Package org.jgroups.protocols

Source Code of org.jgroups.protocols.FRAG2$FragEntry

package org.jgroups.protocols;

import org.jgroups.Address;
import org.jgroups.Event;
import org.jgroups.Message;
import org.jgroups.View;
import org.jgroups.annotations.*;
import org.jgroups.stack.Protocol;
import org.jgroups.util.MessageBatch;
import org.jgroups.util.Range;
import org.jgroups.util.Util;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;

* Fragmentation layer. Fragments messages larger than frag_size into smaller
* packets. Reassembles fragmented packets into bigger ones. The fragmentation
* number is prepended to the messages as a header (and removed at the receiving
* side).
* <p>
* Each fragment is identified by (a) the sender (part of the message to which
* the header is appended), (b) the fragmentation ID (which is unique per FRAG2
* layer (monotonically increasing) and (c) the fragement ID which ranges from 0
* to number_of_fragments-1.
* <p>
* Requirement: lossless delivery (e.g. NAK, ACK). No requirement on ordering.
* Works for both unicast and multicast messages.<br/> Compared to FRAG, this
* protocol does <em>not</em> need to serialize the message in order to break
* it into smaller fragments: it looks only at the message's buffer, which is a
* byte[] array anyway. We assume that the size addition for headers and src and
* dest address is minimal when the transport finally has to serialize the
* message, so we add a constant (200 bytes).
* @author Bela Ban
@MBean(description="Fragments messages larger than fragmentation size into smaller packets")
public class FRAG2 extends Protocol {

    /* -----------------------------------------    Properties     -------------------------------------------------- */
    @Property(description="The max number of bytes in a message. Larger messages will be fragmented")
    protected int                 frag_size=60000;
    /* --------------------------------------------- Fields ------------------------------------------------------ */
    /*the fragmentation list contains a fragmentation table per sender
     *this way it becomes easier to clean up if a sender (member) leaves or crashes
    protected final ConcurrentMap<Address,ConcurrentMap<Long,FragEntry>> fragment_list=Util.createConcurrentMap(11);

    /** Used to assign fragmentation-specific sequence IDs (monotonically increasing) */
    protected int                 curr_id=1;

    protected final List<Address> members=new ArrayList<Address>(11);

    protected Address             local_addr;

    @ManagedAttribute(description="Number of sent fragments")
    AtomicLong                    num_frags_sent=new AtomicLong(0);
    @ManagedAttribute(description="Number of received fragments")
    AtomicLong                    num_frags_received=new AtomicLong(0);

    public int   getFragSize()                  {return frag_size;}
    public void  setFragSize(int s)             {frag_size=s;}
    public long  getNumberOfSentFragments()     {return num_frags_sent.get();}
    public long  getNumberOfReceivedFragments() {return num_frags_received.get();}
    public int   fragSize()                     {return frag_size;}
    public FRAG2 fragSize(int size)             {frag_size=size; return this;}

    synchronized int getNextId() {
        return curr_id++;

    public void init() throws Exception {
        int old_frag_size=frag_size;
        if(frag_size <=0)
            throw new Exception("frag_size=" + old_frag_size + ", new frag_size=" + frag_size + ": new frag_size is invalid");

        TP transport=getTransport();
        if(transport != null) {
            int max_bundle_size=transport.getMaxBundleSize();
            if(frag_size >= max_bundle_size)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("frag_size (" + frag_size + ") has to be < TP.max_bundle_size (" +
                                                     max_bundle_size + ")");

        Map<String,Object> info=new HashMap<String,Object>(1);
        info.put("frag_size", frag_size);
        down_prot.down(new Event(Event.CONFIG, info));

    public void resetStats() {

     * Fragment a packet if larger than frag_size (add a header). Otherwise just pass down. Only
     * add a header if fragmentation is needed !
    public Object down(Event evt) {
        switch(evt.getType()) {

            case Event.MSG:
                Message msg=(Message)evt.getArg();
                long size=msg.getLength();
                if(size > frag_size) {
                    fragment(msg)// Fragment and pass down
                    return null;

            case Event.VIEW_CHANGE:

            case Event.SET_LOCAL_ADDRESS:

        return down_prot.down(evt)// Pass on to the layer below us

     * If event is a message, if it is fragmented, re-assemble fragments into big message and pass up the stack.
    public Object up(Event evt) {
        switch(evt.getType()) {

            case Event.MSG:
                Message msg=(Message)evt.getArg();
                FragHeader hdr=(FragHeader)msg.getHeader(;
                if(hdr != null) { // needs to be defragmented
                    Message assembled_msg=unfragment(msg, hdr);
                    if(assembled_msg != null) {
                        if(log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("%s: assembled_msg is %s", local_addr, assembled_msg);
                        assembled_msg.setSrc(msg.getSrc()); // needed ? YES, because fragments have a null src !!
                        up_prot.up(new Event(Event.MSG, assembled_msg));
                    return null;

            case Event.VIEW_CHANGE:

        return up_prot.up(evt); // Pass up to the layer above us by default

    public void up(MessageBatch batch) {
        for(Message msg: batch) {
            FragHeader hdr=(FragHeader)msg.getHeader(;
            if(hdr != null) { // needs to be defragmented
                Message assembled_msg=unfragment(msg,hdr);
                if(assembled_msg != null)
                    // the reassembled msg has to be add in the right place (,
                    // and canot be added to the tail of the batch !
                    batch.replace(msg, assembled_msg);

    protected void handleViewChange(View view) {
        List<Address> new_mbrs=view.getMembers();
        List<Address> left_mbrs=Util.determineLeftMembers(members, new_mbrs);

        for(Address mbr: left_mbrs) {
            // the new view doesn't contain the sender, it must have left, hence we will clear its fragmentation tables
            log.trace("%s: removed %s from fragmentation table", local_addr, mbr);

    @ManagedOperation(description="removes all fragments sent by mbr")
    public void clearFragmentsFor(Address mbr) {
        if(mbr == null) return;
        log.trace("%s: removed %s from fragmentation table", local_addr, mbr);

    @ManagedOperation(description="Removes all entries from the fragmentation table. " +
            "Dangerous: this might remove fragments that are still needed to assemble an entire message")
     public void clearAllFragments() {

    /** Send all fragments as separate messages (with same ID !).
     Given the generated ID is 2344, number of fragments=3, message {dst,src,buf}
     would be fragmented into:

     [2344,3,1]{dst,src,buf2} and
    protected void fragment(Message msg) {
        try {
            byte[] buffer=msg.getRawBuffer();
            final List<Range> fragments=Util.computeFragOffsets(msg.getOffset(), msg.getLength(), frag_size);
            int num_frags=fragments.size();

            if(log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                Address dest=msg.getDest();
                log.trace("%s: fragmenting message to %s (size=%d) into %d fragment(s) [frag_size=%d]",
                          local_addr, dest != null ? dest : "<all>", msg.getLength(), num_frags, frag_size);

            long frag_id=getNextId(); // used as a seqno
            for(int i=0; i < num_frags; i++) {
                Range r=fragments.get(i);
                // don't copy the buffer, only src, dest and headers. Only copy the headers one time !
                Message frag_msg=msg.copy(false, i == 0);
                frag_msg.setBuffer(buffer, (int)r.low, (int)r.high);
                FragHeader hdr=new FragHeader(frag_id, i, num_frags);
                frag_msg.putHeader(, hdr);
                down_prot.down(new Event(Event.MSG, frag_msg));
        catch(Exception e) {
            log.error("%s: fragmentation failure: %s", local_addr, e);

     1. Get all the fragment buffers
     2. When all are received -> Assemble them into one big buffer
     3. Read headers and byte buffer from big buffer
     4. Set headers and buffer in msg
     5. Return the message
    protected Message unfragment(Message msg, FragHeader hdr) {
        Address   sender=msg.getSrc();
        Message   assembled_msg=null;

        ConcurrentMap<Long,FragEntry> frag_table=fragment_list.get(sender);
        if(frag_table == null) {
            frag_table=Util.createConcurrentMap(16, .075f, 16);
            ConcurrentMap<Long,FragEntry> tmp=fragment_list.putIfAbsent(sender, frag_table);
            if(tmp != null) // value was already present

        FragEntry entry=frag_table.get(;
        if(entry == null) {
            entry=new FragEntry(hdr.num_frags);
            FragEntry tmp=frag_table.putIfAbsent(, entry);
            if(tmp != null)

        try {
            entry.set(hdr.frag_id, msg);
            if(entry.isComplete()) {
                    log.trace("%s: unfragmented message from %s (size=%d) from %d fragments",
                              local_addr, sender, assembled_msg.getLength(), entry.number_of_frags_recvd);
        finally {

        return assembled_msg;

     * Class represents an entry for a message. Each entry holds an array of byte arrays sorted
     * once all the byte buffer entries have been filled the fragmentation is considered complete.<br/>
     * All methods are unsynchronized, use getLock() to obtain a lock for concurrent access.
    protected static class FragEntry {
        // each fragment is a byte buffer
        final Message fragments[];
        //the number of fragments we have received
        int number_of_frags_recvd=0;

        protected final Lock lock=new ReentrantLock();

         * Creates a new entry
         * @param tot_frags the number of fragments to expect for this message
        protected FragEntry(int tot_frags) {
            fragments=new Message[tot_frags];

        /** Use to synchronize on FragEntry */
        public void lock() {

        public void unlock() {

         * adds on fragmentation buffer to the message
         * @param frag_id the number of the fragment being added 0..(tot_num_of_frags - 1)
         * @param frag the byte buffer containing the data for this fragmentation, should not be null
        public void set(int frag_id, Message frag) {
            // don't count an already received fragment (should not happen though because the
            // reliable transmission protocol(s) below should weed out duplicates
            if(fragments[frag_id] == null) {

        /** returns true if this fragmentation is complete
         *  ie, all fragmentations have been received for this buffer
        public boolean isComplete() {
            /*first make a simple check*/
            if(number_of_frags_recvd < fragments.length) {
                return false;
            /*then double check just in case*/
            for(Message msg: fragments) {
                if(msg == null)
                    return false;
            /*all fragmentations have been received*/
            return true;

         * Assembles all the fragments into one buffer. Takes all Messages, and combines their buffers into one
         * buffer.
         * This method does not check if the fragmentation is complete (use {@link #isComplete()} to verify
         * before calling this method)
         * @return the complete message in one buffer
        protected Message assembleMessage() {
            Message retval;
            byte[]  combined_buffer, tmp;
            int     combined_length=0, length, offset;
            int     index=0;

            for(Message fragment: fragments)

            combined_buffer=new byte[combined_length];
            retval=fragments[0].copy(false); // doesn't copy the payload, but copies the headers

            for(int i=0; i < fragments.length; i++) {
                Message fragment=fragments[i];
                fragments[i]=null; // help garbage collection a bit
                System.arraycopy(tmp, offset, combined_buffer, index, length);

            return retval;

        public String toString() {
            StringBuilder ret=new StringBuilder();
            ret.append("[tot_frags=").append(fragments.length).append(", number_of_frags_recvd=").append(number_of_frags_recvd).append(']');
            return ret.toString();




Related Classes of org.jgroups.protocols.FRAG2$FragEntry

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