* JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
* Copyright 2005, JBoss Inc., and individual contributors as indicated
* by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
* full listing of individual contributors.
* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
package org.jboss.remoting;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
import org.jboss.remoting.callback.Callback;
import org.jboss.remoting.callback.CallbackPoller;
import org.jboss.remoting.callback.InvokerCallbackHandler;
import org.jboss.remoting.callback.ServerInvokerCallbackHandler;
import org.jboss.remoting.invocation.InternalInvocation;
import org.jboss.remoting.invocation.OnewayInvocation;
import org.jboss.remoting.marshal.Marshaller;
import org.jboss.remoting.marshal.UnMarshaller;
import org.jboss.remoting.stream.StreamServer;
import org.jboss.remoting.transport.BidirectionalClientInvoker;
import org.jboss.remoting.transport.ClientInvoker;
import org.jboss.remoting.transport.Connector;
import org.jboss.remoting.transport.PortUtil;
import org.jboss.remoting.transport.local.LocalClientInvoker;
import org.jboss.util.id.GUID;
import org.jboss.util.threadpool.BasicThreadPool;
import org.jboss.util.threadpool.BlockingMode;
import org.jboss.util.threadpool.ThreadPool;
import javax.net.SocketFactory;
import java.io.Externalizable;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.ObjectInput;
import java.io.ObjectOutput;
import java.io.StreamCorruptedException;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* Client is a convience class for invoking remote methods for a given subsystem. It is intended to
* be the main user interface for making remote invocation on the client side.
* @author <a href="mailto:jhaynie@vocalocity.net">Jeff Haynie</a>
* @author <a href="mailto:telrod@e2technologies.net">Tom Elrod</a>
* @author <a href="mailto:ovidiu@jboss.org">Ovidiu Feodorov</a>
* @version $Revision: $
public class Client implements Externalizable
// Constants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Key to be used to determine if invocation is to be oneway (async).
public static final String ONEWAY_FLAG = "oneway";
* Key to be used when tracking callback listeners.
public static final String LISTENER_ID_KEY = "listenerId";
* Specifies the default number of work threads in the pool for executing one way invocations on
* the client. Value is 10.
public static final int MAX_NUM_ONEWAY_THREADS_DEFAULT = 10;
* The key to use for the metadata Map passed when making a invoke() call and wish for the
* invocation payload to be sent as is and not wrapped within a remoting invocation request
* object. This should be used when want to make direct calls on systems outside of remoting
* (e.g. making a http POST request to a web service).
public static final String RAW = "rawPayload";
* Key for the configuration map passed to the Client constructor to indicate that client should
* make initial request to establish lease with server. The value for this should be either a
* String that java.lang.Boolean can evaluate or a java.lang.Boolean. Client leasing is turned
* off by default, so would need to use this property to turn client leasing on.
public static final String ENABLE_LEASE = "enableLease";
* Key for the configuration map passed to the Client constructor providing a ssl
* javax.net.ssl.HandshakeCompletedListener implementation, which will be called on when ssl
* handshake completed with server.
public static final String HANDSHAKE_COMPLETED_LISTENER = "handshakeCompletedListener";
* Key for the configuration when adding a callback handler and internal callback server
* connector is created. The value should be the transport protocol to be used. By default will
* use the same protocol as being used by this client (e.g. http, socket, rmi, multiplex, etc.)
public static final String CALLBACK_SERVER_PROTOCOL = "callbackServerProtocol";
* Key for the configuration when adding a callback handler and internal callback server
* connector is created. The value should be the host name to be used. By default will use the
* result of calling InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress().
public static final String CALLBACK_SERVER_HOST = "callbackServerHost";
* Key for the configuration when adding a callback handler and internal callback server
* connector is created. The value should be the port to be used. By default will find a random
* unused port.
public static final String CALLBACK_SERVER_PORT = "callbackServerPort";
* Key for the configuration map that determines the threadpool size for asynchrouous invocations.
public static final String MAX_NUM_ONEWAY_THREADS = "maxNumThreadsOneway";
* Key for the configuration map that determines the queue size for waiting asynchronous
* invocations.
public static final String MAX_ONEWAY_THREAD_POOL_QUEUE_SIZE = "maxOnewayThreadPoolQueueSize";
* Default timeout period for network i/o in disconnect() and removeListener().
* -1 indicates that no special per invocation timeout will be set.
public static final int DEFAULT_DISCONNECT_TIMEOUT = -1;
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Client.class);
private static final long serialVersionUID = 5679279425009837934L;
// Static ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Attributes -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Indicated the max number of threads used within oneway thread pool.
private int maxNumberThreads = MAX_NUM_ONEWAY_THREADS_DEFAULT;
private int maxOnewayThreadPoolQueueSize = -1;
private ClientInvoker invoker;
private ClassLoader classloader;
private String subsystem;
private String sessionId;
private Object onewayThreadPoolLock = new Object();
private ThreadPool onewayThreadPool;
private InvokerLocator locator;
private ConnectionValidator connectionValidator = null;
private Map configuration = new HashMap();
private Map callbackConnectors = new HashMap();
private Map callbackPollers = new HashMap();
private Map listeners = new HashMap();
private SocketFactory socketFactory;
private int disconnectTimeout = DEFAULT_DISCONNECT_TIMEOUT;
private boolean connected = false;
// Constructors ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* It is only here so can externalize object and will provide a dead object if invoker is not
* explicitly set. Please use other contructors provided.
public Client()
* Constructs a remoting client with intended target server specified via the locator, without
* specifing a remote subsystem or including any metadata. Same as calling Client(locator, null,
* null).
public Client(InvokerLocator locator) throws Exception
this(locator, null, null);
* Constructs a remoting client with intended target server specified via the locator and
* configuration metadata. The metadata supplied will be used when creating client invoker (in
* the case specific data is required) and also for passing along additional data to connection
* listeners on the server side in the case that the client fails, will be able to use this extra
* information when notified.
public Client(InvokerLocator locator, Map configuration) throws Exception
this(locator, null, configuration);
* Constructs a remoting client with intended target server specified via the locator and
* intended subsystem on server for invocations to be routed to.
public Client(InvokerLocator locator, String subsystem) throws Exception
this(locator, subsystem, null);
* Constructs a remoting client with intended target server specified via the locator, intended
* subsystem on the server for invocations to be routed to, and configuration metadata. The
* metadata supplied will be used when creating client invoker (in the case specific data is
* required) and also for passing along additional data to connection listeners on the server
* side in the case that the client fails, will be able to use this extra information when
* notified.
public Client(InvokerLocator locator, String subsystem, Map configuration) throws Exception
this(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(), locator, subsystem, configuration);
* Constructs a remoting client with intended target server specified via the locator, intended
* subsystem on the server for invocations to be routed to, and configuration metadata. The
* metadata supplied will be used when creating client invoker (in the case specific data is
* required) and also for passing along additional data to connection listeners on the server
* side in the case that the client fails, will be able to use this extra information when
* notified (which will happen when connect() method is called.
* @param cl - the classloader that should be used by remoting.
* @deprecated This constructor should not be used any more as will no longer take into account
* the classloader specified as a parameter.
public Client(ClassLoader cl, InvokerLocator locator, String subsystem, Map configuration)
throws Exception
this.classloader = cl;
this.locator = locator;
this.subsystem = subsystem == null ? null : subsystem.toUpperCase();
if (configuration != null)
this.configuration = new HashMap(configuration);
this.sessionId = new GUID().toString();
* Constructs a remoting client with intended target server specified via the locator and
* intended subsystem on server for invocations to be routed to.
* @deprecated This constructor should not be used any more as will no longer take into account
* the classloader specified as a parameter.
public Client(ClassLoader cl, ClientInvoker invoker, String subsystem) throws Exception
this.classloader = cl;
this.subsystem = subsystem == null ? null : subsystem.toUpperCase();
this.invoker = invoker;
this.sessionId = new GUID().toString();
// Externalizable implementation ----------------------------------------------------------------
public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
int version = in.readInt();
switch (version)
case Version.VERSION_2:
case Version.VERSION_2_2:
this.locator = (InvokerLocator) in.readObject();
this.subsystem = (String) in.readObject();
this.configuration = (Map) in.readObject();
boolean wasConnected = in.readBoolean();
this.classloader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
this.invoker = InvokerRegistry.createClientInvoker(locator, configuration);
catch (Exception e)
throw new IOException(e.getMessage());
throw new StreamCorruptedException("Unkown version seen: " + version);
public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException
out.writeObject(invoker != null ? invoker.getLocator() : locator);
// Public ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Adds a connection listener that will be notified if/when the connection to the server fails
* while the client is idle (no calls being made). The default behavior is to ping for connection
* every two seconds.
public void addConnectionListener(ConnectionListener listener)
addConnectionListener(listener, (int)ConnectionValidator.DEFAULT_PING_PERIOD);
* Adds a connection listener that will be notified if/when the connection to the server fails
* while the client is idle (no calls being made). The current behavior is to ping the server
* periodically. The time period is defined by the pingPeriod (which should be in milliseconds).
public void addConnectionListener(ConnectionListener listener, int pingPeriod)
if (invoker == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Can not add connection listener to remoting client " +
"until client has been connected.");
// if local, then no point in having connection listener
if (invoker instanceof LocalClientInvoker)
if (connectionValidator == null)
connectionValidator = new ConnectionValidator(this, pingPeriod);
* Removes specified connection listener. Will return true if it has already been registered,
* false otherwise.
public boolean removeConnectionListener(ConnectionListener listener)
if (connectionValidator == null)
return false;
return connectionValidator.removeConnectionListener(listener);
* This will set the session id used when making invocations on server invokers. There is a
* default unique id automatically generated for each Client instance, so unless you have a good
* reason to set this, do not set this.
public void setSessionId(String sessionId)
this.sessionId = sessionId;
* Gets the configuration map passed when constructing this object.
public Map getConfiguration()
return configuration;
* Gets the session id used when making invocations on server invokers. This is the id that will
* be used for tracking client connections on the server side, to include client failures that
* are sent to connection listeners on the server side.
public String getSessionId()
return this.sessionId;
* Indicates if the underlying transport has been connected to the target server.
public boolean isConnected()
return connected;
* Will cause the underlying transport to make connection to the target server. This is
* important for any stateful transports, like socket or multiplex. This is also when a client
* lease with the server is started.
public void connect() throws Exception
if (isConnected())
if (locator == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot connect a client with a null locator");
if (invoker == null)
if (socketFactory != null)
configuration.put(Remoting.CUSTOM_SOCKET_FACTORY, socketFactory);
this.socketFactory = null;
invoker = InvokerRegistry.createClientInvoker(locator, configuration);
connected = true;
* Disconnects the underlying transport from the target server. Also notifies the target server
* to terminate client lease. Is important that this method is called when no longer using the
* remoting client. Otherwise resource will not be cleaned up and if the target server requires
* a lease, it will be maintained in the background.
public void disconnect()
if (invoker != null)
// this is a noop if no lease is active
invoker.terminateLease(sessionId, disconnectTimeout);
if (connectionValidator != null)
connectionValidator = null;
// Need to remove myself from registry so will not keep reference to me since I am of no
// use now. Will have to create a new one.
InvokerRegistry.destroyClientInvoker(invoker.getLocator(), configuration);
invoker = null;
connected = false;
* Get the client invoker (transport implementation).
public ClientInvoker getInvoker()
return invoker;
* Set the client invoker (transport implementation).
public void setInvoker(ClientInvoker invoker)
this.invoker = invoker;
* Gets the subsystem being used when routing invocation request on the server side.
public String getSubsystem()
return subsystem;
* Sets the subsystem being used when routing invocation requests on the server side. Specifing
* a subsystem is only needed when server has multiple handlers registered (which will each have
* their own associated subsystem).
public void setSubsystem(String subsystem)
this.subsystem = subsystem;
* Invokes the server invoker handler with the payload parameter passed. Same as calling
* invoke(param, null);
public Object invoke(Object param) throws Throwable
return invoke(param, null);
* Invoke the method remotely.
* @param param - payload for the server invoker handler.
* @param metadata - any extra metadata that may be needed by the transport (i.e. GET or POST if
* using http invoker) or if need to pass along extra data to the server invoker handler.
public Object invoke(Object param, Map metadata) throws Throwable
return invoke(param, metadata, null);
* Will invoke a oneway call to server without a return object. This should be used when not
* expecting a return value from the server and wish to achieve higher performance, since the
* client will not wait for a return.
* <b>
* This is done one of two ways. The first is to pass true as the clientSide param. This will
* cause the execution of the remote call to be excuted in a new thread on the client side and
* will return the calling thread before making call to server side. Although, this is optimal
* for performance, will not know about any problems contacting server.
* <p/>
* The second, is to pass false as the clientSide param. This will allow the current calling
* thread to make the call to the remote server, at which point, the server side processing of
* the thread will be executed on the remote server in a new executing thread and the client
* thread will return. This is a little slower, but will know that the call made it to the
* server.
* NOTE: false case is not accurate.
public void invokeOneway(final Object param, final Map sendPayload, boolean clientSide)
throws Throwable
final Map internalSendPayload = sendPayload == null ? new HashMap() : sendPayload;
internalSendPayload.put(ONEWAY_FLAG, "true");
if (clientSide)
ThreadPool threadPool = getOnewayThreadPool();
Runnable onewayRun = new Runnable()
public void run()
invoke(param, internalSendPayload);
catch (Throwable e)
// throw away exception since can't get it back to original caller
log.error("Error executing client oneway invocation request: " + param, e);
OnewayInvocation invocation = new OnewayInvocation(param);
invoke(invocation, internalSendPayload);
* Returns the callback Connectors with which callbackHandler is registered.
public Set getCallbackConnectors(InvokerCallbackHandler callbackHandler)
return (Set) callbackConnectors.get(callbackHandler);
* Gets the timeout used for network i/o in disconnect() and removeListener().
public int getDisconnectTimeout()
return disconnectTimeout;
* Sets the timeout used for network i/o in disconnect() and removeListener().
public void setDisconnectTimeout(int disconnectTimeout)
this.disconnectTimeout = disconnectTimeout;
* Sets the maximum queue size to use within client pool for one way invocations on the client
* side (meaning oneway invocation is handled by thread in this pool and user's call returns
* immediately). Default value is MAX_NUM_ONEWAY_THREADS.
public void setMaxOnewayThreadPoolQueueSize(int maxOnewayThreadPoolQueueSize)
this.maxOnewayThreadPoolQueueSize = maxOnewayThreadPoolQueueSize;
* Gets the maximum queue size to use within client pool for one way invocations on the client
* side (meaning oneway invocation is handled by thread in this pool and user's call returns
* immediately). Default value is MAX_NUM_ONEWAY_THREADS.
public int getMaxOnewayThreadPoolQueueSize()
return this.maxOnewayThreadPoolQueueSize;
* Sets the maximum number of threads to use within client pool for one way invocations on the
* client side (meaning oneway invocation is handled by thread in this pool and user's call
* returns immediately). Default value is MAX_NUM_ONEWAY_THREADS.
public void setMaxNumberOfThreads(int numOfThreads)
this.maxNumberThreads = numOfThreads;
* Gets the maximum number of threads to use within client pool for one way invocations on the
* client side (meaning oneway invocation is handled by thread in this pool and user's call
* returns immediately). Default value is MAX_NUM_ONEWAY_THREADS.
public int getMaxNumberOfThreads()
return this.maxNumberThreads;
* Gets the thread pool being used for making one way invocations on the client side. If one has
* not be specifically set via configuration or call to set it, will always return instance of
* org.jboss.util.threadpool.BasicThreadPool.
public ThreadPool getOnewayThreadPool()
synchronized (onewayThreadPoolLock)
if (onewayThreadPool == null)
BasicThreadPool pool = new BasicThreadPool("JBossRemoting Client Oneway");
log.debug("created new thread pool: " + pool);
Object param = configuration.get(MAX_NUM_ONEWAY_THREADS);
if (param instanceof String)
maxNumberThreads = Integer.parseInt((String) param);
catch (NumberFormatException e)
log.error("maxNumberThreads parameter has invalid format: " + param);
else if (param != null)
log.error("maxNumberThreads parameter must be a string in integer format: " + param);
param = configuration.get(MAX_ONEWAY_THREAD_POOL_QUEUE_SIZE);
if (param instanceof String)
maxOnewayThreadPoolQueueSize = Integer.parseInt((String) param);
catch (NumberFormatException e)
log.error("maxOnewayThreadPoolQueueSize parameter has invalid format: " + param);
else if (param != null)
log.error("maxOnewayThreadPoolQueueSize parameter must be a string in integer format: " + param);
if (maxOnewayThreadPoolQueueSize > 0)
onewayThreadPool = pool;
return onewayThreadPool;
* Sets the thread pool to be used for making one way invocations on the client side.
public void setOnewayThreadPool(ThreadPool pool)
this.onewayThreadPool = pool;
* The socket factory can only be set on the Client before the connect() method has been called.
* Otherwise, a runtime exception will be thrown.
public void setSocketFactory(SocketFactory socketFactory)
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot set socket factory on Client after " +
"the connect() method has been called.");
if (invoker != null)
this.socketFactory = socketFactory;
public SocketFactory getSocketFactory()
if (invoker != null)
return invoker.getSocketFactory();
return socketFactory;
* Same as calling invokeOneway(Object param, Map sendPayload, boolean clientSide) with
* clientSide param being false and a null sendPayload. Therefore, client thread will not return
* till it has made remote call.
public void invokeOneway(Object param) throws Throwable
invokeOneway(param, null);
* Same as calling invokeOneway(Object param, Map sendPayload, boolean clientSide) with
* clientSide param being false. Therefore, client thread will not return till it has made
* remote call.
public void invokeOneway(Object param, Map sendPayload) throws Throwable
invokeOneway(param, sendPayload, false);
* Adds the specified handler as a callback listener for push (async) callbacks. If the transport
* is uni-directional (e.g. http), remoting will automatically poll for callbacks from the server
* and deliver them to the callback handler. If the transport is bi-directional (e.g. multiplex),
* remoting will automatically create a callback server internally and receive and deliver to
* callback handler the callbacks as they are generated on the server. The metadata map passed
* will control configuration for how the callbacks are processed, such as the polling frequency.
public void addListener(InvokerCallbackHandler callbackhandler, Map metadata) throws Throwable
addListener(callbackhandler, metadata, null);
* Adds the specified handler as a callback listener for push (async) callbacks. If the transport
* is uni-directional (e.g. http), remoting will automatically poll for callbacks from the server
* and deliver them to the callback handler. If the transport is bi-directional (e.g. multiplex),
* remoting will automatically create a callback server internally and receive and deliver to
* callback handler the callbacks as they are generated on the server. The metadata map passed
* will control configuration for how the callbacks are processed, such as the polling frequency.
* @param callbackHandlerObject - this object will be included in the Callback object instance
* passed to the InvokerCallbackHandler specified.
public void addListener(InvokerCallbackHandler callbackhandler, Map metadata,
Object callbackHandlerObject) throws Throwable
addListener(callbackhandler, metadata, callbackHandlerObject, false);
* Adds the specific handler as a callback listener for async callbacks. If the transport
* supports bi-directional calls (meaning server can call back to client over same connection
* that was established by the client) or if the serverToClient flag is set to true, a callback
* server will be created internally and the target server will actually send callbacks to the
* client's internal server. Otherwise, the client will simulate push callbacks by internally
* polling for callbacks on the server and then deliver them to the callback handler.
* @param serverToClient - if true, will allow server to connect to the client directly (which
* must be allowed by firewall in front of client unless transport is bi-directional, such
* as the multiplex transport). If false (and not bi-directional transport), server will
* not create any new connection to the client.
public void addListener(InvokerCallbackHandler callbackhandler, Map metadata,
Object callbackHandlerObject, boolean serverToClient) throws Throwable
InvokerLocator callbackLocator = null;
if (isConnected())
if (callbackhandler != null)
boolean isBidirectional = invoker instanceof BidirectionalClientInvoker;
if (isBidirectional || serverToClient)
// setup callback server
String transport = null;
String host = null;
int port = -1;
// look for config values
if (metadata != null)
transport = (String) metadata.get(CALLBACK_SERVER_PROTOCOL);
host = (String) metadata.get(CALLBACK_SERVER_HOST);
String sPort = (String) metadata.get(CALLBACK_SERVER_PORT);
if (sPort != null)
port = Integer.parseInt(sPort);
catch (NumberFormatException e)
log.warn("Could not set the internal callback server port as " +
"configuration value (" + sPort + ") is not a number.");
metadata = new HashMap();
if (transport == null)
transport = invoker.getLocator().getProtocol();
metadata.put(CALLBACK_SERVER_PROTOCOL, transport);
if (host == null)
host = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress();
metadata.put(CALLBACK_SERVER_HOST, host);
if (port == -1)
port = PortUtil.findFreePort(host);
metadata.put(CALLBACK_SERVER_PORT, String.valueOf(port));
callbackLocator =
callbackLocator = new InvokerLocator(transport, host, port, null, metadata);
log.debug("starting callback Connector: " + callbackLocator);
Connector callbackServerConnector = new Connector(callbackLocator, configuration);
synchronized (callbackConnectors)
Set connectors = (Set) callbackConnectors.get(callbackhandler);
if (connectors == null)
connectors = new HashSet();
callbackConnectors.put(callbackhandler, connectors);
// have to use the locator from the server as can be modified internally
callbackLocator = callbackServerConnector.getServerInvoker().getLocator();
//need to setup poller to get callbacks from the server
CallbackPoller poller =
new CallbackPoller(this, callbackhandler, metadata, callbackHandlerObject);
callbackPollers.put(callbackhandler, poller);
addCallbackListener(callbackhandler, metadata, callbackLocator, callbackHandlerObject);
throw new NullPointerException("InvokerCallbackHandler to be added as " +
"a listener can not be null.");
throw new Exception("Can not add callback listener because " +
"remoting client is not connected to server.");
* Adds the specified handler as a callback listener for pull (sync) callbacks. Using this method
* will require the programatic getting of callbacks from the server (they will not be pushed to
* the callback handler automatically).
public void addListener(InvokerCallbackHandler callbackHandler) throws Throwable
addListener(callbackHandler, (InvokerLocator) null);
* Adds the specified handler as a callback listener for push (async) callbacks. The invoker
* server will then callback on this handler (via the server invoker specified by the
* clientLocator) when it gets a callback from the server handler.
* Note: passing a null clientLocator will cause the client invoker's client locator to be set to
* null, which basically converts the mode to be pull (sync) where will require call to get
* callbacks (as will not automatically be pushed to callback handler).
public void addListener(InvokerCallbackHandler callbackHandler,
InvokerLocator clientLocator) throws Throwable
addListener(callbackHandler, clientLocator, null);
* Adds the specified handler as a callback listener for push (async) callbacks. The invoker
* server will then callback on this handler (via the server invoker specified by the
* clientLocator) when it gets a callback from the server handler.
* Note: passing a null clientLocator will cause the client invoker's client locator to be set to
* null, which basically converts the mode to be pull (sync) where will require call to get
* callbacks (as will not automatically be pushed to callback handler).
* @param callbackHandlerObject will be included in the callback object passed upon callback.
public void addListener(InvokerCallbackHandler callbackHandler,
InvokerLocator clientLocator, Object callbackHandlerObject)
throws Throwable
if (callbackHandler != null)
if (isConnected())
addCallbackListener(callbackHandler, null, clientLocator, callbackHandlerObject);
throw new Exception("Can not add callback listener as " +
"remoting client is not connected to server.");
throw new NullPointerException("InvokerCallbackHandler to be added as " +
"a listener can not be null.");
* Removes callback handler as a callback listener from the server (and client in the case that
* it was setup to receive async callbacks). See addListener().
public void removeListener(InvokerCallbackHandler callbackHandler) throws Throwable
if (isConnected())
if (callbackHandler != null)
// first need to see if is push or pull callback (i.e. does have locator associated
// with it)
String listenerId = (String)listeners.get(callbackHandler);
if(listenerId != null)
// have a pull callback handler
Map metadata = new HashMap();
metadata.put(LISTENER_ID_KEY, listenerId);
invoke(new InternalInvocation(InternalInvocation.REMOVELISTENER, null), metadata);
// clean up callback poller if one exists
CallbackPoller callbackPoller = (CallbackPoller) callbackPollers.remove(callbackHandler);
if (callbackPoller != null)
// have a push callback handler
List holderList = invoker.getClientLocators(sessionId, callbackHandler);
if(holderList != null && holderList.size() > 0)
for(int x = 0; x < holderList.size(); x++)
AbstractInvoker.CallbackLocatorHolder holder =
listenerId = holder.getListenerId();
InvokerLocator locator = holder.getLocator();
Map metadata = new HashMap();
metadata.put(LISTENER_ID_KEY, listenerId);
// If disconnectTimeout == 0, skip network i/o.
if (disconnectTimeout != 0)
if (disconnectTimeout > 0)
metadata.put(ServerInvoker.TIMEOUT, Integer.toString(disconnectTimeout));
// now call target server to remove listener
InternalInvocation ii =
new InternalInvocation(InternalInvocation.REMOVELISTENER, null);
invoke(ii, metadata);
catch (Exception e)
log.warn("unable to remove remote callback handler: " + e.getMessage());
// call to callback server to remove listener
Client client = new Client(locator, subsystem);
InternalInvocation ii =
new InternalInvocation(InternalInvocation.REMOVECLIENTLISTENER,
new Object[]{callbackHandler});
client.invoke(ii, metadata);
// clean up callback server connectors if any exist
Set connectors = null;
synchronized (callbackConnectors)
connectors = (Set) callbackConnectors.remove(callbackHandler);
if (connectors != null)
Iterator it = connectors.iterator();
while (it.hasNext())
Connector callbackConnector = (Connector) it.next();
throw new NullPointerException("Can not remove null InvokerCallbackHandler listener.");
throw new Exception("Can not remove callback listener as " +
"remoting client is not connected to server.");
* Gets the callbacks for specified callback handler. The handler is required because an id is
* generated for each handler. So if have two callback handlers registered with the same server,
* no other way to know for which handler to get the callbacks for.
public List getCallbacks(InvokerCallbackHandler callbackHandler) throws Throwable
if (callbackHandler != null)
String listenerId = (String)listeners.get(callbackHandler);
if(listenerId != null)
Map metadata = new HashMap();
metadata.put(LISTENER_ID_KEY, listenerId);
(List)invoke(new InternalInvocation(InternalInvocation.GETCALLBACKS, null), metadata);
log.error("Could not find listener id for InvokerCallbackHandler (" + callbackHandler +
"), please verify handler has been registered as listener.");
return null;
throw new NullPointerException("Can not remove null InvokerCallbackHandler listener.");
public int acknowledgeCallback(InvokerCallbackHandler callbackHandler, Callback callback)
throws Throwable
return acknowledgeCallback(callbackHandler, callback, null);
public int acknowledgeCallback(InvokerCallbackHandler callbackHandler, Callback callback,
Object response) throws Throwable
ArrayList callbacks = new ArrayList(1);
ArrayList responses = null;
if (response != null)
responses = new ArrayList(1);
return acknowledgeCallbacks(callbackHandler, callbacks, responses);
public int acknowledgeCallbacks(InvokerCallbackHandler callbackHandler, List callbacks)
throws Throwable
return acknowledgeCallbacks(callbackHandler, callbacks, null);
public int acknowledgeCallbacks(InvokerCallbackHandler callbackHandler, List callbacks,
List responses) throws Throwable
if (callbackHandler == null)
throw new Exception("InvokerCallbackHandler parameter must not be null");
if (callbacks == null)
throw new Exception("Callback List parameter must not be null");
if (responses != null && responses.size() != callbacks.size())
throw new Exception("Callback response list must be (1) null " +
"or (2) the same size as callback list");
if (callbacks.size() == 0)
return 0;
if (isConnected())
ArrayList callbackIds = new ArrayList(callbacks.size());
Iterator idsIterator = callbacks.iterator();
ArrayList responseList = null;
Iterator responseIterator = null;
if (responses != null)
responseList = new ArrayList(responses.size());
responseIterator = responses.iterator();
Callback callback = null;
Object response = null;
String listenerId = null;
for (int i = 0; i < callbacks.size(); i++)
callback = (Callback) idsIterator.next();
if (responseIterator != null)
response = responseIterator.next();
Map returnPayload = callback.getReturnPayload();
if (returnPayload != null)
Object callbackId = returnPayload.get(ServerInvokerCallbackHandler.CALLBACK_ID);
if (callbackId != null)
if (responseIterator != null)
String nextListenerId = (String) returnPayload.get(LISTENER_ID_KEY);
if (nextListenerId == null)
throw new Exception("Cannot acknowledge callbacks: " +
"callback " + callbackId + " has null listener id");
if (i == 0)
listenerId = nextListenerId;
if (!listenerId.equals(nextListenerId))
throw new Exception("Cannot acknowledge callbacks: " +
"all must be from same server side callback handler");
log.error("Cannot acknowledge callback: callback id " +
"is missing from return payload");
log.error("Cannot acknowledge callback: return payload is null");
if (callbackIds.size() == 0)
return 0;
Map metadata = new HashMap();
if(listenerId != null)
metadata.put(LISTENER_ID_KEY, listenerId);
throw new Exception("Could not find listener id for InvokerCallbackHandler (" +
callbackHandler + "), please verify handler " +
"has been registered as listener.");
Object[] params = new Object[] {callbackIds, responseList};
InternalInvocation invocation =
new InternalInvocation(InternalInvocation.ACKNOWLEDGECALLBACK, params);
invoke(invocation, metadata);
return callbackIds.size();
throw new Exception("Can not acknowledge Callback due to not being connected to server.");
* Sets the marshaller implementation that should be used by the client invoker (transport). This
* overrides the client's default marshaller (or any set within configuration).
public void setMarshaller(Marshaller marshaller)
if (isConnected())
if (marshaller != null)
throw new NullPointerException("Can not set Marshaller with a null value.");
throw new RuntimeException("Can not set remoting client Marshaller when not connected.");
* Sets the unmarshaller implementation that should be used by the client invoker (transport).
* This overrides the client's default unmarshaller (or any set within configuration).
public void setUnMarshaller(UnMarshaller unmarshaller)
if (isConnected())
if (unmarshaller != null)
throw new NullPointerException("Can not set UnMarshaller to null value.");
throw new RuntimeException("Can not set remoting client UnMarhshaller when not connected.");
* Takes an inputstream and wraps a server around. Then calls the target remoting server and
* passes a proxy for an inputstream to the server's handler. When the server handler calls on
* this proxy, it will call back on this server wrapped around this inputstream.
* @param param - invocation payload.
* @return the return value from the invocation.
* @throws Throwable
public Object invoke(InputStream inputStream, Object param) throws Throwable
StreamServer streamServer = new StreamServer(inputStream);
String locator = streamServer.getInvokerLocator();
// now call on target server and pass locator for stream callbacks
InvocationRequest invocationRequest =
new InvocationRequest(sessionId, subsystem, param, null, null, null);
return invoke(new InternalInvocation(InternalInvocation.ADDSTREAMCALLBACK,
new Object[]{locator, invocationRequest}), null);
* Takes an inputstream and wraps a server around. Then calls the target remoting server and
* passes a proxy for an inputstream to the server's handler. When the server handler calls on
* this proxy, it will call back on this server wrapped around this inputstream. The Connector
* passed is expected to have already been started and will have the stream handler added with
* subsystem of 'stream'. Also note that the Connector passed will not be stopped when/if the
* server calls to close the input stream.
* @param param - invocation payload.
* @return the return value from the invocation
public Object invoke(InputStream inputStream, Object param, Connector streamConnector)
throws Throwable
StreamServer streamServer = new StreamServer(inputStream, streamConnector);
String locator = streamServer.getInvokerLocator();
// now call on target server and pass locator for stream callbacks
InvocationRequest invocationRequest =
new InvocationRequest(sessionId, subsystem, param, null, null, null);
return invoke(new InternalInvocation(InternalInvocation.ADDSTREAMCALLBACK,
new Object[]{locator, invocationRequest}), null);
* Takes an inputstream and wraps a server around. Then calls the target remoting server and
* passes proxy for an inputstream to the server's handler. When the server handle calls on this
* proxy, it will call back on this server wrapped around this inputstream. The InvokerLocator
* passed is used to create the internal Connector used to receive the calls from the server
* side.
public Object invoke(InputStream inputStream, Object param, InvokerLocator streamServerLocator)
throws Throwable
StreamServer streamServer = new StreamServer(inputStream, streamServerLocator);
String locator = streamServer.getInvokerLocator();
// now call on target server and pass locator for stream callbacks
InvocationRequest invocationRequest =
new InvocationRequest(sessionId, subsystem, param, null, null, null);
return invoke(new InternalInvocation(InternalInvocation.ADDSTREAMCALLBACK,
new Object[]{locator, invocationRequest}), null);
* @return the ping period (in ms) this client's connection validator is configured with. If the
* client doesn't ping (on account of connection validator not being installed, or
* stopped), returns -1.
public long getPingPeriod()
if (connectionValidator == null)
return -1;
return connectionValidator.getPingPeriod();
* @return the lease period (in ms) if the client has an active leasing mechanism with the server
* or -1 otherwise.
public long getLeasePeriod()
if (invoker == null)
return -1;
return invoker.getLeasePeriod(sessionId);
public String toString()
return "Client[" + System.identityHashCode(this) + "]";
// Package protected ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Protected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Private --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
private void connect(ClientInvoker invoker)
if (invoker != null)
catch (Throwable throwable)
RuntimeException e =
new RuntimeException("Error setting up client lease upon performing connect.");
throw e;
throw new RuntimeException("Client invoker is null (may have used void constructor " +
"for Client, which should only be used for Externalization.");
private void setupClientLease(ClientInvoker invoker) throws Throwable
long leasePeriod = -1;
boolean enableLease = false;
// start with checking the locator URL for hint as to if should do initial lease ping
if (invoker != null)
if (invoker instanceof LocalClientInvoker)
// no need to continue as won't do client lease when is local (JBREM-382)
InvokerLocator locator = invoker.getLocator();
Map locatorParams = locator.getParameters();
if (locatorParams != null)
String leaseValue = (String)locatorParams.get(InvokerLocator.CLIENT_LEASE);
if (leaseValue != null && leaseValue.length() > 0)
enableLease = Boolean.valueOf(leaseValue).booleanValue();
String leasePeriodValue = (String)locatorParams.get(InvokerLocator.CLIENT_LEASE_PERIOD);
if (leasePeriodValue != null && leasePeriodValue.length() > 0)
leasePeriod = Long.parseLong(leasePeriodValue);
catch (NumberFormatException e)
log.warn("Could not convert client lease period value (" +
leasePeriodValue + ") to a number.");
throw new RuntimeException("Can not set up client lease as client invoker is null.");
if (configuration != null)
Object val = configuration.get(ENABLE_LEASE);
if (val != null)
if (val instanceof Boolean)
enableLease = ((Boolean)val).booleanValue();
else if (val instanceof String)
enableLease = Boolean.valueOf((String)val).booleanValue();
log.warn("Can not evaluate " + ENABLE_LEASE + " value (" +
val + ") as a boolean type.");
String leasePeriodValue = (String)configuration.get(InvokerLocator.CLIENT_LEASE_PERIOD);
if (leasePeriodValue != null && leasePeriodValue.length() > 0)
leasePeriod = Long.parseLong(leasePeriodValue);
catch (NumberFormatException e)
log.warn("Could not convert client lease period value (" +
leasePeriodValue + ") to a number.");
if (enableLease)
invoker.establishLease(sessionId, configuration, leasePeriod);
private Object invoke(Object param, Map metadata, InvokerLocator callbackServerLocator)
throws Throwable
if (isConnected())
return invoker.invoke(new InvocationRequest(sessionId, subsystem, param,
metadata, null, callbackServerLocator));
throw new Exception("Can not make remoting client invocation " +
"due to not being connected to server.");
private void addCallbackListener(InvokerCallbackHandler callbackhandler, Map metadata,
InvokerLocator callbackLocator, Object callbackHandlerObject)
throws Throwable
// if callback locator is null, then is pull callbacks and need to track callback handler
// per Client (not by client invoker).
if (callbackLocator == null)
String listenerId = generateListenerId(callbackhandler);
// if listenerId is null, means this Client has already had the callbackhanler reference
// registered as a listener, so no need to add it again.
if (listenerId != null)
Map internalMetadata = new HashMap();
internalMetadata.put(LISTENER_ID_KEY, listenerId);
if(metadata != null)
// now call server to add listener
invoke(new InternalInvocation(InternalInvocation.ADDLISTENER, null),
internalMetadata, callbackLocator);
// is going to be push callbacks which means callback server locator involved.
// will have to delegate to client invoker.
String listenerId = invoker.addClientLocator(sessionId, callbackhandler, callbackLocator);
if (listenerId != null)
Map internalMetadata = new HashMap();
internalMetadata.put(LISTENER_ID_KEY, listenerId);
if(metadata != null)
Client client = new Client(callbackLocator, subsystem);
InternalInvocation i =
new InternalInvocation(InternalInvocation.ADDCLIENTLISTENER,
new Object[]{callbackhandler, callbackHandlerObject});
client.invoke(i, internalMetadata);
// now call server to add listener
invoke(new InternalInvocation(InternalInvocation.ADDLISTENER, null),
internalMetadata, callbackLocator);
private String generateListenerId(InvokerCallbackHandler callbackhandler)
String listenerId = null;
Object obj = listeners.get(callbackhandler);
if(obj == null)
listenerId = new GUID().toString();
listeners.put(callbackhandler, listenerId);
return listenerId;
// Inner classes --------------------------------------------------------------------------------