* (c) Copyright Hewlett-Packard Company 2001 - 2009
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
* derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
* @author steven.a.battle@googlemail.com
package com.hp.gloze;
import java.beans.BeanDescriptor;
import java.beans.BeanInfo;
import java.beans.IntrospectionException;
import java.beans.Introspector;
import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.StringWriter;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.w3c.dom.Attr;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.w3c.dom.Text;
import com.hp.gloze.www_w3_org_2001_XMLSchema.complexType;
import com.hp.gloze.www_w3_org_2001_XMLSchema.element;
import com.hp.gloze.www_w3_org_2001_XMLSchema.schema;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.datatypes.BaseDatatype;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.datatypes.RDFDatatype;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.datatypes.TypeMapper;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Literal;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.NodeIterator;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Property;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.RDFNode;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ReifiedStatement;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Resource;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Seq;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Statement;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.StmtIterator;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.RDF;
* @author steven.a.battle@googlemail.com
public abstract class XMLBean {
private boolean populated = false;
private static final String NS_PREFIX = "j.";
public static final String XML = "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace";
public static final String BASE = XML+"#base";
public static final String ID = XML+"#id";
public static final String LANG = XML+"#lang";
public static final String SPACE = XML+"#space";
// bean initialization method (invoked after setting attributes)
private static final String INITIALISE = "initialise";
// xml attributes
String base, lang, id, space;
protected Node _node; // XML node from which this bean is derived
String _pcdata;
/** _any is used for non-specific content * */
protected Vector<XMLBean> _any;
/** holds xmlns definitions * */
protected Properties _xmlns;
private int _nsCounter = 0;
protected XMLBean _parent;
// by default a bean owns itself
// children copy this so they all end up owned by the root
protected XMLBean _owner = this;
// where was the bean loaded from
protected URL _location;
/** may need to underscore this lot */
public String name, localName, _prefix;
public BeanInfo info;
public XMLBean() throws IntrospectionException {
// initialize bean info
info = Introspector.getBeanInfo(this.getClass(), XMLBean.class);
BeanDescriptor bd = info.getBeanDescriptor();
name = bd.getDisplayName();
localName = bd.getName();
// implement initialise() method to add bean specific initialization;
public static void initialiseBean(XMLBean bean) throws Exception {
try {
Method[] method = bean.getClass().getMethods();
for (int i = 0; i < method.length; i++) {
if (method[i].getName().equals(INITIALISE)) {
method[i].invoke(bean,(Object[]) null);
} catch (Exception e) {
Gloze.logger.error("error initialising bean "+bean.name);
// no-schema lift
public static void noSchemaToRDF(Element elem, URI uri, Context ctx) throws Exception {
Model m = ctx.getModel();
// create a root resource with optional uri
Resource rez;
if (uri != null) rez = m.createResource(uri.toString());
// anonymous resource
else rez = m.createResource();
// the document element is unsequenced
noSchemaToRDF(rez, elem, null, ctx);
public static boolean noSchemaToRDF(Resource subject, Element elem, Seq seq, Context ctx)
throws Exception {
Model m = subject.getModel();
Statement stmt = null;
String uri = expandQName(elem, ctx.getModel(), ctx);
Property prop = m.createProperty(uri);
// anything with no attributes and a single (or no) value is simple
// anything with attributes is complex
// anything with children is complex
String simple = getSimpleContent(elem);
if (elem.hasAttributes() || simple==null) {
// looks like a complex type
Resource obj = null;
if (elem.hasAttributeNS(XML,"id")) {
String id = elem.getAttributeNS(XML,"id");
obj = m.createResource(addFragment(ctx.getBaseMap(), id).toString());
else obj = m.createResource();
// explicit xsi:type
if (elem.hasAttributeNS(schema.XSI,"type")) {
String t = elem.getAttributeNS(schema.XSI,"type");
String fullname = expandQName(ctx.getDefaultNS(),t,elem,ctx.getModel());
complexType c = ctx.getComplexType(fullname);
if (c!=null) {
String id = c.getID(elem,ctx);
Resource o = id==null?m.createResource():m.createResource(addFragment(ctx.getBaseMap(), id).toString());
stmt = m.createStatement(subject,prop,o);
// the new resource, o, becomes the subject
Seq subSeq = null;
if (ctx.isSequenced() && elem.hasChildNodes() && c.needSeq(new HashSet<String>(), ctx))
subSeq = m.getSeq(o.addProperty(RDF.type, RDF.Seq));
int index = c.toRDF(o, elem, 0, subSeq,null,true,ctx);
// mop up remaining values in sequence
produceMixed(subSeq, index, elem);
return true;
else Gloze.logger.warn("undefined type: "+fullname);
stmt = m.createStatement(subject,prop,obj);
if (seq != null) seq.add(stmt.createReifiedStatement());
// we can't confuse a (single) simple rdf:value with an attribute
Seq s = null;
// Added extra condition - we should be able to turn off sequencing, risking confusion between attributes and object properties
if (simple==null && ctx.isSequenced()) s = m.getSeq(obj.addProperty(RDF.type, RDF.Seq));
// add attributes (and possibly define xmlns)
NamedNodeMap nm = elem.getAttributes();
for (int i=0; i<nm.getLength(); i++)
noSchemaToRDF(obj, (Attr) nm.item(i),ctx);
// add elements
NodeList nl = elem.getChildNodes();
for (int i=0; i<nl.getLength(); i++) {
switch (nl.item(i).getNodeType()) {
Element e = (Element) nl.item(i);
case Node.TEXT_NODE:
String value = ((Text) nl.item(i)).getNodeValue().trim();
Literal lit = null;
if (elem.hasAttributeNS(XML,"lang"))
lit = m.createLiteral(value, elem.getAttributeNS(XML,"lang"));
lit = ctx.getModel().createLiteral(value);
stmt = ctx.getModel().createStatement(obj,RDF.value,lit);
if (!value.equals("")) {
if (s!=null) s.add(stmt.createReifiedStatement());
return true;
else { // looks like a simple type
String value = XMLBean.getValue(elem);
if (value!=null && ctx.isPreserved()) value = value.trim();
if (value==null) value = "";
Literal l = m.createLiteral(value);
stmt = m.createStatement(subject,prop,l);
if (seq != null && stmt!=null) seq.add(stmt.createReifiedStatement());
return true;
/** only returns the default ns if defined */
public static void noSchemaToRDF(Resource subject, Attr attr, Context ctx) {
if (attr.getNodeName().startsWith("xmlns")) {
// set the namespace definition on the model
String name = attr.getNodeName();
String ns = attr.getNodeValue();
String prefix = "";
if (name.indexOf(":")>=0) {
prefix = name.substring("xmlns:".length());
if (!ns.equals(XMLBean.XML) && !ns.equals(schema.XSI))
Literal l = ctx.getModel().createLiteral(attr.getValue());
String u = XMLBean.expandQName(attr, ctx);
if (!u.startsWith(schema.XSI) && !u.startsWith(XMLBean.XML)) {
// not a schema instance or XML property
Property p = ctx.getModel().createProperty(u);
XMLBean.addPrefixes(attr.getPrefix(), attr.getNamespaceURI(), ctx.getModel());
private static String getSimpleContent(Element elem) {
StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer() ;
NodeList l = elem.getChildNodes();
for (int i=0; i<l.getLength(); i++) {
Node n = l.item(i);
switch (n.getNodeType()) {
return null;
case Node.TEXT_NODE:
String v = n.getNodeValue();
if (v!=null) b.append(v);
return b.toString();
public static boolean noSchemaToXML(Document doc, RDFNode rdf, Context ctx) {
boolean qualify = ctx.getDefaultNS()!=null;
if (rdf instanceof Resource) {
Resource r = (Resource) rdf;
for (StmtIterator i = r.listProperties(); i.hasNext(); ) {
Statement stmt = i.nextStatement();
Property p = stmt.getPredicate();
// ignore RDF properties eg. RDF:type
// take the first (non-rdf) property we find as document element
if (!p.getURI().startsWith(RDF.getURI())) {
Element e = noSchemaToElement(doc,p,ctx);
return true;
return false;
public static boolean noSchemaToXML(Element elem, RDFNode rdf, boolean qualify, Context ctx) {
Document doc = elem.getOwnerDocument();
String s = null;
if (rdf instanceof Resource) {
Resource r = (Resource) rdf;
Model m = r.getModel();
// is the resource explicitly typed
complexType ct = null;
for (StmtIterator si = r.listProperties(RDF.type); si.hasNext(); ) {
Resource t = si.nextStatement().getResource();
// ignore RDF types, e.g. rdf:Seq
if (t.getURI().startsWith(RDF.getURI())) continue;
complexType c = ctx.getComplexType(t.getURI());
if (c!=null && (ct==null || c.subtype(ct.createURI(m,ctx),m,ctx))) ct = c;
if (ct!=null) {
ct.toXML(elem, r, 0, unsequenced(r), ctx);
return true;
// add (sequenced) sub-elements
NodeIterator ni = ctx.getModel().getSeq(r).iterator();
while (ni.hasNext()) {
Statement stmt = element.asStatement((Resource) ni.nextNode());
if (stmt.getPredicate().equals(RDF.value)) {
// add literal value
RDFNode value = stmt.getObject();
if (value.isLiteral())
else {
Element e = noSchemaToElement(elem,stmt.getPredicate(),ctx);
if (e!=null) {
// add (unsequenced) properties
Set pending = element.unsequenced((Resource) rdf);
for (Iterator ui = pending.iterator(); ui.hasNext(); ) {
Statement stmt = (Statement) ui.next();
if (stmt.getPredicate().equals(RDF.value)) {
RDFNode n = stmt.getObject();
if (n.isLiteral()) {
Literal l = (Literal) n;
if (l.getLanguage()!=null) elem.setAttributeNS(XML,"lang",l.getLanguage());
else if (stmt.getPredicate().getNameSpace().equals(RDF.getURI())) ;
else {
Attr a = noSchemaToAttribute(doc,stmt.getPredicate(), ctx);
// if the resource has a URI this is the node ID
if (!r.isAnon()) {
} else {
// add literal value
s = ((Literal) rdf).getString();
return true;
public static boolean noSchemaToXML(Attr attr, RDFNode rdf, Context ctx) {
if (rdf instanceof Resource) {
Resource r = (Resource) rdf;
if (r.hasProperty(RDF.value)) {
return true;
else {
// literal
Literal l = (Literal) rdf;
return false;
public static Element noSchemaToElement(Node node, Property p, Context ctx) {
Document doc ;
if (node instanceof Document)doc = (Document) node;
else doc = node.getOwnerDocument();
String ns = p.getNameSpace();
if (ns.equals(RDF.getURI())) return null;
String name = p.getLocalName();
// remove symbol space
if (ctx.getElementSymbol()!=null && ns.endsWith(ctx.getElementSymbol()))
ns = ns.substring(0,ns.length()-ctx.getElementSymbol().length());
else if (ctx.getElementSymbol()!=null && name.startsWith(ctx.getElementSymbol()))
name = name.substring(ctx.getElementSymbol().length()+1);
String pre = XMLBean.findPrefix(p.getURI(),ctx.getModel());
String ns1 = XMLBean.lookupNamespace(pre,ctx.getModel());
if (pre!=null && ns.startsWith(pre)) {
String tail = ns.substring(ns1.length());
if (tail.equals("#")) ns = ns1;
if (ns.equals(ctx.getDefaultNS()) || ns.equals(ctx.getDefaultNS()+"#")) {
// this namespace is reserved for 'unqualified' elements
// if default namespace is defined it must be overriden to unqualify this element
String dns = XMLBean.expandPrefix("", node,null,ctx.getModel());
if (dns==null) return doc.createElement(name);
else return doc.createElementNS("",name);
else return doc.createElementNS(ns,name);
private static Attr noSchemaToAttribute(Document doc, Property p, Context ctx) {
String ns = p.getNameSpace();
String name = p.getLocalName();
// remove symbol space
if (ctx.getAttributeSymbol()!=null && ns.endsWith(ctx.getAttributeSymbol()))
ns = ns.substring(0,ns.length()-ctx.getAttributeSymbol().length());
else if (ctx.getAttributeSymbol()!=null && name.startsWith(ctx.getAttributeSymbol()))
name = name.substring(ctx.getAttributeSymbol().length()+1);
String pre = null;
if (ns.endsWith("#")) {
pre = ctx.getModel().getNsURIPrefix(ns.substring(0,ns.length()-1));
if (pre!=null) ns = ns.substring(0,ns.length()-1);
else pre = ctx.getModel().getNsURIPrefix(ns);
Attr a ;
if (ns!=null) a = doc.createAttributeNS(ns,name);
else a = doc.createAttribute(name);
if (pre!=null ) a.setPrefix(pre);
return a;
/* does the content sequencing require disambiguation */
public boolean needSeq(Set<String> names, Context ctx) {
for (int i=0; _any!=null && i<_any.size(); i++) {
if (((XMLBean) _any.elementAt(i)).needSeq(names, ctx)) return true;
return false;
/** resolve references to simple and complex types, groups and attribute groups (for redefine)*/
public void resolve(Model model, Context ctx) {
for (int i=0; _any!=null && i<_any.size(); i++)
((XMLBean) _any.elementAt(i)).resolve(model, ctx);
public void reportLocalElements(Model model, Set<String> report, Context ctx) {
for (int i=0; _any!=null && i<_any.size(); i++)
public void reportLocalAttributes(Model model, Set<String> report, Context ctx) {
for (int i=0; _any!=null && i<_any.size(); i++)
public int toRDF(Resource subject, Node node, int index, Seq seq, boolean mixed, Context ctx) throws Exception {
Gloze.logger.error("invoked default RDF mapping");
return index;
public String get_namespace() {
BeanDescriptor bd = info.getBeanDescriptor();
String name = bd.getDisplayName();
String localName = bd.getName();
if (name.equals(localName)) return null;
// the namespace is the difference between name and localName
return name.substring(0, name.length() - localName.length());
public ContentIFace getContentModel() throws IntrospectionException {
BeanDescriptor bd = info.getBeanDescriptor();
ContentIFace content = (ContentIFace) bd.getValue("content");
if (content != null) return content;
return new Content();
public static XMLBean newInstance(Document doc, URI base)
throws MalformedURLException {
return newInstance(doc.getDocumentElement(), base.toURL());
public static XMLBean newInstance(Element element, URL uri) {
XMLBean bean = null;
try {
Class c = BeanLoader.load(element);
if (c != null) {
bean = (XMLBean) c.newInstance();
ContentIFace content = bean.getContentModel();
// add attributes
boolean added = content.addAttributes(bean, element.getAttributes());
// add children by delegation to content model
added &= content.addChildNodes(bean, element.getChildNodes());
if (!added) Gloze.logger.warn("bad content in new instance of "+c.getName());
} catch (Exception e) {
// obtain prefix
int x = element.getNodeName().indexOf(':');
if (bean != null && x >= 0)
bean._prefix = element.getNodeName().substring(0, x);
bean.populated = true;
return bean;
public static XMLBean newInstance(XMLBean parent, Element element) {
XMLBean bean = null;
// the parent may be set to ignore this element
String namespace = element.getNamespaceURI();
String localName = element.getLocalName();
String uri = XMLBean.concatName(namespace, localName);
String[] ignore = (String[]) parent.info.getBeanDescriptor().getValue("ignore");
if (ignore!=null && Arrays.asList(ignore).contains(uri)) return null;
try {
Class c = BeanLoader.load(element);
boolean added = false;
if (c != null) {
bean = (XMLBean) c.newInstance();
if (bean != null) {
// set default namespace (of parent)
Properties p = parent._xmlns;
if (p==null) Gloze.logger.warn("parent has no default ns:" +parent);
else bean._xmlns = (Properties) p.clone();
//String xmlns = p!=null? (String)p.get(""):null;
//if (xmlns!=null) bean._xmlns.put("", xmlns);
ContentIFace content = bean.getContentModel();
// add attributes (xmlns properties overrides default from parent)
added = content.addAttributes(bean, element.getAttributes());
// initialise bean once attributes are set
// add children by delegation to content model
added &= content.addChildNodes(bean, element.getChildNodes());
if (!added) Gloze.logger.warn("bad content in new instance: "+c.getName());
} catch (Exception e) {
// obtain prefix
int x = element.getNodeName().indexOf(':');
if (bean != null && x >= 0)
bean._prefix = element.getNodeName().substring(0, x);
bean.populated = true;
return bean;
public static XMLBean newShallowInstance(XMLBean parent, Element element) {
XMLBean bean = null;
ContentIFace state;
// the parent may be set to ignore this element
String namespace = element.getNamespaceURI();
String localName = element.getLocalName();
String uri = XMLBean.concatName(namespace, localName);
String[] ignore = (String[]) parent.info.getBeanDescriptor().getValue("ignore");
if (ignore!=null && Arrays.asList(ignore).contains(uri)) return null;
try {
Class c = BeanLoader.load(element);
if (c != null) {
bean = (XMLBean) c.newInstance();
if (bean != null) {
// set default namespace (of parent)
Properties p = parent._xmlns;
if (p==null) Gloze.logger.warn("parent has no default ns:" +parent);
else bean._xmlns = (Properties) p.clone();
ContentIFace content = bean.getContentModel();
// add attributes (xmlns properties overrides default from parent)
content.addAttributes(bean, element.getAttributes());
// initialise bean once attributes are set
} catch (Exception e) {
Gloze.logger.error("Cannot load bean: "+uri);
// obtain prefix
int x = element.getNodeName().indexOf(':');
if (bean != null && x >= 0)
bean._prefix = element.getNodeName().substring(0, x);
return bean;
/** create a shallow instance with attribute content only * */
public static XMLBean newShallowInstance(Element element) throws Exception {
XMLBean bean = null;
try {
Class c = BeanLoader.load(element);
if (c != null) bean = (XMLBean) c.newInstance();
} catch (Exception e) {
if (bean!=null) bean.set_node(element);
// set default namespace (of parent)
if (bean._xmlns == null) bean._xmlns = new Properties();
// obtain prefix
int x = element.getNodeName().indexOf(':');
if (bean != null && x >= 0)
bean._prefix = element.getNodeName().substring(0, x);
// add attributes
ContentIFace content = bean.getContentModel();
if(!content.addAttributes(bean, element.getAttributes()))
Gloze.logger.warn("bad attribute in: "+element.getTagName());
return bean;
/** populate an instance created with new shallow instance * */
public void populate() {
if (populated) return;
Element element = (Element) get_node();
// initialise the bean (all attributes are set)
try {
ContentIFace content = getContentModel();
// add children by delegation to content model
if (!content.addChildNodes(this, element.getChildNodes()))
Gloze.logger.warn("bad content in: "+element.getTagName());
} catch (Exception e) {
populated = true;
public boolean addAttribute(Attr attribute) throws Exception {
String name = attribute.getName();
String value = attribute.getNodeValue();
// namespace declaration
if (name.equals("xmlns")) {
// default namespace has empty string as the key
if (_xmlns == null) _xmlns = new Properties();
_xmlns.put("", value);
return true;
} else if (name.startsWith("xmlns:")) {
// namespace prefix
if (_xmlns == null) _xmlns = new Properties();
_xmlns.put(name.substring(6), value);
return true;
} else {
String namespace = attribute.getNamespaceURI();
String localName = attribute.getLocalName();
String uri = concatName(namespace, localName);
// xml namespace attributes
if (uri.equals(BASE)) setBase(value);
else if (uri.equals(ID)) setId(value);
else if (uri.equals(LANG)) setLang(value);
else if (uri.equals(SPACE)) setSpace(value);
else return addProperty(uri, value);
return true; // in case xml property was added
public boolean addProperty(String name, String value) throws Exception {
if (name.startsWith("#")) name = name.substring(1);
PropertyDescriptor pd[] = info.getPropertyDescriptors();
for (int i = 0; i < pd.length; i++) {
if (getPublicName(pd[i]).equals(name)) {
// array properties (append value)
if (pd[i].getPropertyType().isArray()
&& pd[i].getPropertyType().getComponentType() == String.class) {
String[] arg = new String[] { value };
getSetter(pd[i]).invoke(this, new Object[] { arg });
} else if (
// non-array properties (overwrite existing value)
// eg. minOccurs="0" overwrites default value "1"
&& pd[i].getPropertyType() == String.class) {
getSetter(pd[i]).invoke(this, new Object[] { value });
return true;
return false;
// the public XML attribute name may differ from the field name
String getPublicName(PropertyDescriptor pd) {
// the display name overrides the name where they differ
String dname = pd.getDisplayName();
if (dname != null) {
// generic XML attributes
if (dname.startsWith("xml:"))
return concatName(XML, dname.substring(4));
return dname;
} else return pd.getName();
public String[] getPropertyValues(String name) throws Exception {
PropertyDescriptor pd[] = info.getPropertyDescriptors();
for (int i = 0; i < pd.length; i++) {
if (pd[i].getName().equals(name)) {
if (pd[i].getPropertyType().isArray()
&& pd[i].getPropertyType().getComponentType() == String.class) {
return (String[]) getGetter(pd[i]).invoke(this,
new Object[] {});
} else if (!pd[i].getPropertyType().isArray()
&& pd[i].getPropertyType() == String.class) {
String value = (String) getGetter(pd[i]).invoke(this,
new Object[] {});
return new String[] { value };
return null;
public boolean addContent(XMLBean b) throws Exception {
if (b == null) return false;
PropertyDescriptor pd[] = info.getPropertyDescriptors();
String bName = b.info.getBeanDescriptor().getDisplayName();
if (pd.length > 0 && _any == null)
_any = new Vector<XMLBean>();
for (int i = 0; i < pd.length; i++) {
// compare fully qualified names
if (getPublicName(pd[i]).equals(bName)) {
if (pd[i].getPropertyType().isArray()) {
Class c = pd[i].getPropertyType().getComponentType();
if (XMLBean.class.isAssignableFrom(c)) {
Method getter = pd[i].getReadMethod();
XMLBean[] children = (XMLBean[]) getter.invoke(this, (Object[]) null);
Method setter = getSetter(pd[i]);
setter.invoke(this, new Object[] { addChild(c,
children, b) });
b._parent = this;
return true;
} else if (!pd[i].getPropertyType().isArray()) {
Class c = pd[i].getPropertyType();
if (XMLBean.class.isAssignableFrom(c)) {
Method setter = getSetter(pd[i]);
setter.invoke(this, new Object[] { b });
b._parent = this;
return true;
return false;
XMLBean[] addChild(Class c, XMLBean[] children, XMLBean bean) {
int l = children != null ? children.length : 0;
Object a = Array.newInstance(c, l + 1);
for (int i = 0; children != null && i < l; i++) {
Array.set(a, i, children[i]);
Array.set(a, l, bean);
return (XMLBean[]) a;
public Method getSetter(PropertyDescriptor pd) {
// setter/getter may be defined by the bean info class
Method m = pd.getWriteMethod();
if (m == null) {
Method[] method = this.getClass().getMethods();
String setter = "set" + pd.getName();
for (int i = 0; i < method.length; i++) {
if (method[i].getName().toLowerCase().equals(setter))
return method[i];
return m;
public Method getGetter(PropertyDescriptor pd) {
// setter/getter may be defined by the bean info class
Method m = pd.getReadMethod();
if (m == null) return getGetter(pd.getName());
return m;
public Method getGetter(String name) {
Method[] method = this.getClass().getMethods();
String getter = "get" + name;
for (int i = 0; i < method.length; i++) {
if (method[i].getName().toLowerCase().equals(getter))
return method[i];
return null;
public String toString() {
StringWriter s = new StringWriter();
try {
Document doc = XMLUtility.factory.newDocumentBuilder().newDocument();
XMLUtility.write(getElement(doc), new PrintWriter(s));
} catch (Exception x) {
return "";
return s.toString();
// true if the attribute equals the default
public boolean isDefault(String attribute, String value) {
return false;
public Element getElement(Document doc) throws Exception {
Element e;
String _namespace = get_namespace();
if (_namespace != null) {
if (_xmlns != null && _namespace.equals(_xmlns.get("")))
// unqualified element, namespace
e = doc.createElementNS(_namespace, localName);
else if (_prefix == null)
// no namespace
e = doc.createElement(localName);
// qualified element
e = doc.createElementNS(_namespace, _prefix + ":" + localName);
// no namespace
else e = doc.createElement(name);
ContentIFace content = getContentModel();
// add attributes
NamedNodeMap attributes = content.getAttributes(this, doc);
for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) {
Attr a = (Attr) attributes.item(i);
if (!isDefault(a.getName(), a.getValue()))
NodeList l = content.getChildNodes(this, doc);
for (int i = 0; i < l.getLength(); i++) {
return e;
public boolean hasChildren() {
try {
PropertyDescriptor[] pd = info.getPropertyDescriptors();
for (int i = 0; i < pd.length; i++) {
if (pd[i].getPropertyType().isArray()
&& XMLBean.class.isAssignableFrom(pd[i]
.getPropertyType().getComponentType())) {
// multiple elements
Method getter = getGetter(pd[i]);
XMLBean[] children = (XMLBean[]) getter.invoke(this, (Object[]) null);
return children != null && children.length > 0;
} else if (!pd[i].getPropertyType().isArray()
&& XMLBean.class.isAssignableFrom(pd[i]
.getPropertyType())) {
// solo element
Method getter = getGetter(pd[i]);
XMLBean child = (XMLBean) getter.invoke(this, new Object[] {});
return child != null;
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
// this differs from getPublicName in that the 'xml' prefix is not expanded
public String getDisplayName(PropertyDescriptor pd) {
String name = pd.getDisplayName();
// use name as default if display name undefined
if (name == null) name = pd.getName();
return name;
* Expand local name with namespace
* @throws Exception
public static String concatName(String namespace, String symbol, String localName) {
if (localName==null) return null;
return concatName(namespace, symbol==null?localName:symbol+localName);
public static String terminateNS(String namespace) {
if (namespace==null) return null;
// if the last character of the namespace is alphanumeric insert a '#'
if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(namespace.charAt(namespace.length()-1)))
return namespace + "#";
else return namespace;
public static String concatName(String namespace, String localName) {
if (namespace==null) return localName;
return terminateNS(namespace) + localName;
public static URI addFragment(URI uri, String fragment) throws Exception {
return new URI(uri.getScheme(),uri.getAuthority(),uri.getPath(),fragment);
public static String addPrefix(String prefix, String ns, Model model) {
if (prefix==null || ns==null || prefix.equals("")) return prefix; // the default prefix isn't useful
if (ns.startsWith(schema.XSI)) return prefix;
Map m = model.getNsPrefixMap();
if (!m.containsKey(prefix)) model.setNsPrefix(prefix,terminateNS(ns));
return prefix;
public static void addPrefixes(String prefix, String ns, Model model) {
if (prefix==null || prefix.equals("") || prefix.startsWith("xml")) return; // the default prefix isn't useful
if (ns.startsWith(schema.XSI)) return;
Map m = model.getNsPrefixMap();
if (!m.containsKey(prefix)) model.setNsPrefix(prefix,ns);
if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(ns.charAt(ns.length()-1)) && !m.containsKey(prefix+"_"))
public static String lookupNamespace(String prefix, Model model) {
Map m = model.getNsPrefixMap();
return (String) m.get(prefix);
public static String lookupPrefix(String ns, Model model, Context ctx) {
Map<String,String> m = model.getNsPrefixMap();
if (ns.endsWith("#")) ns = ns.substring(ns.length()-1);
String prefix = null;
for (String p: m.keySet()) {
if (m.get(p).equals(ns)
|| (prefix==null && m.get(p).equals(ns+"#"))) prefix = p;
if (prefix!=null) return prefix;
// otherwise create one
else return addPrefix(ctx.createNSPrefix(),ns,model);
/** return prefix for the longest matching namespace */
public static String findPrefix(String name, Model model) {
Map m = model.getNsPrefixMap();
Iterator keys = m.keySet().iterator();
String p=null, namespace=null;
int length=0;
while (keys.hasNext()) {
String k = (String) keys.next();
String ns = (String) m.get(k);
int l = ns.length();
if (ns.endsWith("#")) l -= 1;
if ((l>length && name.startsWith(ns)) ||
(l==length && namespace.endsWith("#") && namespace.substring(0,l).equals(ns))) {
p = k;
length = l;
namespace = ns;
return p;
/** expand a prefix defined wrt the given node */
/** this may side-effect the model, adding a prefix */
/** the default ns is required for no-namespace schema */
public static String expandPrefix(String prefix, Node node, String defaultNS, Model model) {
String ns = expandPrefix(prefix, node, model);
return ns==null?defaultNS:ns;
/** expand a prefix defined wrt the given node */
/** this may side-effect the model, adding a prefix */
public static String expandPrefix(String prefix, Node node, Model model) {
// the XML namespace is predefined and need not be explicit in the document
if (prefix.equals("xml")) return XML;
// can we get the prefix and ns directly from the node
if (prefix.equals(node.getPrefix())) {
String ns = node.getNamespaceURI();
// side-effect the model prefix-mapping (unless XSI namespace)
if (!ns.equals(schema.XSI)) addPrefixes(prefix,ns,model);
return ns;
// if this node has a namespace and no prefix, it must be the default
if (prefix.equals("") && node.getNamespaceURI()!=null && node.getPrefix()==null)
return node.getNamespaceURI();
// consult xmlns declarations for this node
if (node.getNodeType()==Document.ELEMENT_NODE) {
Element e = (Element) node;
String a = prefix.equals("")?"xmlns":"xmlns:"+prefix;
if (e.hasAttribute(a)) {
String ns = e.getAttribute(a);
if (!ns.equals(schema.XSI)) addPrefixes(prefix,ns,model);
return ns;
// declared in the parent
if (node.getNodeType()!=Document.DOCUMENT_NODE) {
Node parent = node instanceof Attr?((Attr) node).getOwnerElement():node.getParentNode();
String p = expandPrefix(prefix, parent, model);
if (p!=null) return p;
return null;
public String get_namespace(String prefix) {
String ns = null;
if (_xmlns != null) ns = (String) _xmlns.get(prefix);
if (ns == null) {
XMLBean owner = this.get_owner();
if (owner != null) ns = owner.get_namespace(prefix);
return ns;
/** expand and contract QNames */
/** expand a QName in the context of an XML schema */
public String expandQName(String defaultNS, String qname, Model model) {
return expandQName(defaultNS, null, qname, get_node(), model);
/** expand a symbol/QName in the context of a schema */
public String expandQName(String defaultNS, String symbol, String qname, Model model) {
return expandQName(defaultNS, symbol, qname, get_node(), model);
/** expand QName in the context of an XML node */
public static String expandQName(String defaultNS, String name, Node node, Model model) {
return expandQName(defaultNS,null, name,node,model);
/** expand a QName, this may side-effect the model adding a new prefix */
public static String expandQName(String defaultNS, String symbol, String qname, Node node, Model model) {
// URIs are invalid QNames
if (qname == null || isValidURI(qname)) return null;
String prefix = "";
int i = qname.indexOf(':');
if (i >= 0) {
prefix = qname.substring(0, i);
qname = qname.substring(i + 1);
return concatName(expandPrefix(prefix, node, defaultNS, model), symbol, qname);
/** expand an element QName in an XML instance */
static public String expandQName(Element elem, Model model, Context ctx) {
if (elem.getNamespaceURI()!=null)
return concatName(elem.getNamespaceURI(), ctx.getElementSymbol(), elem.getLocalName());
// the element is unqualified
return concatName(ctx.getDefaultNS(),ctx.getElementSymbol(), elem.getNodeName());
/** expand an attribute QName in an XML instance */
public static String expandQName(Attr attr, Context ctx) {
if (attr.getNamespaceURI()!=null)
return concatName(attr.getNamespaceURI(), ctx.getAttributeSymbol(), attr.getLocalName());
// the attribute is unqualified
return concatName(ctx.getDefaultNS(), ctx.getAttributeSymbol(), attr.getNodeName());
/** contract a QName in the context of the instance document (base relative) */
public String contractQName(String name, Element e, Model model, URI base) {
try {
// does the document base match
if (base!=null && name.startsWith(base.toString()))
return base.relativize(new URI(name)).toString();
// any matching namespaces defined in the XML instance
String contraction = contractPrefix(name, e);
if (contraction!=null) return contraction;
// any matching namespaces defined in the model?
String p = findPrefix(name, model);
if (p!=null) {
String ns = lookupNamespace(p,model);
name = name.substring(ns.length());
if (name.startsWith("#")) name = name.substring(1);
// add prefix if required (the default prefix is the empty string)
if (!p.equals("")) name = p + ":" + name;
if (!declares(e, p)) e.setAttribute("xmlns:"+p,ns);
return name;
// any matching namespaces defined in the schema?
for (Iterator i = _xmlns.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext() ; ) {
String prefix = (String) i.next();
String ns = (String) _xmlns.get(prefix);
if (!prefix.equals("") && name.startsWith(ns)) {
name = name.substring(ns.length());
if (name.startsWith("#")) name = name.substring(1);
// add prefix if required (the default prefix is the empty string)
if (!prefix.equals("")) name = prefix + ":" + name;
if (!declares(e, prefix)) e.setAttribute("xmlns:"+prefix,ns);
return name;
// define a new namespace
String prefix = NS_PREFIX + _nsCounter++;
String ns = null;
if (name.lastIndexOf("#")>=0) ns = name.substring(0,name.lastIndexOf("#"));
if (ns!=null) {
name = name.substring(ns.length());
if (name.startsWith("#")) name = name.substring(1);
return prefix + ":" + name;
// can't split the name
return name;
} catch (Exception x) {
return null;
public String contractPrefix(String name, Element e) {
// same namespace as the element?
if (e.getNamespaceURI()!=null && name.startsWith(e.getNamespaceURI())) {
name = name.substring(e.getNamespaceURI().length());
if (name.startsWith("#")) name=name.substring(1);
if (e.getPrefix()!=null) return e.getPrefix()+":"+name;
else return name; // element in the default ns
// in the locally defined default ns
if (e.hasAttribute("xmlns")) {
String ns = e.getAttribute("xmlns");
if (name.startsWith(ns)) {
name = name.substring(ns.length());
if (name.startsWith("#")) name=name.substring(1);
return name; // in the default namespace
// any matching declarations?
NamedNodeMap m = e.getAttributes();
for (int i=0; i<m.getLength(); i++) {
Attr a = (Attr) m.item(i);
if (a.getName().startsWith("xmlns:")) {
String ns = a.getValue();
if (name.startsWith(ns)) {
String p = a.getName().substring("xmlns:".length());
name = name.substring(ns.length());
if (name.startsWith("#")) name=name.substring(1);
return p + ":" +name; // in the default namespace
// check the parent
if (e.getParentNode().getNodeType()!=Document.DOCUMENT_NODE) {
return contractPrefix(name, (Element) e.getParentNode());
return null;
boolean declares(Element e, String prefix) {
if (prefix==null || prefix.equals("")) return true;
if (e.hasAttribute("xmlns:"+prefix)) return true;
Node parent = e.getParentNode();
if (parent!=null && parent.getNodeType()==Document.ELEMENT_NODE) return declares((Element) parent, prefix);
else return false;
protected static String getValue(Element element) {
NodeList l = element.getChildNodes();
StringBuffer s = null;
for (int i = 0; i < l.getLength(); i++) {
switch (l.item(i).getNodeType()) {
case Node.TEXT_NODE:
if (s==null) s = new StringBuffer();
return s==null?null:s.toString();
/* properties of the rdf node that are not in sequence */
/* this includes type information */
protected static Set<Statement> unsequenced(Resource rdf) {
Set<Statement> s = new HashSet<Statement>();
StmtIterator si = rdf.listProperties();
while (si.hasNext()) {
Statement stmt = si.nextStatement();
// don't add ordinals
if (stmt.getPredicate().getOrdinal()==0) s.add(stmt);
NodeIterator ni = rdf.getModel().getSeq(rdf).iterator();
while (ni.hasNext()) {
Statement stmt = asStatement((Resource) ni.nextNode());
if (s.contains(stmt)) s.remove(stmt);
return s;
/** return a reified statement as a statement */
protected static Statement asStatement(Resource r) {
Statement stmt;
if (r==null) return null;
try {
stmt = ((ReifiedStatement) r.as(ReifiedStatement.class)).getStatement();
} catch (Exception e1) {
Gloze.logger.warn("ill-formed reification");
StmtIterator si = r.listProperties();
while (si.hasNext()) Gloze.logger.warn(si.next());
stmt = null;
return stmt;
/* consume mixed values in an rdf sequence */
protected int consumeMixed(NodeList l, int index, Resource subject, Seq seq, Context ctx) {
while (index < l.getLength()) {
switch (l.item(index).getNodeType()) {
case Node.TEXT_NODE:
schema.textToRDF(subject, seq, l.item(index), ctx);
return index;
return index;
protected static int produceMixed(Seq seq, int index, Element elem) {
Document doc = elem.getOwnerDocument();
while (seq!=null && index<seq.size()) {
Statement stmt = (Statement) asStatement((Resource) seq.getObject(index+1));
if (stmt.getPredicate().equals(RDF.value)) {
} else break;
return index;
* @param type
* @return
protected static RDFDatatype getDatatype(String type) {
if (type==null) return null;
TypeMapper tm = TypeMapper.getInstance();
RDFDatatype dt = tm.getTypeByName(type);
if (dt == null) {
// we've got a new (derived) datatype here
dt = new BaseDatatype(type);
return dt;
public String get_pcdata() {
return _pcdata;
public void set_pcdata(String string) {
_pcdata = string;
public String get_prefix() {
return _prefix;
public void set_prefix(String string) {
_prefix = string;
public XMLBean get_owner() {
return _owner;
public void set_owner(XMLBean bean) {
_owner = bean;
public URL get_location() {
return _location;
public void set_location(File file) throws MalformedURLException {
_location = file.toURL();
public void set_location(URL uri) {
_location = uri;
* @return Returns the _xmlns.
public Properties get_xmlns() {
return _xmlns;
* @param _xmlns The _xmlns to set.
public void set_xmlns(Properties _xmlns) {
this._xmlns = _xmlns;
protected static URI relativize(URI base, URI uri) throws Exception {
// scheme or authority mismatch
if ((base.getScheme()!=null && !base.getScheme().equals(uri.getScheme()))
|| (base.getAuthority()!=null && !base.getAuthority().equals(uri.getAuthority()))) return uri;
// for empty base path use the uri path in its entirety
if (base.getPath().equals(""))
return new URI(null,null,uri.getPath(),uri.getQuery(),uri.getFragment());
// can't recreate empty path in URI resolution
else if (uri.getPath().equals("")) return uri;
// if the base includes a query then so must the relativization
if (base.getQuery()!=null && uri.getQuery()==null) return uri;
int n = base.getPath().lastIndexOf('/');
if (n>=0) base = new URI(base.getScheme(),base.getHost(),base.getPath().substring(0,n),null);
String dots = "";
while(true) {
if (uri.getPath().startsWith(base.getPath()+"/")) {
URI rel = base.relativize(uri);
return new URI(rel.getScheme(),rel.getHost(),dots+rel.getPath(),rel.getQuery(),rel.getFragment());
else if ((n = base.getPath().lastIndexOf('/'))>=0) {
base = new URI(base.getScheme(),base.getHost(),base.getPath().substring(0,n),null);
dots += "../";
else break;
return uri;
public static boolean isValidURI(String value) {
try {
String scheme = new URI(value).getScheme();
return scheme!=null && (
scheme.equals("http") ||
scheme.equals("file") ||
scheme.equals("gopher") ||
scheme.equals("https") ||
scheme.equals("imap") ||
scheme.equals("ldap") ||
scheme.equals("mailto") ||
scheme.equals("mid") ||
scheme.equals("news") ||
scheme.equals("nfs") ||
scheme.equals("nntp") ||
scheme.equals("pop") ||
scheme.equals("rtsp") ||
scheme.equals("tel") ||
scheme.equals("telnet") ||
scheme.equals("urn") ||
catch (Exception e) {
return false;
public Node get_node() {
return _node;
public void set_node(Node _node) {
this._node = _node;
public XMLBean get_parent() {
return _parent;
public static boolean equalNS(String n1, String n2) {
if(n1==null || n2==null) return false;
if (n1.endsWith("#")) n1 = n1.substring(0,n1.length()-1);
if (n2.endsWith("#")) n2 = n2.substring(0,n2.length()-1);
return n1.equals(n2);
protected static URI prune(URI uri) {
if (uri==null) return null;
try {
int n = -1;
if (uri.getPath()!=null) n = uri.getPath().lastIndexOf("/");
String path;
if (n<0) path = "/" ;
else path = uri.getPath().substring(0,n+1);
return new URI(uri.getScheme(),uri.getAuthority(),path,uri.getQuery(),uri.getFragment());
catch (Exception e) {
return null;
protected String getName(String uri) {
if (uri==null) return null;
int n = uri.lastIndexOf("/");
if (n<0) return uri;
return uri.substring(n+1);
public static String changeSuffix(String name, String suffix) {
if (name==null) return null;
int n = name.lastIndexOf('.');
if (n<0 && suffix==null) return name;
if (n<0) return name+"."+suffix;
if (suffix==null) return name.substring(0, n);
return name.substring(0,n+1) + suffix;
/** append filename to base if it ends with '/' */
public static URI resolveBase(String base, File file) {
try {
if (base==null) return file.toURI();
URI b = new URI(base);
if (file==null) return b;
if (base.toString().endsWith("/")) return b.resolve(new URI(file.getName()));
} catch (URISyntaxException e) { // not fatal
return null;
public String getLang() {
return lang;
public void setLang(String string) {
lang = string;
public String getId() {
return id;
public void setId(String id) {
this.id = id;
public String getSpace() {
return space;
public void setSpace(String space) {
this.space = space;
public String getBase() {
return base;
public void setBase(String base) {
this.base = base;