Package org.infinispan.lucene

Source Code of org.infinispan.lucene.InfinispanDirectoryIOTest

package org.infinispan.lucene;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;

import org.infinispan.Cache;
import org.infinispan.lucene.impl.DirectoryBuilderImpl;
import org.infinispan.lucene.impl.DirectoryExtensions;
import org.infinispan.lucene.testutils.RepeatableLongByteSequence;
import org.infinispan.manager.CacheContainer;
import org.infinispan.test.TestingUtil;
import org.testng.AssertJUnit;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterTest;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeTest;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

* @author Lukasz Moren
* @author Davide Di Somma
* @author Sanne Grinovero
@Test(groups = "functional", testName = "lucene.InfinispanDirectoryIOTest", sequential = true)
public class InfinispanDirectoryIOTest {
   /** The Test index name */
   private static final String INDEXNAME = "index";

   private CacheContainer cacheManager;
   private File indexDir = new File(new File("."), INDEXNAME);

   public void prepareCacheManager() {
      cacheManager = CacheTestSupport.createTestCacheManager();

   public void killCacheManager() {

   public void clearCache() {

   public void testWriteUsingSeekMethod() throws IOException {
      final int BUFFER_SIZE = 64;
      Cache cache = cacheManager.getCache();
      Directory dir = DirectoryBuilder.newDirectoryInstance(cache, cache, cache, INDEXNAME).chunkSize(BUFFER_SIZE).create();
      String fileName = "SomeText.txt";
      IndexOutput io = dir.createOutput(fileName, IOContext.DEFAULT);
      RepeatableLongByteSequence bytesGenerator = new RepeatableLongByteSequence();
      //It writes repeatable text
      final int REPEATABLE_BUFFER_SIZE = 1501;
      for (int i = 0; i < REPEATABLE_BUFFER_SIZE; i++) {
      assert io.length() == REPEATABLE_BUFFER_SIZE;
      //Text to write on file with repeatable text
      final String someText = "This is some text";
      final byte[] someTextAsBytes = someText.getBytes();
      //4 points in random order where writing someText: at begin of file, at end of file, within a single chunk,
      //between 2 chunks
      final int[] pointers = {0, 635, REPEATABLE_BUFFER_SIZE, 135};
      for(int i=0; i < pointers.length; i++) {[i]);
         io.writeBytes(someTextAsBytes, someTextAsBytes.length);
      final long finalSize = REPEATABLE_BUFFER_SIZE + someTextAsBytes.length;
      assert io.length() == finalSize;
      assert io.length() == DirectoryIntegrityCheck.deepCountFileSize(new FileCacheKey(INDEXNAME,fileName), cache);
      int indexPointer = 0;
      byte[] buffer = null;
      int chunkIndex = -1;
      //now testing the stream is equal to the produced repeatable but including the edits at pointed positions
      for (int i = 0; i < REPEATABLE_BUFFER_SIZE + someTextAsBytes.length; i++) {
         if (i % BUFFER_SIZE == 0) {
            buffer = (byte[]) cache.get(new ChunkCacheKey(INDEXNAME, fileName, ++chunkIndex, BUFFER_SIZE));
         byte predictableByte = bytesGenerator.nextByte();
         if (i < pointers[indexPointer]) {
            //Assert predictable text
            AssertJUnit.assertEquals(predictableByte, buffer[i % BUFFER_SIZE]);
         } else if (pointers[indexPointer] <= i && i < pointers[indexPointer] + someTextAsBytes.length) {
            //Assert someText
            AssertJUnit.assertEquals(someTextAsBytes[i - pointers[indexPointer]], buffer[i % BUFFER_SIZE]);
         if (i == pointers[indexPointer] + someTextAsBytes.length) {
            //Change pointer
      DirectoryIntegrityCheck.verifyDirectoryStructure(cache, INDEXNAME);

   @Test (enabled = false, description = "")
   public void testReadWholeFile() throws IOException {
      final int BUFFER_SIZE = 64;

      Cache cache = cacheManager.getCache();
      Directory dir = DirectoryBuilder.newDirectoryInstance(cache, cache, cache, INDEXNAME).chunkSize(BUFFER_SIZE).create();

      verifyOnBuffer("SingleChunk.txt", 61, BUFFER_SIZE, cache, dir, 15);

      final int VERY_BIG_FILE_SIZE = 10000;
      verifyOnBuffer("MultipleChunks.txt", VERY_BIG_FILE_SIZE, BUFFER_SIZE, cache, dir, 33);

      verifyOnBuffer("LastChunkFilled.txt", LAST_CHUNK_COMPLETELY_FILLED_FILE_SIZE, BUFFER_SIZE, cache, dir, 11);
      assertHasNChunks(4, cache, INDEXNAME, "LastChunkFilled.txt.bak", BUFFER_SIZE);
      DirectoryIntegrityCheck.verifyDirectoryStructure(cache, INDEXNAME);

      verifyOnBuffer("LonelyByteInLastChunk.txt", LAST_CHUNK_WITH_LONELY_BYTE_FILE_SIZE, BUFFER_SIZE, cache, dir, 12);
      assertHasNChunks(5, cache, INDEXNAME, "LonelyByteInLastChunk.txt.bak", BUFFER_SIZE);
      DirectoryIntegrityCheck.verifyDirectoryStructure(cache, INDEXNAME);

    * Helper for testReadWholeFile test:
    * creates a file and then verifies it's readability in specific corner cases.
    * Then reuses the same parameters to verify the file rename capabilities.
   private void verifyOnBuffer(final String fileName, final int fileSize, final int bufferSize, Cache cache, Directory dir, final int readBuffer) throws IOException {
      createFileWithRepeatableContent(dir, fileName, fileSize);
      assertReadByteWorkingCorrectly(dir, fileName, fileSize);
      assertReadBytesWorkingCorrectly(dir, fileName, fileSize, readBuffer);
      DirectoryIntegrityCheck.verifyDirectoryStructure(cache, INDEXNAME);
      final String newFileName = fileName+".bak";
      ((DirectoryExtensions)dir).renameFile(fileName, newFileName);
      assertReadByteWorkingCorrectly(dir, newFileName, fileSize);
      assertReadBytesWorkingCorrectly(dir, newFileName, fileSize, readBuffer);
      DirectoryIntegrityCheck.verifyDirectoryStructure(cache, INDEXNAME);
      assert dir.fileExists(newFileName);
      assert dir.fileExists(fileName) == false;
   public void testReadRandomSampleFile() throws IOException {
      final int BUFFER_SIZE = 64;

      Cache cache = cacheManager.getCache();
      Directory dir = DirectoryBuilder.newDirectoryInstance(cache, cache, cache, INDEXNAME).chunkSize(BUFFER_SIZE).create();

      final int FILE_SIZE = 1000;
      assert BUFFER_SIZE < FILE_SIZE;
      createFileWithRepeatableContent(dir, "RandomSampleFile.txt", FILE_SIZE);

      IndexInput indexInput = dir.openInput("RandomSampleFile.txt", IOContext.DEFAULT);
      assert indexInput.length() == FILE_SIZE;
      RepeatableLongByteSequence bytesGenerator = new RepeatableLongByteSequence();

      Random r = new Random();
      long seekPoint = 0;
      // Now it reads some random byte and it compares to the expected byte
      for (int i = 0; i < FILE_SIZE; i++) {
         if (seekPoint == i) {
            byte expectedByte = bytesGenerator.nextByte();
            byte actualByte = indexInput.readByte();
            assert expectedByte == actualByte;
            seekPoint = indexInput.getFilePointer() + r.nextInt(10);
         } else {

      DirectoryIntegrityCheck.verifyDirectoryStructure(cache, INDEXNAME);
    * Used to verify that IndexInput.readBytes method reads correctly the whole file content comparing the
    * result with the expected sequence of bytes
    * @param dir
    *           The Directory containing the file to verify
    * @param fileName
    *           The file name to read
    * @param contentFileSizeExpected
    *           The size content file expected
    * @param arrayLengthToRead
    *           The length of byte array to read
    * @throws IOException
   private void assertReadBytesWorkingCorrectly(Directory dir, String fileName,
            final int contentFileSizeExpected, final int arrayLengthToRead) throws IOException {
      IndexInput indexInput = dir.openInput(fileName, IOContext.DEFAULT);
      AssertJUnit.assertEquals(contentFileSizeExpected, indexInput.length());

      RepeatableLongByteSequence bytesGenerator = new RepeatableLongByteSequence();

      byte[] readBytes = new byte[arrayLengthToRead];
      byte[] expectedBytes = new byte[arrayLengthToRead];

      long toRead = contentFileSizeExpected;
      while (toRead > 0) {
         // the condition is satisfied when the file is close to the end
         if (toRead < arrayLengthToRead) {
            readBytes = new byte[(int) toRead];
            expectedBytes = new byte[(int) toRead];
         int nextBytesToRead = (int) Math.min(toRead, arrayLengthToRead);

         indexInput.readBytes(readBytes, 0, nextBytesToRead);

         assert Arrays.equals(expectedBytes, readBytes);

         toRead = toRead - nextBytesToRead;


    * Used to verify that IndexInput.readByte method reads correctly the whole file content comparing the
    * result with the expected sequence of bytes
    * @param dir
    *           The Directory containing the file to verify
    * @param fileName
    *           The file name to read
    * @param contentFileSizeExpected
    *           The size content file expected
    * @throws IOException
   private void assertReadByteWorkingCorrectly(Directory dir, String fileName,
            final int contentFileSizeExpected) throws IOException {
      IndexInput indexInput = dir.openInput(fileName, IOContext.DEFAULT);
      AssertJUnit.assertEquals(contentFileSizeExpected, indexInput.length());
      RepeatableLongByteSequence bytesGenerator = new RepeatableLongByteSequence();

      for (int i = 0; i < contentFileSizeExpected; i++) {
         AssertJUnit.assertEquals(bytesGenerator.nextByte(), indexInput.readByte());

    * Verifies a file is divided in N chunks
   private void assertHasNChunks(int expectedChunks, Cache cache, String index, String fileName, int bufferSize) {
      int i=0;
      for (; i<expectedChunks; i++) {
         ChunkCacheKey key = new ChunkCacheKey(index, fileName, i, bufferSize);
         AssertJUnit.assertTrue("should contain key " + key, cache.containsKey(key));
      ChunkCacheKey key = new ChunkCacheKey(index, fileName, i, bufferSize);
      AssertJUnit.assertFalse("should NOT contain key " + key, cache.containsKey(key));

    * It creates a file with fixed size using a RepeatableLongByteSequence object to generate a
    * repeatable content
    * @param dir
    *           The Directory containing the file to create
    * @param fileName
    *           The file name to create
    * @param contentFileSize
    *           The size content file to create
    * @throws IOException
   private void createFileWithRepeatableContent(Directory dir, String fileName, final int contentFileSize) throws IOException {
      IndexOutput indexOutput = dir.createOutput(fileName, IOContext.DEFAULT);
      RepeatableLongByteSequence bytesGenerator = new RepeatableLongByteSequence();
      for (int i = 0; i < contentFileSize; i++) {

   @Test(enabled = false)
   public void testReadChunks() throws Exception {
      final int BUFFER_SIZE = 64;

      Cache cache = cacheManager.getCache();
      Directory dir = DirectoryBuilder.newDirectoryInstance(cache, cache, cache, INDEXNAME).chunkSize(BUFFER_SIZE).create();

      // create file headers
      FileMetadata file1 = new FileMetadata(5);
      FileCacheKey key1 = new FileCacheKey(INDEXNAME, "Hello.txt");
      cache.put(key1, file1);

      FileMetadata file2 = new FileMetadata(5);
      FileCacheKey key2 = new FileCacheKey(INDEXNAME, "World.txt");
      cache.put(key2, file2);

      // byte array for Hello.txt
      String helloText = "Hello world.  This is some text.";
      cache.put(new ChunkCacheKey(INDEXNAME, "Hello.txt", 0, BUFFER_SIZE), helloText.getBytes());

      // byte array for World.txt - should be in at least 2 chunks.
      String worldText = "This String should contain more than sixty four characters but less than one hundred and twenty eight.";
      assert worldText.getBytes().length > BUFFER_SIZE;
      assert worldText.getBytes().length < (2 * BUFFER_SIZE);

      byte[] buf = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
      System.arraycopy(worldText.getBytes(), 0, buf, 0, BUFFER_SIZE);
      cache.put(new ChunkCacheKey(INDEXNAME, "World.txt", 0, BUFFER_SIZE), buf);

      String part1 = new String(buf);
      buf = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
      System.arraycopy(worldText.getBytes(), BUFFER_SIZE, buf, 0, worldText.length() - BUFFER_SIZE);
      cache.put(new ChunkCacheKey(INDEXNAME, "World.txt", 1, BUFFER_SIZE), buf);
      String part2 = new String(buf);

      // make sure the generated bytes do add up!
      AssertJUnit.assertEquals(part1 + part2.trim(), worldText);


      Set<String> s = new HashSet<String>();
      Set other = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(new String[0]));

      // ok, file listing works.
      AssertJUnit.assertEquals(s, other);

      IndexInput ii = dir.openInput("Hello.txt", IOContext.DEFAULT);

      assert ii.length() == helloText.length();

      ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

      for (int i = 0; i < ii.length(); i++) {

      assert new String(baos.toByteArray()).equals(helloText);

      ii = dir.openInput("World.txt", IOContext.DEFAULT);

      assert ii.length() == worldText.length();

      baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

      for (int i = 0; i < ii.length(); i++) {

      assert new String(baos.toByteArray()).equals(worldText);

      // now with buffered reading

      ii = dir.openInput("Hello.txt", IOContext.DEFAULT);

      assert ii.length() == helloText.length();

      baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

      long toRead = ii.length();
      while (toRead > 0) {
         buf = new byte[19]; // suitably arbitrary
         int bytesRead = (int) Math.min(toRead, 19);
         ii.readBytes(buf, 0, bytesRead);
         toRead = toRead - bytesRead;
         baos.write(buf, 0, bytesRead);

      assert new String(baos.toByteArray()).equals(helloText);

      ii = dir.openInput("World.txt", IOContext.DEFAULT);

      assert ii.length() == worldText.length();

      baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

      toRead = ii.length();
      while (toRead > 0) {
         buf = new byte[19]; // suitably arbitrary
         int bytesRead = (int) Math.min(toRead, 19);
         ii.readBytes(buf, 0, bytesRead);
         toRead = toRead - bytesRead;
         baos.write(buf, 0, bytesRead);

      assert new String(baos.toByteArray()).equals(worldText);

      assert null == cache.get(new FileCacheKey(INDEXNAME, "Hello.txt"));
      assert null == cache.get(new ChunkCacheKey(INDEXNAME, "Hello.txt", 0, BUFFER_SIZE));

      Object ob1 = cache.get(new FileCacheKey(INDEXNAME, "World.txt"));
      Object ob2 = cache.get(new ChunkCacheKey(INDEXNAME, "World.txt", 0, BUFFER_SIZE));
      Object ob3 = cache.get(new ChunkCacheKey(INDEXNAME, "World.txt", 1, BUFFER_SIZE));

      ((DirectoryExtensions)dir).renameFile("World.txt", "HelloWorld.txt");
      assert null == cache.get(new FileCacheKey(INDEXNAME, "Hello.txt"));
      assert null == cache.get(new ChunkCacheKey(INDEXNAME, "Hello.txt", 0, BUFFER_SIZE));
      assert null == cache.get(new ChunkCacheKey(INDEXNAME, "Hello.txt", 1, BUFFER_SIZE));

      assert cache.get(new FileCacheKey(INDEXNAME, "HelloWorld.txt")).equals(ob1);
      assert cache.get(new ChunkCacheKey(INDEXNAME, "HelloWorld.txt", 0, BUFFER_SIZE)).equals(ob2);
      assert cache.get(new ChunkCacheKey(INDEXNAME, "HelloWorld.txt", 1, BUFFER_SIZE)).equals(ob3);

      // test that contents survives a move
      ii = dir.openInput("HelloWorld.txt", IOContext.DEFAULT);

      assert ii.length() == worldText.length();

      baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

      toRead = ii.length();
      while (toRead > 0) {
         buf = new byte[19]; // suitably arbitrary
         int bytesRead = (int) Math.min(toRead, 19);
         ii.readBytes(buf, 0, bytesRead);
         toRead = toRead - bytesRead;
         baos.write(buf, 0, bytesRead);

      assert new String(baos.toByteArray()).equals(worldText);

      DirectoryIntegrityCheck.verifyDirectoryStructure(cache, INDEXNAME);

   public void testWriteChunks() throws Exception {
      final int BUFFER_SIZE = 64;

      Cache cache = cacheManager.getCache();
      Directory dir = DirectoryBuilder.newDirectoryInstance(cache, cache, cache, INDEXNAME).chunkSize(BUFFER_SIZE).create();

      IndexOutput io = dir.createOutput("MyNewFile.txt", IOContext.DEFAULT);

      io.writeByte((byte) 66);
      io.writeByte((byte) 69);


      assert dir.fileExists("MyNewFile.txt");
      assert null != cache.get(new ChunkCacheKey(INDEXNAME, "MyNewFile.txt", 0, BUFFER_SIZE));

      // test contents by reading:
      byte[] buf = new byte[9];
      IndexInput ii = dir.openInput("MyNewFile.txt", IOContext.DEFAULT);
      ii.readBytes(buf, 0, (int) ii.length());

      assert new String(new byte[] { 66, 69 }).equals(new String(buf).trim());

      String testText = "This is some rubbish again that will span more than one chunk - one hopes.  Who knows, maybe even three or four chunks.";
      io = dir.createOutput("MyNewFile.txt", IOContext.DEFAULT);;
      io.writeBytes(testText.getBytes(), 0, testText.length());
      // now compare.
      byte[] chunk1 = (byte[]) cache.get(new ChunkCacheKey(INDEXNAME, "MyNewFile.txt", 0, BUFFER_SIZE));
      byte[] chunk2 = (byte[]) cache.get(new ChunkCacheKey(INDEXNAME, "MyNewFile.txt", 1, BUFFER_SIZE));
      assert null != chunk1;
      assert null != chunk2;

      assert testText.equals(new String(chunk1) + new String(chunk2).trim());

      DirectoryIntegrityCheck.verifyDirectoryStructure(cache, INDEXNAME);

   public void testWriteChunksDefaultChunks() throws Exception {
      Cache cache = cacheManager.getCache();
      Directory dir = DirectoryBuilder.newDirectoryInstance(cache, cache, cache, INDEXNAME).create();

      final String testText = "This is some rubbish";
      final byte[] testTextAsBytes = testText.getBytes();

      IndexOutput io = dir.createOutput("MyNewFile.txt", IOContext.DEFAULT);

      io.writeByte((byte) 1);
      io.writeByte((byte) 2);
      io.writeByte((byte) 3);
      io.writeBytes(testTextAsBytes, testTextAsBytes.length);
      DirectoryIntegrityCheck.verifyDirectoryStructure(cache, INDEXNAME);

      FileCacheKey fileCacheKey = new FileCacheKey(INDEXNAME, "MyNewFile.txt");
      assert null != cache.get(fileCacheKey);
      FileMetadata metadata = (FileMetadata) cache.get(fileCacheKey);
      AssertJUnit.assertEquals(testTextAsBytes.length + 3, metadata.getSize());
      assert null != cache.get(new ChunkCacheKey(INDEXNAME, "MyNewFile.txt", 0, DirectoryBuilderImpl.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE));

      // test contents by reading:
      IndexInput ii = dir.openInput("MyNewFile.txt", IOContext.DEFAULT);
      assert ii.readByte() == 1;
      assert ii.readByte() == 2;
      assert ii.readByte() == 3;
      byte[] buf = new byte[testTextAsBytes.length];

      ii.readBytes(buf, 0, testTextAsBytes.length);

      assert testText.equals(new String(buf).trim());

      DirectoryIntegrityCheck.verifyDirectoryStructure(cache, INDEXNAME);
   public void testChunkBordersOnInfinispan() throws IOException {
      Cache cache = cacheManager.getCache();
      Directory dir = DirectoryBuilder.newDirectoryInstance(cache, cache, cache, INDEXNAME).chunkSize(13).create();
      testChunkBorders(dir, cache);
   public void testChunkBordersOnRAMDirectory() throws IOException {
      RAMDirectory dir = new RAMDirectory();
      testChunkBorders(dir, null);
    * Useful to verify the Infinispan Directory has similar behaviour
    * to standard Lucene implementations regarding reads out of ranges.
   private void testChunkBorders(Directory dir, Cache cache) throws IOException {
      //numbers are chosen to be multiples of the chunksize set for the InfinispanDirectory
      //so that we test the borders of it.
      testOn(dir, 0 ,0, cache);
      testOn(dir, 0 ,1, cache);
      testOn(dir, 1 ,1, cache);
      testOn(dir, 1 ,0, cache);
      // all equal:
      testOn(dir, 13 ,13, cache);
      // one less:
      testOn(dir, 12 ,13, cache);
      testOn(dir, 13 ,12, cache);
      testOn(dir, 12 ,12, cache);
      // one higher
      testOn(dir, 13 ,14, cache);
      testOn(dir, 14 ,13, cache);
      testOn(dir, 14 ,14, cache);
      // now repeat in multi-chunk scenario:
      // all equal:
      testOn(dir, 39 ,39, cache);
      // one less:
      testOn(dir, 38 ,38, cache);
      testOn(dir, 38 ,39, cache);
      testOn(dir, 39 ,38, cache);
      // one higher
      testOn(dir, 40 ,40, cache);
      testOn(dir, 40 ,39, cache);
      testOn(dir, 39 ,40, cache);
      // quite bigger
      testOn(dir, 600, 600, cache);

   private void testOn(Directory dir, int writeSize, int readSize, Cache cache) throws IOException {
      if (cache != null) cache.clear();//needed to make sure no chunks are left over in case of Infinispan implementation
      final String filename = "chunkTest";
      IndexOutput indexOutput = dir.createOutput(filename, IOContext.DEFAULT);
      byte[] toWrite = fillBytes(writeSize);
      indexOutput.writeBytes(toWrite, writeSize);
      if (cache != null) {
         AssertJUnit.assertEquals(writeSize, DirectoryIntegrityCheck.deepCountFileSize(new FileCacheKey(INDEXNAME,filename), cache));
      AssertJUnit.assertEquals(writeSize, indexOutput.length());
      byte[] results = new byte[readSize];
      IndexInput openInput = dir.openInput(filename, IOContext.DEFAULT);
      try {
         openInput.readBytes(results, 0, readSize);
         for (int i = 0; i < writeSize && i < readSize; i++) {
            AssertJUnit.assertEquals(results[i], toWrite[i]);
         if (readSize > writeSize)
  "should have thrown an IOException for reading past EOF");
      } catch (IOException ioe) {
         if (readSize <= writeSize)
  "should not have thrown an IOException" + ioe.getMessage());
   public void multipleFlushTest() throws IOException {
      final String filename = "longFile.writtenInMultipleFlushes";
      final int bufferSize = 300;
      Cache cache = cacheManager.getCache();
      Directory dir = DirectoryBuilder.newDirectoryInstance(cache, cache, cache, INDEXNAME).chunkSize(13).create();
      byte[] manyBytes = fillBytes(bufferSize);
      IndexOutput indexOutput = dir.createOutput(filename, IOContext.DEFAULT);
      for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
         indexOutput.writeBytes(manyBytes, bufferSize);
      IndexInput input = dir.openInput(filename, IOContext.DEFAULT);
      final int finalSize = (10 * bufferSize);
      AssertJUnit.assertEquals(finalSize, input.length());
      final byte[] resultingBuffer = new byte[finalSize];
      input.readBytes(resultingBuffer, 0, finalSize);
      int index = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
         for (int j = 0; j < bufferSize; j++)
            AssertJUnit.assertEquals(resultingBuffer[index++], manyBytes[j]);

   private byte[] fillBytes(int size) {
      byte[] b = new byte[size];
      for (int i=0; i<size; i++) {
      return b;


Related Classes of org.infinispan.lucene.InfinispanDirectoryIOTest

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