
Source Code of$MultithreadedIndexing

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

import org.apache.lucene.document.Document;
import org.apache.lucene.index.CorruptIndexException;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter;
import org.apache.lucene.index.MultiReader;
import org.apache.lucene.index.Term;
import org.apache.lucene.index.TermDocs;
import org.exoplatform.commons.utils.PrivilegedFileHelper;
import org.exoplatform.commons.utils.SecurityHelper;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;

import javax.jcr.ItemNotFoundException;
import javax.jcr.RepositoryException;

* A <code>MultiIndex</code> consists of a {@link VolatileIndex} and multiple
* {@link PersistentIndex}es. The goal is to keep most parts of the index open
* with index readers and write new index data to the volatile index. When the
* volatile index reaches a certain size (see
* {@link SearchIndex#setMinMergeDocs(int)}) a new persistent index is created
* with the index data from the volatile index, the same happens when the
* volatile index has been idle for some time (see
* {@link SearchIndex#setVolatileIdleTime(int)}). The new persistent index is
* then added to the list of already existing persistent indexes. Further
* operations on the new persistent index will however only require an
* <code>IndexReader</code> which serves for queries but also for delete
* operations on the index.
* <p/>
* The persistent indexes are merged from time to time. The merge behaviour is
* configurable using the methods: {@link SearchIndex#setMaxMergeDocs(int)},
* {@link SearchIndex#setMergeFactor(int)} and
* {@link SearchIndex#setMinMergeDocs(int)}. For detailed description of the
* configuration parameters see also the lucene <code>IndexWriter</code> class.
* <p/>
* This class is thread-safe.
* <p/>
* Note on implementation: Multiple modifying threads are synchronized on a
* <code>MultiIndex</code> instance itself. Sychronization between a modifying
* thread and reader threads is done using {@link #updateMonitor} and
* {@link #updateInProgress}.
public class MultiIndex implements IndexerIoModeListener, IndexUpdateMonitorListener

    * The logger instance for this class
   private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger("exo.jcr.component.core.MultiIndex");

    * Names of active persistent index directories.
   private IndexInfos indexNames;

    * Names of index directories that can be deleted.
   private final Set<String> deletable = new HashSet<String>();

    * List of open persistent indexes. This list may also contain an open
    * PersistentIndex owned by the IndexMerger daemon. Such an index is not
    * registered with indexNames and <b>must not</b> be used in regular index
    * operations (delete node, etc.)!
   private final List<PersistentIndex> indexes = new ArrayList<PersistentIndex>();

    * Contains list of open persistent indexes in case when hot async reindexing launched.
   private final List<PersistentIndex> staleIndexes = new ArrayList<PersistentIndex>();

    * The internal namespace mappings of the query manager.
   private final NamespaceMappings nsMappings;

    * The directory manager.
   private final DirectoryManager directoryManager;

    * The base directory to store the index.
   private final Directory indexDir;

    * The query handler
   private final SearchIndex handler;

    * The volatile index.
   private VolatileIndex volatileIndex;

   private OfflinePersistentIndex offlineIndex;

    * Flag indicating whether an update operation is in progress.
   //   private boolean updateInProgress = false;

   private final IndexUpdateMonitor indexUpdateMonitor;

    * If not <code>null</code> points to a valid <code>IndexReader</code> that
    * reads from all indexes, including volatile and persistent indexes.
   private CachingMultiIndexReader multiReader;

    * Shared document number cache across all persistent indexes.
   private final DocNumberCache cache;

    * Monitor to use to synchronize access to {@link #multiReader} and
    * {@link #updateInProgress}.
   private final Object updateMonitor = new Object();

    * <code>true</code> if the redo log contained entries on startup.
   private boolean redoLogApplied = false;

    * The time this index was last flushed or a transaction was committed.
   private long lastFlushTime;

    * The time this index was last flushed or a transaction was committed.
   private long lastFileSystemFlushTime;

    * The <code>IndexMerger</code> for this <code>MultiIndex</code>.
   private IndexMerger merger;

    * Timer to schedule flushes of this index after some idle time.
   private static final Timer FLUSH_TIMER = new Timer("MultiIndex Flush Timer", true);

    * Task that is periodically called by {@link #FLUSH_TIMER} and checks if
    * index should be flushed.
   private TimerTask flushTask;

    * The RedoLog of this <code>MultiIndex</code>.
   private volatile RedoLog redoLog = null;

    * Set&lt;NodeId> of uuids that should not be indexed.
   private final IndexingTree indexingTree;

    * The next transaction id.
   private long nextTransactionId = 0;

    * The current transaction id.
   private long currentTransactionId = -1;

    * Flag indicating whether re-indexing is running.
    * Or for any other reason it should be switched
    * to offline mode.
   private final AtomicBoolean online = new AtomicBoolean(true);

    * Flag indicating whether the index is stopped.
   private final AtomicBoolean stopped = new AtomicBoolean();

    * The index format version of this multi index.
   private final IndexFormatVersion version;

    * The handler of the Indexer io mode
   private final IndexerIoModeHandler modeHandler;

    * Nodes count
   private AtomicLong nodesCount;

    * The shutdown hook
   private final Thread hook = new Thread()
      public void run()

    * The unique id of the workspace corresponding to this multi index
   final String workspaceId;

    * Creates a new MultiIndex.
    * @param handler
    *            the search handler
    * @param excludedIDs
    *            Set&lt;NodeId> that contains uuids that should not be indexed
    *            nor further traversed.
    * @throws IOException
    *             if an error occurs
   MultiIndex(SearchIndex handler, IndexingTree indexingTree, IndexerIoModeHandler modeHandler, IndexInfos indexInfos,
      IndexUpdateMonitor indexUpdateMonitor) throws IOException
      this.modeHandler = modeHandler;
      this.indexUpdateMonitor = indexUpdateMonitor;
      this.directoryManager = handler.getDirectoryManager();
      // this method is run in privileged mode internally
      this.indexDir = directoryManager.getDirectory(".");
      this.handler = handler;
      this.workspaceId = handler.getWsId();
      this.cache = new DocNumberCache(handler.getCacheSize());
      this.indexingTree = indexingTree;
      this.nsMappings = handler.getNamespaceMappings();
      this.flushTask = null;
      this.indexNames = indexInfos;
      // this method is run in privileged mode internally;

      this.lastFileSystemFlushTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
      this.lastFlushTime = System.currentTimeMillis();


      // this method is run in privileged mode internally
      // as of 1.5 deletable file is not used anymore

      // copy current index names
      Set<String> currentNames = new HashSet<String>(indexNames.getNames());

      // open persistent indexes
      for (String name : currentNames)
         // only open if it still exists
         // it is possible that indexNames still contains a name for
         // an index that has been deleted, but indexNames has not been
         // written to disk.
         if (!directoryManager.hasDirectory(name))
            LOG.debug("index does not exist anymore: " + name);
            // move on to next index
         PersistentIndex index =
            new PersistentIndex(name, handler.getTextAnalyzer(), handler.getSimilarity(), cache, directoryManager,

      // init volatile index

      // set index format version and at the same time
      // initialize hierarchy cache if requested.
      CachingMultiIndexReader reader = getIndexReader(handler.isInitializeHierarchyCache());
         version = IndexFormatVersion.getVersion(reader);

      synchronized (this.modeHandler)
         if (modeHandler.getMode() == IndexerIoMode.READ_WRITE)
            // will also initialize IndexMerger


      // Add a hook that will stop the threads if they are still running
      SecurityHelper.doPrivilegedAction(new PrivilegedAction<Object>()
         public Void run()
            catch (IllegalStateException e)
               // can't register shutdown hook because
               // jvm shutdown sequence has already begun,
               // silently ignore...
               if (LOG.isTraceEnabled())
                  LOG.trace("An exception occurred: " + e.getMessage());
            return null;

    * Create thread finding count of nodes.
   private Thread createThreadFindNodesCount(final Reindexable reindexableComponent)
      return new Thread("Nodes count(" + handler.getContext().getWorkspaceName() + ")")
         public void run()
               if (reindexableComponent != null)
                  Long value = reindexableComponent.getNodesCount();
                  if (value != null)
                     nodesCount = new AtomicLong(value);
            catch (RepositoryException e)
               LOG.error("Can't calculate nodes count : " + e.getMessage());

    * Returns the number of documents in this index.
    * @return the number of documents in this index.
    * @throws IOException
    *             if an error occurs while reading from the index.
   int numDocs() throws IOException
      if (indexNames.size() == 0)
         return volatileIndex.getNumDocuments();
         CachingMultiIndexReader reader = getIndexReader();
            return reader.numDocs();

    * @return the index format version for this multi index.
   IndexFormatVersion getIndexFormatVersion()
      return version;

    * Creates an initial index by traversing the node hierarchy starting at the
    * node with <code>rootId</code>.
    * @param stateMgr
    *            the item state manager.
    * @param rootId
    *            the id of the node from where to start.
    * @param rootPath
    *            the path of the node from where to start.
    * @throws IOException
    *             if an error occurs while indexing the workspace.
    * @throws IllegalStateException
    *             if this index is not empty.
   void createInitialIndex(ItemDataConsumer stateMgr, boolean doForceReindexing) throws IOException
      // only do an initial index if there are no indexes at all
      boolean indexCreated = false;
      setOnline(false, false);

         if (doForceReindexing && !indexes.isEmpty())
  "Removing stale indexes (" + handler.getContext().getWorkspacePath(true) + ").");

            List<PersistentIndex> oldIndexes = new ArrayList<PersistentIndex>(indexes);
            for (PersistentIndex persistentIndex : oldIndexes)

         if (indexNames.size() == 0)
               // isRecoveryFilterUsed returns true only if LocalIndex strategy used
               if (handler.getContext().isRecoveryFilterUsed())
                  // if "from-coordinator" index recovery configured
                  if (SearchIndex.INDEX_RECOVERY_MODE_FROM_COORDINATOR.equals(handler.getIndexRecoveryMode()))
                     if (handler.getContext().getIndexRecovery() != null
                        && handler.getContext().getRPCService() != null
                        && !handler.getContext().getRPCService().isCoordinator())
              "Retrieving index from coordinator (" + handler.getContext().getWorkspacePath(true)
                           + ")...");
                        indexCreated = recoveryIndexFromCoordinator();

                        if (indexCreated)
                 "Switching to local re-indexing.");
                        if (handler.getContext().getRPCService() == null)
                           // logging an event, when RPCService is not configured in clustered mode
                           LOG.error("RPC Service is not configured but required for copying the index "
                              + "from coordinator node. Index will be created by re-indexing.");
                           if (handler.getContext().getIndexRecovery() == null)
                              // Should never occurs, but logging an event, when RPCService configured, but IndexRecovery
                              // instance is missing
                              LOG.error("Instance of IndexRecovery class is missing for unknown reason. Index will be"
                                 + " created by re-indexing.");
                           if (handler.getContext().getRPCService().isCoordinator())
                              // logging an event when first node starts
                    "Copying the index from coordinator configured, but this node is the "
                                 + "only one in a cluster. Index will be created by re-indexing.");

               if (!indexCreated)
                  if (modeHandler.getMode() == IndexerIoMode.READ_WRITE)

                  // traverse and index workspace
                  executeAndLog(new Start(Action.INTERNAL_TRANSACTION));

                  // check if we have deal with RDBMS reindexing mechanism
                  Reindexable rdbmsReindexableComponent =

                  Thread thread = createThreadFindNodesCount(rdbmsReindexableComponent);

                  long count;

                  if (handler.isRDBMSReindexing() && rdbmsReindexableComponent != null
                     && rdbmsReindexableComponent.isReindexingSupported())
                     count =
                     count = createIndex(indexingTree.getIndexingRoot(), stateMgr);

                  executeAndLog(new Commit(getTransactionId()));
        "Initial index for {} nodes created ({}).", new Long(count), handler.getContext()
            catch (IOException e)
               String msg = "Error indexing workspace.";
               IOException ex = new IOException(msg);
               throw ex;
            catch (RPCException e)
               String msg = "Error indexing workspace.";
               IOException ex = new IOException(msg);
               throw ex;
            catch (RepositoryException e)
               String msg = "Error indexing workspace.";
               IOException ex = new IOException(msg);
               throw ex;
            throw new IllegalStateException("Index already present.");
         setOnline(true, false);

    * Recreates index by reindexing in runtime.
    * @param stateMgr
    * @throws RepositoryException
   public void reindex(ItemDataConsumer stateMgr) throws IOException, RepositoryException
      if (stopped.get())
         throw new IllegalStateException("Can't invoke reindexing on closed index.");

      if (online.get())
         throw new IllegalStateException("Can't invoke reindexing while index still online.");

      // traverse and index workspace
      executeAndLog(new Start(Action.INTERNAL_TRANSACTION));

      long count;

      // check if we have deal with RDBMS reindexing mechanism
      Reindexable rdbmsReindexableComponent =

      if (handler.isRDBMSReindexing() && rdbmsReindexableComponent != null
         && rdbmsReindexableComponent.isReindexingSupported())
         count =
         count = createIndex(indexingTree.getIndexingRoot(), stateMgr);

      executeAndLog(new Commit(getTransactionId()));"Created initial index for {} nodes", new Long(count));


    * Atomically updates the index by removing some documents and adding
    * others.
    * @param remove
    *            collection of <code>UUID</code>s that identify documents to
    *            remove
    * @param add
    *            collection of <code>Document</code>s to add. Some of the
    *            elements in this collection may be <code>null</code>, to
    *            indicate that a node could not be indexed successfully.
    * @throws IOException
    *             if an error occurs while updating the index.
   synchronized void update(final Collection<String> remove, final Collection<Document> add) throws IOException
      if (!online.get())
         doUpdateOffline(remove, add);
      else if (modeHandler.getMode() == IndexerIoMode.READ_WRITE && redoLog != null)
         doUpdateRW(remove, add);
         doUpdateRO(remove, add);

    * Performs indexing into volatile index in case of Read_Only mode. This ensures that node
    * was not present in latest persistent index in case of coordinator has just committed the index
    * @param remove
    * @param add
    * @throws IOException
   private void doUpdateRO(final Collection<String> remove, final Collection<Document> add) throws IOException
      SecurityHelper.doPrivilegedIOExceptionAction(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Object>()
         public Object run() throws Exception
            // make sure a reader is available during long updates
            if (add.size() > handler.getBufferSize())
               catch (IOException e)
                  // do not fail if an exception is thrown here
                  LOG.warn("unable to prepare index reader " + "for queries during update", e);
            synchronized (updateMonitor)
                 ReadOnlyIndexReader[] readers = null;
                     for (Iterator<String> it = remove.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
                         Term idTerm = new Term(FieldNames.UUID,;
                         int num = volatileIndex.removeDocument(idTerm);
                         if (num == 0)
                             for (int i = indexes.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                                 // only look in registered indexes
                                 PersistentIndex idx = indexes.get(i);
                                 if (indexNames.contains(idx.getName()))
                                     num = idx.removeDocument(idTerm);
                                     if (num > 0)
                                         if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
                                             LOG.debug(idTerm.text() + " has been found in the persisted index " + i);
                         else if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
                             LOG.debug(idTerm.text() + " has been found in the volatile index");
                     // try to avoid getting index reader for each doc
                     IndexReader indexReader = null;

                     for (Iterator<Document> it = add.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
                         Document doc =;
                         if (doc != null)
                             // check if this item should be placed in own volatile index
                             // usually it must be indexed, but exception if it exists in persisted index
                             boolean addDoc = true;

                             // make this check safe if something goes wrong
                             String uuid = doc.get(FieldNames.UUID);
                             // if remove contains uuid, node should be re-indexed
                             // if not, than should be checked if node present in the last persisted index
                             if (!remove.contains(uuid))
                                 // if index list changed, get the reader on the latest index
                                 // or if index reader is not current
                                 if (indexReader == null)
                                         readers = getReadOnlyIndexReaders(false, false);
                                         indexReader = new MultiReader(readers);
                                     catch (Throwable e)//NOSONAR
                                         // this is safe index reader retrieval. The last index already closed, possibly merged or
                                         // any other exception that occurs here
                                         LOG.warn("Could not create the MultiReader :" + e.getLocalizedMessage());
                                         LOG.debug("Could not create the MultiReader", e);
                                 if ((indexReader != null && !indexReader.isCurrent()))
                                     // safe release reader
                                     if (indexReader != null)
                                         for (ReadOnlyIndexReader reader : readers)
                                         readers = getReadOnlyIndexReaders(false, false);
                                         indexReader = new MultiReader(readers);
                                     catch (Throwable e)//NOSONAR
                                         // this is safe index reader retrieval. The last index already closed, possibly merged or
                                         // any other exception that occurs here
                                         LOG.warn("Could not create the MultiReader :" + e.getLocalizedMessage());
                                         LOG.debug("Could not create the MultiReader", e);
                                 // if indexReader exists (it is possible that no persisted indexes exists on start)
                                 if (indexReader != null)
                                     TermDocs termDocs = null;
                                         // reader from resisted index should be
                                         termDocs = indexReader.termDocs(new Term(FieldNames.UUID, uuid));
                                         // node should be indexed if not found in persistent index
                                         addDoc = !;
                                     catch (Exception e)
                                         LOG.debug("Some exception occured, during index check");
                                         if (termDocs != null)
                             if (addDoc)
                                 volatileIndex.addDocuments(new Document[]{doc});
                             else if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
                                 LOG.debug("Could find the document {} in the last persisted index", uuid);
                     // don't forget to release a reader anyway
                     if (readers != null)
                         for (ReadOnlyIndexReader reader : readers)
            return null;

    * For investigation purposes only
    * @param remove
    * @param add
    * @throws IOException
   private void doUpdateRW(final Collection<String> remove, final Collection<Document> add) throws IOException
      // make sure a reader is available during long updates
      if (add.size() > handler.getBufferSize())
         catch (IOException e)
            // do not fail if an exception is thrown here
            LOG.warn("unable to prepare index reader " + "for queries during update", e);

      synchronized (updateMonitor)
         //updateInProgress = true;
         indexUpdateMonitor.setUpdateInProgress(true, false);
      boolean flush = false;
         long transactionId = nextTransactionId++;
         executeAndLog(new Start(transactionId));

         for (Iterator<String> it = remove.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
            executeAndLog(new DeleteNode(transactionId,;
         for (Iterator<Document> it = add.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
            Document doc =;
            if (doc != null)
               executeAndLog(new AddNode(transactionId, doc));
               // commit volatile index if needed
               flush |= checkVolatileCommit();
         executeAndLog(new Commit(transactionId));

         // flush whole index when volatile index has been commited.
         if (flush)
            // if we are going to flush, need to set persistent update
            synchronized (updateMonitor)
               indexUpdateMonitor.setUpdateInProgress(true, true);
         synchronized (updateMonitor)
            //updateInProgress = false;

            indexUpdateMonitor.setUpdateInProgress(false, flush);

   private void invokeOfflineIndex() throws IOException
      List<String> processedIDs = offlineIndex.getProcessedIDs();
      if (!processedIDs.isEmpty())
         // remove all nodes placed in offline index
         update(processedIDs, Collections.<Document> emptyList());

         executeAndLog(new Start(Action.INTERNAL_TRANSACTION));

         // create index
         CreateIndex create = new CreateIndex(getTransactionId(), null);

         // invoke offline (copy offline into working index)
         executeAndLog(new OfflineInvoke(getTransactionId(), create.getIndexName()));

         // add new index
         AddIndex add = new AddIndex(getTransactionId(), create.getIndexName());

         executeAndLog(new Commit(getTransactionId()));

      offlineIndex = null;

    * Performs indexing while re-indexing is in progress
    * @param remove
    * @param add
    * @throws IOException
   private void doUpdateOffline(final Collection<String> remove, final Collection<Document> add) throws IOException
      SecurityHelper.doPrivilegedIOExceptionAction(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Object>()
         public Object run() throws Exception
            for (Iterator<String> it = remove.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
               Term idTerm = new Term(FieldNames.UUID,;

            for (Iterator<Document> it = add.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
               Document doc =;
               if (doc != null)
                  offlineIndex.addDocuments(new Document[]{doc});
                  // reset volatile index if needed
                  if (offlineIndex.getRamSizeInBytes() >= handler.getMaxVolatileIndexSize())
            return null;

    * Adds a document to the index.
    * @param doc
    *            the document to add.
    * @throws IOException
    *             if an error occurs while adding the document to the index.
   void addDocument(Document doc) throws IOException
      update(Collections.<String> emptyList(), Arrays.asList(new Document[]{doc}));

    * Deletes the first document that matches the <code>uuid</code>.
    * @param uuid
    *            document that match this <code>uuid</code> will be deleted.
    * @throws IOException
    *             if an error occurs while deleting the document.
   void removeDocument(String uuid) throws IOException
      update(Arrays.asList(new String[]{uuid}), Collections.<Document> emptyList());

    * Deletes all documents that match the <code>uuid</code>.
    * @param uuid
    *            documents that match this <code>uuid</code> will be deleted.
    * @return the number of deleted documents.
    * @throws IOException
    *             if an error occurs while deleting documents.
   synchronized int removeAllDocuments(String uuid) throws IOException
      synchronized (updateMonitor)
         //updateInProgress = true;
         indexUpdateMonitor.setUpdateInProgress(true, false);
      int num;
         Term idTerm = new Term(FieldNames.UUID, uuid.toString());
         executeAndLog(new Start(Action.INTERNAL_TRANSACTION));
         num = volatileIndex.removeDocument(idTerm);
         if (num > 0)
            redoLog.append(new DeleteNode(getTransactionId(), uuid));
         for (int i = 0; i < indexes.size(); i++)
            PersistentIndex index = indexes.get(i);
            // only remove documents from registered indexes
            if (indexNames.contains(index.getName()))
               int removed = index.removeDocument(idTerm);
               if (removed > 0)
                  redoLog.append(new DeleteNode(getTransactionId(), uuid));
               num += removed;
         executeAndLog(new Commit(getTransactionId()));
         synchronized (updateMonitor)
            //updateInProgress = false;
            indexUpdateMonitor.setUpdateInProgress(false, false);
      return num;

    * Returns <code>IndexReader</code>s for the indexes named
    * <code>indexNames</code>. An <code>IndexListener</code> is registered and
    * notified when documents are deleted from one of the indexes in
    * <code>indexNames</code>.
    * <p/>
    * Note: the number of <code>IndexReaders</code> returned by this method is
    * not necessarily the same as the number of index names passed. An index
    * might have been deleted and is not reachable anymore.
    * @param indexNames
    *            the names of the indexes for which to obtain readers.
    * @param listener
    *            the listener to notify when documents are deleted.
    * @return the <code>IndexReaders</code>.
    * @throws IOException
    *             if an error occurs acquiring the index readers.
   synchronized IndexReader[] getIndexReaders(String[] indexNames, IndexListener listener) throws IOException
      Set<String> names = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(indexNames));
      Map<ReadOnlyIndexReader, PersistentIndex> indexReaders = new HashMap<ReadOnlyIndexReader, PersistentIndex>();

         for (Iterator<PersistentIndex> it = indexes.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
            PersistentIndex index =;
            if (names.contains(index.getName()))
               indexReaders.put(index.getReadOnlyIndexReader(listener), index);
      catch (IOException e)
         // release readers obtained so far
         for (Iterator<Entry<ReadOnlyIndexReader, PersistentIndex>> it = indexReaders.entrySet().iterator(); it
            Map.Entry<ReadOnlyIndexReader, PersistentIndex> entry =;
            final ReadOnlyIndexReader reader = entry.getKey();
               SecurityHelper.doPrivilegedIOExceptionAction(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Object>()
                  public Object run() throws Exception
                     return null;
            catch (IOException ex)
               LOG.warn("Exception releasing index reader: " + ex);
         throw e;

      return indexReaders.keySet().toArray(new IndexReader[indexReaders.size()]);

    * Creates a new Persistent index. The new index is not registered with this
    * <code>MultiIndex</code>.
    * @param indexName
    *            the name of the index to open, or <code>null</code> if an
    *            index with a new name should be created.
    * @return a new <code>PersistentIndex</code>.
    * @throws IOException
    *             if a new index cannot be created.
   synchronized PersistentIndex getOrCreateIndex(String indexName) throws IOException
      // check existing
      for (Iterator<PersistentIndex> it = indexes.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
         PersistentIndex idx =;
         if (idx.getName().equals(indexName))
            return idx;

      if (modeHandler.getMode() == IndexerIoMode.READ_ONLY)
         throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't create index in READ_ONLY mode.");

      // otherwise open / create it
      if (indexName == null)
            indexName = indexNames.newName();
         while (directoryManager.hasDirectory(indexName));
      PersistentIndex index;
         index =
            new PersistentIndex(indexName, handler.getTextAnalyzer(), handler.getSimilarity(), cache, directoryManager,
      catch (IOException e)
         // do some clean up
         if (!directoryManager.delete(indexName))
         throw e;

      // add to list of open indexes and return it
      return index;

    * Returns <code>true</code> if this multi index has an index segment with
    * the given name. This method even returns <code>true</code> if an index
    * segments has not yet been loaded / initialized but exists on disk.
    * @param indexName
    *            the name of the index segment.
    * @return <code>true</code> if it exists; otherwise <code>false</code>.
    * @throws IOException
    *             if an error occurs while checking existence of directory.
   synchronized boolean hasIndex(String indexName) throws IOException
      // check existing
      for (Iterator<PersistentIndex> it = indexes.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
         PersistentIndex idx =;
         if (idx.getName().equals(indexName))
            return true;
      // check if it exists on disk
      return directoryManager.hasDirectory(indexName);

    * Replaces the indexes with names <code>obsoleteIndexes</code> with
    * <code>index</code>. Documents that must be deleted in <code>index</code>
    * can be identified with <code>Term</code>s in <code>deleted</code>.
    * @param obsoleteIndexes
    *            the names of the indexes to replace.
    * @param index
    *            the new index that is the result of a merge of the indexes to
    *            replace.
    * @param deleted
    *            <code>Term</code>s that identify documents that must be
    *            deleted in <code>index</code>.
    * @throws IOException
    *             if an exception occurs while replacing the indexes.
   void replaceIndexes(String[] obsoleteIndexes, final PersistentIndex index, Collection<Term> deleted)
      throws IOException

      if (handler.isInitializeHierarchyCache())
         // force initializing of caches
         long time = 0;
         if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
            time = System.currentTimeMillis();
         if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
            time = System.currentTimeMillis() - time;
            LOG.debug("hierarchy cache initialized in {} ms", new Long(time));

      synchronized (this)
         synchronized (updateMonitor)
            //updateInProgress = true;
            indexUpdateMonitor.setUpdateInProgress(true, true);
            // if we are reindexing there is already an active transaction
            if (online.get())
               executeAndLog(new Start(Action.INTERNAL_TRANS_REPL_INDEXES));
            // delete obsolete indexes
            Set<String> names = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(obsoleteIndexes));
            for (Iterator<String> it = names.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
               // do not try to delete indexes that are already gone
               String indexName =;
               if (indexNames.contains(indexName))
                  executeAndLog(new DeleteIndex(getTransactionId(), indexName));

            // Index merger does not log an action when it creates the
            // target
            // index of the merge. We have to do this here.
            executeAndLog(new CreateIndex(getTransactionId(), index.getName()));

            executeAndLog(new AddIndex(getTransactionId(), index.getName()));

            // delete documents in index
            for (Iterator<Term> it = deleted.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
               Term id =;

            if (online.get())
               // only commit if we are not reindexing
               // when reindexing the final commit is done at the very end
               executeAndLog(new Commit(getTransactionId()));
            // force IndexInfos (IndexNames) to be written on FS and both be replicated over cluster
            // for non-coordinator cluster nodes be notified of new index list ASAP. This may avoid race
            // conditions when coordinator invokes flush() which performs indexNames.write()
            // and deletes obsolete index just after. Making this list be written now, will notify non-
            // coordinator node about new merged index and obsolete indexes long time before they will
            // be deleted.
            synchronized (updateMonitor)
               //updateInProgress = false;
               indexUpdateMonitor.setUpdateInProgress(false, true);
      if (!online.get())
         // do some cleanup right away when reindexing

    * Returns an read-only <code>IndexReader</code> that spans alls indexes of
    * this <code>MultiIndex</code>.
    * @return an <code>IndexReader</code>.
    * @throws IOException
    *             if an error occurs constructing the <code>IndexReader</code>.
   public CachingMultiIndexReader getIndexReader() throws IOException
      return getIndexReader(false);

    * Returns an read-only <code>IndexReader</code> that spans alls indexes of
    * this <code>MultiIndex</code>.
    * @param initCache
    *            when set <code>true</code> the hierarchy cache is completely
    *            initialized before this call returns.
    * @return an <code>IndexReader</code>.
    * @throws IOException
    *             if an error occurs constructing the <code>IndexReader</code>.
   public synchronized CachingMultiIndexReader getIndexReader(final boolean initCache) throws IOException
      return SecurityHelper.doPrivilegedIOExceptionAction(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<CachingMultiIndexReader>()
         public CachingMultiIndexReader run() throws Exception
            synchronized (updateMonitor)
               if (multiReader != null)
                  return multiReader;
               // no reader available
               // wait until no update is in progress
               while (indexUpdateMonitor.getUpdateInProgress())
                  catch (InterruptedException e)
                     throw new IOException("Interrupted while waiting to aquire reader");
               // some other read thread might have created the reader in the
               // meantime -> check again
               if (multiReader == null)
                  ReadOnlyIndexReader[] readers = getReadOnlyIndexReaders(initCache, true);
                  multiReader = new CachingMultiIndexReader(readers, cache);
               return multiReader;


    private ReadOnlyIndexReader[] getReadOnlyIndexReaders(boolean initCache, boolean withVolatileIndex)
            throws IOException, FileNotFoundException
        // if index in offline mode, due to hot async reindexing,
        // need to return the reader containing only stale indexes (old),
        // without newly created.
        List<PersistentIndex> persistedIndexesList = online.get() ? indexes : staleIndexes;
        List<ReadOnlyIndexReader> readerList = new ArrayList<ReadOnlyIndexReader>();
        for (int i = 0; i < persistedIndexesList.size(); i++)
            PersistentIndex pIdx = persistedIndexesList.get(i);

            if (indexNames.contains(pIdx.getName()))
                catch (FileNotFoundException e)
                    if (directoryManager.hasDirectory(pIdx.getName()))
                        throw e;
        if (withVolatileIndex)
        return readerList.toArray(new ReadOnlyIndexReader[readerList.size()]);

    * Returns the volatile index.
    * @return the volatile index.
   VolatileIndex getVolatileIndex()
      return volatileIndex;

   OfflinePersistentIndex getOfflinePersistentIndex()
      return offlineIndex;

    * Closes this <code>MultiIndex</code>.
   void close()
      // stop index merger
      // when calling this method we must not lock this MultiIndex, otherwise
      // a deadlock might occur
      if (merger != null)
         merger = null;
      synchronized (this)
            // stop timer
            if (flushTask != null)

            // commit / close indexes
            catch (IOException e)
               LOG.error("Exception while closing search index.", e);
            if (modeHandler.getMode().equals(IndexerIoMode.READ_WRITE))
               catch (IOException e)
                  LOG.error("Exception while closing search index.", e);
            for (int i = 0; i < indexes.size(); i++)

            // finally close directory
            catch (IOException e)
               LOG.error("Exception while closing directory.", e);
            // Remove the hook that will stop the threads if they are still running
            SecurityHelper.doPrivilegedAction(new PrivilegedAction<Object>()
               public Void run()
                  catch (IllegalStateException e)
                     // can't register shutdown hook because
                     // jvm shutdown sequence has already begun,
                     // silently ignore...
                     if (LOG.isTraceEnabled())
                        LOG.trace("An exception occurred: " + e.getMessage());
                  return null;

    * Returns the namespace mappings of this search index.
    * @return the namespace mappings of this search index.
   NamespaceMappings getNamespaceMappings()
      return nsMappings;

    * Returns a lucene Document for the <code>node</code>.
    * @param node
    *            the node to index.
    * @return the index document.
    * @throws RepositoryException
    *             if an error occurs while reading from the workspace.
   Document createDocument(NodeData node) throws RepositoryException
      return createDocument(new NodeDataIndexing(node));

    * Returns a lucene Document for the <code>node</code>.
    * @param node
    *            the node to index wrapped into NodeDataIndexing
    * @return the index document.
    * @throws RepositoryException
    *             if an error occurs while reading from the workspace.
   Document createDocument(NodeDataIndexing node) throws RepositoryException
      return handler.createDocument(node, nsMappings, version, true);

    * Returns a lucene Document for the Node with <code>id</code>.
    * @param id
    *            the id of the node to index.
    * @return the index document.
    * @throws RepositoryException
    *             if an error occurs while reading from the workspace or if
    *             there is no node with <code>id</code>.
   Document createDocument(String id) throws RepositoryException
      ItemData data = handler.getContext().getItemStateManager().getItemData(id);
      if (data == null)
         throw new ItemNotFoundException("Item id=" + id + " not found");
      if (!data.isNode())
         throw new RepositoryException("Item with id " + id + " is not a node");
      return createDocument((NodeData)data);


    * Returns <code>true</code> if the redo log contained entries while this
    * index was instantiated; <code>false</code> otherwise.
    * @return <code>true</code> if the redo log contained entries.
   boolean getRedoLogApplied()
      return redoLogApplied;

    * Removes the <code>index</code> from the list of active sub indexes. The
    * Index is not actually deleted right away, but postponed to the
    * transaction commit.
    * <p/>
    * This method does not close the index, but rather expects that the index
    * has already been closed.
    * @param index
    *            the index to delete.
   synchronized void deleteIndex(PersistentIndex index)
      // remove it from the lists if index is registered
      synchronized (deletable)
         LOG.debug("Moved " + index.getName() + " to deletable");

    * Flushes this <code>MultiIndex</code>. Persists all pending changes and
    * resets the redo log.
    * @throws IOException
    *             if the flush fails.
   public void flush() throws IOException
      SecurityHelper.doPrivilegedIOExceptionAction(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>()
         public Void run() throws Exception
            synchronized (MultiIndex.this)
               // commit volatile index
               executeAndLog(new Start(Action.INTERNAL_TRANSACTION));

               // commit persistent indexes
               for (int i = indexes.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                  PersistentIndex index = indexes.get(i);
                  // only commit indexes we own
                  // index merger also places PersistentIndex instances in
                  // indexes,
                  // but does not make them public by registering the name in
                  // indexNames
                  if (indexNames.contains(index.getName()))
                     // check if index still contains documents
                     if (index.getNumDocuments() == 0)
                        executeAndLog(new DeleteIndex(getTransactionId(), index.getName()));
               executeAndLog(new Commit(getTransactionId()));


               // reset redo log

               lastFlushTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
               lastFileSystemFlushTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

            // delete obsolete indexes
            return null;

    * Releases the {@link #multiReader} and sets it <code>null</code>. If the
    * reader is already <code>null</code> this method does nothing. When this
    * method returns {@link #multiReader} is guaranteed to be <code>null</code>
    * even if an exception is thrown.
    * <p/>
    * Please note that this method does not take care of any synchronization. A
    * caller must ensure that it is the only thread operating on this multi
    * index, or that it holds the {@link #updateMonitor}.
    * @throws IOException
    *             if an error occurs while releasing the reader.
   void releaseMultiReader() throws IOException
      if (multiReader != null)
            multiReader = null;

   // -------------------------< internal >-------------------------------------

    * Initialize IndexMerger.
   private void initMerger() throws IOException
      if (merger == null)
         merger = new IndexMerger(this);

         for (Object index : indexes)
            merger.indexAdded(((PersistentIndex)index).getName(), ((PersistentIndex)index).getNumDocuments());

    * Enqueues unused segments for deletion in {@link #deletable}. This method
    * does not synchronize on {@link #deletable}! A caller must ensure that it
    * is the only one acting on the {@link #deletable} map.
    * @throws IOException
    *             if an error occurs while reading directories.
   private void enqueueUnusedSegments() throws IOException
      // walk through index segments
      String[] dirNames = directoryManager.getDirectoryNames();
      for (int i = 0; i < dirNames.length; i++)
         if (dirNames[i].startsWith("_") && !indexNames.contains(dirNames[i]))

    * Cancel flush task and add new one
   private void scheduleFlushTask()
      // cancel task
      if (flushTask != null)
      // clear canceled tasks
      // new flush task, cause canceled can't be re-used
      flushTask = new TimerTask()
         public void run()
            // check if volatile index should be flushed
      FLUSH_TIMER.schedule(flushTask, 0, 1000);
      lastFlushTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
      lastFileSystemFlushTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

    * Resets the volatile index to a new instance.
   private void resetVolatileIndex() throws IOException
      volatileIndex = new VolatileIndex(handler.getTextAnalyzer(), handler.getSimilarity());

    * Returns the current transaction id.
    * @return the current transaction id.
   private long getTransactionId()
      return currentTransactionId;

    * Executes action <code>a</code> and appends the action to the redo log if
    * successful.
    * @param a
    *            the <code>Action</code> to execute.
    * @return the executed action.
    * @throws IOException
    *             if an error occurs while executing the action or appending
    *             the action to the redo log.
   private Action executeAndLog(final Action a) throws IOException
      // please note that flushing the redo log is only required on
      // commit, but we also want to keep track of new indexes for sure.
      // otherwise it might happen that unused index folders are orphaned
      // after a crash.
      if (a.getType() == Action.TYPE_COMMIT || a.getType() == Action.TYPE_ADD_INDEX)
      return a;

    * Checks if it is needed to commit the volatile index according to
    * {@link SearchIndex#getMaxVolatileIndexSize()}.
    * @return <code>true</code> if the volatile index has been committed,
    *         <code>false</code> otherwise.
    * @throws IOException
    *             if an error occurs while committing the volatile index.
   private boolean checkVolatileCommit() throws IOException
      if (volatileIndex.getRamSizeInBytes() >= handler.getMaxVolatileIndexSize())
         return true;
      return false;

    * Commits the volatile index to a persistent index. The new persistent
    * index is added to the list of indexes but not written to disk. When this
    * method returns a new volatile index has been created.
    * @throws IOException
    *             if an error occurs while writing the volatile index to disk.
   private void commitVolatileIndex() throws IOException

      // check if volatile index contains documents at all
      if (volatileIndex.getNumDocuments() > 0)

         long time = 0;
         if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
            time = System.currentTimeMillis();
         // create index
         CreateIndex create = new CreateIndex(getTransactionId(), null);

         // commit volatile index
         executeAndLog(new VolatileCommit(getTransactionId(), create.getIndexName()));

         // add new index
         AddIndex add = new AddIndex(getTransactionId(), create.getIndexName());

         // create new volatile index

         if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
            time = System.currentTimeMillis() - time;
            LOG.debug("Committed in-memory index in " + time + "ms.");

   private long createIndex(NodeData node, ItemDataConsumer stateMgr) throws IOException, RepositoryException
      MultithreadedIndexing indexing = new MultithreadedIndexing(node, stateMgr);
      return indexing.launch(false);

    * Recursively creates an index starting with the NodeState
    * <code>node</code>.
    * @param tasks
    *            the queue of existing indexing tasks
    * @param node
    *            the current NodeState.
    * @param stateMgr
    *            the shared item state manager.
    * @param count
    *            the number of nodes already indexed.
    * @throws IOException
    *             if an error occurs while writing to the index.
    * @throws ItemStateException
    *             if an node state cannot be found.
    * @throws RepositoryException
    *             if any other error occurs
    * @throws InterruptedException
    *             if the task has been interrupted
   private void createIndex(final Queue<Callable<Void>> tasks, final NodeData node, final ItemDataConsumer stateMgr,
      final AtomicLong count, final AtomicLong processed) throws IOException, RepositoryException, InterruptedException
      if (stopped.get() || Thread.interrupted())
         throw new InterruptedException();

      if (indexingTree.isExcluded(node))

      executeAndLog(new AddNode(getTransactionId(), node.getIdentifier(), true));

      if (count.incrementAndGet() % 1000 == 0)
         if (nodesCount == null)
  "indexing... {} ({})", node.getQPath().getAsString(), new Long(count.get()));
            DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat("###.#");
  "indexing... {} ({}%)", node.getQPath().getAsString(),
               format.format(Math.min(100d * processed.get() / nodesCount.get(), 100)));

      synchronized (this)

      List<NodeData> children = null;
         children = stateMgr.getChildNodesData(node);
      catch (RepositoryException e)
            "Error indexing subtree " + node.getQPath().getAsString() + ". Check JCR consistency. " + e.getMessage(), e);

      for (final NodeData nodeData : children)

         Callable<Void> task = new Callable<Void>()
            public Void call() throws Exception
               createIndex(tasks, node, stateMgr, count, nodeData, processed);
               return null;
         if (!tasks.offer(task))
            // All threads have tasks to do so we do it ourself
            createIndex(tasks, node, stateMgr, count, nodeData, processed);

    * Recursively creates an index starting with the NodeState
    * <code>node</code>.
    * @param tasks
    *            the queue of existing indexing tasks
    * @param node
    *            the current NodeState.
    * @param stateMgr
    *            the shared item state manager.
    * @param count
    *            the number of nodes already indexed.
    * @param nodeData
    *            the node data to index.
    * @throws IOException
    *             if an error occurs while writing to the index.
    * @throws ItemStateException
    *             if an node state cannot be found.
    * @throws RepositoryException
    *             if any other error occurs
    * @throws InterruptedException
    *             if the task has been interrupted
   private void createIndex(final Queue<Callable<Void>> tasks, final NodeData node, final ItemDataConsumer stateMgr,
      final AtomicLong count, final NodeData nodeData, final AtomicLong processed) throws RepositoryException,
      IOException, InterruptedException
      NodeData childState = null;
         childState = (NodeData)stateMgr.getItemData(nodeData.getIdentifier());
      catch (RepositoryException e)
            "Error indexing subtree " + node.getQPath().getAsString() + ". Check JCR consistency. " + e.getMessage(), e);

      if (childState == null)
         LOG.error("Error indexing subtree " + node.getQPath().getAsString() + ". Item not found.");

      if (nodeData != null)
         createIndex(tasks, nodeData, stateMgr, count, processed);

    * Create index.
    * @param iterator
    *             the NodeDataIndexing iterator           
    * @param rootNode
    *            the root node of the index
    * @return the total amount of indexed nodes          
    * @throws IOException
    *             if an error occurs while writing to the index.
    * @throws RepositoryException
    *             if any other error occurs
   private long createIndex(NodeDataIndexingIterator iterator, NodeData rootNode) throws IOException,
      MultithreadedIndexing indexing = new MultithreadedIndexing(iterator, rootNode);
      return indexing.launch(false);

    * Create index.
    * @param iterator
    *             the NodeDataIndexing iterator
    * @param rootNode
    *            the root node of the index                         
    * @param count
    *            the number of nodes already indexed.
    * @throws IOException
    *             if an error occurs while writing to the index.
    * @throws RepositoryException
    *             if any other error occurs
    * @throws InterruptedException
    *             if the task has been interrupted
   private void createIndex(final NodeDataIndexingIterator iterator, NodeData rootNode, final AtomicLong count,
      final AtomicLong processed) throws RepositoryException, InterruptedException, IOException
      for (NodeDataIndexing node :
         if (stopped.get() || Thread.interrupted())
            throw new InterruptedException();

         if (indexingTree.isExcluded(node))

         if (!node.getQPath().isDescendantOf(rootNode.getQPath()) && !node.getQPath().equals(rootNode.getQPath()))

         executeAndLog(new AddNode(getTransactionId(), node, true));
         if (count.incrementAndGet() % 1000 == 0)
            if (nodesCount == null)
     "indexing... {} ({})", node.getQPath().getAsString(), count.get());
               DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat("###.#");
     "indexing... {} ({}%)", node.getQPath().getAsString(),
                  format.format(Math.min(100d * processed.get() / nodesCount.get(), 100)));

         synchronized (this)

    * Creates an index.
    * @param tasks
    *            the queue of existing indexing tasks
    * @param rootNode
    *            the root node of the index
    * @param iterator
    *             the NodeDataIndexing iterator           
    * @param count
    *            the number of nodes already indexed.
    * @throws IOException
    *             if an error occurs while writing to the index.
    * @throws ItemStateException
    *             if an node state cannot be found.
    * @throws RepositoryException
    *             if any other error occurs
    * @throws InterruptedException
    *             if thread was interrupted
   private void createIndex(final Queue<Callable<Void>> tasks, final NodeDataIndexingIterator iterator,
      final NodeData rootNode, final AtomicLong count, final AtomicLong processing) throws IOException,
      RepositoryException, InterruptedException
      while (iterator.hasNext())

         Callable<Void> task = new Callable<Void>()
            public Void call() throws Exception
               createIndex(iterator, rootNode, count, processing);
               return null;

         if (!tasks.offer(task))
            // All threads have tasks to do so we do it ourself
            createIndex(iterator, rootNode, count, processing);

    * Attempts to delete all files recorded in {@link #deletable}.
   private void attemptDelete()
      synchronized (deletable)
         for (Iterator<String> it = deletable.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
            String indexName =;
            if (directoryManager.delete(indexName))
     "Unable to delete obsolete index: " + indexName);

    * Removes the deletable file if it exists. The file is not used anymore in
    * Jackrabbit versions >= 1.5.
   private void removeDeletable()
      String fileName = "deletable";
         if (indexDir.fileExists(fileName))
      catch (IOException e)
         LOG.warn("Unable to remove file 'deletable'.", e);

    * Checks the duration between the last commit to this index and the current
    * time and flushes the index (if there are changes at all) if the duration
    * (idle time) is more than {@link SearchIndex#getVolatileIdleTime()}
    * seconds.
   private synchronized void checkFlush()
      // avoid frequent flushes during reindexing;
      long idleTime = online.get() ? System.currentTimeMillis() - lastFlushTime : 0;
      long volatileTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - lastFileSystemFlushTime;
      // do not flush if volatileIdleTime is zero or negative
      if ((handler.getVolatileIdleTime() > 0 && idleTime > handler.getVolatileIdleTime() * 1000)
         || (handler.getMaxVolatileTime() > 0 && volatileTime > handler.getMaxVolatileTime() * 1000))
            if (redoLog.hasEntries())
               LOG.debug("Flushing index after being idle for " + idleTime + " ms.");
               synchronized (updateMonitor)
                  //updateInProgress = true;
                  indexUpdateMonitor.setUpdateInProgress(true, true);
                  synchronized (updateMonitor)
                     //updateInProgress = false;
                     indexUpdateMonitor.setUpdateInProgress(false, true);
         catch (IOException e)
            LOG.error("Unable to commit volatile index", e);

   // ------------------------< Actions
   // >---------------------------------------

    * Defines an action on an <code>MultiIndex</code>.
   public abstract static class Action

       * Action identifier in redo log for transaction start action.
      static final String START = "STR";

       * Action type for start action.
      public static final int TYPE_START = 0;

       * Action identifier in redo log for add node action.
      static final String ADD_NODE = "ADD";

       * Action type for add node action.
      public static final int TYPE_ADD_NODE = 1;

       * Action identifier in redo log for node delete action.
      static final String DELETE_NODE = "DEL";

       * Action type for delete node action.
      public static final int TYPE_DELETE_NODE = 2;

       * Action identifier in redo log for transaction commit action.
      static final String COMMIT = "COM";

       * Action type for commit action.
      public static final int TYPE_COMMIT = 3;

       * Action identifier in redo log for volatile index commit action.
      static final String VOLATILE_COMMIT = "VOL_COM";

       * Action identifier in redo log for offline index invocation action.
      static final String OFFLINE_INVOKE = "OFF_INV";

       * Action type for volatile index commit action.
      public static final int TYPE_VOLATILE_COMMIT = 4;

       * Action type for volatile index commit action.
      public static final int TYPE_OFFLINE_INVOKE = 8;

       * Action identifier in redo log for index create action.
      static final String CREATE_INDEX = "CRE_IDX";

       * Action type for create index action.
      public static final int TYPE_CREATE_INDEX = 5;

       * Action identifier in redo log for index add action.
      static final String ADD_INDEX = "ADD_IDX";

       * Action type for add index action.
      public static final int TYPE_ADD_INDEX = 6;

       * Action identifier in redo log for delete index action.
      static final String DELETE_INDEX = "DEL_IDX";

       * Action type for delete index action.
      public static final int TYPE_DELETE_INDEX = 7;

       * Transaction identifier for internal actions like volatile index
       * commit triggered by timer thread.
      static final long INTERNAL_TRANSACTION = -1;

       * Transaction identifier for internal action that replaces indexs.
      static final long INTERNAL_TRANS_REPL_INDEXES = -2;

       * The id of the transaction that executed this action.
      private final long transactionId;

       * The action type.
      private final int type;

       * Creates a new <code>Action</code>.
       * @param transactionId
       *            the id of the transaction that executed this action.
       * @param type
       *            the action type.
      Action(long transactionId, int type)
         this.transactionId = transactionId;
         this.type = type;

       * Returns the transaction id for this <code>Action</code>.
       * @return the transaction id for this <code>Action</code>.
      long getTransactionId()
         return transactionId;

       * Returns the action type.
       * @return the action type.
      int getType()
         return type;

       * Executes this action on the <code>index</code>.
       * @param index
       *            the index where to execute the action.
       * @throws IOException
       *             if the action fails due to some I/O error in the index or
       *             some other error.
      public abstract void execute(MultiIndex index) throws IOException;

       * Executes the inverse operation of this action. That is, does an undo
       * of this action. This default implementation does nothing, but returns
       * silently.
       * @param index
       *            the index where to undo the action.
       * @throws IOException
       *             if the action cannot be undone.
      public void undo(MultiIndex index) throws IOException

       * Returns a <code>String</code> representation of this action that can
       * be written to the {@link RedoLog}.
       * @return a <code>String</code> representation of this action.
      public abstract String toString();

       * Parses an line in the redo log and created an {@link Action}.
       * @param line
       *            the line from the redo log.
       * @return an <code>Action</code>.
       * @throws IllegalArgumentException
       *             if the line is malformed.
      static Action fromString(String line) throws IllegalArgumentException
         int endTransIdx = line.indexOf(' ');
         if (endTransIdx == -1)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(line);
         long transactionId;
            transactionId = Long.parseLong(line.substring(0, endTransIdx));
         catch (NumberFormatException e)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(line, e);
         int endActionIdx = line.indexOf(' ', endTransIdx + 1);
         if (endActionIdx == -1)
            // action does not have arguments
            endActionIdx = line.length();
         String actionLabel = line.substring(endTransIdx + 1, endActionIdx);
         String arguments = "";
         if (endActionIdx + 1 <= line.length())
            arguments = line.substring(endActionIdx + 1);
         Action a;
         if (actionLabel.equals(Action.ADD_NODE))
            a = AddNode.fromString(transactionId, arguments);
         else if (actionLabel.equals(Action.ADD_INDEX))
            a = AddIndex.fromString(transactionId, arguments);
         else if (actionLabel.equals(Action.COMMIT))
            a = Commit.fromString(transactionId, arguments);
         else if (actionLabel.equals(Action.CREATE_INDEX))
            a = CreateIndex.fromString(transactionId, arguments);
         else if (actionLabel.equals(Action.DELETE_INDEX))
            a = DeleteIndex.fromString(transactionId, arguments);
         else if (actionLabel.equals(Action.DELETE_NODE))
            a = DeleteNode.fromString(transactionId, arguments);
         else if (actionLabel.equals(Action.START))
            a = Start.fromString(transactionId, arguments);
         else if (actionLabel.equals(Action.VOLATILE_COMMIT))
            a = VolatileCommit.fromString(transactionId, arguments);
         else if (actionLabel.equals(Action.OFFLINE_INVOKE))
            a = OfflineInvoke.fromString(transactionId, arguments);
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(line);
         return a;

    * Adds an index to the MultiIndex's active persistent index list.
   private static class AddIndex extends Action

       * The name of the index to add.
      private String indexName;

       * Creates a new AddIndex action.
       * @param transactionId
       *            the id of the transaction that executes this action.
       * @param indexName
       *            the name of the index to add, or <code>null</code> if an
       *            index with a new name should be created.
      AddIndex(long transactionId, String indexName)
         super(transactionId, Action.TYPE_ADD_INDEX);
         this.indexName = indexName;

       * Creates a new AddIndex action.
       * @param transactionId
       *            the id of the transaction that executes this action.
       * @param arguments
       *            the name of the index to add.
       * @return the AddIndex action.
       * @throws IllegalArgumentException
       *             if the arguments are malformed.
      static AddIndex fromString(long transactionId, String arguments)
         return new AddIndex(transactionId, arguments);

       * Adds a sub index to <code>index</code>.
       * @inheritDoc
      public void execute(MultiIndex index) throws IOException
         PersistentIndex idx = index.getOrCreateIndex(indexName);
         if (!index.indexNames.contains(indexName))
            // now that the index is in the active list let the merger know
            // about it
            if (index.merger != null)
               index.merger.indexAdded(indexName, idx.getNumDocuments());

       * @inheritDoc
      public String toString()
         StringBuilder logLine = new StringBuilder();
         logLine.append(' ');
         logLine.append(' ');
         return logLine.toString();

    * Adds a node to the index.
   private static class AddNode extends Action

       * The maximum length of a AddNode String.
      private static final int ENTRY_LENGTH = Long.toString(Long.MAX_VALUE).length() + Action.ADD_NODE.length()
         + Constants.UUID_FORMATTED_LENGTH + 2;

       * The uuid of the node to add.
      private final String uuid;

       * The document to add to the index, or <code>null</code> if not
       * available.
      private Document doc;

       * Indicates if need to execute command in synchronize mode.
      private boolean synch;

       * The node to add.
      private NodeDataIndexing node;

       * Creates a new AddNode action.
       * @param transactionId
       *            the id of the transaction that executes this action.
       * @param uuid
       *            the uuid of the node to add.
      AddNode(long transactionId, String uuid)
         this(transactionId, uuid, false);

       * Creates a new AddNode action.
       * @param transactionId
       *            the id of the transaction that executes this action
       * @param uuid
       *            the uuid of the node to add
       * @param synch
       *             indicates if need to execute command in synchronize mode           
      AddNode(long transactionId, String uuid, boolean synch)
         super(transactionId, Action.TYPE_ADD_NODE);
         this.uuid = uuid;
         this.synch = synch;

       * Creates a new AddNode action.
       * @param transactionId
       *            the id of the transaction that executes this action.
       * @param uuid
       *            the uuid of the node to add.
       * @param synch
       *             indicates if need to execute command in synchronize mode           
      AddNode(long transactionId, NodeDataIndexing node, boolean synch)
         this(transactionId, node.getIdentifier(), synch);
         this.node = node;

       * Creates a new AddNode action.
       * @param transactionId
       *            the id of the transaction that executes this action.
       * @param doc
       *            the document to add.
      AddNode(long transactionId, Document doc)
         this(transactionId, doc.get(FieldNames.UUID));
         this.doc = doc;

       * Creates a new AddNode action.
       * @param transactionId
       *            the id of the transaction that executes this action.
       * @param arguments
       *            the arguments to this action. The uuid of the node to add
       * @return the AddNode action.
       * @throws IllegalArgumentException
       *             if the arguments are malformed. Not a UUID.
      static AddNode fromString(long transactionId, String arguments) throws IllegalArgumentException
         // simple length check
         if (arguments.length() != Constants.UUID_FORMATTED_LENGTH)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("arguments is not a uuid");
         return new AddNode(transactionId, arguments);

       * Adds a node to the index.
       * @inheritDoc
      public void execute(MultiIndex index) throws IOException
         if (doc == null)
               if (node != null)
                  doc = index.createDocument(node);
                  doc = index.createDocument(uuid);
            catch (RepositoryException e)
               // node does not exist anymore

         if (doc != null)
            if (synch)
               synchronized (index)
                  index.volatileIndex.addDocuments(new Document[]{doc});
               index.volatileIndex.addDocuments(new Document[]{doc});

       * @inheritDoc
      public String toString()
         StringBuilder logLine = new StringBuilder(ENTRY_LENGTH);
         logLine.append(' ');
         logLine.append(' ');
         return logLine.toString();

    * Commits a transaction.
   private static class Commit extends Action

       * Creates a new Commit action.
       * @param transactionId
       *            the id of the transaction that is committed.
      Commit(long transactionId)
         super(transactionId, Action.TYPE_COMMIT);

       * Creates a new Commit action.
       * @param transactionId
       *            the id of the transaction that executes this action.
       * @param arguments
       *            ignored by this method.
       * @return the Commit action.
      static Commit fromString(long transactionId, String arguments)
         return new Commit(transactionId);

       * Touches the last flush time (sets it to the current time).
       * @inheritDoc
      public void execute(MultiIndex index) throws IOException
         index.lastFlushTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

       * @inheritDoc
      public String toString()
         return Long.toString(getTransactionId()) + ' ' + Action.COMMIT;

    * Creates an new sub index but does not add it to the active persistent
    * index list.
   private static class CreateIndex extends Action

       * The name of the index to add.
      private String indexName;

       * Creates a new CreateIndex action.
       * @param transactionId
       *            the id of the transaction that executes this action.
       * @param indexName
       *            the name of the index to add, or <code>null</code> if an
       *            index with a new name should be created.
      CreateIndex(long transactionId, String indexName)
         super(transactionId, Action.TYPE_CREATE_INDEX);
         this.indexName = indexName;

       * Creates a new CreateIndex action.
       * @param transactionId
       *            the id of the transaction that executes this action.
       * @param arguments
       *            the name of the index to create.
       * @return the AddIndex action.
       * @throws IllegalArgumentException
       *             if the arguments are malformed.
      static CreateIndex fromString(long transactionId, String arguments)
         // when created from String, this action is executed as redo action
         return new CreateIndex(transactionId, arguments);

       * Creates a new index.
       * @inheritDoc
      public void execute(MultiIndex index) throws IOException
         PersistentIndex idx = index.getOrCreateIndex(indexName);
         indexName = idx.getName();

       * @inheritDoc
      public void undo(MultiIndex index) throws IOException
         if (index.hasIndex(indexName))
            PersistentIndex idx = index.getOrCreateIndex(indexName);

       * @inheritDoc
      public String toString()
         StringBuilder logLine = new StringBuilder();
         logLine.append(' ');
         logLine.append(' ');
         return logLine.toString();

       * Returns the index name that has been created. If this method is
       * called before {@link #execute(MultiIndex)} it will return
       * <code>null</code>.
       * @return the name of the index that has been created.
      String getIndexName()
         return indexName;

    * Closes and deletes an index that is no longer in use.
   private static class DeleteIndex extends Action

       * The name of the index to add.
      private String indexName;

       * Creates a new DeleteIndex action.
       * @param transactionId
       *            the id of the transaction that executes this action.
       * @param indexName
       *            the name of the index to delete.
      DeleteIndex(long transactionId, String indexName)
         super(transactionId, Action.TYPE_DELETE_INDEX);
         this.indexName = indexName;

       * Creates a new DeleteIndex action.
       * @param transactionId
       *            the id of the transaction that executes this action.
       * @param arguments
       *            the name of the index to delete.
       * @return the DeleteIndex action.
       * @throws IllegalArgumentException
       *             if the arguments are malformed.
      static DeleteIndex fromString(long transactionId, String arguments)
         return new DeleteIndex(transactionId, arguments);

       * Removes a sub index from <code>index</code>.
       * @inheritDoc
      public void execute(MultiIndex index) throws IOException
         // get index if it exists
         for (Iterator<PersistentIndex> it = index.indexes.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
            PersistentIndex idx =;
            if (idx.getName().equals(indexName))

       * @inheritDoc
      public String toString()
         StringBuilder logLine = new StringBuilder();
         logLine.append(' ');
         logLine.append(' ');
         return logLine.toString();

    * Deletes a node from the index.
   private static class DeleteNode extends Action

       * The maximum length of a DeleteNode String.
      private static final int ENTRY_LENGTH = Long.toString(Long.MAX_VALUE).length() + Action.DELETE_NODE.length()
         + Constants.UUID_FORMATTED_LENGTH + 2;

       * The uuid of the node to remove.
      private final String uuid;

       * Creates a new DeleteNode action.
       * @param transactionId
       *            the id of the transaction that executes this action.
       * @param uuid
       *            the uuid of the node to delete.
      DeleteNode(long transactionId, String uuid)
         super(transactionId, Action.TYPE_DELETE_NODE);
         this.uuid = uuid;

       * Creates a new DeleteNode action.
       * @param transactionId
       *            the id of the transaction that executes this action.
       * @param arguments
       *            the uuid of the node to delete.
       * @return the DeleteNode action.
       * @throws IllegalArgumentException
       *             if the arguments are malformed. Not a UUID.
      static DeleteNode fromString(long transactionId, String arguments)
         // simple length check
         if (arguments.length() != Constants.UUID_FORMATTED_LENGTH)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("arguments is not a uuid");
         return new DeleteNode(transactionId, arguments);

       * Deletes a node from the index.
       * @inheritDoc
      public void execute(MultiIndex index) throws IOException
         String uuidString = uuid.toString();
         Term idTerm = new Term(FieldNames.UUID, uuidString);
         // if the document cannot be deleted from the volatile index
         // delete it from one of the persistent indexes.
         int num = index.volatileIndex.removeDocument(idTerm);
         if (num == 0 && index.modeHandler.getMode() == IndexerIoMode.READ_WRITE)
            for (int i = index.indexes.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
               // only look in registered indexes
               PersistentIndex idx = index.indexes.get(i);
               if (index.indexNames.contains(idx.getName()))
                  num = idx.removeDocument(idTerm);
                  if (num > 0 )
                      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
                      LOG.debug(idTerm.text() + " has been found in the persisted index " + i);
         else if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
            LOG.debug(idTerm.text() + " has been found in the volatile index");

       * @inheritDoc
      public String toString()
         StringBuilder logLine = new StringBuilder(ENTRY_LENGTH);
         logLine.append(' ');
         logLine.append(' ');
         return logLine.toString();

    * Starts a transaction.
   private static class Start extends Action

       * Creates a new Start transaction action.
       * @param transactionId
       *            the id of the transaction that started.
      Start(long transactionId)
         super(transactionId, Action.TYPE_START);

       * Creates a new Start action.
       * @param transactionId
       *            the id of the transaction that executes this action.
       * @param arguments
       *            ignored by this method.
       * @return the Start action.
      static Start fromString(long transactionId, String arguments)
         return new Start(transactionId);

       * Sets the current transaction id on <code>index</code>.
       * @inheritDoc
      public void execute(MultiIndex index) throws IOException
         index.currentTransactionId = getTransactionId();

       * @inheritDoc
      public String toString()
         return Long.toString(getTransactionId()) + ' ' + Action.START;

    * Commits the volatile index to disk.
   private static class VolatileCommit extends Action

       * The name of the target index to commit to.
      private final String targetIndex;

       * Creates a new VolatileCommit action.
       * @param transactionId
       *            the id of the transaction that executes this action.
      VolatileCommit(long transactionId, String targetIndex)
         super(transactionId, Action.TYPE_VOLATILE_COMMIT);
         this.targetIndex = targetIndex;

       * Creates a new VolatileCommit action.
       * @param transactionId
       *            the id of the transaction that executes this action.
       * @param arguments
       *            ignored by this implementation.
       * @return the VolatileCommit action.
      static VolatileCommit fromString(long transactionId, String arguments)
         return new VolatileCommit(transactionId, arguments);

       * Commits the volatile index to disk.
       * @inheritDoc
      public void execute(MultiIndex index) throws IOException
         VolatileIndex volatileIndex = index.getVolatileIndex();
         PersistentIndex persistentIndex = index.getOrCreateIndex(targetIndex);

       * @inheritDoc
      public String toString()
         StringBuilder logLine = new StringBuilder();
         logLine.append(' ');
         logLine.append(' ');
         return logLine.toString();

   private static class OfflineInvoke extends Action

       * The name of the target index to commit to.
      private final String targetIndex;

       * Creates a new VolatileCommit action.
       * @param transactionId
       *            the id of the transaction that executes this action.
      OfflineInvoke(long transactionId, String targetIndex)
         super(transactionId, Action.TYPE_OFFLINE_INVOKE);
         this.targetIndex = targetIndex;

       * Creates a new VolatileCommit action.
       * @param transactionId
       *            the id of the transaction that executes this action.
       * @param arguments
       *            ignored by this implementation.
       * @return the VolatileCommit action.
      static OfflineInvoke fromString(long transactionId, String arguments)
         return new OfflineInvoke(transactionId, arguments);

       * Commits the volatile index to disk.
       * @inheritDoc
      public void execute(MultiIndex index) throws IOException
         OfflinePersistentIndex offlineIndex = index.getOfflinePersistentIndex();
         PersistentIndex persistentIndex = index.getOrCreateIndex(targetIndex);

       * @inheritDoc
      public String toString()
         StringBuilder logLine = new StringBuilder();
         logLine.append(' ');
         logLine.append(' ');
         return logLine.toString();

    * {@inheritDoc}
   public void onChangeMode(IndexerIoMode mode)
         switch (mode)
            case READ_ONLY :
            case READ_WRITE :
      catch (IOException e)
         LOG.error("An error occurs while changing of mode " + mode, e);

    * Sets mode to READ_ONLY, discarding flush task
   protected void setReadOnly()
      // try to stop merger in safe way
      if (merger != null)
         merger = null;

      if (flushTask != null)
      this.redoLog = null;

    * Sets mode to READ_WRITE, initiating recovery process
    * @throws IOException
   protected void setReadWrite() throws IOException
      // Release all the current threads
      synchronized (updateMonitor)
         indexUpdateMonitor.setUpdateInProgress(false, true);

      this.redoLog = new RedoLog(indexDir);
      redoLogApplied = redoLog.hasEntries();

      // run recovery, redoLog);

      // enqueue unused segments for deletion

      // now that we are ready, start index merger

      if (redoLogApplied)
         // wait for the index merge to finish pending jobs
         catch (InterruptedException e)
            // move on

      if (indexNames.size() > 0)

    * Refresh list of indexes. Used to be called asynchronously when list changes. New, actual list is read from
    * IndexInfos.
    * @throws IOException
   public void refreshIndexList() throws IOException
      synchronized (updateMonitor)
         // release reader if any
         // prepare added/removed sets
         Set<String> newList = new HashSet<String>(indexNames.getNames());

         // remove removed indexes
         Iterator<PersistentIndex> iterator = indexes.iterator();
         while (iterator.hasNext())
            PersistentIndex index =;
            String name = index.getName();
            // if current index not in new list, close it, cause it is deleted.
            if (!newList.contains(name))
               // remove from list, cause this segment of index still present and indexes list contains
               // PersistentIndex instance related to this index..
               // Release everything to make sure that we see the
               // latest changes
         // now newList contains ONLY new, added indexes, deleted indexes, are removed from list.
         for (String name : newList)
            // only open if it still exists
            // it is possible that indexNames still contains a name for
            // an index that has been deleted, but indexNames has not been
            // written to disk.
            if (!directoryManager.hasDirectory(name))
               LOG.debug("index does not exist anymore: " + name);
               // move on to next index
            PersistentIndex index =
               new PersistentIndex(name, handler.getTextAnalyzer(), handler.getSimilarity(), cache, directoryManager,
          // Reset the volatile index to be exactly like the master

    * @see
   public void onUpdateInProgressChange(boolean updateInProgress)
      if (modeHandler.getMode() == IndexerIoMode.READ_ONLY)
         if (!updateInProgress)
            // wake up the sleeping threads
               synchronized (updateMonitor)
            catch (IOException e)
               LOG.error("An error occurred while trying to wake up the sleeping threads", e);

    * @return true if index is online. It means that there is no background indexing or index retrieval jobs
   public boolean isOnline()
      return online.get();

    * @return true if index is stopped.
   public boolean isStopped()
      return stopped.get();

    * Switches index mode
    * @param isOnline
    * @throws IOException
   public synchronized void setOnline(boolean isOnline, boolean dropStaleIndexes) throws IOException
      // if mode really changed
      if (online.get() != isOnline)
         // switching to ONLINE
         if (isOnline)
  "Setting index ONLINE ({})", handler.getContext().getWorkspacePath(true));
            if (modeHandler.getMode() == IndexerIoMode.READ_WRITE)
               // cleaning stale indexes
               for (PersistentIndex staleIndex : staleIndexes)
               //invoking offline index
         // switching to OFFLINE
  "Setting index OFFLINE ({})", handler.getContext().getWorkspacePath(true));
            if (merger != null)
               merger = null;
            offlineIndex =
               new OfflinePersistentIndex(handler.getTextAnalyzer(), handler.getSimilarity(), cache, directoryManager,
            if (modeHandler.getMode() == IndexerIoMode.READ_WRITE)
            if (dropStaleIndexes)

      else if (!online.get())
         throw new IOException("Index is already in OFFLINE mode.");

    * This class is used to index a node and its descendants nodes with several threads
   private class MultithreadedIndexing
       * This instance of {@link AtomicReference} will contain the exception meet if any exception has occurred
      private final AtomicReference<Exception> exception = new AtomicReference<Exception>();

       * The total amount of threads used for the indexing
      private final int nThreads = handler.getIndexingThreadPoolSize();

       * The {@link CountDownLatch} used to notify that the indexing is over
      private final CountDownLatch endSignal = new CountDownLatch(nThreads);

       * The total amount of threads currently working
      private final AtomicInteger runningThreads = new AtomicInteger();

       * The total amount of nodes already indexed
      private final AtomicLong count = new AtomicLong();

      private final AtomicLong processing = new AtomicLong();

       * All the indexing threads
      private final Thread[] allIndexingThreads = new Thread[nThreads];

       * The list of indexing tasks left to do
      private final Queue<Callable<Void>> tasks = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Callable<Void>>(nThreads)
         private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

         public Callable<Void> poll()
            Callable<Void> task;
            synchronized (runningThreads)
               if ((task = super.poll()) != null)
            return task;

         public boolean offer(Callable<Void> o)
            if (super.offer(o))
               synchronized (runningThreads)
               return true;
            return false;

       * The task that all the indexing threads have to execute
      private final Runnable indexingTask = new Runnable()
         public void run()
            while (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted() && exception.get() == null)
               Callable<Void> task;
               while (exception.get() == null && (task = tasks.poll()) != null)
                  catch (InterruptedException e)
                  catch (Exception e)
                     // Interrupts all the indexing threads
                     synchronized (runningThreads)
               synchronized (runningThreads)
                  if (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted() && exception.get() == null && (runningThreads.get() > 0))
                     catch (InterruptedException e)

       * MultithreadedIndexing constructor.
       * @param node
       *            the current NodeState.
       * @param stateMgr
       *            the shared item state manager.
      public MultithreadedIndexing(final NodeData node, final ItemDataConsumer stateMgr)
         tasks.offer(new Callable<Void>()
            public Void call() throws Exception
               createIndex(tasks, node, stateMgr, count, processing);
               return null;

       * MultithreadedIndexing constructor.
       * @param node
       *            the current NodeState.
       * @param iterator
       *            NodeDataIndexingIterator
      public MultithreadedIndexing(final NodeDataIndexingIterator iterator, final NodeData rootNode)
         tasks.offer(new Callable<Void>()
            public Void call() throws Exception
               createIndex(tasks, iterator, rootNode, count, processing);
               return null;

       * Launches the indexing
       * @param asynchronous indicates whether or not the current thread needs to wait until the
       * end of the indexing
      * @return the total amount of nodes that have been indexed. <code>-1</code> in case of an
       * asynchronous indexing
       * @throws IOException
       *             if an error occurs while writing to the index.
       * @throws ItemStateException
       *             if an node state cannot be found.
       * @throws RepositoryException
       *             if any other error occurs
      public long launch(boolean asynchronous) throws IOException, RepositoryException
         if (!asynchronous)
               if (exception.get() != null)
                  if (exception.get() instanceof IOException)
                     throw (IOException)exception.get();
                  else if (exception.get() instanceof RepositoryException)
                     throw (RepositoryException)exception.get();
                     throw new RuntimeException("Error while indexing", exception.get());
               return count.get();
            catch (InterruptedException e)
         return -1L;

       * Starts all the indexing threads
      private void startThreads()
         for (int i = 0; i < nThreads; i++)
            (allIndexingThreads[i] = new Thread(indexingTask, "Indexing Thread #" + (i + 1))).start();

       * Interrupts all the indexing threads
      private void interruptAll()
         for (int i = 0; i < nThreads; i++)
            Thread t = allIndexingThreads[i];
            if (t != null)

    * Retrieves index from other node.
    * @throws IOException if can't clean up directory after retrieving being failed
   private boolean recoveryIndexFromCoordinator() throws IOException
      File indexDirectory = new File(handler.getContext().getIndexDirectory());

         IndexRecovery indexRecovery = handler.getContext().getIndexRecovery();
         // check if index not ready
         if (!indexRecovery.checkIndexReady())
            return false;

         for (String filePath : indexRecovery.getIndexList())
            File indexFile = new File(indexDirectory, filePath);
            if (!PrivilegedFileHelper.exists(indexFile.getParentFile()))

            // transfer file
            InputStream in = indexRecovery.getIndexFile(filePath);
            OutputStream out = PrivilegedFileHelper.fileOutputStream(indexFile);
               DirectoryHelper.transfer(in, out);


         return true;
      catch (RepositoryException e)
         LOG.error("Cannot retrieve the indexes from the coordinator, the indexes will then be created from indexing",
      catch (IOException e)
         LOG.error("Cannot retrieve the indexes from the coordinator, the indexes will then be created from indexing",
      }"Clean up index directory " + indexDirectory.getAbsolutePath());

      return false;

    * Index optimization using {@link IndexWriter#optimize()} method.
   public void optimize() throws CorruptIndexException, IOException
      for (PersistentIndex index : indexes)
         IndexWriter writer = index.getIndexWriter();
         writer.forceMerge(1, true);

    * Checks if index has deletions.
   public boolean hasDeletions() throws CorruptIndexException, IOException
      boolean result = false;

      for (PersistentIndex index : indexes)
         IndexWriter writer = index.getIndexWriter();
         result |= writer.hasDeletions();

      return result;

Related Classes of$MultithreadedIndexing

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