Package com.sun.msv.writer.relaxng

Source Code of com.sun.msv.writer.relaxng.RELAXNGWriter

* @(#)$Id: 1601 2003-09-11 19:00:19Z kohsuke $
* Copyright 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This software is the proprietary information of Sun Microsystems, Inc. 
* Use is subject to license terms.
package com.sun.msv.writer.relaxng;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.xml.sax.DocumentHandler;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.LocatorImpl;

import com.sun.msv.grammar.AttributeExp;
import com.sun.msv.grammar.BinaryExp;
import com.sun.msv.grammar.ChoiceExp;
import com.sun.msv.grammar.ChoiceNameClass;
import com.sun.msv.grammar.ConcurExp;
import com.sun.msv.grammar.DataExp;
import com.sun.msv.grammar.DifferenceNameClass;
import com.sun.msv.grammar.ElementExp;
import com.sun.msv.grammar.Expression;
import com.sun.msv.grammar.ExpressionCloner;
import com.sun.msv.grammar.ExpressionVisitor;
import com.sun.msv.grammar.Grammar;
import com.sun.msv.grammar.InterleaveExp;
import com.sun.msv.grammar.ListExp;
import com.sun.msv.grammar.MixedExp;
import com.sun.msv.grammar.NameClass;
import com.sun.msv.grammar.NameClassVisitor;
import com.sun.msv.grammar.NamespaceNameClass;
import com.sun.msv.grammar.OneOrMoreExp;
import com.sun.msv.grammar.OtherExp;
import com.sun.msv.grammar.ReferenceExp;
import com.sun.msv.grammar.SequenceExp;
import com.sun.msv.grammar.SimpleNameClass;
import com.sun.msv.grammar.ValueExp;
import com.sun.msv.grammar.util.ExpressionWalker;
import com.sun.msv.grammar.util.PossibleNamesCollector;
import com.sun.msv.reader.datatype.xsd.XSDVocabulary;
import com.sun.msv.util.StringPair;
import com.sun.msv.writer.GrammarWriter;
import com.sun.msv.writer.SAXRuntimeException;
import com.sun.msv.writer.XMLWriter;

* converts any Grammar into RELAX NG XML representation through SAX1 events.
* <h2>How it works</h2>
* <p>
*   {@link Grammar} object can be thought as a (possibly) cyclic graph
*   made from {@link Expression}. For example, the following simple
*   TREX pattern will be represented as following AGM.
* </p>
* <pre><xmp>
* <grammar>
*   <start name="X">
*     <element name="foo">
*       <choice>
*         <string> abc </string>
*         <ref name="Y" />
*       </choice>
*     </element>
*   </start>
*   <define name="Y">
*     <element name="bar">
*       <string> abc </string>
*       <optional>
*         <ref name="X" />
*       </optional>
*     </element>
*   </define>
* </grammar>
* </xmp></pre>
* <img src="doc-files/simpleAGM.gif" />
* <p>
*   Note that
* </p>
* <ul>
*   <li>sub expressions are shared (see &lt;string&gt; expression).
*   <li>there is a cycle in the graph.
*   <li>several syntax elements are replaced by others
*       (e.g., &lt;optional&gt;P&lt;/optional&gt; -&gt; &lt;choice&gt;&lt;empty/&gt;P&lt;/choice&gt;)
* </ul>
* <p>
*   To write these expressions into TREX XML representation,
*   we have to take care of cycles, since cyclic references cannot be written into
*   XML without first cut it and use &lt;ref&gt;/&lt;define&gt; pair.
* </p>
* <p>
*   First, this algorithm splits the grammar into <i>"islands"</i>.
*   Island is a tree of expressions; it has a <i>head</i> expression
*   and most importantly it doesn't contain any cycles in it. Member of an island
*   can be always reached from its head.
* </p>
* <img src="doc-files/island.gif"/>
* <p>
*   TREXWriter will make every {@link ElementExp} and
*   {@link ReferenceExp} a head of their own island. So each of them
*   has their own island.
* </p><p>
*   It is guaranteed that this split will always give islands without inner cycles.
*   Several islands can form a cycle, but one island can never have a cycle in it.
*   This is because there is always at least one ElementExp in any cycle.
* </p>
* <img src="doc-files/island_before.gif" />
* <p>
*   Note that since expressions are shared, one expression can be
*   a member of several islands (although this isn't depicted in the above figure.)
* </p>
* <p>
*   Then, this algorithm merges some islands. For example, island E is
*   referenced only once (from island D). This means that there is no need to
*   give a name to this pattern. Instead, island E can simply written as a
*   subordinate of island D.
* </p><p>
*   In other words, any island who is only referenced at most once is merged
*   into its referer. This step makes the output more compact.
* </p>
* <img src="doc-files/island_merged.gif" />
* <p>
*   Next, TREXWriter assigns a name to each island. It tries to use the name of
*   the head expression. If a head is anonymous ReferenceExp (ReferenceExp whose
*   name field is <code>null</code>) or there is a name conflict, TREXWriter
*   will add some suffix to make the name unique.
* </p><p>
*   Finally, each island is written as one named pattern under &lt;define&gt;
*   element. All inter-island references are replaced by &lt;ref&gt; element.
* </p>
* <h2>Why SAX1?</h2>
* <p>
*   Due to the bug and insufficient supports for the serialization through SAX2,
*   The decision is made to use SAX1. SAX1 allows us to control namespace prefix
*   mappings better than SAX2.
* </p>
* @author <a href="">Kohsuke KAWAGUCHI</a>
public class RELAXNGWriter implements GrammarWriter, Context {
    protected XMLWriter writer = new XMLWriter();
    public XMLWriter getWriter() { return writer; }
    public void setDocumentHandler( DocumentHandler handler ) {
    public void write( Grammar g ) throws SAXException {
        // find a namespace URI that can be used as default "ns" attribute.
     * generates SAX2 events of the specified grammar.
     * @param defaultNs
     *        if specified, this namespace URI is used as "ns" attribute
     *        of grammar element. Can be null.
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException
     *        If the given grammar is beyond the expressive power of TREX
     *        (e.g., some RELAX NG grammar), then this exception is thrown.
    public void write( Grammar g, String _defaultNs ) throws SAXException {
        this.defaultNs = _defaultNs;
        this.grammar = g;
        // collect all reachable ElementExps and ReferenceExps.
        final Set nodes = new HashSet();
        // ElementExps and ReferenceExps who are referenced more than once.
        final Set heads = new HashSet();
        g.getTopLevel().visit( new ExpressionWalker(){
            // ExpressionWalker class traverses expressions in depth-first order.
            // So this invokation traverses the all reachable expressions from
            // the top level expression.
            // Whenever visiting elements and RefExps, they are memorized
            // to identify head of islands.
            public void onElement( ElementExp exp ) {
                if(nodes.contains(exp)) {
                    return;    // prevent infinite recursion.
            public void onRef( ReferenceExp exp ) {
                if(nodes.contains(exp)) {
                    return;    // prevent infinite recursion.
        // now heads contain all expressions that work as heads of islands.
        // create (name->RefExp) map while resolving name conflicts
        Map name2exp = new HashMap();
            int cnt=0;    // use to name anonymous RefExp.
            Iterator itr = heads.iterator();
            while( itr.hasNext() ) {
                Expression exp = (Expression);
                if( exp instanceof ReferenceExp ) {
                    ReferenceExp rexp = (ReferenceExp)exp;
                    if( == null ) {
                        // generate unique name
                        while( name2exp.containsKey("anonymous"+cnt) )
                        name2exp.put( "anonymous"+cnt, exp );
                    } else
                    if( name2exp.containsKey( ) {
                        // name conflict. try to add suffix.
                        int i = 2;
                        while( name2exp.containsKey( )
                        name2exp.put(, exp );
                    } else {
                        // name of this RefExp can be directly used without modification.
                        name2exp.put(, exp );
                if( exp instanceof ElementExp ) {
                    ElementExp eexp = (ElementExp)exp;
                    NameClass nc = eexp.getNameClass();
                    if( nc instanceof SimpleNameClass
                     && !name2exp.containsKey( ((SimpleNameClass)nc).localName ) )
                        name2exp.put( ((SimpleNameClass)nc).localName, exp );
                    else {
                        // generate unique name
                        while( name2exp.containsKey("element"+cnt) )
                        name2exp.put( "element"+cnt, exp );
                } else
                    throw new Error();    // assertion failed.
                    // it must be ElementExp or ReferenceExp.
        // then reverse name2ref to ref2name
        exp2name = new HashMap();
            Iterator itr = name2exp.keySet().iterator();
            while( itr.hasNext() ) {
                String name = (String);
                exp2name.put( name2exp.get(name), name );
        nameClassWriter = createNameClassWriter();       
        // generates SAX events
        try {
            final DocumentHandler handler = writer.getDocumentHandler();
            handler.setDocumentLocator( new LocatorImpl() );

            // to work around the bug of current serializer,
            // report xmlns declarations as attributes.
            if( defaultNs!=null )
                writer.start("grammar",new String[]{
                    "datatypeLibrary", XSDVocabulary.XMLSchemaNamespace });
                writer.start("grammar", new String[]{
                    "datatypeLibrary", XSDVocabulary.XMLSchemaNamespace });
            {// write start pattern.
                writeIsland( g.getTopLevel() );
            // write all named expressions
            Iterator itr = exp2name.keySet().iterator();
            while( itr.hasNext() ) {
                Expression exp = (Expression);
                String name = (String)exp2name.get(exp);
                if( exp instanceof ReferenceExp )
                    exp = ((ReferenceExp)exp).exp;
                writer.start("define",new String[]{"name",name});
                writeIsland( exp );
        } catch( SAXRuntimeException sw ) {
            throw sw.e;
     * writes a bunch of expression into one tree.
    protected void writeIsland( Expression exp ) {
        // pattern writer will traverse the island and generates XML representation.
        if( exp instanceof ElementExp )
            patternWriter.writeElement( (ElementExp)exp );
    /** Grammar object which we are writing. */
    protected Grammar grammar;
     * map from ReferenceExp/ElementExp to its unique name.
     * "unique name" is used to write/reference this ReferenceExp.
     * ReferenceExps who are not in this list can be directly written into XML.
    protected Map exp2name;
     * sniffs namespace URI that can be used as default 'ns' attribute
     * from expression.
     * find an element or attribute, then use its namespace URI.
    protected String sniffDefaultNs( Expression exp ) {
        return (String)exp.visit( new ExpressionVisitor(){
            public Object onElement( ElementExp exp ) {
                return sniff(exp.getNameClass());
            public Object onAttribute( AttributeExp exp ) {
                return sniff(exp.nameClass);
            protected String sniff(NameClass nc) {
                if( nc instanceof SimpleNameClass )
                    return ((SimpleNameClass)nc).namespaceURI;
                    return null;
            public Object onChoice( ChoiceExp exp ) {
                return onBinExp(exp);
            public Object onSequence( SequenceExp exp ) {
                return onBinExp(exp);
            public Object onInterleave( InterleaveExp exp ) {
                return onBinExp(exp);
            public Object onConcur( ConcurExp exp ) {
                return onBinExp(exp);
            public Object onBinExp( BinaryExp exp ) {
                Object o = exp.exp1.visit(this);
                if(o==null)    o = exp.exp2.visit(this);
                return o;
            public Object onMixed( MixedExp exp ) {
                return exp.exp.visit(this);
            public Object onOneOrMore( OneOrMoreExp exp ) {
                return exp.exp.visit(this);
            public Object onRef( ReferenceExp exp ) {
                return exp.exp.visit(this);
            public Object onOther( OtherExp exp ) {
                return exp.exp.visit(this);
            public Object onNullSet() {
                return null;
            public Object onEpsilon() {
                return null;
            public Object onAnyString() {
                return null;
            public Object onData( DataExp exp ) {
                return null;
            public Object onValue( ValueExp exp ) {
                return null;
            public Object onList( ListExp exp ) {
                return null;
     * namespace URI currently implied through "ns" attribute propagation.
    protected String defaultNs;
    public String getTargetNamespace() { return defaultNs; }

    public void writeNameClass( NameClass src ) {
        final String MAGIC = PossibleNamesCollector.MAGIC;
        Set names = PossibleNamesCollector.calc(src);
        // convert a name class to the canonical form.
        StringPair[] values = (StringPair[])names.toArray(new StringPair[names.size()]);

        Set uriset = new HashSet();
        for( int i=0; i<values.length; i++ )
            uriset.add( values[i].namespaceURI );
        NameClass r = null;
        String[] uris = (String[])uriset.toArray(new String[uriset.size()]);
        for( int i=0; i<uris.length; i++ ) {
            if( uris[i]==MAGIC )    continue;
            NameClass tmp = null;
            for( int j=0; j<values.length; j++ ) {
                if( !values[j].namespaceURI.equals(uris[i]) )    continue;
                if( values[j].localName==MAGIC )                continue;
                if( src.accepts(values[j])!=src.accepts(uris[i],MAGIC) ) {
                    if(tmp==null)    tmp = new SimpleNameClass(values[j]);
                    else            tmp = new ChoiceNameClass( tmp, new SimpleNameClass(values[j]) );
            if( src.accepts(uris[i],MAGIC)!=src.accepts(MAGIC,MAGIC) ) {
                    tmp = new NamespaceNameClass(uris[i]);
                    tmp = new DifferenceNameClass( new NamespaceNameClass(uris[i]), tmp );
            if(r==null)        r = tmp;
            else            r = new ChoiceNameClass(r,tmp);
        if( src.accepts(MAGIC,MAGIC) ) {
            if( r==null )
                r = NameClass.ALL;
                r = new DifferenceNameClass( NameClass.ALL, r );
        } else {
            if(r==null) {
                // this name class accepts nothing.
                // by adding notAllowed to the content model, this element
                // will match nothing.
    protected NameClassVisitor nameClassWriter;
    protected NameClassVisitor createNameClassWriter() {
        return new NameClassWriter(this);
    protected SmartPatternWriter patternWriter = new SmartPatternWriter(this);
     * PatternWriter that performs some optimization for human eyes.
    class SmartPatternWriter extends PatternWriter {
        SmartPatternWriter( Context context ) { super(context); }
        public void onOther( OtherExp exp ) {
            exp.exp.visit(this);    // ignore otherexp
        public void onRef( ReferenceExp exp ) {
            String uniqueName = (String)exp2name.get(exp);
            if( uniqueName!=null )
                this.writer.element("ref", new String[]{"name",uniqueName});
                // this expression will not be written as a named pattern.
        public void onElement( ElementExp exp ) {
            String uniqueName = (String)exp2name.get(exp);
            if( uniqueName!=null ) {
                // this element will be written as a named pattern
                this.writer.element("ref", new String[]{"name",uniqueName} );
            } else
        public void onAttribute( AttributeExp exp ) {
            if( exp.nameClass instanceof SimpleNameClass
            &&  ((SimpleNameClass)exp.nameClass).namespaceURI.equals("") ) {
                // we can use name attribute.
                this.writer.start("attribute", new String[]{"name",
                    ((SimpleNameClass)exp.nameClass).localName} );
            else {
            if( exp.exp != Expression.anyString )
                // we can omit <anyString/> in the attribute.

        protected void writeElement( ElementExp exp ) {
            NameClass nc = exp.getNameClass();
            if( nc instanceof SimpleNameClass
            &&  ((SimpleNameClass)nc).namespaceURI.equals(defaultNs) )
                // we can use name attribute to simplify output.
                this.writer.start("element",new String[]{"name",
                    ((SimpleNameClass)nc).localName} );
            else {
         * remove unnecessary ReferenceExp from content model.
         * this will sometimes makes content model smaller.
        public Expression simplify( Expression exp ) {
            return exp.visit( new ExpressionCloner(grammar.getPool()){
                public Expression onRef( ReferenceExp exp ) {
                    if( exp2name.containsKey(exp) )
                        // this ReferenceExp will be written as a named pattern.
                        return exp;
                        // bind contents
                        return exp.exp.visit(this);
                public Expression onOther( OtherExp exp ) {
                    return exp.exp.visit(this);
                public Expression onElement( ElementExp exp ) {
                    return exp;
                public Expression onAttribute( AttributeExp exp ) {
                    return exp;

Related Classes of com.sun.msv.writer.relaxng.RELAXNGWriter

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