Package org.jboss.dna.graph.query.plan

Source Code of org.jboss.dna.graph.query.plan.CanonicalPlanner

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package org.jboss.dna.graph.query.plan;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.jboss.dna.graph.GraphI18n;
import org.jboss.dna.graph.query.QueryContext;
import org.jboss.dna.graph.query.model.AllNodes;
import org.jboss.dna.graph.query.model.And;
import org.jboss.dna.graph.query.model.Column;
import org.jboss.dna.graph.query.model.Constraint;
import org.jboss.dna.graph.query.model.FullTextSearch;
import org.jboss.dna.graph.query.model.Join;
import org.jboss.dna.graph.query.model.JoinType;
import org.jboss.dna.graph.query.model.Limit;
import org.jboss.dna.graph.query.model.NamedSelector;
import org.jboss.dna.graph.query.model.Ordering;
import org.jboss.dna.graph.query.model.Query;
import org.jboss.dna.graph.query.model.QueryCommand;
import org.jboss.dna.graph.query.model.Selector;
import org.jboss.dna.graph.query.model.SelectorName;
import org.jboss.dna.graph.query.model.SetQuery;
import org.jboss.dna.graph.query.model.Source;
import org.jboss.dna.graph.query.model.Visitors;
import org.jboss.dna.graph.query.plan.PlanNode.Property;
import org.jboss.dna.graph.query.plan.PlanNode.Type;
import org.jboss.dna.graph.query.validate.Schemata;
import org.jboss.dna.graph.query.validate.Validator;
import org.jboss.dna.graph.query.validate.Schemata.Table;
import org.jboss.dna.graph.query.validate.Schemata.View;

* The planner that produces a canonical query plan given a {@link QueryCommand query command}.
* <p>
* A canonical plan always has the same structure:
* <pre>
*       LIMIT       if row limit or offset are used
*         |
*      SORTING      if 'ORDER BY' is used
*         |
*     DUP_REMOVE    if 'SELECT DISTINCT' is used
*         |
*      PROJECT      with the list of columns being SELECTed
*         |
*       GROUP       if 'GROUP BY' is used
*         |
*      SELECT1
*         |         One or more SELECT plan nodes that each have
*      SELECT2      a single non-join constraint that are then all AND-ed
*         |         together (see {@link #separateAndConstraints(Constraint, List)})
*      SELECTn
*         |
*    SOURCE or JOIN     A single SOURCE or JOIN node, depending upon the query
*              /  \
*             /    \
*           SOJ    SOJ    A SOURCE or JOIN node for the left and right side of the JOIN
* </pre>
* <p>
* There leaves of the tree are always SOURCE nodes, so <i>conceptually</i> data always flows through this plan from the bottom
* SOURCE nodes, is adjusted/filtered as it trickles up through the plan, and is then ready to be used by the caller as it emerges
* from the top node of the plan.
* </p>
* <p>
* This canonical plan, however, is later optimized and rearranged so that it performs faster.
* </p>
public class CanonicalPlanner implements Planner {

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see org.jboss.dna.graph.query.plan.Planner#createPlan(org.jboss.dna.graph.query.QueryContext,
     *      org.jboss.dna.graph.query.model.QueryCommand)
    public PlanNode createPlan( QueryContext context,
                                QueryCommand query ) {
        PlanNode plan = null;
        if (query instanceof Query) {
            plan = createCanonicalPlan(context, (Query)query);
        } else {
            plan = createCanonicalPlan(context, (SetQuery)query);
        return plan;

     * Create a canonical query plan for the given query.
     * @param context the context in which the query is being planned
     * @param query the query to be planned
     * @return the root node of the plan tree representing the canonical plan
    protected PlanNode createCanonicalPlan( QueryContext context,
                                            Query query ) {
        PlanNode plan = null;

        // Process the source of the query ...
        Map<SelectorName, Table> usedSources = new HashMap<SelectorName, Table>();
        plan = createPlanNode(context, query.getSource(), usedSources);

        // Attach criteria (on top) ...
        plan = attachCriteria(context, plan, query.getConstraint());

        // Attach groupbys (on top) ...
        // plan = attachGrouping(context,plan,query.getGroupBy());

        // Attach the project ...
        plan = attachProject(context, plan, query.getColumns(), usedSources);

        // Attach duplicate removal ...
        if (query.isDistinct()) {
            plan = attachDuplicateRemoval(context, plan);

        // Process the orderings and limits ...
        plan = attachSorting(context, plan, query.getOrderings());
        plan = attachLimits(context, plan, query.getLimits());

        // Validate that all the parts of the query are resolvable ...
        validate(context, query, usedSources);

        return plan;

     * Validate the supplied query.
     * @param context the context in which the query is being planned
     * @param query the set query to be planned
     * @param usedSelectors the map of {@link SelectorName}s (aliases or names) used in the query.
    protected void validate( QueryContext context,
                             QueryCommand query,
                             Map<SelectorName, Table> usedSelectors ) {
        // Resolve everything ...
        Visitors.visitAll(query, new Validator(context, usedSelectors));

     * Create a canonical query plan for the given set query.
     * @param context the context in which the query is being planned
     * @param query the set query to be planned
     * @return the root node of the plan tree representing the canonical plan
    protected PlanNode createCanonicalPlan( QueryContext context,
                                            SetQuery query ) {
        // Process the left and right parts of the query ...
        PlanNode left = createPlan(context, query.getLeft());
        PlanNode right = createPlan(context, query.getRight());

        // Wrap in a set operation node ...
        PlanNode plan = new PlanNode(Type.SET_OPERATION);
        plan.addChildren(left, right);
        plan.setProperty(Property.SET_OPERATION, query.getOperation());
        plan.setProperty(Property.SET_USE_ALL, query.isAll());

        // Process the orderings and limits ...
        plan = attachSorting(context, plan, query.getOrderings());
        plan = attachLimits(context, plan, query.getLimits());
        return plan;

     * Create a JOIN or SOURCE node that contain the source information.
     * @param context the execution context
     * @param source the source to be processed; may not be null
     * @param usedSelectors the map of {@link SelectorName}s (aliases or names) used in the query.
     * @return the new plan; never null
    protected PlanNode createPlanNode( QueryContext context,
                                       Source source,
                                       Map<SelectorName, Table> usedSelectors ) {
        if (source instanceof Selector) {
            // No join required ...
            assert source instanceof AllNodes || source instanceof NamedSelector;
            Selector selector = (Selector)source;
            PlanNode node = new PlanNode(Type.SOURCE);
            if (selector.hasAlias()) {
                node.setProperty(Property.SOURCE_ALIAS, selector.getAlias());
                node.setProperty(Property.SOURCE_NAME, selector.getName());
            } else {
                node.setProperty(Property.SOURCE_NAME, selector.getName());
            // Validate the source name and set the available columns ...
            Table table = context.getSchemata().getTable(selector.getName());
            if (table != null) {
                if (table instanceof View) context.getHints().hasView = true;
                if (usedSelectors.put(selector.getAliasOrName(), table) != null) {
                    // There was already a table with this alias or name ...
                node.setProperty(Property.SOURCE_COLUMNS, table.getColumns());
            } else {
                context.getProblems().addError(GraphI18n.tableDoesNotExist, selector.getName());
            return node;
        if (source instanceof Join) {
            Join join = (Join)source;
            // Set up new join node corresponding to this join predicate
            PlanNode node = new PlanNode(Type.JOIN);
            node.setProperty(Property.JOIN_TYPE, join.getType());
            node.setProperty(Property.JOIN_ALGORITHM, JoinAlgorithm.NESTED_LOOP);
            node.setProperty(Property.JOIN_CONDITION, join.getJoinCondition());

            context.getHints().hasJoin = true;
            if (join.getType() == JoinType.LEFT_OUTER) {
                context.getHints().hasOptionalJoin = true;

            // Handle each child
            Source[] clauses = new Source[] {join.getLeft(), join.getRight()};
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
                PlanNode sourceNode = createPlanNode(context, clauses[i], usedSelectors);

                // Add selectors to the joinNode
                for (PlanNode child : node.getChildren()) {
            return node;
        // should not get here; if we do, somebody added a new type of source
        assert false;
        return null;

     * Attach all criteria above the join nodes. The optimizer will push these criteria down to the appropriate source.
     * @param context the context in which the query is being planned
     * @param plan the existing plan, which joins all source groups
     * @param constraint the criteria or constraint from the query
     * @return the updated plan, or the existing plan if there were no constraints; never null
    protected PlanNode attachCriteria( final QueryContext context,
                                       PlanNode plan,
                                       Constraint constraint ) {
        if (constraint == null) return plan;
        context.getHints().hasCriteria = true;

        // Extract the list of Constraint objects that all must be satisfied ...
        LinkedList<Constraint> andableConstraints = new LinkedList<Constraint>();
        separateAndConstraints(constraint, andableConstraints);
        assert !andableConstraints.isEmpty();

        // For each of these constraints, create a criteria (SELECT) node above the supplied (JOIN or SOURCE) node.
        // Do this in reverse order so that the top-most SELECT node corresponds to the first constraint.
        while (!andableConstraints.isEmpty()) {
            Constraint criteria = andableConstraints.removeLast();
            // Create the select node ...
            PlanNode criteriaNode = new PlanNode(Type.SELECT);
            criteriaNode.setProperty(Property.SELECT_CRITERIA, criteria);

            // Add selectors to the criteria node ...

            // Is a full-text search of some kind included ...
            Visitors.visitAll(criteria, new Visitors.AbstractVisitor() {
                public void visit( FullTextSearch obj ) {
                    context.getHints().hasFullTextSearch = true;

            plan = criteriaNode;
        return plan;

     * Walk the supplied constraint to extract a list of the constraints that can be AND-ed together. For example, given the
     * constraint tree ((C1 AND C2) AND (C3 OR C4)), this method would result in a list of three separate criteria: [C1,C2,(C3 OR
     * C4)]. The resulting <code>andConstraints</code> list will contain Constraint objects that all must be true.
     * @param constraint the input constraint
     * @param andableConstraints the collection into which all non-{@link And AND} constraints should be placed
    protected void separateAndConstraints( Constraint constraint,
                                           List<Constraint> andableConstraints ) {
        if (constraint == null) return;
        assert andableConstraints != null;
        if (constraint instanceof And) {
            And and = (And)constraint;
            separateAndConstraints(and.getLeft(), andableConstraints);
            separateAndConstraints(and.getRight(), andableConstraints);
        } else {

     * Attach SORT node at top of tree. The SORT may be pushed down to a source (or sources) if possible by the optimizer.
     * @param context the context in which the query is being planned
     * @param plan the existing plan
     * @param orderings list of orderings from the query
     * @return the updated plan, or the existing plan if there were no orderings; never null
    protected PlanNode attachSorting( QueryContext context,
                                      PlanNode plan,
                                      List<Ordering> orderings ) {
        if (orderings.isEmpty()) return plan;
        PlanNode sortNode = new PlanNode(Type.SORT);

        context.getHints().hasSort = true;
        sortNode.setProperty(Property.SORT_ORDER_BY, orderings);
        for (Ordering ordering : orderings) {

        return sortNode;

     * Attach a LIMIT node at the top of the plan tree.
     * @param context the context in which the query is being planned
     * @param plan the existing plan
     * @param limit the limit definition; may be null
     * @return the updated plan, or the existing plan if there were no limits
    protected PlanNode attachLimits( QueryContext context,
                                     PlanNode plan,
                                     Limit limit ) {
        if (limit.isUnlimited()) return plan;
        context.getHints().hasLimit = true;
        PlanNode limitNode = new PlanNode(Type.LIMIT);

        boolean attach = false;
        if (limit.getOffset() != 0) {
            limitNode.setProperty(Property.LIMIT_OFFSET, limit.getOffset());
            attach = true;
        if (!limit.isUnlimited()) {
            limitNode.setProperty(Property.LIMIT_COUNT, limit.getRowLimit());
            attach = true;
        if (attach) {
            plan = limitNode;
        return plan;

     * Attach a PROJECT node at the top of the plan tree.
     * @param context the context in which the query is being planned
     * @param plan the existing plan
     * @param columns the columns being projected; may be null
     * @param selectors the selectors keyed by their alias or name
     * @return the updated plan
    protected PlanNode attachProject( QueryContext context,
                                      PlanNode plan,
                                      List<Column> columns,
                                      Map<SelectorName, Table> selectors ) {
        if (columns == null) columns = Collections.emptyList();
        PlanNode projectNode = new PlanNode(Type.PROJECT);

        if (columns.isEmpty()) {
            columns = new LinkedList<Column>();
            // SELECT *, so find all of the columns that are available from all the sources ...
            for (Map.Entry<SelectorName, Table> entry : selectors.entrySet()) {
                SelectorName tableName = entry.getKey();
                Table table = entry.getValue();
                // Add the selector that is being used ...
                // Compute the columns from this selector ...
                for (Schemata.Column column : table.getColumns()) {
                    String columnName = column.getName();
                    String propertyName = columnName;
                    columns.add(new Column(tableName, propertyName, columnName));
        } else {
            // Add the selector used by each column ...
            for (Column column : columns) {
                SelectorName tableName = column.getSelectorName();
                // Add the selector that is being used ...

                // Verify that each column is available in the appropriate source ...
                Table table = selectors.get(tableName);
                if (table == null) {
                    context.getProblems().addError(GraphI18n.tableDoesNotExist, tableName);
                } else {
                    // Make sure that the column is in the table ...
                    String columnName = column.getPropertyName();
                    String name = columnName;
                    if (table.getColumn(name) == null) {
                        context.getProblems().addError(GraphI18n.columnDoesNotExistOnTable, name, tableName);
        projectNode.setProperty(Property.PROJECT_COLUMNS, columns);
        return projectNode;

     * Attach DUP_REMOVE node at top of tree. The DUP_REMOVE may be pushed down to a source (or sources) if possible by the
     * optimizer.
     * @param context the context in which the query is being planned
     * @param plan the existing plan
     * @return the updated plan
    protected PlanNode attachDuplicateRemoval( QueryContext context,
                                               PlanNode plan ) {
        PlanNode dupNode = new PlanNode(Type.DUP_REMOVE);
        return dupNode;


Related Classes of org.jboss.dna.graph.query.plan.CanonicalPlanner

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