* GNetWatch
* Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008 Alexandre Fenyo
* gnetwatch@fenyo.net
* This file is part of GNetWatch.
* GNetWatch is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GNetWatch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with GNetWatch; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
package net.fenyo.gnetwatch.targets;
import net.fenyo.gnetwatch.*;
import net.fenyo.gnetwatch.GUI.*;
import net.fenyo.gnetwatch.data.*;
import org.apache.commons.collections.map.*;
import java.net.Inet4Address;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;
import java.util.*;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.hibernate.Session;
// import com.sun.jmx.snmp.Timestamp;
* Target is the base class for every types of targets.
* @author Alexandre Fenyo
* @version $Id: Target.java,v 1.77 2008/12/05 13:17:38 fenyo Exp $
public class Target extends VisualElement {
private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(Target.class);
// no longer final because of the setter for Hibernate
// persistent
/* final */ private String name; // not null
private MultiValueMap registered_components = new MultiValueMap();
// persistent
public Map<String, EventList> eventLists = new HashMap<String, EventList>();
* Constructor.
* @param name target name.
* @throws AlgorithmException exception.
// GUI thread
public Target(final String name) throws AlgorithmException {
if (name == null) throw new AlgorithmException("name is null");
this.name = name;
* Default constructor.
* @param none.
// GUI thread
public Target() {}
public void setName(final String name) {
this.name = name;
public Map<String, EventList> getEventLists() {
return eventLists;
public void setEventLists(Map<String, EventList> eventLists) {
this.eventLists = eventLists;
* Informs this target that this component is interested in this type of events.
* @param component component to register.
* @param clazz type of events.
* @return void.
// AWT thread
// lock survey: sync_value_per_vinterval << sync_update << HERE
public void registerComponent(final BasicComponent component, final Class clazz) {
synchronized (registered_components) {
// lock survey: sync_value_per_vinterval << sync_update << registered_components << HERE
if (!registered_components.containsValue(clazz, component))
registered_components.put(clazz, component);
* Unregister a component.
* @param component component to unregister.
* @param clazz type of events.
// AWT thread
public void unregisterComponent(final BasicComponent component, final Class clazz) {
synchronized (registered_components) {
if (registered_components.remove(clazz, component) == null)
log.error("component was not registered");
* Returns the last event.
* @param clazz type of events.
* @return EventGeneric last event.
public EventGeneric getLastEvent(Class clazz) {
EventGeneric result = null;
final Synchro synchro = getGUI().getSynchro();
synchronized (synchro) {
final Session session = synchro.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
try {
// get events inside the range
final EventList el = eventLists.get(clazz.toString());
java.util.List results =
session.createQuery("from EventGeneric as ev where ev.eventList = :event_list " +
"order by ev.date desc")
.setString("event_list", el.getId().toString())
if (results.size() > 0) result = (EventGeneric) results.get(0);
} catch (final Exception ex) {
log.error("Exception", ex);
return result;
* Returns events from the first BEFORE begin (or at begin) to the last AFTER end (or at end).
* @param begin start time.
* @param end end time.
* @param clazz type of events.
* @return List<EventGeneric> list of selected events.
// AWT thread
// lock survey: synchro << sync_tree << HERE
// sync_value_per_vinterval << sync_update << synchro << sync_tree << HERE
public List<EventGeneric> getEvents(final Date begin, final Date end, Class clazz) {
final List<EventGeneric> selected_events = new LinkedList<EventGeneric>();
final Session session = getGUI().getSynchro().getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
try {
// get events inside the range
// j'ai eu �a ici et plus loin : Illegal attempt to associate a collection with two open sessions
final EventList el = eventLists.get(clazz.toString());
java.util.List results =
session.createQuery("from EventGeneric as ev where ev.eventList = :event_list " +
"and ev.date >= :start_date and ev.date <= :stop_date " +
"order by ev.date asc")
.setString("event_list", el.getId().toString())
.setString("start_date", new java.sql.Timestamp(begin.getTime()).toString())
.setString("stop_date", new java.sql.Timestamp(end.getTime()).toString())
for (final EventGeneric event : (java.util.List<EventGeneric>) results)
// get event just before the beginning of the range
results =
session.createQuery("from EventGeneric as ev where ev.eventList = :event_list " +
"and ev.date < :start_date " +
"order by ev.date desc")
.setString("event_list", el.getId().toString())
.setString("start_date", new java.sql.Timestamp(begin.getTime()).toString())
if (results.size() >= 1)
selected_events.add(0, (EventGeneric) results.get(0));
// get event just after the last of the range
results =
session.createQuery("from EventGeneric as ev where ev.eventList = :event_list " +
"and ev.date > :stop_date " +
"order by ev.date asc")
.setString("event_list", el.getId().toString())
.setString("stop_date", new java.sql.Timestamp(end.getTime()).toString())
if (results.size() >= 1)
selected_events.add((EventGeneric) results.get(0));
} catch (final Exception ex) {
log.error("Exception", ex);
return selected_events;
* Returns the name of this target.
* @param none.
* @return String target name.
public String getName() {
return name;
* Adds a new event.
* @param event event to add.
* @return void.
// Queue thread
// lock survey: synchro << sync_tree << HERE
public void addEvent(final EventGeneric event) {
// build a list of graphic components interested in this type of event
final List<BasicComponent> components = new ArrayList<BasicComponent>();
synchronized (registered_components) {
if (registered_components.containsKey(event.getClass()))
for (final BasicComponent component : (ArrayList<BasicComponent>)
// inform graphic components about this new event
for (final BasicComponent component : components) component.updateValues(event);
// create a view if this is the first event of this type
boolean found = false;
for (final VisualElement child : getChildren())
if (DataView.class.isInstance(child) &&
((DataView) child).browserEventClass().isInstance(event))
found = true;
if (found == false) getGUI().informTargetHasNewEventClass(this, event.getClass());
// save this event into persistent area
final Session session = getGUI().getSynchro().getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
// j'ai eu �a ici et avant : Illegal attempt to associate a collection with two open sessions
EventList el = eventLists.get(event.getClass().toString());
if (el == null) eventLists.put(event.getClass().toString(), el = new EventList());
public void addEvent(final Synchro synchro, final EventGeneric event) {
// create a view if this is the first event of this type
boolean found = false;
for (final VisualElement child : getChildren())
if (DataView.class.isInstance(child) &&
((DataView) child).browserEventClass().isInstance(event))
found = true;
if (found == false) new GenericSrcView(null, this);
// save this event into persistent area
final Session session = synchro.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
EventList el = eventLists.get(event.getClass().toString());
if (el == null) eventLists.put(event.getClass().toString(), el = new EventList());
* Called when this target is disposed.
* @param none.
* @return void.
// GUI thread
public void disposed() {
* Checks that this target can be attached to a specific parent element.
* @param parent parent element.
* @return true if this target can be attached to this parent element.
public boolean canAddTarget(final VisualElement parent) {
if (parent != null) synchronized (getGUI().getGUICreated()) {
if (getGUI().getGUICreated()[0] == true) {
// group "local host" is readonly
if (parent.equals(getGUI().getVisualThisHost())) return false;
// group "every host" is readonly
if (parent.equals(getGUI().getVisualTransientAll())) return false;
if (getGUI().getVisualTransientNetworks() != null) {
// group "networks" and its childs are readonly
if (parent.equals(getGUI().getVisualTransientNetworks()) ||
return false;
// avoid twins
if (parent.getChildren().contains(this)) return false;
// avoid self reference
if (parent.equals(this)) return false;
// avoid loops
if (parent.getAllParents(getClass()).contains(this)) return false;
return true;
* Attaches this target to a specific parent element.
* @param gui current GUI instance.
* @param parent parent element.
* @return true if this target has been succesfully attached to this parent element.
// lock survey : sync_tree << synchro << HERE
public boolean addTarget(final GUI gui, final Target parent) {
if (!canAddTarget(parent)) return false;
if (parent != null && !parent.canManageThisChild(this)) return false;
if (parent != null) {
final Session session = getGUI().getSynchro().getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
getGUI().getCanonicalInstance(this).setParent(getGUI(), parent);
if (getGUI().getCanonicalInstance(this) == this) return true;
return false;
* Compares two targets.
* @param o target to compare to.
* @return true if the targets are equal.
// any thread
public boolean equals(final Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if ((o == null) || (o.getClass() != getClass())) return false;
final Target target = (Target) o;
return getName().equals(target.getName());
* Returns the hashcode for this target.
* @param none.
* @return int hashcode.
// any thread
public int hashCode() {
return getName().hashCode();