Package javax.time.calendar

Source Code of javax.time.calendar.DateTimeFieldRule

* Copyright (c) 2007,2008,2009 Stephen Colebourne & Michael Nascimento Santos
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
*  * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
*    this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
*  * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
*    this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
*    and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
*  * Neither the name of JSR-310 nor the names of its contributors
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*    without specific prior written permission.
package javax.time.calendar;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.MathContext;
import java.math.RoundingMode;

import javax.time.period.PeriodUnit;

* The rule defining how a measurable field of time operates.
* <p>
* Time field rule implementations define how a field like 'day of month' operates.
* This includes the field name and minimum/maximum values.
* <p>
* DateTimeFieldRule is an abstract class and must be implemented with care to
* ensure other classes in the framework operate correctly.
* All instantiable subclasses must be final, immutable and thread-safe and must
* ensure serialization works correctly.
* @author Michael Nascimento Santos
* @author Stephen Colebourne
public abstract class DateTimeFieldRule implements Comparable<DateTimeFieldRule>, Serializable {

    /** A Math context for calculating fractions from values. */
    private static final MathContext FRACTION_CONTEXT = new MathContext(9, RoundingMode.FLOOR);
    /** A Math context for calculating values from fractions. */
    private static final MathContext VALUE_CONTEXT = new MathContext(0, RoundingMode.FLOOR);

    /** The name of the rule, not null. */
    private final Chronology chronology;
    /** The id of the rule, not null. */
    private final String id;
    /** The name of the rule, not null. */
    private final String name;
    /** The period unit, not null. */
    private final PeriodUnit periodUnit;
    /** The period range, not null. */
    private final PeriodUnit periodRange;
    /** The minimum value for the field. */
    private final int minimumValue;
    /** The maximum value for the field. */
    private final int maximumValue;

     * Constructor.
     * @param chronology  the chronology, not null
     * @param name  the name of the type, not null
     * @param periodUnit  the period unit, not null
     * @param periodRange  the period range, not null
     * @param minimumValue  the minimum value
     * @param maximumValue  the minimum value
    protected DateTimeFieldRule(
            Chronology chronology,
            String name,
            PeriodUnit periodUnit,
            PeriodUnit periodRange,
            int minimumValue,
            int maximumValue) {
        if (chronology == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("The chronology must not be null");
        if (name == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("The name must not be null");
//        if (periodUnit == null) {
//            throw new NullPointerException("periodUnit must not be null");
//        }
//        if (periodRange == null) {
//            throw new NullPointerException("periodRange must not be null");
//        }
        this.chronology = chronology; = chronology.getName() + '.' + name; = name;
        this.periodUnit = periodUnit;
        this.periodRange = periodRange;
        this.minimumValue = minimumValue;
        this.maximumValue = maximumValue;

     * Gets the id of the field.
     * <p>
     * The id is of the form 'ChronologyName.FieldName'.
     * No two fields should have the same id.
     * @return the id of the field, never null
    public final String getID() {
        return id;

     * Gets the name of the field.
     * <p>
     * Subclasses should use the form 'UnitOfRange' whenever possible.
     * @return the name of the field, never null
    public String getName() {
        return name;

     * Gets the period unit, which the element which alters within the range.
     * <p>
     * In the phrase 'hour of day', the unit is the hour.
     * @return the rule for the unit period, never null
    public PeriodUnit getPeriodUnit() {
        return periodUnit;

     * Gets the period range, which the field is bound by.
     * <p>
     * In the phrase 'hour of day', the range is the day.
     * @return the rule for the range period, null if unbounded
    public PeriodUnit getPeriodRange() {
        return periodRange;

     * Checks if the this field is supported for the specified date and time.
     * @param date  the date, may be null
     * @param time  the time, may be null
     * @return true if the field is supported
    public final boolean isSupported(LocalDate date, LocalTime time) {
        return (getValueQuiet(date, time) != null);

     * Gets the value for this field throwing an exception if the field cannot be obtained.
     * <p>
     * The value will be checked for basic validity.
     * The value returned will be within the valid range for the field.
     * Also, if the value is present in both the date/time and the field-value
     * map then the two values must be the same.
     * @param calendricalProvider  the calendrical provider, not null
     * @return the value of the field
     * @throws UnsupportedCalendarFieldException if the value cannot be extracted
    public int getValue(CalendricalProvider calendricalProvider) {
        int value = calendricalProvider.toCalendrical().deriveValue(this);
        return value;

     * Gets the value of this field from the date or time specified.
     * @param date  the date, may be null
     * @param time  the time, may be null
     * @return the value of the field
     * @throws UnsupportedCalendarFieldException if the value cannot be extracted
    public final int getValue(LocalDate date, LocalTime time) {
        Integer value = getValueQuiet(date, time);
        if (value == null) {
            throw new UnsupportedCalendarFieldException(this);
        return value;

     * Gets the value of this field from the date or time specified.
     * <p>
     * A typical implementation of this method checks for null and calculates
     * the value. For example, here is an implementation for the year field:
     * <pre>
     * return (date == null ? null : date.getYear().getValue());
     * </pre>
     * @param date  the date, may be null
     * @param time  the time, may be null
     * @return the value of the field, null if unable to derive field
    public Integer getValueQuiet(LocalDate date, LocalTime time) {
        return null// override if field can be derived

     * Gets the value of this field from the map of field-value pairs specified.
     * <p>
     * This method queries the map to determine if it holds a value for this field.
     * If it does, then the value is returned.
     * Otherwise, an attempt is made to {@link #deriveValue derive}
     * the value from the value of other fields in the map.
     * @param calendricalFieldMap  the calendrical to derive from, not null
     * @return the value of the field, null if unable to derive field
    public final Integer getValueQuiet(Calendrical.FieldMap calendricalFieldMap) {
        Integer value = calendricalFieldMap.getQuiet(this);
        return (value == null ? deriveValue(calendricalFieldMap) : value);

     * Derives the value of this field from the specified calendrical.
     * <p>
     * This method derives the value for this field from other fields in the map.
     * The implementation does not check if the map already contains a value for this field.
     * For example, if this field is QuarterOfYear, then the value can be derived
     * from MonthOfYear. The implementation must not check to see of the map
     * already contains a value for QuarterOfYear.
     * <p>
     * The derivation can be recursive depending on the hierarchy of fields.
     * This is achieved by using {@link #getValueQuiet} to obtain the parent field rule.
     * <p>
     * A typical implementation of this method obtains the parent value and performs a calculation.
     * For example, here is a simple implementation for the QuarterOfYear field
     * (which doesn't handle negative numbers or leniency):
     * <pre>
     * Integer moyVal = ISOChronology.monthOfYearRule().getValueQuiet(fieldValueMap);
     * return (moyVal == null ? null : ((moyVal - 1) % 4) + 1);
     * </pre>
     * Extracts the value for this field using information in the field map.
     * <p>
     * This method is designed to be overridden in subclasses.
     * The subclass implementation must be thread-safe.
     * @param calendricalFieldMap  the calendrical to derive from, not null
     * @return the derived value, null if unable to derive
    protected Integer deriveValue(Calendrical.FieldMap calendricalFieldMap) {
        return null// do nothing - override if this field can derive

     * Merges this field with other fields to form higher level fields.
     * <p>
     * The aim of this method is to assist in the process of extracting the most
     * date-time information possible from a map of field-value pairs.
     * The merging process is controlled by the mutable merger instance and
     * the input and output of the this merge are held there.
     * <p>
     * Subclasses that override this method may use methods on the merger to
     * obtain the values to merge. The value is guaranteed to be available for
     * this field if this method is called.
     * <p>
     * If the override successfully merged some fields then the following must be performed.
     * The merged field must be stored using {@link Calendrical.Merger#storeMergedField}.
     * Each field used in the merge must be marked as being used by calling
     * {@link Calendrical.Merger#markFieldAsProcessed}.
     * <p>
     * An example to merge two fields into one - hour of AM/PM and AM/PM:
     * <pre>
     *  Integer hapVal = merger.getValue(ISOChronology.hourOfAmPmRule());
     *  if (hapVal != null) {
     *    int amPm = merger.getValueInt(this);
     *    int hourOfDay = MathUtils.safeAdd(MathUtils.safeMultiply(amPm, 12), hapVal);
     *    merger.storeMergedField(ISOChronology.hourOfDayRule(), hourOfDay);
     *    merger.markFieldAsProcessed(this);
     *    merger.markFieldAsProcessed(ISOChronology.hourOfAmPmRule());
     *  }
     * </pre>
     * @param merger  the merger instance controlling the merge process, not null
    protected void mergeFields(Calendrical.Merger merger) {
        // do nothing - override if this field can merge to a more significant field

     * Merges this field with other fields to form a date or time.
     * <p>
     * The aim of this method is to assist in the process of extracting the most
     * date-time information possible from a map of field-value pairs.
     * The merging process is controlled by the mutable merger instance and
     * the input and output of the this merge are held there.
     * <p>
     * Subclasses that override this method may use methods on the merger to
     * obtain the values to merge. The value is guaranteed to be available for
     * this field if this method is called.
     * <p>
     * If the override successfully merged some fields then the following must be performed.
     * A merged date must be stored using {@link Calendrical.Merger#storeMergedDate(LocalDate)}.
     * A merged time must be stored using {@link Calendrical.Merger#storeMergedTime(LocalTime)}
     * if the merge is strict, or {@link Calendrical.Merger#storeMergedTime(javax.time.calendar.LocalTime.Overflow)}
     * if the merge is lenient.
     * Each field used in the merge must be marked as being used by calling
     * {@link Calendrical.Merger#markFieldAsProcessed}.
     * <p>
     * An example to merge three fields into a date - year, month and day:
     * <pre>
     *  Integer moyVal = merger.getValue(ISOChronology.monthOfYearRule());
     *  Integer domVal = merger.getValue(ISOChronology.dayOfMonthRule());
     *  if (moyVal != null && domVal != null) {
     *    int year = merger.getValueInt(this);
     *    LocalDate date = merger.getContext().resolveDate(year, moyVal, domVal);
     *    merger.storeMergedDate(date);
     *    merger.markFieldAsProcessed(this);
     *    merger.markFieldAsProcessed(ISOChronology.monthOfYearRule());
     *    merger.markFieldAsProcessed(ISOChronology.dayOfMonthRule());
     *  }
     * </pre>
     * @param merger  the merger instance controlling the merge process, not null
    protected void mergeDateTime(Calendrical.Merger merger) {
        // do nothing - override if this field can merge to a date/time

     * Checks if the value is valid or invalid for this field.
     * <p>
     * This method has no knowledge of other calendrical fields, thus only the
     * outer minimum and maximum range for the field is validated.
     * <p>
     * This method performs the same check as {@link #isValidValue(long)}.
     * @param value  the value to check
     * @return true if the value is valid, false if invalid
    public boolean isValidValue(int value) {
        return (value >= getMinimumValue() && value <= getMaximumValue());

     * Checks if the value is valid or invalid for this field.
     * <p>
     * This method has no knowledge of other calendrical fields, thus only the
     * outer minimum and maximum range for the field is validated.
     * <p>
     * This method performs the same check as {@link #isValidValue(int)}.
     * @param value  the value to check
     * @return true if the value is valid, false if invalid
    public boolean isValidValue(long value) {
        return (value >= getMinimumValue() && value <= getMaximumValue());

     * Checks if the value is invalid and throws an exception if it is.
     * <p>
     * This method has no knowledge of other calendrical fields, thus only the
     * outer minimum and maximum range for the field is validated.
     * <p>
     * This method performs the same check as {@link #checkValue(long)}.
     * The implementation uses {@link #isValidValue(int)}.
     * @param value  the value to check
     * @throws IllegalCalendarFieldValueException if the value is invalid
    public void checkValue(int value) {
        if (isValidValue(value) == false) {
            throw new IllegalCalendarFieldValueException(this, value, getMinimumValue(), getMaximumValue());

     * Checks if the value is invalid and throws an exception if it is.
     * <p>
     * This method has no knowledge of other calendrical fields, thus only the
     * outer minimum and maximum range for the field is validated.
     * <p>
     * This method performs the same check as {@link #checkValue(int)}.
     * The implementation uses {@link #isValidValue(long)}.
     * @param value  the value to check
     * @return the value cast to an int
     * @throws IllegalCalendarFieldValueException if the value is invalid
    public int checkValue(long value) {
        if (isValidValue(value) == false) {
            throw new IllegalCalendarFieldValueException(this, value, getMinimumValue(), getMaximumValue());
        return (int) value;

     * Is the set of values, from the minimum value to the maximum, a fixed
     * set, or does it vary according to other fields.
     * @return true if the set of values is fixed
    public boolean isFixedValueSet() {
        return getMaximumValue() == getSmallestMaximumValue() &&
                getMinimumValue() == getLargestMinimumValue();

     * Gets the minimum value that the field can take.
     * @return the minimum value for this field
    public int getMinimumValue() {
        return minimumValue;

     * Gets the largest possible minimum value that the field can take.
     * <p>
     * The default implementation returns {@link #getMinimumValue()}.
     * Subclasses must override this as necessary.
     * @return the largest possible minimum value for this field
    public int getLargestMinimumValue() {
        return getMinimumValue();

     * Gets the minimum value that the field can take using the specified
     * calendrical information to refine the accuracy of the response.
     * <p>
     * The result of this method may still be inaccurate, if there is insufficient
     * information in the calendrical.
     * <p>
     * The default implementation returns {@link #getMinimumValue()}.
     * Subclasses must override this as necessary.
     * @param calendrical  context calendrical, not null
     * @return the minimum value of the field given the context
    public int getMinimumValue(Calendrical calendrical) {
        return getMinimumValue();

     * Gets the maximum value that the field can take.
     * @return the maximum value for this field
    public int getMaximumValue() {
        return maximumValue;

     * Gets the smallest possible maximum value that the field can take.
     * <p>
     * The default implementation returns {@link #getMaximumValue()}.
     * Subclasses must override this as necessary.
     * @return the smallest possible maximum value for this field
    public int getSmallestMaximumValue() {
        return getMaximumValue();

     * Gets the minimum value that the field can take using the specified
     * calendrical information to refine the accuracy of the response.
     * <p>
     * The result of this method will still be inaccurate if there is insufficient
     * information in the calendrical.
     * <p>
     * For example, if this field is the ISO day of month field, then the number
     * of days in the month varies depending on the month and year. If both the
     * month and year can be derived from the calendrical, then the maximum value
     * returned will be accurate. Otherwise the 'best guess' value from
     * {@link #getMaximumValue()} will be returned.
     * <p>
     * The default implementation returns {@link #getMaximumValue()}.
     * Subclasses must override this as necessary.
     * @param calendrical  context calendrical, not null
     * @return the minimum value of the field given the context
    public int getMaximumValue(Calendrical calendrical) {
        return getMaximumValue();

//    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
//    /**
//     * Gets the text for this field.
//     * <p>
//     * The value is queried using {@link #getValue(CalendricalProvider)}. The text
//     * is then obtained for that value. If there is no textual mapping, then
//     * the value is returned as per {@link Integer#toString()}.
//     *
//     * @param calendricalProvider  the calendrical provider, not null
//     * @param locale  the locale to use, not null
//     * @param textStyle  the text style, not null
//     * @return the text of the field, never null
//     * @throws UnsupportedCalendarFieldException if the value cannot be extracted
//     */
//    public String getText(CalendricalProvider calendricalProvider, Locale locale, TextStyle textStyle) {
//        int value = getValue(calendricalProvider);
//        DateTimeFormatSymbols symbols = DateTimeFormatSymbols.getInstance(locale);
//        String text = symbols.getFieldValueText(this, textStyle, value);
//        return text == null ? Integer.toString(value) : text;
//    }

     * Converts a value for this field to a fraction between 0 and 1.
     * <p>
     * The fractional value is between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive).
     * It can only be returned if {@link #isFixedValueSet()} returns true and the
     * {@link #getMinimumValue()} returns zero.
     * The fraction is obtained by calculation from the field range using 9 decimal
     * places and a rounding mode of {@link RoundingMode#FLOOR FLOOR}.
     * <p>
     * For example, the second of minute value of 15 would be returned as 0.25,
     * assuming the standard definition of 60 seconds in a minute.
     * @param value  the value to convert, not null
     * @return the fractional value of the field
     * @throws UnsupportedCalendarFieldException if the value cannot be converted
     * @throws IllegalCalendarFieldValueException if the value is invalid
    public BigDecimal convertValueToFraction(int value) {
        if (isFixedValueSet() == false) {
            throw new UnsupportedCalendarFieldException(this, "The fractional value of " + getName() +
                    " cannot be obtained as the range is not fixed");
        if (getMinimumValue() != 0) {
            throw new UnsupportedCalendarFieldException(this, "The fractional value of " + getName() +
                    " cannot be obtained as the minimum field value is not zero");
        long range = getMaximumValue();
        BigDecimal decimal = new BigDecimal(value);
        return decimal.divide(new BigDecimal(range), FRACTION_CONTEXT);

     * Converts a fraction from 0 to 1 for this field to a value.
     * <p>
     * The fractional value must be between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive).
     * It can only be returned if {@link #isFixedValueSet()} returns true and the
     * {@link #getMinimumValue()} returns zero.
     * The value is obtained by calculation from the field range and a rounding
     * mode of {@link RoundingMode#FLOOR FLOOR}.
     * <p>
     * For example, the fractional second of minute of 0.25 would be converted to 15,
     * assuming the standard definition of 60 seconds in a minute.
     * @param fraction  the fraction to convert, not null
     * @return the value of the field, checked for validity
     * @throws UnsupportedCalendarFieldException if the value cannot be converted
     * @throws IllegalCalendarFieldValueException if the value is invalid
    public int convertFractionToValue(BigDecimal fraction) {
        if (isFixedValueSet() == false) {
            throw new UnsupportedCalendarFieldException(this, "The fractional value of " + getName() +
                    " cannot be converted as the range is not fixed");
        if (getMinimumValue() != 0) {
            throw new UnsupportedCalendarFieldException(this, "The fractional value of " + getName() +
                    " cannot be converted as the minimum field value is not zero");
        long range = getMaximumValue();
        BigDecimal decimal = fraction.multiply(new BigDecimal(range), VALUE_CONTEXT);
        try {
            int value = decimal.intValueExact();
            return value;
        } catch (ArithmeticException ex) {
            throw new IllegalCalendarFieldValueException("The fractional value " + fraction + " of " + getName() +
                    " cannot be converted as it is not in the range 0 (inclusive) to 1 (exclusive)", this);

     * Compares this DateTimeFieldRule to another based on the period unit
     * followed by the period range followed by the chronology name.
     * <p>
     * The period unit is compared first, so MinuteOfHour will be less than
     * HourOfDay, which will be less than DayOfWeek. When the period unit is
     * the same, the period range is compared, so DayOfWeek is less than
     * DayOfMonth, which is less than DayOfYear. Finally, the chronology name
     * is compared.
     * @param other  the other type to compare to, not null
     * @return the comparator result, negative if less, postive if greater, zero if equal
     * @throws NullPointerException if other is null
    public int compareTo(DateTimeFieldRule other) {
        int cmp = this.getPeriodUnit().compareTo(other.getPeriodUnit());
        if (cmp != 0) {
            return cmp;
        if (this.getPeriodRange() == other.getPeriodRange()) {
            return chronology.getName().compareTo(other.chronology.getName());
        if (this.getPeriodRange() == null) {
            return 1;
        if (other.getPeriodRange() == null) {
            return -1;
        cmp = this.getPeriodRange().compareTo(other.getPeriodRange());
        if (cmp != 0) {
            return cmp;
        return chronology.getName().compareTo(other.chronology.getName());

     * Returns a string representation of the rule.
     * @return a description of the rule
    public String toString() {
        return getID();

Related Classes of javax.time.calendar.DateTimeFieldRule

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