Package org.exoplatform.container

Source Code of org.exoplatform.container.ExoContainer

* Copyright (C) 2009 eXo Platform SAS.
* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site:
package org.exoplatform.container;

import org.exoplatform.commons.utils.PropertyManager;
import org.exoplatform.commons.utils.SecurityHelper;
import org.exoplatform.container.component.ComponentLifecyclePlugin;
import org.exoplatform.container.configuration.ConfigurationManager;
import org.exoplatform.container.context.ContextManager;
import org.exoplatform.container.spi.ComponentAdapter;
import org.exoplatform.container.spi.Container;
import org.exoplatform.container.spi.ContainerException;
import org.exoplatform.container.spi.DefinitionByName;
import org.exoplatform.container.spi.DefinitionByQualifier;
import org.exoplatform.container.spi.DefinitionByType;
import org.exoplatform.container.spi.InterceptorChainFactoryProvider;
import org.exoplatform.container.util.ContainerUtil;
import org.exoplatform.container.xml.Configuration;
import org.exoplatform.container.xml.InitParams;

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;

import javax.inject.Qualifier;

* Created by The eXo Platform SAS<br>
* The Exo Container is an object responsible for loading services/components.
* The eXoContainer class is inherited by all the containers, including RootContainer, PortalContainer,
* and StandaloneContainer. It itself inherits from a {@link Container} which allows eXo to apply
* the Inversion of Control (also known as IoC) principles.
* @author <a href="">Tuan Nguyen</a>
* @LevelAPI Provisional
public class ExoContainer extends AbstractContainer

    * Serial Version UID
   private static final long serialVersionUID = -8068506531004854036L;

    * The current list of profiles
   private static volatile String PROFILES;

    * The current set of profiles
   private static Set<String> SET_PROFILES = Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<String>());

   protected final AtomicBoolean stopping = new AtomicBoolean();

   private final AtomicBoolean started = new AtomicBoolean();

   private final AtomicBoolean disposed = new AtomicBoolean();

   private final AtomicBoolean initialized = new AtomicBoolean();

   private final AtomicBoolean ctxManagerLoaded = new AtomicBoolean();

   private ContextManager ctxManager;

    * Returns an unmodifiable set of profiles defined by the value returned by invoking
    * {@link PropertyManager#getProperty(String)} with the {@link org.exoplatform.commons.utils.PropertyManager#RUNTIME_PROFILES}
    * property.
    * @return the set of profiles
   public static Set<String> getProfiles()
      String profiles = PropertyManager.getProperty(PropertyManager.RUNTIME_PROFILES);
      if ((profiles == null && PROFILES != null) || (profiles != null && !profiles.equals(PROFILES)))
         synchronized (ExoContainer.class)
            if ((profiles == null && PROFILES != null) || (profiles != null && !profiles.equals(PROFILES)))
               SET_PROFILES = getProfiles(profiles);
               PROFILES = profiles;
      return SET_PROFILES;

    * Indicates whether or not a given profile exists
    * @param profileName the name of the profile to check
    * @return <code>true</code> if the profile exists, <code>false</code> otherwise.
   public static boolean hasProfile(String profileName)
      return getProfiles().contains(profileName);

    * Convert the list of profiles into a Set of String
   private static Set<String> getProfiles(String profileList)
      Set<String> profiles = new HashSet<String>();

      // Obtain profile list by runtime properties
      if (profileList != null)
         for (String profile : profileList.split(","))
      return Collections.unmodifiableSet(profiles);

   protected static final Log LOG = ExoLogger.getLogger("exo.kernel.container.ExoContainer");

   private final Map<String, ComponentLifecyclePlugin> componentLifecylePlugin_ =
      new HashMap<String, ComponentLifecyclePlugin>();

   private final List<ContainerLifecyclePlugin> containerLifecyclePlugin_ = new ArrayList<ContainerLifecyclePlugin>();

   protected final ExoContainerContext context;

   protected final ExoContainer parent;

   public ExoContainer()

   public ExoContainer(ExoContainer parent)
      this.context = new ExoContainerContext(this, this.getClass().getSimpleName());
      this.parent = parent;
      this.delegate = InterceptorChainFactoryProvider.getInterceptorChainFactory().getInterceptorChain(this, parent);
      SecurityHelper.doPrivilegedAction(new PrivilegedAction<Void>()
         public Void run()
            return null;

   public ExoContainerContext getContext()
      return context;

    * @return the name of the plugin if it is not empty, the FQN of the plugin otherwise
   private static String getPluginName(ContainerLifecyclePlugin plugin)
      String name = plugin.getName();
      if (name == null || name.length() == 0)
         name = plugin.getClass().getName();
      return name;

   protected void initContainerInternal()
      ConfigurationManager manager = getComponentInstanceOfType(ConfigurationManager.class);
      ContainerUtil.addContainerLifecyclePlugin(this, manager);
      ContainerUtil.addComponentLifecyclePlugin(this, manager);
      ContainerUtil.addComponents(this, manager);
      for (ContainerLifecyclePlugin plugin : containerLifecyclePlugin_)
         catch (Exception e)
            LOG.warn("An error occurs with the ContainerLifecyclePlugin '" + getPluginName(plugin) + "'", e);

   public synchronized void dispose()
      SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();
      if (security != null)

      if (canBeDisposed())

    * Starts the container
    * @param init indicates if the container must be initialized first
   public synchronized void start(boolean init)
      if (init)

   public synchronized void initialize()
      SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();
      if (security != null)

      if (canBeInitialized())
         // Initialize the successors
         // Initialize the container

   public synchronized void start()
      SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();
      if (security != null)

      if (canBeStarted())

   public synchronized void stop()
      SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();
      if (security != null)

      if (canBeStopped())

   private void startContainerInternal()
      for (ContainerLifecyclePlugin plugin : containerLifecyclePlugin_)
         catch (Exception e)
            LOG.warn("An error occurs with the ContainerLifecyclePlugin '" + getPluginName(plugin) + "'", e);

   private void stopContainerInternal()
      for (ContainerLifecyclePlugin plugin : containerLifecyclePlugin_)
         catch (Exception e)
            LOG.warn("An error occurs with the ContainerLifecyclePlugin '" + getPluginName(plugin) + "'", e);

   private void destroyContainerInternal()
      for (ContainerLifecyclePlugin plugin : containerLifecyclePlugin_)
         catch (Exception e)
            LOG.warn("An error occurs with the ContainerLifecyclePlugin '" + getPluginName(plugin) + "'", e);

   public void addComponentLifecylePlugin(ComponentLifecyclePlugin plugin)
      SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();
      if (security != null)

      List<String> list = plugin.getManageableComponents();
      for (String component : list)
         componentLifecylePlugin_.put(component, plugin);

   public void addContainerLifecylePlugin(ContainerLifecyclePlugin plugin)
      SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();
      if (security != null)


    * Gets the {@link ConfigurationManager} from the given {@link ExoContainer} if it exists,
    * then returns the nested {@link Configuration} otherwise it returns <code>null</code>
   protected Configuration getConfiguration()
      ConfigurationManager cm = getComponentInstanceOfType(ConfigurationManager.class);
      return cm == null ? null : cm.getConfiguration();

    * Unregister all components from container to avoid keeping instances in memory.
   protected void unregisterAllComponents()
      Collection<ComponentAdapter<?>> adapters = getComponentAdapters();
      for (ComponentAdapter<?> adapter : adapters)

    * Register a component using the componentImplementation as key. Calling this method is equivalent to calling
    * <code>registerComponentImplementation(componentImplementation, componentImplementation)</code>.
    * @param componentImplementation the concrete component class.
    * @return the ComponentAdapter that has been associated with this component. In the majority of cases, this return
    *         value can be safely ignored, as one of the <code>getXXX()</code> methods of the
    *         {@link Container} interface can be used to retrieve a reference to the component later on.
    * @throws ContainerException if registration fails.
   public <T> ComponentAdapter<T> registerComponentImplementation(Class<T> componentImplementation)
      throws ContainerException
      return registerComponentImplementation(componentImplementation, componentImplementation);

    * Register an arbitrary object. The class of the object will be used as a key. Calling this method is equivalent to
    * calling     * <code>registerComponentImplementation(componentImplementation, componentImplementation)</code>.
    * @param componentInstance the instance of the component to register
    * @return the ComponentAdapter that has been associated with this component. In the majority of cases, this return
    *         value can be safely ignored, as one of the <code>getXXX()</code> methods of the
    *         {@link Container} interface can be used to retrieve a reference to the component later on.
    * @throws ContainerException if registration fails.
   public <T> ComponentAdapter<T> registerComponentInstance(T componentInstance) throws ContainerException
      return registerComponentInstance(componentInstance.getClass(), componentInstance);

    * Creates a component corresponding to the given {@link Class} with no parameters
    * This is equivalent to call {@link #createComponent(Class, InitParams)} with
    * <code>null</code> as {@link InitParams}
    * @param clazz the Class of the object to create
    * @return an instance of the component
    * @throws Exception if any issue occurs while creating the component.
   public <T> T createComponent(Class<T> clazz) throws Exception
      return createComponent(clazz, null);

    * Find a component adapter associated with the specified key. If a component adapter cannot be found in this
    * container, the parent container (if one exists) will be searched.
    * @param componentKey the key that the component was registered with.
    * @return the component adapter associated with this key, or <code>null</code> if no component has been registered
    *         for the specified key.
   public ComponentAdapter<?> getComponentAdapter(Object componentKey)
      return getComponentAdapter(componentKey, Object.class);

    * Retrieve a component instance registered with a specific key. If a component cannot be found in this container,
    * the parent container (if one exists) will be searched.
    * @param componentKey the key that the component was registered with.
    * @return an instantiated component, or <code>null</code> if no component has been registered for the specified
    *         key.
   public Object getComponentInstance(Object componentKey)
      return getComponentInstance(componentKey, Object.class);

   @ManagedDescription("Return the list of the registered component names")
   public Set<String> getRegisteredComponentNames() throws ContainerException
      Set<String> names = new HashSet<String>();
      Collection<ComponentAdapter<?>> adapters = getComponentAdapters();
      for (ComponentAdapter<?> adapter : adapters)
         Object key = adapter.getComponentKey();
         String name = String.valueOf(key);
      return names;

    * Gives the parent container of this container.
    * @return a {@link ExoContainer} instance, or <code>null</code> if this container does not have a parent.
   public ExoContainer getParent()
      return parent;

    * Indicates whether or not the container can be started
    * @return <code>true</code> if it can be started, <code>false</code> otherwise.
   public boolean canBeStarted()
      return !disposed.get() && !started.get();

    * Indicates whether or not the container can be stopped
    * @return <code>true</code> if it can be stopped, <code>false</code> otherwise.
   public boolean canBeStopped()
      return !disposed.get() && started.get();

    * Indicates whether or not the container can be disposed
    * @return <code>true</code> if it can be disposed, <code>false</code> otherwise.
   public boolean canBeDisposed()
      return !disposed.get();

    * Indicates whether or not the container can be initialized
    * @return <code>true</code> if it can be initialized, <code>false</code> otherwise.
   protected boolean canBeInitialized()
      return !initialized.get();

    * Gives the {@link ContextManager} that has been registered
    * @return the {@link ContextManager} related to this container, <code>null</code> otherwise.
   public ContextManager getContextManager()
      if (ctxManagerLoaded.get())
         return ctxManager;
      synchronized (this)
         if (ctxManagerLoaded.get())
            return ctxManager;
         ctxManager = getComponentInstanceOfType(ContextManager.class);
      return ctxManager;

    * Indicates whether or not the {@link ContextManager} has already been loaded
    * @return <code>true</code> if the {@link ContextManager} has been loaded,
    * <code>false</code> otherwise.
   public boolean isContextManagerLoaded()
      return ctxManagerLoaded.get();

    * Find a component instance matching the specified type. If none can be
    * found it will try to auto register the component according to the
    * content of the annotation {@link org.exoplatform.container.spi.DefinitionByType}
    * @param componentType the type of the component.
    * @return the adapter matching the class.
   public <T> T getComponentInstanceOfType(Class<T> componentType)
      T result = super.getComponentInstanceOfType(componentType);
      if (result != null)
         return result;
      if (componentType.isAnnotationPresent(DefinitionByType.class) && autoRegister(DefinitionType.TYPE, null, componentType))
         return super.getComponentInstanceOfType(componentType);
      return result;

    * Find a component adapter associated with the specified type. If a component adapter cannot be found in this
    * container, the parent container (if one exists) will be searched. If none can be
    * found it will try to auto register the component according to the
    * content of the annotation {@link org.exoplatform.container.spi.DefinitionByType}
    * @param componentType the type of the component.
    * @return the component adapter associated with this class, or <code>null</code> if no component has been
    *         registered for the specified key.
   public <T> ComponentAdapter<T> getComponentAdapterOfType(Class<T> componentType)
      ComponentAdapter<T> result = super.getComponentAdapterOfType(componentType);
      if (result != null)
         return result;
      if (componentType.isAnnotationPresent(DefinitionByType.class) && autoRegister(DefinitionType.TYPE, null, componentType))
         return super.getComponentAdapterOfType(componentType);
      return result;

    * Tries to auto register the component according to what has been defined in the annotations
    * {@link org.exoplatform.container.spi.DefinitionByType}, {@link org.exoplatform.container.spi.DefinitionByName}
    * or {@link org.exoplatform.container.spi.DefinitionByQualifier} according to the definition type.
    * @param definitionType the type of definition expected
    * @param componentKey the key that the component was registered with or <code>null</code> in case it has been
    *                     registered by type.
    * @param componentType the type of the component that we would like to auto register
    * @return <code>true</code> if the component has been registered, <code>false</code> otherwise.
   private <T> boolean autoRegister(final DefinitionType definitionType, final Object componentKey,
      final Class<T> componentType)
      return SecurityHelper.doPrivilegedAction(new PrivilegedAction<Boolean>()
         public Boolean run()
            Class<?> type;
            Class<? extends ExoContainer>[] containers;
            if (definitionType == DefinitionType.TYPE)
               DefinitionByType definition = componentType.getAnnotation(DefinitionByType.class);
               containers =;
               type = definition.type();
            else if (definitionType == DefinitionType.NAME)
               DefinitionByName definition = componentType.getAnnotation(DefinitionByName.class);
               if (!definition.named().equals(componentKey))
                  return false;
               containers =;
               type = definition.type();
               DefinitionByQualifier definition = componentType.getAnnotation(DefinitionByQualifier.class);
               if (!definition.qualifier().equals(componentKey))
                  return false;
               containers =;
               type = definition.type();
            if (!accepts(containers))
               // The class of the current container is not part of the allowed classes.
               return false;
            if (type.equals(void.class))
               // No default implementation has been set
               if (componentType.isInterface() || Modifier.isAbstract(componentType.getModifiers()))
                  throw new IllegalArgumentException("The class " + componentType.getName()
                     + " is an interface or an abstract class so it cannot be automatically registered without a type.");
               if (definitionType == DefinitionType.TYPE)
                  registerComponentImplementation(componentKey, componentType);
            else if (!componentType.isAssignableFrom(type))
               throw new IllegalArgumentException("The class " + type.getName() + " must be a sub class of "
                  + componentType.getName() + ".");
            else if (type.isInterface() || Modifier.isAbstract(type.getModifiers()))
               throw new IllegalArgumentException("The class " + type.getName()
                  + " is an interface or an abstract class so it cannot be used as default implementation.");
            else if (definitionType == DefinitionType.TYPE)
               registerComponentImplementation(componentType, type);
               registerComponentImplementation(componentKey, type);
            return true;

    * Indicates whether or not the class of the current container is part of the allowed classes.
    * @param containers the class of ExoContainer allowed by the definition
    * @return <code>true</code> if the class of the current container is part of the allowed classes. <code>false</code>
    * otherwise
   private boolean accepts(Class<? extends ExoContainer>[] containers)
      for (Class<? extends ExoContainer> clazz : containers)
         if (getClass().equals(clazz))
            return true;
      return false;

    * Retrieve a component instance registered with a specific key. If a component cannot be found in this container,
    * the parent container (if one exists) will be searched. If none can be found it will try to auto register the
    * component according to the content of:
    * <ul>
    *    <li>The annotation {@link org.exoplatform.container.spi.DefinitionByType} if the <code>componentKey</code> is a
    *    class</li>
    *    <li>The annotation {@link org.exoplatform.container.spi.DefinitionByName} if the <code>componentKey</code> is a
    *    string</li>
    *    <li>The annotation {@link org.exoplatform.container.spi.DefinitionByQualifier} if the <code>componentKey</code>
    *    is a qualifier</li>
    * </ul>
    * @param componentKey the key that the component was registered with.
    * @param bindType the expected type of the instance if one can be found.
    * @return an instantiated component, or <code>null</code> if no component has been registered for the specified
    *         key.
   public <T> T getComponentInstance(Object componentKey, Class<T> bindType)
      T result = super.getComponentInstance(componentKey, bindType);
      if (result != null || Object.class.equals(bindType))
         return result;
      if (componentKey instanceof Class<?> && !((Class<?>)componentKey).isAnnotation())
         Class<T> componentType = (Class<T>)componentKey;
         if (componentType.isAnnotationPresent(DefinitionByType.class) && autoRegister(DefinitionType.TYPE, null, componentType))
            return super.getComponentInstanceOfType(componentType);
      else if (componentKey instanceof String)
         if (bindType.isAnnotationPresent(DefinitionByName.class) && autoRegister(DefinitionType.NAME, componentKey, bindType))
            return super.getComponentInstance(componentKey, bindType);
      else if (componentKey instanceof Class<?>)
         final Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType = (Class<? extends Annotation>)componentKey;
         if (annotationType.isAnnotationPresent(Qualifier.class) && bindType.isAnnotationPresent(DefinitionByQualifier.class)
             && autoRegister(DefinitionType.QUALIFIER, componentKey, bindType))
            return super.getComponentInstance(componentKey, bindType);
      return result;

    * Find a component adapter associated with the specified key. If a component adapter cannot be found in this
    * container, the parent container (if one exists) will be searched. If none can be found it will try to auto
    * register the component according to the content of:
    * <ul>
    *    <li>The annotation {@link org.exoplatform.container.spi.DefinitionByType} if the <code>componentKey</code> is a
    *    class</li>
    *    <li>The annotation {@link org.exoplatform.container.spi.DefinitionByName} if the <code>componentKey</code> is a
    *    string</li>
    *    <li>The annotation {@link org.exoplatform.container.spi.DefinitionByQualifier} if the <code>componentKey</code>
    *    is a qualifier</li>
    * </ul>
    * @param componentKey the key that the component was registered with.
    * @param bindType the expected raw type of the adapter if one can be found.
    * @return the component adapter associated with this key, or <code>null</code> if no component has been registered
    *         for the specified key.
   public <T> ComponentAdapter<T> getComponentAdapter(Object componentKey, Class<T> bindType)
      ComponentAdapter<T> result = super.getComponentAdapter(componentKey, bindType);
      if (result != null || Object.class.equals(bindType))
         return result;
      if (componentKey instanceof Class<?> && !((Class<?>)componentKey).isAnnotation())
         Class<T> componentType = (Class<T>)componentKey;
         if (componentType.isAnnotationPresent(DefinitionByType.class) && autoRegister(DefinitionType.TYPE, null, componentType))
            return super.getComponentAdapterOfType(componentType);
      else if (componentKey instanceof String)
         if (bindType.isAnnotationPresent(DefinitionByName.class) && autoRegister(DefinitionType.NAME, componentKey, bindType))
            return super.getComponentAdapter(componentKey, bindType);
      else if (componentKey instanceof Class<?>)
         final Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType = (Class<? extends Annotation>)componentKey;
         if (annotationType.isAnnotationPresent(Qualifier.class) && bindType.isAnnotationPresent(DefinitionByQualifier.class)
            && autoRegister(DefinitionType.QUALIFIER, componentKey, bindType))
            return super.getComponentAdapter(componentKey, bindType);
      return result;

   private enum DefinitionType {TYPE, NAME, QUALIFIER}

Related Classes of org.exoplatform.container.ExoContainer

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