Package org.eclipse.persistence.mappings

Source Code of org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.OneToManyMapping

* Copyright (c) 1998, 2011 Oracle. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0
* which accompanies this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
*     Oracle - initial API and implementation from Oracle TopLink
*     07/19/2011-2.2.1 Guy Pelletier
*       - 338812: ManyToMany mapping in aggregate object violate integrity constraint on deletion
package org.eclipse.persistence.mappings;

import java.util.*;

import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.*;
import org.eclipse.persistence.expressions.*;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.*;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.identitymaps.*;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.queries.*;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.*;
import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.*;
import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.DatabaseRecord;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.descriptors.CascadeLockingPolicy;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.expressions.SQLUpdateStatement;

* <p><b>Purpose</b>: This mapping is used to represent the
* typical RDBMS relationship between a single
* source object and collection of target objects; where,
* on the database, the target objects have references
* (foreign keys) to the source object.
* @author Sati
* @since TOPLink/Java 1.0
public class OneToManyMapping extends CollectionMapping implements RelationalMapping, MapComponentMapping {

    /** Used for data modification events. */
    protected static final String PostInsert = "postInsert";
    protected static final String ObjectRemoved = "objectRemoved";
    protected static final String ObjectAdded = "objectAdded";
    /** The target foreign key fields that reference the sourceKeyFields. */
    protected transient Vector<DatabaseField> targetForeignKeyFields;

    /** The (typically primary) source key fields that are referenced by the targetForeignKeyFields. */
    protected transient Vector<DatabaseField> sourceKeyFields;

    /** This maps the target foreign key fields to the corresponding (primary) source key fields. */
    protected transient Map<DatabaseField, DatabaseField> targetForeignKeysToSourceKeys;
    /** This maps the (primary) source key fields to the corresponding target foreign key fields. */
    protected transient Map<DatabaseField, DatabaseField> sourceKeysToTargetForeignKeys;

    /** All targetForeignKeyFields should have the same table.
     *  Used only in case data modification events required.
    protected transient DatabaseTable targetForeignKeyTable;

    /** Primary keys of targetForeignKeyTable:
     *  the same as referenceDescriptor().getPrimaryKeyFields() in case the table is default table of reference descriptor;
     *  otherwise contains secondary table's primary key fields in the same order as default table primary keys mapped to them. 
     *  Used only in case data modification events required.
    protected transient List<DatabaseField> targetPrimaryKeyFields;

     * Query used to update a single target row setting its foreign key to point to the source.
     * Run once for each target added to the source.
     * Example:
     *   for Employee with managedEmployees attribute mapped with UnidirectionalOneToMany
     *   the query looks like:
     *   where 1 is id of the source, and 2 is the id of the target to be added. 
     *  Used only in case data modification events required.
    protected transient DataModifyQuery addTargetQuery;
    protected transient boolean hasCustomAddTargetQuery;
     * Query used to update a single target row changing its foreign key value from the one pointing to the source to null.
     * Run once for each target removed from the source.
     * Example:
     *   for Employee with managedEmployees attribute mapped with UnidirectionalOneToMany
     *   the query looks like:
     *   where 1 is id of the source, and 2 is the id of the target to be removed. 
     *  Used only in case data modification events required.
    protected transient DataModifyQuery removeTargetQuery;
    protected transient boolean hasCustomRemoveTargetQuery;

     * Query used to update all target rows changing target foreign key value from the one pointing to the source to null.
     * Run before the source object is deleted.
     * Example:
     *   for Employee with managedEmployees attribute mapped with UnidirectionalOneToMany
     *   the query looks like:
     *   where 1 is id of the source to be deleted. 
     *  Used only in case data modification events required.
    protected transient DataModifyQuery removeAllTargetsQuery;
    protected transient boolean hasCustomRemoveAllTargetsQuery;
     * PUBLIC:
     * Default constructor.
    public OneToManyMapping() {

        this.targetForeignKeysToSourceKeys = new HashMap(2);
        this.sourceKeysToTargetForeignKeys = new HashMap(2);
        this.sourceKeyFields = org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance(1);
        this.targetForeignKeyFields = org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance(1);

        this.deleteAllQuery = new DeleteAllQuery();
        this.removeTargetQuery = new DataModifyQuery();
        this.removeAllTargetsQuery = new DataModifyQuery();
        this.isListOrderFieldSupported = true;

     * INTERNAL:
    public boolean isRelationalMapping() {
        return true;

     * INTERNAL:
     * Add the associated fields to the appropriate collections.
    public void addTargetForeignKeyField(DatabaseField targetForeignKeyField, DatabaseField sourceKeyField) {

     * PUBLIC:
     * Define the target foreign key relationship in the one-to-many mapping.
     * This method is used for composite target foreign key relationships.
     * That is, the target object's table has multiple foreign key fields
     * that are references to
     * the source object's (typically primary) key fields.
     * Both the target foreign key field name and the corresponding
     * source primary key field name must be specified.
     * Because the target object's table must store a foreign key to the source table,
     * the target object must map that foreign key, this is normally done through a
     * one-to-one mapping back-reference. Other options include:
     * <ul>
     * <li> use a DirectToFieldMapping and maintain the
     * foreign key fields directly in the target
     * <li> use a ManyToManyMapping
     * <li> use an AggregateCollectionMapping
     * </ul>
     * @see DirectToFieldMapping
     * @see ManyToManyMapping
     * @see AggregateCollectionMapping
    public void addTargetForeignKeyFieldName(String targetForeignKeyFieldName, String sourceKeyFieldName) {
        addTargetForeignKeyField(new DatabaseField(targetForeignKeyFieldName), new DatabaseField(sourceKeyFieldName));

     * INTERNAL:
     * Verifies listOrderField's table: it must be the same table that contains all target foreign keys.
     * Precondition: listOrderField != null.
    protected void buildListOrderField() {
        if(this.listOrderField.hasTableName()) {
            if(!this.targetForeignKeyTable.equals(this.listOrderField.getTable())) {
                throw DescriptorException.listOrderFieldTableIsWrong(this.getDescriptor(), this, this.listOrderField.getTable(), this.targetForeignKeyTable);
        } else {
        this.listOrderField = this.getReferenceDescriptor().buildField(this.listOrderField, this.targetForeignKeyTable);
     * The selection criteria are created with target foreign keys and source "primary" keys.
     * These criteria are then used to read the target records from the table.
     * These criteria are also used as the default "delete all" criteria.
     * CR#3922 - This method is almost the same as buildSelectionCriteria() the difference
     * is that TargetForeignKeysToSourceKeys contains more information after login then SourceKeyFields
     * contains before login.
    protected Expression buildDefaultSelectionCriteriaAndAddFieldsToQuery() {
        Expression selectionCriteria = null;
        Expression builder = new ExpressionBuilder();

        for (Iterator keys = getTargetForeignKeysToSourceKeys().keySet().iterator();
                 keys.hasNext();) {
            DatabaseField targetForeignKey = (DatabaseField);
            DatabaseField sourceKey = getTargetForeignKeysToSourceKeys().get(targetForeignKey);

            Expression partialSelectionCriteria = builder.getField(targetForeignKey).equal(builder.getParameter(sourceKey));
            selectionCriteria = partialSelectionCriteria.and(selectionCriteria);
        getContainerPolicy().addAdditionalFieldsToQuery(getSelectionQuery(), builder);

        return selectionCriteria;
     * This method would allow customers to get the potential selection criteria for a mapping
     * prior to initialization.  This would allow them to more easily create an amendment method
     * that would amend the SQL for the join.
     * CR#3922 - This method is almost the same as buildDefaultSelectionCriteria() the difference
     * is that TargetForeignKeysToSourceKeys contains more information after login then SourceKeyFields
     * contains before login.
    public Expression buildSelectionCriteria() {
        Expression selectionCriteria = null;
        Expression builder = new ExpressionBuilder();

        Enumeration sourceKeys = getSourceKeyFields().elements();
        for (Enumeration targetForeignKeys = getTargetForeignKeyFields().elements();
                 targetForeignKeys.hasMoreElements();) {
            DatabaseField targetForeignKey = (DatabaseField)targetForeignKeys.nextElement();
            DatabaseField sourceKey = (DatabaseField)sourceKeys.nextElement();
            Expression partialSelectionCriteria = builder.getField(targetForeignKey).equal(builder.getParameter(sourceKey));
            selectionCriteria = partialSelectionCriteria.and(selectionCriteria);
        return selectionCriteria;

     * INTERNAL:
     * This method is used to store the FK fields that can be cached that correspond to noncacheable mappings
     * the FK field values will be used to re-issue the query when cloning the shared cache entity
    public void collectQueryParameters(Set<DatabaseField> cacheFields){
        for (DatabaseField field : getSourceKeyFields()) {

     * INTERNAL:
     * Clone the appropriate attributes.
    public Object clone() {
        OneToManyMapping clone = (OneToManyMapping)super.clone();
        clone.setTargetForeignKeysToSourceKeys(new HashMap(getTargetForeignKeysToSourceKeys()));
        if (addTargetQuery != null){
            clone.addTargetQuery = (DataModifyQuery) this.addTargetQuery.clone();
        clone.removeTargetQuery = (DataModifyQuery) this.removeTargetQuery.clone();
        clone.removeAllTargetsQuery = (DataModifyQuery) this.removeAllTargetsQuery.clone();
        return clone;

     * Called when a DatabaseMapping is used to map the key in a collection.  Returns the key.
    public Object createMapComponentFromRow(AbstractRecord dbRow, ObjectBuildingQuery query, CacheKey parentCacheKey, AbstractSession session, boolean isTargetProtected){
        return session.executeQuery(getSelectionQuery(), dbRow);
     * Delete all the reference objects with a single query.
    protected void deleteAll(DeleteObjectQuery query, AbstractSession session) throws DatabaseException {
        Object attribute = getAttributeValueFromObject(query.getObject());
        if (usesIndirection()) {
           if (!this.indirectionPolicy.objectIsInstantiated(attribute)) {
               // An empty Vector indicates to DeleteAllQuery that no objects should be removed from cache
               ((DeleteAllQuery)this.deleteAllQuery).executeDeleteAll(session.getSessionForClass(this.referenceClass), query.getTranslationRow(), new Vector(0));
        Object referenceObjects = getRealCollectionAttributeValueFromObject(query.getObject(), session);
        // PERF: Avoid delete if empty.
        if (session.isUnitOfWork() && this.containerPolicy.isEmpty(referenceObjects)) {
        ((DeleteAllQuery)this.deleteAllQuery).executeDeleteAll(session.getSessionForClass(getReferenceClass()), query.getTranslationRow(), this.containerPolicy.vectorFor(referenceObjects, session));

     *    This method will make sure that all the records privately owned by this mapping are
     * actually removed. If such records are found then those are all read and removed one
     * by one along with their privately owned parts.
    protected void deleteReferenceObjectsLeftOnDatabase(DeleteObjectQuery query) throws DatabaseException, OptimisticLockException {
        Object objects = readPrivateOwnedForObject(query);

        // Delete all these object one by one.
        ContainerPolicy cp = getContainerPolicy();
        for (Object iter = cp.iteratorFor(objects); cp.hasNext(iter);) {
            query.getSession().deleteObject(, query.getSession()));

     * INTERNAL:
     * Extract the source primary key value from the target row.
     * Used for batch reading, most following same order and fields as in the mapping.
    protected Object extractKeyFromTargetRow(AbstractRecord row, AbstractSession session) {
        int size = this.sourceKeyFields.size();
        Object[] key = new Object[size];
        ConversionManager conversionManager = session.getDatasourcePlatform().getConversionManager();
        for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) {
            DatabaseField targetField = this.targetForeignKeyFields.get(index);
            DatabaseField sourceField = this.sourceKeyFields.get(index);
            Object value = row.get(targetField);
            // Must ensure the classification gets a cache hit.
            try {
                value = conversionManager.convertObject(value, sourceField.getType());
            } catch (ConversionException e) {
                throw ConversionException.couldNotBeConverted(this, getDescriptor(), e);
            key[index] = value;
        return new CacheId(key);

     * Extract the key field values from the specified row.
     * Used for batch reading. Keep the fields in the same order
     * as in the targetForeignKeysToSourceKeys map.
    protected Object extractBatchKeyFromRow(AbstractRecord row, AbstractSession session) {
        int size = this.sourceKeyFields.size();
        Object[] key = new Object[size];
        ConversionManager conversionManager = session.getDatasourcePlatform().getConversionManager();
        for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) {
            DatabaseField sourceField = this.sourceKeyFields.get(index);
            Object value = row.get(sourceField);
            // Must ensure the classification to get a cache hit.
            try {
                value = conversionManager.convertObject(value, sourceField.getType());
            } catch (ConversionException exception) {
                throw ConversionException.couldNotBeConverted(this, this.descriptor, exception);
            key[index] = value;
        return new CacheId(key);
     * INTERNAL:
     * Return source key fields for translation by an AggregateObjectMapping
    public Collection getFieldsForTranslationInAggregate() {
        return getSourceKeyFields();

     * PUBLIC:
     * Return the source key field names associated with the mapping.
     * These are in-order with the targetForeignKeyFieldNames.
    public Vector getSourceKeyFieldNames() {
        Vector fieldNames = new Vector(getSourceKeyFields().size());
        for (Enumeration fieldsEnum = getSourceKeyFields().elements();
                 fieldsEnum.hasMoreElements();) {

        return fieldNames;

     * INTERNAL:
     * Return the source key fields.
    public Vector<DatabaseField> getSourceKeyFields() {
        return sourceKeyFields;
     * INTERNAL:
     * Return the source/target key fields.
    public Map<DatabaseField, DatabaseField> getSourceKeysToTargetForeignKeys() {
        return sourceKeysToTargetForeignKeys;

     * INTERNAL:
     * Primary keys of targetForeignKeyTable.
    public List<DatabaseField> getTargetPrimaryKeyFields() {
        return this.targetPrimaryKeyFields;
     * INTERNAL:
     * Return the target foreign key field names associated with the mapping.
     * These are in-order with the targetForeignKeyFieldNames.
    public Vector getTargetForeignKeyFieldNames() {
        Vector fieldNames = new Vector(getTargetForeignKeyFields().size());
        for (Enumeration fieldsEnum = getTargetForeignKeyFields().elements();
                 fieldsEnum.hasMoreElements();) {

        return fieldNames;

     * INTERNAL:
     * Return the target foreign key fields.
    public Vector<DatabaseField> getTargetForeignKeyFields() {
        return targetForeignKeyFields;

     * INTERNAL:
     * Return the target/source key fields.
    public Map<DatabaseField, DatabaseField> getTargetForeignKeysToSourceKeys() {
        return targetForeignKeysToSourceKeys;

     * INTERNAL:
     * Maintain for backward compatibility.
     * This is 'public' so StoredProcedureGenerator
     * does not have to use the custom query expressions.
    public Map getTargetForeignKeyToSourceKeys() {
        return getTargetForeignKeysToSourceKeys();

     * INTERNAL:
     * Return whether the mapping has any inverse constraint dependencies,
     * such as foreign keys and join tables.
    public boolean hasInverseConstraintDependency() {
        return true;

     * INTERNAL:
     * Initialize the mapping.
    public void initialize(AbstractSession session) throws DescriptorException {
        if (session.hasBroker()) {
            if (getReferenceClass() == null) {
                throw DescriptorException.referenceClassNotSpecified(this);
            // substitute session that owns the mapping for the session that owns reference descriptor.
            session = session.getBroker().getSessionForClass(getReferenceClass());

        getContainerPolicy().initialize(session, getReferenceDescriptor().getDefaultTable());
        if (shouldInitializeSelectionCriteria()) {

        if (requiresDataModificationEvents() || getContainerPolicy().requiresDataModificationEvents()) {
        if (getReferenceDescriptor().hasTablePerClassPolicy()) {
            // This will do nothing if we have already prepared for this
            // source mapping or if the source mapping does not require
            // any special prepare logic.
            getReferenceDescriptor().getTablePerClassPolicy().prepareChildrenSelectionQuery(this, session);             
        // Check if any foreign keys reference a secondary table.
        if (getDescriptor().getTables().size() > 1) {
            DatabaseTable firstTable = getDescriptor().getTables().get(0);
            for (DatabaseField field : getSourceKeyFields()) {
                if (!field.getTable().equals(firstTable)) {

     * INTERNAL:
     * Initialize addTargetQuery.
    protected void initializeAddTargetQuery(AbstractSession session) {
        AbstractRecord modifyRow = createModifyRowForAddTargetQuery();
        if(modifyRow.isEmpty()) {
        if (!hasCustomAddTargetQuery){
            addTargetQuery = new DataModifyQuery();
        if (!addTargetQuery.hasSessionName()) {
        if (hasCustomAddTargetQuery) {
        // all fields in modifyRow must have the same table
        DatabaseTable table = ((DatabaseField)modifyRow.getFields().get(0)).getTable();
        // Build where clause expression.
        Expression whereClause = null;
        Expression builder = new ExpressionBuilder();

        int size = targetPrimaryKeyFields.size();
        for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) {
            DatabaseField targetPrimaryKey = targetPrimaryKeyFields.get(index);
            Expression expression = builder.getField(targetPrimaryKey).equal(builder.getParameter(targetPrimaryKey));
            whereClause = expression.and(whereClause);

        SQLUpdateStatement statement = new SQLUpdateStatement();

     * INTERNAL:
    protected AbstractRecord createModifyRowForAddTargetQuery() {
        AbstractRecord modifyRow = new DatabaseRecord();
        if(listOrderField != null) {
            modifyRow.add(listOrderField, null);
        return modifyRow;
     * INTERNAL:
     * Initialize changeOrderTargetQuery.
    protected void initializeChangeOrderTargetQuery(AbstractSession session) {
        boolean hasChangeOrderTargetQuery = changeOrderTargetQuery != null;
        if(!hasChangeOrderTargetQuery) {
            changeOrderTargetQuery = new DataModifyQuery();
        changeOrderTargetQuery = new DataModifyQuery();
        if (!changeOrderTargetQuery.hasSessionName()) {
        if (hasChangeOrderTargetQuery) {

        DatabaseTable table = this.listOrderField.getTable();
        // Build where clause expression.
        Expression whereClause = null;
        Expression builder = new ExpressionBuilder();

        int size = targetPrimaryKeyFields.size();
        for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) {
            DatabaseField targetPrimaryKey = targetPrimaryKeyFields.get(index);
            Expression expression = builder.getField(targetPrimaryKey).equal(builder.getParameter(targetPrimaryKey));
            whereClause = expression.and(whereClause);

        AbstractRecord modifyRow = new DatabaseRecord();
        modifyRow.add(this.listOrderField, null);

        SQLUpdateStatement statement = new SQLUpdateStatement();

     * Initialize the delete all query.
     * This query is used to delete the collection of objects from the
     * database.
    protected void initializeDeleteAllQuery(AbstractSession session) {
        if (!hasCustomDeleteAllQuery()) {
            // the selection criteria are re-used by the delete all query
            if (getSelectionCriteria() == null) {
            } else {
        if (!getDeleteAllQuery().hasSessionName()) {
        if (getDeleteAllQuery().getPartitioningPolicy() == null) {

     * INTERNAL:
     * Initialize targetForeignKeyTable and initializeTargetPrimaryKeyFields.
     * This method should be called after initializeTargetForeignKeysToSourceKeys method,
     * which creates targetForeignKeyFields (guaranteed to be not empty in case
     * requiresDataModificationEvents method returns true - the only case for the method to be called).
    protected void initializeTargetPrimaryKeyFields() {
        // all target foreign key fields must have the same table.
        int size = getTargetForeignKeyFields().size();
        HashSet<DatabaseTable> tables = new HashSet();
        for(int i=0; i < size; i++) {
        if(tables.size() == 1) {
            this.targetForeignKeyTable = getTargetForeignKeyFields().get(0).getTable();
        } else {
            // multiple foreign key tables - throw exception.
            throw DescriptorException.multipleTargetForeignKeyTables(this.getDescriptor(), this, tables);
        List defaultTablePrimaryKeyFields = getReferenceDescriptor().getPrimaryKeyFields();
        if(this.targetForeignKeyTable.equals(getReferenceDescriptor().getDefaultTable())) {
            this.targetPrimaryKeyFields = defaultTablePrimaryKeyFields;
        } else {
            int sizePk = defaultTablePrimaryKeyFields.size();
            this.targetPrimaryKeyFields = new ArrayList();
            for(int i=0; i < sizePk; i++) {
            Map<DatabaseField, DatabaseField> map = getReferenceDescriptor().getAdditionalTablePrimaryKeyFields().get(this.targetForeignKeyTable);
            Iterator<Map.Entry<DatabaseField, DatabaseField>> it = map.entrySet().iterator();
            while(it.hasNext()) {
                Map.Entry<DatabaseField, DatabaseField> entry =;
                DatabaseField sourceField = entry.getKey();
                DatabaseField targetField = entry.getValue();
                DatabaseField additionalTableField;
                DatabaseField defaultTableField;
                if(sourceField.getTable().equals(this.targetForeignKeyTable)) {
                    additionalTableField = sourceField;
                    defaultTableField = targetField;
                } else {
                    defaultTableField = sourceField;
                    additionalTableField = targetField;
                int index = defaultTablePrimaryKeyFields.indexOf(defaultTableField);
                getReferenceDescriptor().buildField(additionalTableField, this.targetForeignKeyTable);
                this.targetPrimaryKeyFields.set(index, additionalTableField);
     * INTERNAL:
     * Initialize removeTargetQuery.
    protected void initializeRemoveTargetQuery(AbstractSession session) {
        if (!removeTargetQuery.hasSessionName()) {
        if (hasCustomRemoveTargetQuery) {

        // All targetForeignKeys should have the same table
        DatabaseTable table = targetForeignKeyFields.get(0).getTable();
        // Build where clause expression.
        Expression whereClause = null;
        Expression builder = new ExpressionBuilder();

        int size = targetPrimaryKeyFields.size();
        for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) {
            DatabaseField targetPrimaryKey = targetPrimaryKeyFields.get(index);
            Expression expression = builder.getField(targetPrimaryKey).equal(builder.getParameter(targetPrimaryKey));
            whereClause = expression.and(whereClause);

        AbstractRecord modifyRow = new DatabaseRecord();
        if(shouldRemoveTargetQueryModifyTargetForeignKey()) {
            size = targetForeignKeyFields.size();
            for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) {
                DatabaseField targetForeignKey = targetForeignKeyFields.get(index);
                modifyRow.put(targetForeignKey, null);
                Expression expression = builder.getField(targetForeignKey).equal(builder.getParameter(targetForeignKey));
                whereClause = expression.and(whereClause);
        if(listOrderField != null) {
            modifyRow.add(listOrderField, null);

        SQLUpdateStatement statement = new SQLUpdateStatement();

     * Initialize and set the descriptor for the referenced class in this mapping.
     * Added here initialization of target foreign keys and target primary keys so that they are ready when
     * CollectionMapping.initialize initializes listOrderField.
    protected void initializeReferenceDescriptor(AbstractSession session) throws DescriptorException {
        if (!isSourceKeySpecified()) {
            // sourceKeyFields will be empty when #setTargetForeignKeyFieldName() is used
        if(requiresDataModificationEvents() || getContainerPolicy().requiresDataModificationEvents()) {
     * INTERNAL:
     * Initialize removeAllTargetsQuery.
    protected void initializeRemoveAllTargetsQuery(AbstractSession session) {
        if (!removeAllTargetsQuery.hasSessionName()) {
        if (hasCustomRemoveAllTargetsQuery) {

        // All targetForeignKeys should have the same table
        DatabaseTable table = targetForeignKeyFields.get(0).getTable();
        // Build where clause expression.
        Expression whereClause = null;
        Expression builder = new ExpressionBuilder();

        AbstractRecord modifyRow = new DatabaseRecord();
        int size = targetForeignKeyFields.size();
        for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) {
            DatabaseField targetForeignKey = targetForeignKeyFields.get(index);
            if(shouldRemoveTargetQueryModifyTargetForeignKey()) {
                modifyRow.put(targetForeignKey, null);
            Expression expression = builder.getField(targetForeignKey).equal(builder.getParameter(targetForeignKey));
            whereClause = expression.and(whereClause);
        if(this.listOrderField != null) {
            // targetForeignKeys and listOrderField should have the same table
            modifyRow.add(this.listOrderField, null);

        SQLUpdateStatement statement = new SQLUpdateStatement();
     * Verify, munge, and hash the target foreign keys and source keys.
    protected void initializeTargetForeignKeysToSourceKeys() throws DescriptorException {
        if (getTargetForeignKeyFields().isEmpty()) {
            if (shouldInitializeSelectionCriteria() || requiresDataModificationEvents() || getContainerPolicy().requiresDataModificationEvents()) {
                throw DescriptorException.noTargetForeignKeysSpecified(this);
            } else {
                // if they have specified selection criteria, the keys do not need to be specified

        if (getTargetForeignKeyFields().size() != getSourceKeyFields().size()) {
            throw DescriptorException.targetForeignKeysSizeMismatch(this);

        for (int index = 0; index < getTargetForeignKeyFields().size(); index++) {
            DatabaseField field = getReferenceDescriptor().buildField(getTargetForeignKeyFields().get(index));
            getTargetForeignKeyFields().set(index, field);

        for (int index = 0; index < getSourceKeyFields().size(); index++) {
            DatabaseField field = getDescriptor().buildField(getSourceKeyFields().get(index));
            getSourceKeyFields().set(index, field);

        Iterator<DatabaseField> targetForeignKeys = getTargetForeignKeyFields().iterator();
        Iterator<DatabaseField> sourceKeys = getSourceKeyFields().iterator();
        while (targetForeignKeys.hasNext()) {
            DatabaseField targetForeignKey =;
            DatabaseField sourcePrimaryKey =;
            getTargetForeignKeysToSourceKeys().put(targetForeignKey, sourcePrimaryKey);
            getSourceKeysToTargetForeignKeys().put(sourcePrimaryKey, targetForeignKey);

     * INTERNAL:
    public boolean isOneToManyMapping() {
        return true;

     * Return whether the source key is specified.
     * It will be empty when #setTargetForeignKeyFieldName(String) is used.
    protected boolean isSourceKeySpecified() {
        return !getSourceKeyFields().isEmpty();

     * INTERNAL:
     * An object was added to the collection during an update, insert it if private.
    protected void objectAddedDuringUpdate(ObjectLevelModifyQuery query, Object objectAdded, ObjectChangeSet changeSet, Map extraData) throws DatabaseException, OptimisticLockException {
        // First insert/update object.
        super.objectAddedDuringUpdate(query, objectAdded, changeSet, extraData);

        if (requiresDataModificationEvents() || containerPolicy.requiresDataModificationEvents()){
            // In the uow data queries are cached until the end of the commit.
            if (query.shouldCascadeOnlyDependentParts()) {
                // Hey I might actually want to use an inner class here... ok array for now.
                Object[] event = new Object[4];
                event[0] = ObjectAdded;
                event[1] = query;
                event[2] = objectAdded;
                event[3] = extraData;
                query.getSession().getCommitManager().addDataModificationEvent(this, event);
            } else {
                updateTargetForeignKeyPostUpdateSource_ObjectAdded(query, objectAdded, extraData);

     * INTERNAL:
     * An object was removed to the collection during an update, delete it if private.
    protected void objectRemovedDuringUpdate(ObjectLevelModifyQuery query, Object objectDeleted, Map extraData) throws DatabaseException, OptimisticLockException {
        if(!isPrivateOwned()) {
            if (requiresDataModificationEvents() || containerPolicy.requiresDataModificationEvents()){
                // In the uow data queries are cached until the end of the commit.
                if (query.shouldCascadeOnlyDependentParts()) {
                    // Hey I might actually want to use an inner class here... ok array for now.
                    Object[] event = new Object[3];
                    event[0] = ObjectRemoved;
                    event[1] = query;
                    event[2] = objectDeleted;
                    query.getSession().getCommitManager().addDataModificationEvent(this, event);
                } else {
                    updateTargetForeignKeyPostUpdateSource_ObjectRemoved(query, objectDeleted);

        // Delete object after join entry is delete if private.
        super.objectRemovedDuringUpdate(query, objectDeleted, extraData);

     * INTERNAL:
     * Perform the commit event.
     * This is used in the uow to delay data modifications.
    public void performDataModificationEvent(Object[] event, AbstractSession session) throws DatabaseException, DescriptorException {
        // Hey I might actually want to use an inner class here... ok array for now.
        if (event[0] == PostInsert) {
        } else if (event[0] == ObjectRemoved) {
            updateTargetForeignKeyPostUpdateSource_ObjectRemoved((WriteObjectQuery)event[1], event[2]);
        } else if (event[0] == ObjectAdded) {
            updateTargetForeignKeyPostUpdateSource_ObjectAdded((WriteObjectQuery)event[1], event[2], (Map)event[3]);
        } else {
            throw DescriptorException.invalidDataModificationEventCode(event[0], this);
     * INTERNAL:
     * Insert the reference objects.
    public void postInsert(WriteObjectQuery query) throws DatabaseException, OptimisticLockException {
        if (isReadOnly()) {

        if (shouldObjectModifyCascadeToParts(query) && !query.shouldCascadeOnlyDependentParts()) {
            Object objects = getRealCollectionAttributeValueFromObject(query.getObject(), query.getSession());
            // insert each object one by one
            ContainerPolicy cp = getContainerPolicy();
            for (Object iter = cp.iteratorFor(objects); cp.hasNext(iter);) {
                Object wrappedObject = cp.nextEntry(iter, query.getSession());
                Object object = cp.unwrapIteratorResult(wrappedObject);
                if (isPrivateOwned()) {
                    // no need to set changeSet as insert is a straight copy
                    InsertObjectQuery insertQuery = new InsertObjectQuery();
                } else {
                    // This will happen in a cascaded query.
                    // This is done only for persistence by reachability and is not required if the targets are in the queue anyway
                    // Avoid cycles by checking commit manager, this is allowed because there is no dependency.
                    if (!query.getSession().getCommitManager().isCommitInPreModify(object)) {
                        WriteObjectQuery writeQuery = new WriteObjectQuery();
                cp.propogatePostInsert(query, wrappedObject);
        if (requiresDataModificationEvents() || getContainerPolicy().requiresDataModificationEvents()){
            // only cascade dependents in UOW
            if (query.shouldCascadeOnlyDependentParts()) {
                if (!isReadOnly() && (requiresDataModificationEvents() || containerPolicy.shouldUpdateForeignKeysPostInsert())) {
                    // Hey I might actually want to use an inner class here... ok array for now.
                    Object[] event = new Object[2];
                    event[0] = PostInsert;
                    event[1] = query;
                    query.getSession().getCommitManager().addDataModificationEvent(this, event);
            } else {
                if (!isReadOnly() && (requiresDataModificationEvents() || containerPolicy.shouldUpdateForeignKeysPostInsert())){

     * INTERNAL:
     * Update the reference objects.
    public void postUpdate(WriteObjectQuery query) throws DatabaseException, OptimisticLockException {
        if (this.isReadOnly) {
        if (!requiresDataModificationEvents() && !shouldObjectModifyCascadeToParts(query)){
        // if the target objects are not instantiated, they could not have been changed....
        if (!isAttributeValueInstantiatedOrChanged(query.getObject())) {
        if (query.getObjectChangeSet() != null) {
            // UnitOfWork
            writeChanges(query.getObjectChangeSet(), query);
        } else {
            // OLD COMMIT           
     * INTERNAL:
     * Return the selection criteria used to IN batch fetching.
    protected Expression buildBatchCriteria(ExpressionBuilder builder, ObjectLevelReadQuery query) {
        int size = this.targetForeignKeyFields.size();
        if (size > 1) {
            // Support composite keys using nested IN.
            List<Expression> fields = new ArrayList<Expression>(size);
            for (DatabaseField targetForeignKeyField : this.targetForeignKeyFields) {
            return query.getSession().getPlatform().buildBatchCriteriaForComplexId(builder, fields);
        } else {
            return query.getSession().getPlatform().buildBatchCriteria(builder, builder.getField(this.targetForeignKeyFields.get(0)));

     * INTERNAL:
     * Delete the reference objects.
    public void preDelete(DeleteObjectQuery query) throws DatabaseException, OptimisticLockException {
        if (!shouldObjectModifyCascadeToParts(query)) {
            if (this.listOrderField != null) {
        AbstractSession session = query.getSession();

        // If privately-owned parts have their privately-owned sub-parts, delete them one by one;
        // else delete everything in one shot.
        if (mustDeleteReferenceObjectsOneByOne()) {
            Object objects = getRealCollectionAttributeValueFromObject(query.getObject(), session);
            ContainerPolicy cp = getContainerPolicy();
            if (this.isCascadeOnDeleteSetOnDatabase && session.isUnitOfWork()) {
                for (Object iterator = cp.iteratorFor(objects); cp.hasNext(iterator);) {
                    Object wrappedObject = cp.nextEntry(iterator, session);
                    Object object = cp.unwrapIteratorResult(wrappedObject);
            int cascade = query.getCascadePolicy();
            for (Object iterator = cp.iteratorFor(objects); cp.hasNext(iterator);) {
                Object wrappedObject = cp.nextEntry(iterator, session);
                Object object = cp.unwrapIteratorResult(wrappedObject);
                // PERF: Avoid query execution if already deleted.
                if (!session.getCommitManager().isCommitCompletedOrInPost(object) || this.containerPolicy.propagatesEventsToCollection()) {
                    DeleteObjectQuery deleteQuery = new DeleteObjectQuery();
                    this.containerPolicy.propogatePreDelete(deleteQuery, wrappedObject);
            if (!session.isUnitOfWork()) {
                // This deletes any objects on the database, as the collection in memory may have been changed.
                // This is not required for unit of work, as the update would have already deleted these objects,
                // and the backup copy will include the same objects causing double deletes.
        } else {
            deleteAll(query, session);
     * Prepare a cascade locking policy.
    public void prepareCascadeLockingPolicy() {
        CascadeLockingPolicy policy = new CascadeLockingPolicy(getDescriptor(), getReferenceDescriptor());

     * INTERNAL:
     * Returns whether this mapping uses data modification events to complete its writes
     * @see UnidirectionalOneToManyMapping
    public boolean requiresDataModificationEvents(){
        return this.listOrderField != null;
     * PUBLIC:
     * The default add target query for mapping can be overridden by specifying the new query.
     * This query must set new value to target foreign key.
    public void setCustomAddTargetQuery(DataModifyQuery query) {
        addTargetQuery = query;
        hasCustomAddTargetQuery = true;

     * PUBLIC:
    public void setAddTargetSQLString(String sqlString) {
        DataModifyQuery query = new DataModifyQuery();
     * PUBLIC:
     * The default remove target query for mapping can be overridden by specifying the new query.
     * In case target foreign key references the source, this query must set target foreign key to null.
    public void setCustomRemoveTargetQuery(DataModifyQuery query) {
        removeTargetQuery = query;
        hasCustomRemoveTargetQuery = true;

     * PUBLIC:
     * The default remove all targets query for mapping can be overridden by specifying the new query.
     * This query must set all target foreign keys that reference the source to null. 
    public void setCustomRemoveAllTargetsQuery(DataModifyQuery query) {
        removeAllTargetsQuery = query;
        hasCustomRemoveAllTargetsQuery = true;
     * PUBLIC:
     * Set the SQL string used by the mapping to delete the target objects.
     * This allows the developer to override the SQL
     * generated by TopLink with a custom SQL statement or procedure call.
     * The arguments are
     * translated from the fields of the source row, by replacing the field names
     * marked by '#' with the values for those fields at execution time.
     * A one-to-many mapping will only use this delete all optimization if the target objects
     * can be deleted in a single SQL call. This is possible when the target objects
     * are in a single table, do not using locking, do not contain other privately-owned
     * parts, do not read subclasses, etc.
     * <p>
     * Example: "delete from PHONE where OWNER_ID = #EMPLOYEE_ID"
    public void setDeleteAllSQLString(String sqlString) {
        DeleteAllQuery query = new DeleteAllQuery();

     * PUBLIC:
     * Set the name of the session to execute the mapping's queries under.
     * This can be used by the session broker to override the default session
     * to be used for the target class.
    public void setSessionName(String name) {
        if (addTargetQuery != null){

     * INTERNAL:
     * Set the source key field names associated with the mapping.
     * These must be in-order with the targetForeignKeyFieldNames.
    public void setSourceKeyFieldNames(Vector fieldNames) {
        Vector fields = org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance(fieldNames.size());
        for (Enumeration fieldNamesEnum = fieldNames.elements(); fieldNamesEnum.hasMoreElements();) {
            fields.addElement(new DatabaseField((String)fieldNamesEnum.nextElement()));


     * INTERNAL:
     * Set the source key fields.
    public void setSourceKeyFields(Vector<DatabaseField> sourceKeyFields) {
        this.sourceKeyFields = sourceKeyFields;

     * PUBLIC:
     * Define the target foreign key relationship in the one-to-many mapping.
     * This method can be used when the foreign and primary keys
     * have only a single field each.
     * (Use #addTargetForeignKeyFieldName(String, String)
     * for "composite" keys.)
     * Only the target foreign key field name is specified and the source
     * (primary) key field is
     * assumed to be the primary key of the source object.
     * Because the target object's table must store a foreign key to the source table,
     * the target object must map that foreign key, this is normally done through a
     * one-to-one mapping back-reference. Other options include:
     * <ul>
     * <li> use a DirectToFieldMapping and maintain the
     * foreign key fields directly in the target
     * <li> use a ManyToManyMapping
     * <li> use an AggregateCollectionMapping
     * </ul>
     * @see DirectToFieldMapping
     * @see ManyToManyMapping
     * @see AggregateCollectionMapping
    public void setTargetForeignKeyFieldName(String targetForeignKeyFieldName) {
        getTargetForeignKeyFields().addElement(new DatabaseField(targetForeignKeyFieldName));

     * PUBLIC:
     * Define the target foreign key relationship in the one-to-many mapping.
     * This method is used for composite target foreign key relationships.
     * That is, the target object's table has multiple foreign key fields to
     * the source object's (typically primary) key fields.
     * Both the target foreign key field names and the corresponding source primary
     * key field names must be specified.
    public void setTargetForeignKeyFieldNames(String[] targetForeignKeyFieldNames, String[] sourceKeyFieldNames) {
        if (targetForeignKeyFieldNames.length != sourceKeyFieldNames.length) {
            throw DescriptorException.targetForeignKeysSizeMismatch(this);
        for (int i = 0; i < targetForeignKeyFieldNames.length; i++) {
            addTargetForeignKeyFieldName(targetForeignKeyFieldNames[i], sourceKeyFieldNames[i]);

     * INTERNAL:
     * Set the target key field names associated with the mapping.
     * These must be in-order with the sourceKeyFieldNames.
    public void setTargetForeignKeyFieldNames(Vector fieldNames) {
        Vector fields = org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance(fieldNames.size());
        for (Enumeration fieldNamesEnum = fieldNames.elements(); fieldNamesEnum.hasMoreElements();) {
            fields.addElement(new DatabaseField((String)fieldNamesEnum.nextElement()));


     * INTERNAL:
     * Set the target fields.
    public void setTargetForeignKeyFields(Vector<DatabaseField> targetForeignKeyFields) {
        this.targetForeignKeyFields = targetForeignKeyFields;

     * INTERNAL:
     * Set the target fields.
    protected void setTargetForeignKeysToSourceKeys(Map<DatabaseField, DatabaseField> targetForeignKeysToSourceKeys) {
        this.targetForeignKeysToSourceKeys = targetForeignKeysToSourceKeys;

     * Return whether any process leading to object modification
     * should also affect its parts.
     * Used by write, insert, update, and delete.
    protected boolean shouldObjectModifyCascadeToParts(ObjectLevelModifyQuery query) {
        if (isReadOnly()) {
            return false;

        if (isPrivateOwned()) {
            return true;
        if (containerPolicy.isMappedKeyMapPolicy() && containerPolicy.requiresDataModificationEvents()){
            return true;

        return query.shouldCascadeAllParts();
     * If it's not a map then target foreign key has been already modified (set to null).
    protected boolean shouldRemoveTargetQueryModifyTargetForeignKey() {
        return containerPolicy.isMapPolicy();
     * Return true if this mapping supports cascaded version optimistic locking.
    public boolean isCascadedLockingSupported() {
        return true;
     * INTERNAL:
     * Return if this mapping support joining.
    public boolean isJoiningSupported() {
        return true;

     * INTERNAL:
     * Update target foreign keys after a new source was inserted. This follows following steps.
    public void updateTargetRowPostInsertSource(WriteObjectQuery query) throws DatabaseException {
        if (isReadOnly() || addTargetQuery == null) {

        ContainerPolicy cp = getContainerPolicy();
        Object objects = getRealCollectionAttributeValueFromObject(query.getObject(), query.getSession());
        if (cp.isEmpty(objects)) {

        prepareTranslationRow(query.getTranslationRow(), query.getObject(), query.getDescriptor(), query.getSession());

        AbstractRecord keyRow = buildKeyRowForTargetUpdate(query);
        // Extract target field and its value. Construct insert statement and execute it
        int size = targetPrimaryKeyFields.size();
        int objectIndex = 0;
        for (Object iter = cp.iteratorFor(objects); cp.hasNext(iter);) {
            AbstractRecord databaseRow = new DatabaseRecord();
            Object wrappedObject = cp.nextEntry(iter, query.getSession());
            Object object = cp.unwrapIteratorResult(wrappedObject);
            for(int index = 0; index < size; index++) {
                DatabaseField targetPrimaryKey = targetPrimaryKeyFields.get(index);
                Object targetKeyValue = getReferenceDescriptor().getObjectBuilder().extractValueFromObjectForField(object, targetPrimaryKey, query.getSession());
                databaseRow.put(targetPrimaryKey, targetKeyValue);
            ContainerPolicy.copyMapDataToRow(cp.getKeyMappingDataForWriteQuery(wrappedObject, query.getSession()), databaseRow);
            if(listOrderField != null) {
                databaseRow.put(listOrderField, objectIndex++);
            query.getSession().executeQuery(addTargetQuery, databaseRow);

    protected AbstractRecord buildKeyRowForTargetUpdate(ObjectLevelModifyQuery query){
        return new DatabaseRecord();
     * INTERNAL:
     * Update target foreign key after a target object was added to the source. This follows following steps.
     * <p>- Extract primary key and its value from the source object.
     * <p>- Extract target key and its value from the target object.
     * <p>- Construct an update statement with above fields and values for target table.
     * <p>- execute the statement.
    public void updateTargetForeignKeyPostUpdateSource_ObjectAdded(ObjectLevelModifyQuery query, Object objectAdded, Map extraData) throws DatabaseException {
        if (isReadOnly() || addTargetQuery == null) {

        ContainerPolicy cp = getContainerPolicy();
        prepareTranslationRow(query.getTranslationRow(), query.getObject(), query.getDescriptor(), query.getSession());
        AbstractRecord databaseRow = buildKeyRowForTargetUpdate(query);

        // Extract target field and its value. Construct insert statement and execute it
        int size = targetPrimaryKeyFields.size();
        for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) {
            DatabaseField targetPrimaryKey = targetPrimaryKeyFields.get(index);
            Object targetKeyValue = getReferenceDescriptor().getObjectBuilder().extractValueFromObjectForField(cp.unwrapIteratorResult(objectAdded), targetPrimaryKey, query.getSession());
            databaseRow.put(targetPrimaryKey, targetKeyValue);
        ContainerPolicy.copyMapDataToRow(cp.getKeyMappingDataForWriteQuery(objectAdded, query.getSession()), databaseRow);
        if(listOrderField != null && extraData != null) {
            databaseRow.put(listOrderField, extraData.get(listOrderField));

        query.getSession().executeQuery(addTargetQuery, databaseRow);

     * INTERNAL:
     * Update target foreign key after a target object was removed from the source. This follows following steps.
     * <p>- Extract primary key and its value from the source object.
     * <p>- Extract target key and its value from the target object.
     * <p>- Construct an update statement with above fields and values for target table.
     * <p>- execute the statement.
    public void updateTargetForeignKeyPostUpdateSource_ObjectRemoved(ObjectLevelModifyQuery query, Object objectRemoved) throws DatabaseException {
        if (this.isReadOnly) {
        AbstractSession session = query.getSession();
        prepareTranslationRow(query.getTranslationRow(), query.getObject(), query.getDescriptor(), session);
        AbstractRecord translationRow = new DatabaseRecord();

        // Extract primary key and value from the source (use translation row).
        int size = this.sourceKeyFields.size();
        AbstractRecord modifyRow = new DatabaseRecord(size);
        for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) {
            DatabaseField sourceKey = this.sourceKeyFields.get(index);
            DatabaseField targetForeignKey = this.targetForeignKeyFields.get(index);
            Object sourceKeyValue = query.getTranslationRow().get(sourceKey);
            translationRow.add(targetForeignKey, sourceKeyValue);
            // Need to set this value to null in the modify row.
            modifyRow.add(targetForeignKey, null);
        if(listOrderField != null) {
            modifyRow.add(listOrderField, null);

        ContainerPolicy cp = getContainerPolicy();
        // Extract target field and its value from the object.
        size = targetPrimaryKeyFields.size();
        for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) {
            DatabaseField targetPrimaryKey = targetPrimaryKeyFields.get(index);
            Object targetKeyValue = getReferenceDescriptor().getObjectBuilder().extractValueFromObjectForField(cp.unwrapIteratorResult(objectRemoved), targetPrimaryKey, session);
            translationRow.add(targetPrimaryKey, targetKeyValue);
        // Need a different modify row than translation row, as the same field has different values in each.
        DataModifyQuery removeQuery = (DataModifyQuery)this.removeTargetQuery.clone();
        session.executeQuery(removeQuery, translationRow);
     * INTERNAL:
     * Update target foreign key after a target object was removed from the source. This follows following steps.
     * <p>- Extract primary key and its value from the source object.
     * <p>- Extract target key and its value from the target object.
     * <p>- Construct an update statement with above fields and values for target table.
     * <p>- execute the statement.
    public void updateTargetRowPreDeleteSource(ObjectLevelModifyQuery query) throws DatabaseException {
        if (this.isReadOnly) {

        // Extract primary key and value from the source.
        int size = this.sourceKeyFields.size();
        AbstractRecord translationRow = new DatabaseRecord(size);
        AbstractRecord modifyRow = new DatabaseRecord(size);
        for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) {
            DatabaseField sourceKey = this.sourceKeyFields.get(index);
            DatabaseField targetForeignKey = this.targetForeignKeyFields.get(index);
            Object sourceKeyValue = query.getTranslationRow().get(sourceKey);
            translationRow.add(targetForeignKey, sourceKeyValue);
            // Need to set this value to null in the modify row.
            modifyRow.add(targetForeignKey, null);
        if(listOrderField != null) {
            modifyRow.add(listOrderField, null);

        // Need a different modify row than translation row, as the same field has different values in each.
        DataModifyQuery removeQuery = (DataModifyQuery)this.removeAllTargetsQuery.clone();
        query.getSession().executeQuery(removeQuery, translationRow);
     * INTERNAL:
     * Used to verify whether the specified object is deleted or not.
    public boolean verifyDelete(Object object, AbstractSession session) throws DatabaseException {
        if (this.isPrivateOwned() || isCascadeRemove()) {
            Object objects = getRealCollectionAttributeValueFromObject(object, session);

            ContainerPolicy containerPolicy = getContainerPolicy();
            for (Object iter = containerPolicy.iteratorFor(objects); containerPolicy.hasNext(iter);) {
                if (!session.verifyDelete(, session))) {
                    return false;
        return true;

Related Classes of org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.OneToManyMapping

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