* GISToolkit - Geographical Information System Toolkit
* (C) 2002, Ithaqua Enterprises Inc.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
* version 2.1 of the License.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package gistoolkit.display.renderer;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import gistoolkit.common.*;
import gistoolkit.features.*;
import gistoolkit.display.*;
* Created to render shapes in a single colors, default colors are black border, no fill.
public class PolygonRenderer extends SimpleRenderer{
/** The name for this renderer, always returns "Polygon Renderer" */
public String getRendererName(){ return "Polygon Renderer";}
private int[] myXs = new int[0];
private int[] myYs = new int[0];
* Class for holding the screen points
private class ScreenPoint{
int x;
int y;
public ScreenPoint(){
public ScreenPoint(int inX, int inY){
x = inX;
y = inY;
boolean equals(ScreenPoint inScreenPoint){
if (inScreenPoint.x != x) return false;
if (inScreenPoint.y != y) return false;
return true;
* MonoShader constructor comment.
public PolygonRenderer() {
* Convert an array of points from World Coordinates to Screen coordinates.
private ScreenPoint[] convertToScreen(double[] inX, double[] inY, Converter inConverter){
if (inX == null) return new ScreenPoint[0];
if (inX.length == 0) return new ScreenPoint[0];
// convert the ponts
Vector tempScreenVector = new Vector(inX.length);
ScreenPoint tempScreenPoint = null;
ScreenPoint tempPreviousScreenPoint = null;
for (int i=0; i<inX.length; i++){
tempScreenPoint = new ScreenPoint();
tempScreenPoint.x = inConverter.toScreenX(inX[i]);
tempScreenPoint.y = inConverter.toScreenY(inY[i]);
if ((tempPreviousScreenPoint == null) || (!tempPreviousScreenPoint.equals(tempScreenPoint))){
tempPreviousScreenPoint = tempScreenPoint;
if (tempScreenVector.size() < 3){ return null;}
// test to enxure the shape is closed.
if ( ((ScreenPoint)tempScreenVector.elementAt(0)).equals((ScreenPoint) tempScreenVector.elementAt(tempScreenVector.size()-1))){
ScreenPoint[] tempScreenPoints = new ScreenPoint[tempScreenVector.size()];
return tempScreenPoints;
* Draws the Shapes
public boolean drawShape(Record inRecord, Graphics inGraphics, Converter inConverter, Shader inShader) {
if (inRecord == null) return false;
if (!(inRecord.getShape() instanceof Polygon))
return false;
Polygon tempPolygon = (Polygon) inRecord.getShape();
// draw the posative shape
LinearRing tempRing = tempPolygon.getPosativeRing();
double[] tempXs = tempRing.getXCoordinates();
double[] tempYs = tempRing.getYCoordinates();
if (myXs.length < tempXs.length){
myXs = new int[tempXs.length];
myYs = new int[tempXs.length];
for (int i = 0; i < tempXs.length; i++) {
myXs[i] = inConverter.toScreenX(tempXs[i]);
myYs[i] = inConverter.toScreenY(tempYs[i]);
// call to graphics routine to fill the posative shape.
Graphics tempGraphics = inShader.getFillGraphics(inGraphics, inRecord.getAttributes(), inRecord.getAttributeNames());
if (tempGraphics != null) {
if ((tempPolygon.getHoles() != null) && (tempPolygon.getHoles().length >0)){
drawShapeWithHoles(inRecord, tempGraphics, inConverter, inShader);
tempGraphics.fillPolygon(myXs, myYs, tempXs.length);
// call the graphics routine to draw the posative shape.'
tempGraphics = inShader.getLineGraphics(inGraphics, inRecord.getAttributes(), inRecord.getAttributeNames());
if (tempGraphics != null) {
tempGraphics.drawPolygon(myXs, myYs, tempXs.length);
// draw the negative shapes
LinearRing[] tempHoles = tempPolygon.getHoles();
if (tempHoles != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < tempHoles.length; i++) {
tempRing = tempHoles[i];
tempXs = tempRing.getXCoordinates();
tempYs = tempRing.getYCoordinates();
if (myXs.length < tempXs.length){
myXs = new int[tempXs.length];
myYs = new int[tempXs.length];
for (int j = 0; j < tempXs.length; j++) {
myXs[j] = inConverter.convertX(tempXs[j]);
myYs[j] = inConverter.convertY(tempYs[j]);
// call the graphics routine to draw the negative shape.
if (tempGraphics != null) tempGraphics.drawPolygon(myXs, myYs, tempXs.length);
return true;
* Draws the Shapes
public boolean drawShapeHighlight(Record inRecord, Graphics inGraphics, Converter inConverter, Shader inShader) {
if (inRecord == null) return false;
if (!(inRecord.getShape() instanceof Polygon))
return false;
Polygon tempPolygon = (Polygon) inRecord.getShape();
// draw the posative shape
LinearRing tempRing = tempPolygon.getPosativeRing();
double[] tempDXs = tempRing.getXCoordinates();
double[] tempDYs = tempRing.getYCoordinates();
int[] tempXs = new int[tempDXs.length];
int[] tempYs = new int[tempDYs.length];
for (int i = 0; i < tempDXs.length; i++) {
tempXs[i] = inConverter.toScreenX(tempDXs[i]);
tempYs[i] = inConverter.toScreenY(tempDYs[i]);
// call the graphics routine to draw the posative shape.'
Graphics tempGraphics = inShader.getLineHighlightGraphics(inGraphics, inRecord.getAttributes(), inRecord.getAttributeNames());
if (tempGraphics != null) {
tempGraphics.drawPolygon(tempXs, tempYs, tempDXs.length);
// draw the negative shapes
LinearRing[] tempHoles = tempPolygon.getHoles();
if (tempHoles != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < tempHoles.length; i++) {
tempRing = tempHoles[i];
tempDXs = tempRing.getXCoordinates();
tempDYs = tempRing.getYCoordinates();
tempXs = new int[tempDXs.length];
tempYs = new int[tempDYs.length];
for (int j = 0; j < tempDXs.length; j++) {
tempXs[j] = inConverter.toScreenX(tempDXs[j]);
tempYs[j] = inConverter.toScreenY(tempDYs[j]);
// call the graphics routine to draw the negative shape.
tempGraphics.drawPolygon(tempXs, tempYs, tempDXs.length);
return true;
* Draws the Shapes
public boolean drawShapePoints(Record inRecord, Graphics inGraphics, Converter inConverter, Shader inShader) {
if (inRecord == null) return false;
if (!(inRecord.getShape() instanceof Polygon))
return false;
Polygon tempPolygon = (Polygon) inRecord.getShape();
// draw the posative shape
LinearRing tempRing = tempPolygon.getPosativeRing();
double[] tempDXs = tempRing.getXCoordinates();
double[] tempDYs = tempRing.getYCoordinates();
int[] tempXs = new int[tempDXs.length];
int[] tempYs = new int[tempDYs.length];
for (int i = 0; i < tempDXs.length; i++) {
tempXs[i] = inConverter.convertX(tempDXs[i]);
tempYs[i] = inConverter.convertY(tempDYs[i]);
// call the graphics routine to draw the posative shape.'
Graphics tempGraphics = inShader.getLabelHighlightGraphics(inGraphics, inRecord.getAttributes(), inRecord.getAttributeNames());
if (tempGraphics != null) {
for (int i=0; i<tempXs.length; i++){
tempGraphics.drawOval(tempXs[i]-4, tempYs[i]-4, 8,8);
// draw the negative shapes
LinearRing[] tempHoles = tempPolygon.getHoles();
if (tempHoles != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < tempHoles.length; i++) {
tempRing = tempHoles[i];
tempDXs = tempRing.getXCoordinates();
tempDYs = tempRing.getYCoordinates();
tempXs = new int[tempDXs.length];
tempYs = new int[tempDYs.length];
for (int j = 0; j < tempDXs.length; j++) {
tempXs[j] = inConverter.convertX(tempDXs[j]);
tempYs[j] = inConverter.convertY(tempDYs[j]);
// call the graphics routine to draw the negative shape.
for (int j=0; j<tempXs.length; j++){
tempGraphics.drawOval(tempXs[j]-4, tempYs[j]-4, 8,8);
return true;
* Draws the Shapes
private boolean drawShapeWithHoles(Record inRecord, Graphics inGraphics, Converter inConverter, Shader inShader) {
if (inRecord == null) return false;
if (!(inRecord.getShape() instanceof Polygon))
return false;
Polygon tempPolygon = (Polygon) inRecord.getShape();
// Create a shape to handle this case.
java.awt.geom.GeneralPath tempPath = new java.awt.geom.GeneralPath(java.awt.geom.GeneralPath.WIND_EVEN_ODD);
// convert the points to screen coordinates
Vector tempRingVect = new Vector();
ScreenPoint[] tempScreenPoints = null;
LinearRing tempRing = tempPolygon.getPosativeRing();
if (tempRing != null) {
double[] tempDXs = tempRing.getXCoordinates();
double[] tempDYs = tempRing.getYCoordinates();
if (tempDXs != null) {
tempScreenPoints = convertToScreen(tempDXs, tempDYs, inConverter);
if ((tempScreenPoints != null) && (tempScreenPoints.length > 0)){
tempPath.moveTo(tempScreenPoints[0].x, tempScreenPoints[0].y);
for (int i=1; i<tempScreenPoints.length; i++){
tempPath.lineTo(tempScreenPoints[i].x, tempScreenPoints[i].y);
// convert the holes to screen coordinates.
LinearRing[] tempRings = tempPolygon.getHoles();
if (tempRings != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < tempRings.length; i++) {
double[] tempDXs = tempRings[i].getXCoordinates();
double[] tempDYs = tempRings[i].getYCoordinates();
tempScreenPoints = convertToScreen(tempDXs, tempDYs, inConverter);
if ((tempScreenPoints != null) && (tempScreenPoints.length > 0)){
tempPath.moveTo(tempScreenPoints[0].x, tempScreenPoints[0].y);
for (int j=1; j<tempScreenPoints.length; j++){
tempPath.lineTo(tempScreenPoints[j].x, tempScreenPoints[j].y);
Graphics2D tempG2D = (Graphics2D) inGraphics;
// Find the largest Y coordinate, and minimum X coordinate, the following routine
// will scann from minX to MaxX finding intersections lower than the maximum Y.
// it is important that the MaxY be higher than all the points in the shape.
int tempMinX = inConverter.toScreenX(tempPolygon.getExtents().myTopX) - 1;
int tempMaxX = inConverter.toScreenX(tempPolygon.getExtents().myBottomX);
int tempMaxY = inConverter.toScreenY(tempPolygon.getExtents().myBottomY) + 1;
int tempMinY = inConverter.toScreenY(tempPolygon.getExtents().myTopY);
// loop through all lines on the screen
for (int k = tempMinX; k <= tempMaxX; k++) {
// loop through the rings finding the interssections
// current values to check
int x = k;
int y = tempMaxY;
// previous points
Vector tempDrawPoints = new Vector();
// loop through the points finding the crossings.
for (int i = 0; i < tempRingVect.size(); i++) {
// check all the rings
tempScreenPoints = (ScreenPoint[]) tempRingVect.elementAt(i);
for (int j = 0; j < tempScreenPoints.length; j++) {
// this algorythm depends on three points
int prevPoint = j - 1;
if (prevPoint < 0)
prevPoint = tempScreenPoints.length - 1;
int nextPoint = j+1;
if (nextPoint == tempScreenPoints.length){
nextPoint = 0;
int x0 = tempScreenPoints[prevPoint].x;
int y0 = tempScreenPoints[prevPoint].y;
int x1 = tempScreenPoints[j].x;
int y1 = tempScreenPoints[j].y;
int x2 = tempScreenPoints[nextPoint].x;
int y2 = tempScreenPoints[nextPoint].y;
// determine if the points cross
double cy = 0;
if (((x1 < x) && (x < x2)) || ((x1 > x) && (x > x2))) {
double t = ((double) (x - x2)) / ((double) (x1 - x2));
cy = t * y1 + (1 - t) * y2;
if (y > cy) {
tempDrawPoints.addElement(new ScreenPoint(x, (int) cy));
// check for a ray passing directly through a point.
if (x1 == x) {
if (((x0 < x) && (x2 >= x)) || ((x0 >= x) && (x2 < x))) {
tempDrawPoints.addElement(new ScreenPoint(x, y1));
// order the points by their y axis
for (int i = 0; i < tempDrawPoints.size(); i++) {
ScreenPoint sc1 = (ScreenPoint) tempDrawPoints.elementAt(i);
for (int j = i+1; j < tempDrawPoints.size(); j++) {
ScreenPoint sc2 = (ScreenPoint) tempDrawPoints.elementAt(j);
if (sc1.y > sc2.y) {
tempDrawPoints.setElementAt(sc2, i);
tempDrawPoints.setElementAt(sc1, j);
sc1 = sc2;
// draw the points
for (int i = 0; i < tempDrawPoints.size()-1; i+=2) {
((ScreenPoint) tempDrawPoints.elementAt(i)).x,
((ScreenPoint) tempDrawPoints.elementAt(i)).y,
((ScreenPoint) tempDrawPoints.elementAt(i + 1)).x,
((ScreenPoint) tempDrawPoints.elementAt(i + 1)).y);
return true;
* Read the properties for the initialization of the rendere from the properties sent in.
public void load(Properties inProperties) throws Exception {
/** Get the configuration information for this renderer */
public Node getNode() {
return null;
/** Set the configuration information for this renderer */
public void setNode(Node inNode) throws Exception {
/** For display in lists and such. */
public String toString(){
return "Polygon Renderer";