* GISToolkit - Geographical Information System Toolkit
* (C) 2002, Ithaqua Enterprises Inc.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
* version 2.1 of the License.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package gistoolkit.datasources.imagefile;
import java.io.*;
import gistoolkit.features.Envelope;
import gistoolkit.datasources.imagefile.imagereaders.*;
* Class to contain code common to image files their reading/writing and manipulation.
public class ImageUtilities {
/** Creates a new instance of ImageUtilities */
public ImageUtilities() {
/** Read the image information for this image. */
public static ImageInformation readImageInformation(File inFile){
// how many pixels are there in the image
String tempImageLocation = inFile.getAbsolutePath();
return ImageReader.readImage(tempImageLocation);
/** Calculate the envelope given the TFWFile. */
public static Envelope calculateEnvelope(File inTFWFile, ImageInformation inImageInformation)throws Exception{
if (inTFWFile == null) throw new Exception("Unable to read world coordinates, The World file is null");
if (inImageInformation == null) throw new Exception("Unable to read Image Information for "+inTFWFile);
/** Check for World file. */
Envelope tempEnvelope = null;
if (inTFWFile.length() > 0){
// read the contents
FileReader fread = new FileReader(inTFWFile);
BufferedReader bread = new BufferedReader(fread);
String tempLine = bread.readLine();
if (tempLine == null) throw new Exception("First line of tfw (The dimension of a pixel in map units in the x-direction) is not available");
double tempXScale = Double.parseDouble(tempLine);
tempLine = bread.readLine();
if (tempLine == null) throw new Exception("Second line of tfw (The rotation factor in the x-direction (generally 0)) is not available");
double tempXRot = 0;
tempLine = bread.readLine();
if (tempLine == null) throw new Exception("Third line of tfw (The rotation factor in the y-direction (generally 0)) is not available");
double tempYRot = 0;
tempLine = bread.readLine();
if (tempLine == null) throw new Exception("Fourth line of tfw (The negative of the dimension of a pixel in map units in the y-direction) is not available");
double tempYScale = Double.parseDouble(tempLine);
tempLine = bread.readLine();
if (tempLine == null) throw new Exception("Fifth line of tfw (The x-coordinate of the center of the upper left pixel) is not available");
double tempXStart = Double.parseDouble(tempLine);
tempLine = bread.readLine();
if (tempLine == null) throw new Exception("Sixth line of tfw (The y-coordinate of the center of the upper left pixel) is not available");
double tempYStart = Double.parseDouble(tempLine);
int tempWidth = inImageInformation.getImageWidth();
int tempHeight = inImageInformation.getImageHeight();
if ((tempWidth == 0) || (tempHeight == 0)) throw new Exception("Can not read the image file for "+inTFWFile);
// calculate the bounds.
double tempTopX = tempXStart - tempXScale/2;
double tempBottomX = tempWidth*tempXScale + tempXStart;
double tempTopY = tempYStart - tempYScale/2;
double tempBottomY = tempHeight*tempYScale + tempYStart;
tempEnvelope = new Envelope(tempTopX, tempTopY, tempBottomX, tempBottomY);
return tempEnvelope;
/** Calculate the envelope given the TFWFile. */
public static void writeWorldFile(File inOutputFile, Envelope inEnvelope, double inXDimen, double inYDimen) throws Exception{
if (inOutputFile == null) throw new Exception("Unable to write world coordinates, The file is null");
if (inEnvelope == null) throw new Exception("Envelope is null ");
/** Check for World file. */
Envelope tempEnvelope = null;
FileWriter tempFileWriter = new FileWriter(inOutputFile);
// The First line of the file is the dimension of a pixel in map units in the X direction.
// The Second line of the file is the rotation factor in the x direction.
// The Third line of the file is the rotation factor in the y direction
// The Fourth line of the file is the negative of the dimension of a pixel in map units in the Y direction.
if (inYDimen > 0){
inYDimen = -inYDimen;
// The Fifth line of the file is the x coordinate of the center of the upper left pixel.
// The Sixth line of the file is the y coordinate of the center of the upper left pixel.
/** Check for a world file from which to load the Envelope. */
public static Envelope loadEnvelope(File inTFWFile, File inImageFile) throws Exception{
if ((inTFWFile == null) && (inImageFile == null)) throw new Exception("Unable to read world coordinates. Both the World and image files are null");
if (inTFWFile == null) throw new Exception("Unable to read world coordinates for "+inImageFile.getAbsolutePath()+". The World file is null");
if (inImageFile == null) throw new Exception("Unable to read world coordinates for "+inTFWFile.getAbsolutePath()+". The Image file is null");
ImageInformation tempImageInformation = readImageInformation(inImageFile);
if (tempImageInformation == null) throw new Exception("Can not read the image file "+inImageFile);
return calculateEnvelope(inTFWFile, tempImageInformation);