Package org.jboss.verifier.strategy

Source Code of org.jboss.verifier.strategy.EJBVerifier21

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* Copyright 2008, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and individual contributors
* as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the
* distribution for a full listing of individual contributors.
* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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package org.jboss.verifier.strategy;

// $Id: 86198 2009-03-23 11:15:46Z $

import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
import org.jboss.metadata.BeanMetaData;
import org.jboss.metadata.EntityMetaData;
import org.jboss.metadata.MessageDrivenMetaData;
import org.jboss.metadata.SessionMetaData;
import org.jboss.verifier.Section;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;

* EJB 2.1 bean verifier.
* @author <a href="">Christoph G. Jung</a>
* @author
* @version $Revision: 86198 $
* @since   02.12.2003

public class EJBVerifier21 extends AbstractEJB2xVerifier
   // provide logging
   private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(EJBVerifier21.class);

    * Constructor
   public EJBVerifier21(VerificationContext context)

   public String getMessageBundle()
      return "";

   public void checkSession(SessionMetaData session)
      boolean localOrRemoteExists = false;
      boolean serviceEndpointExists = false;
      boolean verified = false;

      if (!verifyBean(session))

      verified = verifySessionBean(session);

      if (hasRemoteInterfaces(session))
         // Check remote interfaces
         localOrRemoteExists = true;
         verified = verified && verifySessionRemote(session);
         verified = verified && verifySessionHome(session);

      if (hasLocalInterfaces(session))
         // Check local interfaces
         localOrRemoteExists = true;
         verified = verified && verifySessionLocal(session);
         verified = verified && verifySessionLocalHome(session);

      if (hasServiceEndpointInterfaces(session))
         // Check local interfaces
         serviceEndpointExists = true;
         verified = verified && verifyServiceEndpoint(session);

      // The session bean MUST implement either a remote home and
      // remote, or local home and local interface, or the service endpoint
      // interface.  It MAY implement a
      // remote home, remote, local home, local interface or service endpoint
      // interface
      // Spec 7.11.1
      if (!localOrRemoteExists && !serviceEndpointExists)
         fireSpecViolationEvent(session, new Section("7.11.1"));
         verified = false;

      if (verified)
         // All OK; full steam ahead

   public void checkEntity(EntityMetaData entity)
      if (entity.isCMP1x())

   public void checkMessageBean(MessageDrivenMetaData mdb)
      boolean beanVerified = false;

      if (!verifyBean(mdb))

      beanVerified = verifyMessageDrivenBean(mdb);

      if (beanVerified)
         // OK, we're done

   private void checkBmpOrCmp2Entity(EntityMetaData entity)
      boolean localOrRemoteExists = false;
      boolean verified = false;

      if (!verifyBean(entity))

      if (entity.isCMP())
         verified = verifyCMPEntityBean(entity);
      else if (entity.isBMP())
         verified = verifyBMPEntityBean(entity);

      if (hasRemoteInterfaces(entity))
         // Check remote interfaces
         localOrRemoteExists = true;
         verified = verified && verifyEntityRemote(entity);
         verified = verified && verifyEntityHome(entity);

      if (hasLocalInterfaces(entity))
         // Check local interfaces
         localOrRemoteExists = true;
         verified = verified && verifyEntityLocal(entity);
         verified = verified && verifyEntityLocalHome(entity);

      verified = verified && verifyPrimaryKey(entity);

      if (!localOrRemoteExists)
         // The entity bean MUST implement either a remote home and
         // remote, or local home and local interface.  It MAY implement
         // a remote home, remote, local home or local interface.
         // Spec 10.6.1 (CMP) / 12.2.1 (BMP)
         if (entity.isCMP())
            fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, new Section("10.6.1"));
            verified = false;
            fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, new Section("12.2.1"));
            verified = false;

      if (verified)

    * Try to load the beans class declared in the &lt;ejb-class&gt;
    * element.
    * @return <code>true</code> if everything went alright
   protected boolean verifyBean(BeanMetaData theBean)
      String beanName = theBean.getEjbClass();

      if (beanName == null)
         return false;

         bean = classloader.loadClass(beanName);
         return true;
      catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe)
         fireSpecViolationEvent(theBean, new Section("22.2.b",
                 "Class not found on '" + beanName + "': " + cnfe.getMessage()));
         return false;

    * Check whether the bean has declared local interfaces and whether
    * we can load the defined classes
    * @return <code>true</code> if everything went alright
   protected boolean hasRemoteInterfaces(BeanMetaData bean)
      boolean status = true;
      String homeName = bean.getHome();
      String remoteName = bean.getRemote();

      if (homeName == null || remoteName == null)
         return false;

      // Verify the <home> class
         home = classloader.loadClass(homeName);
      catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe)
         fireSpecViolationEvent(bean, new Section("22.2.c",
                 "Class not found on '" + homeName + "': " + cnfe.getMessage()));
         status = false;

      // Verify the <remote> class
         remote = classloader.loadClass(remoteName);
      catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe)
         fireSpecViolationEvent(bean, new Section("22.2.d",
                 "Class not found on '" + remoteName + "': " + cnfe.getMessage()));
         status = false;

      return status;

    * Check whether the bean has declared local interfaces and whether
    * we can load the defined classes
    * @return <code>true</code> if everything went alright
   protected boolean hasLocalInterfaces(BeanMetaData bean)
      boolean status = true;
      String localHomeName = bean.getLocalHome();
      String localName = bean.getLocal();

      if (localHomeName == null || localName == null)
         return false;

      // Verify the <local-home> class
         localHome = classloader.loadClass(localHomeName);
      catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe)
         fireSpecViolationEvent(bean, new Section("22.2.e",
                 "Class not found on '" + localHomeName + "': " +
         status = false;

         local = classloader.loadClass(localName);
      catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe)
         fireSpecViolationEvent(bean, new Section("22.2.f",
                 "Class not found on '" + localName + "': " + cnfe.getMessage()));
         status = false;

      return status;

    * Verifies the session bean remote home interface against the EJB 2.1
    * specification.
    * @param   session     XML metadata of the session bean
   protected boolean verifySessionHome(SessionMetaData session)
      boolean status = true;

      // The home interface of a stateless session bean MUST have one
      // create() method that takes no arguments.
      // The create() method MUST return the session bean's remote
      // interface.
      // There CAN NOT be other create() methods in the home interface.
      // Spec 7.11.6
      if (session.isStateless())
         if (!hasDefaultCreateMethod(home))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(session, new Section("7.11.6.d2"));
            status = false;
            Method create = getDefaultCreateMethod(home);

            if (hasMoreThanOneCreateMethods(home))
               fireSpecViolationEvent(session, new Section("7.11.6.d2"));
               status = false;

      // The session bean's home interface MUST extend the
      // javax.ejb.EJBHome interface.
      // Spec 7.11.6
      if (!hasEJBHomeInterface(home))
         fireSpecViolationEvent(session, new Section("7.11.6.a"));
         status = false;

      // Method arguments defined in the home interface MUST be
      // of valid types for RMI/IIOP.
      // Method return values defined in the home interface MUST
      // be of valid types for RMI/IIOP.
      // Methods defined in the home interface MUST include
      // java.rmi.RemoteException in their throws clause.
      // Spec 7.11.6
      Iterator it = Arrays.asList(home.getMethods()).iterator();
      while (it.hasNext())
         Method method = (Method);

         if (!hasLegalRMIIIOPArguments(method))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(session, method, new Section("7.11.6.b1"));
            status = false;

         if (!hasLegalRMIIIOPReturnType(method))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(session, method, new Section("7.11.6.b2"));
            status = false;

         if (!throwsRemoteException(method))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(session, method, new Section("7.11.6.b3"));
            status = false;

      // A session bean's home interface MUST define one or more
      // create(...) methods.
      // Spec 7.11.6
      if (!hasCreateMethod(home))
         fireSpecViolationEvent(session, new Section("7.11.6.d1"));
         status = false;

      // Each create(...) method in the session bean's home interface
      // MUST have a matching ejbCreate(...) method in the session
      // bean's class.
      // Each create(...) method in the session bean's home interface
      // MUST have the same number and types of arguments to its
      // matching ejbCreate(...) method.
      // The return type for a create(...) method MUST be the session
      // bean's remote interface type.
      // All the exceptions defined in the throws clause of the matching
      // ejbCreate(...) method of the enterprise bean class MUST be
      // included in the throws clause of a matching create(...) method.
      // The throws clause of a create(...) method MUST include the
      // javax.ejb.CreateException.
      // Spec 7.11.6
      Iterator createMethods = getCreateMethods(home);
      while (createMethods.hasNext())
         Method create = (Method);

         if (!hasMatchingEJBCreate(bean, create))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(session, create, new Section("7.11.6.e"));
            status = false;

         if (!hasRemoteReturnType(session, create))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(session, create, new Section("7.11.6.f"));
            status = false;

         if (hasMatchingEJBCreate(bean, create))
            Method ejbCreate = getMatchingEJBCreate(bean, create);
            if (!hasMatchingExceptions(ejbCreate, create))
               fireSpecViolationEvent(session, create,
                       new Section("7.11.6.g"));
               status = false;

         if (!throwsCreateException(create))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(session, create, new Section("7.11.6.h"));
            status = false;

      return status;

    * Verifies the session bean local home interface against the EJB 2.1
    * specification.
    * @param session parsed metadata of the session bean
   protected boolean verifySessionLocalHome(SessionMetaData session)
      boolean status = true;

      // The local home interface of a stateless session bean MUST have
      // one create() method that takes no arguments.
      // There CAN NOT be other create() methods in the home interface.
      // Spec 7.11.8
      if (session.isStateless())
         if (!hasDefaultCreateMethod(localHome))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(session, new Section("7.11.8.d2"));
            status = false;
            Method create = getDefaultCreateMethod(localHome);

            if (hasMoreThanOneCreateMethods(localHome))
               fireSpecViolationEvent(session, new Section("7.11.8.d2"));
               status = false;

      // The session bean's home interface MUST extend the
      // javax.ejb.EJBLocalHome interface.
      // Spec 7.11.8
      if (!hasEJBLocalHomeInterface(localHome))
         fireSpecViolationEvent(session, new Section("7.11.8.a"));
         status = false;

      // Methods defined in the local home interface MUST NOT include
      // java.rmi.RemoteException in their throws clause.
      // Spec 7.11.8
      Iterator it = Arrays.asList(localHome.getMethods()).iterator();
      while (it.hasNext())
         Method method = (Method);

         if (throwsRemoteException(method))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(session, method, new Section("7.11.8.b"));
            status = false;

      // A session bean's home interface MUST define one or more
      // create(...) methods.
      // Spec 7.11.8
      if (!hasCreateMethod(localHome))
         fireSpecViolationEvent(session, new Section("7.11.8.d1"));
         status = false;

      // Each create(...) method in the session bean's local home
      // interface MUST have a matching ejbCreate(...) method in the
      // session bean's class.
      // Each create(...) method in the session bean's home interface
      // MUST have the same number and types of arguments to its
      // matching ejbCreate(...) method.
      // The return type for a create(...) method MUST be the session
      // bean's local interface type.
      // All the exceptions defined in the throws clause of the matching
      // ejbCreate(...) method of the enterprise bean class MUST be
      // included in the throws clause of a matching create(...) method.
      // The throws clause of a create(...) method MUST include the
      // javax.ejb.CreateException.
      // Spec 7.11.8
      Iterator createMethods = getCreateMethods(localHome);
      while (createMethods.hasNext())
         Method create = (Method);

         if (!hasMatchingEJBCreate(bean, create))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(session, create,
                    new Section("7.11.8.e"));
            status = false;

         if (!hasLocalReturnType(session, create))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(session, create,
                    new Section("7.11.8.f"));
            status = false;

         if (hasMatchingEJBCreate(bean, create))
            Method ejbCreate = getMatchingEJBCreate(bean, create);
            if (!hasMatchingExceptions(ejbCreate, create))
               fireSpecViolationEvent(session, create,
                       new Section("7.11.8.g"));

         if (!throwsCreateException(create))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(session, create,
                    new Section("7.11.8.h"));
            status = false;

      return status;

    * Verify Session Bean Remote Interface
   protected boolean verifySessionRemote(SessionMetaData session)
      boolean status = true;

      // The remote interface MUST extend the javax.ejb.EJBObject
      // interface.
      // Spec 7.11.5
      if (!hasEJBObjectInterface(remote))
         fireSpecViolationEvent(session, new Section("7.11.5.a"));
         status = false;

      // Method arguments defined in the remote interface MUST be
      // of valid types for RMI/IIOP.
      // Method return values defined in the remote interface MUST
      // be of valid types for RMI/IIOP.
      // Methods defined in the remote interface MUST include
      // java.rmi.RemoteException in their throws clause.
      // Spec 7.11.5
      Iterator it = Arrays.asList(remote.getMethods()).iterator();
      while (it.hasNext())
         Method method = (Method);

         if (!hasLegalRMIIIOPArguments(method))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(session, method, new Section("7.11.5.b1"));
            status = false;

         if (!hasLegalRMIIIOPReturnType(method))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(session, method, new Section("7.11.5.b2"));
            status = false;

         if (!throwsRemoteException(method))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(session, method, new Section("7.11.5.b3"));
            status = false;

      // For each method defined in the remote interface, there MUST be
      // a matching method in the session bean's class. The matching
      // method MUST have:
      //  - the same name
      //  - the same number and types of arguments, and the same
      //    return type
      //  - All the exceptions defined in the throws clause of the
      //    matching method of the session bean class must be defined
      //    in the throws clause of the method of the remote interface
      // Spec 7.11.5
      it = Arrays.asList(remote.getDeclaredMethods()).iterator();
      while (it.hasNext())
         Method remoteMethod = (Method);

         if (!hasMatchingMethod(bean, remoteMethod))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(session, remoteMethod,
                    new Section("7.11.5.d1"));

            status = false;

         if (hasMatchingMethod(bean, remoteMethod))
               Method beanMethod = bean.getMethod(remoteMethod.getName(),

               if (!hasMatchingReturnType(remoteMethod, beanMethod))
                  fireSpecViolationEvent(session, remoteMethod,
                          new Section("7.11.5.d2"));
                  status = false;

               if (!hasMatchingExceptions(beanMethod, remoteMethod))
                  fireSpecViolationEvent(session, remoteMethod,
                          new Section("7.11.5.d3"));
                  status = false;
            catch (NoSuchMethodException ignored)

      return status;

    * Verify Session Bean Local Interface
   protected boolean verifySessionLocal(SessionMetaData session)
      boolean status = true;

      // The local interface MUST extend the javax.ejb.EJBLocalObject
      // interface.
      // Spec 7.11.7
      if (!hasEJBLocalObjectInterface(local))
         fireSpecViolationEvent(session, new Section("7.11.7.a"));
         status = false;

      // Methods defined in the local interface MUST NOT include
      // java.rmi.RemoteException in their throws clause.
      // Spec 7.11.7
      Iterator it = Arrays.asList(local.getMethods()).iterator();
      while (it.hasNext())
         Method method = (Method);
         if (throwsRemoteException(method))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(session, method, new Section("7.11.7.b"));
            status = false;

      // For each method defined in the local interface, there MUST be
      // a matching method in the session bean's class. The matching
      // method MUST have:
      //  - the same name
      //  - the same number and types of arguments, and the same
      //    return type
      //  - All the exceptions defined in the throws clause of the
      //    matching method of the session bean class must be defined
      //    in the throws clause of the method of the remote interface
      // Spec 7.11.7
      it = Arrays.asList(local.getDeclaredMethods()).iterator();
      while (it.hasNext())
         Method localMethod = (Method);

         if (!hasMatchingMethod(bean, localMethod))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(session, localMethod,
                    new Section("7.11.7.d1"));
            status = false;

         if (hasMatchingMethod(bean, localMethod))
               Method beanMethod = bean.getMethod(localMethod.getName(),

               if (!hasMatchingReturnType(localMethod, beanMethod))
                  fireSpecViolationEvent(session, localMethod,
                          new Section("7.11.7.d2"));
                  status = false;

               if (!hasMatchingExceptions(beanMethod, localMethod))
                  fireSpecViolationEvent(session, localMethod,
                          new Section("7.11.7.d3"));
                  status = false;
            catch (NoSuchMethodException ignored)

      return status;

    * Verify Session Bean
   protected boolean verifySessionBean(SessionMetaData session)
      boolean status = true;

      // A session bean MUST implement, directly or indirectly,
      // javax.ejb.SessionBean interface.
      // Spec 7.11.2
      if (!hasSessionBeanInterface(bean))
         fireSpecViolationEvent(session, new Section("7.11.2.a"));
         status = false;

      // Only a stateful container-managed transaction demarcation
      // session bean MAY implement the SessionSynchronization
      // interface.
      // A stateless Session bean MUST NOT implement the
      // SessionSynchronization interface.
      // Spec 7.5.3
      if (hasSessionSynchronizationInterface(bean))
         if (session.isStateless())
            fireSpecViolationEvent(session, new Section("7.5.3.a"));
            status = false;

         if (session.isBeanManagedTx())
            fireSpecViolationEvent(session, new Section("7.5.3.b"));
            status = false;

      // A session bean MUST implement AT LEAST one ejbCreate method.
      // Spec 7.11.3
      if (!hasEJBCreateMethod(bean, true))
         fireSpecViolationEvent(session, new Section("7.11.3"));
         status = false;

      // A session with bean-managed transaction demarcation CANNOT
      // implement the SessionSynchronization interface.
      // Spec 7.6.1 (table 2)
      if (hasSessionSynchronizationInterface(bean)
              && session.isBeanManagedTx())
         fireSpecViolationEvent(session, new Section("7.6.1"));
         status = false;

      // The session bean class MUST be defined as public.
      // Spec 7.11.2
      if (!isPublic(bean))
         fireSpecViolationEvent(session, new Section("7.11.2.b1"));
         status = false;

      // The session bean class MUST NOT be final.
      // Spec 7.11.2
      if (isFinal(bean))
         fireSpecViolationEvent(session, new Section("7.11.2.b2"));
         status = false;

      // The session bean class MUST NOT be abstract.
      // Spec 7.11.2
      if (isAbstract(bean))
         fireSpecViolationEvent(session, new Section("7.11.2.b3"));
         status = false;

      // The session bean class MUST have a public constructor that
      // takes no arguments.
      // Spec 7.11.2
      if (!hasDefaultConstructor(bean))
         fireSpecViolationEvent(session, new Section("7.11.2.c"));
         status = false;

      // The session bean class MUST NOT define the finalize() method.
      // Spec 7.11.2
      if (hasFinalizer(bean))
         fireSpecViolationEvent(session, new Section("7.11.2.d"));
         status = false;

      // The ejbCreate(...) method signatures MUST follow these rules:
      //      - The method name MUST have ejbCreate as its prefix
      //      - The method MUST be declared as public
      //      - The method MUST NOT be declared as final or static
      //      - The return type MUST be void
      //      - The method arguments MUST be legal types for RMI/IIOP
      //      - The method SHOULD not throw a java.rmi.RemoteException
      //        (NOTE we don't test for this as it's not a MUST)
      // Spec 7.11.3
      if (hasEJBCreateMethod(bean, true))
         Iterator it = getEJBCreateMethods(bean);
         while (it.hasNext())
            Method ejbCreate = (Method);

            if (!isPublic(ejbCreate))
               fireSpecViolationEvent(session, ejbCreate,
                       new Section("7.11.3.b"));
               status = false;

            if ((isFinal(ejbCreate)) || (isStatic(ejbCreate)))
               fireSpecViolationEvent(session, ejbCreate,
                       new Section("7.11.3.c"));
               status = false;

            if (!hasVoidReturnType(ejbCreate))
               fireSpecViolationEvent(session, ejbCreate,
                       new Section("7.11.3.d"));
               status = false;

            if (!hasLegalRMIIIOPArguments(ejbCreate))
               fireSpecViolationEvent(session, ejbCreate,
                       new Section("7.11.3.e"));
               status = false;

      return status;

    * Verify Entity Bean Home Interface
   private boolean verifyEntityHome(EntityMetaData entity)
      boolean status = true;

      // Entity bean's home interface MUST extend the javax.ejb.EJBHome
      // interface.
      // Spec 12.2.9
      if (!hasEJBHomeInterface(home))
         fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, new Section("12.2.9.a"));
         status = false;

      // The methods defined in the entity bean's home interface MUST
      // have valid RMI-IIOP argument types.
      // The methods defined in the entity bean's home interface MUST
      // have valid RMI-IIOP return types.
      // The methods defined in the entity bean's home interface MUST
      // have java.rmi.RemoteException in their throws clause.
      // Spec 12.2.9
      Iterator methods = Arrays.asList(home.getMethods()).iterator();
      while (methods.hasNext())
         Method method = (Method);

         if (!hasLegalRMIIIOPArguments(method))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, method,
                    new Section("12.2.9.b1"));
            status = false;

         if (!hasLegalRMIIIOPReturnType(method))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, method,
                    new Section("12.2.9.b2"));
            status = false;

         if (!throwsRemoteException(method))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, method,
                    new Section("12.2.9.b3"));
            status = false;

      // Each method defined in the entity bean's home interface must be
      // one of the following:
      //    - a create method
      //    - a finder method
      //    - a home method
      // Spec 12.2.9
      methods = Arrays.asList(home.getMethods()).iterator();
      while (methods.hasNext())
         Method method = (Method);

         // Do not check the methods of the javax.ejb.EJBHome interface
         if (method.getDeclaringClass().getName().equals(EJB_HOME_INTERFACE))

         if (isCreateMethod(method))
            // Each create(...) method in the entity bean's home
            // interface MUST have a matching ejbCreate(...) method in
            // the entity bean's class.
            // Each create(...) method in the entity bean's home
            // interface MUST have the same number and types of
            // arguments to its matching ejbCreate(...) method.
            // The return type for a create(...) method MUST be the
            // entity bean's remote interface type.
            // All the exceptions defined in the throws clause of the
            // matching ejbCreate(...) and ejbPostCreate(...) methods of
            // the enterprise bean class MUST be included in the throws
            // clause of a matching create(...) method.
            // The throws clause of a create(...) method MUST include
            // the javax.ejb.CreateException.
            // Spec 12.2.9
            if (!hasMatchingEJBCreate(bean, method))
               fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, method, new Section("12.2.9.d"));
               status = false;

            if (!hasRemoteReturnType(entity, method))
               fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, method, new Section("12.2.9.e"));
               status = false;

            if (hasMatchingEJBCreate(bean, method)
                    && hasMatchingEJBPostCreate(bean, method))
               Method ejbCreate = getMatchingEJBCreate(bean, method);
               Method ejbPostCreate = getMatchingEJBPostCreate(bean, method);

               if (!(hasMatchingExceptions(ejbCreate, method)
                       && hasMatchingExceptions(ejbPostCreate, method)))
                  fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, method,
                          new Section("12.2.9.f"));

            if (!throwsCreateException(method))
               fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, method, new Section("12.2.9.g"));
               status = false;
         else if (isFinderMethod(method))
            // Each finder method MUST match one of the ejbFind<METHOD>
            // methods defined in the entity bean class.
            // The matching ejbFind<METHOD> method MUST have the same
            // number and types of arguments.
            // The return type for a find<METHOD> method MUST be the
            // entity bean's remote interface type (single-object
            // finder) or a collection thereof (for a multi-object
            // finder).
            // All the exceptions defined in the throws clause of an
            // ejbFind method of the entity bean class MUST be included
            // in the throws clause of the matching find method of the
            // home interface.
            // The throws clause of a finder method MUST include the
            // javax.ejb.FinderException.
            // Spec 12.2.9
            if (entity.isBMP())
            {  // Check for BMP violations
               if ((!hasMatchingEJBFind(bean, method)))
                  fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, method,
                          new Section("12.2.9.h"));
                  status = false;

               if (!(hasRemoteReturnType(entity, method)
                       || isMultiObjectFinder(method)))
                  fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, method,
                          new Section("12.2.9.j"));
                  status = false;

               if ((hasMatchingEJBFind(bean, method)))
                  Method ejbFind = getMatchingEJBFind(bean, method);
                  if (!(hasMatchingExceptions(ejbFind, method)))
                     fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, method,
                             new Section("12.2.9.k"));
                     status = false;

               if (!throwsFinderException(method))
                  fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, method,
                          new Section("12.2.9.l"));
                  status = false;
            } // if( entity.isBMP() )

            if (entity.isCMP())

               if (!(hasRemoteReturnType(entity, method)
                       || isMultiObjectFinder(method)))
                  fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, method,
                          new Section("10.6.10.a"));
                  status = false;

               if (!throwsFinderException(method))
                  fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, method,
                          new Section("10.6.10.b"));
                  status = false;

               // For every finder method there must be a matching
               // <query> element defined in the deployment descriptor
               // with the exception of findByPrimaryKey
               // JBoss Extension: 'findAll' is _also_ ignored.
               if (!method.getName().equals("findByPrimaryKey")
                       && !method.getName().equals("findAll")
                       && !hasMatchingQuery(method, entity))
                  fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, method,
                          new Section("10.5.6"));
                  status = false;
            } // if( entity.isCMP() )
         else   // Neither Create nor Finder method
            // Each home method MUST match a method defined in the
            // entity bean class.
            // The matching ejbHome<METHOD> method MUST have the same
            // number and types of arguments, and a matching return
            // type.
            // Spec 12.2.9
            if (!hasMatchingEJBHome(bean, method))
               fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, method,
                       new Section("12.2.9.m"));
               status = false;
      } // while( methods.hasNext() )

      return status;

    * Verify Entity Bean Local Home Interface
   private boolean verifyEntityLocalHome(EntityMetaData entity)
      boolean status = true;

      // Entity bean's local home interface MUST extend the
      // javax.ejb.EJBLocalHome interface.
      // Spec 12.2.11
      if (!hasEJBLocalHomeInterface(localHome))
         fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, new Section("12.2.11.a"));
         status = false;

      // The methods defined in the entity bean's home interface MUST
      // NOT have java.rmi.RemoteException in their throws clause.
      // Spec 12.2.11
      Iterator homeMethods = Arrays.asList(localHome.getMethods()).iterator();
      while (homeMethods.hasNext())
         Method method = (Method);

         if (throwsRemoteException(method))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, method, new Section("12.2.11.b"));
            status = false;

      // Each method defined in the entity bean's local home interface
      // must be one of the following:
      //    - a create method
      //    - a finder method
      //    - a home method
      // Spec 12.2.11
      homeMethods = Arrays.asList(localHome.getMethods()).iterator();
      while (homeMethods.hasNext())
         Method method = (Method);

         // Do not check the methods of the javax.ejb.EJBLocalHome interface
         if (method.getDeclaringClass().getName().equals(EJB_LOCAL_HOME_INTERFACE))

         if (isCreateMethod(method))
            // Each create(...) method in the entity bean's local home
            // interface MUST have a matching ejbCreate(...) method in
            // the entity bean's class.
            // Each create(...) method in the entity bean's local home
            // interface MUST have the same number and types of
            // arguments to its matching ejbCreate(...) method.
            // The return type for a create(...) method MUST be the
            // entity bean's local interface type.
            // All the exceptions defined in the throws clause of the
            // matching ejbCreate(...) and ejbPostCreate(...) methods of
            // the enterprise bean class MUST be included in the throws
            // clause of a matching create(...) method.
            // The throws clause of a create(...) method MUST include
            // the javax.ejb.CreateException.
            // Spec 12.2.11
            if (!hasMatchingEJBCreate(bean, method))
               fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, method,
                       new Section("12.2.11.e"));
               status = false;

            if (!hasLocalReturnType(entity, method))
               fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, method,
                       new Section("12.2.11.f"));
               status = false;

            if (hasMatchingEJBCreate(bean, method)
                    && hasMatchingEJBPostCreate(bean, method))
               Method ejbCreate = getMatchingEJBCreate(bean, method);
               Method ejbPostCreate = getMatchingEJBPostCreate(bean, method);

               if (!(hasMatchingExceptions(ejbCreate, method)
                       && hasMatchingExceptions(ejbPostCreate, method)))
                  fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, method,
                          new Section("12.2.11.g"));

            if (!throwsCreateException(method))
               fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, method,
                       new Section("12.2.11.h"));
               status = false;
         else if (isFinderMethod(method))
            // Each finder method MUST match one of the ejbFind<METHOD>
            // methods defined in the entity bean class.
            // The matching ejbFind<METHOD> method MUST have the same
            // number and types of arguments.
            // The return type for a find<METHOD> method MUST be the
            // entity bean's local interface type (single-object finder)
            // or a collection thereof (for a multi-object finder).
            // All the exceptions defined in the throws clause of an
            // ejbFind method of the entity bean class MUST be included
            // in the throws clause of the matching find method of the
            // home interface.
            // The throws clause of a finder method MUST include the
            // javax.ejb.FinderException.
            // Spec 12.2.11
            if (!(hasLocalReturnType(entity, method)
                    || isMultiObjectFinder(method)))
               fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, method,
                       new Section("12.2.11.j"));
               status = false;

            if (!throwsFinderException(method))
               fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, method,
                       new Section("12.2.11.k"));
               status = false;

            if (entity.isCMP())
               // The entity bean class does not implement the finder
               // methods. The implementation of the finder methods are
               // provided by the Container
               // Spec 10.6.2
               if (hasMatchingEJBFind(bean, method))
                  fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, method,
                          new Section("10.6.2.j"));
                  status = false;

               // For every finder method there must be a matching
               // <query> element defined in the deployment descriptor
               // with the exception of findByPrimaryKey
               // JBoss Extension: 'findAll' is _also_ ignored.
               // Spec 10.5.6
               if (!method.getName().equals("findByPrimaryKey")
                       && !method.getName().equals("findAll")
                       && !hasMatchingQuery(method, entity))
                  fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, method,
                          new Section("10.5.6"));
                  status = false;

            if (entity.isBMP())
               if (!hasMatchingEJBFind(bean, method))
                  fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, method,
                          new Section("12.2.11.i"));
                  status = false;
                  Method ejbFind = getMatchingEJBFind(bean, method);

                  if (!(hasMatchingExceptions(ejbFind, method)))
                     fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, method,
                             new Section("12.2.11.l"));
            // Each home method MUST match a method defined in the
            // entity bean class.
            // The matching ejbHome<METHOD> method MUST have the same
            // number and types of arguments, and a matching return
            // type.
            // Spec 12.2.9
            if (!hasMatchingEJBHome(bean, method))
               fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, method,
                       new Section("12.2.11.m"));
               status = false;
      } // while( homeMethods.hasNext() )

      return status;

    * Verify Entity Bean Local Interface
   private boolean verifyEntityLocal(EntityMetaData entity)
      boolean status = true;

      // Entity bean's local interface MUST extend
      // the javax.ejb.EJBLocalObject interface.
      // Spec 12.2.10
      if (!hasEJBLocalObjectInterface(local))
         fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, new Section("12.2.10.a"));
         status = false;

      // The methods defined in the entity bean's local interface MUST
      // NOT have java.rmi.RemoteException in their throws clause.
      // Spec 12.2.10
      Iterator localMethods = Arrays.asList(local.getMethods()).iterator();
      while (localMethods.hasNext())
         Method method = (Method);

         if (throwsRemoteException(method))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, method, new Section("12.2.10.b"));
            status = false;

      // For each method defined in the local interface, there MUST be
      // a matching method in the entity bean's class. The matching
      // method MUST have:
      //     - The same name.
      //     - The same number and types of its arguments.
      //     - The same return type.
      //     - All the exceptions defined in the throws clause of the
      //       matching method of the enterprise Bean class must be
      //       defined in the throws clause of the method of the local
      //       interface.
      // Spec 12.2.10
      localMethods = Arrays.asList(local.getMethods()).iterator();
      while (localMethods.hasNext())
         Method method = (Method);

         // Do not check the methods of the javax.ejb.EJBLocalObject
         // interface
         if (method.getDeclaringClass().getName().equals(EJB_LOCAL_OBJECT_INTERFACE))

         if (!hasMatchingMethod(bean, method))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, method, new Section("12.2.10.c"));
            status = false;

         if (hasMatchingMethod(bean, method))
               Method beanMethod = bean.getMethod(method.getName(),

               if (!hasMatchingReturnType(beanMethod, method))
                  fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, method,
                          new Section("12.2.10.d"));
                  status = false;

               if (!hasMatchingExceptions(beanMethod, method))
                  fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, method,
                          new Section("12.2.10.e"));

                  status = false;
            catch (NoSuchMethodException ignored)

      return status;

    * Verify Entity Bean Remote Interface
   private boolean verifyEntityRemote(EntityMetaData entity)
      boolean status = true;

      // Entity bean's remote interface MUST extend
      // the javax.ejb.EJBObject interface.
      // Spec 9.2.7
      if (!hasEJBObjectInterface(remote))
         fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, new Section("9.2.7.a"));
         status = false;

      // The methods defined in the entity bean's remote interface MUST
      // have valid RMI-IIOP argument types.
      // The methods defined in the entity bean's home interface MUST
      // have valid RMI-IIOP return types.
      // The methods defined in the entity bean's home interface MUST
      // have java.rmi.RemoteException in their throws clause.
      // Spec 9.2.7
      Iterator it = Arrays.asList(remote.getMethods()).iterator();
      while (it.hasNext())
         Method method = (Method);

         if (!hasLegalRMIIIOPArguments(method))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, method, new Section("9.2.7.b"));
            status = false;

         if (!hasLegalRMIIIOPReturnType(method))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, method, new Section("9.2.7.c"));
            status = false;

         if (!hasLegalRMIIIOPExceptionTypes(method))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, method, new Section("9.2.7.h"));
            status = false;

         if (!throwsRemoteException(method))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, method, new Section("9.2.7.d"));
            status = false;

      // For each method defined in the remote interface, there MUST be
      // a matching method in the entity bean's class. The matching
      // method MUST have:
      //     - The same name.
      //     - The same number and types of its arguments.
      //     - The same return type.
      //     - All the exceptions defined in the throws clause of the
      //       matching method of the enterprise Bean class must be
      //       defined in the throws clause of the method of the remote
      //       interface.
      // Spec 9.2.7
      it = Arrays.asList(remote.getMethods()).iterator();
      while (it.hasNext())
         Method method = (Method);

         // Do not check the methods of the javax.ejb.EJBObject interface
         if (method.getDeclaringClass().getName().equals(EJB_OBJECT_INTERFACE))

         if (!hasMatchingMethod(bean, method))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, method, new Section("9.2.7.e"));
            status = false;

         if (hasMatchingMethod(bean, method))
               Method beanMethod = bean.getMethod(method.getName(),

               if (!hasMatchingReturnType(beanMethod, method))
                  fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, method,
                          new Section("9.2.7.f"));
                  status = false;

               if (!hasMatchingExceptions(beanMethod, method))
                  fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, method,
                          new Section("9.2.7.g"));
                  status = false;
            catch (NoSuchMethodException ignored)

      return status;

    * Verify Entity Bean Class
   private boolean verifyCMPEntityBean(EntityMetaData entity)
      boolean status = true;

      // The enterprise bean class MUST implement, directly or
      // indirectly, the javax.ejb.EntityBean interface.
      // Spec 10.6.2
      if (!hasEntityBeanInterface(bean))
         fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, new Section("10.6.2.a"));
         status = false;

      // The entity bean class MUST be defined as public and abstract.
      // Spec 10.6.2
      if (!isPublic(bean) || !isAbstract(bean))
         fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, new Section("10.6.2.b"));
         status = false;

      // The entity bean class MUST define a public constructor that
      // takes no arguments
      // Spec 10.6.2
      if (!hasDefaultConstructor(bean))
         fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, new Section("10.6.2.c"));
         status = false;

      // The entity bean class MUST NOT define the finalize() method.
      // Spec 10.6.2
      if (hasFinalizer(bean))
         fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, new Section("10.6.2.d"));
         status = false;

      // The ejbCreate(...) method signatures MUST follow these rules:
      //      - The method MUST be declared as public
      //      - The method MUST NOT be declared as final or static
      //      - The return type MUST be the entity bean's primary key type
      //      --- Only if method is on remote home ---
      //      - The method arguments MUST be legal types for RMI/IIOP
      //      - The method return value type MUST be legal type for RMI/IIOP
      //      --- End of only if method is on remote home ---
      //      - The method must define the javax.ejb.CreateException
      // Spec 10.6.4
      if (hasEJBCreateMethod(bean, false))
         Iterator it = getEJBCreateMethods(bean);
         while (it.hasNext())
            Method ejbCreate = (Method);
            if (!isPublic(ejbCreate))
               fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, ejbCreate,
                       new Section("10.6.4.b"));
               status = false;

            if ((isFinal(ejbCreate)) || (isStatic(ejbCreate)))
               fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, ejbCreate,
                       new Section("10.6.4.c"));
               status = false;

            if (!hasPrimaryKeyReturnType(entity, ejbCreate))
               fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, ejbCreate,
                       new Section("10.6.4.d"));
               status = false;

            /* FIXME
             *  This is only true if the method is on the remote home
             * interface
             if (!hasLegalRMIIIOPArguments(ejbCreate)) {
             fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, ejbCreate, new Section("10.6.4.d"));
             status = false;

             if (!hasLegalRMIIIOPReturnType(ejbCreate)) {
             fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, ejbCreate, new Section("10.5.4.f"));
             status = false;

            if (!throwsCreateException(ejbCreate))
               fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, ejbCreate,
                       new Section("10.6.4.g"));
               status = false;

      // For each ejbCreate(...) method, the entity bean class MUST
      // define a matching ejbPostCreate(...) method.
      // The ejbPostCreate(...) method MUST follow these rules:
      //   - the method MUST be declared as public
      //   - the method MUST NOT be declared as final or static
      //   - the return type MUST be void
      //   - the method arguments MUST be the same as the matching
      //     ejbCreate(...) method
      // Spec 10.6.5
      if (hasEJBCreateMethod(bean, false))
         Iterator it = getEJBCreateMethods(bean);

         while (it.hasNext())
            Method ejbCreate = (Method);

            if (!hasMatchingEJBPostCreate(bean, ejbCreate))
               fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, ejbCreate,
                       new Section("10.6.5.a"));
               status = false;

            if (hasMatchingEJBPostCreate(bean, ejbCreate))
               Method ejbPostCreate = getMatchingEJBPostCreate(bean,

               if (!isPublic(ejbPostCreate))
                  fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, ejbPostCreate,
                          new Section("10.6.5.b"));
                  status = false;

               if (isStatic(ejbPostCreate))
                  fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, ejbPostCreate,
                          new Section("10.6.5.c"));
                  status = false;

               if (isFinal(ejbPostCreate))
                  fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, ejbPostCreate,
                          new Section("10.6.5.d"));
                  status = false;

               if (!hasVoidReturnType(ejbPostCreate))
                  fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, ejbPostCreate,
                          new Section("10.6.5.e"));
                  status = false;

      // The ejbHome(...) method signatures MUST follow these rules:
      //      - The method name MUST have ejbHome as its prefix.
      //      - The method MUST be declared as public
      //      - The method MUST NOT be declared as static.
      //      - The method MUST NOT define the java.rmi.RemoteException
      // Spec 10.6.6
      Iterator it = getEjbHomeMethods(bean);
      while (it.hasNext())
         Method ejbHome = (Method);
         if (!isPublic(ejbHome))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, ejbHome, new Section("10.6.6.a"));
            status = false;

         if (isStatic(ejbHome))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, ejbHome, new Section("10.6.6.b"));
            status = false;

         if (throwsRemoteException(ejbHome))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, ejbHome, new Section("10.6.6.c"));
            status = false;

      // The CMP entity bean MUST implement get and set accessor methods for
      // each field within the abstract persistance schema.
      // Spec 10.6.2
      it = entity.getCMPFields();
      while (it.hasNext())
         String fieldName = (String);
         String getName = "get" + fieldName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() +
         Class fieldType = null;

            Method m = bean.getMethod(getName, new Class[0]);
            fieldType = m.getReturnType();

            // The getter must not return 'void' according to the JavaBeans
            // Spec
            if (fieldType == Void.TYPE)
                       new Section("jb.7.1.b", "Field: " + fieldName));
         catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme)
                    new Section("10.6.2.g", "Field: " + fieldName));
            status = false;

         String setName = "set" + fieldName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() +
         Class[] args = new Class[1];
         args[0] = fieldType;

            Method m = bean.getMethod(setName, args);
            fieldType = m.getReturnType();

            // According to the JavaBeans Spec, a setter method must
            // return 'void'
            if (fieldType != Void.TYPE)
                       new Section("jb.7.1.a", "Field: " + fieldName));
         catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme)
            // Try with java.util.Collection
            // FIXME: This should only be tried for CMR methods; a CMP
            //        setter cannot accept a Collection!
               args[0] = classloader.loadClass("java.util.Collection");
               Method m = bean.getMethod(setName, args);
            catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme2)
                       new Section("10.6.2.h", "Field: " + fieldName));
               status = false;
            catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe)
               // Something is really broken

      // The ejbSelect(...) method signatures MUST follow these rules:
      //      - The method name MUST have ejbSelect as its prefix.
      //      - The method MUST be declared as public
      //      - The method MUST be declared as abstract.
      //      - The method MUST define the javax.ejb.FinderException
      // Spec 10.6.7
      it = getEjbSelectMethods(bean);
      while (it.hasNext())
         Method ejbSelect = (Method);

         if (!isPublic(ejbSelect))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, ejbSelect, new Section("10.6.7.a"));
            status = false;

         if (!isAbstract(ejbSelect))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, ejbSelect, new Section("10.6.7.b"));
            status = false;

         if (!throwsFinderException(ejbSelect))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, ejbSelect, new Section("10.6.7.c"));
            status = false;

         if (!hasMatchingQuery(ejbSelect, entity))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, ejbSelect, new Section("10.5.7"));
            status = false;

      // A CMP Entity Bean must not define Finder methods.
      // Spec 10.6.2
      if (hasFinderMethod(bean))
         fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, new Section("10.6.2.i"));
         status = false;

      return status;

    * Verify BMP Entity Class
   private boolean verifyBMPEntityBean(EntityMetaData entity)
      boolean status = true;

      // The enterprise bean class MUST implement, directly or
      // indirectly, the javax.ejb.EntityBean interface.
      // Spec 12.2.2
      if (!hasEntityBeanInterface(bean))
         fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, new Section("12.2.2.a"));
         status = false;

      // The entity bean class MUST be defined as public and NOT abstract.
      // Spec 12.2.2
      if (!isPublic(bean) || isAbstract(bean))
         fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, new Section("12.2.2.b"));
         status = false;

      // The entity bean class MUST NOT be defined as final.
      // Spec 12.2.2
      if (isFinal(bean))
         fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, new Section("12.2.2.c"));
         status = false;

      // The entity bean class MUST define a public constructor that
      // takes no arguments
      // Spec 12.2.2
      if (!hasDefaultConstructor(bean))
         fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, new Section("12.2.2.d"));
         status = false;

      // The entity bean class MUST NOT define the finalize() method.
      // Spec 12.2.2
      if (hasFinalizer(bean))
         fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, new Section("12.2.2.e"));
         status = false;

      // The ejbCreate(...) method signatures MUST follow these rules:
      //      - The method MUST be declared as public
      //      - The method MUST NOT be declared as final or static
      //      - The return type MUST be the entity bean's primary key type
      //      --- If the method is on the remote home interface ---
      //      - The method arguments MUST be legal types for RMI/IIOP
      //      - The method return value type MUST be legal type for RMI/IIOP
      //      --- End if the method is on the remote home interface ---
      // Spec 12.2.3
      if (hasEJBCreateMethod(bean, false))
         Iterator it = getEJBCreateMethods(bean);
         while (it.hasNext())
            Method ejbCreate = (Method);
            if (!isPublic(ejbCreate))
               fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, ejbCreate,
                       new Section("12.2.3.a"));
               status = false;

            if ((isFinal(ejbCreate)) || (isStatic(ejbCreate)))
               fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, ejbCreate,
                       new Section("12.2.3.b"));
               status = false;

            if (!hasPrimaryKeyReturnType(entity, ejbCreate))
               fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, ejbCreate,
                       new Section("12.2.3.c"));
               status = false;

            /* FIXME
             * This code needs to only be invoked if the method is on the
             * remote home.
             if (!hasLegalRMIIIOPArguments(ejbCreate)) {
             fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, ejbCreate, new Section("9.2.3.d"));
             status = false;
             if (!hasLegalRMIIIOPReturnType(ejbCreate)) {
             fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, ejbCreate, new Section("9.2.3.e"));
             status = false;

      // For each ejbCreate(...) method, the entity bean class MUST
      // define a matching ejbPostCreate(...) method.
      // The ejbPostCreate(...) method MUST follow these rules:
      //   - the method MUST be declared as public
      //   - the method MUST NOT be declared as final or static
      //   - the return type MUST be void
      //   - the method arguments MUST be the same as the matching
      //     ejbCreate(...) method
      // Spec 12.2.4
      if (hasEJBCreateMethod(bean, false))
         Iterator it = getEJBCreateMethods(bean);
         while (it.hasNext())
            Method ejbCreate = (Method);

            if (!hasMatchingEJBPostCreate(bean, ejbCreate))
               fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, ejbCreate,
                       new Section("12.2.4.a"));
               status = false;

            if (hasMatchingEJBPostCreate(bean, ejbCreate))
               Method ejbPostCreate = getMatchingEJBPostCreate(bean,

               if (!isPublic(ejbPostCreate))
                  fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, ejbPostCreate,
                          new Section("12.2.4.b"));
                  status = false;

               if (isStatic(ejbPostCreate) || isFinal(ejbPostCreate))
                  fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, ejbPostCreate,
                          new Section("12.2.4.c"));
                  status = false;

               if (!hasVoidReturnType(ejbPostCreate))
                  fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, ejbPostCreate,
                          new Section("12.2.4.d"));
                  status = false;

      // Every entity bean MUST define the ejbFindByPrimaryKey method.
      // The return type for the ejbFindByPrimaryKey method MUST be the
      // primary key type.
      // The ejbFindByPrimaryKey method MUST be a single-object finder.
      // Spec 12.2.5
      if (!hasEJBFindByPrimaryKey(bean))
         fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, new Section("12.2.5.e"));
         status = false;

      if (hasEJBFindByPrimaryKey(bean))
         Method ejbFindByPrimaryKey = getEJBFindByPrimaryKey(bean);

         if (!hasPrimaryKeyReturnType(entity, ejbFindByPrimaryKey))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, ejbFindByPrimaryKey,
                    new Section("12.2.5.e1"));
            status = false;

         if (!isSingleObjectFinder(entity, ejbFindByPrimaryKey))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, ejbFindByPrimaryKey,
                    new Section("12.2.5.e2"));
            status = false;

      // A finder method MUST be declared as public.
      // A finder method MUST NOT be declared as static.
      // A finder method MUST NOT be declared as final.
      // The finder method argument types MUST be legal types for
      // RMI/IIOP
      // The finder method return type MUST be either the entity bean's
      // primary key type, or java.lang.util.Enumeration interface or
      // java.lang.util.Collection interface.
      // Spec 12.2.5
      if (hasFinderMethod(bean))
         Iterator it = getEJBFindMethods(bean);
         while (it.hasNext())
            Method finder = (Method);

            if (!isPublic(finder))
               fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, finder, new Section("12.2.5.a"));
               status = false;

            if (isFinal(finder) || isStatic(finder))
               fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, finder, new Section("12.2.5.b"));
               status = false;

            /** FIXME
             * this path should only get invoked if the finder is on the
             * remote interface.
             if (!hasLegalRMIIIOPArguments(finder)) {
             fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, finder, new Section("12.2.5.c"));
             status = false;

            if (!(isSingleObjectFinder(entity, finder)
                    || isMultiObjectFinder(finder)))
               fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, finder, new Section("12.2.5.d"));
               status = false;

      // The ejbHome(...) method signatures MUST follow these rules:
      //      - The method name MUST have ejbHome as its prefix.
      //      - The method MUST be declared as public
      //      - The method MUST NOT be declared as static.
      //      - The method MUST NOT define the java.rmi.RemoteException
      // Spec 10.6.6
      Iterator it = getEjbHomeMethods(bean);
      while (it.hasNext())
         Method ejbHome = (Method);

         if (!isPublic(ejbHome))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, ejbHome, new Section("10.6.6.a"));
            status = false;

         if (isStatic(ejbHome))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, ejbHome, new Section("10.6.6.b"));
            status = false;

         if (throwsRemoteException(ejbHome))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, ejbHome, new Section("10.6.6.c"));
            status = false;

      return status;

    * Verify Primary Key
   private boolean verifyPrimaryKey(EntityMetaData entity)
      boolean status = true;
      boolean cmp = entity.isCMP();

      if (entity.getPrimaryKeyClass() == null
              || entity.getPrimaryKeyClass().length() == 0)
         if (cmp)
            fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, new Section("10.6.1.a"));
            fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, new Section("12.2.1.a"));

         // We can't get any further if there's no PK class specified!
         return false;

      // FIXME - Still missing the bits from 10.8.2 for CMP primary
      // keys.  Primarily the class must be public, all fields in the
      // class must be public and the fields must also be a subset of
      // the CMP fields within the bean.
      Class cls = null;
         cls = classloader.loadClass(entity.getPrimaryKeyClass());
      catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
         if (cmp)
            fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, new Section("10.6.13.a"));
            fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, new Section("12.2.12.a"));

         // Can't do any other checks if the class is null!
         return false;

      // The primary key type must be a valid type in RMI-IIOP.
      // Spec 10.6.13 & 12.2.12
      if (!isRMIIDLValueType(cls))
         if (cmp)
            fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, new Section("10.6.13.b"));
            fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, new Section("12.2.12.b"));
         status = false;

      // No primary key field specified, just a primary key class.
      if (entity.getPrimKeyField() == null ||
              entity.getPrimKeyField().length() == 0)
         // This is a check for some interesting implementation of
         // equals() and hashCode().  I am not sure how well it works in
         // the end.
         if (!cls.getName().equals("java.lang.Object"))
            Object one, two;

               one = cls.newInstance();
               two = cls.newInstance();
                  if (!one.equals(two))
                     if (cmp)
                        // fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, new Section("10.6.13.c"));
                        log.warn("Default instances of primary key: " + cls
                                + " do not equate, check your equals method");
                        //fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, new Section("12.2.12.c"));
                        log.warn("Default instances of primary key: " + cls
                                + " do not equate, check your equals method");
                     status = true;
               catch (NullPointerException e)
                  // That's OK - the implementor expected the fields to
                  // have values

                  if (one.hashCode() != two.hashCode())
                     if (cmp)
                        //fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, new Section("10.6.13.d"));
                        log.warn("Default instances of primary key: " + cls
                                + " do not have the same hash, check your hashCode method");
                        //fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, new Section("12.2.12.d"));
                        log.warn("Default instances of primary key: " + cls
                                + " do not have the same hash, check your hashCode method");
                     status = true;
               catch (NullPointerException e)
                  // That's OK - the implementor expected the fields to have values
            catch (IllegalAccessException e)
               // If CMP primary key class MUST have a public
               // constructor with no parameters.  10.8.2.a
               if (cmp)
                  fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, new Section("10.8.2.a"));
                  status = false;
            catch (InstantiationException e)
               //Not sure what condition this is at the moment - JMW
               //fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, new Section("9.2.9.a"));
               //status = false;
         //  BMP Beans MUST not include the primkey-field element in
         //  their deployment descriptor.  Deployment descriptor comment
         if (entity.isBMP())
            fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, new Section("dd.a"));
            status = false;

         // The primary keyfield MUST be a CMP field within the
         // entity bean.
         // Spec 10.8.1
         boolean found = false;
         Iterator it = entity.getCMPFields();
         while (it.hasNext())
            String fieldName = (String);
            if (fieldName.equals(entity.getPrimKeyField()))
               found = true;

         if (!found)
            status = false;
            fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, new Section("10.8.1.b"));

            // The class of the primary key field MUST match the
            // primary key class specified for the entity bean.  We
            // figure out the class of this field by getting the
            // return type of the get<FieldName> accessor method.
            // Spec 10.8.1
            String pkField = entity.getPrimKeyField();
            String methodName = "get" +
                    pkField.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + pkField.substring(1);

            Method method = bean.getMethod(methodName, new Class[0]);
            if (!entity.getPrimaryKeyClass().equals(method.getReturnType().getName())
               status = false;
               fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, new Section("10.8.1.a"));

         catch (NoSuchMethodException e)
            // The primary keyfield MUST be a CMP field within the
            // entity bean.
            // Spec 10.8.1
            status = false;
            fireSpecViolationEvent(entity, new Section("10.8.1.b"));

      return status;

    * Verify Message Driven Bean
   protected boolean verifyMessageDrivenBean(MessageDrivenMetaData mdBean)
      boolean status = true;

      // A message driven bean MUST implement, directly or indirectly,
      // javax.ejb.MessageDrivenBean interface.
      // Spec 15.7.2
      if (!hasMessageDrivenBeanInterface(bean))
         fireSpecViolationEvent(mdBean, new Section("15.7.2.a"));
         status = false;

      // The class must implement, directly or indirectly, the message listener interface required by the messaging
      // type that it supports. In the case of JMS, this is the javax.jms.MessageListener interface.
      // Spec 15.7.2
      String messagingType = mdBean.getMessagingType();
      if(messagingType == null)
        messagingType = javax.jms.MessageListener.class.getName();
      if (!isAssignableFrom(messagingType, bean))
         fireSpecViolationEvent(mdBean, new Section("15.7.2.b"));
         status = false;

      // The message driven bean class MUST be defined as public.
      // Spec 15.7.2
      if (!isPublic(bean))
         fireSpecViolationEvent(mdBean, new Section("15.7.2.c1"));
         status = false;

      // The message driven bean class MUST NOT be final.
      // Spec 15.7.2
      if (isFinal(bean))
         fireSpecViolationEvent(mdBean, new Section("15.7.2.c2"));
         status = false;

      // The message driven bean class MUST NOT be abstract.
      // Spec 15.7.2
      if (isAbstract(bean))
         fireSpecViolationEvent(mdBean, new Section("15.7.2.c3"));
         status = false;

      // The message driven bean class MUST have a public constructor that
      // takes no arguments.
      // Spec 15.7.2
      if (!hasDefaultConstructor(bean))
         fireSpecViolationEvent(mdBean, new Section("15.7.2.d"));
         status = false;

      // The message driven bean class MUST NOT define the finalize() method.
      // Spec 15.7.2
      if (hasFinalizer(bean))
         fireSpecViolationEvent(mdBean, new Section("15.7.2.e"));
         status = false;

      // A message driven bean MUST implement the ejbCreate() method.
      // The ejbCreate() method signature MUST follow these rules:
      //      - The method name MUST be ejbCreate
      //      - The method MUST be declared as public
      //      - The method MUST NOT be declared as final or static
      //      - The return type MUST be void
      //      - The method arguments MUST have no arguments.
      //      - The method MUST NOT define any application exceptions.
      // Spec 15.7.2, 3
      if (hasEJBCreateMethod(bean, false))
         Iterator it = getEJBCreateMethods(bean);
         Method ejbCreate = (Method);

         if (!isPublic(ejbCreate))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(mdBean, ejbCreate, new Section("15.7.3.b"));
            status = false;

         if ((isFinal(ejbCreate)) || (isStatic(ejbCreate)))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(mdBean, ejbCreate, new Section("15.7.3.c"));
            status = false;

         if (!hasVoidReturnType(ejbCreate))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(mdBean, ejbCreate, new Section("15.7.3.d"));
            status = false;

         if (!hasNoArguments(ejbCreate))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(mdBean, ejbCreate, new Section("15.7.3.e"));
            status = false;

         if (!throwsNoException(ejbCreate))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(mdBean, ejbCreate, new Section("15.7.3.f"));
            status = false;

         if (it.hasNext())
            fireSpecViolationEvent(mdBean, new Section("15.7.3.a"));
            status = false;
         fireSpecViolationEvent(mdBean, new Section("15.7.3.a"));
         status = false;

      // The message-driven bean class must define the message listener methods. The signature of a message
      // listener method must follow these rules:
      //      - The method MUST be declared as public
      //      - The method MUST NOT be declared as final or static
      // Spec 15.7.4

      Class messageListener = null;
         messageListener = classloader.loadClass(messagingType);
      catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe)
                 new Section("15.7.2.b",
                         "Class not found on '" + messagingType + "': " + cnfe.getMessage()));
         status = false;


      if (messageListener != null)
         Method[] methods = bean.getMethods();
         for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; ++i)
            if (methods[i].getDeclaringClass().equals(messageListener))
               if (!isPublic(methods[i]))
                  fireSpecViolationEvent(mdBean, methods[i], new Section("15.7.4.b"));
                  status = false;

               if ((isFinal(methods[i])) || (isStatic(methods[i])))
                  fireSpecViolationEvent(mdBean, methods[i], new Section("15.7.4.c"));
                  status = false;

      // A message driven bean MUST implement the ejbRemove() method.
      // The ejbRemove() method signature MUST follow these rules:
      //      - The method name MUST be ejbRemove
      //      - The method MUST be declared as public
      //      - The method MUST NOT be declared as final or static
      //      - The return type MUST be void
      //      - The method MUST have no arguments.
      //      - The method MUST NOT define any application exceptions.
      // Spec 15.7.5
      if (hasEJBRemoveMethod(bean))
         Iterator it = getEJBRemoveMethods(bean);
         Method ejbRemove = (Method);

         if (!isPublic(ejbRemove))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(mdBean, ejbRemove, new Section("15.7.5.b"));
            status = false;

         if ((isFinal(ejbRemove)) || (isStatic(ejbRemove)))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(mdBean, ejbRemove, new Section("15.7.5.c"));
            status = false;

         if (!hasVoidReturnType(ejbRemove))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(mdBean, ejbRemove, new Section("15.7.5.d"));
            status = false;

         if (!hasNoArguments(ejbRemove))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(mdBean, ejbRemove, new Section("15.7.5.e"));
            status = false;

         if (!throwsNoException(ejbRemove))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(mdBean, ejbRemove, new Section("15.7.5.f"));
            status = false;

         if (it.hasNext())
            fireSpecViolationEvent(mdBean, new Section("15.7.5.a"));
            status = false;
         fireSpecViolationEvent(mdBean, new Section("15.7.5.a"));
         status = false;

      return status;

    * Verify Session Bean Service Endpoint
    * @param session
    * @return
   protected boolean verifyServiceEndpoint(SessionMetaData session)
      boolean status = true;

      // The service endpoint interface MUST extend the java.rmi.Remote
      // interface.
      // Spec 7.11.9
      if (!hasRemoteInterface(serviceEndpointInterface))
         fireSpecViolationEvent(session, new Section("7.11.9.a"));
         status = false;

      // Method arguments defined in the service-endpoint interface MUST be
      // of valid types for RMI/JAXRPC.
      // Method return values defined in the remote interface MUST
      // be of valid types for RMI/JAXRPC.
      // Methods defined in the remote interface MUST include
      // java.rmi.RemoteException in their throws clause.
      // Spec 7.11.9
      Iterator it = Arrays.asList(serviceEndpointInterface.getMethods()).iterator();
      while (it.hasNext())
         Method method = (Method);

         if (!hasLegalJAXRPCArguments(method))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(session, method, new Section("7.11.9.b1"));
            status = false;

         if (!hasLegalJAXRPCReturnType(method))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(session, method, new Section("7.11.9.b2"));
            status = false;

         if (!throwsRemoteException(method))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(session, method, new Section("7.11.9.b3"));
            status = false;

      // For each method defined in the web service interface, there MUST be
      // a matching method in the session bean's class. The matching
      // method MUST have:
      //  - the same name
      //  - the same number and types of arguments, and the same
      //    return type
      //  - All the exceptions defined in the throws clause of the
      //    matching method of the session bean class must be defined
      //    in the throws clause of the method of the remote interface
      // Spec 7.11.5
      it = Arrays.asList(serviceEndpointInterface.getDeclaredMethods()).iterator();
      while (it.hasNext())
         Method seiMethod = (Method);

         if (!hasMatchingMethod(bean, seiMethod))
            fireSpecViolationEvent(session, seiMethod, new Section("7.11.9.c"));
            status = false;
               Method beanMethod = bean.getMethod(seiMethod.getName(), seiMethod.getParameterTypes());
               if (!hasMatchingReturnType(seiMethod, beanMethod))
                  fireSpecViolationEvent(session, seiMethod, new Section("7.11.9.c1"));
                  status = false;

               if (!hasMatchingExceptions(beanMethod, seiMethod))
                  fireSpecViolationEvent(session, seiMethod, new Section("7.11.59.c2"));
                  status = false;
            catch (NoSuchMethodException ignored)

      return status;

    * @param method
    * @return
   protected boolean hasLegalJAXRPCReturnType(Method method)
      return isJAXRPCType(method.getReturnType());

    * @param class1
    * @return
   protected boolean isJAXRPCType(Class class1)
      // TODO this should be implemented along the jaxrpc spec
      return isRMIIDLValueType(class1);

    * @param method
    * @return
   protected boolean hasLegalJAXRPCArguments(Method method)
      Class[] params = method.getParameterTypes();

      for (int i = 0; i < params.length; ++i)
         if (!isJAXRPCType(params[i]))
            return false;

      return true;

    * Check whether the bean has declared service endpoint interfaces and whether
    * we can load the defined classes
    * @param bean
    * @return <code>true</code> if everything went alright
   protected boolean hasServiceEndpointInterfaces(SessionMetaData bean)
      boolean status = true;
      String seiName = bean.getServiceEndpoint();

      if (seiName == null)
         return false;

      // Verify the <service-endpoint> class
         serviceEndpointInterface = classloader.loadClass(seiName);
      catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe)
                 new Section("23.2", "Class not found on '" + seiName + "': " + cnfe.getMessage()));
         status = false;

      return status;


Related Classes of org.jboss.verifier.strategy.EJBVerifier21

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