Package org.drools.common

Source Code of org.drools.common.AbstractWorkingMemory

* Copyright 2005 JBoss Inc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

package org.drools.common;

import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;

import org.drools.Agenda;
import org.drools.FactException;
import org.drools.FactHandle;
import org.drools.QueryResults;
import org.drools.RuleBase;
import org.drools.RuleBaseConfiguration;
import org.drools.RuntimeDroolsException;
import org.drools.SessionConfiguration;
import org.drools.WorkingMemory;
import org.drools.WorkingMemoryEntryPoint;
import org.drools.RuleBaseConfiguration.AssertBehaviour;
import org.drools.RuleBaseConfiguration.LogicalOverride;
import org.drools.base.CalendarsImpl;
import org.drools.base.MapGlobalResolver;
import org.drools.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import org.drools.concurrent.ExternalExecutorService;
import org.drools.definition.process.Process;
import org.drools.event.ActivationCreatedEvent;
import org.drools.event.AgendaEventListener;
import org.drools.event.AgendaEventSupport;
import org.drools.event.DefaultAgendaEventListener;
import org.drools.event.DefaultRuleFlowEventListener;
import org.drools.event.RuleBaseEventListener;
import org.drools.event.RuleFlowEventListener;
import org.drools.event.RuleFlowEventSupport;
import org.drools.event.RuleFlowGroupDeactivatedEvent;
import org.drools.event.WorkingMemoryEventListener;
import org.drools.event.WorkingMemoryEventSupport;
import org.drools.process.core.event.EventFilter;
import org.drools.process.core.event.EventTypeFilter;
import org.drools.process.instance.ProcessInstance;
import org.drools.process.instance.ProcessInstanceFactory;
import org.drools.process.instance.ProcessInstanceFactoryRegistry;
import org.drools.process.instance.ProcessInstanceManager;
import org.drools.process.instance.WorkItemManager;
import org.drools.process.instance.event.SignalManager;
import org.drools.process.instance.timer.TimerManager;
import org.drools.reteoo.EntryPointNode;
import org.drools.reteoo.InitialFactImpl;
import org.drools.reteoo.LIANodePropagation;
import org.drools.reteoo.LeftTuple;
import org.drools.reteoo.ObjectTypeConf;
import org.drools.reteoo.PartitionManager;
import org.drools.reteoo.PartitionTaskManager;
import org.drools.reteoo.ReteooWorkingMemory;
import org.drools.rule.Declaration;
import org.drools.rule.EntryPoint;
import org.drools.rule.Rule;
import org.drools.rule.TimeMachine;
import org.drools.ruleflow.core.RuleFlowProcess;
import org.drools.runtime.Calendars;
import org.drools.runtime.Channel;
import org.drools.runtime.Environment;
import org.drools.runtime.EnvironmentName;
import org.drools.runtime.ExecutionResults;
import org.drools.runtime.ExitPoint;
import org.drools.runtime.Globals;
import org.drools.runtime.KnowledgeRuntime;
import org.drools.runtime.impl.ExecutionResultImpl;
import org.drools.runtime.process.EventListener;
import org.drools.runtime.process.WorkItemHandler;
import org.drools.spi.Activation;
import org.drools.spi.AgendaFilter;
import org.drools.spi.AsyncExceptionHandler;
import org.drools.spi.FactHandleFactory;
import org.drools.spi.GlobalResolver;
import org.drools.spi.PropagationContext;
import org.drools.time.SessionClock;
import org.drools.time.TimerService;
import org.drools.time.TimerServiceFactory;
import org.drools.type.DateFormats;
import org.drools.type.DateFormatsImpl;
import org.drools.workflow.core.node.EventTrigger;
import org.drools.workflow.core.node.StartNode;
import org.drools.workflow.core.node.Trigger;

* Implementation of <code>WorkingMemory</code>.
* @author <a href="">bob mcwhirter </a>
* @author <a href="">Mark Proctor</a>
* @author <a href="">Simon Harris </a>
public abstract class AbstractWorkingMemory
    PropertyChangeListener {
    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    // Constants
    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    protected static final Class[]                               ADD_REMOVE_PROPERTY_CHANGE_LISTENER_ARG_TYPES = new Class[]{PropertyChangeListener.class};
    private static final int                                     NODE_MEMORIES_ARRAY_GROWTH                    = 32;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    // Instance members
    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    protected int                                                id;

    /** The arguments used when adding/removing a property change listener. */
    protected Object[]                                           addRemovePropertyChangeListenerArgs;

    /** The actual memory for the <code>JoinNode</code>s. */
    protected NodeMemories                                       nodeMemories;

    protected ObjectStore                                        objectStore;

    /** Global values which are associated with this memory. */
    protected GlobalResolver                                     globalResolver;

    protected Calendars                                          calendars;
    protected DateFormats                                        dateFormats;

    /** The eventSupport */
    protected WorkingMemoryEventSupport                          workingMemoryEventSupport;

    protected AgendaEventSupport                                 agendaEventSupport;

    protected RuleFlowEventSupport                               workflowEventSupport;

    protected List                                               __ruleBaseEventListeners;

    /** The <code>RuleBase</code> with which this memory is associated. */
    protected transient InternalRuleBase                         ruleBase;

    protected FactHandleFactory                                  handleFactory;

    protected TruthMaintenanceSystem                             tms;

    /** Rule-firing agenda. */
    protected InternalAgenda                                     agenda;

    protected Queue<WorkingMemoryAction>                         actionQueue;

    protected AtomicBoolean                                      evaluatingActionQueue;

    protected ReentrantLock                                      lock;

    protected boolean                                            discardOnLogicalOverride;

     * This must be thread safe as it is incremented and read via different
     * EntryPoints
    protected AtomicLong                                         propagationIdCounter;

    private boolean                                              maintainTms;
    private boolean                                              sequential;

    private List                                                 liaPropagations;

    /** Flag to determine if a rule is currently being fired. */
    protected volatile AtomicBoolean                             firing;

    private ProcessInstanceManager                               processInstanceManager;

    private WorkItemManager                                      workItemManager;

    private TimerManager                                         timerManager;

    private SignalManager                                        signalManager;

    private TimeMachine                                          timeMachine;

    protected transient ObjectTypeConfigurationRegistry          typeConfReg;

    protected EntryPoint                                         entryPoint;
    protected transient EntryPointNode                           entryPointNode;

    protected Map<String, WorkingMemoryEntryPoint>               entryPoints;

    protected InternalFactHandle                                 initialFactHandle;

    protected SessionConfiguration                               config;

    protected PartitionManager                                   partitionManager;

    protected transient AtomicReference<ExternalExecutorService> threadPool                                    = new AtomicReference<ExternalExecutorService>();

    private Map<InternalFactHandle, PropagationContext>          modifyContexts;

    private KnowledgeRuntime                                     kruntime;

    private Map<String, ExitPoint>                               exitPoints;

    private Map<String, Channel>                                 channels;

    private Environment                                          environment;

    private ExecutionResults                                     batchExecutionResult;

    // this is a counter of concurrent operations happening. When this counter is zero,
    // the engine is idle.
    private AtomicLong                                           opCounter;
    // this is the timestamp of the end of the last operation, based on the session clock,
    // or -1 if there are operation being executed at this moment
    private AtomicLong                                           lastIdleTimestamp;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    // Constructors
    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    public AbstractWorkingMemory() {


     * Construct.
     * @param ruleBase
     *            The backing rule-base.
    public AbstractWorkingMemory(final int id,
                                 final InternalRuleBase ruleBase,
                                 final FactHandleFactory handleFactory,
                                 final SessionConfiguration config,
                                 final Environment environment) {
        this( id,
              environment );

    public AbstractWorkingMemory(final int id,
                                 final InternalRuleBase ruleBase,
                                 final FactHandleFactory handleFactory,
                                 final SessionConfiguration config,
                                 final Environment environment,
                                 final WorkingMemoryEventSupport workingMemoryEventSupport,
                                 final AgendaEventSupport agendaEventSupport,
                                 final RuleFlowEventSupport ruleFlowEventSupport) {
        this( id,
              ruleFlowEventSupport );

    public AbstractWorkingMemory(final int id,
                                 final InternalRuleBase ruleBase,
                                 final FactHandleFactory handleFactory,
                                 final InternalFactHandle initialFactHandle,
                                 final long propagationContext,
                                 final SessionConfiguration config,
                                 final Environment environment) {
        this( id,
              new WorkingMemoryEventSupport(),
              new AgendaEventSupport(),
              new RuleFlowEventSupport() );

    public AbstractWorkingMemory(final int id,
                                 final InternalRuleBase ruleBase,
                                 final FactHandleFactory handleFactory,
                                 final InternalFactHandle initialFactHandle,
                                 final long propagationContext,
                                 final SessionConfiguration config,
                                 final Environment environment,
                                 final WorkingMemoryEventSupport workingMemoryEventSupport,
                                 final AgendaEventSupport agendaEventSupport,
                                 final RuleFlowEventSupport ruleFlowEventSupport) { = id;
        this.config = config;
        this.ruleBase = ruleBase;
        this.handleFactory = handleFactory;
        this.environment = environment;

        Globals globals = (Globals) this.environment.get( EnvironmentName.GLOBALS );
        if ( globals != null ) {
            if ( !(globals instanceof GlobalResolver) ) {
                this.globalResolver = new GlobalsAdapter( globals );
            } else {
                this.globalResolver = (GlobalResolver) globals;
        } else {
            this.globalResolver = new MapGlobalResolver();

        this.calendars = new CalendarsImpl();

        this.dateFormats = (DateFormats) this.environment.get( EnvironmentName.DATE_FORMATS );
        if ( this.dateFormats == null ) {
            this.dateFormats = new DateFormatsImpl();
            this.environment.set( EnvironmentName.DATE_FORMATS,
                                  this.dateFormats );

        final RuleBaseConfiguration conf = this.ruleBase.getConfiguration();

        this.maintainTms = conf.isMaintainTms();
        this.sequential = conf.isSequential();

        if ( initialFactHandle == null ) {
            this.initialFactHandle = handleFactory.newFactHandle( InitialFactImpl.getInstance(),
        } else {
            this.initialFactHandle = initialFactHandle;

        this.actionQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<WorkingMemoryAction>();
        this.evaluatingActionQueue = new AtomicBoolean( false );

        this.addRemovePropertyChangeListenerArgs = new Object[]{this};
        this.workingMemoryEventSupport = workingMemoryEventSupport;
        this.agendaEventSupport = agendaEventSupport;
        this.workflowEventSupport = ruleFlowEventSupport;
        this.__ruleBaseEventListeners = new LinkedList();
        this.lock = new ReentrantLock();
        this.liaPropagations = Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
        this.processInstanceManager = config.getProcessInstanceManagerFactory().createProcessInstanceManager( this );
        this.timeMachine = new TimeMachine();

        TimerService timerService = TimerServiceFactory.getTimerService( this.config.getClockType() );
        this.timerManager = new TimerManager( this,
                                              timerService );
        this.signalManager = config.getSignalManagerFactory().createSignalManager( this );

        this.nodeMemories = new ConcurrentNodeMemories( this.ruleBase );

        if ( this.maintainTms ) {
            this.tms = new TruthMaintenanceSystem( this );
        } else {
            this.tms = null;

        this.propagationIdCounter = new AtomicLong( propagationContext );

        this.objectStore = new SingleThreadedObjectStore( conf,
                                                          this.lock );

        // Only takes effect if are using idententity behaviour for assert
        if ( LogicalOverride.DISCARD.equals( conf.getLogicalOverride() ) ) {
            this.discardOnLogicalOverride = true;
        } else {
            this.discardOnLogicalOverride = false;

        this.firing = new AtomicBoolean( false );
        this.modifyContexts = new HashMap<InternalFactHandle, PropagationContext>();
        this.exitPoints = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, ExitPoint>();
        this.channels = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Channel>();

        this.opCounter = new AtomicLong( 0 );
        this.lastIdleTimestamp = new AtomicLong( -1 );



    private void initManagementBeans() {
        if ( this.ruleBase.getConfiguration().isMBeansEnabled() ) {
            DroolsManagementAgent.getInstance().registerKnowledgeSession( this );

    public String getEntryPointId() {
        return EntryPoint.DEFAULT.getEntryPointId();

    public static class GlobalsAdapter
        GlobalResolver {
        private Globals globals;

        public GlobalsAdapter(Globals globals) {
            this.globals = globals;

        public Object resolveGlobal(String identifier) {
            return this.globals.get( identifier );

        public void setGlobal(String identifier,
                              Object value) {
            this.globals.set( identifier,
                              value );


    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    // Instance methods
    // ------------------------------------------------------------

    public void setRuleBase(final InternalRuleBase ruleBase) {
        this.ruleBase = ruleBase;
        this.nodeMemories.setRuleBaseReference( this.ruleBase );

    private void initEntryPointsMap() {
        this.entryPoints = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, WorkingMemoryEntryPoint>();
        this.entryPoints.put( "DEFAULT",
                              this );
        this.entryPoint = EntryPoint.DEFAULT;


    public void updateEntryPointsCache() {
        Map<EntryPoint, EntryPointNode> reteEPs = this.ruleBase.getRete().getEntryPointNodes();

        // first create a temporary cache to find which entry points were removed from the network
        Map<String, WorkingMemoryEntryPoint> cache = new HashMap<String, WorkingMemoryEntryPoint>( this.entryPoints );

        // now, add any entry point that was added to the knowledge base
        for ( EntryPointNode entryPointNode : reteEPs.values() ) {
            EntryPoint id = entryPointNode.getEntryPoint();
            cache.remove( id.getEntryPointId() );
            if ( !EntryPoint.DEFAULT.equals( id ) && !this.entryPoints.containsKey( id ) ) {
                WorkingMemoryEntryPoint wmEntryPoint = new NamedEntryPoint( id,
                                                                            this );
                this.entryPoints.put( entryPointNode.getEntryPoint().getEntryPointId(),
                                      wmEntryPoint );

        // now, if there is any element left in the cache, remove them as they were removed from the network
        this.entryPoints.keySet().removeAll( cache.keySet() );

     * Creates the actual partition managers and their tasks for multi-thread
     * processing
    private void initPartitionManagers() {
        if ( this.ruleBase.getConfiguration().isMultithreadEvaluation() ) {
            this.partitionManager = new PartitionManager( this );

            for ( RuleBasePartitionId partitionId : this.ruleBase.getPartitionIds() ) {
                this.partitionManager.manage( partitionId );

     * This method is called to start the multiple partition threads when
     * running in multi-thread mode
    public void startPartitionManagers() {
        try {
            if ( this.ruleBase.getConfiguration().isMultithreadEvaluation() ) {
                int maxThreads = (this.ruleBase.getConfiguration().getMaxThreads() > 0) ? this.ruleBase.getConfiguration().getMaxThreads() : this.ruleBase.getPartitionIds().size();
                if ( this.threadPool.compareAndSet( null,
                                                    createExecutorService( maxThreads ) ) ) {
                    this.partitionManager.setPool( this.threadPool.get() );
        } finally {

    private ExternalExecutorService createExecutorService(final int maxThreads) {
        return new ExternalExecutorService( Executors.newFixedThreadPool( maxThreads ) );

    public void stopPartitionManagers() {
        try {
            if ( this.ruleBase.getConfiguration().isMultithreadEvaluation() ) {
                ExternalExecutorService service = this.threadPool.get();
                if ( this.threadPool.compareAndSet( service,
                                                    null ) ) {
        } finally {

    public boolean isPartitionManagersActive() {
        return this.threadPool.get() != null;

    private void initTransient() {
        this.entryPointNode = this.ruleBase.getRete().getEntryPointNode( this.entryPoint );
        this.typeConfReg = new ObjectTypeConfigurationRegistry( this.ruleBase );

    public SessionConfiguration getSessionConfiguration() {
        return this.config;

    public void reset(int handleId,
                      long handleCounter,
                      long propagationCounter) {
        this.handleFactory.clear( handleId,
                                  handleCounter );

        this.propagationIdCounter = new AtomicLong( propagationCounter );
        this.opCounter.set( 0 );
        this.lastIdleTimestamp.set( -1 );

        // TODO should these be cleared?
        // we probably neeed to do CEP and Flow timers too
        // this.processInstanceManager.clear()
        // this.workItemManager.clear();

    public void setWorkingMemoryEventSupport(WorkingMemoryEventSupport workingMemoryEventSupport) {
        this.workingMemoryEventSupport = workingMemoryEventSupport;

    public void setAgendaEventSupport(AgendaEventSupport agendaEventSupport) {
        this.agendaEventSupport = agendaEventSupport;

    public void setRuleFlowEventSupport(RuleFlowEventSupport ruleFlowEventSupport) {
        this.workflowEventSupport = ruleFlowEventSupport;

    public boolean isSequential() {
        return this.sequential;

    public void addLIANodePropagation(LIANodePropagation liaNodePropagation) {
        if ( this.liaPropagations == Collections.EMPTY_LIST ) {
            this.liaPropagations = new ArrayList();
        this.liaPropagations.add( liaNodePropagation );

    public void addEventListener(final WorkingMemoryEventListener listener) {
        this.workingMemoryEventSupport.addEventListener( listener );

    public void removeEventListener(final WorkingMemoryEventListener listener) {
        this.workingMemoryEventSupport.removeEventListener( listener );

    public List getWorkingMemoryEventListeners() {
        return this.workingMemoryEventSupport.getEventListeners();

    public void addEventListener(final AgendaEventListener listener) {
        this.agendaEventSupport.addEventListener( listener );

    public void removeEventListener(final AgendaEventListener listener) {
        this.agendaEventSupport.removeEventListener( listener );

    public List getAgendaEventListeners() {
        return this.agendaEventSupport.getEventListeners();

    public void addEventListener(final RuleFlowEventListener listener) {
        this.workflowEventSupport.addEventListener( listener );

    public void removeEventListener(final RuleFlowEventListener listener) {
        this.workflowEventSupport.removeEventListener( listener );

    public List getRuleFlowEventListeners() {
        return this.workflowEventSupport.getEventListeners();

    public void addEventListener(RuleBaseEventListener listener) {
        this.ruleBase.addEventListener( listener );
        this.__ruleBaseEventListeners.add( listener );

    public List getRuleBaseEventListeners() {
        return Collections.unmodifiableList( this.__ruleBaseEventListeners );

    public void removeEventListener(RuleBaseEventListener listener) {
        this.ruleBase.removeEventListener( listener );
        this.__ruleBaseEventListeners.remove( listener );

    public FactHandleFactory getFactHandleFactory() {
        return this.handleFactory;

    public void setGlobal(final String identifier,
                          final Object value) {
        // Cannot set null values
        if ( value == null ) {

        try {
            // Make sure the global has been declared in the RuleBase
            final Map globalDefintions = this.ruleBase.getGlobals();
            final Class type = (Class) globalDefintions.get( identifier );
            if ( (type == null) ) {
                throw new RuntimeException( "Unexpected global [" + identifier + "]" );
            } else if ( !type.isInstance( value ) ) {
                throw new RuntimeException( "Illegal class for global. " + "Expected [" + type.getName() + "], " + "found [" + value.getClass().getName() + "]." );

            } else {
                this.globalResolver.setGlobal( identifier,
                                               value );
        } finally {

    public void setGlobalResolver(final GlobalResolver globalResolver) {
        try {
            this.globalResolver = globalResolver;
        } finally {

    public GlobalResolver getGlobalResolver() {
        return this.globalResolver;

    public Calendars getCalendars() {
        return this.calendars;

    public DateFormats getDateFormats() {
        return this.dateFormats;

    public int getId() {

    public void setId(int id) { = id;

    public Object getGlobal(final String identifier) {
        try {
            return this.globalResolver.resolveGlobal( identifier );
        } finally {

    public Environment getEnvironment() {
        return this.environment;

    public Agenda getAgenda() {
        return this.agenda;

    public void clearAgenda() {

    public void clearAgendaGroup(final String group) {
        this.agenda.clearAndCancelAgendaGroup( group );

    public void clearActivationGroup(final String group) {
        this.agenda.clearAndCancelActivationGroup( group );

    public void clearRuleFlowGroup(final String group) {
        this.agenda.clearAndCancelRuleFlowGroup( group );

    public RuleBase getRuleBase() {
        return this.ruleBase;

    public void halt() {

    public int fireAllRules() throws FactException {
        return fireAllRules( null,
                             -1 );

    public int fireAllRules(int fireLimit) throws FactException {
        return fireAllRules( null,
                             fireLimit );

    public int fireAllRules(final AgendaFilter agendaFilter) throws FactException {
        return fireAllRules( agendaFilter,
                             -1 );

    public int fireAllRules(final AgendaFilter agendaFilter,
                            int fireLimit) throws FactException {
        if ( this.firing.compareAndSet( false,
                                        true ) ) {
            try {
                synchronized ( this ) {
                    // If we're already firing a rule, then it'll pick up
                    // the firing for any other assertObject(..) that get
                    // nested inside, avoiding concurrent-modification
                    // exceptions, depending on code paths of the actions.
                    if ( isSequential() ) {
                        for ( Iterator it = this.liaPropagations.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
                            ((LIANodePropagation) this );

                    // do we need to call this in advance?

                    int fireCount = 0;
                    fireCount = this.agenda.fireAllRules( agendaFilter,
                                                          fireLimit );
                    return fireCount;
            } finally {
                this.firing.set( false );
        return 0;

     * Keeps firing activations until a halt is called. If in a given moment,
     * there is no activation to fire, it will wait for an activation to be
     * added to an active agenda group or rule flow group.
     * @throws IllegalStateException
     *             if this method is called when running in sequential mode
    public void fireUntilHalt() {
        fireUntilHalt( null );

     * Keeps firing activations until a halt is called. If in a given moment,
     * there is no activation to fire, it will wait for an activation to be
     * added to an active agenda group or rule flow group.
     * @param agendaFilter
     *            filters the activations that may fire
     * @throws IllegalStateException
     *             if this method is called when running in sequential mode
    public void fireUntilHalt(final AgendaFilter agendaFilter) {
        if ( isSequential() ) {
            throw new IllegalStateException( "fireUntilHalt() can not be called in sequential mode." );

        if ( this.firing.compareAndSet( false,
                                        true ) ) {
            try {
                synchronized ( this ) {
                    this.agenda.fireUntilHalt( agendaFilter );
            } finally {
                this.firing.set( false );

     * Returns the fact Object for the given <code>FactHandle</code>. It
     * actually attempts to return the value from the handle, before retrieving
     * it from objects map.
     * @see WorkingMemory
     * @param handle
     *            The <code>FactHandle</code> reference for the
     *            <code>Object</code> lookup
    public Object getObject(final org.drools.runtime.rule.FactHandle handle) {
        return this.objectStore.getObjectForHandle( (InternalFactHandle) handle );

    public ObjectStore getObjectStore() {
        return this.objectStore;

     * @see WorkingMemory
    public FactHandle getFactHandle(final Object object) {
        return this.objectStore.getHandleForObject( object );

     * @see WorkingMemory
    public FactHandle getFactHandleByIdentity(final Object object) {
        return this.objectStore.getHandleForObjectIdentity( object );

     * This class is not thread safe, changes to the working memory during
     * iteration may give unexpected results
    public Iterator iterateObjects() {
        return this.objectStore.iterateObjects();

     * This class is not thread safe, changes to the working memory during
     * iteration may give unexpected results
    public Iterator iterateObjects(org.drools.runtime.ObjectFilter filter) {
        return this.objectStore.iterateObjects( filter );

     * This class is not thread safe, changes to the working memory during
     * iteration may give unexpected results
    public Iterator iterateFactHandles() {
        return this.objectStore.iterateFactHandles();

     * This class is not thread safe, changes to the working memory during
     * iteration may give unexpected results
    public Iterator iterateFactHandles(org.drools.runtime.ObjectFilter filter) {
        return this.objectStore.iterateFactHandles( filter );

    public abstract QueryResults getQueryResults(String query);

    public void setFocus(final String focus) {
        this.agenda.setFocus( focus );

    public TruthMaintenanceSystem getTruthMaintenanceSystem() {
        return this.tms;

     * @see WorkingMemory
    public FactHandle insert(final Object object) throws FactException {
        return insert( object, /* Not-Dynamic */
                       null );

     * @see WorkingMemory
    public FactHandle insertLogical(final Object object) throws FactException {
        return insert( object, // Not-Dynamic
                       null );

    public FactHandle insert(final Object object,
                             final boolean dynamic) throws FactException {
        return insert( object,
                       null );

    public FactHandle insertLogical(final Object object,
                                    final boolean dynamic) throws FactException {
        return insert( object,
                       null );

    // protected FactHandle insert(final EntryPoint entryPoint,
    // final Object object,
    // final boolean dynamic,
    // boolean logical,
    // final Rule rule,
    // final Activation activation) throws FactException {
    // return this.insert( entryPoint,
    // object,
    // 0,
    // dynamic,
    // logical,
    // rule,
    // activation );
    // }

    public FactHandle insert(final Object object,
                             final boolean dynamic,
                             boolean logical,
                             final Rule rule,
                             final Activation activation) throws FactException {
        if ( object == null ) {
            // you cannot assert a null object
            return null;

        try {

            ObjectTypeConf typeConf = this.typeConfReg.getObjectTypeConf( this.entryPoint,
                                                                          object );

            InternalFactHandle handle = null;

            if ( isSequential() ) {
                handle = createHandle( object,
                                       typeConf );
                insert( handle,
                        typeConf );
                return handle;
            try {
                // check if the object already exists in the WM
                handle = (InternalFactHandle) this.objectStore.getHandleForObject( object );

                if ( this.maintainTms ) {

                    EqualityKey key = null;

                    if ( handle == null ) {
                        // lets see if the object is already logical asserted
                        key = this.tms.get( object );
                    } else {
                        // Object is already asserted, so check and possibly correct its
                        // status and then return the handle
                        key = handle.getEqualityKey();

                        if ( key.getStatus() == EqualityKey.STATED ) {
                            // return null as you cannot justify a stated object.
                            return handle;

                        if ( !logical ) {
                            // this object was previously justified, so we have to override it to stated
                            key.setStatus( EqualityKey.STATED );
                            this.tms.removeLogicalDependencies( handle );
                        } else {
                            // this was object is already justified, so just add new logical dependency
                            this.tms.addLogicalDependency( handle,
                                                           rule );

                        return handle;

                    // At this point we know the handle is null
                    if ( key == null ) {
                        handle = createHandle( object,
                                               typeConf );

                        key = new EqualityKey( handle );
                        handle.setEqualityKey( key );
                        this.tms.put( key );
                        if ( !logical ) {
                            key.setStatus( EqualityKey.STATED );
                        } else {
                            key.setStatus( EqualityKey.JUSTIFIED );
                            this.tms.addLogicalDependency( handle,
                                                           rule );
                    } else if ( !logical ) {
                        if ( key.getStatus() == EqualityKey.JUSTIFIED ) {
                            // Its previous justified, so switch to stated and remove logical dependencies
                            final InternalFactHandle justifiedHandle = key.getFactHandle();
                            this.tms.removeLogicalDependencies( justifiedHandle );

                            if ( this.discardOnLogicalOverride ) {
                                // override, setting to new instance, and return
                                // existing handle
                                key.setStatus( EqualityKey.STATED );
                                handle = key.getFactHandle();

                                if ( AssertBehaviour.IDENTITY.equals( this.ruleBase.getConfiguration().getAssertBehaviour() ) ) {
                                    // as assertMap may be using an "identity"
                                    // equality comparator,
                                    // we need to remove the handle from the map,
                                    // before replacing the object
                                    // and then re-add the handle. Otherwise we may
                                    // end up with a leak.
                                    this.objectStore.updateHandle( handle,
                                                                   object );
                                } else {
                                    Object oldObject = handle.getObject();
                                return handle;
                            } else {
                                // override, then instantiate new handle for
                                // assertion
                                key.setStatus( EqualityKey.STATED );
                                handle = createHandle( object,
                                                       typeConf );
                                handle.setEqualityKey( key );
                                key.addFactHandle( handle );

                        } else {
                            handle = createHandle( object,
                                                   typeConf );
                            key.addFactHandle( handle );
                            handle.setEqualityKey( key );


                    } else {
                        if ( key.getStatus() == EqualityKey.JUSTIFIED ) {
                            // only add as logical dependency if this wasn't previously stated
                            this.tms.addLogicalDependency( key.getFactHandle(),
                                                           rule );
                            return key.getFactHandle();
                        } else {
                            // You cannot justify a previously stated equality equal object, so return null
                            return null;

                } else {
                    if ( handle != null ) {
                        return handle;
                    handle = createHandle( object,
                                           typeConf );


                // if the dynamic parameter is true or if the user declared the fact type with the meta tag:
                // @propertyChangeSupport
                if ( dynamic || typeConf.isDynamic() ) {
                    addPropertyChangeListener( object );

                insert( handle,
                        typeConf );

            } finally {
            return handle;
        } finally {


    private InternalFactHandle createHandle(final Object object,
                                            ObjectTypeConf typeConf) {
        InternalFactHandle handle;
        handle = this.handleFactory.newFactHandle( object,
                                                   this );
        this.objectStore.addHandle( handle,
                                    object );
        return handle;

    public void insert(final InternalFactHandle handle,
                       final Object object,
                       final Rule rule,
                       final Activation activation,
                       ObjectTypeConf typeConf) {


        if ( activation != null ) {
            // release resources so that they can be GC'ed
        final PropagationContext propagationContext = new PropagationContextImpl( getNextPropagationIdCounter(),
                                                                                  (activation == null) ? null : (LeftTuple) activation.getTuple(),
                                                                                  entryPoint );

        this.entryPointNode.assertObject( handle,
                                          this );


        this.workingMemoryEventSupport.fireObjectInserted( propagationContext,
                                                           this );

    protected void addPropertyChangeListener(final Object object) {
        try {
            final Method method = object.getClass().getMethod( "addPropertyChangeListener",
                                                               AbstractWorkingMemory.ADD_REMOVE_PROPERTY_CHANGE_LISTENER_ARG_TYPES );

            method.invoke( object,
                           this.addRemovePropertyChangeListenerArgs );
        } catch ( final NoSuchMethodException e ) {
            System.err.println( "Warning: Method addPropertyChangeListener not found" + " on the class " + object.getClass() + " so Drools will be unable to process JavaBean" + " PropertyChangeEvents on the asserted Object" );
        } catch ( final IllegalArgumentException e ) {
            System.err.println( "Warning: The addPropertyChangeListener method" + " on the class " + object.getClass() + " does not take" + " a simple PropertyChangeListener argument" + " so Drools will be unable to process JavaBean"
                                + " PropertyChangeEvents on the asserted Object" );
        } catch ( final IllegalAccessException e ) {
            System.err.println( "Warning: The addPropertyChangeListener method" + " on the class " + object.getClass() + " is not public" + " so Drools will be unable to process JavaBean" + " PropertyChangeEvents on the asserted Object" );
        } catch ( final InvocationTargetException e ) {
            System.err.println( "Warning: The addPropertyChangeListener method" + " on the class " + object.getClass() + " threw an InvocationTargetException" + " so Drools will be unable to process JavaBean"
                                + " PropertyChangeEvents on the asserted Object: " + e.getMessage() );
        } catch ( final SecurityException e ) {
            System.err.println( "Warning: The SecurityManager controlling the class " + object.getClass() + " did not allow the lookup of a" + " addPropertyChangeListener method" + " so Drools will be unable to process JavaBean"
                                + " PropertyChangeEvents on the asserted Object: " + e.getMessage() );

    protected void removePropertyChangeListener(final FactHandle handle) {
        Object object = null;
        try {
            object = ((InternalFactHandle) handle).getObject();

            if ( object != null ) {
                final Method mehod = object.getClass().getMethod( "removePropertyChangeListener",
                                                                  AbstractWorkingMemory.ADD_REMOVE_PROPERTY_CHANGE_LISTENER_ARG_TYPES );

                mehod.invoke( object,
                              this.addRemovePropertyChangeListenerArgs );
        } catch ( final NoSuchMethodException e ) {
            // The removePropertyChangeListener method on the class
            // was not found so Drools will be unable to
            // stop processing JavaBean PropertyChangeEvents
            // on the retracted Object
        } catch ( final IllegalArgumentException e ) {
            throw new RuntimeDroolsException( "Warning: The removePropertyChangeListener method on the class " + object.getClass() + " does not take a simple PropertyChangeListener argument so Drools will be unable to stop processing JavaBean"
                                              + " PropertyChangeEvents on the retracted Object" );
        } catch ( final IllegalAccessException e ) {
            throw new RuntimeDroolsException( "Warning: The removePropertyChangeListener method on the class " + object.getClass() + " is not public so Drools will be unable to stop processing JavaBean PropertyChangeEvents on the retracted Object" );
        } catch ( final InvocationTargetException e ) {
            throw new RuntimeDroolsException( "Warning: The removePropertyChangeL istener method on the class " + object.getClass() + " threw an InvocationTargetException so Drools will be unable to stop processing JavaBean"
                                              + " PropertyChangeEvents on the retracted Object: " + e.getMessage() );
        } catch ( final SecurityException e ) {
            throw new RuntimeDroolsException( "Warning: The SecurityManager controlling the class " + object.getClass() + " did not allow the lookup of a removePropertyChangeListener method so Drools will be unable to stop processing JavaBean"
                                              + " PropertyChangeEvents on the retracted Object: " + e.getMessage() );

    public void retract(final org.drools.runtime.rule.FactHandle handle) throws FactException {
        retract( (org.drools.FactHandle) handle,
                 null );

    public void retract(final org.drools.FactHandle factHandle,
                        final boolean removeLogical,
                        final boolean updateEqualsMap,
                        final Rule rule,
                        final Activation activation) throws FactException {
        try {

            InternalFactHandle handle = (InternalFactHandle) factHandle;
            if ( handle.getId() == -1 ) {
                // can't retract an already retracted handle

            // the handle might have been disconnected, so reconnect if it has
            if ( handle.isDisconnected() ) {
                handle = this.objectStore.reconnect( handle );

            removePropertyChangeListener( handle );

            if ( activation != null ) {
                // release resources so that they can be GC'ed
            final PropagationContext propagationContext = new PropagationContextImpl( getNextPropagationIdCounter(),
                                                                                      (activation == null) ? null : (LeftTuple) activation.getTuple(),
                                                                                      this.entryPoint );

            final Object object = handle.getObject();

            this.entryPointNode.retractObject( handle,
                                               this.typeConfReg.getObjectTypeConf( this.entryPoint,
                                                                                   object ),
                                               this );

            if ( this.maintainTms ) {
                // Update the equality key, which maintains a list of stated
                // FactHandles
                final EqualityKey key = handle.getEqualityKey();

                // Its justified so attempt to remove any logical dependencies
                // for
                // the handle
                if ( key.getStatus() == EqualityKey.JUSTIFIED ) {
                    this.tms.removeLogicalDependencies( handle );

                key.removeFactHandle( handle );
                handle.setEqualityKey( null );

                // If the equality key is now empty, then remove it
                if ( key.isEmpty() ) {
                    this.tms.remove( key );

            this.workingMemoryEventSupport.fireObjectRetracted( propagationContext,
                                                                this );

            this.objectStore.removeHandle( handle );

            this.handleFactory.destroyFactHandle( handle );

        } finally {

    public EntryPointNode getEntryPointNode() {
        return this.entryPointNode;

    public void update(final org.drools.runtime.rule.FactHandle handle,
                       final Object object) throws FactException {
        update( (org.drools.FactHandle) handle,
                null );

    public void update(final org.drools.runtime.rule.FactHandle factHandle,
                       final Object object,
                       final Rule rule,
                       final Activation activation) throws FactException {

        update( (org.drools.FactHandle) factHandle,
                activation );

     * modify is implemented as half way retract / assert due to the truth
     * maintenance issues.
     * @see WorkingMemory
    public void update(org.drools.FactHandle factHandle,
                       final Object object,
                       final Rule rule,
                       final Activation activation) throws FactException {
        try {

            // the handle might have been disconnected, so reconnect if it has
            if ( ((InternalFactHandle)factHandle).isDisconnected() ) {
                factHandle = this.objectStore.reconnect( factHandle );

            // only needed if we maintain tms, but either way we must get it before we do the retract
            int status = -1;
            if ( this.maintainTms ) {
                status = ((InternalFactHandle) factHandle).getEqualityKey().getStatus();
            final InternalFactHandle handle = (InternalFactHandle) factHandle;
            final Object originalObject = handle.getObject();

            if ( handle.getId() == -1 || object == null || (handle.isEvent() && ((EventFactHandle) handle).isExpired()) ) {
                // the handle is invalid, most likely already retracted, so return and we cannot assert a null object

            if ( activation != null ) {
                // release resources so that they can be GC'ed

            if ( originalObject != object || !AssertBehaviour.IDENTITY.equals( this.ruleBase.getConfiguration().getAssertBehaviour() ) ) {
                this.objectStore.removeHandle( handle );

                // set anyway, so that it updates the hashCodes
                handle.setObject( object );
                this.objectStore.addHandle( handle,
                                            object );

            if ( this.maintainTms ) {

                // the hashCode and equality has changed, so we must update the
                // EqualityKey
                EqualityKey key = handle.getEqualityKey();
                key.removeFactHandle( handle );

                // If the equality key is now empty, then remove it
                if ( key.isEmpty() ) {
                    this.tms.remove( key );

                // now use an existing EqualityKey, if it exists, else create a new one
                key = this.tms.get( object );
                if ( key == null ) {
                    key = new EqualityKey( handle,
                                           status );
                    this.tms.put( key );
                } else {
                    key.addFactHandle( handle );

                handle.setEqualityKey( key );

            this.handleFactory.increaseFactHandleRecency( handle );

            final PropagationContext propagationContext = new PropagationContextImpl( getNextPropagationIdCounter(),
                                                                                      (activation == null) ? null : (LeftTuple) activation.getTuple(),
                                                                                      entryPoint );

            ObjectTypeConf typeConf = this.typeConfReg.getObjectTypeConf( this.entryPoint,
                                                                          object );

            this.entryPointNode.modifyObject( handle,
                                              this );

            this.workingMemoryEventSupport.fireObjectUpdated( propagationContext,
                                                              (org.drools.FactHandle) factHandle,
                                                              this );

        } finally {

    public void executeQueuedActions() {
        try {
            if( evaluatingActionQueue.compareAndSet( false, true ) ) {
                try {
                    if ( !this.actionQueue.isEmpty() ) {
                        WorkingMemoryAction action = null;

                        while ( (action = actionQueue.poll()) != null ) {
                            try {
                                action.execute( this );
                            } catch ( Exception e ) {
                                throw new RuntimeDroolsException( "Unexpected exception executing action " + action.toString(),
                                                                  e );
                } finally {
                    evaluatingActionQueue.compareAndSet( true, false );
        } finally {

    public Queue<WorkingMemoryAction> getActionQueue() {
        return this.actionQueue;

    public void queueWorkingMemoryAction(final WorkingMemoryAction action) {
        try {
            this.actionQueue.add( action );
        } finally {

    public void removeLogicalDependencies(final Activation activation,
                                          final PropagationContext context,
                                          final Rule rule) throws FactException {
        if ( this.maintainTms ) {
            this.tms.removeLogicalDependencies( activation,
                                                rule );

     * Retrieve the <code>JoinMemory</code> for a particular
     * <code>JoinNode</code>.
     * @param node
     *            The <code>JoinNode</code> key.
     * @return The node's memory.
    public Object getNodeMemory(final NodeMemory node) {
        return this.nodeMemories.getNodeMemory( node );

    public void clearNodeMemory(final NodeMemory node) {
        this.nodeMemories.clearNodeMemory( node );

    public WorkingMemoryEventSupport getWorkingMemoryEventSupport() {
        return this.workingMemoryEventSupport;

    public AgendaEventSupport getAgendaEventSupport() {
        return this.agendaEventSupport;

    public RuleFlowEventSupport getRuleFlowEventSupport() {
        return this.workflowEventSupport;

     * Sets the AsyncExceptionHandler to handle exceptions thrown by the Agenda
     * Scheduler used for duration rules.
     * @param handler
    public void setAsyncExceptionHandler(final AsyncExceptionHandler handler) {
        // this.agenda.setAsyncExceptionHandler( handler );

     * public void dumpMemory() { Iterator it = this.joinMemories.keySet(
     * ).iterator( ); while ( it.hasNext( ) ) { ((JoinMemory)
     * this.joinMemories.get( ) )).dump( ); } }

    public void propertyChange(final PropertyChangeEvent event) {
        final Object object = event.getSource();

        try {
            FactHandle handle = getFactHandle( object );
            if ( handle == null ) {
                throw new FactException( "Update error: handle not found for object: " + object + ". Is it in the working memory?" );
            update( handle,
                    object );
        } catch ( final FactException e ) {
            throw new RuntimeDroolsException( e.getMessage() );

    public long getNextPropagationIdCounter() {
        return this.propagationIdCounter.incrementAndGet();

    public long getPropagationIdCounter() {
        return this.propagationIdCounter.get();

    public Lock getLock() {
        return this.lock;

    public class RuleFlowDeactivateEvent {

        public void propagate() {


    private void initProcessActivationListener() {
        addEventListener( new DefaultAgendaEventListener() {
            public void activationCreated(ActivationCreatedEvent event,
                                          WorkingMemory workingMemory) {
                String ruleFlowGroup = event.getActivation().getRule().getRuleFlowGroup();
                if ( "DROOLS_SYSTEM".equals( ruleFlowGroup ) ) {
                    // new activations of the rule associate with a state node
                    // signal process instances of that state node
                    String ruleName = event.getActivation().getRule().getName();
                    if ( ruleName.startsWith( "RuleFlowStateNode-" ) ) {
                        int index = ruleName.indexOf( "-",
                                                      18 );
                        index = ruleName.indexOf( "-",
                                                  index + 1 );
                        String eventType = ruleName.substring( 0,
                                                               index );
                        signalManager.signalEvent( eventType,
                                                   event );
        } );
        addEventListener( new DefaultRuleFlowEventListener() {
            public void afterRuleFlowGroupDeactivated(final RuleFlowGroupDeactivatedEvent event,
                                                      final WorkingMemory workingMemory) {
                signalManager.signalEvent( "RuleFlowGroup_" + event.getRuleFlowGroup().getName(),
                                           null );
        } );

    public ProcessInstance startProcess(final String processId) {
        return startProcess( processId,
                             null );

    public ProcessInstance startProcess(String processId,
                                        Map<String, Object> parameters) {
        try {
            if ( !this.actionQueue.isEmpty() ) {
            final Process process = ((InternalRuleBase) getRuleBase()).getProcess( processId );
            if ( process == null ) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unknown process ID: " + processId );
            ProcessInstance processInstance = startProcess( process,
                                                            parameters );

            if ( processInstance != null ) {
                // start process instance
                getRuleFlowEventSupport().fireBeforeRuleFlowProcessStarted( processInstance,
                                                                            this );
                getRuleFlowEventSupport().fireAfterRuleFlowProcessStarted( processInstance,
                                                                           this );
            return processInstance;
        } finally {

    private ProcessInstance startProcess(final Process process,
                                         Map<String, Object> parameters) {
        ProcessInstanceFactoryRegistry processRegistry = ((InternalRuleBase) getRuleBase()).getConfiguration().getProcessInstanceFactoryRegistry();
        ProcessInstanceFactory conf = processRegistry.getProcessInstanceFactory( process );
        if ( conf == null ) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Illegal process type: " + process.getClass() );
        return conf.createProcessInstance( process,
                                           parameters );

    public ProcessInstanceManager getProcessInstanceManager() {
        return processInstanceManager;

    public Collection<ProcessInstance> getProcessInstances() {
        return (Collection<ProcessInstance>) processInstanceManager.getProcessInstances();

    public ProcessInstance getProcessInstance(long id) {
        return processInstanceManager.getProcessInstance( id );

    public void removeProcessInstance(ProcessInstance processInstance) {
        processInstanceManager.removeProcessInstance( processInstance );

    public WorkItemManager getWorkItemManager() {
        if ( workItemManager == null ) {
            workItemManager = config.getWorkItemManagerFactory().createWorkItemManager( this );
            Map<String, WorkItemHandler> workItemHandlers = config.getWorkItemHandlers();
            if ( workItemHandlers != null ) {
                for ( Map.Entry<String, WorkItemHandler> entry : workItemHandlers.entrySet() ) {
                    workItemManager.registerWorkItemHandler( entry.getKey(),
                                                             entry.getValue() );
        return workItemManager;

    public SignalManager getSignalManager() {
        return signalManager;

    private void initProcessEventListeners() {
        for ( Process process : ruleBase.getProcesses() ) {
            if ( process instanceof RuleFlowProcess ) {
                StartNode startNode = ((RuleFlowProcess) process).getStart();
                List<Trigger> triggers = startNode.getTriggers();
                if ( triggers != null ) {
                    for ( Trigger trigger : triggers ) {
                        if ( trigger instanceof EventTrigger ) {
                            final List<EventFilter> filters = ((EventTrigger) trigger).getEventFilters();
                            String type = null;
                            for ( EventFilter filter : filters ) {
                                if ( filter instanceof EventTypeFilter ) {
                                    type = ((EventTypeFilter) filter).getType();
                            getSignalManager().addEventListener( type,
                                                                 new StartProcessEventListener( process.getId(),
                                                                                                trigger.getInMappings() ) );

    private class StartProcessEventListener
        EventListener {
        private String              processId;
        private List<EventFilter>   eventFilters;
        private Map<String, String> inMappings;

        public StartProcessEventListener(String processId,
                                         List<EventFilter> eventFilters,
                                         Map<String, String> inMappings) {
            this.processId = processId;
            this.eventFilters = eventFilters;
            this.inMappings = inMappings;

        public String[] getEventTypes() {
            return null;

        public void signalEvent(String type,
                                Object event) {
            for ( EventFilter filter : eventFilters ) {
                if ( !filter.acceptsEvent( type,
                                           event ) ) {
            Map<String, Object> params = null;
            if ( inMappings != null && !inMappings.isEmpty() ) {
                params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                for ( Map.Entry<String, String> entry : inMappings.entrySet() ) {
                    if ( "event".equals( entry.getValue() ) ) {
                        params.put( entry.getKey(),
                                    event );
                    } else {
                        params.put( entry.getKey(),
                                    entry.getValue() );
            startProcess( processId,
                          params );

    public TimerManager getTimerManager() {
        return timerManager;

    public List iterateObjectsToList() {
        List result = new ArrayList();
        Iterator iterator = iterateObjects();
        for ( ; iterator.hasNext(); ) {
            result.add( );
        return result;

    public List iterateNonDefaultEntryPointObjectsToList() {
        List result = new ArrayList();
        for ( Map.Entry<String, WorkingMemoryEntryPoint> entry : getEntryPoints().entrySet() ) {
            WorkingMemoryEntryPoint entryPoint = entry.getValue();
            if ( entryPoint instanceof NamedEntryPoint ) {
                result.add( new EntryPointObjects( entry.getKey(),
                                                   new ArrayList( entry.getValue().getObjects() ) ) );
        return result;

    private class EntryPointObjects {
        private String name;
        private List   objects;

        public EntryPointObjects(String name,
                                 List objects) {
   = name;
            this.objects = objects;

    public Entry[] getActivationParameters(long activationId) {
        Activation[] activations = getAgenda().getActivations();
        for ( int i = 0; i < activations.length; i++ ) {
            if ( activations[i].getActivationNumber() == activationId ) {
                Map params = getActivationParameters( activations[i] );
                return (Entry[]) params.entrySet().toArray( new Entry[params.size()] );
        return new Entry[0];

     * Helper method
    public Map getActivationParameters(Activation activation) {
        Map result = new HashMap();
        Declaration[] declarations = activation.getRule().getDeclarations();
        for ( int i = 0; i < declarations.length; i++ ) {
            FactHandle handle = activation.getTuple().get( declarations[i] );
            if ( handle instanceof InternalFactHandle ) {
                result.put( declarations[i].getIdentifier(),
                            declarations[i].getValue( this,
                                                      ((InternalFactHandle) handle).getObject() ) );
        return result;

     * The time machine tells you what time it is.
    public TimeMachine getTimeMachine() {
        return timeMachine;

     * The time machine defaults to returning the current time when asked.
     * However, you can use tell it to go back in time.
     * @param timeMachine
    public void setTimeMachine(TimeMachine timeMachine) {
        this.timeMachine = timeMachine;

    public ExecutorService getExecutorService() {
        return null; // no executor service

    public void setExecutorService(ExecutorService executor) {
        // no executor service, so nothing to set

    public WorkingMemoryEntryPoint getWorkingMemoryEntryPoint(String name) {
        WorkingMemoryEntryPoint wmEntryPoint = this.entryPoints.get( name );
        return wmEntryPoint;

    public Collection<WorkingMemoryEntryPoint> getWorkingMemoryEntryPoints() {
        return this.entryPoints.values();

    public ObjectTypeConfigurationRegistry getObjectTypeConfigurationRegistry() {
        return this.typeConfReg;

    public InternalFactHandle getInitialFactHandle() {
        return this.initialFactHandle;

    public void setInitialFactHandle(InternalFactHandle initialFactHandle) {
        this.initialFactHandle = initialFactHandle;

    public TimerService getTimerService() {
        return this.getTimerManager().getTimerService();

    public SessionClock getSessionClock() {
        return (SessionClock) this.getTimerManager().getTimerService();

    public PartitionTaskManager getPartitionTaskManager(final RuleBasePartitionId partitionId) {
        return partitionManager.getPartitionTaskManager( partitionId );

    public void startBatchExecution(ExecutionResultImpl results) {
        this.batchExecutionResult = results;

    public ExecutionResultImpl getExecutionResult() {
        return (ExecutionResultImpl) this.batchExecutionResult;

    public void endBatchExecution() {
        this.batchExecutionResult = null;

    // public static class FactHandleInvalidation implements WorkingMemoryAction
    // {
    // private final InternalFactHandle handle;
    // public FactHandleInvalidation(InternalFactHandle handle) {
    // this.handle = handle;
    // }
    // public void execute(InternalWorkingMemory workingMemory) {
    // workingMemory.getFactHandleFactory().destroyFactHandle( handle );
    // }
    // public void write(WMSerialisationOutContext context) throws IOException {
    // context.writeInt( handle.getId() );
    // }
    // public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException,
    // ClassNotFoundException {
    // // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    // }
    // public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException {
    // // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    // }
    // }

    public void dispose() {
        if ( this.ruleBase.getConfiguration().isMBeansEnabled() ) {
            DroolsManagementAgent.getInstance().unregisterKnowledgeSession( this );
        for ( Iterator it = this.__ruleBaseEventListeners.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
            this.ruleBase.removeEventListener( (RuleBaseEventListener) );

    public void setKnowledgeRuntime(KnowledgeRuntime kruntime) {
        this.kruntime = kruntime;

    public KnowledgeRuntime getKnowledgeRuntime() {
        return this.kruntime;

     * @deprecated Use {@link #registerChannel(String, Channel)} instead.
    public void registerExitPoint(String name,
                                  ExitPoint exitPoint) {
        this.exitPoints.put( name,
                             exitPoint );

     * @deprecated Use {@link #unregisterChannel(String)} instead.
    public void unregisterExitPoint(String name) {
        this.exitPoints.remove( name );

     * @deprecated Use {@link #getChannels()} instead.
    public Map<String, ExitPoint> getExitPoints() {
        return this.exitPoints;

    public void registerChannel(String name,
                                Channel channel) {
        this.channels.put( name,
                           channel );
    public void unregisterChannel(String name) {
        this.channels.remove( name );

    public Map<String, Channel> getChannels() {
        return this.channels;

    public Map<String, WorkingMemoryEntryPoint> getEntryPoints() {
        return this.entryPoints;

    public long getFactCount() {
        return this.objectStore.size();

    public long getTotalFactCount() {
        long result = 0;
        for ( WorkingMemoryEntryPoint ep : this.entryPoints.values() ) {
            result += ep.getFactCount();
        return result;

     * This method must be called before starting any new work in the engine,
     * like inserting a new fact or firing a new rule. It will reset the engine
     * idle time counter.
     * This method must be extremely light to avoid contentions when called by
     * multiple threads/entry-points
    public void startOperation() {
        if ( this.opCounter.getAndIncrement() == 0 ) {
            // means the engine was idle, reset the timestamp
            this.lastIdleTimestamp.set( -1 );

    private EndOperationListener endOperationListener;

    public void setEndOperationListener(EndOperationListener listener) {
        this.endOperationListener = listener;

    public static interface EndOperationListener {
        void endOperation(ReteooWorkingMemory wm);

     * This method must be called after finishing any work in the engine,
     * like inserting a new fact or firing a new rule. It will reset the engine
     * idle time counter.
     * This method must be extremely light to avoid contentions when called by
     * multiple threads/entry-points
    public void endOperation() {
        if ( this.opCounter.decrementAndGet() == 0 ) {
            // means the engine is idle, so, set the timestamp
            this.lastIdleTimestamp.set( this.timerManager.getTimerService().getCurrentTime() );
            if ( this.endOperationListener != null ) {
                this.endOperationListener.endOperation( (ReteooWorkingMemory) this );

     * Returns the number of time units (usually ms) that the engine is idle
     * according to the session clock or -1 if it is not idle.
     * This method is not synchronised and might return an approximate value.
     * @return
    public long getIdleTime() {
        long lastIdle = this.lastIdleTimestamp.get();
        return lastIdle > -1 ? timerManager.getTimerService().getCurrentTime() - lastIdle : -1;

    public long getLastIdleTimestamp() {
        return this.lastIdleTimestamp.get();

     * Returns the number of time units (usually ms) to
     * the next scheduled job
     * @return the number of time units until the next scheduled job or -1 if
     *         there is no job scheduled
    public long getTimeToNextJob() {
        return this.timerManager.getTimerService().getTimeToNextJob();

    public void prepareToFireActivation() {
        if ( this.partitionManager != null ) {

    public void activationFired() {
        if ( this.partitionManager != null ) {


Related Classes of org.drools.common.AbstractWorkingMemory

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