/* Copyright (C) 2001-2006 by Peter Eastman
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */
package artofillusion.animation;
import artofillusion.*;
import artofillusion.animation.Joint.DOF;
import artofillusion.math.*;
import artofillusion.object.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.io.*;
/** This class represents the skeleton of an animated object. */
public class Skeleton
private Joint joint[];
private int nextID;
private static final int MARKER_WIDTH = 10;
private static final double BONE_WIDTH = 0.15;
private static final double WIDEST_POINT = 0.8;
public Skeleton()
joint = new Joint [0];
nextID = 1;
/** Create an exact duplicate of this skeleton. */
public Skeleton duplicate()
Skeleton s = new Skeleton();
s.nextID = nextID;
s.joint = new Joint [joint.length];
for (int i = 0; i < joint.length; i++)
s.joint[i] = joint[i].duplicate();
for (int i = 0; i < joint.length; i++)
if (joint[i].parent != null)
s.joint[i].parent = s.joint[s.findJointIndex(joint[i].parent.id)];
s.joint[i].children = new Joint [joint[i].children.length];
for (int j = 0; j < joint[i].children.length; j++)
s.joint[i].children[j] = s.joint[s.findJointIndex(joint[i].children[j].id)];
return s;
/** Make this skeleton idenical to another one. */
public void copy(Skeleton s)
nextID = s.nextID;
joint = new Joint [s.joint.length];
for (int i = 0; i < joint.length; i++)
joint[i] = s.joint[i].duplicate();
for (int i = 0; i < joint.length; i++)
if (s.joint[i].parent != null)
joint[i].parent = joint[findJointIndex(s.joint[i].parent.id)];
joint[i].children = new Joint [s.joint[i].children.length];
for (int j = 0; j < joint[i].children.length; j++)
joint[i].children[j] = joint[findJointIndex(s.joint[i].children[j].id)];
/** Determine if this skeleton is identical to another one. */
public boolean equals(Object o)
if (!(o instanceof Skeleton))
return false;
Skeleton s = (Skeleton) o;
if (joint.length != s.joint.length)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < joint.length; i++)
if (!joint[i].equals(s.joint[i]))
return false;
return true;
/** Add a joint to the skeleton. */
public void addJoint(Joint j, int parentID)
Joint newjoint[] = new Joint [joint.length+1];
System.arraycopy(joint, 0, newjoint, 0, joint.length);
newjoint[joint.length] = j;
joint = newjoint;
if (j.id == -1)
j.id = nextID++;
int parentIndex = findJointIndex(parentID);
if (parentIndex == -1)
j.parent = null;
Joint parent = joint[parentIndex];
j.parent = parent;
Joint newchildren[] = new Joint [parent.children.length+1];
System.arraycopy(parent.children, 0, newchildren, 0, parent.children.length);
newchildren[parent.children.length] = j;
parent.children = newchildren;
/** Delete a joint from the skeleton. If it has children, all of them will be deleted
as well. */
public void deleteJoint(int id)
int which = findJointIndex(id);
Joint j = joint[which], parent = j.parent;
while (j.children.length > 0)
which = findJointIndex(id);
Joint newjoint[] = new Joint [joint.length-1];
for (int i = 0, k = 0; i < joint.length; i++)
if (i != which)
newjoint[k++] = joint[i];
joint = newjoint;
if (parent == null)
Joint newchildren[] = new Joint [parent.children.length-1];
for (int i = 0, k = 0; i < parent.children.length; i++)
if (parent.children[i] != j)
newchildren[k++] = parent.children[i];
parent.children = newchildren;
/** Add every joint from another skeleton to this one. */
public void addAllJoints(Skeleton s)
Joint newjoint[] = new Joint [joint.length+s.joint.length];
System.arraycopy(joint, 0, newjoint, 0, joint.length);
for (int i = 0; i < s.joint.length; i++)
newjoint[joint.length+i] = s.joint[i].duplicate();
for (int i = 0; i < s.joint.length; i++)
Joint newj = newjoint[joint.length+i];
Joint oldj = s.joint[i];
newj.id = nextID++;
if (oldj.parent != null)
newj.parent = newjoint[joint.length+s.findJointIndex(oldj.parent.id)];
newj.children = new Joint [oldj.children.length];
for (int k = 0; k < newj.children.length; k++)
newj.children[k] = newjoint[joint.length+s.findJointIndex(oldj.children[k].id)];
joint = newjoint;
/** Set the parent of a joint. */
public void setJointParent(Joint j, Joint parent)
if (j.parent != null)
Joint newchildren[] = new Joint [j.parent.children.length-1];
for (int i = 0, k = 0; i < j.parent.children.length; i++)
if (j.parent.children[i] != j)
newchildren[k++] = j.parent.children[i];
j.parent.children = newchildren;
if (parent != null)
Joint newchildren[] = new Joint [parent.children.length+1];
System.arraycopy(parent.children, 0, newchildren, 0, parent.children.length);
newchildren[parent.children.length] = j;
parent.children = newchildren;
j.parent = parent;
/** Find the array index for a given joint ID. */
public int findJointIndex(int id)
int min = 0, max = joint.length-1, current = (min+max)>>1;
if (joint.length == 0)
return -1;
while (true)
if (joint[current].id == id)
return current;
if (joint[current].id > id)
max = current-1;
min = current+1;
if (min >= max)
if (min < joint.length && joint[min].id == id)
return min;
return -1;
current = (min+max)>>1;
/** Get the joint with the specified ID, or null if there is none. */
public Joint getJoint(int id)
int which = findJointIndex(id);
if (which < 0 || which >= joint.length)
return null;
return joint[which];
/** Get an array of all the joints. */
public Joint [] getJoints()
Joint j[] = new Joint [joint.length];
for (int i = 0; i < j.length; i++)
j[i] = joint[i];
return j;
/** Get the number of joints in the skeleton. */
public int getNumJoints()
return joint.length;
/** Get the ID for the next joint to be added. */
public int getNextJointID()
return nextID;
/** Scale the skeleton by the specified amount along each axis. */
public void scale(double x, double y, double z)
for (int i = 0; i < joint.length; i++)
Vec3 pos = joint[i].coords.getOrigin();
pos.x *= x;
pos.y *= y;
pos.z *= z;
Vec3 zdir = joint[i].coords.getZDirection();
Vec3 newzdir = new Vec3(zdir.x*x, zdir.y*y, zdir.z*z);
double len = newzdir.length();
if (len > 0.0)
zdir = newzdir.times(1.0/len);
Vec3 updir = joint[i].coords.getUpDirection();
Vec3 newupdir = new Vec3(updir.x*x, updir.y*y, updir.z*z);
len = newupdir.length();
if (len > 0.0)
updir = newupdir.times(1.0/len);
joint[i].coords.setOrientation(zdir, updir);
for (int i = 0; i < joint.length; i++)
if (joint[i].parent == null)
joint[i].length.pos = joint[i].coords.getOrigin().distance(joint[i].parent.coords.getOrigin());
/** Modify a Skeleton to be a weighted average of an arbitrary list of Skeletons,
averaged about this one.
@param average the Skeleton to modify to be an average of other Skeletons
@param s the list of Skeletons to average
@param weight the weights for the different Skeletons
public void blend(Skeleton average, Skeleton s[], double weight[])
for (int i = 0; i < joint.length; i++)
Joint javg = average.getJoint(joint[i].id);
Vec3 pos = null, newpos = null;
double rootangles[] = null;
if (joint[i].parent == null)
pos = joint[i].coords.getOrigin();
newpos = new Vec3(pos);
rootangles = joint[i].coords.getRotationAngles();
javg.coords = joint[i].coords.duplicate();
// Find the average DOF values.
javg.angle1.pos = joint[i].angle1.pos;
javg.angle2.pos = joint[i].angle2.pos;
javg.twist.pos = joint[i].twist.pos;
javg.length.pos = joint[i].length.pos;
for (int j = 0; j < s.length; j++)
Joint jother = s[j].getJoint(joint[i].id);
if (jother == null)
javg.length.pos += weight[j]*findOffset(jother.length, joint[i].length);
if (joint[i].parent == null)
double angles[] = jother.coords.getRotationAngles();
RotationKeyframe rot = new RotationKeyframe(angles[0]-rootangles[0], angles[1]-rootangles[1], angles[2]-rootangles[2]);
rot.applyToCoordinates(javg.coords, weight[j], null, null, true, true, true, true);
javg.angle1.pos += weight[j]*findOffset(jother.angle1, joint[i].angle1);
javg.angle2.pos += weight[j]*findOffset(jother.angle2, joint[i].angle2);
javg.twist.pos += weight[j]*findOffset(jother.twist, joint[i].twist);
if (joint[i].parent == null)
double angles[] = javg.coords.getRotationAngles();
javg.angle1.pos = angles[0];
javg.angle2.pos = angles[1];
javg.twist.pos = angles[2];
// Give each DOF a chance to clip the value.
// Update coordinate systems.
for (int i = 0; i < average.joint.length; i++)
if (average.joint[i].parent == null)
/** Utility routine for finding the angle offsets. */
private double findOffset(DOF gesture, DOF defaultPose)
double diff = gesture.pos-defaultPose.pos;
if (gesture.loop)
double range = gesture.max-gesture.min;
while (diff > gesture.max)
diff -= range;
while (diff < gesture.min)
diff += range;
return diff;
/** Draw the skeleton onto a canvas. */
public void draw(MeshViewer view, boolean enabled)
Camera cam = view.getCamera();
int mode = view.getRenderMode();
boolean render = (mode != ViewerCanvas.RENDER_WIREFRAME && mode != ViewerCanvas.RENDER_TRANSPARENT && !(view.getCurrentTool() instanceof SkeletonTool));
Vec2 p[] = new Vec2 [joint.length], v1 = new Vec2(), v2 = new Vec2();
Point screenVert[] = new Point [joint.length], p1 = new Point(), p2 = new Point();
double screenZ[] = new double [joint.length];
Color color = (enabled ? ViewerCanvas.lineColor : ViewerCanvas.disabledColor), col;
int colInt;
// First calculate the positions of all the joints.
for (int i = 0; i < joint.length; i++)
Joint j = joint[i];
Vec3 pos = j.coords.getOrigin();
p[i] = cam.getObjectToScreen().timesXY(pos);
screenVert[i] = new Point((int) p[i].x, (int) p[i].y);
screenZ[i] = cam.getObjectToView().timesZ(pos);
// Now draw the bones.
col = color;
Mat4 objToScreen = cam.getObjectToScreen();
for (int i = 0; i < joint.length; i++)
Joint j = joint[i], parent = j.parent;
if (parent == null)
int parentIndex = findJointIndex(parent.id);
Vec3 zdir = j.coords.getOrigin().minus(parent.coords.getOrigin());
double length = zdir.length();
Vec3 xdir = j.coords.getUpDirection().times(BONE_WIDTH*length);
Vec3 ydir = zdir.cross(xdir);
Vec3 center = parent.coords.getOrigin().plus(zdir);
Vec3 cx1 = center.plus(xdir), cx2 = center.minus(xdir);
Vec3 cy1 = center.plus(ydir), cy2 = center.minus(ydir);
if (render)
Vec3 pos[] = new Vec3 [] {
cx1, cx2, cy1, cy2, joint[i].coords.getOrigin(), joint[parentIndex].coords.getOrigin()
for (int k = 1; k < pos.length; k++)
for (int m = 0; m < k; m++)
view.renderLine(pos[k], pos[m], cam, col);
Vec2 pos[] = new Vec2 [] {
objToScreen.timesXY(cx1), objToScreen.timesXY(cx2),
objToScreen.timesXY(cy1), objToScreen.timesXY(cy2),
p[i], p[parentIndex]
for (int k = 1; k < pos.length; k++)
p1.x = (int) pos[k].x;
p1.y = (int) pos[k].y;
for (int m = 0; m < k; m++)
p2.x = (int) pos[m].x;
p2.y = (int) pos[m].y;
view.drawLine(p1, p2, col);
// Finally draw the markers for all the joints.
int selectedID = view.getSelectedJoint();
boolean locked[] = view.getLockedJoints();
for (int i = 0; i < joint.length; i++)
Joint j = joint[i];
if (locked[i])
col = ViewerCanvas.specialHighlightColor;
else if (j.id == selectedID)
col = ViewerCanvas.highlightColor;
col = color;
if (render)
v1.x = v2.x = p[i].x;
v1.y = p[i].y-MARKER_WIDTH;
v2.y = p[i].y+MARKER_WIDTH;
view.renderLine(v1, screenZ[i], v2, screenZ[i], cam, col);
v1.y = v2.y = p[i].y;
v1.x = p[i].x-MARKER_WIDTH;
v2.x = p[i].x+MARKER_WIDTH;
view.renderLine(v1, screenZ[i], v2, screenZ[i], cam, col);
p1.x = p2.x = screenVert[i].x;
p1.y = screenVert[i].y-MARKER_WIDTH;
p2.y = screenVert[i].y+MARKER_WIDTH;
view.drawLine(p1, p2, col);
p1.y = p2.y = screenVert[i].y;
p1.x = screenVert[i].x-MARKER_WIDTH;
p2.x = screenVert[i].x+MARKER_WIDTH;
view.drawLine(p1, p2, col);
/** Update a mesh after its skeleton has moved. oldMesh is the mesh before movement.
newMesh is a duplicate of it with its skeleton in a different position. This
method repositions the vertices of newMesh based on the skeleton. */
public static void adjustMesh(Mesh oldMesh, Mesh newMesh)
Skeleton s1 = oldMesh.getSkeleton(), s2 = newMesh.getSkeleton();
MeshVertex v1[] = oldMesh.getVertices(), v2[] = newMesh.getVertices();
Vec3 v[] = new Vec3 [v2.length];
Vec3 temp = new Vec3();
for (int i = 0; i < v2.length; i++)
v[i] = v2[i].r;
if (v2[i].ikJoint == -1)
Joint j1 = s1.getJoint(v1[i].ikJoint), j2 = s2.getJoint(v2[i].ikJoint);
if (j1 == null || j2 == null)
double weight = (j2.parent == null ? 1.0 : v2[i].ikWeight);
if (weight < 1.0)
// Adjust the vertex positions to reduce the "squashing" effect around
// bent joints.
double olddist = v1[i].r.distance2(j1.coords.getOrigin());
double newdist = v[i].distance2(j2.coords.getOrigin());
if (olddist > 0.0 && newdist > 0.0)
v[i].scale(Math.pow(olddist/newdist, 0.5*v1[i].ikWeight));
/** Write a serialized representation of this skeleton to a stream. */
public void writeToStream(DataOutputStream out) throws IOException
out.writeShort(0); // Version number
for (int i = 0; i < joint.length; i++)
// Write the information about this joint.
Joint j = joint[i];
out.writeInt(j.parent == null ? -1 : j.parent.id);
for (int k = 0; k < j.children.length; k++)
/** Reconstruct a skeleton from its serialized representation. */
public Skeleton(DataInputStream in) throws IOException, InvalidObjectException
short version = in.readShort();
if (version != 0)
throw new InvalidObjectException("");
nextID = 1;
joint = new Joint [in.readInt()];
int parentID[] = new int [joint.length];
int childID[][] = new int [joint.length][];
for (int i = 0; i < joint.length; i++)
// Read in the information about joints.
int id = in.readInt();
String name = in.readUTF();
Joint j = new Joint(new CoordinateSystem(in), null, name);
joint[i] = j;
j.id = id;
j.angle1 = j.new DOF(in);
j.angle2 = j.new DOF(in);
j.twist = j.new DOF(in);
j.length = j.new DOF(in);
j.length.loop = false;
parentID[i] = in.readInt();
childID[i] = new int [in.readInt()];
for (int k = 0; k < childID[i].length; k++)
childID[i][k] = in.readInt();
if (j.id >= nextID)
nextID = j.id+1;
// Assign the parents and children for each joint.
for (int i = 0; i < joint.length; i++)
joint[i].parent = getJoint(parentID[i]);
joint[i].children = new Joint [childID[i].length];
for (int k = 0; k < childID[i].length; k++)
joint[i].children[k] = getJoint(childID[i][k]);