.jbother.actions.*;
import org.jivesoftware.smack.XMPPConnection;
import org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.*;
import com.valhalla.gui.DialogTracker;
import com.valhalla.gui.Standard;
import com.valhalla.jbother.groupchat.ChatRoomPanel;
import com.valhalla.jbother.jabber.BuddyStatus;
import com.valhalla.jbother.jabber.ParsedBuddyInfo;
import com.valhalla.jbother.jabber.smack.SecureExtension;
import com.valhalla.jbother.menus.BuddyListBuddiesMenu;
import com.valhalla.jbother.menus.SetStatusMenu;
import com.valhalla.jbother.plugins.events.ConnectEvent;
import com.valhalla.jbother.plugins.events.StatusChangedEvent;
import com.valhalla.misc.GnuPG;
import com.valhalla.pluginmanager.PluginChain;
import com.valhalla.settings.*;
import net.infonode.tabbedpanel.*;
import net.infonode.tabbedpanel.titledtab.*;
import net.infonode.util.*;
* BuddyList is the main controller for the buddy list, as as the buddy list is
* the main component of the IM application it performs most of the work once
* it's been initialized.
*@author Adam Olsen
*@author Andrey Zakirov
*@created October 26, 2004
*@update April 10, 2005
*@version 1.0
public class BuddyList extends JPanel
private static BuddyList singleton = null;
private static JFrame frame;
private ResourceBundle resources = ResourceBundle.getBundle(
"JBotherBundle", Locale.getDefault() );
private XMPPConnection connection;
//the connection to the jabber server
private BuddyListTree buddyListTree;
private boolean signoff = false;
private TabFrame tabFrame;
private Hashtable buddyStatuses = null;
private Presence.Mode currentMode = null;
private String currentStatusString = resources.getString( "available" );
private AwayHandler awayHandler = new AwayHandler();
private javax.swing.Timer awayTimer = null;
// private javax.swing.Timer pingTimer = new javax.swing.Timer( 300000,
// new PingHandler() );
private boolean idleAway = false;
private Hashtable blockedUsers = new Hashtable();
private static BuddyList buddyList = null;
private boolean docked = false;
private String gnupgPassword = null;
private boolean encrypting = false;
private Hashtable notDeliveredHash = new Hashtable();
private Hashtable notDisplayedHash = new Hashtable();
private Hashtable notOfflineHash = new Hashtable();
private JButton jbButton = new JButton();
private JButton statusButton = new JButton();
private BuddyListBuddiesMenu jbMenu = new BuddyListBuddiesMenu( this );
private SetStatusMenu statusMenu = new SetStatusMenu( this, true, statusButton );
private long date = new Date().getTime();
private JToggleButton showOffline = new JToggleButton( StatusIconCache.getStatusIcon( (Presence.Mode)null ) );
private JToggleButton showAway = new JToggleButton( StatusIconCache.getStatusIcon( Presence.Mode.AWAY ) );
private JToggleButton sound = new JToggleButton(Standard.getIcon("images/buttons/speaker.png"));
private boolean added = false;
* Constructor for the buddy list. BuddyList is a singleton, so it's
* constructor is private
private BuddyList()
* Gets the containerFrame attribute of the BuddyList object
*@return The containerFrame value
public JFrame getContainerFrame()
return frame;
* Gets the BuddyList singleton
*@return the BuddyList singleton
*@deprecated Use getInstance() instead
public static BuddyList getSingleton()
return getInstance();
* Gets the BuddyList singleton
*@return the BuddyList singleton
public static BuddyList getInstance()
if( singleton == null )
singleton = new BuddyList();
return singleton;
/*class PingHandler implements ActionListener
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
if( !checkConnection() ) return;
if( idleAway )
resources.getString("autoAway"), false);
else {
public void updateButtons( String mode )
ImageIcon icon = Standard.getIcon("imagethemes/statusicons/"
+ mode + "/offline.png");
showOffline.setIcon( icon );
icon = Standard.getIcon("imagethemes/statusicons/"
+ mode + "/away.png");
showAway.setIcon( icon );
public void resetAwayTimer()
int aTime = 0;
try {
aTime = Integer.parseInt(Settings.getInstance().getProperty("autoAwayMinutes", "15"));
catch( Exception e ) { }
resetAwayTimer( aTime );
* Starts the away timer
public void resetAwayTimer( int aTime )
com.valhalla.Logger.debug( "Away timer is set for " + ( aTime * 60 * 1000 ) );
if( aTime > 0 )
if( awayTimer != null ) awayTimer.stop();
awayTimer = new javax.swing.Timer(aTime * 60 * 1000, awayHandler);
com.valhalla.Logger.debug( "Starting away timer " + aTime);
else if( awayTimer != null )
awayTimer = null;
if( !added )
added = true;
AWTEventListener listener = new MyAWTEventListener();
Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().addAWTEventListener( listener,
* Loads the blocked users information
protected void loadBlockedUsers()
File file = new File( JBother.profileDir + File.separatorChar
+ "blocked" );
String line = "";
FileReader fr = new FileReader( file );
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader( fr );
while( ( line = in.readLine() ) != null )
blockedUsers.put( line, "blocked" );
com.valhalla.Logger.debug( "Blocked> " + line );
catch( IOException e )
com.valhalla.Logger.debug( "Blocked users file was not found or could not be read." );
* Description of the Method
private void loadNotDeliveredMessages()
final String notDeliveredMessages = Settings.getInstance().getProperty( "notDeliveredMessages" );
String[] notDeliveredMessage;
String[] notDeliveredMessageLast;
String[] info = new String[2];
if( notDeliveredMessages != null )
notDeliveredMessage = notDeliveredMessages.split( ";" );
if( notDeliveredMessage.length > 0 )
for( int i = 0; i < notDeliveredMessage.length; i++ )
notDeliveredMessageLast = notDeliveredMessage[i].split( "," );
if( notDeliveredMessageLast.length == 3 )
info[0] = notDeliveredMessageLast[1];
info[1] = notDeliveredMessageLast[2];
notDeliveredHash.put( notDeliveredMessageLast[0], info );
* Gets the eventMessage attribute of the BuddyList object
*@param messageId Description of the Parameter
*@param type Description of the Parameter
*@return The eventMessage value
public String[] getEventMessage( String messageId, int type )
Hashtable tempHash;
switch ( type )
case 1:
tempHash = notDeliveredHash;
case 2:
tempHash = notDisplayedHash;
case 3:
tempHash = notOfflineHash;
return null;
String[] eventMessage = (String[])tempHash.get( messageId );
tempHash.remove( messageId );
return eventMessage;
* Description of the Method
*@param messageId Description of the Parameter
*@param userJID Description of the Parameter
*@param timeStamp Description of the Parameter
*@param type Description of the Parameter
*@return Description of the Return Value
public boolean putEventMessage( String messageId, String userJID, String timeStamp, int type )
Hashtable tempHash;
switch ( type )
case 1:
tempHash = notDeliveredHash;
case 2:
tempHash = notDisplayedHash;
case 3:
tempHash = notOfflineHash;
return false;
if( ( messageId != null ) && ( userJID != null ) && ( timeStamp != null ) )
String[] info = new String[2];
info[0] = userJID;
info[1] = timeStamp;
tempHash.put( messageId, info );
return true;
return false;
* Gets the statusButton attribute of the BuddyList object
*@return The statusButton value
public JButton getStatusButton()
return statusButton;
* Returns the away timer
*@return the away timer
public javax.swing.Timer getAwayTimer()
return awayTimer;
* Sets the idleAway attribute of the BuddyList object
*@param idleAway The new idleAway value
public void setIdleAway( boolean idleAway )
this.idleAway = idleAway;
* Gets the idleAway attribute of the BuddyList object
*@return The idleAway value
public boolean getIdleAway()
return idleAway;
* Gets the awayHandler attribute of the BuddyList object
*@return The awayHandler value
public AwayHandler getAwayHandler()
return awayHandler;
* Sets up the current connection
*@param connection the current connection
public void init( XMPPConnection connection )
this.connection = connection;
if( connection == null )
if( buddyStatuses == null )
buddyStatuses = new Hashtable();
ConnectEvent event = new ConnectEvent( connection );
PluginChain.fireEvent( event );
buddyListTree.setConnection( connection );
statusMenu.setIcon( Presence.Mode.AVAILABLE );
* Clears the buddy tree
public void clearTree()
* initializes the buddy tree by loading the offline buddies
public void initBuddies()
* Sets the current presence mode
*@param mode the mode to set it to
public void setCurrentPresenceMode( Presence.Mode mode )
this.currentMode = mode;
* Sets the current status string
*@param string the string to use
public void setCurrentStatusString( String string )
this.currentStatusString = string;
* Gets the current presence mode
*@return the current presence mode
public Presence.Mode getCurrentPresenceMode()
return this.currentMode;
* Returns the current status string
*@return the current status string
public String getCurrentStatusString()
return this.currentStatusString;
* Returns the group chat frame
*@return the group chat frame
public TabFrame getTabFrame()
return tabFrame;
* Starts the group chat frame
public void startTabFrame()
if( tabFrame == null )
tabFrame = new TabFrame();
* checks to see if there are no more chat room windows in the
* groupchatframe if there are no more, the groupchatframe is destroyed
public void stopTabFrame()
if( tabFrame == null )
if( tabFrame.tabsLeft() <= 0 )
if( !docked )
DialogTracker.removeDialog( tabFrame );
tabFrame = null;
com.valhalla.Logger.debug( "Removing chat frame" );
* Removes a ChatPanel
*@param panel the chat panel to remove
public void removeTabPanel( TabFramePanel panel )
if( tabFrame == null )
tabFrame.removePanel( panel );
* Adds a chat room window to the groupchat frame. If there is not
* groupchat frame one is created
*@param panel The feature to be added to the TabPanel attribute
public void addTabPanel( TabFramePanel panel )
if( tabFrame == null )
tabFrame = new TabFrame();
tabFrame.addPanel( panel );
if( !tabFrame.isVisible() )
tabFrame.setVisible( true );
* Gets the buddy status
*@param userId the user id of the BuddyStatus
*@return The buddyStatus value
public BuddyStatus getBuddyStatus( String userId )
if( userId == null )
return null;
if( buddyStatuses == null )
buddyStatuses = new Hashtable();
BuddyStatus buddy = new BuddyStatus( userId );
if( buddyStatuses.get( userId.toLowerCase() ) != null )
buddy = (BuddyStatus)buddyStatuses.get( userId.toLowerCase() );
buddyStatuses.put( userId.toLowerCase(), buddy );
return buddy;
* Returns all the buddy status that are available
*@return the Hashtable containing all the buddy statuses
public Hashtable getBuddyStatuses()
return this.buddyStatuses;
* Returns the current connection
*@return the current connection
public XMPPConnection getConnection()
return this.connection;
* Checks to see if a connection is active
*@return true if the connection is active (connected)
public boolean checkConnection()
if( connection == null || !connection.isConnected() )
return false;
return true;
* Displays a generic connection error
public void connectionError()
Standard.warningMessage( null, resources.getString( "connectionError" ),
resources.getString( "notConnected" ) );
* Gets the docked attribute of the BuddyList object
*@return The docked value
public boolean isDocked()
return docked;
* Description of the Method
public void dockYourself()
if( frame != null )
frame.remove( this );
if( tabFrame == null )
tabFrame = new TabFrame();
tabFrame.dockBuddyList( this );
// tabFrame.setJMenuBar(topMenu);
frame = tabFrame;
frame.setVisible( true );
docked = true;
* Sets the tabFrame attribute of the BuddyList object
*@param frame The new tabFrame value
public void setTabFrame( TabFrame frame )
this.tabFrame = frame;
* Description of the Method
public void undock()
docked = false;
if( tabFrame != null )
if( tabFrame != null )
tabFrame.setVisible( true );
BuddyListContainerFrame f = new BuddyListContainerFrame( this );
frame = f;
frame.setVisible( true );
* Loads the settings for this profile
public void loadSettings()
buddyStatuses = new Hashtable();
gnupgPassword = null;
Vector panels = MessageDelegator.getInstance().getPanels();
int size = panels.size();
for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
ConversationPanel panel = (ConversationPanel)panels.get( 0 );
if( tabFrame != null )
tabFrame = null;
if( Settings.getInstance().getBoolean( "useTabbedWindow" )
&& Settings.getInstance().getBoolean( "dockBuddyList" ) )
else if( docked )
docked = false;
if( !docked )
BuddyListContainerFrame f = new BuddyListContainerFrame( this );
frame = f;
frame.setVisible( true );
statusMenu.setModeChecked( null );
if( Arguments.getInstance().getBoolean( "xmlconsole" ) )
ParsedBuddyInfo info = new ParsedBuddyInfo( resources.getString( "xmlConsole" ) );
String userId = info.getUserId().toLowerCase();
final BuddyStatus buddyStatus = BuddyList.getInstance()
.getBuddyStatus( userId );
buddyStatus.setName( resources.getString( "xmlConsole" ) );
if( buddyStatus.getConversation() == null )
buddyStatus.setConversation( ConsolePanel.getInstance( buddyStatus ) );
buddyStatus.getConversation() );
buddyStatus.getConversation() );
showOffline.setSelected( Settings.getInstance().getBoolean(
"showOfflineBuddies") );
* Saves the current settings - like the height and width of the buddy list
public void saveSettings()
if( frame.isVisible() )
if( !docked )
//save the current buddy list size and position
Dimension size = new Dimension( frame.getSize() );
Point location = new Point( frame.getLocationOnScreen() );
Settings.getInstance().setProperty( "buddyListX",
new Double( location.getX() ).toString() );
Settings.getInstance().setProperty( "buddyListY",
new Double( location.getY() ).toString() );
Settings.getInstance().setProperty( "buddyListWidth",
new Integer( size.width ).toString() );
Settings.getInstance().setProperty( "buddyListHeight",
new Integer( size.height ).toString() );
* Returns the buddy list tree
*@return the buddy list tree
public BuddyListTree getBuddyListTree()
return this.buddyListTree;
* Init components just does some initial setup, sets the size and
* preferred location of the buddy list. Sets up an new initial tree.
private void initComponents()
JPanel container = this;
container.setLayout( new BorderLayout() );
container.setBorder( BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder( 1, 1, 1, 1 ) );
showOffline.setPreferredSize( new Dimension( 24, 24 ) );
ShowOfflineAction.addItem( showOffline );
showAway.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(24,24));
sound.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(24,24));
sound.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
Settings.getInstance().setBoolean("noSound", !sound.isSelected());
com.valhalla.Logger.debug( Settings.getInstance().getBoolean( "noSound" ) + "" );
JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel();
buttonPanel.setLayout( new BoxLayout( buttonPanel, BoxLayout.X_AXIS ) );
buttonPanel.setBorder( BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder( 1, 1, 1, 1 ) );
buttonPanel.add( showOffline );
buttonPanel.add( Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(2,0)));
buttonPanel.add( Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(2,0)));
buttonPanel.add( Box.createHorizontalGlue());
container.add( buttonPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH );
jbButton.addMouseListener( new ButtonListener() );
jbButton.setIcon( Standard.getIcon( "images/frameicon.png" ) );
statusButton.addMouseListener( new Button2Listener() );
statusButton.setText( resources.getString( "offline" ) );
buddyListTree = new BuddyListTree();
// so the menus get the correct size
JFrame temp = new JFrame();
temp.getContentPane().setLayout(new FlowLayout());
container.add( buddyListTree, BorderLayout.CENTER );
JPanel status = new JPanel();
GridBagLayout gbl = new GridBagLayout();
status.setLayout( gbl );
status.setMaximumSize( new Dimension( 1000, jbButton.getHeight() ) );
GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
gbc.weightx = 1;
gbc.weighty = 1;
gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
gbc.insets = new Insets( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
gbc.gridx = 1;
gbc.gridy = 1;
gbl.addLayoutComponent( statusButton, gbc );
gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;
gbc.weightx = 0;
gbc.weighty = 0;
gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
gbc.insets = new Insets( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
gbc.gridx = 0;
gbc.gridy = 1;
gbl.addLayoutComponent( jbButton, gbc );
status.add( jbButton );
status.add( statusButton );
container.add( status, BorderLayout.SOUTH );
* Description of the Class
*@author synic
*@created April 12, 2005
class ButtonListener extends MouseAdapter
public void mousePressed( MouseEvent e )
jbMenu.showMenu( e.getComponent(), jbButton.getX() - 1, jbButton.getY() - jbMenu.getHeight() - 1 );
* Description of the Class
*@author synic
*@created April 12, 2005
class Button2Listener extends MouseAdapter
public void mousePressed( MouseEvent e )
statusMenu.showMenu( e.getComponent(), jbButton.getX() - 1, statusButton.getY() - statusMenu.getHeight() - 1 );
* Sets whether or not we have signed off
*@param value true if we have signed off
public void setSignoff( boolean value )
this.signoff = value;
* Gets whether or not we have signed off
*@return true if we have signed off
public boolean getSignoff()
return signoff;
* Gets the displayed name, or "me"
*@return the myDisplayedName setting
public String getMyName()
if( Settings.getInstance().getProperty( "myDisplayedName" ) != null )
return Settings.getInstance().getProperty( "myDisplayedName" );
return connection.getUser();
* Listens for user input events. If JBother is set to go "Away" on idle,
* this will restart the idle timer.
*@author Adam Olsen
*@created October 26, 2004
*@version 1.0
public class MyAWTEventListener implements AWTEventListener
* Called by the event listener
*@param evt the event
public void eventDispatched( AWTEvent evt )
if( awayTimer != null && awayTimer.isRunning() )
else if( idleAway )
setStatus( Presence.Mode.AVAILABLE, getCurrentStatusString(),
false );
if( awayTimer != null ) awayTimer.start();
idleAway = false;
* Closes the application
public void quitHandler()
if( connection != null && connection.isConnected() )
//and finally close the connection
System.exit( 0 );
* signs off, clears the buddy list
public void signOff()
signoff = false;
if( awayTimer != null ) awayTimer.stop();
currentMode = null;
if( connection != null )
if( !statusMenu.blinkTimerIsRunning() )
Thread thread = new Thread( new ConnectionCloseThread() );
if( buddyStatuses != null )
Iterator iterator = buddyStatuses.keySet().iterator();
while( iterator.hasNext() )
String user = (String)iterator.next();
BuddyStatus buddy = (BuddyStatus)buddyStatuses.get( user );
if( buddy.getConversation() != null
&& buddy.getConversation() instanceof ChatPanel )
( (ChatPanel)buddy.getConversation() ).disconnected();
if( tabFrame != null )
ArrayList remove = new ArrayList();
TabbedPanel pane = tabFrame.getTabPane();
for( int i = 0; i < pane.getTabCount(); i++ )
TabFramePanel panel = (TabFramePanel)pane.getTabAt(i).getContentComponent();
if( panel instanceof ChatRoomPanel )
remove.add( panel );
for( int i = 0; i < remove.size(); i++ )
TabFramePanel panel = (TabFramePanel)remove.get( i );
removeTabPanel( panel );
( (ChatRoomPanel)panel ).serverNoticeMessage( "You have been disconnected" );
( (ChatRoomPanel)panel ).disconnect();
* Description of the Class
*@author synic
*@created April 12, 2005
class ConnectionCloseThread implements Runnable
* Main processing method for the ConnectionCloseThread object
public void run()
new Runnable()
public void run()
statusMenu.setIcon( (Presence.Mode)null );
} );
connection = null;
* Close down the buddy list. Also closes down any other windows that might
* be open
public void kill()
if( tabFrame != null )
setVisible( false );
currentMode = Presence.Mode.AVAILABLE;
currentStatusString = resources.getString( "available" );
connection = null;
Vector panels = MessageDelegator.getInstance().getPanels();
int size = panels.size();
for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
ConversationPanel panel = (ConversationPanel)panels.get( 0 );
signoff = false;
* Gets a list of blocked users
*@return the list of blocked users
public Hashtable getBlockedUsers()
return blockedUsers;
* Sets the list of blocked users
*@param users the list of blocked users
public void setBlockedUsers( Hashtable users )
this.blockedUsers = users;
* Gets the GnuPG password
*@return GnuPG password
public String getGnuPGPassword()
return gnupgPassword;
* Sets the GnuPG password
*@param gnupgPassword GnuPG password
public void setGnuPGPassword( String gnupgPassword )
this.gnupgPassword = gnupgPassword;
* Gets the encryption status
*@return encryption status
public boolean isEncrypting()
return encrypting;
* Sets the encryption status
*@param variant encryption status
public void isEncrypting( boolean variant )
this.encrypting = variant;
* Updates all the dialogs window icons
public void updateIcons()
ImageIcon icon = StatusIconCache.getStatusIcon( org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Presence.Mode.AVAILABLE );
if( icon != null )
// statusMenu.setIcon(icon);
* send StatusChanged event to plugins (and mb elsewhere too)
private void sendStatusChangedEvent()
StatusChangedEvent event = new StatusChangedEvent( getInstance() );
PluginChain.fireEvent( event );
* Set the current status by sending a Jabber packet
*@param mode the mode to set it to
*@param defaultMessage the status message to set it to
*@param getMessage whether or not to get a new message
*@return true if the status packet was sent successfully
public boolean setStatus( Presence.Mode mode, String defaultMessage,
boolean getMessage )
String result;
if( getMessage )
StatusDialog statusDlg = new StatusDialog( mode );
return false;
result = defaultMessage;
if( result == null || result.equals( "" ) )
return false;
if( mode != Presence.Mode.AWAY ) idleAway = false;
if( awayTimer != null )
if( mode == Presence.Mode.AVAILABLE )
int priority = 5;
priority = Integer.parseInt( Settings.getInstance().getProperty(
"priority", "5" ) );
catch( NumberFormatException nfe )
if( !checkConnection() )
ConnectorThread.getInstance().init( mode, result, idleAway ).start();
return true;
Presence presence = new Presence( Presence.Type.AVAILABLE, result,
priority, mode );
if( mode == Presence.Mode.INVISIBLE )
final String r = result;
final int p = priority;
presence = new Presence( Presence.Type.AVAILABLE, result,
priority, mode )
public String toXML()
return "<presence type='invisible'>\n" +
"<status>" + r + "</status>\n" +
"<priority>" + p + " </priority>\n" +
GnuPG gnupg = new GnuPG();
String signedData = null;
SecureExtension signedExtension = new SecureExtension( "signed" );
String gnupgSecretKey = Settings.getInstance().getProperty(
"gnupgSecretKeyID" );
if( JBotherLoader.isGPGEnabled()
&& Settings.getInstance().getBoolean( "gnupgSignPresence" )
&& gnupgSecretKey != null )
signedData = gnupg.signExtension( result, gnupgSecretKey );
if( signedData != null )
signedData = signedData.replaceAll( "(\n)+$", "" );
signedExtension.setData( signedData );
presence.addExtension( signedExtension );
connection.sendPacket( presence );
setCurrentPresenceMode( mode );
if( !idleAway )
setCurrentStatusString( result );
// if the group chat window is open, set the status there too
if( getTabFrame() != null )
getTabFrame().setStatus( mode, result );
ParsedBuddyInfo info = new ParsedBuddyInfo( connection.getUser() );
BuddyStatus buddy = BuddyList.getInstance().getBuddyStatus(
info.getUserId() );
buddy.addResource( info.getResource(), priority, mode, result );
statusMenu.setModeChecked( mode );
statusButton.setText( resources.getString( mode.toString() ) );
return true;
* Gets the statusMenu attribute of the BuddyList object
*@return The statusMenu value
public SetStatusMenu getStatusMenu()
return statusMenu;
* Gets the buddiesMenu attribute of the BuddyList object
*@return The buddiesMenu value
public BuddyListBuddiesMenu getBuddiesMenu()
return jbMenu;
* Sets the lastActive attribute of the BuddyList object
public void setLastActive()
this.date = new Date().getTime();
* Gets the lastActive attribute of the BuddyList object
*@return The lastActive value
public long getLastActive()
return this.date/1000;