* GNetWatch
* Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008 Alexandre Fenyo
* gnetwatch@fenyo.net
* This file is part of GNetWatch.
* GNetWatch is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GNetWatch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with GNetWatch; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
package net.fenyo.gnetwatch.actions;
import net.fenyo.gnetwatch.*;
import net.fenyo.gnetwatch.GUI.GUI;
import net.fenyo.gnetwatch.actions.Action.InterruptCause;
import net.fenyo.gnetwatch.activities.Background;
import net.fenyo.gnetwatch.data.*;
import net.fenyo.gnetwatch.targets.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.hibernate.Session;
* Instances of this action class can connect to external sources (by reading files)
* and create events of type EventGenericSrc.
* @author Alexandre Fenyo
* @version $Id: ActionGenericSrc.java,v 1.6 2008/10/31 19:00:20 fenyo Exp $
public class ActionGenericSrc extends Action {
private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ActionGenericSrc.class);
private long last_file_size = -1;
// main, Background & Queue threads
// supports any thread
private ExternalCommand cmd_ping = null;
* Constructor.
* @param target target this action works on.
* @param background queue manager by which this action will add events.
// GUI thread
// supports any thread
public ActionGenericSrc(final Target target, final Background background) {
super(target, background);
setItem("external source");
* Default constructor.
* @param none.
// GUI thread
// supports any thread
public ActionGenericSrc() {
setItem("external source");
* Called to inform about the current GUI.
* @param gui current GUI instance.
* @return void.
protected void initialize(final GUI gui) {
if (gui != null) setItem(((TargetGroup) getTarget()).getGenericQuerier().getTitle());
if (gui != null) setImageExec();
* Returns the preferred queue.
* @param none.
* @return String preferred queue.
// any thread
public String getQueueName() {
return "source";
* Returns the timeout associated with this action.
* @param none.
* @return long timeout.
// any thread
public long getMaxDelay() {
return 4000;
* Asks this action to stop rapidely.
* @param cause cause.
* @return void.
* @throws IOException IO exception.
// main & Background threads
// supports any thread
public void interrupt(final InterruptCause cause) throws IOException {
if (cmd_ping != null) cmd_ping.end();
* Get data from the external source.
* @param none.
* @return void.
* @throws IOException IO exception.
* @throws InterruptedException exception.
// Queue thread
// supports any thread
public void invoke() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
if (isDisposed() == true) return;
try {
if (TargetGroup.class.isInstance(getTarget())) {
GenericQuerier querier;
synchronized (getGUI().getSynchro()) {
querier = (GenericQuerier) ((TargetGroup) getTarget()).getGenericQuerier().clone();
getGUI().setStatus(getGUI().getConfig().getPattern("reading_file", querier.getFileName()));
if (last_file_size == -1) {
last_file_size = new File(querier.getFileName()).length();
// lire le contenu du fichier
int value = -10;
int value1 = -10;
int value2 = -10;
int value3 = -10;
int value4 = -10;
int value5 = -10;
int value6 = -10;
int value7 = -10;
int value8 = -10;
int value9 = -10;
int value10 = -10;
String units = "";
boolean value_ok = false;
final File file = new File(querier.getFileName());
final long new_file_size = file.length();
if (last_file_size == new_file_size) return;
last_file_size = new_file_size;
FileInputStream byte_stream = null;
try {
byte_stream = new FileInputStream(file);
byte_stream.skip(Math.max(0, last_file_size - 300));
// we want each char having 1 byte length, so we choose US-ASCII character encoding
final InputStreamReader char_stream = new InputStreamReader(byte_stream, "US-ASCII");
final char ctab [] = new char [300];
final int nchars = char_stream.read(ctab, 0, 300);
if (nchars > 0) {
Matcher match =
Pattern.compile("<([0-9-]*);([0-9-]*);([0-9-]*);([0-9-]*);([0-9-]*);([0-9-]*);([0-9-]*);([0-9-]*);([0-9-]*);([0-9-]*);([^>]*)>.*?$").matcher(new String(ctab, 0, nchars));
if (match.find()) {
value1 = new Integer(match.group(1));
value2 = new Integer(match.group(2));
value3 = new Integer(match.group(3));
value4 = new Integer(match.group(4));
value5 = new Integer(match.group(5));
value6 = new Integer(match.group(6));
value7 = new Integer(match.group(7));
value8 = new Integer(match.group(8));
value9 = new Integer(match.group(9));
value10 = new Integer(match.group(10));
units = match.group(11);
value_ok = true;
} else {
match =
Pattern.compile("([0-9]+).*?$").matcher(new String(ctab, 0, nchars));
if (match.find()) {
value = new Integer(match.group(1));
value_ok = true;
} finally {
if (byte_stream != null) byte_stream.close();
synchronized (getGUI().getSynchro()) {
synchronized (getGUI().sync_tree) {
final Session session = getGUI().getSynchro().getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
try {
session.update(this); // pour le setDescription() => � enlever qd la description ne sera plus persistente
if (value_ok) {
getTarget().addEvent(new EventGenericSrc(true, value, value1, value2, value3, value4, value5, value6, value7, value8, value9, value10, units));
getGUI().setStatus(getGUI().getConfig().getPattern("new_file_value", GenericTools.formatNumericString(getGUI().getConfig(), new Integer(value < 0 ? value1 : value).toString())));
setDescription("" + GenericTools.formatNumericString(getGUI().getConfig(), new Integer(value < 0 ? value1 : value).toString()) + " " + querier.getUnit());
} else {
// getTarget().addEvent(new EventGenericSrc(false));
} catch (final Exception ex) {
log.error("Exception", ex);
} catch (final InterruptedException ex) {
synchronized (getGUI().getSynchro()) {
synchronized (getGUI().sync_tree) {
final Session session = getGUI().getSynchro().getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
try {
session.update(this); // pour le setDescription() => � enlever qd la description ne sera plus persistente
getTarget().addEvent(new EventGenericSrc(false));
// mettre un setstatus comme pour IPv4
// setDescription(getGUI().getConfig().getString("unreachable"));
} catch (final Exception ex2) {
log.error("Exception", ex2);
throw ex;
* Called when this element is being removed.
* @param none.
* @return void.
protected void disposed() {
// remove us from the action queue
// interrupt if currently running
try {
} catch (final IOException ex) {
log.error("Exception", ex);