Package org.jboss.ejb3.stateful

Source Code of org.jboss.ejb3.stateful.StatefulContainer

* JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source.
* Copyright 2006, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and individual contributors
* as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the
* distribution for a full listing of individual contributors.
* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
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package org.jboss.ejb3.stateful;

import java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.ejb.EJBHome;
import javax.ejb.EJBLocalObject;
import javax.ejb.EJBObject;
import javax.ejb.Handle;
import javax.ejb.Init;
import javax.ejb.NoSuchEJBException;
import javax.ejb.NoSuchObjectLocalException;
import javax.ejb.PostActivate;
import javax.ejb.PrePassivate;
import javax.ejb.RemoteHome;
import javax.ejb.RemoveException;

import org.jboss.aop.Advisor;
import org.jboss.aop.Domain;
import org.jboss.aop.MethodInfo;
import org.jboss.aop.advice.AdviceStack;
import org.jboss.aop.advice.Interceptor;
import org.jboss.aop.joinpoint.Invocation;
import org.jboss.aop.joinpoint.InvocationResponse;
import org.jboss.aop.metadata.SimpleMetaData;
import org.jboss.aop.util.MethodHashing;
import org.jboss.aop.util.PayloadKey;
import org.jboss.ejb3.BeanContext;
import org.jboss.ejb3.Ejb3Deployment;
import org.jboss.ejb3.annotation.Cache;
import org.jboss.ejb3.annotation.CacheConfig;
import org.jboss.ejb3.annotation.Clustered;
import org.jboss.ejb3.annotation.LocalBinding;
import org.jboss.ejb3.annotation.RemoteBinding;
import org.jboss.ejb3.annotation.RemoteHomeBinding;
import org.jboss.ejb3.cache.CacheFactoryRegistry;
import org.jboss.ejb3.cache.Ejb3CacheFactory;
import org.jboss.ejb3.cache.StatefulCache;
import org.jboss.ejb3.cache.StatefulObjectFactory;
import org.jboss.ejb3.common.lang.SerializableMethod;
import org.jboss.ejb3.common.registrar.spi.Ejb3RegistrarLocator;
import org.jboss.ejb3.core.proxy.spi.CurrentRemoteProxyFactory;
import org.jboss.ejb3.core.proxy.spi.EJB2RemoteProxyFactory;
import org.jboss.ejb3.core.proxy.spi.RemoteProxyFactory;
import org.jboss.ejb3.endpoint.SessionFactory;
import org.jboss.ejb3.interceptors.container.StatefulSessionContainerMethodInvocation;
import org.jboss.ejb3.proxy.clustered.objectstore.ClusteredObjectStoreBindings;
import org.jboss.ejb3.proxy.factory.ProxyFactoryHelper;
import org.jboss.ejb3.proxy.impl.EJBMetaDataImpl;
import org.jboss.ejb3.proxy.impl.HomeHandleImpl;
import org.jboss.ejb3.proxy.impl.factory.session.stateful.StatefulSessionProxyFactory;
import org.jboss.ejb3.proxy.impl.invocation.StatefulRemoteInvocation;
import org.jboss.ejb3.proxy.impl.jndiregistrar.JndiSessionRegistrarBase;
import org.jboss.ejb3.proxy.impl.jndiregistrar.JndiStatefulSessionRegistrar;
import org.jboss.ejb3.proxy.impl.objectstore.ObjectStoreBindings;
import org.jboss.ejb3.proxy.impl.remoting.SessionSpecRemotingMetadata;
import org.jboss.ejb3.proxy.impl.remoting.StatefulSessionRemotingMetadata;
import org.jboss.ejb3.proxy.spi.container.StatefulSessionFactory;
import org.jboss.ejb3.session.Ejb2xMethodNames;
import org.jboss.ejb3.session.SessionContainer;
import org.jboss.ejb3.session.SessionSpecContainer;
import org.jboss.ejb3.timerservice.spi.TimedObjectInvoker;
import org.jboss.injection.Injector;
import org.jboss.injection.JndiPropertyInjector;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
import org.jboss.metadata.ejb.jboss.JBossEnterpriseBeanMetaData;
import org.jboss.metadata.ejb.jboss.JBossSessionBeanMetaData;
import org.jboss.util.NotImplementedException;

* Comment
* @author <a href="">Bill Burke</a>
* @version $Revision: 109110 $
public class StatefulContainer extends SessionSpecContainer
         StatefulSessionFactory, SessionFactory
   private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(StatefulContainer.class);

   protected StatefulCache cache;

   private StatefulDelegateWrapper mbean = new StatefulDelegateWrapper(this);

   private SessionFactory sessionFactory;

   public StatefulContainer(ClassLoader cl, String beanClassName, String ejbName, Domain domain,
         Hashtable ctxProperties, Ejb3Deployment deployment, JBossSessionBeanMetaData beanMetaData)
         throws ClassNotFoundException
      super(cl, beanClassName, ejbName, domain, ctxProperties, deployment, beanMetaData);
      // For the time being, this container is its own SessionFactory
      //TODO Externalize the SessionFactory into its own component
      this.sessionFactory = this;

    * @see org.jboss.ejb3.cache.StatefulObjectFactory#create(Class[], Object[])
   public StatefulBeanContext create(Class<?>[] initTypes, Object[] initValues)
      StatefulBeanContext sfctx = (StatefulBeanContext) createBeanContext();
      // Tell context how to handle replication
      CacheConfig config = getAnnotation(CacheConfig.class);
      if (config != null)

      // this is for propagated extended PC's
      sfctx = sfctx.pushContainedIn();

         // this is for propagated extended PC's


      return sfctx;

   public BeanContext<?> createBeanContext()
      return new StatefulBeanContext(this, construct());

   public Object createProxyLocalEjb21(Object id, LocalBinding binding) throws Exception
      StatefulSessionProxyFactory proxyFactory = (StatefulSessionProxyFactory) this.getProxyFactory(binding);
      return proxyFactory.createProxyEjb2x((Serializable) id);

   public Object createProxyRemoteEjb21(Object id) throws Exception
      RemoteBinding binding = this.getRemoteBinding();
      return this.createProxyRemoteEjb21(id, binding);

   public Object createProxyRemoteEjb21(Object id, RemoteBinding binding) throws Exception
      StatefulSessionProxyFactory proxyFactory = (StatefulSessionProxyFactory) this.getProxyFactory(binding);
      return proxyFactory.createProxyEjb2x((Serializable) id);

   public Object createProxyLocalEjb21(Object id) throws Exception
      LocalBinding binding = this.getAnnotation(LocalBinding.class);
      return this.createProxyLocalEjb21(id, binding);

   public void destroy(StatefulBeanContext ctx)

   public Object getMBean()
      return mbean;

    * Creates and starts the configured cache, if not
    * started already
    * @throws Exception
   protected void createAndStartCache() throws Exception

      // If Cache is initialized, exit
      if (this.cache != null && this.cache.isStarted())

      Cache cacheConfig = getAnnotation(Cache.class);
      CacheFactoryRegistry registry = getCacheFactoryRegistry();
      Ejb3CacheFactory factory = registry.getCacheFactory(cacheConfig.value());
      this.cache = factory.createCache();

   protected void lockedStart() throws Exception
      catch (Exception e)
         catch (Exception ignore)
            log.debug("Failed to cleanup after start() failure", ignore);
         throw e;


   protected void lockedStop() throws Exception
      if (cache != null)


   public StatefulCache getCache()
       * EJBTHREE-1894
       * Avoid access by multiple threads to createAndStartCache(), which is not
       * thread-safe.  If called on a stopped container, just return the stopped
       * cache instead of creating and starting a new one - which causes more
       * problems than it attempts to hide.
      // Ensure initialized
      catch (Exception e)
         throw new RuntimeException(e);
      // Return
      return cache;

   public CacheFactoryRegistry getCacheFactoryRegistry()
      return this.getDeployment().getCacheFactoryRegistry();

    * Returns the name under which the JNDI Registrar for this container is bound
    * @return
   protected String getJndiRegistrarBindName()
      return isClustered()

    * Performs a synchronous or asynchronous local invocation
   public Object localHomeInvoke(Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable
      ClassLoader oldLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
         long hash = MethodHashing.calculateHash(method);
         MethodInfo info = getAdvisor().getMethodInfo(hash);
         if (info == null)
            throw new RuntimeException("Could not resolve beanClass method from proxy call: " + method.toString());
         return invokeLocalHomeMethod(info, args);

    * Performs a synchronous or asynchronous local invocation
   public Object localInvoke(Object id, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable
      long start = System.currentTimeMillis();

      ClassLoader oldLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
         long hash = MethodHashing.calculateHash(method);
         MethodInfo info = getAdvisor().getMethodInfo(hash);
         if (info == null)
            throw new RuntimeException("Could not resolve beanClass method from proxy call: " + method.toString());

         Method unadvisedMethod = info.getUnadvisedMethod();


            if (unadvisedMethod != null && isHomeMethod(unadvisedMethod))
               return invokeLocalHomeMethod(info, args);
            else if (unadvisedMethod != null && isEJBObjectMethod(unadvisedMethod))
               return invokeEJBLocalObjectMethod(id, info, args);

            SerializableMethod invoked = new SerializableMethod(method, method.getClass());

            StatefulContainerInvocation nextInvocation = new StatefulContainerInvocation(info, id, null);
            //StatefulSessionContainerMethodInvocation nextInvocation = new StatefulSessionContainerMethodInvocation(info);

            return nextInvocation.invokeNext();
            if (unadvisedMethod != null)
               long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
               long elapsed = end - start;
               invokeStats.updateStats(unadvisedMethod, elapsed);



    * Create a stateful bean and return its oid.
    * @return
   public Serializable createSession(Class<?>[] initTypes, Object[] initValues)
      ClassLoader oldLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
         StatefulCache cache = this.getCache();
         StatefulBeanContext ctx = cache.create(initTypes, initValues);
         // Since we return the key here, the context is not in use.
         Object id = ctx.getId();
         assert id instanceof Serializable : "SFSB Session IDs must be " + Serializable.class.getSimpleName();
         return (Serializable) id;

    * @deprecated To be handled by {@link SessionFactory#destroySession(Serializable)}
   protected void destroySession(Object id)

    * Remote Invocation entry point, as delegated from
    * InvokableContextClassProxyHack (Remoting Dispatcher)
   public InvocationResponse dynamicInvoke(Invocation invocation) throws Throwable
       * Initialize

      // Mark the start time
      long start = System.currentTimeMillis();

      // Create a pointer to a new Invocation
      StatefulContainerInvocation newSi = null;

      // Create a pointer to the response we'll return
      InvocationResponse response = null;

      // Create a pointer to the Session ID
      Serializable sessionId = null;

       * Setup Environment (Stack/Thread)

      // Hold a reference to the existing TCL
      ClassLoader originalLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();

      // Set the Container's CL as TCL, required to unmarshall methods from the bean impl class


          * Obtain the target method (unmarshall from invocation)

         // Cast
         assert invocation instanceof StatefulRemoteInvocation : SessionContainer.class.getName()
               + ".dynamicInoke supports only " + StatefulRemoteInvocation.class.getSimpleName()
               + ", but has been passed: " + invocation;
         StatefulRemoteInvocation si = (StatefulRemoteInvocation) invocation;

         // Get the method hash
         long methodHash = si.getMethodHash();
         log.debug("Received dynamic invocation for method with hash: " + methodHash);

         // Get the Method via MethodInfo from the Advisor
         Advisor advisor = this.getAdvisor();
         MethodInfo info = advisor.getMethodInfo(methodHash);
         Method unadvisedMethod = info.getMethod();
         SerializableMethod unadvisedMethodSerializable = new SerializableMethod(unadvisedMethod);

         // Get the invoked method from invocation metadata
         Object objInvokedMethod = si.getMetaData(SessionSpecRemotingMetadata.TAG_SESSION_INVOCATION,
         assert objInvokedMethod != null : "Invoked Method must be set on invocation metadata";
         assert objInvokedMethod instanceof SerializableMethod : "Invoked Method set on invocation metadata is not of type "
               + SerializableMethod.class.getName() + ", instead: " + objInvokedMethod;
         SerializableMethod invokedMethod = (SerializableMethod) objInvokedMethod;

         Class<?> invokedBusinessInterface = Class.forName(invokedMethod.getActualClassName(), false, this.getClassloader());
         if (!this.getBusinessInterfaces().contains(invokedBusinessInterface))
            // Required because SerializableMethod will automatically set the actual class name to the declaring class name
            invokedBusinessInterface = null;


            // Increment invocation statistics

             * Obtain Session ID

            // Obtain the Session ID
            Object objSessionId = si.getMetaData(StatefulSessionRemotingMetadata.TAG_SFSB_INVOCATION,
            if (objSessionId != null)
               assert objSessionId instanceof Serializable : "Session IDs must be "
                     + Serializable.class.getSimpleName();
               sessionId = (Serializable) objSessionId;

            if (info != null && unadvisedMethod != null && isHomeMethod(unadvisedMethodSerializable))
               response = invokeHomeMethod(info, si);
            else if (info != null && unadvisedMethod != null && isEjbObjectMethod(unadvisedMethodSerializable))
               response = invokeEJBObjectMethod(invokedMethod, si);
               if (unadvisedMethod.isBridge())
                  unadvisedMethod = this.getNonBridgeMethod(unadvisedMethod);
                  info = super.getMethodInfo(unadvisedMethod);

               if (sessionId == null)
                  StatefulBeanContext ctx = getCache().create(null, null);
                  Object objNewId = ctx.getId();
                  assert objNewId instanceof Serializable : "Obtained new Session ID from cache, " + objNewId
                        + ", which is not " + Serializable.class.getSimpleName();
                  sessionId = (Serializable) objNewId;

                * Build a new Invocation

               // Construct the invocation
               newSi = new StatefulContainerInvocation(info, sessionId, invokedBusinessInterface);
               //newSi = new StatefulContainerInvocation(info.getInterceptors(), long methodHash, Method advisedMethod, Method unadvisedMethod, Advisor advisor, Object id);
                     SessionSpecRemotingMetadata.KEY_INVOKED_METHOD, invokedMethod, PayloadKey.AS_IS);


                * Perform Invocation

               // Create an object to hold the return value
               Object returnValue = null;

                  // Invoke
                  returnValue = newSi.invokeNext();
               catch (NoSuchEJBException nsee)
                  throw this.constructProperNoSuchEjbException(nsee, invokedMethod.getActualClassName());
               // Marshall the response
               response = marshallResponse(invocation, returnValue, newSi.getResponseContextInfo());
               if (sessionId != null)
                  response.addAttachment(StatefulConstants.NEW_ID, sessionId);

               //               response = marshallResponse(invocation, rtn, newSi.getResponseContextInfo());
               //               if (newId != null) response.addAttachment(StatefulConstants.NEW_ID, newId);

               // Create a Response
               //             response = new InvocationResponse(returnValue);
               //             Map<Object, Object> responseContext = newSi.getResponseContextInfo();
               //             response.setContextInfo(responseContext);
         catch (Throwable t)
            Throwable exception = t;
            //            if (sessionId != null)
            //            {
            //               exception = new ForwardId(t, sessionId);
            //            }
            Map<Object, Object> responseContext = null;
            if (newSi != null)
               responseContext = newSi.getResponseContextInfo();
            response = marshallException(invocation, exception, responseContext);
            return response;
             * Update Invocation Statistics
            if (unadvisedMethod != null)
               // Mark end time
               long end = System.currentTimeMillis();

               // Calculate elapsed time
               long elapsed = end - start;

               // Update statistics with elapsed time
               invokeStats.updateStats(unadvisedMethod, elapsed);

            // Complete call to increment statistics


         // Return
         return response;
         // Reset the TCL to original

   private Method findInitMethod(Class<?> cls, Class<?> parameterTypes[])
      if(cls == null || cls.equals(Object.class))
         return null;
      // will fail comparison in Arrays.equals
      assert parameterTypes != null : "parameterTypes is null";

      for(Method m : cls.getDeclaredMethods())
         if(getAnnotation(Init.class, m) == null)

         if(Arrays.equals(m.getParameterTypes(), parameterTypes))
            return m;

      return findInitMethod(cls.getSuperclass(), parameterTypes);

   public void invokePostActivate(BeanContext beanContext)
      for (Injector injector : injectors)
         if (injector instanceof JndiPropertyInjector)
            AccessibleObject field = ((JndiPropertyInjector) injector).getAccessibleObject();

            if (field.isAnnotationPresent(javax.ejb.EJB.class))
               continue; // skip nested EJB injection since the local proxy will be (de)serialized correctly

            if (field instanceof Field)
               // reinject transient fields
               if ((((Field) field).getModifiers() & Modifier.TRANSIENT) > 0)

      this.invokeCallback(beanContext, PostActivate.class);

   public void invokePrePassivate(BeanContext beanContext)
      this.invokeCallback(beanContext, PrePassivate.class);

   protected Class[] getHandledCallbacks()
      return new Class[]
              {PostConstruct.class, PreDestroy.class, PostActivate.class,

   private Invocation invokeInit(SimpleMetaData metaData, Method createMethod, Serializable sessionId, Class<?>[] initParameterTypes, final Object[] initParameterValues) throws Exception
      // TODO: optimize
      Method initMethod = findInitMethod(getBeanClass(), initParameterTypes);
      if(initMethod == null)
         log.warn("EJBTHREE-1995: EJB 3.0 no matching init method found for " + createMethod);

      AdviceStack stack = getAdvisor().getManager().getAdviceStack("HomeCallbackStack");
      Interceptor interceptors[];
      if(stack == null)
         throw new IllegalStateException("EJBTHREE-1995: " + getAdvisor().getManager().getManagerFQN() + " does not define a HomeCallbackStack");
         // we could do a joinpoint, but why bother
         interceptors = stack.createInterceptors(getAdvisor(), null);

      StatefulContainerInvocation invocation = new StatefulContainerInvocation(interceptors, 0L, initMethod, initMethod, getAdvisor(), sessionId, null);
      if(metaData != null)

      // for now we'll only complain and not error
      if(initMethod == null)
         return invocation;

      catch(Error e)
         throw e;
      catch(RuntimeException e)
         throw e;
      catch(Throwable t)
         throw new RuntimeException(t);

      return invocation;

   private Object invokeEJBLocalObjectMethod(Object id, MethodInfo info, Object[] args) throws Exception
      Method unadvisedMethod = info.getUnadvisedMethod();
      if (unadvisedMethod.getName().equals("remove"))
         catch (NoSuchEJBException e)
            throw new NoSuchObjectLocalException(e.getMessage(), e);

         return null;
      else if (unadvisedMethod.getName().equals("getEJBLocalHome"))
         Object bean = getCache().get(id).getInstance();

         return bean;
      else if (unadvisedMethod.getName().equals("getPrimaryKey"))
         return id;
      else if (unadvisedMethod.getName().equals("isIdentical"))
         EJBObject bean = (EJBObject) args[0];

         Object primaryKey = bean.getPrimaryKey();

         boolean isIdentical = id.equals(primaryKey);

         return isIdentical;
         return null;

   private Object invokeLocalHomeMethod(MethodInfo info, Object[] args) throws Exception
      throw new NotImplementedException("EJBTHREE-1641");
      //      Method unadvisedMethod = info.getUnadvisedMethod();
      //      if (unadvisedMethod.getName().startsWith("create"))
      //      {
      //         Class<?>[] initParameterTypes =
      //                 {};
      //         Object[] initParameterValues =
      //                 {};
      //         if (unadvisedMethod.getParameterTypes().length > 0)
      //         {
      //            initParameterTypes = unadvisedMethod.getParameterTypes();
      //            initParameterValues = args;
      //         }
      //         LocalBinding binding = this.getAnnotation(LocalBinding.class);
      //         StatefulLocalProxyFactory factory = new StatefulLocalProxyFactory(this, binding);
      //         factory.init();
      //         Object proxy = factory.createProxyEjb21(initParameterTypes,
      //                 initParameterValues, unadvisedMethod.getReturnType().getName());
      //         return proxy;
      //      }
      //      else if (unadvisedMethod.getName().equals("remove"))
      //      {
      //         remove(args[0]);
      //         return null;
      //      }
      //      else
      //      {
      //         return null;
      //      }

   public Object createLocalProxy(Object id) throws Exception
      return this.createLocalProxy(id, this.getAnnotation(LocalBinding.class));

   public Object createLocalProxy(Object id, LocalBinding binding) throws Exception
      throw new NotImplementedException("EJBTHREE-1641");
      //      StatefulLocalProxyFactory factory = new StatefulLocalProxyFactory(this, binding);
      //      factory.init();
      //      return factory.createProxyBusiness(id);

   public Object createRemoteProxy(Object id, RemoteBinding binding) throws Exception
      throw new NotImplementedException("EJBTHREE-1641");
      //      StatefulRemoteProxyFactory factory = new StatefulRemoteProxyFactory(this, binding);
      //      factory.init();
      //      if (id != null)
      //         return factory.createProxyBusiness(id,null);
      //      else
      //         return factory.createProxyBusiness();

   public boolean isClustered()
      JBossEnterpriseBeanMetaData md = getXml();
      if (md instanceof JBossSessionBeanMetaData)
         return ((JBossSessionBeanMetaData) md).isClustered();
      return isAnnotationPresent(Clustered.class);

   protected Object invokeHomeCreate(Method method, Object[] args) throws Exception
      // TODO: this is almost identical to SessionSpecContainer.invokeHomeCreate, so unify

      // Hold the JNDI Name
      String jndiName = null;

      // Flag for if we've found the interface
      boolean foundInterface = false;

      // Name of the EJB2.x Interface Class expected
      String ejb2xInterface = method.getReturnType().getName();

      // Get Metadata
      JBossSessionBeanMetaData smd = this.getMetaData();

       * Determine if the expected type is found in metadata as a EJB2.x Interface

      // Is this a Remote Interface ?
      boolean isLocal = false;
      String ejb2xRemoteInterface = smd.getRemote();
      if (ejb2xInterface.equals(ejb2xRemoteInterface))
         // We've found it, it's false
         foundInterface = true;
         jndiName = smd.getJndiName();

      // Is this a local interface?
      if (!foundInterface)
         String ejb2xLocalInterface = smd.getLocal();
         if (ejb2xInterface.equals(ejb2xLocalInterface))
            // Mark as found
            foundInterface = true;
            isLocal = true;
            jndiName = smd.getLocalJndiName();

      // If we haven't yet found the interface
      if (!foundInterface)
         throw new RuntimeException("Specified return value for " + method + " notes an EJB 2.x interface: "
               + ejb2xInterface + "; this could not be found as either a valid remote or local interface for EJB "
               + this.getEjbName());

      Serializable sessionId = createSession(method.getParameterTypes(), args);

      invokeInit(null, method, sessionId, method.getParameterTypes(), args);

      // Allow override of the remote proxy
         RemoteProxyFactory remoteProxyFactory = CurrentRemoteProxyFactory.get();
         if(remoteProxyFactory != null)
            return remoteProxyFactory.create(sessionId);
      // Lookup
      String proxyFactoryKey = this.getJndiRegistrar().getProxyFactoryRegistryKey(jndiName, smd, isLocal);
      Object factory = Ejb3RegistrarLocator.locateRegistrar().lookup(proxyFactoryKey);

      // Cast
      assert factory instanceof StatefulSessionProxyFactory : "Specified factory " + factory.getClass().getName()
            + " is not of type " + StatefulSessionProxyFactory.class.getName() + " as required by "
            + StatefulContainer.class.getName() + ", but was instead " + factory;
      StatefulSessionProxyFactory statefulFactory = null;
      statefulFactory = StatefulSessionProxyFactory.class.cast(factory);

      Object proxy = statefulFactory.createProxyEjb2x(sessionId);

      return proxy;

   protected InvocationResponse invokeHomeMethod(MethodInfo info, StatefulRemoteInvocation statefulInvocation)
         throws Throwable
      Method unadvisedMethod = info.getUnadvisedMethod();
      if (unadvisedMethod.getName().startsWith("create"))
         Serializable sessionId = createSession();
         Class<?>[] initParameterTypes =
         Object[] initParameterValues =
         if (unadvisedMethod.getParameterTypes().length > 0)
            initParameterTypes = unadvisedMethod.getParameterTypes();
            initParameterValues = statefulInvocation.getArguments();

         Invocation invocation = invokeInit(statefulInvocation.getMetaData(), unadvisedMethod, sessionId, initParameterTypes, initParameterValues);
         // Get JNDI Registrar
         JndiSessionRegistrarBase sfsbJndiRegistrar = this.getJndiRegistrar();

         // Determine if local/remote
         boolean isLocal = EJBLocalObject.class.isAssignableFrom(unadvisedMethod.getDeclaringClass());

         // Get the metadata
         JBossSessionBeanMetaData smd = this.getMetaData();

         // Get the appropriate JNDI Name
         String jndiName = isLocal ? smd.getLocalJndiName() : smd.getJndiName();

         // Find the Proxy Factory Key for this SFSB
         String proxyFactoryKey = sfsbJndiRegistrar.getProxyFactoryRegistryKey(jndiName, smd, isLocal);

         // Lookup the Proxy Factory in the Object Store
         StatefulSessionProxyFactory proxyFactory = Ejb3RegistrarLocator.locateRegistrar().lookup(proxyFactoryKey,

         // Create a new EJB2.x Proxy
         Object proxy = proxyFactory.createProxyEjb2x(sessionId);

         InvocationResponse response = marshallResponse(statefulInvocation, proxy, invocation.getResponseContextInfo());
         response.addAttachment(StatefulConstants.NEW_ID, sessionId);
         return response;
      else if (unadvisedMethod.getName().equals("remove"))
         Object argument = statefulInvocation.getArguments()[0];

         InvocationResponse response = new InvocationResponse(null);
         return response;
      else if (unadvisedMethod.getName().equals("getEJBMetaData"))
         Class<?> remote = null;
         Class<?> home = null;
         Class<?> pkClass = Object.class;
         HomeHandleImpl homeHandle = null;

         Class<?>[] remotes = ProxyFactoryHelper.getRemoteInterfaces(this);
         if (remotes != null && remotes.length > 0)
            remote = remotes[0];
         RemoteHome homeAnnotation = this.getAnnotation(RemoteHome.class);
         if (homeAnnotation != null)
            home = homeAnnotation.value();

         RemoteHomeBinding remoteHomeBinding = this.getAnnotation(RemoteHomeBinding.class);
         assert remoteHomeBinding != null : "remoteHomeBinding is null";
         homeHandle = new HomeHandleImpl(remoteHomeBinding.jndiBinding());

         EJBMetaDataImpl metadata = new EJBMetaDataImpl(remote, home, pkClass, true, false, homeHandle);

         InvocationResponse response = marshallResponse(statefulInvocation, metadata, null);
         return response;
      else if (unadvisedMethod.getName().equals("getHomeHandle"))
         HomeHandleImpl homeHandle = null;

         RemoteHomeBinding remoteHomeBinding = this.getAnnotation(RemoteHomeBinding.class);
         assert remoteHomeBinding != null : "remoteHomeBinding is null";
         homeHandle = new HomeHandleImpl(remoteHomeBinding.jndiBinding());

         InvocationResponse response = marshallResponse(statefulInvocation, homeHandle, null);
         return response;
         return null;

   protected InvocationResponse invokeEJBObjectMethod(SerializableMethod method,
         StatefulRemoteInvocation statefulInvocation) throws Throwable
      // Initialize
      ClassLoader cl = this.getClassloader();

      // Obtain actual method
      Method actualMethod = method.toMethod(cl);
      long hash = MethodHashing.calculateHash(actualMethod);
      MethodInfo info = this.getAdvisor().getMethodInfo(hash);
      Method unadvisedMethod = info.getUnadvisedMethod();

      if (unadvisedMethod.getName().equals("getHandle"))
         EJBObject proxy;
            proxy = CurrentRemoteProxyFactory.get(EJB2RemoteProxyFactory.class).create((Serializable) statefulInvocation.getId());
            StatefulContainerInvocation newStatefulInvocation = buildInvocation(info, statefulInvocation);
            // Get JNDI Registrar
            JndiSessionRegistrarBase sfsbJndiRegistrar = this.getJndiRegistrar();
            // Determine if local/remote
            boolean isLocal = EJBLocalObject.class.isAssignableFrom(unadvisedMethod.getDeclaringClass());
            // Get the metadata
            JBossSessionBeanMetaData smd = this.getMetaData();
            // Get the appropriate JNDI Name
            String jndiName = isLocal ? smd.getLocalJndiName() : smd.getJndiName();
            // Find the Proxy Factory Key for this SFSB
            String proxyFactoryKey = sfsbJndiRegistrar.getProxyFactoryRegistryKey(jndiName, smd, isLocal);
            // Lookup the Proxy Factory in the Object Store
            StatefulSessionProxyFactory proxyFactory = Ejb3RegistrarLocator.locateRegistrar().lookup(proxyFactoryKey,
            // Create a new EJB2.x Proxy
            proxy = (EJBObject) proxyFactory.createProxyEjb2x((Serializable) newStatefulInvocation.getId());

         StatefulHandleRemoteImpl handle = new StatefulHandleRemoteImpl(proxy);
         InvocationResponse response = marshallResponse(statefulInvocation, handle, null);
         return response;

      // SFSB remove()
      else if (unadvisedMethod.getName().equals(Ejb2xMethodNames.METHOD_NAME_HOME_REMOVE))
            // Attempt to remove the bean
         catch (NoSuchEJBException e)
            String invokingClassName = method.getActualClassName();
            Throwable newException = this.constructProperNoSuchEjbException(e, invokingClassName);
            throw newException;

         InvocationResponse response = new InvocationResponse(null);
         return response;
      else if (unadvisedMethod.getName().equals("getEJBHome"))
         EJBHome ejbHome;
            ejbHome = CurrentRemoteProxyFactory.get(EJB2RemoteProxyFactory.class).createHome();
            HomeHandleImpl homeHandle = null;
            RemoteBinding remoteBindingAnnotation = this.getAnnotation(RemoteBinding.class);
            if (remoteBindingAnnotation != null)
               homeHandle = new HomeHandleImpl(ProxyFactoryHelper.getHomeJndiName(this));
            ejbHome = homeHandle.getEJBHome();

         InvocationResponse response = marshallResponse(statefulInvocation, ejbHome, null);
         return response;
      else if (unadvisedMethod.getName().equals("getPrimaryKey"))
         Object id = statefulInvocation.getId();

         InvocationResponse response = marshallResponse(statefulInvocation, id, null);
         return response;
      else if (unadvisedMethod.getName().equals("isIdentical"))
         Object id = statefulInvocation.getId();
         EJBObject bean = (EJBObject) statefulInvocation.getArguments()[0];

         Object primaryKey = bean.getPrimaryKey();

         boolean isIdentical = id.equals(primaryKey);

         InvocationResponse response = marshallResponse(statefulInvocation, isIdentical, null);
         return response;
         return null;

   private StatefulSessionContainerMethodInvocation _buildNewInvocation(MethodInfo info,
         StatefulRemoteInvocation statefulInvocation, Class<?>[] initParameterTypes, Object[] initParameterValues)
      StatefulSessionContainerMethodInvocation newStatefulInvocation = null;

      StatefulBeanContext ctx = null;

      // ENC is required in scope to create a session

         ctx = getCache().create(initParameterTypes, initParameterValues);
         // Pop the ENC off the stack

      Object newId = ctx.getId();
      newStatefulInvocation = new StatefulSessionContainerMethodInvocation(info);


      SerializableMethod invokedMethod = new SerializableMethod(info.getUnadvisedMethod());
            SessionSpecRemotingMetadata.KEY_INVOKED_METHOD, invokedMethod, PayloadKey.AS_IS);

      return newStatefulInvocation;

   private StatefulContainerInvocation buildInvocation(MethodInfo info, StatefulRemoteInvocation statefulInvocation)
      StatefulContainerInvocation newStatefulInvocation = null;
      Object newId = null;
      if (statefulInvocation.getId() == null)
         StatefulBeanContext ctx = getCache().create(null, null);
         newId = ctx.getId();
         newStatefulInvocation = new StatefulContainerInvocation(info, newId, null);
         newStatefulInvocation = new StatefulContainerInvocation(info, statefulInvocation.getId(), null);


      SerializableMethod invokedMethod = new SerializableMethod(info.getUnadvisedMethod());
            SessionSpecRemotingMetadata.KEY_INVOKED_METHOD, invokedMethod, PayloadKey.AS_IS);

      return newStatefulInvocation;

   public Object getBusinessObject(BeanContext beanContext, Class businessInterface) throws IllegalStateException
      assert beanContext != null : "beanContext is null";
      assert businessInterface != null : "businessInterface is null";

      StatefulBeanContext ctx = (StatefulBeanContext) beanContext;

      SessionContainer container = ctx.getContainer();
      assert container == this : "beanContext not of this container (" + container + " != " + this + ")";

      boolean isRemote = false;
      boolean found = false;
      Class<?>[] remoteInterfaces = ProxyFactoryHelper.getRemoteAndBusinessRemoteInterfaces(this);
      for (Class<?> intf : remoteInterfaces)
         if (intf.getName().equals(businessInterface.getName()))
            isRemote = true;
            found = true;
      if (found == false)
         Class<?>[] localInterfaces = ProxyFactoryHelper.getLocalAndBusinessLocalInterfaces(this);
         for (Class<?> intf : localInterfaces)
            if (intf.getName().equals(businessInterface.getName()))
               found = true;
      if (found == false)
         throw new IllegalStateException(businessInterface.getName() + " is not a business interface for container "
               + this);

      // Obtain SFSB JNDI Registrar
      String sfsbJndiRegistrarObjectStoreBindName = this.getJndiRegistrarBindName();
      JndiStatefulSessionRegistrar sfsbJndiRegistrar = Ejb3RegistrarLocator.locateRegistrar().lookup(
            sfsbJndiRegistrarObjectStoreBindName, JndiStatefulSessionRegistrar.class);

      // Get the metadata
      JBossSessionBeanMetaData smd = this.getMetaData();

      // Get the appropriate JNDI Name
      String jndiName = !isRemote ? smd.getLocalJndiName() : smd.getJndiName();

      // Find the Proxy Factory Key for this SFSB
      String proxyFactoryKey = sfsbJndiRegistrar.getProxyFactoryRegistryKey(jndiName, smd, !isRemote);

      // Lookup the Proxy Factory in the Object Store
      StatefulSessionProxyFactory proxyFactory = Ejb3RegistrarLocator.locateRegistrar().lookup(proxyFactoryKey,

      // Create a new business proxy
      Object proxy = proxyFactory.createProxyBusiness((Serializable) ctx.getId(), businessInterface.getName());

      // Return the Proxy
      return proxy;

      //      Collection<ProxyFactory> proxyFactories = this.proxyDeployer.getProxyFactories().values();
      //      for (ProxyFactory factory : proxyFactories)
      //      {
      //         if (isRemote && factory instanceof StatefulRemoteProxyFactory)
      //         {
      //            return ((StatefulRemoteProxyFactory) factory).createProxyBusiness(ctx.getId(),null);
      //         }
      //         else if (!isRemote && factory instanceof StatefulLocalProxyFactory)
      //         {
      //            return ((StatefulLocalProxyFactory) factory).createProxyBusiness(ctx.getId(),null);
      //         }
      //      }
      //      throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to create proxy for getBusinessObject as a proxy factory was not found");

   protected void popEnc()

   protected void pushEnc()

    * Remove the given object. Called when remove on Home is invoked.
    * @param target             either a Handle or a primaryKey
    * @throws RemoveException   if it's not allowed to be removed
   private void remove(Object target) throws RemoveException
      // EJBTHREE-1217: EJBHome.remove(Object primaryKey) must throw RemoveException
      if (!(target instanceof Handle))
         throw new RemoveException("EJB 3 Session beans do not have a primary key");

      StatefulHandleRemoteImpl handle = (StatefulHandleRemoteImpl) target;

      catch (RemoteException re)
         throw new RemoveException(re.getMessage());

   protected void removeHandle(Handle arg) throws Exception
      StatefulHandleImpl handle = (StatefulHandleImpl) arg;


    * Returns the SessionFactory for this SFSB Container
    * @see org.jboss.ejb3.endpoint.Endpoint#getSessionFactory()
    * @throws IllegalStateException If this Container is not session-aware
   public SessionFactory getSessionFactory() throws IllegalStateException
      // Precondition checks
      assert sessionFactory != null : "Session Factory for SFSB Container should never be null: " + this;
      if (sessionFactory == null)
         throw new IllegalStateException("This container is session-aware, though has a null "
               + SessionFactory.class.getName() + "; please file a JIRA referencing EJBTHREE-1782");

      // Return
      return this.sessionFactory;

    * Designates that this SFSB Container is session-aware.
    * @see org.jboss.ejb3.endpoint.Endpoint#isSessionAware()
   public boolean isSessionAware()
      // We're session-aware
      return true;

    * Destroys the specified session
    * @see org.jboss.ejb3.endpoint.SessionFactory#destroySession(
   public void destroySession(Serializable session)
   protected TimedObjectInvoker getTimedObjectInvoker()
      // stateful beans don't support timers
      return null;

Related Classes of org.jboss.ejb3.stateful.StatefulContainer

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