/*! \page license License
* (c) Copyright Hewlett-Packard Company 2001 - 2009
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
* derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
* @author steven.a.battle@googlemail.com
package com.hp.gloze;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.net.ConnectException;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import com.hp.gloze.www_w3_org_2001_XMLSchema.element;
import com.hp.gloze.www_w3_org_2001_XMLSchema.schema;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntModel;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Property;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.RDFWriter;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Resource;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.StmtIterator;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.rulesys.GenericRuleReasoner;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.rulesys.Rule;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.RDF;
/*! \mainpage
\b gloze : to make explanatory notes or glosses on a text
Gloze is a tool for mapping between XML and RDF; describing the \em content of an XML document. It may be used to:
- generate an RDF description of an XML document (using the XML schema)
- generate an XML document from its RDF description (using the XML schema)
- generate an OWL ontology from the XML schema.
Gloze provides an alternative to hand-crafted XSLTs for translating XML into RDF/XML.
Furthermore, the Gloze mapping is reversible so that an XML document may be mapped into RDF then back into XML with minimal loss of information.
Key to this mapping is the XML schema, which provides additional type and compositional information not available in the source XML.
The concept behind Gloze is to make this mapping as unsurprising as possible, while avoiding the introduction of new vocabulary.
Put simply, XML schema types, both simple and complex, map to OWL classes, while elements and their attributes map to properties.
Any given \em instance of an XML attribute or element maps to an RDF statement.
The content of the element or attribute is the object of the statement, which may be a literal or an RDF resource with its own properties.
The translation of schema into OWL is simplified by the fact that OWL uses the majority of XML schemas predefined data-types.
The RDF semantics recommendation identifies a subset of these data-types suitable for use in RDF typed literals.
Exceptions include: anySimpleType, duration, ENTITY, ENTITIES, ID, IDREF, IDREFS, NMTOKENS, NOTATION, QName.
The remaining data-types are translated as-is. The tree structure of the XML translates almost directly into RDF.
Intermediate nodes are bnodes unless they represent the document element
(with the document base as its URI) or if they have an xs:ID identifier.
Qualified attributes and elements are declared in the target namespace of the schema, or in the default namespace if unqualified.
All types are defined in the target namespace of the schema, or in the case of a no-namespace schema we must give a default namespace.
An element, attribute or type is unqualified if no target namespace is defined, or if it is defined locally and its form is unqualified.
Unqualified attributes/elements are not defined in the target namespace, but the translation requires an absolute URI; an additional default namespace must be supplied.
In xml schema, attributes and elements have their own symbol spaces, distinct from each other and the types.
If there is a namespace clash between these symbol spaces, it is advisable to introduce extra symbolic prefixes, appended to the target namespace, to keep them distinct.
We have to be careful to distinguish the name of the type from the identity of the schema component that defines it.
If we need to refer to the schema component, to use its additional definitional machinery, we may use its id (relative to the schema base), or a schema component identifier.
The names of locally defined attributes & elements can be recycled in different type definitions (different particles), each time with a different type.
From the perspective of XML schema they are different properties,
but rather than trying to construct an elaborate and obscure naming scheme that keeps them apart, we take the view that these are different uses of the same property.
This means that a property may refer to a data-type in one type, but to an object in another.
There are therefore no guarantees that the translation will be in OWL DL; a given property could be both an object and a data-type property.
If OWL DL is a desirable outcome then it is up to the schema author to come up with a clean design (union types raise similar design challenges).
We can't assume that the schema as a whole prescribes all uses of that name because it can always be included in another unidentified schema that recycles the name again.
We assume that globally defined attributes & elements are not recycled in this way (name clashes notwithstanding); and that all occurrences conform to this global declaration.
This enables us to derive property ranges directly from global attribute & element declarations.
Where the lexical ordering of the children is significant, this is captured in an RDF sequence of
reified statements. This is simply overlaid over the existing tree structure, so you can take it or leave it. Queries to the RDF that aren't
interested in ordering can simply ignore it. As for OWL modelling, sequencing is regarded as a data-structuring issue rather than one of
ontologogical significance.
Element \em groups and \em attribute \em groups are treated as syntactic sugar rather than fully fledges classes, so are
flattened out of the OWL mapping. As indeed are \em sequence, \em choice and \em all compositors which are only used to calculate the
cardinalities of their respective content. They don't add structure.
There are, of course, a few wrinkles caused by mixed and nillable content, and we will see how the non-recommended datatypes map into RDF.
These issues are covered in the relevant documentation.
* The programmatic interface for Gloze.
public class Gloze {
public String closed = System.getProperty("gloze.closed");
private static final int SCHEMA_CACHE_MAX = 100;
public static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("com.hp.gloze");
public static Map<URL,schema> schemaCache = new Hashtable<URL,schema>(SCHEMA_CACHE_MAX);
private static final String RULES = "owl.rules";
static String OK = "http://www.hp.com/gloze#OK";
// optionally define a base URI to identify the document element
// the default document URI is the filename, this can be overridden
String base = System.getProperty("gloze.base");
// define a namespace for unqualified elements and attributes
String xmlns = System.getProperty("gloze.xmlns");
// output options
String roundtrip = System.getProperty("gloze.roundtrip");
String verbose = System.getProperty("gloze.verbose");
String target = System.getProperty("gloze.target");
// lang options are RDF/XML RDF/XML-ABBREV N-TRIPLE N3
String lang = System.getProperty("gloze.lang");
String schemaLocation = System.getProperty("gloze.schemaLocation");
String order = System.getProperty("gloze.order");
String space = System.getProperty("gloze.space");
// optional symbolic prefix for attributes (eg. @) and elements (eg. ~)
// to distinguish them from types (unprefixed)
String _element = System.getProperty("gloze.element");
String _attribute = System.getProperty("gloze.attribute");
String report = System.getProperty("gloze.report");
// class declaration style (subClassOf or intersectionOf)
String _class = System.getProperty("gloze.class");
String trace = System.getProperty("gloze.trace");
String overwrite = System.getProperty("gloze.overwrite");
public String fixed = System.getProperty("gloze.fixed");
boolean silent = false;
// schema associated with this Gloze instance <schema location URL to schema instance>
public Map<URL,schema> schemaMap = new HashMap<URL,schema>();
* Create an instacen of Gloze.
public Gloze() {
if (lang==null) lang = "RDF/XML-ABBREV";
if (_class==null) _class = "subClassOf";
* Construct an instance of Gloze. If no target is provided then the output is normally written to the console.
* This constructor provides the option to silence this output, and is useful for test purposes.
* @param silent : boolean disables output where no target is supplied
public Gloze(boolean silent) {
this.silent = silent;
/** Construct an instance of Gloze for a schema with the given target namespace.
* @param schemaLocation : URL
* @param targetNS : URI
* @throws Exception
public Gloze(URL schemaLocation, URI targetNS) throws Exception {
initSchema(targetNS, schemaLocation, schemaMap);
/** Construct an instance of Gloze given multiple schema locations and target namespaces.
* @param schemaLocation : array of URLs
* @param targetNS : array of URIs
* @throws Exception
public Gloze(URL[] schemaLocation, URI[] targetNS) throws Exception {
for (int i = 0; i < schemaLocation.length; i++) initSchema(targetNS[i], schemaLocation[i], schemaMap);
* Load schema with URL into a static cache.
* The schema is not associated with a gloze instance.
* @param url : schema URL
* @return schema instance
* @throws Exception
public static schema loadSchema(URL url) throws Exception {
// look up a schema by its URL
// dump it if it gets too large
if (schemaCache.size()>SCHEMA_CACHE_MAX) clearCache();
schema xs = (schema) Gloze.schemaCache.get(url);
if (!Gloze.schemaCache.containsKey(url)) {
// otherwise parse the input
if ("true".equals(System.getProperty("gloze.verbose"))) logger.info("reading " + url);
Document doc = XMLUtility.read(input(url, null));
if (doc!=null) {
xs = (schema) XMLBean.newShallowInstance(doc.getDocumentElement());
// add to the cache before continuing with imports
Gloze.schemaCache.put(url, xs);
// required to break loops in mutually imported schema
return xs;
* Clear the static cache.
public static void clearCache() {
schemaCache = new Hashtable<URL,schema>(SCHEMA_CACHE_MAX);
* Get a schema from the static cache.
* @param namespace
* @return schema instance
public static schema getCachedSchema(String namespace) {
for (Iterator i = Gloze.schemaCache.values().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
schema xs = (schema) i.next();
if (namespace.equals(xs.getTargetNamespace())) return xs;
return null;
* Initialise a gloze instance with a schema given its URL and target namespace.
* The schemaMap is updated with the new mapping.
* @param namespace : URI
* @param url : schema location URL
* @param schemaMap : Maps schema location to schema instance
* @throws Exception
public static schema initSchema(URI namespace, URL url, Map<URL,schema> schemaMap) throws Exception {
schema xs = null;
if (!url.getProtocol().equals("file")) {
xs = getCachedSchema(namespace.toString());
if (xs!=null) return xs;
xs = loadSchema(url);
if (xs!=null) {
String tns = xs.getTargetNamespace();
if (namespace!=null && tns!=null && !tns.equals(namespace.toString()))
logger.warn("target namespace mismatch: " + namespace + " " + tns);
return xs;
/** Initialise schema from schema location(s) defined in an xml element
* (typically the document element or an element corresponding to an xs:any wild-card).
* @param element : potentially containing a schemaLocation
* @param location : URL of this XML document.
* @param defaultNS used instead of the schema URL.
* @param schemaMap maps schema location to schema instance.
* @throws Exception
public static schema initSchemaXSI
(Element element, URL location, String defaultNS, Map<URL,schema> schemaMap)
throws Exception {
// get schema from xml schema location
String l = element.getAttributeNS(schema.XSI, "schemaLocation");
if (l!=null) {
// l is a string of namespace filename pairs
StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(l);
while (t.hasMoreTokens()) {
String first = t.nextToken();
String hint = null;
try {
if (t.hasMoreTokens()) {
// the first token represents the tns
// the following token is the file location
hint = t.nextToken();
return initSchemaLocation(new URI(first), location, hint, defaultNS, schemaMap);
} else { // treat this as a sole filename
hint = first;
return initSchemaLocation(null, location, hint, defaultNS, schemaMap);
} catch (Exception x) {
logger.warn("ignored schema location hint " + hint);
// a schema can have both schemaLocation and noNamespaceSchemaLocation defined
l = element.getAttributeNS(schema.XSI, "noNamespaceSchemaLocation");
if (!l.equals("")) {
return initSchemaLocation(null, location, l, defaultNS, schemaMap);
return null;
private static schema initSchemaLocation
(URI ns, URL location, String hint, String defaultNS, Map<URL,schema> schemaMap)
throws Exception {
URL url;
// absolute URL
if (hint.indexOf(":")>=0 || location==null) url = new URL(hint);
// relative URL
else url = new URL(location.toString() + hint);
return initSchemaLocation(ns, url, defaultNS, schemaMap);
/** Add the schema, with given namespace and location, to the schema map.
* @param namespace : the preferred namespace
* @param schemaLocation
* @param defaultNS : used if no namespace is supplied
* @param schemaMap : updated with the new schema mapping
* @return schema instance
* @throws Exception
* @throws URISyntaxException
public static schema initSchemaLocation
(URI namespace, URL schemaLocation, String defaultNS, Map<URL,schema> schemaMap)
throws Exception, URISyntaxException {
if (namespace!=null) return initSchema(namespace, schemaLocation, schemaMap);
// user defined namespace
else if (defaultNS!=null) return initSchema(new URI(defaultNS), schemaLocation, schemaMap);
// fallback to using the schema URL
else return initSchema(schemaLocation.toURI().normalize(), schemaLocation, schemaMap);
/* Adds xsi:schemaLocation to an output XML document */
private Document addSchemaLocation(Document doc, URI base) throws Exception {
Element e = doc.getDocumentElement();
StringBuffer loc = null;
StringBuffer noNSloc = null;
Set<String> added = new HashSet<String>();
for (URL l : schemaMap.keySet()) {
schema xsd = schemaMap.get(l);
for (URL url : schemaCache.keySet()) {
if (schemaCache.get(url).equals(xsd)) {
String uri = XMLBean.relativize(base, url.toURI()).toString();
if (uri.startsWith(base.toString()))
uri = uri.substring(base.toString().length());
if (xsd.getTargetNamespace()==null && !added.contains(uri)) {
if (noNSloc==null) noNSloc = new StringBuffer();
else noNSloc = noNSloc.append(" ");
else if (!added.contains(uri)) {
if (loc==null) loc = new StringBuffer();
else loc.append(" ");
loc.append(" ");
if (loc!=null)
if (noNSloc!=null)
return doc;
protected void xml_to_rdf(File source, URI base, Model model) throws Exception {
Document doc = null;
try {
doc = XMLUtility.read(new FileInputStream(source));
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
logger.warn("File not found: "+source.getPath());
try {
lift(doc, source.toURL(), base, model);
catch (Exception e) {
/** Lift XML to RDF metadata (given source and target files).
* The Gloze instance should be pre-initialised with the relevant XML schema.
* @param source document
* @param target file
* @param base of the XML document
* @param model for the RDF
public void xml_to_rdf(File source, File target, URI base, Model model) throws Exception {
xml_to_rdf(source, base, model);
// set base (see http://jena.sourceforge.net/IO/iohowto.html)
RDFWriter writer = model.getWriter(lang);
//writer.setProperty("xmlbase", base.toString());
writer.setProperty("showXmlDeclaration", "true");
// output options
if (target != null) {
if ("true".equals(verbose)) logger.info("writing "+target.getName());
//model.write(new FileWriter(target), lang);
writer.write(model,new FileWriter(target), base.toString());
else if (!silent)
//model.write(System.out, lang);
writer.write(model,System.out, base.toString());
// roundtrip xml
if (roundtrip!=null && roundtrip.equals("true")) {
Document doc = drop(model, base);
if (schemaLocation!=null) addSchemaLocation(doc, new URI(schemaLocation));
XMLUtility.write(doc, new PrintWriter(System.out));
private void xml_to_rdf(File source, String name) throws Exception {
Model m = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
String suffix = lang.toLowerCase().equals("n3") ? "n3" : "rdf" ;
// derive target
File t = this.target!=null?new File(this.target):null, target = t;
if (t!=null && (t.isDirectory() || t.getName().indexOf('.')<0)) {
if (!t.exists()) t.mkdirs();
target = new File(t, XMLBean.changeSuffix(source.getName(), suffix));
// derive base
URI base = null;
// base is (in order of preference) user assigned, derived from the target, or the source
if (this.base!=null && this.base.endsWith("/") && name!=null) base = new URI(this.base + name);
else if (this.base!=null) base = new URI(this.base);
else if (target!=null) base = target.toURI();
else base = source.toURI();
xml_to_rdf(source, target, base, m);
/** Drop RDF metadata into XML (given source and target files).
* The Gloze instance should be pre-initialised with the relevant XML schema.
* The model should be initialised with a prefix map used to define define xml namespaces.
* @param source RDF
* @param target file
* @param base URI for XML
* @param model containing a prefix map.
* @return XML document
public Document rdf_to_xml(File source, File target, URI base, Model model) throws Exception {
// read model and drop into XML
if (lang.equals("N3") || source.getName().endsWith(".n3"))
model.read(new FileInputStream(source), base.toString(),"N3");
model.read(new FileInputStream(source), base.toString());
// check that jena has initialised the namespace prefix map
if (source.getName().endsWith(".rdf")) {
Document rdf = XMLUtility.read(new FileInputStream(source));
NamedNodeMap amap = rdf.getDocumentElement().getAttributes();
Map pmap = model.getNsPrefixMap();
for (int i=0 ;i<amap.getLength(); i++) {
Node a = amap.item(i);
String name = a.getNodeName();
String lname = a.getLocalName();
if (name.startsWith("xmlns:") && !pmap.containsKey(lname))
Document doc = drop(model, base);
if (schemaLocation!=null) addSchemaLocation(doc,new URI(schemaLocation));
if (this.target != null) XMLUtility.write(doc, new FileWriter(target));
else if (!silent) XMLUtility.write(doc, new PrintWriter(System.out));
return doc;
private void rdf_to_xml(File source, String name) throws Exception {
Model m = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
// derive target
File t = this.target!=null?new File(this.target):null, target = t;
if (t!=null && (t.isDirectory() || t.getName().indexOf('.')<0)) {
if (!t.exists()) t.mkdirs();
target = new File(t, XMLBean.changeSuffix(source.getName(), "xml"));
// derive base
URI base = null;
// base is (in order of preference) user assigned, derived from the target, or the source
if (this.base!=null && this.base.endsWith("/") && name!=null) base = new URI(this.base + name);
else if (this.base!=null) base = new URI(this.base);
else if (target!=null) base = target.toURI();
else base = source.toURI();
rdf_to_xml(source, target, base, m);
/** Lift XML schema to OWL ontology.
* @param source schema
* @param base of the ontology
* @return ontology
public OntModel xsd_to_owl(File source, String base) throws Exception {
schema xs = loadSchema(source.toURL());
if (xs==null) return null;
String suffix = "owl";
String name = XMLBean.changeSuffix(source.getName(),suffix);
// derive target
File t = this.target!=null?new File(this.target):null, target = t;
if (t!=null && (t.isDirectory() || t.getName().indexOf('.')<0)) {
if (!t.exists()) t.mkdirs();
target = new File(t, name);
// derive base
if (base!=null && base.endsWith("/") && name!=null) base += name;
URI b = null;
if (base!=null) b = new URI(base);
else if (target!=null) b = target.toURI();
else b = source.toURI();
// create a context gathering global definitions
Context ctx = new Context(b,xmlns,ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(),schemaMap,this);
String ns = xs.getTargetNamespace();
if (ns==null) ns = ctx.getDefaultNS();
initSchema(new URI(ns),source.toURL(),schemaMap);
// load rules and initialise reasoner
InputStream rules = Gloze.class.getResourceAsStream(RULES);
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(rules));
List l = Rule.parseRules(Rule.rulesParserFromReader(br));
GenericRuleReasoner r = new GenericRuleReasoner(l);
r.setTraceOn(trace!=null && trace.equals("true"));
OntModel m = xs.toOWL(target, name, false, ctx);
// ctx.getModel().write(System.out,"RDF/XML-ABBREV");
return m;
private static InputStream input(URL source, URI hint) throws Exception {
try {
if (source.toString().startsWith("file:")) {
return new FileInputStream(source.getFile());
if (source.getProtocol().equals("http")) {
return source.openConnection().getInputStream();
if (hint != null && hint.toString().startsWith("file:")) {
return new FileInputStream(new File(hint));
if (hint != null && hint.toString().startsWith("http:")) {
return hint.toURL().openConnection().getInputStream();
if (source != null && source.toString().startsWith("http:")) {
return source.openConnection().getInputStream();
catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
Gloze.logger.warn("file not found: "+source);
catch (ConnectException e) {
Gloze.logger.warn("connection refused: "+source);
return null;
private static URL parent(URL uri) {
try {
String s = uri.toString();
return new URL(s.substring(0, s.lastIndexOf('/') + 1));
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
URI getBase(Document xml) throws Exception {
URI base = null;
Element e = xml.getDocumentElement();
if (e.hasAttributeNS(XMLBean.XML,"base"))
base = new URI(e.getAttributeNS(XMLBean.XML,"base"));
return base;
/** recommended programmatic interfaces */
/** Lift XML (document) into RDF metadata, creating a new model.
* The Gloze instance should be pre-initialised with the relevant XML schema.
* @param xml input document to lift
* @param url location of the input document (required for relative schema location)
* @param base : URI of the input document base
* @return model
public Model lift(Document xml, URL url, URI base) throws Exception {
Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
lift(xml, url, base, model);
return model;
/** Lift XML (document) into RDF metadata, adding to existing model.
* The Gloze instance should be pre-initialised with the relevant XML schema.
* @param xml input document
* @param url location of the input document (required for resolving relative schema location)
* @param base : URI of input document base
* @param model output model
* @return boolean indicating success or failure.
* @throws Exception
public boolean lift(Document xml, URL url, URI base, Model model) throws Exception {
// load additional schema identified in the XML instance
Element d = xml.getDocumentElement();
initSchemaXSI(d, parent(url),xmlns,schemaMap);
// last ditch attempt to look for schema with same name
if (schemaMap.isEmpty())
initSchema(null,new URL(XMLBean.changeSuffix(url.toString(),"xsd")),schemaMap);
// initialise base from the XML source if available
URI b = getBase(xml);
if (b!=null) base = b;
Context ctx = new Context(base,xmlns,model,schemaMap,this);
for (URL u: schemaMap.keySet()) schemaMap.get(u).declareGlobalNS(model,ctx);
// create a named or anonymous resource
Resource rez;
if (base != null) rez = model.createResource(base.toString());
else rez = model.createResource();
element e = ctx.getElement(element.createURI(d,ctx));
if (e!=null) return e.toRDF(rez, d, null,ctx);
logger.warn("using no schema mapping for document element: "+d.getLocalName());
// use default no-schema mapping
return true;
/** Drop RDF model into XML (starting with named resource).
* The Gloze instance should be pre-initialised with the relevant XML schema.
* @param model containing the RDF meta-data
* @param uri the (named) root of the XML output
* @return XML Document
public Document drop(Model model, URI uri) throws Exception {
Resource rez = model.getResource(uri.toString());
return drop(rez);
/** Drop RDF resource into XML.
* The Gloze instance should be pre-initialised with the relevant XML schema.
* @param resource resource representing the root of the XML document
* @return XML Document
public Document drop(Resource resource) throws Exception {
Document doc = XMLUtility.newDocument();
Context ctx = new Context(new URI(resource.getURI()), xmlns, resource.getModel(),schemaMap,this);
if (ctx.toXML(doc, resource)) return doc;
Gloze.logger.warn("drop: no schema mapping for resource: "+resource);
StmtIterator si = resource.listProperties();
if (!si.hasNext())
Gloze.logger.warn("because no properties, is gloze.uri correctly defined?");
else while (si.hasNext()) {
Property p = si.nextStatement().getPredicate();
// skip eg. RDF:type
if (p.getNameSpace().equals(RDF.getURI())) continue;
Gloze.logger.warn("because no matching property: "+p.getURI());
// try no-schema mapping
Gloze.logger.info("using no-schema mapping");
return doc;
/** Gloze main program. The main input parameter is XML to lift or RDF to drop.
* This is followed by an (optional) sequence of targetNamespace schemaLocation pairs,
* followed by a single (optional) no-namespace schema location.
public static void main(String args[]) {
Gloze gloze = new Gloze();
try {
if (args.length==0) help();
else {
File source = null;
// the input comprises schema target/schema-location pairs
for (int i = 1; i < args.length; i++) {
// a targetNamespace/schemaLocation pair (or noNamespaceSchemaLocation)
String x = args[i];
if (x.endsWith(".xsd") || XMLBean.isValidURI(x)) {
String location;
URI ns = null;
if (++i < args.length) {
ns = new URI(x);
location = args[i];
else location = x;
URL url = XMLBean.isValidURI(location) ? new URL(location)
: new File(location).toURL();
// the first arg is the source
source = new File(args[0]);
if (args[0].endsWith(".rdf") || args[0].toLowerCase().endsWith(".n3"))
else if (args[0].endsWith(".xsd"))
gloze.xsd_to_owl(source, gloze.base);
else if (source.isDirectory()) {
// iterate over xml, and xsd files in the directory
File[] f = source.listFiles();
for (int i = 0; i < f.length; i++) {
gloze = new Gloze();
// distinguish each f[i] by appending the name to the base
String name = f[i].getName();
if (name.endsWith(".xml")) {
if ("true".equals(System.getProperty("gloze.verbose"))) logger.info("reading "+name);
else if (name.endsWith(".xsd")) {
if ("true".equals(System.getProperty("gloze.verbose"))) logger.info("reading "+name);
gloze.xsd_to_owl(f[i], gloze.base);
// else assume this is an xml file to be lifted (use base as-is)
else gloze.xml_to_rdf(source,null);
} catch (Exception e) {
/*! \page gettingStarted Getting Started
Gloze may be invoked from the command line using one of the following incantations:
-# <tt>java [-options] com.hp.gloze.Gloze xmlfile (namespaceURI schemaURL)* [nonamespaceschemaURL]</tt>
-# <tt>java [-options] com.hp.gloze.Gloze rdffile (namespaceURI schemaURL)* [nonamespaceschemaURL]</tt>
-# <tt>java [-options] com.hp.gloze.Gloze xsdfile (namespaceURI schemaURL)*</tt>
-# <tt>java [-options] com.hp.gloze.Gloze directory</tt>
In all cases the java classpath must include the Jena libraries (typically under JENA_HOME/lib), gloze.jar, and of course the java runtime.
The first option takes an \c xmlfile and maps it to RDF. To produce a good mapping, Gloze requires the XML schema
that describes the XML document. The schema can be referenced explicitly from within the XML using the XML Schema Instance (XSI)
schemaLocation or noNamespaceSchemaLocation attributes on the document element. Any schema not already associated with the
instance in this way can be added to the command line prefixed by their namespace URI. The final schema may be (optionally) a no-namespace schema
in which case no namespace need be supplied. The order of the schema is significant; schema are loaded left to right, so later schema may depend on earlier schema
but not vice-versa.
The second form takes an \c rdffile and maps it to XML. The RDF will have no XML schema associated with it so the schema must be
explicitly supplied as above. Note that in either case, if the XML schema is not supplied, Gloze will make a best attempt to perform
a schema-less mapping.
The third form takes an XML schema \c xsdfile and maps it to OWL, the Web Ontology Language. Any included, imported or redefined schema
are recursively mapped.
The final form allows you to lift the contents of an entire directory at once. This may contain both XML and xml schema documents.
By default, the output is written to the console. By supplying a target file or directory (see options below), the output can be saved.
\section options Options
All attributes, elements and types are assigned a URI combining their local name and the target (or default) namespace.
However, XML schema also states that attributes, elements and types define separate symbol spaces such that if their
names were the same they would not become confused. While it is good practice to assign unique names to attributes,
elements and types, this may be unavoidable when using an existing schema. If this occurs Gloze will warn you of the \e potential URI clash,
and the remedy is to insert a special symbolic prefix ahead of attribute or element names to disambiguate them.
This option defines a symbolic prefix for attributes, which by default is empty. A recommended attribute prefix is the '\@' character.
The base URI defines the root of the XML document which by default is the URL of the XML source document.
When mapping XML to RDF, the base is the URI of a resource that forms the root of an RDF 'tree'.
When mapping from RDF to XML, there must be a resource with this base URI in the RDF model.
The base is also required to expand relative URIs appearing as QNames in the XML, and for XML IDs which represent fragment identifiers relative to this base.
This option may be used to supply a different base URI; typically an improvement over the 'file:' scheme of
most input files. In either case, an explicit xml:base declaration in the document element will take precedence.
When lifting a whole directory in one batch, the bases can be differentiated by supplying a base terminated by a stroke '/'; gloze appends the relevant filename. This will be *.xml for a lifted XML file,
or *.owl for a lifted schema.
OWL classes may be defined either as sub-classes or intersections of other classes.
The intersection style is stronger, in that \e any individual consistent with the class description is a member by definition.
This style is required for reasoning about schema extensions, but is much more expensive to compute.
The default for this option is 'subClassOf'. In this case, extensions are not mapped to sub-class relationships (restrictions are unaffected).
Where an XML schema uses a 'russian doll' style with each type embedded in the definition of its parent element, and so on,
there are no global, named complex types to map into classes. Furthermore, because elements define their types locally,
different occurrences of the element may have different types. It is not even correct to take the union of these different types,
as the schema may be included in another, where the same element is re-used with additional types. One solution to this problem,
which may not be valid in all cases, is to take the closure over the globally defined attributes and elements, using this as their definition.
Other local uses of these attributes and elements must be consistent with their global definition.
This option is true by default, but may be disabled if it results in an invalid OWL mapping.
Just as attributes may be assigned a prefix to distinguish their symbol space, elements may also be assigned a symbolic prefix.
The default is empty. Recommended values include '~'. Note that types may not be assigned a prefix.
Add fixed values when dropping into XML. Fixed values must either be undefined or must match the fixed value
declared in the XML schema. When lifting into RDF, the fixed value is always added.
This option defines the RDF output format, the default is 'RDF/XML-ABBREV' which is about as pretty as it gets while still using XML.
This option applies to both lifted RDF and to OWL.
Many people prefer the sleek simplicity of N3, though user beware the lack of xml:base in the generation of ontologies in N3.
An XML tree is ordered in that the lexical ordering of children is significant. An RDF model is a graph, so a naive mapping will lose this ordering.
Gloze can record this additional ordering information by adding the reified statements to an RDF sequence.
Gloze will automatically avoid adding this overhead if the ordering can be reconstructed unambiguously from the schema.
However, even where the ordering is ambiguous, it may not matter at an application level. In this case,
sequencing can be globally disabled.
If ordering is disabled (the default) I've changed this recently to include no-schema mappings.
When true, (the default) Gloze will overwrite existing output files which is required if the source has changed.
However, if it is necessary to interrupt a long run with multiple nested inclusions and imports, the user may opt to recycle the earlier output.
In this case Gloze can be more or less restarted where it was interrupted.
When working with large schema, it is often hard to find where a particular attribute, element or type is defined. By opting to generate a report,
Gloze will list all the generated attribute, element, and type URIs and their sources.
Used mainly for testing, it is sometimes useful to lift an XML document into RDF and then immediately drop this back into XML so the original and final versions
can be compared. By default this is disabled.
This option allows the schemaLocation to be inserted into the dropped XML.
Whitespace processing, modelled after xml:space;
using this parameter is equivalent to setting xml:space on the document element.
It has two settings, 'default' and 'preserve', with the latter preserving whitespace.
The rule for XML processors is that in the absence of a declaration that identifies the content model of an element, all white space is significant.
It is not possible to \em relax whitespace processing of datatypes \em other than xs:string and xs:normalizedString
which are already fully whitespace replaced and collapsed. The space setting will therefore only effect
string types and other mixed text content.
By default output is written to the console. By defining a target file or directory the output will be saved.
This option is only useful for low-level debugging of inference. When enabled it produces a trace of rule firings.
When enabled, information (disabled by default) and warnings are logged to the console.
Unqualified references to schema components are resolved against the default xml namespace.
Adding this option is equivalent to defining an xmlns on the document element of the schema.
It also provides a substitute target namespace for unqualified components, or more generally for no-namespace schema.
The default value for this is the URL of the schema.
\section examples Examples
The following examples demonstrate a number of Gloze invocations using different combinations
of these options. All examples assume the classpath has been initialised to point to the java runtime;
gloze.jar; and the libraries in JENA-HOME/lib.
This example lifts 'example.xml' into RDF using a schema 'schema.xsd' with base "http://example.org/".
The output is written to 'example.rdf' and the target is the current directory.
The base URI of the XML is "http://example.org/example.xml" and this named resource is the root of the RDF mapping.
<tt>java -Dgloze.target=. -Dgloze.base=http://example.org/example.xml com.hp.gloze.Gloze example.xml http://example.org/ schema.xsd</tt>
This example lifts example.xml using a pair of schema with namespaces.
No base is provided as we assume the instance defines its own xml:base.
No target is defined, so the output is written to the console.
<tt>java com.hp.gloze.Gloze example.xml http://www.example.org/ schema1.xsd http://www.example.com/ schema2.xsd</tt>
This example lifts example.xml using a no-namespace schema.
Additionally, the resulting RDF is ordered.
<tt>java -Dgloze.order=seq -Dgloze.xmlns=http://example.org/ -Dgloze.base=http://example.org/example.xml com.hp.gloze.Gloze example.xml schema.xsd</tt>
The example lifts 'example.xml', but supplies no schema because this is defined in the XML instance using xsi:schemaLocation.
The target language is N3, so the output file is 'example.n3' in the current directory.
Finally, the RDF is round-tripped back into XML so it may be compared with the XML input.
<tt>java -Dgloze.target=. -Dgloze.roundtrip=true -Dgloze.base=http://example.org/example.xml -Dgloze.lang=N3 com.hp.gloze.Gloze example.xml</tt>
The example below drops example.rdf into XML, using "http://example.org/example.xml" as the root resource, and the schema 'schema.xsd'.
<tt>java -Dgloze.base=http://example.org/example.xml com.hp.gloze.Gloze example.rdf http://www.example.org/ schema.xsd</tt>
This example lifts the schema 'schema.xsd' into OWL, using xml:base "http://example.org/schema.xsd".
The output is written to 'schema.owl' in the current target directory.
<tt>java -Dgloze.target=. -Dgloze.base=http://example.org/schema.xsd com.hp.gloze.Gloze schema.xsd</tt>
This example lifts the same schema into OWL but uses N3 as the target language.
The schema may import or include other schema which are also lifted into OWL.
The output is written to the console.
<tt>java -Dgloze.lang=N3 com.hp.gloze.Gloze schema.xsd</tt>
The following example lifts a pair of schema into OWL. the first 'schema1.xsd' imports 'schema2.xsd'
but the schemalocation is missing, hence the need to supply it as a user defined parameter.
<tt>java -Dgloze.target=. -Dgloze.base=http://example.org/schema1.owl com.hp.gloze.Gloze schema1.xsd http://www.example.com/ schema2.xsd</tt>
The following invocation is used to generate all the examples used in this documentation. They are contained in a single \em examples directory.
Note that few of the examples contain an explicit reference to their schema. In the absence of a schema reference on the command line or in the XML instance,
Gloze looks for a schema in the same directory with the same name (with an 'xsd' extsnsion).
Because the supplied base is terminated by a stroke '/', the relevant file name is appended for each lifted file.
<tt>java -Dgloze.xmlns=http://example.org/def/ -Dgloze.base=http://example.org/ -Dgloze.target=examples -Dgloze.lang=N3 -Dgloze.verbose=true com.hp.gloze.Gloze examples</tt>
The following invocation lifts example.xml using a combination of schema obtained via a web proxy, and one locally defined schema (xml.xsd - without a DTD).
A schemaLocation would be defined within example.xml
<tt>java -Dgloze.base=http://example.org/ -Dhttp.proxyHost=myproxy.com -Dhttp.proxyPort=8080 com.hp.gloze.Gloze example.xml http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace xml.xsd</tt>
private static void help() {
System.out.println("Usage: java [-options] com.hp.gloze.Gloze xmlfile (namespaceURI schemaURL)* [nonamespaceschemaURL]");
System.out.println("or java [-options] com.hp.gloze.Gloze rdffile (namespaceURI schemaURL)* [nonamespaceschemaURL]");
System.out.println("or java [-options] com.hp.gloze.Gloze xsdfile");
System.out.println("-Dgloze.order=no|seq disable/enables ordering (default=no)");
System.out.println("-Dgloze.space=default|preserve whitespace handling (default=default)");
System.out.println("-Dgloze.base=URI base URI (default=target or source URL)");
System.out.println("-Dgloze.xmlns=URI default namespace for unqualified components (default=schema URL)");
System.out.println("-Dgloze.element=SYMBOL symbolic prefix for elements (default='')");
System.out.println("-Dgloze.fixed=true|false add fixed attributes in drop (default=false)");
System.out.println("-Dgloze.attribute=SYMBOL symbolic prefix for attributes (default='')");
System.out.println("-Dgloze.lang=N3|RDF/XML|RDF/XML-ABBREV RDF format (default='RDF/XML-ABBREV')");
System.out.println("-Dgloze.target=file output directory or file (default=none)");
System.out.println("-Dgloze.verbose=true|false direct output to console (default=false)");
System.out.println("-Dgloze.roundtrip=true|false combined lift/drop for testing (default=false)");
System.out.println("-Dgloze.schemaLocation=URI|dir schema location attribution (default=none)");
System.out.println("-Dgloze.closed=true|false close global definitions for OWL mapping (default=true)");
System.out.println("-Dgloze.class=subClassOf|intersectionOf class definition style (default=subClassOf)");
System.out.println("-Dgloze.report=true|false report defined URIs (default=false)");
System.out.println("-Dgloze.trace=true|false trace rules (default=false)");
System.out.println("-Dgloze.overwrite=true|false overwrite existing owl files (default=true)");