/* ChatTextPane.java */
package nik777.chat;
* ChatTextPane: text area widget to display chat history in
* Copyright (C) 2006 Nik Trevallyn-Jones, Sydney, Australia
* Author: Nik Trevallyn-Jones, nik777@users.sourceforge.net
* $Id: Exp $
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* with this program. If not, the license, including version 2, is available
* from the GNU project, at http://www.gnu.org.
* This is a derivative work. The GUI design and base logic is based on
* org.jabber.applet.awt.ChatTextArea, portions of which are copyrighted by
* the Jabber foundation as per the included notice below:
* Portions created by or assigned to Jabber.com, Inc. are
* Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Jabber.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Contact
* information for Jabber.com, Inc. is available at http://www.jabber.com/.
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import javax.swing.JTextPane;
import javax.swing.JEditorPane;
import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
import javax.swing.JScrollBar;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent;
import java.io.StringReader;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.io.IOException;
import nik777.xlate.StringEditor;
* This AWT TextArea like multi-color control is designed to be used as a Chat Window
* that automatically aligns chat messages in a different column from the user name. This
* control allows you to to use a different color for the users name and message.
* This control can also act TextArea with different color fonts for each line as
* well as a as a normal TextArea.
* @author Jonathan Paulson
* @version $ 1.1.2 $
public class ChatTextPane extends JTextPane
implements ChangeListener, MouseWheelListener
private final static int NAME = 0;
private final static int NAMECOLOR = 1;
private final static int MSG = 2;
private final static int MSGCOLOR = 3;
* NTJ - disable auto-images until image display sidget is complete
// define the editing rules for incoming text, before display
protected static final String urlEdit =
"gs/</</gs/>/>/" +
/*"gs;(^| )(http://.*?\\.(jpg|png|gif))( |$);$1<img src=\"$2\"/>$4;" +*/
"gs;(^| )(http://.*?)( |$);$1<a href=\"$2\">$2</a>$3;" /* +
"gs;(^| )image://(.*?)( |$);$1<img src=\"http://$2\"/>$3;" */;
private int miRows; // number of rows in the text area
private int miColumns; // number of rows in the text area
private int miNbrLinesPerPage; // how many lines of text can be seen on the control
private int miWidth, miHeight; // size, minus the scrollbar
private int miNameColWidth; // the width to use for the Name Column
private int miTopLine = 0; // what the index of the top line of text is
private int miFontHeight; // font height
private boolean mbReformatLines = true; // If True, vector of lines will be reformatted
private boolean mbHangingIndent = true; // If True, Chat messages will wrap with hanging indent
private Image mImage; // backing image
private Graphics mGraphics; // backing graphics
private Font mFont;
private FontMetrics mFontMetrics; // drawing font size
private Scrollbar mScrollbar; // scrollbar at the right side
private Vector mvLines; // Unformatted lines as they were received
private Vector mvFormatedLines; // Viewable lines (word wrapped where necessary)
// stringbuffer for formatting
protected StringBuffer fmtBuffer;
// text pane
protected JTextPane textPanel;
// containing JScrollPane
protected JScrollBar scroll = null;
protected boolean scrollSet = false;
// for content editing
protected StringEditor editor;
protected boolean wheelScrolling = false;
protected boolean isAtBottom = true;
* Constructs a new Color text area.
public ChatTextPane() {
this("", 0, 0, false);
* Constructs a new Color text area with the specified text.
* @param text the text to be displayed.
public ChatTextPane(String text) {
this(text, 0, 0, false);
* Constructs a new Color text area.
* This text area is created a vertical scroll bar.
* @param rows the number of rows
* @param columns the number of columns
* @param hangingIndent true if you want the chat messages to having a hanging indent
public ChatTextPane(int rows, int cols, boolean hangingIndent) {
this("", rows, cols, hangingIndent);
* Constructs a new text area with the specified text,
* and with the specified number of rows and columns.
* This text area is created with both vertical and
* horizontal scroll bars.
* @param text the text to be displayed.
* @param rows the number of rows.
* @param columns the number of columns.
* @param hangingIndent true if you want the chat messages to having a hanging indent
public ChatTextPane(String Text, int rows, int cols, boolean hangingIndent)
miRows = rows;
miColumns = cols;
mbHangingIndent = hangingIndent;
editor = new StringEditor(urlEdit);
//setLayout(new BorderLayout());
//Default Font
mFont = new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12);
mScrollbar = new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.VERTICAL, 0, 1, 0, 0);
mScrollbar.setValues(0, 1, 0, 100);
mvLines = new Vector();
mvFormatedLines = new Vector();
fmtBuffer = new StringBuffer(4096);
//Catch scroll events
new AdjustmentListener() {
public void adjustmentValueChanged(AdjustmentEvent e) {
if (Text.length() > 0)
* Appends the given text to the text area's current text (using black)
* @param str the text to append.
public void append(String str){
//Append plan black text
appendChatText(str, "000000", "", "");
* Appends the given text to the text area's current text using the color specified
* @param str the text to append.
* @param RGB the RGB color in HEX format (example "00FF77")
public void append(String str, String RGB){
//Append colored text
appendChatText(str, RGB, "", "");
* Appends the given chat message to the text area's current text with the message in
* its own column using the color specified
* @param name the person who said the message
* @param msg what the person said
* @param RGB the RGB color in HEX format (example "00FF77")
* to use for the name and msg
public void appendChatText(String name, String msg, String RGB){
//Append colored text
appendChatText(name, RGB, msg, RGB);
* Appends the given chat message to the text area's current text with the message in
* its own column using the colors specified
* @param name the person who said the message
* @param nameRGB the RGB color in HEX format (example "00FF77") to use for name
* @param msg what the person said
* @param msgRGB the RGB color in HEX format (example "00FF77") to use for msg
public void appendChatText(String name, String nameRGB, String msg, String msgRGB){
String line[] = new String[4];
line[NAME] = name;
line[NAMECOLOR] = nameRGB;
line[MSG] = msg;
line[MSGCOLOR] = msgRGB;
Rectangle rect = getBounds();
if (rect.width > 0){
//Wrap the element just added
//wordWrap(mvLines.size() - 1);
//New text, so adjust scrollbar
* Gets the text that is presented by this text component.
public String getText() {
StringBuffer sBuffer = new StringBuffer(1024);
String[] saNextLine;
for (int i = 0; i<mvLines.size(); i++) {
saNextLine = (String[])mvLines.elementAt(i);
.append(" ").append(saNextLine[MSG]).append("\n");
return sBuffer.toString();
* Clear the contents of the text area
public void clearText() {
* Paints this component. This method is called when the contents of the component should be painted
* in response to the component first being shown or damage needing repair. The clip rectangle in the
* Graphics parameter will be set to the area which needs to be painted.
* @param g The graphics context to use for painting.
public void paint(Graphics g) {
if (mImage == null) {
mImage = createImage(miWidth, miHeight);
mGraphics = mImage.getGraphics();
mFontMetrics = mGraphics.getFontMetrics();
miFontHeight = mFontMetrics.getHeight();
miNbrLinesPerPage = miHeight / miFontHeight;
//g.draw3DRect(2,4,this.getBounds().width-4,this.getBounds().height-8, false);
//g.drawImage(mImage, 0, 0, this);
* The AWT calls the update method in response to a call to repaint.
public void update() {
* The AWT calls the update method in response to a call to repaint. The appearance of the
* component on the screen has not changed since the last call to update or paint. You can
* assume that the background is not cleared.
* @param g the specified context to use for updating.
public void update(Graphics g) {
if (mFontMetrics != null) {
* Returns the number of rows in the text area.
* @return the number of columns in this text area.
public int getRows() {
return miRows;
* Returns the number of columns in the text area.
* @return the number of columns in this text area.
public int getColumns() {
return miColumns;
* Determines the preferred size of a text area with the specified number of rows and columns.
* @param rows the number of rows
* @param columns the number of columns
* @return the preferred dimensions required to display the text area with
* the specified number of rows and columns.
public Dimension getPreferredSize(int rows, int cols) {
return super.getPreferredSize();
* Determines the preferred size of this text area.
* @return the preferred dimensions needed for this text area
public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
return ((miRows > 0) && (miColumns > 0)) ? getPreferredSize(miRows, miColumns) : super.getPreferredSize();
* Returns the specified minimum size Dimensions of the text area.
* @param rows the minimum row size
* @param cols the minimum column size
* @return A dimension object indicating this component's minimum size.
public Dimension getMinimumSize(int rows, int cols) {
return super.getMinimumSize();
* Returns the minimum size Dimensions of the text area.
* @return A dimension object indicating this component's minimum size.
public Dimension getMinimumSize(){
return super.getMinimumSize();
* Moves and resizes this component. The new location of the top-left corner is specified by x and y,
* and the new size is specified by width and height. (fired when resized)
* @param x The new x-coordinate of this component.
* @param y The new y-coordinate of this component.
* @param w The new width of this component.
* @param h The new height of this component.
public void setBounds(int x, int y, int w, int h){
if (w != miWidth || h != miHeight) {
miWidth = w;
miHeight = h;
//Recalculate the size of name column
setNameColumnWidth(miColSize, mbColSizeIsPercent);
// Force creation of a new backing image and re-painting
mImage = null;
mbReformatLines = true;
super.setBounds(x, y, w, h);
* Sets the font of this component.
* @param str The font to become this component's font.
public void setFont(Font font){
mFont = font;
* Sets the text that is presented by this text component to be the specified text. (using black)
* @param str new text for this component.
public synchronized void setText(String str){
setText(str, "000000");
* Sets the text that is presented by this text component to be the specified text.
* using the specified color.
* @param str new text for this component.
* @param RGB the RGB color in HEX format (example "00FF77")
public synchronized void setText(String str, String RGB){
if (str.length() > 0)
append(str, RGB);
* Sets the width for the first column generally used for the name
* @param width Width or Width Percent depending on value of isPercent
* @param isPercent If true, then width indicates a percent of the total (1-95)
private int miColSize = 20; // width last time setNameColumnWidth called
private boolean mbColSizeIsPercent = true; // isPercent last time setNameColumnWidth called
public synchronized void setNameColumnWidth(int width, boolean isPercent){
miColSize = width;
mbColSizeIsPercent = isPercent;
if (isPercent){
if (width < 0 || width > 95){
width = 20;
//Make the number a percent
double dNameColWidthPercent = width * .01;
//Now set exact width
miNameColWidth = (int)(miWidth * dNameColWidthPercent);
if (width < 0 || width > miWidth){
//Must be positive value, set to 1/3 width
width = (int) miWidth / 3;
miNameColWidth = width;
* Automatically wrap the text that is too long to display on one line
* @param lineIndex the vector index of the line to wrap
private void wordWrap(int lineIndex) {
String[] saNewLine = (String[])mvLines.elementAt(lineIndex);
boolean bChatMsg = saNewLine[MSG].length() > 0;
try {
//If this is a chat msg then the username is stored in [NAME] and the msg is stored in {MSG]
//otherwise the contents are stored in [NAME] and [MSG] is left blank
StringTokenizer tokenizer;
StringBuffer buffer;
String sNextWord = new String();
String sChopped = new String();
boolean bAddUserName = true;
boolean bWasChatMsg = false;
int iBodyWidth;
if (bChatMsg){
if (mbHangingIndent){
// chat msg width is fixed: calculated by subtracting the name column width and 5% for scroll bar
iBodyWidth = (int)((miWidth - miNameColWidth) - 50);
else {
// text comes right after name, so figure out how much room we have to work on
// since name is variable length
iBodyWidth = miWidth - (50 + mFontMetrics.stringWidth(saNewLine[NAME]));
else {
// No user name so make width of msg is 95% of width (5% for scrollbar)
iBodyWidth = (int)(miWidth - 50);
//Go thru the words one by one and make sure each word will fit inside the TextArea
//If a word is found that doesn't fit, use chopWord to dice the word up.
tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(bChatMsg ? saNewLine[MSG] : saNewLine[NAME]);
while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
sNextWord = tokenizer.nextToken().toString();
if (mFontMetrics.stringWidth(sNextWord) > iBodyWidth)
sChopped += " " + chopWord(sNextWord, iBodyWidth);
sChopped += " " + sNextWord;
//No retokenize the string that has been chopped where necessary
tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(sChopped);
buffer = new StringBuffer(tokenizer.nextToken());
while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
sNextWord = tokenizer.nextToken();
if (mFontMetrics.stringWidth(buffer.toString()) + mFontMetrics.stringWidth(sNextWord) > iBodyWidth) {
//The line doesn't fit on one row, so we have to "wrap it" by creating a new line
String NewLine[] = new String[4];
NewLine[MSGCOLOR] = saNewLine[MSGCOLOR];
if (!mbHangingIndent && bWasChatMsg){
//2nd line will be stored in the [NAME] field, so color it as a [MSG]
//You wrap the body NewLine[MSG] for a chat message
//if it's regular message (no user name) you have to wrap the NewLine[NAME]
if (bChatMsg) {
NewLine[NAME] = bAddUserName ? saNewLine[NAME] : "";
NewLine[MSG] = buffer.toString();
bWasChatMsg = true;
else { // wrap non chat message
NewLine[NAME] = buffer.toString();
NewLine[MSG] = "";
buffer = new StringBuffer(sNextWord);
bAddUserName = false;
if (!mbHangingIndent && bWasChatMsg){
//use full width and treat as non chat message (don't use Hanging Indents)
iBodyWidth = (int)(miWidth - 50);
bChatMsg = false;
else {
buffer.append(" " + sNextWord);
String NewLine[] = new String[4];
NewLine[MSGCOLOR] = saNewLine[MSGCOLOR];
if (!mbHangingIndent && bWasChatMsg){
//2nd line will be stored in the [NAME] field, so color it as a [MSG]
if (bChatMsg) {
NewLine[NAME] = bAddUserName ? saNewLine[NAME] : "";
NewLine[MSG] = "" + buffer;
else { // wrap name
NewLine[NAME] = "" + buffer;
NewLine[MSG] = "";
catch(Exception e) {
//print it out without wordwrapping
String UnformattedLine[] = new String[4];
UnformattedLine[NAMECOLOR] = saNewLine[NAMECOLOR];
UnformattedLine[MSGCOLOR] = saNewLine[MSGCOLOR];
UnformattedLine[NAME] = saNewLine[NAME];
UnformattedLine[MSG] = saNewLine[MSG];
* This is called when a single word is too wide to fit on one line. The word is
* is broken apart as many times as needed so that each piece will fit correctly
* inside the width of the Text Area
* @param word The word to chop up
* @param bodyWidth The width of the body of text within the TextArea
* @return The word chopped up into bodyWidth sized pieces (separated by a space)
private String chopWord(String word, int bodyWidth){
String sChoppedWord = "";
for (int i = 0; i < word.length(); ++i){
//see how many letters of the word will fit on the first line
if (mFontMetrics.stringWidth(sChoppedWord + word.substring(i, i + 1)) < bodyWidth){
sChoppedWord += word.substring(i, i + 1);
//chop of the beginning letters that fit
word = word.substring(i-1);
//now recursively call chopWord to chop the rest
sChoppedWord += " " + chopWord(word, bodyWidth);
return sChoppedWord;
return sChoppedWord;
* Display the formatted lines of text
private void render() {
if (mbReformatLines) {
//Reformat the lines since the size of the control has changed
for (int i = 0; i<mvLines.size(); i++) {
mbReformatLines = false;
//miTopLine = mScrollbar.getValue();
//System.out.println("miTopLine=" + miTopLine);
//mGraphics.fillRect(0, 0, miWidth, miHeight);
// set scroll if it has not been set
// set up auto-scroll processing
if (!scrollSet) {
scrollSet = true;
Component parent = getParent();
while (parent != null && (!(parent instanceof JScrollPane)))
parent = parent.getParent();
if (parent != null) {
JScrollPane pane = (JScrollPane) parent;
scroll = ((JScrollPane) parent).getVerticalScrollBar();
if (isAtBottom == true && scroll != null)
for (int i=miTopLine; i<mvLines.size(); i++) {
String[] saCurrentLine = (String[])mvLines.elementAt(i);
//mGraphics.drawString(saCurrentLine[NAME], 2, (i - miTopLine + 1) * miFontHeight);
fmtBuffer.append("\n<tr valign=\"top\">")
if (saCurrentLine[MSG].length() == 0)
fmtBuffer.append(" colspan=\"2\"");
else if (saCurrentLine[NAME].length() < 25)
fmtBuffer.append(" nowrap=\"true\"");
fmtBuffer.append("><font name=\"")
.append(mFont.getFontName()).append("\" color=\"")
* maybe not... ??
if (saCurrentLine[MSG].length() == 0) {
//for non chat messages (no user name) don't erase with white rect
fmtBuffer.append("<td><font name=\"")
.append(mFont.getFontName()).append("\" color=\"")
.append(saCurrentLine[MSGCOLOR]).append("\" >")
.append(breakLongWords(editor.edit(saCurrentLine[MSG]), 30))
//System.out.println("chat=" + fmtBuffer.toString());
try {
read(new StringReader(fmtBuffer.toString()), null);
} catch (IOException e) {}
* break long words up
public String breakLongWords(String str, int len)
int max = str.length();
// nothing to do?
if (max <= len) return str;
int i, from, to=0;
char c;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(max + 100);
for (from = 0; to < max; from = to) {
//System.out.println("from=" + from + "; to=" + to);
c = str.charAt(from);
to = from+1;
// find end of next "word"
while (to < max && " <>\"'".indexOf(str.charAt(to)) < 0) to++;
//System.out.println("word (size=" + (to-from) + ")=" +
// str.substring(from, to));
// **DEBUG**
//if (to == from) break;
if (to-from > len) {
System.out.println("word is too big");
if ("'\"".indexOf(c) >= 0 && str.charAt(to) == c)
sb.append(str.substring(from, to));
else {
//System.out.println("inserting <wbr> at " + to);
to = from + len;
// try to find a good place for the break
for (i = 0; i < 5 && i < to-from; i++) {
if (!Character.isLetterOrDigit(str.charAt(to-i))) {
to -= i;
sb.append(str.substring(from, to)).append("<wr>");
else {
// include whitespace
while (to < max && Character.isWhitespace(str.charAt(to)))
sb.append(str.substring(from, to));
if (from < max) sb.append(str.substring(from));
//System.out.println("wordified: " + sb.toString());
return sb.toString();
* display at bottom (again)
public void isAtBottom(boolean tf)
{ isAtBottom = tf; }
* scroll to the bottom once the content has been changed
public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent ev)
// keep scroll at the bottom
if (isAtBottom == true && scroll != null
&& (wheelScrolling == true
|| scroll.getValueIsAdjusting() == false)) {
scroll.setValue(scroll.getMaximum() - scroll.getVisibleAmount());
isAtBottom = true;
isAtBottom = (scroll.getValue() >=
(scroll.getMaximum() - scroll.getVisibleAmount()));
System.out.println("change: isAtBottom=" + isAtBottom);
wheelScrolling = false;
* This rigmarole is to reset the ValueIsAdjusting() value *after*
* the value has actually been set *sigh*
if (wheelScrolling) {
wheelScrolling = false;
else scroll.setValueIsAdjusting(false);
public void mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent ev)
if (scroll == null) return;
wheelScrolling = true;
int max = scroll.getMaximum() - scroll.getVisibleAmount();
int pos = scroll.getValue() + ev.getUnitsToScroll();
isAtBottom = (pos >= max);
* Compute the Scrollbar value
* @param scrollToBottom true if you should scroll to bottom of the text area
void computeScrollbar(boolean scrollToBottom) {
if (mFontMetrics == null) {
return; // not visible
int iSBTop;
if (scrollToBottom) {
iSBTop = mvFormatedLines.size() - miNbrLinesPerPage + 1;
else if (mvFormatedLines.size() > miNbrLinesPerPage) {
iSBTop = mScrollbar.getValue();
else {
iSBTop = 0;
mScrollbar.setValues(iSBTop, 10, 0, mvFormatedLines.size());
* Converts a string formatted as "rrggbb" to an awt.Color object
* @return awt.Color object (black if invalid color)
private Color getColor(String RGB) {
int red;
int green;
int blue;
red = (Integer.decode("0x" + RGB.substring(0,2))).intValue();
green = (Integer.decode("0x" + RGB.substring(2,4))).intValue();
blue = (Integer.decode("0x" + RGB.substring(4,6))).intValue();
return new Color(red,green,blue);
catch (Exception e){
//Default to black on none RGB values
return Color.black;