Package org.jboss.system.server.profileservice.repository.clustered.sync

Source Code of org.jboss.system.server.profileservice.repository.clustered.sync.AbstractContentModificationGenerator$GeneratedModifications

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package org.jboss.system.server.profileservice.repository.clustered.sync;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.TreeSet;

import org.jboss.system.server.profileservice.repository.clustered.metadata.RepositoryContentMetadata;
import org.jboss.system.server.profileservice.repository.clustered.metadata.RepositoryItemMetadata;
import org.jboss.system.server.profileservice.repository.clustered.metadata.RepositoryRootMetadata;

* Abstract superclass of classes that generate a list of
* {@link ContentModification} from a pair
* of {@link RepositoryContentMetadata}.
* @author Brian Stansberry
* @version $Revision: $
public abstract class AbstractContentModificationGenerator
   // -----------------------------------------------------------------  Public
   public List<ContentModification> getModificationList(RepositoryContentMetadata base,
                                                                  RepositoryContentMetadata modified)
         throws InconsistentRepositoryStructureException
      if (base == null)
         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null base");
      if (modified == null)
         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null modified");
      Collection<RepositoryRootMetadata> baseRoots = base.getRepositories();
      Collection<RepositoryRootMetadata> modifiedRoots = modified.getRepositories();
      // We validate consistent repository structure by 1) confirming
      // same number of roots and 2) (below) confirming all base roots are in modified
      if (baseRoots.size() != modifiedRoots.size())
         throw new InconsistentRepositoryStructureException(base, modified);
      List<ContentModification> mods = new ArrayList<ContentModification>();
      for (RepositoryRootMetadata root : base.getRepositories())
         RepositoryRootMetadata newRoot = modified.getRepositoryRootMetadata(root.getName());
         if (newRoot != null)
            mods.addAll(getModificationList(root, newRoot));
            throw new InconsistentRepositoryStructureException(base, modified);
      return mods;

   // --------------------------------------------------------------  Protected

   protected abstract void handleAddition(String rootName,
         RepositoryItemMetadata item, GeneratedModifications mods);

   protected abstract void handleMissing(String rootName,
         RepositoryItemMetadata item, GeneratedModifications mods);

   protected void handleMatch(String rootName,
         RepositoryItemMetadata base,
         RepositoryItemMetadata modified,
         GeneratedModifications mods)
      // Most common case of all is no change
      if (base.equals(modified) == false)
         // There was a change; how we handle depends on what changed
         if (base.isRemoved() && !modified.isRemoved())
            // Reincarnation
            handleAddition(rootName, modified, base, mods);
         else if (modified.isRemoved() && !base.isRemoved())
            // Item was removed on the remote node
            handleRemoval(rootName, base, mods);
         else if (base.isDirectory() && !modified.isDirectory())
            // An exploded archive replaced by a zipped one
            handleChangeFromDirectory(rootName, base, modified, mods);
         else if (modified.isDirectory() && !base.isDirectory())
            // A zipped archive replaced by an exploded one
            handleChangeToDirectory(rootName, base, modified, mods);
         else if (modified.isDirectory())
            // Directory timestamp modification
            handleDirectoryTimestampModification(rootName, base, modified, mods);
            // Simple file change
            handleSimpleModification(rootName, base, modified, mods);

   protected abstract void handleSimpleModification(String rootName, RepositoryItemMetadata base, RepositoryItemMetadata modified,
         GeneratedModifications mods);

   protected abstract void handleDirectoryTimestampModification(String rootName, RepositoryItemMetadata base,
         RepositoryItemMetadata modified, GeneratedModifications mods);

   protected abstract void handleChangeToDirectory(String rootName, RepositoryItemMetadata base, RepositoryItemMetadata modified,
         GeneratedModifications mods);

   protected abstract void handleChangeFromDirectory(String rootName, RepositoryItemMetadata base,
         RepositoryItemMetadata modified, GeneratedModifications mods);

   protected abstract void handleRemoval(String rootName, RepositoryItemMetadata base, GeneratedModifications mods);

   protected abstract void handleAddition(String rootName, RepositoryItemMetadata modified, RepositoryItemMetadata base,
         GeneratedModifications mods);

   protected void drainPreapprovedRemovals(GeneratedModifications mods)
      ContentModification preapprovedRemoval;
      while ((preapprovedRemoval = mods.popPreapprovedRemoveParent()) != null)
   protected static RepositoryItemMetadata getMarkedRemovedItem(RepositoryItemMetadata base)
      RepositoryItemMetadata result = base;
      if (result.isRemoved() == false)
         result = new RepositoryItemMetadata(result);
      return result;

   // ----------------------------------------------------------------  Private
   private List<ContentModification> getModificationList(RepositoryRootMetadata base,
                                                                   RepositoryRootMetadata modified)
      List<ContentModification> mods = new ArrayList<ContentModification>();
      OwnedItem[] items = getOwnedItems(base, modified);

      // Track directories that we have added or removed so we can flag
      // their children for automatic modification approval/rejection. We
      // don't want to add/remove a directory and then later do something
      // inconsistent with a child. For stuff involving a removal we use
      // a Stack<RepositoryContentModification> so we can add the root removal
      // to the overall list of mods *after* all the children. This is needed
      // to allow the removal to be rolled back.
      RepositoryItemMetadata preapprovedAddParent = null;
      Stack<ContentModification> preapprovedRemoveParent = new Stack<ContentModification>();
      Stack<ContentModification> prerejectedAddParent = new Stack<ContentModification>();
      RepositoryItemMetadata prerejectedRemoveParent = null;
      for(int first = 0; first < items.length; first++)
         GeneratedModifications pairmod = new GeneratedModifications(preapprovedAddParent, preapprovedRemoveParent, prerejectedAddParent, prerejectedRemoveParent);
         int next = first + 1;
         if (next >= items.length)
            // Last unmatched item
            if (items[first].base)
               // base w/o match == missing
               handleMissing(base.getName(), items[first].item, pairmod);
               // !base w/o match == addition
               handleAddition(base.getName(), items[first].item, pairmod);
         else if (items[first].itemPath.equals(items[next].itemPath))
            handleMatch(base.getName(), items[first].item, items[next].item, pairmod);           
            first++; // we just consumed "next"
         else if (items[first].base)
            // base w/o match == removal
            handleMissing(base.getName(), items[first].item, pairmod);
            // !base w/o match == addition
            handleAddition(base.getName(), items[first].item, pairmod);
         preapprovedAddParent = pairmod.getPreapprovedAddParent();
         prerejectedRemoveParent = pairmod.getPrerejectedRemoveParent();
      // Any remaining mods on our stacks need to be flushed to the list
      for (ContentModification mod : preapprovedRemoveParent)
      for (ContentModification mod : prerejectedAddParent)
      return mods;

   private OwnedItem[] getOwnedItems(RepositoryRootMetadata base, RepositoryRootMetadata modified)
      TreeSet<OwnedItem> ownedItems = new TreeSet<OwnedItem>();
      for (RepositoryItemMetadata item : base.getContent())
         ownedItems.add(new OwnedItem(item, true));
      for (RepositoryItemMetadata item : modified.getContent())
         ownedItems.add(new OwnedItem(item, false));
      OwnedItem[] ownedItemArray = ownedItems.toArray(new OwnedItem[ownedItems.size()]);
      return ownedItemArray;
   protected static class GeneratedModifications
      private RepositoryItemMetadata preapprovedAddParent;
      private final Stack<ContentModification>  preapprovedRemoveParent;
      private final Stack<ContentModification>  prerejectedAddParent;
      private RepositoryItemMetadata prerejectedRemoveParent;
      private final List<ContentModification> modifications = new ArrayList<ContentModification>();
      public GeneratedModifications(RepositoryItemMetadata preapprovedAddParent,
            Stack<ContentModification> preapprovedRemoveParent,
            Stack<ContentModification> prerejectedAddParent,
            RepositoryItemMetadata prerejectedRemoveParent)
         if (preapprovedRemoveParent == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null preapprovedRemoveParent");
         if (prerejectedAddParent == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null prerejectedAddParent");
         this.preapprovedAddParent = preapprovedAddParent;
         this.preapprovedRemoveParent = preapprovedRemoveParent;
         this.prerejectedAddParent = prerejectedAddParent;
         this.prerejectedRemoveParent = prerejectedRemoveParent;
      // ---------------------------------------------------------------  Public
      public void addModification(ContentModification mod)

      public List<ContentModification> getModifications()
         return modifications;

      public RepositoryItemMetadata getPreapprovedAddParent()
         return preapprovedAddParent;

      public void setPreapprovedAddParent(RepositoryItemMetadata preapprovedAddParent)
         if (preapprovedAddParent != null)
         this.preapprovedAddParent = preapprovedAddParent;

      public ContentModification peekPreapprovedRemoveParent()
         return preapprovedRemoveParent.size() == 0 ? null : preapprovedRemoveParent.peek();

      public ContentModification popPreapprovedRemoveParent()
         return preapprovedRemoveParent.size() == 0 ? null : preapprovedRemoveParent.pop();

      public void pushPreapprovedRemoveParent(ContentModification toPush)
         if (toPush == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null prerejectedAddParent");           
         if (this.preapprovedAddParent != null)
            throw new IllegalStateException("preapprovedAddParent already set");
         else if (this.prerejectedAddParent.size() > 0)
            throw new IllegalStateException("prerejectedAddParent already set");
         // We allow removing content under something we've rejected
         // This happens when RepositoryItemMetadata w/ removed=false needs
         // to be pushed to a node
//         else if (this.prerejectedRemoveParent != null)
//         {
//            throw new IllegalStateException("prerejectedRemoveParent already set");
//         }
         ContentModification peeked = peekPreapprovedRemoveParent();
         if (peeked != null && toPush.getItem().isChildOf(peeked.getItem()) == false)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(toPush.getItem() +
                  " is not a child of existing item " + peeked.getItem());

      public ContentModification peekPrerejectedAddParent()
         return prerejectedAddParent.size() == 0 ? null : prerejectedAddParent.peek();

      public ContentModification popPrerejectedAddParent()
         return prerejectedAddParent.size() == 0 ? null : prerejectedAddParent.pop();

      public void pushPrerejectedAddParent(ContentModification toPush)
         if (toPush == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null prerejectedAddParent");           
         if (this.preapprovedAddParent != null)
            throw new IllegalStateException("preapprovedAddParent already set");
         else if (this.preapprovedRemoveParent.size() > 0)
            throw new IllegalStateException("preapprovedRemoveParent already set");
         else if (this.prerejectedRemoveParent != null)
            throw new IllegalStateException("prerejectedRemoveParent already set");
         ContentModification peeked = peekPrerejectedAddParent();
         if (peeked != null && toPush.getItem().isChildOf(peeked.getItem()) == false)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(toPush.getItem() +
                  " is not a child of existing item " + peeked.getItem());
      public RepositoryItemMetadata getPrerejectedRemoveParent()
         return prerejectedRemoveParent;

      public void setPrerejectedRemoveParent(RepositoryItemMetadata prerejectedRemoveParent)
         if (prerejectedRemoveParent != null)
         this.prerejectedRemoveParent = prerejectedRemoveParent;

      private void validateCanCallSet()
         if (this.preapprovedAddParent != null)
            throw new IllegalStateException("preapprovedAddParent already set");
         else if (this.preapprovedRemoveParent.size() > 0)
            throw new IllegalStateException("preapprovedRemoveParent already set");
         else if (this.prerejectedAddParent.size() > 0)
            throw new IllegalStateException("prerejectedAddParent already set");
         else if (this.prerejectedRemoveParent != null)
            throw new IllegalStateException("prerejectedRemoveParent already set");
   private static class OwnedItem implements Comparable<OwnedItem>
      public final boolean base;
      public final RepositoryItemMetadata item;
      public final List<String> itemPath;
      private OwnedItem(RepositoryItemMetadata item, boolean base)
         assert item != null : "item is null";
         this.item = item;
         this.itemPath = item.getRelativePathElements();
         this.base = base;
      public int compareTo(OwnedItem other)
         List<String> ourPath = itemPath;
         List<String> otherPath = other.itemPath;
         int result = 0;
         for (int i = 0; i < ourPath.size(); i++)
            if (i >= otherPath.size())
               // We've got extra levels they don't
               result = 1;
            int comp = ourPath.get(i).compareTo(otherPath.get(i));
            if (comp != 0)
               result = (comp < 0) ? -1 : 1;
         if (result == 0 && otherPath.size() != ourPath.size())
            // They've got extra levels we don't
            result = -1;
         if (result == 0)
            // base comes before !base
            if (base && !other.base)
               result = -1;
            else if (other.base && !base)
               result = 1;
         return result;

Related Classes of org.jboss.system.server.profileservice.repository.clustered.sync.AbstractContentModificationGenerator$GeneratedModifications

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