Package org.jboss.ejb3.session

Source Code of org.jboss.ejb3.session.SessionSpecContainer

package org.jboss.ejb3.session;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
import java.util.Hashtable;

import javax.ejb.EJB;
import javax.ejb.EJBLocalObject;
import javax.ejb.EJBObject;
import javax.ejb.Handle;
import javax.ejb.RemoveException;
import javax.ejb.SessionContext;

import org.jboss.aop.Domain;
import org.jboss.aop.MethodInfo;
import org.jboss.aop.util.MethodHashing;
import org.jboss.ejb3.Ejb3Deployment;
import org.jboss.ejb3.ThreadLocalStack;
import org.jboss.ejb3.common.lang.SerializableMethod;
import org.jboss.ejb3.common.registrar.spi.Ejb3RegistrarLocator;
import org.jboss.ejb3.proxy.container.InvokableContext;
import org.jboss.ejb3.proxy.factory.session.SessionProxyFactory;
import org.jboss.ejb3.proxy.factory.session.SessionSpecProxyFactory;
import org.jboss.ejb3.proxy.handler.session.SessionProxyInvocationHandler;
import org.jboss.ejb3.proxy.handler.session.stateful.StatefulProxyInvocationHandlerBase;
import org.jboss.ejb3.proxy.remoting.SessionSpecRemotingMetadata;
import org.jboss.ejb3.stateful.StatefulContainer;
import org.jboss.ejb3.stateful.StatefulContainerInvocation;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
import org.jboss.metadata.ejb.jboss.JBossSessionBeanMetaData;
import org.jboss.metadata.ejb.spec.BusinessLocalsMetaData;
import org.jboss.metadata.ejb.spec.BusinessRemotesMetaData;

* SessionSpecContainer
* A SessionContainer with support for Session Beans defined
* specifically by the EJB3 Specification
* @author <a href="">ALR</a>
* @version $Revision: $
public abstract class SessionSpecContainer extends SessionContainer implements InvokableContext

   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------||
   // Class Members ----------------------------------------------------------------||
   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------||

   private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(SessionSpecContainer.class);
    * The method invoked upon by the client
   //TODO: Remove when CurrentInvocation is completely sorted out
   protected static ThreadLocalStack<SerializableMethod> invokedMethod = new ThreadLocalStack<SerializableMethod>();

   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------||
   // Constructor ------------------------------------------------------------------||
   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------||

   public SessionSpecContainer(ClassLoader cl, String beanClassName, String ejbName, Domain domain,
         Hashtable ctxProperties, Ejb3Deployment deployment, JBossSessionBeanMetaData beanMetaData)
         throws ClassNotFoundException
      super(cl, beanClassName, ejbName, domain, ctxProperties, deployment, beanMetaData);

    * Invokes the method described by the specified serializable method
    * as called from the specified proxy, using the specified arguments
    * @param proxy The proxy making the invocation
    * @param method The method to be invoked
    * @param args The arguments to the invocation
    * @throws Throwable A possible exception thrown by the invocation
    * @return
   public Object invoke(Object proxy, SerializableMethod method, Object[] args) throws Throwable
       * Replace the TCL with the CL for this Container
      ClassLoader oldLoader = SecurityActions.getContextClassLoader();
          * Obtain the target method (advised)
         Method actualMethod = method.toMethod(this.getClassloader());
         long hash = MethodHashing.calculateHash(actualMethod);
         MethodInfo info = getAdvisor().getMethodInfo(hash);
         if (info == null)
            throw new RuntimeException("Method invocation via Proxy could not be found handled for EJB "
                  + this.getEjbName() + " : " + method.toString()
                  + ", probable error in virtual method registration w/ Advisor for the Container");
         Method unadvisedMethod = info.getUnadvisedMethod();
         SerializableMethod unadvisedSerializableMethod = new SerializableMethod(unadvisedMethod);

         // Obtain Invocation Handler
         //TODO Ugly, use polymorphism and get Session ID for SFSB only
         assert Proxy.isProxyClass(proxy.getClass());
         SessionProxyInvocationHandler handler = (SessionProxyInvocationHandler)Proxy.getInvocationHandler(proxy);
         Object sessionId = null;
         if (handler instanceof StatefulProxyInvocationHandlerBase)
            sessionId = ((StatefulProxyInvocationHandlerBase) handler).getSessionId();
          * Invoke directly if this is an EJB2.x Method

         if (unadvisedMethod != null && isHomeMethod(unadvisedSerializableMethod))
            return invokeHomeMethod(actualMethod, args);
         else if (unadvisedMethod != null && this.isEjbObjectMethod(unadvisedSerializableMethod))
            return invokeEJBObjectMethod(sessionId, info, args);

         // FIXME: Ahem, stateful container invocation works on all.... (violating contract though)
         //TODO Use Polymorphism to have sessions only in StatefulContainer
//         Interceptor[] interceptors, long methodHash, Method advisedMethod,
//         Method unadvisedMethod, SerializableMethod invokedMethod, Advisor advisor
//         StatefulSessionContainerMethodInvocation nextInvocation = new StatefulSessionContainerMethodInvocation(info
//               .getInterceptors(), hash, info.getAdvisedMethod(), info.getUnadvisedMethod(), method, getAdvisor());
          * Build an invocation
         StatefulContainerInvocation nextInvocation = new StatefulContainerInvocation(info,sessionId);
               SessionSpecRemotingMetadata.KEY_INVOKED_METHOD, method);
//         EJBContainerInvocation nextInvocation = new StatefulContainerInvocation(info, sessionId);
//         nextInvocation.setAdvisor(getAdvisor());
//         nextInvocation.setArguments(args);

         // allow a container to supplement information into an invocation
         //nextInvocation = populateInvocation(nextInvocation);

         //TODO Support Async Invocation
         //         ProxyUtils.addLocalAsynchronousInfo(nextInvocation, provider);
          * Invoke

         return nextInvocation.invokeNext();


    * Fulfills javax.ejb.SessionContext.getInvokedBusinessInterface()
    * Returns the name of the invoking EJB3 Business Interface
    * @see EJB 3.0 Core Specification 4.5.2 for allowable context in
    * which this may be invoked
    * @return
   public Class<?> getInvokedBusinessInterface()
      //TODO Should be getting from current invocation
      SerializableMethod invokedMethod = SessionSpecContainer.invokedMethod.get();
      assert invokedMethod!=null : "Invoked Method has not been set";
      // Obtain the name of the invoking interface
      String interfaceName = null;
      if (invokedMethod != null)
         interfaceName = invokedMethod.getActualClassName();
      // Test for no invoked business interface
         throw new IllegalStateException(
               "Call to "
                     + SessionContext.class.getName()
               + ".getInvokedBusinessInterface() was made from outside an EJB3 Business Interface "
               + "(possibly an EJB2.x Remote/Local?). " + "EJB 3.0 Specification 4.5.2.");
       * Determine if the specified class is not a valid business
       * interface
      // Initialize a check flag
      boolean isValidBusinessInterface = false;
      // Get Metadata
      JBossSessionBeanMetaData smd = this.getMetaData();
      // Check in business remotes
      BusinessRemotesMetaData businessRemotes = smd.getBusinessRemotes();
      if (businessRemotes != null)
         for (String businessRemote : businessRemotes)
            if (businessRemote.equals(interfaceName))
               isValidBusinessInterface = true;

      // Check in business locals
      BusinessLocalsMetaData businessLocals = smd.getBusinessLocals();
      if (businessLocals != null)
         for (String businessLocal : businessLocals)
            if (businessLocal.equals(interfaceName))
               isValidBusinessInterface = true;
      // If not found as a business interface, we haven't invoked through EJB3 View
         throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot invoke " + SessionContext.class.getName()
               + ".getInvokedBusinessInterface() from outside of an EJB3 Business View - "
               + "EJB 3.0 Core Specification 4.5.2; Used: " + interfaceName);
       * Get Invoked Interface
      // Attempt to load the invoked interface
      Class<?> invokedInterface = null;
         invokedInterface = Class.forName(interfaceName, false, this.getClassloader());
      catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
         throw new RuntimeException("Invoked Business Interface on Proxy was set to " + interfaceName
               + ", but this could not be loaded by the " + ClassLoader.class.getSimpleName() + " for " + this);
//      if (method == null) throw new IllegalStateException("getInvokedBusinessInterface() being invoked outside of a business invocation");
//      if (method.getName() == null || method.getName().equals("")) throw new IllegalStateException("getInvokedBusinessInterface() being invoked outside of a business invocation");
//      String invokedBusinessInterfaceClassName = method.getActualClassName();
//      Class<?> invokedBusinessInterface = null;
//      try
//      {
//         invokedBusinessInterface = this.getClassloader().loadClass(invokedBusinessInterfaceClassName);
//      }
//      catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
//      {
//         throw new RuntimeException("Invoked Business Interface on Proxy was set to "
//               + invokedBusinessInterfaceClassName + ", but this could not be loaded by the "
//               + ClassLoader.class.getSimpleName() + " for " + this);
//      }
      return invokedInterface;
    * Provides implementation for this bean's EJB 2.1 Home.create() method
    * @param factory
    * @param unadvisedMethod
    * @param args
    * @return
    * @throws Exception
   protected Object invokeHomeCreate(Method method, Object args[]) throws Exception

       * Initialize

      // Hold the JNDI Name
      String jndiName = null;

      // Flag for if we've found the interface
      boolean foundInterface = false;

      // Name of the EJB2.x Interface Class expected
      String ejb2xInterface = method.getReturnType().getName();

      // Get Metadata
      JBossSessionBeanMetaData smd = this.getMetaData();

       * Determine if the expected type is found in metadata as a EJB2.x Interface

      // Is this a Remote Interface ?
      boolean isLocal = false;
      String ejb2xRemoteInterface = smd.getRemote();
      if (ejb2xInterface.equals(ejb2xRemoteInterface))
         // We've found it, it's false
         foundInterface = true;
         jndiName = smd.getJndiName();

      // Is this a local interface?
      if (!foundInterface)
         String ejb2xLocalInterface = smd.getLocal();
         if (ejb2xInterface.equals(ejb2xLocalInterface))
            // Mark as found
            foundInterface = true;
            isLocal = true;
            jndiName = smd.getLocalJndiName();

      // If we haven't yet found the interface
      if (!foundInterface)
         throw new RuntimeException("Specified return value for " + method + " notes an EJB 2.x interface: "
               + ejb2xInterface + "; this could not be found as either a valid remote or local interface for EJB "
               + this.getEjbName());

      // Lookup
      String proxyFactoryKey = this.getJndiRegistrar().getProxyFactoryRegistryKey(jndiName, smd, isLocal);
      Object factory = Ejb3RegistrarLocator.locateRegistrar().lookup(proxyFactoryKey);

      // Cast
      assert factory instanceof SessionProxyFactory : "Specified factory " + factory.getClass().getName()
            + " is not of type " + SessionProxyFactory.class.getName() + " as required by "
            + StatefulContainer.class.getName() + ", but was instead " + factory;
      SessionSpecProxyFactory sessionFactory = null;
      sessionFactory = SessionSpecProxyFactory.class.cast(factory);

      // Create Proxy
      Object proxy = sessionFactory.createProxyEjb2x();

      // Return
      return proxy;

    * TODO: work in progress (refactor both invokeHomeMethod's, localHomeInvoke)
   private Object invokeHomeMethod(Method method, Object args[]) throws Exception
      if (method.getName().equals(Ejb2xMethodNames.METHOD_NAME_HOME_CREATE))
         return this.invokeHomeCreate(method, args);
      else if (method.getName().equals(Ejb2xMethodNames.METHOD_NAME_HOME_REMOVE))
         if (args[0] instanceof Handle)
            removeHandle((Handle) args[0]);
            throw new RemoveException(
                  "EJB 3.0 Specification Violation Session beans do not have a primary key");

         return null;
         throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal home method " + method);

    * @deprecated Use isHomeMethod(SerializableMethod method) in SessionSpecContainer
   protected boolean isHomeMethod(Method method)
      if (javax.ejb.EJBHome.class.isAssignableFrom(method.getDeclaringClass()))
         return true;
      if (javax.ejb.EJBLocalHome.class.isAssignableFrom(method.getDeclaringClass()))
         return true;
      return false;

    * Determines whether the specified method is an EJB2.x Home Method
    * @param method
    * @return
   protected boolean isHomeMethod(SerializableMethod method)
      // Get the Method
      Method invokingMethod = method.toMethod(this.getClassloader());

      // Use legacy
      return this.isHomeMethod(invokingMethod);

    * @param method
    * @return
    * @deprecated Use isEjbObjectMethod(SerializableMethod method)
   protected boolean isEJBObjectMethod(Method method)
       * Initialize
      // Get the declaring class
      Class<?> declaringClass = method.getDeclaringClass();
       * Test if declared by EJBObject/EJBLocalObject
      if (declaringClass.getName().equals(EJBObject.class.getName()))
         return true;

      if (declaringClass.getName().equals(EJBLocalObject.class.getName()))
         return true;

      return false;

    * Determines whether the specified method is an EJB2.x Local
    * or Remote Method
    * @param method
    * @return
   protected boolean isEjbObjectMethod(SerializableMethod method)
       * Initialize
      // Get the declaring class
      Class<?> declaringClass = null;
      String declaringClassName = method.getDeclaringClassName();
         declaringClass = Class.forName(declaringClassName, false, this.getClassloader());
      catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
         throw new RuntimeException("Invoked Method specifies a declaring class that could not be loaded by the "
               + ClassLoader.class.getSimpleName() + " for EJB " + this.getEjbName());
       * Test if declared by EJBObject/EJBLocalObject
      if (declaringClass.getName().equals(EJBObject.class.getName()))
         return true;

      if (declaringClass.getName().equals(EJBLocalObject.class.getName()))
         return true;

      // If we've reached here, not EJBObject/EJBLocalObject
      return false;

    * @param method
    * @return
    * @deprecated Use isHandleMethod(SerializableMethod method)
   protected boolean isHandleMethod(Method method)
      if (method.getDeclaringClass().getName().equals(Handle.class.getName()))
         return true;

      return false;

    * Determines if the specified Method is a Handle Method
    * @param method
    * @return
   protected boolean isHandleMethod(SerializableMethod method)
      // Get the Method
      Method invokingMethod = method.toMethod(this.getClassloader());

      // Use legacy
      return this.isHandleMethod(invokingMethod);

   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------||
   // Lifecycle Methods ------------------------------------------------------------||
   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------||
    * Lifecycle Start
   protected void lockedStart() throws Exception
   {"Starting " + this);


    * Lifecycle Stop
   protected void lockedStop() throws Exception
   {"Stopping " + this);


Related Classes of org.jboss.ejb3.session.SessionSpecContainer

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