package org.zyp.cn8583;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.zyp.cn8583.parse.cnFieldParseInfo;
* ����һ���й����8583��ʽ�����࣬��ʼ������Դ��MessageFactory�ࡣ
* This class is used to create messages, either from scratch or from an existing String or byte
* buffer. It can be configured to put default values on newly created messages, and also to know
* what to expect when reading messages from an InputStream.
* <P>
* The factory can be configured to know what values to set for newly created messages, both from
* a template (useful for fields that must be set with the same value for EVERY message created)
* and individually (for trace [field 11] and message date [field 7]).
* <P>
* It can also be configured to know what fields to expect in incoming messages (all possible values
* must be stated, indicating the date type for each). This way the messages can be parsed from
* a byte buffer.
* @author zyplanke
public class cnMessageFactory {
protected static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("J8583CN_LOG");
/** This map stores the message template for each message msgtypeid. (msgtypeid, Message)*/
private Map<String, cnMessage> typeTemplates = new HashMap<String, cnMessage>();
/** Stores the information needed to parse messages sorted by type. (msgtypeid, (fieldID, fieldInfo))*/
private Map<String, Map<Integer, cnFieldParseInfo>> parseMap = new HashMap<String, Map<Integer, cnFieldParseInfo>>();
/** Stores the field numbers to be parsed, in order of appearance. (msgtypeid, fieldID)*/
private Map<String, List<Integer>> parseOrder = new HashMap<String, List<Integer>>();
private cnSystemTraceNumGenerator SystraceNumGen;
/** The 8583 header to be included in each message msgtypeid. (msgtypeid, headerlength)*/
private Map<String, Integer> msgheadersattr = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
/** Indicates if the current date should be set on new messages (field 7). */
private boolean usecurrentdata;
/** Indicates if the factory should create binary messages and also parse binary messages. */
private boolean useBinary;
private int etx = -1;
/** Tells the receiver to create and parse binary messages if the flag is true.
* Default is false, that is, create and parse ASCII messages. */
public void setUseBinary(boolean flag) {
useBinary = flag;
/** Returns true is the factory is set to create and parse binary messages,
* false if it uses ASCII messages. Default is false. */
public boolean getUseBinary() {
return useBinary;
/** Sets the ETX character to be sent at the end of the message. This is optional and the
* default is -1, which means nothing should be sent as terminator.
* @param value The ASCII value of the ETX character or -1 to indicate no terminator should be used. */
public void setEtx(int value) {
etx = value;
/** Creates a new message of the specified type id from message template. If the factory is set to use binary
* messages, then the returned message will be written using binary coding.
* @param msgtypeid The message type id, ӦΪ4���ֽ��ַ�*/
public cnMessage newMessagefromTemplate(String msgtypeid) {
cnMessage m = new cnMessage(msgtypeid, msgheadersattr.get(msgtypeid));
//Copy the values from the template (ͨ������ģ��������ֵ)
cnMessage templ = typeTemplates.get(msgtypeid);
if (templ != null) {
for (int i = 2; i < 128; i++) {
if (templ.hasField(i)) {
m.setField(i, templ.getField(i).clone());
if (SystraceNumGen != null) {
m.setValue(11, SystraceNumGen.nextTrace(), cnType.NUMERIC, 6);
if (usecurrentdata) {
m.setValue(7, new Date(), cnType.DATE10, 10);
return m;
/** Creates a message to respond to a request. <P/>
* ����������������Ӧ���� (��Ӧ���ĵı�ʾ�ĵ���λΪ�������ĵ���λ��һ) <P/>
* sets all fields from the template if there is one, and copies all values from the request,
* overwriting fields from the template if they overlap.
* @param request An 8583 message with a request type (ending in 00). */
public cnMessage createResponse(cnMessage request) {
String resptypeid = request.getMsgTypeID().substring(0, 2)
+ Integer.toString(Integer.parseInt(request.getMsgTypeID().substring(2,3)) + 1)
+ request.getMsgTypeID().substring(3, 4);
cnMessage resp = new cnMessage(resptypeid, msgheadersattr.get(resptypeid));
//Copy the values from the template
cnMessage templ = typeTemplates.get(resp.getMsgTypeID());
if (templ != null) {
for (int i = 2; i < 128; i++) {
if (templ.hasField(i)) {
resp.setField(i, templ.getField(i).clone());
// copy the values from request message
for (int i = 2; i < 128; i++) {
if (request.hasField(i)) {
resp.setField(i, request.getField(i).clone());
return resp;
* Creates a new message instance from the buffer, which must contain a
* valid 8583 message. If the factory is set to use binary messages then it
* will try to parse a binary message.
* @param buf
* The byte buffer containing the message. Must not include the
* length header.
* @param msgheaderlength
* The expected length of the 8583 header, after which the
* message type id and the rest of the message must come.
public cnMessage parseMessage(byte[] buf, int msgheaderlength)
throws ParseException {
cnMessage m = new cnMessage(new String(buf, msgheaderlength, 4),
log.debug("parsed message typeid: [" + m.getMsgTypeID() + "]");
// TODO it only parses ASCII messages for now
// �õ�����ͷ
byte[] msgheaderdata = new byte[msgheaderlength];
System.arraycopy(buf, 0, msgheaderdata, 0, msgheaderlength);
m.setMessageHeaderData(0, msgheaderdata);
log.debug("parsed message hearder: [" + new String(m.getmsgHeader()) + "]");
// Parse the bitmap (primary first)
BitSet bs = new BitSet(64);
int pos = 0;
for (int i = msgheaderlength + 4; i < msgheaderlength + 12; i++) {
int bit = 128;
for (int b = 0; b < 8; b++) {
bs.set(pos++, (buf[i] & bit) != 0);
bit >>= 1;
// Check for secondary bitmap and parse if necessary
if (bs.get(0)) {
for (int i = msgheaderlength + 12; i < msgheaderlength + 20; i++) {
int bit = 128;
for (int b = 0; b < 8; b++) {
bs.set(pos++, (buf[i] & bit) != 0);
bit >>= 1;
pos = 20 + msgheaderlength;
} else {
pos = 12 + msgheaderlength;
// ��BitSet�е�λͼ��ʽ���ɶ�������ʽ����ID������ʽ
int bit_str_length = bs.length() <= 64 ? 78 : 158;
StringBuffer bitmap_binstr = new StringBuffer(bit_str_length); // ÿ8��������λ��֮����2���ո����
StringBuffer bitmap_str = new StringBuffer("{");
for(int i = 0; i < bit_str_length; i++) {
if(bs.get(i)) {
bitmap_str.append(i+1).append(", ");
if( i %10 == 7 && i < bit_str_length - 1 ) {
bitmap_binstr.append(" ");
i += 2;
if(bitmap_str.substring(bitmap_str.length() - 2).equals(", "))
bitmap_str.delete(bitmap_str.length() - 2, bitmap_str.length());
log.debug("bitmap data(binary format): [" + bitmap_binstr + "]");
// log.debug("parsed bitmap(0-127): [" + bs.toString() + "]");
log.debug("parsed bitmap(1-128): [" + bitmap_str + "]");
//Parse each field
Map<Integer, cnFieldParseInfo> parseGuide = parseMap.get(m.getMsgTypeID());
List<Integer> index = parseOrder.get(m.getMsgTypeID()); // �����ͱ���Ӧ�ô��ڵ���ID����
if(index == null) {
RuntimeException e = new RuntimeException("��XML�ļ���δ���屨������[" + m.getMsgTypeID() + "]�Ľ�������, �����������͵ı���!! ����������!");
throw e;
// ���2��128������յ��ı���λͼ��ָʾ�д���XML�����ļ���ȷδָ�������棡
for(int fieldnum = 2; fieldnum <= 128; fieldnum++){
if(bs.get(fieldnum -1)) {
if(! index.contains(Integer.valueOf(fieldnum))) { // ������ʱ
log.warn("�յ�����Ϊ[" + m.getMsgTypeID()
+ "]�ı����е�λͼָʾ���е�[" + fieldnum
+ "]��,��XML�����ļ���δ���ø���. ����ܻᵼ�½�������,�����������XML�����ļ���");
for (Integer i : index) {
cnFieldParseInfo fpi = parseGuide.get(i);
if (bs.get(i - 1)) {
cnValue val = useBinary ? fpi.parseBinary(buf, pos) : fpi.parse(buf, pos);
m.setField(i, val);
log.debug("parsed: fieldid=[" + i + "] <" + m.getField(i).getType() + "> \t["
+ m.getField(i).toString() + "] ---> [" + m.getObjectValue(i) + "]");
if (useBinary && !(val.getType() == cnType.ALPHA || val.getType() == cnType.LLVAR
|| val.getType() == cnType.LLLVAR)) {
pos += (val.getLength() / 2) + (val.getLength() % 2);
} else {
pos += val.getLength();
if (val.getType() == cnType.LLVAR) {
pos += useBinary ? 1 : 2;
} else if (val.getType() == cnType.LLLVAR) {
pos += useBinary ? 2 : 3;
return m;
/** Sets whether the factory should set the current date on newly created messages,
* in field 7. Default is false. */
public void setUseCurrentDate(boolean flag) {
usecurrentdata = flag;
/** Returns true if the factory is assigning the current date to newly created messages
* (field 7). Default is false. */
public boolean getUseCurrentDate() {
return usecurrentdata;
/** Sets the generator that this factory will get new trace numbers from. There is no
* default generator. */
public void setSystemTraceNumberGenerator(cnSystemTraceNumGenerator value) {
SystraceNumGen = value;
/** Returns the generator used to assign trace numbers to new messages. */
public cnSystemTraceNumGenerator getSystemTraceNumberGenerator() {
return SystraceNumGen;
/** Sets the 8583 header to be used in each message type.
* @param value A map where the keys are the message type id and the values are the message headers length.
public void setHeaders(Map<String, Integer> value) {
/** Sets the 8583 header attr for a specific message type.
* @param msgtypeid The message type( 4 bytes)
* @param headerlen The message header length */
public void setHeaderLengthAttr(String msgtypeid, Integer headerlen) {
msgheadersattr.put(msgtypeid, headerlen);
/** Returns the 8583 header length for the specified type. */
public Integer getHeaderLengthAttr(String msgtypeid) {
return msgheadersattr.get(msgtypeid);
/** Adds a message template to the factory. If there was a template for the same
* message type id as the new one, it is overwritten. */
public void addMessageTemplate(cnMessage templ) {
if (templ != null) {
typeTemplates.put(templ.getMsgTypeID(), templ);
/** Removes the message template for the specified message type id. */
public void removeMessageTemplate(String msgtypeid) {
/** Sets a message template for a specified message type. When new messages of that type
* are created, they will have the same values as the template.
* @param msgtypeid The message type id.
* @param templ The message from which fields should be copied, or NULL to remove the
* template for this message type.
* @deprecated Use addMessageTemplate(cnMessage) and removeMessageTemplate(String) instead of this. */
public void setMessageTemplate(String msgtypeid, cnMessage templ) {
if (templ == null) {
} else {
typeTemplates.put(msgtypeid, templ);
/** Sets a map with the fields that are to be expected when parsing a certain type of
* message.
* @param msgtypeid The message type id.
* @param map A map of FieldParseInfo instances, each of which define what type and length
* of field to expect. The keys will be the field numbers. */
public void setParseMap(String msgtypeid, Map<Integer, cnFieldParseInfo> map) {
parseMap.put(msgtypeid, map);
ArrayList<Integer> index = new ArrayList<Integer>();
log.trace("Adding parse map for type: [" + msgtypeid + "] with fields " + index);
parseOrder.put(msgtypeid, index);