Package com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.orbspecific.coordinator

Source Code of com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.orbspecific.coordinator.ArjunaTransactionImple

* JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
* Copyright 2006, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and individual contributors
* as indicated by the @author tags.
* See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a full listing
* of individual contributors.
* This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
* modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions
* of the GNU Lesser General Public License, v. 2.1.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT A
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* (C) 2005-2006,
* @author JBoss Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2001, 2002,
* Hewlett-Packard Arjuna Labs,
* Newcastle upon Tyne,
* Tyne and Wear,
* UK.
* $Id: 2342 2006-03-30 13:06:17Z  $

package com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.orbspecific.coordinator;

import com.arjuna.ats.jts.extensions.Arjuna;
import com.arjuna.ats.jts.exceptions.ExceptionCodes;
import com.arjuna.ats.jts.utils.Utility;
import com.arjuna.ats.jts.OTSManager;
import com.arjuna.ats.jts.common.jtsPropertyManager;
import com.arjuna.ats.jts.logging.*;

import com.arjuna.common.util.propertyservice.PropertyManager;
import com.arjuna.common.util.logging.*;

import com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.recovery.RecoveryCreator;
import com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.OTSImpleManager;
import com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.utils.Helper;
import com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.ORBManager;
import com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.ControlWrapper;
import com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.orbspecific.ControlImple;
import com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.orbspecific.CurrentImple;
import com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.orbspecific.TransactionFactoryImple;
import com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.resources.SynchronizationRecord;
import com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.resources.ResourceRecord;
import com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.resources.ExtendedResourceRecord;
import com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.coordinator.CheckedActions;

import com.arjuna.orbportability.*;

import com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.coordinator.*;
import com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.objectstore.ObjectStore;
import com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.state.*;
import com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.common.*;

import com.arjuna.ats.internal.arjuna.template.*;

import org.omg.CosTransactions.*;

import com.arjuna.ArjunaOTS.*;

import org.omg.CORBA.CompletionStatus;

import java.util.*;

import com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.exceptions.ObjectStoreException;
import org.omg.CORBA.SystemException;
import org.omg.CORBA.BAD_PARAM;
import org.omg.CORBA.UNKNOWN;
import org.omg.CORBA.BAD_OPERATION;
import org.omg.CORBA.NO_PERMISSION;
import org.omg.CORBA.NO_IMPLEMENT;

* OTS implementation class.
* Implements both the Coordinator & Terminator interfaces of OTS as a single
* class.
* Note, because Java does not support multiple inheritance we must make use of
* the tie facility (uuuggghhhh!!!!)
* @author Mark Little (
* @version $Id: 2342 2006-03-30 13:06:17Z  $
* @since JTS 1.0.
* @message com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.orbspecific.coordinator.generror {0}
*          caught exception: {1}
* @message com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.orbspecific.coordinator.rbofail {0}
*          attempt to mark transaction {1} as rollback only threw: {2}

public class ArjunaTransactionImple extends
    com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.coordinator.TwoPhaseCoordinator implements

  public ArjunaTransactionImple (Control myParent)
    this(myParent, null);

  public ArjunaTransactionImple (Control myParent, ArjunaTransactionImple parent)

    if (jtsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled())
      jtsLogger.logger.debug(DebugLevel.CONSTRUCTORS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC, com.arjuna.ats.jts.logging.FacilityCode.FAC_OTS, "ArjunaTransactionImple Begin for < "
          + get_uid()
          + " , "
          + ((parent != null) ? parent.get_uid() : Uid.nullUid())
          + " >");

    parentTransaction = parent;
    controlHandle = null;
    parentHandle = myParent;
    currentStatus = org.omg.CosTransactions.Status.StatusUnknown;

    rootAction = null;
    _synchs = null;


     * Add uid of this action to parent.

    if (parent != null)

    currentStatus = determineStatus(this);
    rootAction = this;

     * Do this once to avoid overhead.

    hashCode = get_uid().hashCode();

    if (parent != null)
      while ((rootAction.parent()) != null)
        rootAction = rootAction.parent();

      topLevelHashCode = rootAction.get_uid().hashCode();
      topLevelHashCode = hashCode;

    if (ArjunaTransactionImple._checkedTransactions)
       * Fully checked transactions only allow the thread which began the
       * transaction to terminate it. We get the id of the beginning
       * thread here.
       * The spec. says nothing about crash recovery, so we better assume
       * it can always complete a transaction!
       * If the creating thread dies before terminating the transaction
       * then we have a problem. Requires change to Thread class to abort
       * outstanding transactions in this case.
       * Also, transaction timeouts cause abortion of the transaction by a
       * *different* thread! This must work even in the presence of
       * checked transactions!

      transactionCreator = Thread.currentThread();
      transactionCreator = null;

    CheckedAction ca = CheckedActions.get();

    if (ca != null)
      ca = null;

  public ArjunaTransactionImple (Uid actUid, Control myParent)
    this(actUid, myParent, null);

  public ArjunaTransactionImple (Uid actUid, Control myParent, ArjunaTransactionImple parent)

    if (jtsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled())
      jtsLogger.logger.debug(DebugLevel.CONSTRUCTORS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC, com.arjuna.ats.jts.logging.FacilityCode.FAC_OTS, "ArjunaTransactionImple Begin for < "
          + get_uid()
          + " , "
          + ((parent != null) ? parent.get_uid() : Uid.nullUid())
          + " >");

    parentTransaction = parent;
    controlHandle = null;
    parentHandle = myParent;
    currentStatus = org.omg.CosTransactions.Status.StatusUnknown;

    rootAction = null;
    _synchs = null;


     * Add uid of this action to parent.

    if (parent != null)

    currentStatus = determineStatus(this);
    rootAction = this;

    hashCode = get_uid().hashCode();

    if (parent != null)
      while ((rootAction.parent()) != null)
        rootAction = rootAction.parent();

      topLevelHashCode = rootAction.get_uid().hashCode();
      topLevelHashCode = hashCode;

    if (ArjunaTransactionImple._checkedTransactions)
       * Fully checked transactions only allow the thread which began the
       * transaction to terminate it. We get the id of the beginning
       * thread here.

      transactionCreator = Thread.currentThread();
      transactionCreator = null;

    CheckedAction ca = CheckedActions.get();

    if (ca != null)
      ca = null;

   * Memory management is much better in Java, so we don't have the problem of
   * the Control referencing the transaction and vice versa.

   * @message com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.orbspecific.coordinator.zsync {0} -
   *          none zero Synchronization list!

  public void finalize ()
    if (jtsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled())
      jtsLogger.logger.debug(DebugLevel.DESTRUCTORS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC, com.arjuna.ats.jts.logging.FacilityCode.FAC_OTS, "ArjunaTransactionImple.finalize - called for < "
          + get_uid() + " >");

    if (_synchs != null)
      // should not happen if the transaction has terminated

      if (jtsLogger.loggerI18N.isWarnEnabled())
        jtsLogger.loggerI18N.warn("com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.orbspecific.coordinator.szync", new Object[]
        { "ArjunaTransactionImple.finalize()" });

      // "delete" list anyway, but don't do anything with list elements

      _synchs = null;

    controlHandle = null;


  public final synchronized ControlImple getControlHandle ()
    return controlHandle;

  public final synchronized void setControlHandle (ControlImple handle)
    controlHandle = handle;

   * If the transaction has already been committed (by another thread, for
   * example) then we do nothing - could throw TransactionRequired or
   * INVALID_TRANSACTION. However, if it was rolledback then we throw
   * TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK. Seems like an inconsistency.
   * report_heuristics is ignored if we are a subtransaction.

  public void commit (boolean report_heuristics) throws HeuristicMixed,
      HeuristicHazard, SystemException
    if (jtsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled())
      jtsLogger.logger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC, com.arjuna.ats.jts.logging.FacilityCode.FAC_OTS, "ArjunaTransactionImple::commit for "
          + get_uid());

    if (ArjunaTransactionImple._checkedTransactions && !checkAccess())
      throw new NO_PERMISSION(0, CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO);

    int outcome = super.status();

    if ((outcome == ActionStatus.RUNNING)
        || (outcome == ActionStatus.ABORT_ONLY)) // have we already been
                             // committed?
        if (_synchs != null)
          if(outcome == ActionStatus.RUNNING ||
                            (outcome == ActionStatus.ABORT_ONLY && TxControl.isBeforeCompletionWhenRollbackOnly()))
      catch (Exception e)
         * Don't do anything, since we will have marked the transaction
         * as rollback only.

       * Remove the uid of this action from the parent.

      if (parentTransaction != null)

      outcome = super.End(report_heuristics);

        if (_synchs != null)
          currentStatus = determineStatus(this);


          _synchs = null;
      catch (Exception e)

       * Differentiate between us committing the transaction and some
       * other thread doing it.

      throw new INVALID_TRANSACTION(0, CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO);

    switch (outcome)
    case ActionStatus.COMMITTED:
    case ActionStatus.H_COMMIT:
    case ActionStatus.COMMITTING: // in case asynchronous commit!
    case ActionStatus.ABORTED:
    case ActionStatus.ABORTING:  // in case of asynchronous abort!
    case ActionStatus.H_ROLLBACK:
    case ActionStatus.H_MIXED:
      throw new HeuristicMixed();
    case ActionStatus.H_HAZARD:
      throw new HeuristicHazard();

  public void rollback () throws SystemException
    if (jtsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled())
      jtsLogger.logger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC, com.arjuna.ats.jts.logging.FacilityCode.FAC_OTS, "ArjunaTransactionImple::rollback for "
          + get_uid());

    if (ArjunaTransactionImple._checkedTransactions && !checkAccess())
      throw new NO_PERMISSION(0, CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO);

    int status = super.status();

    if ((status == ActionStatus.RUNNING)
        || (status == ActionStatus.ABORT_ONLY)) // already aborted?

            if (ArjunaTransactionImple._syncOn)
                        if (_synchs != null)
                    catch (Exception e)
                           * Don't do anything - we're about to rollback anyway!
                     * If we have any synchronizations delete them now. Can only be
                     * a top-level action.

                _synchs = null;

       * Remove uid of this action from parent even if remote.

      if (parentTransaction != null)


      if (ArjunaTransactionImple._syncOn)
          if (_synchs != null)
            currentStatus = determineStatus(this);

        catch (Exception e)


      status = super.status();
       * Differentiate between us ending the transaction and some other
       * thread doing it.

      throw new INVALID_TRANSACTION(0, CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO); // means
                                       // transaction
                                       // already
                                       // terminated.

    switch (status)
    case ActionStatus.ABORTING:
    case ActionStatus.ABORTED:
    case ActionStatus.H_ROLLBACK:
       * If the transaction has already rolledback then silently ignore
       * the multiple rollback attempts.
    case ActionStatus.PREPARING: // shouldn't be able to get heuristics or
                   // any of these!
    case ActionStatus.PREPARED:
    case ActionStatus.COMMITTING:
    case ActionStatus.COMMITTED:
    case ActionStatus.H_COMMIT:
    case ActionStatus.H_MIXED:
    case ActionStatus.H_HAZARD:
      throw new INVALID_TRANSACTION(0, CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO); // means
                                       // transaction
                                       // already
                                       // terminated.
    case ActionStatus.INVALID:
    case ActionStatus.CLEANUP:
      throw new UNKNOWN(ExceptionCodes.UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION,

  public org.omg.CosTransactions.Status get_status () throws SystemException
    Status s = determineStatus(this);

    if (jtsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled())
      jtsLogger.logger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC, com.arjuna.ats.jts.logging.FacilityCode.FAC_OTS, "ArjunaTransactionImple::get_status for "
          + get_uid() + " returning " + Utility.stringStatus(s));

    return s;

  public org.omg.CosTransactions.Status get_parent_status ()
      throws SystemException
    if (parentTransaction != null)
      return parentTransaction.get_status();
      return get_status();

  public org.omg.CosTransactions.Status get_top_level_status ()
      throws SystemException
    if (rootAction != null)
      return determineStatus(rootAction);
      return get_status();

  public boolean is_same_transaction (Coordinator tc) throws SystemException
    if (tc == null)
      return false;

     * Cut down the amount of work we need to do. Hash values for the same
     * transaction must be the same!

    if (jtsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled())
      jtsLogger.logger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC, com.arjuna.ats.jts.logging.FacilityCode.FAC_OTS, "ArjunaTransactionImple::is_same_transaction comparing hash codes: < "
          + tc.hash_transaction() + ", " + hash_transaction() + " >");

    if (tc.hash_transaction() != hash_transaction())
      return false;

    boolean result = false;

      UidCoordinator ptr = com.arjuna.ArjunaOTS.UidCoordinatorHelper.narrow(tc);

      if (ptr != null)
         * Must be an Arjuna coordinator.

        String myUid = uid();
        String compareUid = ptr.uid();

        if (jtsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled())
          jtsLogger.logger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC, com.arjuna.ats.jts.logging.FacilityCode.FAC_OTS, "ArjunaTransactionImple::is_same_transaction comparing uids < "
              + compareUid + ", " + myUid + " >");

        if (myUid.compareTo(compareUid) == 0)
          result = true;

        myUid = null;
        compareUid = null;

        ptr = null;
        throw new BAD_PARAM();
    catch (SystemException e)
       * Narrow failed, so can't be an Arjuna Uid. Therefore, the answer
       * must be false.

    return result;

  public boolean is_related_transaction (Coordinator tc)
      throws SystemException
    if (tc == null)
      return false;

    boolean result = false;

      UidCoordinator ptr = com.arjuna.ArjunaOTS.UidCoordinatorHelper.narrow(tc);

      if (ptr != null)
         * Must be an Arjuna coordinator.

         * If they have the same parent, then they must be related.

        String myTLUid = topLevelUid();
        String compareTLUid = ptr.topLevelUid();

        if (jtsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled())
          jtsLogger.logger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC, com.arjuna.ats.jts.logging.FacilityCode.FAC_OTS, "ArjunaTransactionImple::is_related_transaction comparing uids < "
              + compareTLUid + ", " + myTLUid + " >");

        if (myTLUid.compareTo(compareTLUid) == 0)
          result = true;

        myTLUid = null;
        compareTLUid = null;

        ptr = null;
        throw new BAD_PARAM();
    catch (SystemException e)
       * Narrow failed, so can't be an Arjuna Uid. Therefore, the answer
       * must be false.

    return result;

   * Is this transaction an ancestor of tc?

  public boolean is_ancestor_transaction (Coordinator tc)
      throws SystemException
    if (tc == null)
      return false;

    if (jtsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled())
      jtsLogger.logger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC, com.arjuna.ats.jts.logging.FacilityCode.FAC_OTS, "ArjunaTransactionImple::is_ancestor_transaction ()");

    if (is_same_transaction(tc))
      return true;
       * Are we related?

      if (is_related_transaction(tc))
        if (is_descendant_transaction(tc))
          return false;
          return true;
        return false;

   * Is this transaction a descendant of tc?

  public boolean is_descendant_transaction (Coordinator tc)
      throws SystemException
    if (tc == null)
      return false;

      UidCoordinator ptr = com.arjuna.ArjunaOTS.UidCoordinatorHelper.narrow(tc);

      if (ptr != null)
         * Must be an Arjuna coordinator.

        Uid lookingFor = new Uid(ptr.uid());
        BasicAction lookingAt = this;

        if (jtsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled())
          jtsLogger.logger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC, com.arjuna.ats.jts.logging.FacilityCode.FAC_OTS, "ArjunaTransactionImple::is_descendant_transaction - looking for "
              + lookingFor);

        while (lookingAt != null)
          if (jtsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled())
            jtsLogger.logger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC, com.arjuna.ats.jts.logging.FacilityCode.FAC_OTS, "ArjunaTransactionImple::is_descendant_transaction - looking for "
                + lookingAt.get_uid());

          if (lookingAt.get_uid().equals(lookingFor))
            return true;
            lookingAt = lookingAt.parent();

        ptr = null;
        throw new BAD_PARAM();
    catch (SystemException e)
       * Narrow failed, so can't be an Arjuna Uid. Therefore, the answer
       * must be false.

    return false;

  public boolean is_top_level_transaction () throws SystemException
    return (this == rootAction);

  public int hash_transaction () throws SystemException
    return hashCode;

  public int hash_top_level_tran () throws SystemException
    return topLevelHashCode;

   * Resources are only registered with the current transaction, whereas
   * subtransaction aware resources are registered with their parents when the
   * current transaction ends.
   * @message com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.orbspecific.coordinator.rccreate
   *          Creation of RecoveryCoordinator for {0} threw: {1}
   * @message com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.orbspecific.coordinator.rcnotcreated
   *          not created!

  public RecoveryCoordinator register_resource (Resource r)
      throws SystemException, Inactive
    if (jtsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled())
      jtsLogger.logger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC, com.arjuna.ats.jts.logging.FacilityCode.FAC_OTS, "ArjunaTransactionImple::register_resource ( "
          + r + " ) - called for " + get_uid());

    if (r == null)
      throw new BAD_PARAM(0, CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO);

    currentStatus = determineStatus(this);

    if (currentStatus != Status.StatusActive)
      if (jtsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled())
        jtsLogger.logger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC, com.arjuna.ats.jts.logging.FacilityCode.FAC_OTS, "ArjunaTransactionImple::register_resource - transaction not active: "
            + Utility.stringStatus(currentStatus));

      if (currentStatus == Status.StatusMarkedRollback)
        throw new Inactive();

    AbstractRecord corbaRec = null;
    BasicAction registerIn = this;

    if (jtsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled())
      jtsLogger.logger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC, com.arjuna.ats.jts.logging.FacilityCode.FAC_OTS, "ArjunaTransactionImple "
          + get_uid() + " ::register_resource: ");

    // Creation of recovery coordinator (DBI)

    // Pack the params:
    // [0] = Transaction* this

    int index = 0;
    Object params[] = new Object[10];
    params[index++] = this;

    RecoveryCoordinator recoveryCoordinator = null;
    Uid recoveryCoordinatorUid = null;

     * A RecoveryCoordinator can be null but only if the implementation
     * throws NO_IMPLEMENT. If it tries to return null then that is
     * considered an error and we will roll back the transaction.

      recoveryCoordinator = RecoveryCreator.createRecoveryCoordinator(r, params);

      if (recoveryCoordinator == null)
        throw new BAD_OPERATION(
            "RecoveryCoordinator "
                + jtsLogger.logMesg.getString("com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.orbspecific.coordinator.rcnotcreated"));
    catch (NO_IMPLEMENT ex)
       * This is legal, and is meant to show that this ORB or
       * configuration simply doesn't support crash recovery.

      recoveryCoordinator = null;
    catch (SystemException e)
      if (jtsLogger.loggerI18N.isWarnEnabled())
        jtsLogger.loggerI18N.warn("com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.orbspecific.coordinator.rccreate", new Object[]
        { get_uid(), e });

       * Set transaction to rollback only and re-throw exception.

      catch (Inactive ex1)
      catch (SystemException ex2)
        if (jtsLogger.loggerI18N.isWarnEnabled())
          jtsLogger.loggerI18N.warn("com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.orbspecific.coordinator.rbofail", new Object[]
          { "ArjunaTransactionImple.register_resource", get_uid(), ex2 });

        throw ex2;

      throw e;

    if (recoveryCoordinator != null)
      // We got a RecoveryCoordinator, so unpack the other return values:
      // [0] = RecoveryCoordinator Uid*

      index = 0;
      recoveryCoordinatorUid = (Uid) params[index++];
      // We didn't get a RecoveryCoordinator, so we don't assume that
      // the other return values have been populated.

      recoveryCoordinatorUid = Uid.nullUid();

      SubtransactionAwareResource staResource = org.omg.CosTransactions.SubtransactionAwareResourceHelper.narrow(r);

       * Some Orbs (e.g., Orbix) throw BAD_PARAM is the object in X.narrow
       * is not of type X, whereas others (e.g., OrbPlus) simply return
       * NULL!

      if (staResource != null)
        if (jtsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled())
          jtsLogger.logger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC, com.arjuna.ats.jts.logging.FacilityCode.FAC_OTS, "ArjunaTransactionImple::register_resource for "
              + get_uid()
              + " - subtransaction aware resource: YES");

         * If here the narrow was ok so we have a subtran aware
         * resource.

        Coordinator coord = null;

        if (parentHandle != null)
           * If we are a SubTranResource then we get registered with
           * the current transaction and its parents upon completion.
           * The first parameter to the record indicates whether we
           * should be propagated (registered) with the parent
           * transaction.

          coord = parentHandle.get_coordinator();

        corbaRec = createOTSRecord(true, r, coord, recoveryCoordinatorUid);

        coord = null;
        staResource = null;
        throw new BAD_PARAM(0, CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO);
    catch (BAD_PARAM ex)
      if (jtsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled())
        jtsLogger.logger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC, com.arjuna.ats.jts.logging.FacilityCode.FAC_OTS, "ArjunaTransactionImple::register_resource for "
            + get_uid() + " - subtransaction aware resource: NO");

      /* narrow failed must be a plain resource */

       * Register with current transaction, but we only receive
       * invocations at top-level.

      if (jtsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled())
        jtsLogger.logger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC, com.arjuna.ats.jts.logging.FacilityCode.FAC_OTS, "ArjunaTransactionImple "
            + get_uid()
            + " ::register_resource: Simple resource - " + ex);

      corbaRec = createOTSRecord(true, r, null, recoveryCoordinatorUid);
    catch (Unavailable e1)
      throw new Inactive();
    catch (SystemException e2)
      if (jtsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled())
        jtsLogger.logger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC, com.arjuna.ats.jts.logging.FacilityCode.FAC_OTS, "ArjunaTransactionImple::register_resource for "
            + get_uid() + " : catch (SystemException) - " + e2);

      throw e2;
    catch (Exception e3)
      if (jtsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled())
        jtsLogger.logger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC, com.arjuna.ats.jts.logging.FacilityCode.FAC_OTS, "ArjunaTransactionImple::register_resource for "
            + get_uid() + " : catch (...) - " + e3);

       * Cannot just rethrow exception, so throw UNKNOWN.

      throw new UNKNOWN(e3.toString(), ExceptionCodes.UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION,

    if (jtsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled())
      jtsLogger.logger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC, com.arjuna.ats.jts.logging.FacilityCode.FAC_OTS, "ArjunaTransactionImple::register_resource for "
          + get_uid() + " : try end");

    if (registerIn.add(corbaRec) != AddOutcome.AR_ADDED)
      corbaRec = null;

      throw new INVALID_TRANSACTION(ExceptionCodes.ADD_FAILED,
      if (jtsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled())
        jtsLogger.logger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC, com.arjuna.ats.jts.logging.FacilityCode.FAC_OTS, "ArjunaTransactionImple::register_resource for "
            + get_uid() + " : resource registered");

    return recoveryCoordinator;

   * Do not propagate the resource to the parent.

  public void register_subtran_aware (SubtransactionAwareResource r)
      throws Inactive, NotSubtransaction, SystemException
    if (jtsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled())
      jtsLogger.logger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC, com.arjuna.ats.jts.logging.FacilityCode.FAC_OTS, "ArjunaTransactionImple::register_subtran_aware called for "
          + get_uid());

    if (r == null)
      throw new BAD_PARAM(0, CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO);

    currentStatus = determineStatus(this);

    if (currentStatus != Status.StatusActive)
      if (currentStatus == Status.StatusMarkedRollback)
        throw new Inactive();

    if (this == rootAction)
      if (jtsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled())
        jtsLogger.logger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC, com.arjuna.ats.jts.logging.FacilityCode.FAC_OTS, "ArjunaTransactionImple::register_subtran_aware called for "
            + get_uid() + " : not a subtransaction!");

      throw new NotSubtransaction();
      Coordinator coord = null;
      AbstractRecord corbaRec = null;

        coord = parentHandle.get_coordinator();
        corbaRec = createOTSRecord(false, r, coord);
      catch (Unavailable ex)
        throw new UNKNOWN(ExceptionCodes.INACTIVE_TRANSACTION,
            CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO); // what else to raise?

      coord = null;

       * Throw some exception here?

      if (add(corbaRec) != AddOutcome.AR_ADDED)
        if (jtsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled())
          jtsLogger.logger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC, com.arjuna.ats.jts.logging.FacilityCode.FAC_OTS, "ArjunaTransactionImple::register_subtran_aware called for "
              + get_uid() + " : could not add.");

        corbaRec = null;
        throw new Inactive(); // what else to raise??

    if (jtsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled())
      jtsLogger.logger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC, com.arjuna.ats.jts.logging.FacilityCode.FAC_OTS, "ArjunaTransactionImple::register_subtran_aware called for "
          + get_uid() + " : subtran_aware_resource registered");

  public void rollback_only () throws SystemException, Inactive
    if (jtsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled())
      jtsLogger.logger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC, com.arjuna.ats.jts.logging.FacilityCode.FAC_OTS, "ArjunaTransactionImple::rollback_only - called for "
          + get_uid());

    if (determineStatus(this) != Status.StatusPrepared)
      if (!preventCommit())
        throw new INVALID_TRANSACTION(
      throw new Inactive();

   * To be used for debugging purposes only.

  public String get_transaction_name () throws SystemException
    return get_uid().stringForm();

  public Control create_subtransaction () throws SystemException,
      SubtransactionsUnavailable, Inactive
    if (jtsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled())
      jtsLogger.logger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC, com.arjuna.ats.jts.logging.FacilityCode.FAC_OTS, "ArjunaTransactionImple::create_subtransaction - called for "
          + get_uid());

    if (determineStatus(this) != Status.StatusActive)
      throw new Inactive();
      if (!_subtran)
        throw new SubtransactionsUnavailable();
        if (controlHandle == null)
          throw new Inactive();
          return TransactionFactoryImple.create_subtransaction(controlHandle.getControl(), this);

   * The spec states that a synchronization is registered with a single
   * top-level action only. However, if this is a nested transaction there is
   * no appropriate exception to raise. So, we raise
   * SynchronizationUnavailable. We could simply get our parent and register
   * the synchronization with it, but this may not be what the user expects.
   * If it is, then the user can get the parent and do it directly!

  // why not use SynchronizationRecords?
  public void register_synchronization (Synchronization sync)
      throws Inactive, SynchronizationUnavailable, SystemException
    if (jtsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled())
      jtsLogger.logger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC, com.arjuna.ats.jts.logging.FacilityCode.FAC_OTS, "ArjunaTransactionImple::register_synchronization - called for "
          + get_uid());

    if (sync == null)
      throw new BAD_PARAM(0, CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO);

    if (!is_top_level_transaction()) // are we a top-level transaction?
      if (jtsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled())
        jtsLogger.logger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC, com.arjuna.ats.jts.logging.FacilityCode.FAC_OTS, "ArjunaTransactionImple::register_synchronization - "
            + get_uid() + " is not a top-level transaction!");

      throw new SynchronizationUnavailable();
      currentStatus = determineStatus(this);

      if (currentStatus == Status.StatusActive) // is transaction still
                            // running?
        synchronized (this)
          if (_synchs == null)
                        // Synchronizations should be stored (or at least iterated) in their natural order
            _synchs = new TreeSet();

                SynchronizationRecord otsSync;

                    otsSync = new SynchronizationRecord(sync, true);
                    otsSync = new SynchronizationRecord(sync);

                // disallow addition of Synchronizations that would appear
        // earlier in sequence than any that has already been called
        // during the pre-commmit phase. This is required for
        // JTA 1.1 Synchronization ordering behaviour
        if(_currentRecord != null) {
          Comparable c = (Comparable)otsSync;
          if(c.compareTo(_currentRecord) != 1) {
            throw new UNKNOWN(ExceptionCodes.ADD_FAILED, CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO);

                if (!_synchs.add(otsSync))
          otsSync = null;
          throw new UNKNOWN(ExceptionCodes.ADD_FAILED,
              CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO); // what else to
                              // raise?
        if (jtsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled())
          jtsLogger.logger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC, com.arjuna.ats.jts.logging.FacilityCode.FAC_OTS, "ArjunaTransactionImple::register_synchronization - "
              + get_uid()
              + " is not active: "
              + Utility.stringStatus(currentStatus));

        if (currentStatus == Status.StatusMarkedRollback)
          throw new TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK(
          throw new Inactive();

  public PropagationContext get_txcontext () throws Unavailable,
    if (jtsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled())
      jtsLogger.logger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC, com.arjuna.ats.jts.logging.FacilityCode.FAC_OTS, "ArjunaTransactionImple::get_txcontext - called for "
          + get_uid());

     * Throw an exception if we are not active.

    currentStatus = determineStatus(this);

    if ((currentStatus != Status.StatusActive)
        && (currentStatus != Status.StatusMarkedRollback))
      throw new Unavailable();
        return propagationContext();
      catch (Exception e)
        throw new Unavailable();

   * Some Arjuna specific methods.

   * We use these to determine relationships between transactions. Using the
   * hash function is not sufficient, since a hash value is not guaranteed to
   * be unique.

  public String uid () throws SystemException
    return get_uid().stringForm();

  public String topLevelUid () throws SystemException
    if (rootAction != null)
      return rootAction.get_uid().stringForm();
      return null;

  public String type ()
    return ArjunaTransactionImple.typeName();

  public static final int interpositionType ()
    return _ipType;

  public static String typeName ()
    return "/StateManager/BasicAction/TwoPhaseCoordinator/ArjunaTransactionImple";

  public String toString ()
    return "ArjunaTransactionImple < " + get_uid() + " >";

  public boolean equals (Object o)
    if (o instanceof ArjunaTransactionImple)
      ArjunaTransactionImple tx = (ArjunaTransactionImple) o;

      if (tx == this)
        return true;
        return tx.get_uid().equals(get_uid());
      return false;

  public boolean forgetHeuristics ()
    return super.forgetHeuristics();

   * For crash recovery purposes only.

  protected ArjunaTransactionImple (Uid actUid)

    if (jtsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled())
      jtsLogger.logger.debug(DebugLevel.CONSTRUCTORS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PROTECTED, com.arjuna.ats.jts.logging.FacilityCode.FAC_OTS, "ArjunaTransactionImple::ArjunaTransactionImple ( "
          + actUid + " )");

    parentTransaction = null;
    controlHandle = null;
    parentHandle = null;
    currentStatus = org.omg.CosTransactions.Status.StatusUnknown;

    transactionCreator = null;

    rootAction = null;
    _synchs = null;

     * Leave activation of transaction up to caller. Transaction status will
     * remain as Unknown until then.

    rootAction = this;

     * Do this once to avoid overhead.

    hashCode = actUid.hashCode();
    topLevelHashCode = hashCode; // this must be a top-level transaction

     * Don't bother with checked transactions for recovery.

  protected void doBeforeCompletion () throws SystemException
    if (jtsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled())
      jtsLogger.logger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PROTECTED, com.arjuna.ats.jts.logging.FacilityCode.FAC_OTS, "ArjunaTransactionImple::doBeforeCompletion for "
          + get_uid());

      boolean problem = false;
      SystemException exp = null;

       * If we have a synchronization list then we must be top-level.
      if (_synchs != null)
          boolean doSuspend = false;
          ControlWrapper cw = null;

               * Make sure that this transaction is active on the thread
               * before we invoke any Synchronizations. They are
               * TransactionalObjects and must have the context flowed to
               * them.

                  //        cw = OTSImpleManager.systemCurrent().getControlWrapper();

                  cw = OTSImpleManager.current().getControlWrapper();

                   * If there's no transaction incoming, then use the one that
                   * we got at creation time.

                  if ((cw == null) || (!controlHandle.equals(cw.getImple())))
                      //      OTSImpleManager.systemCurrent().resumeImple(controlHandle);


                      doSuspend = true;
              catch (Exception ex)
                   * It should be OK to continue with the invocations even if
                   * we couldn't resume, because a Synchronization is only
                   * supposed to be associated with a single transaction. So,
                   * it should be able to infer the transaction.

               * Since Synchronizations may add register other Synchronizations, we can't simply
               * iterate the collection. Instead we work from an ordered copy, which we periodically
               * check for freshness. The addSynchronization method uses _currentRecord to disallow
               * adding records in the part of the array we have already traversed, thus all
               * Synchronization will be called and the (jta only) rules on ordering of interposed
               * Synchronization will be respected.
              int lastIndexProcessed = -1;
              SynchronizationRecord[] copiedSynchs = (SynchronizationRecord[])_synchs.toArray(new SynchronizationRecord[] {});

              while( (lastIndexProcessed < _synchs.size()-1) && !problem) {

                  // if new Synchronization have been registered, refresh our copy of the collection:
                  if(copiedSynchs.length != _synchs.size()) {
                      copiedSynchs = (SynchronizationRecord[])_synchs.toArray(new SynchronizationRecord[] {});

                  lastIndexProcessed = lastIndexProcessed+1;
                  _currentRecord = copiedSynchs[lastIndexProcessed];

          Synchronization c = _currentRecord.contents();
      catch (SystemException e)
        if (jtsLogger.loggerI18N.isWarnEnabled())
          jtsLogger.loggerI18N.warn("com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.orbspecific.coordinator.generror", new Object[]
          { "ArjunaTransactionImple.doBeforeCompletion", e });

              if (!problem)
                  exp = e;

                  problem = true;

                   * Mark as rollback_only, so when we try to commit it will
                   * fail.

                  catch (Inactive ex)
                       * This should not happen. If it does, continue with
                       * commit to tidy-up.

            if (jtsLogger.loggerI18N.isWarnEnabled())
              jtsLogger.loggerI18N.warn("com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.orbspecific.coordinator.rbofail", new Object[]
              { "ArjunaTransactionImple.doBeforeCompletion", get_uid(), ex });
        if (doSuspend)
            //      OTSImpleManager.systemCurrent().resumeWrapper(cw);

                      if (cw != null)
                  catch (Exception ex)

                  //        OTSImpleManager.systemCurrent().suspend();

       * If there's no problem so far then call beforeCompletion on the underlying TwoPhaseCoordinator.

        if (!problem)
            problem = !super.beforeCompletion();

      if (problem)
          if (exp != null)
              throw exp;
              throw new UNKNOWN(ExceptionCodes.SYNCHRONIZATION_EXCEPTION,

   * @message com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.orbspecific.coordinator.txrun {0}
   *          called on still running transaction!

  protected void doAfterCompletion (org.omg.CosTransactions.Status myStatus)
      throws SystemException
    if (jtsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled())
      jtsLogger.logger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PROTECTED, com.arjuna.ats.jts.logging.FacilityCode.FAC_OTS, "ArjunaTransactionImple::doAfterCompletion for "
          + get_uid());

    if (myStatus == Status.StatusActive)
      if (jtsLogger.loggerI18N.isWarnEnabled())
        jtsLogger.loggerI18N.warn("com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.orbspecific.coordinator.txrun", new Object[]
        { "ArjunaTransactionImple.doAfterCompletion" });


      boolean problem = false;
      SystemException exp = null;

      if (_synchs != null)
          ControlWrapper cw = null;
          boolean doSuspend = false;

              //    cw = OTSImpleManager.systemCurrent().getControlWrapper();

              cw = OTSImpleManager.current().getControlWrapper();

               * If there isn't a transaction context shipped, then use the
               * one we had during creation.

              if ((cw == null) || (!controlHandle.equals(cw.getImple())))
                  //        OTSImpleManager.systemCurrent().resumeImple(controlHandle);


                  doSuspend = true;
          catch (Exception ex)
               * It should still be OK to make the call without a context
               * because a Synchronization can only be associated with a
               * single transaction.

              problem = true;

           * Regardless of failures, we must tell all synchronizations what
           * happened.

          // afterCompletions should run in reverse order compared to beforeCompletions
          Stack stack = new Stack();
          Iterator iterator = _synchs.iterator();
          while(iterator.hasNext()) {

          iterator = stack.iterator();

           * Regardless of failures, we must tell all synchronizations what
           * happened.
              SynchronizationRecord value = (SynchronizationRecord)stack.pop();
              Synchronization c = value.contents();

        catch (SystemException e)
          if (jtsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled())
            jtsLogger.logger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC, com.arjuna.ats.jts.logging.FacilityCode.FAC_OTS, "ArjunaTransactionImple.doAfterCompletion - caught exception "
                + e);

                  problem = true;

                   * Remember the first exception we get, because it may well
                   * be the only one. In which case we can return it, rather
                   * than UNKNOWN.

                  if (exp == null)
                      exp = e;

          if (doSuspend)
                  //        OTSImpleManager.systemCurrent().resumeWrapper(cw);

                  if (cw != null)
              catch (Exception ex)

          _synchs = null;

        boolean superProblem = !super.afterCompletion(myStatus == Status.StatusCommitted ? ActionStatus.COMMITTED : ActionStatus.ABORTED);

        if (problem || superProblem)
          if (exp != null)
              throw exp;
              throw new UNKNOWN(ExceptionCodes.SYNCHRONIZATION_EXCEPTION,

   * Called by transaction reaper to force rollback. We do not check the id of
   * the calling thread here, as it will definitely not be the thread which
   * created this transaction. With checked transactions this is normally not
   * allowed, so we need some way to circumvent this.

  final void forceRollback () throws SystemException
    if (jtsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled())
      jtsLogger.logger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PACKAGE, com.arjuna.ats.jts.logging.FacilityCode.FAC_OTS, "ArjunaTransactionImple::forceRollback for "
          + get_uid());

    if (super.status() == ActionStatus.RUNNING) // already aborted?
       * If we have any synchronizations delete them now. Can only be a
       * top-level action.

      if (ArjunaTransactionImple._syncOn)
                        if (_synchs != null)
                    catch (Exception e)
                           * Don't do anything - we're about to rollback anyway!
         * If we have any synchronizations delete them now. Can only be
         * a top-level action.

        _synchs = null;

       * Remove uid of this action from parent even if remote.

      if (parentTransaction != null)


      if (ArjunaTransactionImple._syncOn)
          if (_synchs != null)
            currentStatus = determineStatus(this);

        catch (Exception e)


  private final org.omg.CosTransactions.Status determineStatus (BasicAction whichAction)
    org.omg.CosTransactions.Status theStatus = org.omg.CosTransactions.Status.StatusUnknown;

    if (whichAction != null)
      switch (whichAction.status())
      case ActionStatus.INVALID: // probably locked, so try again later
        theStatus = Status.StatusUnknown;
      case ActionStatus.RUNNING:
        theStatus = Status.StatusActive;
      case ActionStatus.PREPARED:
        theStatus = Status.StatusPrepared;
      case ActionStatus.COMMITTED:
      case ActionStatus.H_COMMIT:
      case ActionStatus.H_MIXED:
      case ActionStatus.H_HAZARD:
        theStatus = Status.StatusCommitted;
      case ActionStatus.ABORTED:
      case ActionStatus.H_ROLLBACK:
        theStatus = Status.StatusRolledBack;
      case ActionStatus.ABORT_ONLY:
        theStatus = Status.StatusMarkedRollback;
      case ActionStatus.PREPARING:
        theStatus = Status.StatusPreparing;
      case ActionStatus.COMMITTING:
        theStatus = Status.StatusCommitting;
      case ActionStatus.ABORTING:
        theStatus = Status.StatusRollingBack;
        theStatus = Status.StatusUnknown;
      theStatus = Status.StatusNoTransaction;

    return theStatus;

   * @message com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.orbspecific.coordinator.uidfail {0} -
   *          could not get unique identifier of object.

  protected final AbstractRecord createOTSRecord (boolean propagate, Resource resource, Coordinator coord)
    return createOTSRecord(propagate, resource, coord, null);

  protected final AbstractRecord createOTSRecord (boolean propagate, Resource resource, Coordinator coord, Uid recCoordUid)
    if (jtsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled())
      jtsLogger.logger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PROTECTED, com.arjuna.ats.jts.logging.FacilityCode.FAC_OTS, "ArjunaTransactionImple::createOTSRecord for "
          + get_uid());

     * If the resource is an ArjunaOTS.OTSAbstractRecord or an
     * ArjunaOTS.ArjunaSubtranAwareResource then we can do better record
     * manipulation, and proper nested actions.
     * Based on the type of resource we create the right abstract record to
     * handle it, rather than a single abstract record which switches
     * protocols internally.

    ArjunaSubtranAwareResource absRec = null;
    AbstractRecord corbaRec = null;

    if (resource != null)
        absRec = com.arjuna.ArjunaOTS.ArjunaSubtranAwareResourceHelper.narrow(resource);

        if (absRec == null)
          throw new BAD_PARAM(0, CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO);
      catch (Exception e)
        // can't be an ArjunaOTS.ArjunaSubtranAwareResource

        absRec = null;

    if (absRec == null)
      corbaRec = new ResourceRecord(propagate, resource, coord,
          recCoordUid, this);
      Uid u = null;
      OTSAbstractRecord otsRec;

        otsRec = com.arjuna.ArjunaOTS.OTSAbstractRecordHelper.narrow(absRec);

        if (otsRec == null)
          throw new BAD_PARAM(0, CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO);
      catch (Exception e)
        otsRec = null;

      if (otsRec != null)
          u = new Uid(otsRec.uid());
        catch (Exception e)
          u = null;

        if (u == null)
          if (jtsLogger.loggerI18N.isWarnEnabled())
            jtsLogger.loggerI18N.warn("com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.orbspecific.coordinator.uidfail", new Object[]
            { "ArjunaTransactionImple.createOTSRecord" });

      if (u == null)
        u = new Uid();

      corbaRec = new ExtendedResourceRecord(propagate, u, absRec, coord,
          recCoordUid, this);

      otsRec = null;
      absRec = null;
      u = null;

    return corbaRec;

   * Is the calling thread the one which began this transaction?

  private final boolean checkAccess ()
    if (Thread.currentThread() == transactionCreator)
      return true;
      return false;

   * The caller should delete the context.
   * The propagation context is specified on a per client thread basis.
   * Therefore, at the server side we must maintain a hierarchy for each
   * thread. However, the server cannot simply tear down this hierarchy
   * whenever it receives a completely new one from the same thread, since the
   * OTS lets a thread suspend/resume contexts at will. Potential for memory
   * leaks in C++ version, but not Java!!
   * Currently we assume that the hierarchy will be JBoss transactions so we
   * can get the parents of transactions. If it is not then we could simply
   * just call get_txcontext on the control!

  private final PropagationContext propagationContext () throws Unavailable,
      Inactive, SystemException
    if (jtsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled())
      jtsLogger.logger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PRIVATE, com.arjuna.ats.jts.logging.FacilityCode.FAC_OTS, "ArjunaTransactionImple::propagationContext for "
          + get_uid());

    String theUid = null;
    Control currentControl = controlHandle.getControl();
    PropagationContext context = new PropagationContext();
    int sequenceThreshold = 1; // most transactions will be top-level
    int sequenceIncrement = 5;

    context.parents = null;

    context.current = new TransIdentity();
    context.implementation_specific_data = ORBManager.getORB().orb().create_any(); // uughh!!

     * Some ORBs (e.g., JBroker) don't like to pass round an unused Any,
     * i.e., one which has only been created and had nothing put in it! So
     * we have to put something in it!!

    context.implementation_specific_data.insert_short((short) 0);

     * Set up current information. We must leave the timeout for now, since
     * it only applies to the top-level transaction.

      context.current.coord = controlHandle.get_coordinator();
      context.timeout = 0; // will reset later!

       * Only send the terminator if explicitly asked to. This prevents
       * anyone other than the creator from terminating a transaction.

      if (ArjunaTransactionImple._propagateTerminator)
        context.current.term = controlHandle.get_terminator();
        context.current.term = null;
    catch (Exception e)
      return null;

     * We send the Uid hierarchy as the otid_t part of the TransIdentity.

    // the sequence should do the memory management for us.
    theUid = controlHandle.get_uid().stringForm();

    context.current.otid = Utility.uidToOtid(theUid);
    context.current.otid.formatID = ArjunaTransactionImple._ipType;

    int index = 0;

    while (currentControl != null)
        ActionControl control = com.arjuna.ArjunaOTS.ActionControlHelper.narrow(currentControl);

        if (control != null)
           * Must be an Arjuna control.

          currentControl = control.getParentControl();

          if (currentControl != null)
            if (index == 0) // first time
              context.parents = new TransIdentity[sequenceThreshold]; // initial
                                          // length
                                          // to
                                          // avoid
                                          // realloc

              for (int ii = 0; ii < sequenceThreshold; ii++)
                context.parents[ii] = null;

            context.parents[index] = new TransIdentity();
            context.parents[index].coord = currentControl.get_coordinator();

            if (ArjunaTransactionImple._propagateTerminator)
              context.parents[index].term = currentControl.get_terminator();
              context.parents[index].term = null;

             * Don't bother checking whether narrow works because we
             * can't cope with mixed transaction types anyway! If we
             * got here then the root transaction must be an Arjuna
             * transaction, so the nested transactions *must* also
             * be JBoss transactions!

            UidCoordinator uidCoord = Helper.getUidCoordinator(context.parents[index].coord);

            theUid = uidCoord.uid();

            context.parents[index].otid = Utility.uidToOtid(theUid);
            context.parents[index].otid.formatID = ArjunaTransactionImple._ipType;

            theUid = null;
            uidCoord = null;


            if (index >= sequenceThreshold)
              sequenceThreshold = index + sequenceIncrement;
              context.parents = resizeHierarchy(context.parents, index
                  + sequenceIncrement);
             * Found the top-level transaction, so we can now setup
             * the timeout value. All transactions will non-zero
             * timeouts will have been registered with the
             * transaction reaper.

             * By default we send over the time remaining (in seconds), since that
             * is what OTS 1.2 requires. For backward compatibility with earlier
             * versions, there's a configurable option.

              if (_propagateRemainingTimeout)
                            long timeInMills = TransactionReaper.transactionReaper().getRemainingTimeoutMills(control);
                            context.timeout = (int)(timeInMills/1000L);
                            context.timeout = TransactionReaper.transactionReaper().getTimeout(control);

          control = null;
          throw new BAD_PARAM(0, CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO);
      catch (SystemException e)
         * Not an Arjuna control!! Should not happen!!

        currentControl = null;
      catch (Exception e)

        currentControl = null;

      context.parents = resizeHierarchy(context.parents, index);
    catch (Exception e)
      if (jtsLogger.loggerI18N.isWarnEnabled())
        jtsLogger.loggerI18N.warn("com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.orbspecific.coordinator.generror", new Object[]
        { "ArjunaTransactionImple.resizeHierarchy", e });

      context = null;

    return context;

   * Watch out - we can resize down as well as up!

  private final TransIdentity[] resizeHierarchy (TransIdentity[] current, int size)
    if ((current == null) || (size == 0))
      return new TransIdentity[0];

    if (current.length == size)
      return current;

    TransIdentity[] toReturn = new TransIdentity[size];
    int copySize = ((size < current.length) ? size : current.length);

    System.arraycopy(current, 0, toReturn, 0, copySize);

    if (copySize < size)
      for (int j = copySize; j < size; j++)
        toReturn[j] = null;

    return toReturn;

   * Could perhaps do garbage collection here after a certain number of
   * transactions have been destroyed. Environment variable enabled?

  protected final void destroyAction ()
    if (jtsLogger.logger.isDebugEnabled())
      jtsLogger.logger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PROTECTED, com.arjuna.ats.jts.logging.FacilityCode.FAC_OTS, "ArjunaTransactionImple::destroyAction for "
          + get_uid());

     * Only do if we are a top-level transaction, since otherwise we cannot
     * have created recovery coordinators.

    if (parentHandle == null)
      Object params[] = new Object[1];

      params[0] = this;

      parentHandle = null;

     * switch (super.getHeuristicDecision()) { case
     * TwoPhaseOutcome.HEURISTIC_ROLLBACK: case
     * TwoPhaseOutcome.HEURISTIC_COMMIT: case
     * TwoPhaseOutcome.HEURISTIC_MIXED: case
     * TwoPhaseOutcome.HEURISTIC_HAZARD: { if
     * (BasicAction.maintainHeuristics()) return; } }

       * We do not need to do worry about deleting the transaction in Java
       * as we do in C++ because of the way garbage collection works - the
       * committing thread has a reference to the transaction which keeps
       * it alive.

      if (controlHandle != null)

        controlHandle = null;
    catch (ActiveThreads ex1)
      if (jtsLogger.loggerI18N.isWarnEnabled())
        jtsLogger.loggerI18N.warn("com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.orbspecific.coordinator.generror", new Object[]
        { "ArjunaTransactionImple.destroyAction", ex1 });
    catch (BadControl ex2)
      if (jtsLogger.loggerI18N.isWarnEnabled())
        jtsLogger.loggerI18N.warn("com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.orbspecific.coordinator.generror", new Object[]
        { "ArjunaTransactionImple.destroyAction", ex2 });
    catch (ActiveTransaction ex3)
      if (jtsLogger.loggerI18N.isWarnEnabled())
        jtsLogger.loggerI18N.warn("com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.orbspecific.coordinator.generror", new Object[]
        { "ArjunaTransactionImple.destroyAction", ex3 });
    catch (Destroyed ex4)
      if (jtsLogger.loggerI18N.isWarnEnabled())
        jtsLogger.loggerI18N.warn("com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.orbspecific.coordinator.generror", new Object[]
        { "ArjunaTransactionImple.destroyAction", ex4 });
    catch (OutOfMemoryError ex5)
      if (jtsLogger.loggerI18N.isWarnEnabled())
        jtsLogger.loggerI18N.warn("com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.orbspecific.coordinator.generror", new Object[]
        { "ArjunaTransactionImple.destroyAction", ex5 });

       * Rather than try again after running gc simply return and let the
       * user deal with it. May help with memory!

    catch (Exception ex6)
      if (jtsLogger.loggerI18N.isWarnEnabled())
        jtsLogger.loggerI18N.warn("com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.orbspecific.coordinator.generror", new Object[]
        { "ArjunaTransactionImple.destroyAction", ex6 });

  protected ArjunaTransactionImple parentTransaction; // rather than rely on

  // BasicAction.parent()
  protected ControlImple controlHandle;

  private int hashCode;

  private int topLevelHashCode;

  private Control parentHandle;

  private org.omg.CosTransactions.Status currentStatus;

  private Thread transactionCreator; // probably null most of the time!

  private BasicAction rootAction;

  private SortedSet _synchs;
    private SynchronizationRecord _currentRecord; // the most recently processed Synchronization.

    static int _ipType = Arjuna.XID();

  static boolean _subtran = true;

  static boolean _syncOn = true;

  static boolean _checkedTransactions = false;

  static boolean _propagateTerminator = false;

  static boolean _propagateRemainingTimeout = true// OTS 1.2 onwards supported this.

   * @message com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.orbspecific.coordinator.ipunknown
   *          {0} - unknown interposition type: {1}

    String interpositionType = jtsPropertyManager.propertyManager.getProperty(com.arjuna.ats.jts.common.Environment.INTERPOSITION);

    if (interpositionType != null)
      int ipType = Arjuna.nameToXID(interpositionType);

      if (ipType != -1)
        ArjunaTransactionImple._ipType = ipType;
        if (jtsLogger.loggerI18N.isWarnEnabled())
          jtsLogger.loggerI18N.warn("com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.orbspecific.coordinator.ipunknown", new Object[]
          { "ArjunaTransactionImple.init", interpositionType });

    String supportSubtran = jtsPropertyManager.propertyManager.getProperty(com.arjuna.ats.jts.common.Environment.SUPPORT_SUBTRANSACTIONS);

    if (supportSubtran != null)
      if (supportSubtran.compareTo("NO") == 0)
        _subtran = false;

    String syncOn = jtsPropertyManager.propertyManager.getProperty(com.arjuna.ats.jts.common.Environment.SUPPORT_ROLLBACK_SYNC);

    if (syncOn != null)
      if (syncOn.compareTo("NO") == 0)
        _syncOn = false;

    String checked = jtsPropertyManager.propertyManager.getProperty(com.arjuna.ats.jts.common.Environment.CHECKED_TRANSACTIONS);

    if (checked != null)
      if (checked.compareTo("YES") == 0)
        _checkedTransactions = true;

    String propTerm = jtsPropertyManager.propertyManager.getProperty(com.arjuna.ats.jts.common.Environment.PROPAGATE_TERMINATOR);

    if (propTerm != null)
      if (propTerm.compareTo("YES") == 0)
        _propagateTerminator = true;

    String propRemainingTimeout = jtsPropertyManager.propertyManager.getProperty(com.arjuna.ats.jts.common.Environment.OTS_1_0_TIMEOUT_PROPAGATION);

    if (propRemainingTimeout != null)
      if (propTerm.compareTo("NO") == 0)
        _propagateRemainingTimeout = false;

    public java.util.Map<Uid, String> getSynchronizations()
        if (_synchs != null)
            java.util.Map<Uid, String> synchMap = new java.util.HashMap<Uid, String> ();
            SynchronizationRecord[] synchs = (SynchronizationRecord[]) _synchs.toArray(new SynchronizationRecord[] {});

            for (SynchronizationRecord synch : synchs)
                Synchronization c = synch.contents();
                String cn;

                if (c._is_a(
                    ManagedSynchronization mc = ManagedSynchronizationHelper.narrow(c);

                    try {
                        cn = mc.instanceName(); //implementationType() ;
                    } catch (Throwable t) {
                        cn = synch.getClass().getCanonicalName();
                else {
                    cn = synch.getClass().getCanonicalName();

                synchMap.put(synch.get_uid(), cn);

            return synchMap;

        return Collections.EMPTY_MAP;

Related Classes of com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.orbspecific.coordinator.ArjunaTransactionImple

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