/* Copyright (C) 2001-2007 by Peter Eastman
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */
package artofillusion;
import artofillusion.math.*;
import artofillusion.object.*;
import artofillusion.ui.*;
import artofillusion.ui.NinePointManipulator.*;
import buoy.event.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.text.*;
/** ThickenMeshTool is an EditingTool used for making pieces of TriangleMeshes thicker
or thinner. */
public class ThickenMeshTool extends MeshEditingTool
private boolean dragInProgress;
private Point clickPoint;
private Vec3 norm[], baseVertPos[];
private UndoRecord undo;
private final NinePointManipulator manipulator;
public ThickenMeshTool(EditingWindow fr, MeshEditController controller)
super(fr, controller);
manipulator = new NinePointManipulator(new Image[] {null, null, null, null, NinePointManipulator.ARROWS_N_S, null, null, null, null});
manipulator.addEventLink(HandlePressedEvent.class, this, "handlePressed");
manipulator.addEventLink(HandleDraggedEvent.class, this, "handleDragged");
manipulator.addEventLink(HandleReleasedEvent.class, this, "handleReleased");
public boolean allowSelectionChanges()
return !dragInProgress;
public String getToolTipText()
return Translate.text("thickenMeshTool.tipText");
public void drawOverlay(ViewerCanvas view)
BoundingBox selectionBounds = findSelectionBounds(view.getCamera());
if (!dragInProgress)
if (selectionBounds != null)
manipulator.draw(view, selectionBounds);
public void mousePressed(WidgetMouseEvent e, ViewerCanvas view)
BoundingBox selectionBounds = findSelectionBounds(view.getCamera());
dragInProgress = false;
if (selectionBounds != null)
dragInProgress = manipulator.mousePressed(e, view, selectionBounds);
public void mouseDragged(WidgetMouseEvent e, ViewerCanvas view)
manipulator.mouseDragged(e, view);
public void mouseReleased(WidgetMouseEvent e, ViewerCanvas view)
manipulator.mouseReleased(e, view);
protected void handlePressed(HandlePressedEvent ev)
Mesh mesh = (Mesh) controller.getObject().getObject();
clickPoint = ev.getMouseEvent().getPoint();
norm = mesh.getNormals();
baseVertPos = mesh.getVertexPositions();
protected void handleDragged(HandleDraggedEvent ev)
Mesh mesh = (Mesh) controller.getObject().getObject();
Point dragPoint = ev.getMouseEvent().getPoint();
if (undo == null)
undo = new UndoRecord(theWindow, false, UndoRecord.COPY_VERTEX_POSITIONS, new Object [] {mesh, mesh.getVertexPositions()});
double distance = 0.01*(clickPoint.y - dragPoint.y);
Vec3 v[] = findNewPositions(baseVertPos, distance);
NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance();
if (distance < 0.0)
theWindow.setHelpText(Translate.text("thickenMeshTool.dragText.inward", format.format(-distance)));
theWindow.setHelpText(Translate.text("thickenMeshTool.dragText.outward", format.format(distance)));
protected void handleReleased(HandleReleasedEvent ev)
Mesh mesh = (Mesh) controller.getObject().getObject();
Point dragPoint = ev.getMouseEvent().getPoint();
if (undo != null)
double distance = 0.01*(clickPoint.y - dragPoint.y);
Vec3 v[] = findNewPositions(baseVertPos, distance);
norm = null;
undo = null;
baseVertPos = null;
dragInProgress = false;
/* Find the new positions of the vertices . */
private Vec3 [] findNewPositions(Vec3 vert[], double distance)
Vec3 v[] = new Vec3 [vert.length];
int selected[] = controller.getSelectionDistance();
for (int i = 0; i < v.length; i++)
if (selected[i] == 0)
v[i] = norm[i].times(distance);
v[i] = new Vec3();
((MeshEditorWindow) theFrame).adjustDeltas(v);
for (int i = 0; i < vert.length; i++)
return v;