Package org.jboss.aop.instrument

Source Code of org.jboss.aop.instrument.ConByMethodJoinPointGenerator$BaseClassGenerator

/*     */ package org.jboss.aop.instrument;
/*     */
/*     */ import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
/*     */ import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
/*     */ import java.lang.reflect.Method;
/*     */ import javassist.CannotCompileException;
/*     */ import javassist.CtClass;
/*     */ import javassist.CtConstructor;
/*     */ import javassist.CtField;
/*     */ import javassist.CtMethod;
/*     */ import javassist.CtNewConstructor;
/*     */ import javassist.CtNewMethod;
/*     */ import javassist.NotFoundException;
/*     */ import org.jboss.aop.ConByMethodInfo;
/*     */ import org.jboss.aop.GeneratedClassAdvisor;
/*     */ import org.jboss.aop.JoinPointInfo;
/*     */ import org.jboss.aop.advice.AdviceMethodProperties;
/*     */ import org.jboss.aop.joinpoint.ConstructorCallByMethod;
/*     */ import org.jboss.aop.joinpoint.ConstructorCalledByMethodInvocation;
/*     */ import org.jboss.aop.joinpoint.JoinPointBean;
/*     */ import org.jboss.aop.util.ReflectToJavassist;
/*     */
/*     */ public class ConByMethodJoinPointGenerator extends JoinPointGenerator
/*     */ {
/*     */   public static final String JOINPOINT_CLASS_PREFIX = "JoinPoint_CByM_";
/*     */   public static final String JOINPOINT_FIELD_PREFIX = "joinpoint_CByM_";
/*  55 */   private static final Class JOINPOINT_TYPE = ConstructorCallByMethod.class;
/*  56 */   private static final Class INVOCATION_TYPE = ConstructorCalledByMethodInvocation.class;
/*     */   private static final CtClass INVOCATION_CT_TYPE;
/*     */   private boolean hasCallingObject;
/*     */   private WeakReference<Class<?>> returnType;
/*     */
/*     */   public ConByMethodJoinPointGenerator(GeneratedClassAdvisor advisor, JoinPointInfo info)
/*     */   {
/*  75 */     super(advisor, info, getParameters((ConByMethodInfo)info), ((ConByMethodInfo)info).getConstructor().getParameterTypes().length, false);
/*     */
/*  78 */     this.hasCallingObject = (!java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isStatic(((ConByMethodInfo)info).getCallingMethod().getModifiers()));
/*  79 */     this.returnType = new WeakReference(((ConByMethodInfo)info).getCalledClass());
/*     */   }
/*     */
/*     */   private static JoinPointGenerator.JoinPointParameters getParameters(ConByMethodInfo info)
/*     */   {
/*  84 */     if (javassist.Modifier.isStatic(info.getCallingMethod().getModifiers()))
/*     */     {
/*  86 */       return JoinPointGenerator.JoinPointParameters.ONLY_ARGS;
/*     */     }
/*  88 */     return JoinPointGenerator.JoinPointParameters.CALLER_ARGS;
/*     */   }
/*     */
/*     */   protected void initialiseJoinPointNames(JoinPointInfo info)
/*     */   {
/*  93 */     ConByMethodInfo cinfo = (ConByMethodInfo)info;
/*  94 */     this.joinpointClassName = getGeneratedJoinPointClassName(callingMethodHash(cinfo), calledClass(cinfo), calledConHash(cinfo));
/*     */
/*  99 */     this.joinpointFieldName = getGeneratedJoinPointFieldName(callingMethodHash(cinfo), calledClass(cinfo), calledConHash(cinfo));
/*     */   }
/*     */
/*     */   private long callingMethodHash(ConByMethodInfo info)
/*     */   {
/* 108 */     return info.getCallingMethodHash();
/*     */   }
/*     */
/*     */   private String calledClass(ConByMethodInfo info)
/*     */   {
/* 113 */     return info.getCalledClass().getName();
/*     */   }
/*     */
/*     */   private long calledConHash(ConByMethodInfo info)
/*     */   {
/* 118 */     return info.getCalledConHash();
/*     */   }
/*     */
/*     */   protected boolean isVoid()
/*     */   {
/* 123 */     return false;
/*     */   }
/*     */
/*     */   protected Class getReturnClassType()
/*     */   {
/* 128 */     return (Class)this.returnType.get();
/*     */   }
/*     */
/*     */   protected AdviceMethodProperties getAdviceMethodProperties(JoinPointBean joinPoint, JoinPointGenerator.AdviceSetup setup)
/*     */   {
/* 133 */     ConstructorCallByMethod call = (ConstructorCallByMethod)joinPoint;
/* 134 */     Constructor ctor = call.getConstructor();
/* 135 */     AdviceMethodProperties properties = new AdviceMethodProperties(joinPoint, setup.getAspectClass(), setup.getAdviceName(), JOINPOINT_TYPE, INVOCATION_TYPE, ctor.getDeclaringClass(), ctor.getGenericParameterTypes(), ctor.getParameterTypes(), ctor.getGenericExceptionTypes(), call.getCalledClass(), false, call.getCallingClass(), hasCallingObject());
/*     */
/* 149 */     return properties;
/*     */   }
/*     */
/*     */   protected boolean isCaller()
/*     */   {
/* 154 */     return true;
/*     */   }
/*     */
/*     */   protected boolean hasCallingObject()
/*     */   {
/* 159 */     return this.hasCallingObject;
/*     */   }
/*     */
/*     */   protected boolean hasTargetObject()
/*     */   {
/* 164 */     return false;
/*     */   }
/*     */
/*     */   protected void overrideDispatchMethods(CtClass superClass, CtClass clazz, JoinPointInfo newInfo) throws CannotCompileException, NotFoundException
/*     */   {
/* 169 */     super.overrideDispatchMethods(superClass, clazz, (ConByMethodInfo)newInfo);
/*     */   }
/*     */
/*     */   protected static CtClass createJoinpointBaseClass(GeneratedAdvisorInstrumentor instrumentor, long callingHash, boolean hasCallingObject, CtClass callingClass, CtConstructor targetCtor, String classname, long calledHash, String ciname)
/*     */     throws NotFoundException, CannotCompileException
/*     */   {
/* 182 */     BaseClassGenerator generator = new BaseClassGenerator(instrumentor, callingClass, callingHash, hasCallingObject, classname, targetCtor, calledHash, ciname);
/* 183 */     return generator.generate();
/*     */   }
/*     */
/*     */   protected static String getGeneratedJoinPointClassName(long callingHash, String classname, long calledHash)
/*     */   {
/* 188 */     return "JoinPoint_CByM_" + CallerTransformer.getUniqueInvocationFieldname(callingHash, classname, calledHash);
/*     */   }
/*     */
/*     */   protected static String getGeneratedJoinPointFieldName(long callingHash, String classname, long calledHash)
/*     */   {
/* 193 */     return "joinpoint_CByM_" + CallerTransformer.getUniqueInvocationFieldname(callingHash, classname, calledHash);
/*     */   }
/*     */
/*     */   static
/*     */   {
/*     */     try
/*     */     {
/*  62 */       INVOCATION_CT_TYPE = ReflectToJavassist.classToJavassist(INVOCATION_TYPE);
/*     */     }
/*     */     catch (NotFoundException e)
/*     */     {
/*  66 */       throw new RuntimeException(e);
/*     */     }
/*     */   }
/*     */
/*     */   private static class BaseClassGenerator
/*     */   {
/*     */     GeneratedAdvisorInstrumentor instrumentor;
/*     */     CtClass callingClass;
/*     */     long callingHash;
/*     */     boolean hasCallingObject;
/*     */     String classname;
/*     */     CtClass targetClass;
/*     */     CtConstructor targetCtor;
/*     */     long calledHash;
/*     */     String ciname;
/*     */     CtClass jp;
/*     */     CtClass[] params;
/*     */     CtClass constructorInfoClass;
/*     */
/*     */     BaseClassGenerator(GeneratedAdvisorInstrumentor instrumentor, CtClass callingClass, long callingHash, boolean hasCallingObject, String classname, CtConstructor targetCtor, long calledHash, String ciname)
/*     */       throws NotFoundException
/*     */     {
/* 222 */       this.instrumentor = instrumentor;
/* 223 */       this.callingClass = callingClass;
/* 224 */       this.callingHash = callingHash;
/* 225 */       this.hasCallingObject = hasCallingObject;
/* 226 */       this.classname = classname;
/* 227 */       this.targetClass = instrumentor.forName(classname);
/* 228 */       this.targetCtor = targetCtor;
/* 229 */       this.calledHash = calledHash;
/* 230 */       this.ciname = ciname;
/* 231 */       this.params = targetCtor.getParameterTypes();
/* 232 */       this.constructorInfoClass = instrumentor.forName(CallerTransformer.CON_BY_METHOD_INFO_CLASS_NAME);
/*     */     }
/*     */
/*     */     protected CtClass generate() throws CannotCompileException, NotFoundException
/*     */     {
/* 237 */ = setupClass();
/* 238 */       OptimizedBehaviourInvocations.addArgumentFieldsAndAccessors(this.instrumentor.getClassPool(),, this.params, false);
/*     */
/* 240 */       addTypedCallingField();
/* 241 */       addInvokeJoinpointMethod();
/* 242 */       addMethodInfoField();
/* 243 */       addPublicConstructor();
/* 244 */       addProtectedConstructors();
/* 245 */       addDispatchMethods();
/*     */
/* 247 */       TransformerCommon.compileOrLoadClass(this.callingClass,;
/* 248 */       return;
/*     */     }
/*     */
/*     */     private CtClass setupClass()
/*     */       throws NotFoundException, CannotCompileException
/*     */     {
/* 254 */       String className = ConByMethodJoinPointGenerator.getGeneratedJoinPointClassName(this.callingHash, this.targetClass.getName(), this.calledHash);
/*     */
/* 257 */ = TransformerCommon.makeNestedClass(this.callingClass, className, true, 9, ConByMethodJoinPointGenerator.INVOCATION_CT_TYPE);
/* 258 */       JoinPointGenerator.addUntransformableInterface(this.instrumentor,;
/* 259 */       return;
/*     */     }
/*     */
/*     */     private void addTypedCallingField() throws CannotCompileException
/*     */     {
/* 264 */       CtField callingField = new CtField(this.callingClass, "typedCallingObject",;
/* 265 */;
/* 266 */       callingField.setModifiers(4);
/*     */     }
/*     */
/*     */     private void addPublicConstructor()
/*     */       throws CannotCompileException
/*     */     {
/* 276 */       CtConstructor publicConstructor = CtNewConstructor.make(new CtClass[] { this.constructorInfoClass }, new CtClass[0], "{super($1, null, $1.getInterceptors()); = $1;}",;
/*     */
/* 282 */;
/*     */     }
/*     */
/*     */     protected void addProtectedConstructors()
/*     */       throws CannotCompileException
/*     */     {
/* 291 */       int offset = this.hasCallingObject ? 2 : 1;
/* 292 */       CtClass[] ctorParams1 = new CtClass[this.params.length + offset];
/* 293 */       CtClass[] ctorParams2 = new CtClass[offset];
/*     */       CtClass tmp37_34 =; ctorParams2[0] = tmp37_34; ctorParams1[0] = tmp37_34;
/* 295 */       if (this.hasCallingObject)
/*     */       {
/*     */         CtClass tmp55_52 = this.callingClass; ctorParams2[1] = tmp55_52; ctorParams1[1] = tmp55_52;
/*     */       }
/* 299 */       System.arraycopy(this.params, 0, ctorParams1, offset, this.params.length);
/*     */
/* 301 */       StringBuffer body = new StringBuffer();
/* 302 */       body.append("{");
/* 303 */       body.append("   this($;");
/*     */
/* 305 */       if (this.hasCallingObject)
/*     */       {
/* 307 */         body.append("   super.").append("callingObject");
/* 308 */         body.append("=$").append(offset).append(';');
/* 309 */         body.append("   this.").append("typedCallingObject");
/* 310 */         body.append("=$").append(offset).append(';');
/*     */       }
/*     */
/* 313 */       StringBuffer setArguments = new StringBuffer();
/* 314 */       for (int i = offset; i < ctorParams1.length; i++)
/*     */       {
/* 316 */         setArguments.append("   arg" + (i - offset) + " = $" + (i + 1) + ";");
/*     */       }
/* 318 */       setArguments.append("}");
/*     */
/* 320 */       CtConstructor protectedConstructor = CtNewConstructor.make(ctorParams1, new CtClass[0], body.toString() + setArguments.toString(),;
/*     */
/* 325 */       protectedConstructor.setModifiers(4);
/* 326 */;
/* 327 */       if (this.params.length > 0)
/*     */       {
/* 329 */         protectedConstructor = CtNewConstructor.make(ctorParams2, new CtClass[0], body.toString() + "}",;
/*     */
/* 334 */         protectedConstructor.setModifiers(4);
/* 335 */;
/*     */       }
/*     */     }
/*     */
/*     */     private CtClass[] getInvokeJoinPointParams()
/*     */     {
/* 341 */       if (this.hasCallingObject)
/*     */       {
/* 343 */         CtClass[] invokeParams = null;
/* 344 */         invokeParams = new CtClass[this.params.length + 1];
/* 345 */         invokeParams[0] = this.callingClass;
/* 346 */         System.arraycopy(this.params, 0, invokeParams, 1, this.params.length);
/* 347 */         return invokeParams;
/*     */       }
/* 349 */       return this.params;
/*     */     }
/*     */
/*     */     private CtMethod addInvokeJoinpointMethod()
/*     */       throws CannotCompileException, NotFoundException
/*     */     {
/* 358 */       CtMethod invokeJoinpointMethod = CtNewMethod.make(this.targetClass, "invokeJoinpoint", getInvokeJoinPointParams(), JoinPointGenerator.THROWS_THROWABLE, null,;
/*     */
/* 365 */       invokeJoinpointMethod.setModifiers(4);
/* 366 */;
/* 367 */       return invokeJoinpointMethod;
/*     */     }
/*     */
/*     */     private void addMethodInfoField() throws CannotCompileException
/*     */     {
/* 372 */       CtField infoField = new CtField(this.constructorInfoClass, "info",;
/* 373 */       infoField.setModifiers(4);
/* 374 */;
/*     */     }
/*     */
/*     */     private void addDispatchMethods() throws CannotCompileException, NotFoundException
/*     */     {
/* 379 */       OptimizedConstructorInvocations.addDispatch(, "dispatch", this.targetCtor);
/* 380 */       if ((this.hasCallingObject) || (this.params.length > 0))
/*     */       {
/* 382 */         addInvokeJoinPointDispatchMethod();
/*     */       }
/*     */
/* 385 */       addInvokeTargetMethod();
/*     */     }
/*     */
/*     */     private void addInvokeJoinPointDispatchMethod()
/*     */       throws CannotCompileException, NotFoundException
/*     */     {
/* 392 */       int offset = this.hasCallingObject ? 1 : 0;
/* 393 */       StringBuffer parameters = new StringBuffer("(");
/* 394 */       for (int i = 0; i < this.params.length; i++)
/*     */       {
/* 396 */         if (i > 0) parameters.append(", ");
/* 397 */         parameters.append("$" + (i + offset + 1));
/*     */       }
/* 399 */       parameters.append(")");
/*     */
/* 401 */       String body = "{   " + this.targetClass.getName() + " obj = new " + this.targetClass.getName() + parameters + ";" + "   setTargetObject(obj);" + "   return obj;" + "}";
/*     */
/* 408 */       CtClass[] params = getInvokeJoinPointParams();
/*     */       try
/*     */       {
/* 411 */         CtMethod dispatch = CtNewMethod.make(this.targetClass, "dispatch", params, this.targetCtor.getExceptionTypes(), body,;
/*     */
/* 418 */         dispatch.setModifiers(4);
/* 419 */;
/*     */       }
/*     */       catch (CannotCompileException e)
/*     */       {
/* 423 */         throw new RuntimeException("Could not compile code " + body + " for method " + JoinPointGenerator.getMethodString(, "dispatch", params), e);
/*     */       }
/*     */     }
/*     */
/*     */     private void addInvokeTargetMethod() throws CannotCompileException, NotFoundException
/*     */     {
/* 429 */       CtMethod template = ConByMethodJoinPointGenerator.INVOCATION_CT_TYPE.getDeclaredMethod("invokeTarget");
/*     */
/* 431 */       String body = "{return dispatch();}";
/*     */
/* 433 */       CtMethod invokeTarget = CtNewMethod.make(template.getReturnType(), template.getName(), template.getParameterTypes(), template.getExceptionTypes(), body,;
/*     */
/* 440 */;
/*     */     }
/*     */   }
/*     */ }

/* Location:           /home/mnovotny/projects/EMBEDDED_JBOSS_BETA3_COMMUNITY/embedded/output/lib/embedded-jboss/lib/jboss-embedded-all.jar
* Qualified Name:     org.jboss.aop.instrument.ConByMethodJoinPointGenerator
* JD-Core Version:    0.6.0

Related Classes of org.jboss.aop.instrument.ConByMethodJoinPointGenerator$BaseClassGenerator

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