/* ChatFrame.java */
package nik777.chat;
* ChatFrame: GUI frame for sending/displaying chat messages
* Copyright (C) 2006 Nik Trevallyn-Jones, Sydney, Australia
* Author: Nik Trevallyn-Jones, nik777@users.sourceforge.net
* $Id: Exp $
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* with this program. If not, the license, including version 2, is available
* from the GNU project, at http://www.gnu.org.
* This is a derivative work. The GUI design and base logic is based on
* org.jabber.applet.awt.MsgChat, portions of which are copyrighted by
* the Jabber foundation as per the included notice below:
* Portions created by or assigned to Jabber.com, Inc. are
* Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Jabber.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Contact
* information for Jabber.com, Inc. is available at http://www.jabber.com/.
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*; // needed for focus manipulation
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Calendar; // used to set time of chat start
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.net.URL;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.text.ParseException;
import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
import javax.swing.JTextPane;
import javax.swing.JTabbedPane;
import javax.swing.Box;
import javax.swing.BoxLayout;
import java.awt.Checkbox;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.event.HyperlinkListener;
import javax.swing.event.HyperlinkEvent;
import javax.swing.text.*;
// NTJ: debug
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import net.sourceforge.helpgui.util.BrowserControl;
import artofillusion.ui.Translate;
* Chat Window class.
* The UI consists of
* a) a label at the top of the window indicating person we're chatting with
* b) a text area displaying history of the chat
* c) a text field for user input to the chat session
* d) a send button
* e) an invite button
* f) a record button
public class ChatFrame extends Frame
implements ActionListener, FocusListener, KeyListener, WindowListener,
HyperlinkListener, Chat.Connector
public static String iconsPath = "crystal";
/** chat connection for sending/receiving messages */
public Chat.Connector chat;
protected int chatid = -1;
/** semaphore for notification of closing */
protected Object semaphore = null;
* top panel used to display 'chatn with..'
private MyPanel pnlHeader = new MyPanel();
private Label lblUsername = new Label("");
* chat history display area
//private ChatTextArea txtChatHistory;
* tabbed pane for displaying chat histories
private JTabbedPane tabs;
* icons for tabs
private ImageIcon icoChat, icoBrowse, icoSettings;
* check boxes
private Checkbox browseBox, tabBox;
* list of users in chat room
private List userList;
* new msg input area
private TextField txtSendMsg;
* current state of window is iconified
private boolean bIconified = false;
* Number of messages received while chat window has been iconified
private int nMsgCount = 0;
* String containing my username
private String me;
/** list of chat areas (one per conversation) */
private ArrayList session;
* date/time objects to track timestamps
private Date now = new Date();
private long lastMsg = now.getTime();
private DateFormat inFmt = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd'T'hh:mm:ss z");
private DateFormat outFmt =
DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM, DateFormat.LONG);
private long maxIdle = 1800000; // 30 minutes in milliseconds
* User we're chatting with
public String you;
* if True we will save the chat history to be displayed later
public boolean doRecord = false;
* Max capacity of String buffer for saving chat history.
protected static int SB_MAX_CAPACITY = 10000;
* Newline for this platform.
protected static String NEWLINE = System.getProperty("line.separator");
* String buffer for saving chat history.
private StringBuffer historyBuff = new StringBuffer( SB_MAX_CAPACITY );
* Used to covert HTML to standard ASCII (for ' etc.)
//public StringCleanup moCleanup = new StringCleanup();
* Background color of clients applet
public Color clientColor;
* Font of clients applet
public Font clientFont;
* Background color of clients applet
private Hashtable mhashNameColors = new Hashtable();
* Label of the button with focus
private String msButtonWithFocus = "";
* This is true when you start typing a reply and the other person is notified that you started typing
//private boolean mbNotifiedStartingReply = false;
private boolean bGroupChat = false;
protected static boolean browseExternal = false;
//Colors choosen from http://www.geocities.com/~annabella/colornames.html
private UniqueColors clr = new UniqueColors();
private final static String COLOR_MSG = "000000";
private final static String COLOR_ACTION = "8B008B";
private final static String COLOR_STATUS = "2E8B57";
private Vector mvChatHistory = new Vector(200, 50);
protected String SAYS = " says";
* Assign an unique color for everyone in the Chat room.
private String nameColor(String name){
String sColor = (String) mhashNameColors.get(name);
if (sColor == null){
//name not found in the hash table, so add it
sColor = clr.getNextRGB();
mhashNameColors.put(name, new String(sColor));
return sColor;
* The MyPanel class is used so we can put some graphics elements
* in a panel.
class MyPanel extends Panel
* paint method is used to display the top panel with some
* basic graphics. A label is displayed (with users name),
* that's created in the window constructor.
* @param g graphics handle for the object to be written on
public void paint(Graphics g)
String title = Translate.text("HelpPlugin:channel");
g.setColor(clientColor); // same as chats background
// draw rect around top panel
g.draw3DRect(2,4,this.getBounds().width-4,this.getBounds().height-8, false);
// compute size of 'Chat with'
FontMetrics fnt = g.getFontMetrics();
int nWidth = fnt.stringWidth(title);
int nHeight = fnt.getDescent();
g.setColor(clientColor); // erase part of outline
g.fillRect(5, 0, nWidth + 5, 18); // display background for 'Chat with'
g.setColor(Color.black); // display 'Chat with'
g.drawString(title, 8, 10);
} // end, paint routine
} // end, MyPanel class
Button btnRecord = null;
* Main chat constructor (doens't include an invite button)
* @param itsMe owners name
* @param you person chatting with itsMe/owner
* @param clientColor Client window color
* @param clientFont Client window font
public ChatFrame(Color clientColor, Font clientFont, String itsMe, String idyou, boolean bHeader)
this (clientColor, clientFont, itsMe, idyou, bHeader, false);
* Main chat constructor (specify whether you want an invite button or not)
* @param itsMe owners name
* @param you person chatting with itsMe/owner
* @param clientColor Client window color
* @param clientFont Client window font
* @param inviteButton if true, display the invite button
public ChatFrame(Color clientColor, Font clientFont, String itsMe, String idYou, boolean bHeader, boolean inviteButton)
// get instance of Applet so we can call methods in this class from classes
// defined in this file.
//app = (JabberApplet) JabberApplet.getAppletInstance();
//me = new JID(itsMe, idYou.getServer()); // keep copy of my username
//SAYS = " " + Translate.text("says");
you = idYou; // keep copy of person we're chatting with
this.clientColor = clientColor;
this.clientFont = clientFont;
setBackground(new java.awt.Color(255,255,255));
if (bHeader)
// Header information
lblUsername.setText(" " + you + " "); // set chat to name in header
// pad with space so that you can see " is replying..."
pnlHeader.add(lblUsername); // reserve some space
// get the icons
icoChat = new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/net/sourceforge/helpgui/icons/"+iconsPath+"/chat.png"));
icoBrowse = new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/net/sourceforge/helpgui/icons/"+iconsPath+"/web-browser.png"));
icoSettings = new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/net/sourceforge/helpgui/icons/"+iconsPath+"/settings.png"));
// settings pane
Box settingsPane = new Box(BoxLayout.X_AXIS);
Box col1 = new Box(BoxLayout.Y_AXIS);
Box col2 = new Box(BoxLayout.Y_AXIS);
col1.add(new Label("open links in"));
col2.add((browseBox = new Checkbox("browser", null, false)));
col1.add(new Label("create new browser"));
col2.add((tabBox = new Checkbox("tab", null, false)));
// Chat history
//ChatTextArea txtChatHistory = new ChatTextArea();
ChatTextPane txtChatHistory = new ChatTextPane();
userList = new List();
// String sTime = "Time: " + Calendar.getInstance().getTime();
String sTime = "On: " + outFmt.format(now);
txtChatHistory.append(sTime, COLOR_STATUS);
txtChatHistory.addFocusListener(this); // workaround to pass focus to the send field
if (session == null) session = new ArrayList(16);
chatHistory(sTime, COLOR_STATUS);
// Send Msg field and button
txtSendMsg = new TextField();
txtSendMsg.addActionListener(this); // send and add to history whenever <enter>
//Button btnSend = new Button(Config.SEND); // send button
Button btnSend = new Button(Translate.text("Send")); // send button
// invite button
Button btnInvite = new Button(Translate.text("Invite"));
// Record chat history button
btnRecord = new Button(Translate.text("Log"));
// Screen layout setup
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
// add header
GridBagConstraints gbConstraints=new GridBagConstraints();
gbConstraints.gridx = x; // x location
gbConstraints.gridy = y; // y location
bGroupChat = inviteButton;
if (inviteButton)
gbConstraints.gridwidth = 4; // width
gbConstraints.gridwidth = 3; // width
gbConstraints.gridheight = 1; // height
gbConstraints.ipadx = 0; // no xtra padding
gbConstraints.ipady = 0; // no xtra padding
gbConstraints.weightx = 1.0; // gets no extra x when avail
gbConstraints.weighty = 0.0; // gets no extra y when avail
if (bHeader)
add (pnlHeader,gbConstraints);
// add text history
gbConstraints.gridx = x; // x location
gbConstraints.gridy = y; // y location
gbConstraints.gridwidth -= 2; // width
gbConstraints.weightx = 1.0; // gets xtra x when avail
gbConstraints.weighty = 1.0; // gets xtra y when avail
//add (txtChatHistory,gbConstraints);
tabs = new JTabbedPane();
add(tabs, gbConstraints);
// NTJ: disable settings TAB, and use dialog instead
//tabs.addTab(null, icoSettings, settingsPane);
tabs.addTab(null, icoChat, new WebTextPane(txtChatHistory));
// add user list
x += gbConstraints.gridwidth;
//gbConstraints.gridx = gbConstraints.gridwidth-1; // x location
gbConstraints.gridx = x; // x location
gbConstraints.gridy = y; // y location
gbConstraints.gridwidth = 2; // width
gbConstraints.weightx = 0.0; // gets xtra x when avail
gbConstraints.weighty = 1.0; // gets xtra y when avail
add(userList, gbConstraints);
gbConstraints.weightx = 0.0; // gets no extra x when avail
gbConstraints.weighty = 0.0; // gets no extra y when avail
// add send field and button
gbConstraints.gridx = x; // x location
gbConstraints.gridy = y; // y location
gbConstraints.gridwidth = 1; // width
gbConstraints.weightx = 1.0; // gets no extra x when avail
add (txtSendMsg,gbConstraints);
gbConstraints.gridx = x; // x location
gbConstraints.weightx = 0.0; // gets no extra x when avail
gbConstraints.gridwidth = 1; // width
add (btnSend, gbConstraints);
if (inviteButton)
gbConstraints.gridx = x; // x location
gbConstraints.weightx = 0.0; // gets no extra x when avail
add (btnInvite, gbConstraints);
gbConstraints.gridx = x; // x location
gbConstraints.weightx = 0.0; // gets no extra x when avail
add (btnRecord, gbConstraints);
//SymWindow aSymWindow = new SymWindow();
SymComponent aSymComponent = new SymComponent();
// need to pack in the constructor for linux.
public Dimension getPreferredSize()
return new Dimension(600, 450);
public void semaphore(Object semaphore)
{ this.semaphore = semaphore; }
//---------- Chat.Connector implementation ---------------
* associate with a corresponding Connector
public void open(Chat.Connector chat)
this.chat = chat;
* disassociate from a connector
public void close(Chat.Connector chat)
if (chat != null && chatid >= 0) chat.leave(chatid);
this.chat = null;
* join the identified chat (channel, server, room, etc)
public int join(String conn, String name, String password)
me = name;
chatid = chat.join(conn, name, password);
if (tabs != null) tabs.setToolTipTextAt(0, conn);
return chatid;
* leave the identified chat *channel, server, room, etc)
public void leave(int id)
{ chat.leave(chatid); }
* add one or more users to the connection
public void add(String conn, String name, String detials)
public void remove(String conn, String name)
* accept a message
* If this connector is a receiving connector, then this
* method is called to make the connector accept a newly
* received message.
* If this connector is a sending connector, then this method is
* called to send a message.
public void accept(int id, String from, String to, String msg)
{ msgReceived(id, from, msg); }
//---------- HyperlinkListener Implementation ------------
* hyperlink clicked
public void hyperlinkUpdate(HyperlinkEvent ev)
if (ev.getEventType() == HyperlinkEvent.EventType.ACTIVATED) {
URL url = ev.getURL();
// use external browser for this (all) links?
if (browseExternal || "mailto".equals(url.getProtocol())) {
WebTextPane text = new WebTextPane(url);
tabs.addTab(null, icoBrowse, text, url.toString());
//---------- KeyListener Implementation ------------------
* keyTyped
public void keyTyped(KeyEvent evt) { }
* keyPressed
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent evt)
//[Enter] hit, see if a button has focus, if it does
//click it, otherwise click the default Send button
if( evt.getKeyCode() != KeyEvent.VK_DELETE
&& evt.getKeyCode() != KeyEvent.VK_ALT
&& evt.getKeyCode() != KeyEvent.VK_CONTROL
&& evt.isAltDown() && evt.isControlDown() )
if (evt.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_TAB) {
if (evt.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER )
if (msButtonWithFocus.length() > 0)
if (msButtonWithFocus.compareTo("Send") == 0)
else if (msButtonWithFocus.compareTo("Invite") == 0)
{ //Button caption can be either Record or Stop Rec
{ //TODO verify that this isn't being called when non alpha-numeric keys are pressed
if (! mbNotifiedStartingReply)
if (bGroupChat == false) // don't send when in groupchat
mbNotifiedStartingReply = true;
* keyReleased
public void keyReleased(KeyEvent evt)
{ }
* Button triggered.
* @param ae Action event (not used)
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
if (ae.getActionCommand().compareTo("Send") == 0)
else if(ae.getActionCommand().compareTo("Invite") == 0)
{ //Button caption can be either Record or Stop Rec
* Display a textArea for the user to cut/paste from.
public void displayChatHistory( )
TextArea ta = new TextArea(chatHistoryToString());
final Dialog dialog =
new Dialog(this,"CHAT HISTORY: please cut and paste the message to a text document.", true);
dialog.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter()
public void windowClosing( WindowEvent we )
} );
* msg received with no timestamp
public void msgReceived(int sessn, String id, String sResponse)
{ msgReceived(sessn, id, sResponse, null); }
* New groupchat msgReceived needs jid input since multiple users are shown in the same
* chat window.
public void msgReceived(int sessn, String id, String sResponse,
String sTimestamp)
System.out.println("msgReceived: " + id + "; " + sResponse);
// If chat windows iconified update the msg counter
// and update icon displayed
if (bIconified) // window iconified?
nMsgCount++; // update msg count
nMsgCount = 0; // window showing, clear msg count
//ChatTextArea txtChatHistory;
ChatTextPane txtChatHistory;
if (sessn >= 0 && sessn < session.size())
txtChatHistory= (ChatTextPane) session.get(sessn);
else {
txtChatHistory = (ChatTextPane) session.get(0);
if (id == null || id.length() == 0) //groupchat
txtChatHistory.append(sResponse, COLOR_STATUS);
chatHistory(sResponse, COLOR_STATUS);
if (sResponse.startsWith("/me"))
{ //Action Message
//Remove "/me"
//sResponse = moCleanup.Cleanup(sResponse.substring(3));
sResponse = sResponse.substring(3);
txtChatHistory.appendChatText("* ", COLOR_ACTION, id + " " + sResponse, COLOR_ACTION);
chatHistory("*", COLOR_ACTION, id + " " + sResponse, COLOR_ACTION);
// do we have a message timestamp...
if (sTimestamp != null && sTimestamp.length() > 0) {
try {
// parse the timestamp in the GMT timezone
now = inFmt.parse(sTimestamp + " GMT");
} catch (ParseException e) {
System.out.println("timestamp parse error: " + e);
else {
System.out.println("now = " + now.toString());
System.out.println("now - lastMsg = " +
Math.abs(now.getTime() - lastMsg));
if (Math.abs(now.getTime() - lastMsg) > maxIdle) {
systemMsg("Sent: " + outFmt.format(now));
// remember the time of the last message
lastMsg = now.getTime();
//sResponse = moCleanup.Cleanup(sResponse);
txtChatHistory.appendChatText(id + SAYS, nameColor(id), sResponse, COLOR_MSG);
chatHistory(id + SAYS, nameColor(id), sResponse, COLOR_MSG);
if (!bGroupChat)
* Display system msg
public void systemMsg(String sMsg)
for (int i = 0; i < session.size(); i++) {
((ChatTextPane) session.get(i)).append(sMsg, COLOR_STATUS);
chatHistory(sMsg, COLOR_STATUS);
* Send indication user has started replying
public void msgReplyStarted(String id, String msg)
lblUsername.setText(you + " " + msg);
* Change status of person we're chatting with.
* @param sStatus New status of user we're chatting with.
public void changeStatus(String id, String sStatus)
if (id.length() == 0) //groupchat
txtChatHistory.append(sStatus, COLOR_STATUS);
chatHistory(sStatus, COLOR_STATUS);
txtChatHistory.append(id + " has changed status to " + sStatus, COLOR_STATUS);
chatHistory(id + " has changed status to " + sStatus, COLOR_STATUS);
* Pop current window to top. Used when corresponding roster list launches
* a chat that's already active (and user forgot about the active window).
protected void popTop()
* FocusListener requires focusGained and focusLost
* for reasons unbenownst to me requestFocus method
* isn't working at startup, therefore when window
* boots focus defaults to 'readonly' txtChatHistory.
* Need to force it to txtSendMsg
* @param fe not used
public void focusGained(FocusEvent fe)
if( fe.getComponent() instanceof Button )
//Save the text of the button with the focus
msButtonWithFocus = ((Button)fe.getComponent()).getLabel();
// don't let focus stay on txtChatHistory
// (only object with focus listener enabled)
* focus lost not used, just here to fill requirements of
* abstract class.
* @param fe not used
public void focusLost(FocusEvent fe)
msButtonWithFocus = "";
// Implement WindowListener
* windowActivated - do nothing.
* windowClosed - do nothing.
* windowDeactivated - do nothing.
* windowOpened - do nothing.
public void windowActivated(java.awt.event.WindowEvent event){}
public void windowDeactivated(java.awt.event.WindowEvent event){}
public void windowOpened(java.awt.event.WindowEvent event){}
public void windowClosed(java.awt.event.WindowEvent event)
* windowClosing. Let the applet know and dispose of self.
* @param event the closing event
public void windowClosing(java.awt.event.WindowEvent event)
System.out.println("chat window closing...");
if (semaphore != null) {
synchronized (semaphore) {
* Chat window state changed to deiconified
* @param event Deiconify event
public void windowDeiconified(java.awt.event.WindowEvent event)
Object object = event.getSource();
if (object == ChatFrame.this)
* Chat window state changed to iconified
* @param event Window iconified event
public void windowIconified(java.awt.event.WindowEvent event)
Object object = event.getSource();
if (object == ChatFrame.this)
* Send message triggered.
* Take from the send message field and add to chat history
* and also send it to the antenna app to be sent on to server.
private void msgSend()
if (txtSendMsg.getText().length() > 0)
System.out.println("ChatFrame: atBottom = true");
((ChatTextPane) session.get(0)).isAtBottom(true);
String msg = txtSendMsg.getText();
msgReceived(-1, me, msg);
try {
byte[] bytes = msg.getBytes("UTF8");
if (bytes.length != msg.length()) {
msgReceived(JIDMe, "Multi-byte chars detected: in=" +
msg.length() + "; out=" + bytes.length);
else {
msgReceived(JIDMe, "No multi-byte chars");
catch (java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
msgReceived(JIDMe, "Unsupported char encoding" + e);
//chat.accept(chatid, me, you, moCleanup.Cleanup(msg, false));
chat.accept(chatid, me, you, msg);
txtSendMsg.requestFocus(); // keep focus in text input area
nMsgCount = 0;
//mbNotifiedStartingReply = false;
* Invite button has been selected, display list of users to invite
public void inviteeSelected(String sXML)
MiniXMLParser oParser = new MiniXMLParser();
String sGroupChat = oParser.parseTag(sXML, "GroupChat");
String sReason = oParser.parseTag(sXML, "Reason");
String sInvitee = oParser.parseTag(sXML, "Invitee");
int indexOfColon = sInvitee.indexOf(":");
if( indexOfColon < 0 )
//app.inviteUser(sGroupChat, sInvitee, sReason);
int i2 = 0;
while( indexOfColon > -1 )
String invitee = sInvitee.substring(i2,indexOfColon);
//app.inviteUser(sGroupChat, invitee, sReason);
i2 = indexOfColon+1;
indexOfColon = sInvitee.indexOf(":",i2);
// invite the last one, after the last colon.
String invitee = sInvitee.substring(i2);
// app.inviteUser(sGroupChat, invitee, sReason);
* Invite users to groupchat
private void invite()
InputDialog oInput = new InputDialog(this, clientColor, clientFont, "Invite to Chat");
oInput.addHidden("GroupChat", you.getUsername());
oInput.addQuestion("Reason for Invitation:", "Reason", "Join us in " + you.getUsername());
oInput.addList("Invite:", "Invitee", app.rosterListToXML(), 5,true);
oInput.addButton("OK", "inviteeSelected"); // Call inviteeSelected when OK clicked
oInput.addButton("Cancel", ""); // When cancelled, no need to call anything
* Record/Stop button pressed
private void record(String actionCommand)
if( actionCommand.equals(" Record ") )
doRecord = true;
btnRecord.setLabel("Stop Rec");
else if( actionCommand.equals("Stop Rec") )
btnRecord.setLabel(" Record ");
doRecord = false;
* Window iconified, set corresponding state variable
* @param event window iconifiy event
private void ChatFrame_WindowIconified(java.awt.event.WindowEvent event)
bIconified = true;
* Update non-seen message count
private void updateCount(int n)
String title = "";
if (n == 0)
title = you;
title = "(" + n + ") " + you;
if( doRecord )
title += ", Recording...";
* Window deiconified, set window state variablle
* @param event window deiconified event
private void ChatFrame_WindowDeiconified(java.awt.event.WindowEvent event)
bIconified = false;
nMsgCount = 0;
class SymComponent extends java.awt.event.ComponentAdapter
public void componentResized(java.awt.event.ComponentEvent event)
Object object = event.getSource();
if (object == ChatFrame.this)
* Window Resized, insure we're not too small
* @param event Window resize event
public void ChatFrame_ComponentResized(java.awt.event.ComponentEvent event)
if (this.getSize().width < 200)
this.setSize(200, this.getSize().height);
if (this.getSize().height < 200)
this.setSize(this.getSize().width, 200);
* Add a new status line to the Chat History
* @param sMsg What the person said
* @param sMsgColor Color to use for the message
private void chatHistory(String sMsg, String sMsgColor){
chatHistory("", "", sMsg, sMsgColor);
* Add a new chat line to the Chat History
* @param sName Name of the person who said the message
* @param sNameColor Color to use for the name "rrggbb" format
* @param sMsg What the person said
* @param sMsgColor Color to use for the message
private void chatHistory(String sName, String sNameColor, String sMsg, String sMsgColor){
if (!doRecord)
// Check the capacity of the buffer to hold this line.
// If it is not enough, launch the textArea to clear
// up the buffer.
int nameLen = 0;
int msgLen = 0;
if( sName != null )
nameLen += sName.length();
if( sMsg != null )
msgLen += sMsg.length();
if( (nameLen+msgLen+20+historyBuff.length()) > historyBuff.capacity() )
//Don't indent status or action messages
if ( sName.length() > 0 )
// indent up to 20 total characters.
int pad = 20 - nameLen;
for( int i = 0; i < pad; i++ ){
historyBuff.append(" ");
* Construct a properly formed HTML page with a table containing the Chat History
* @return HTML version of Chat History
private String chatHistoryToString(){
String s = historyBuff.toString();
historyBuff = new StringBuffer(SB_MAX_CAPACITY);
return s;