Package org.apache.bcel.generic

Source Code of org.apache.bcel.generic.InstructionList

* Copyright  2000-2004 The Apache Software Foundation
*  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
*  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
*  You may obtain a copy of the License at
*  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
*  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
*  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
*  limitations under the License.
package org.apache.bcel.generic;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.bcel.Constants;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.Constant;
import org.apache.bcel.util.ByteSequence;

* This class is a container for a list of <a
* href="Instruction.html">Instruction</a> objects. Instructions can
* be appended, inserted, moved, deleted, etc.. Instructions are being
* wrapped into <a
* href="InstructionHandle.html">InstructionHandles</a> objects that
* are returned upon append/insert operations. They give the user
* (read only) access to the list structure, such that it can be traversed and
* manipulated in a controlled way.
* A list is finally dumped to a byte code array with <a
* href="#getByteCode()">getByteCode</a>.
* @version $Id: 386056 2006-03-15 11:31:56Z tcurdt $
* @author  <A HREF="">M. Dahm</A>
* @see     Instruction
* @see     InstructionHandle
* @see BranchHandle
public class InstructionList implements Serializable {

    private InstructionHandle start = null, end = null;
    private int length = 0; // number of elements in list
    private int[] byte_positions; // byte code offsets corresponding to instructions

     * Create (empty) instruction list.
    public InstructionList() {

     * Create instruction list containing one instruction.
     * @param i initial instruction
    public InstructionList(Instruction i) {

     * Create instruction list containing one instruction.
     * @param i initial instruction
    public InstructionList(BranchInstruction i) {

     * Initialize list with (nonnull) compound instruction. Consumes argument
     * list, i.e., it becomes empty.
     * @param c compound instruction (list)
    public InstructionList(CompoundInstruction c) {

     * Test for empty list.
    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return start == null;
    } // && end == null

     * Find the target instruction (handle) that corresponds to the given target
     * position (byte code offset).
     * @param ihs array of instruction handles, i.e. il.getInstructionHandles()
     * @param pos array of positions corresponding to ihs, i.e. il.getInstructionPositions()
     * @param count length of arrays
     * @param target target position to search for
     * @return target position's instruction handle if available
    public static InstructionHandle findHandle( InstructionHandle[] ihs, int[] pos, int count,
            int target ) {
        int l = 0, r = count - 1;
        /* Do a binary search since the pos array is orderd.
        do {
            int i = (l + r) / 2;
            int j = pos[i];
            if (j == target) {
                return ihs[i];
            } else if (target < j) {
                r = i - 1;
            } else {
                l = i + 1;
        } while (l <= r);
        return null;

     * Get instruction handle for instruction at byte code position pos.
     * This only works properly, if the list is freshly initialized from a byte array or
     * setPositions() has been called before this method.
     * @param pos byte code position to search for
     * @return target position's instruction handle if available
    public InstructionHandle findHandle( int pos ) {
        InstructionHandle[] ihs = getInstructionHandles();
        return findHandle(ihs, byte_positions, length, pos);

     * Initialize instruction list from byte array.
     * @param code byte array containing the instructions
    public InstructionList(byte[] code) {
        ByteSequence bytes = new ByteSequence(code);
        InstructionHandle[] ihs = new InstructionHandle[code.length];
        int[] pos = new int[code.length]; // Can't be more than that
        int count = 0; // Contains actual length
        /* Pass 1: Create an object for each byte code and append them
         * to the list.
        try {
            while (bytes.available() > 0) {
                // Remember byte offset and associate it with the instruction
                int off = bytes.getIndex();
                pos[count] = off;
                /* Read one instruction from the byte stream, the byte position is set
                 * accordingly.
                Instruction i = Instruction.readInstruction(bytes);
                InstructionHandle ih;
                if (i instanceof BranchInstruction) {
                    ih = append((BranchInstruction) i);
                } else {
                    ih = append(i);
                ihs[count] = ih;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new ClassGenException(e.toString());
        byte_positions = new int[count]; // Trim to proper size
        System.arraycopy(pos, 0, byte_positions, 0, count);
        /* Pass 2: Look for BranchInstruction and update their targets, i.e.,
         * convert offsets to instruction handles.
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            if (ihs[i] instanceof BranchHandle) {
                BranchInstruction bi = (BranchInstruction) ihs[i].instruction;
                int target = bi.position + bi.getIndex(); /* Byte code position:
                 * relative -> absolute. */
                // Search for target position
                InstructionHandle ih = findHandle(ihs, pos, count, target);
                if (ih == null) {
                    throw new ClassGenException("Couldn't find target for branch: " + bi);
                bi.setTarget(ih); // Update target
                // If it is a Select instruction, update all branch targets
                if (bi instanceof Select) { // Either LOOKUPSWITCH or TABLESWITCH
                    Select s = (Select) bi;
                    int[] indices = s.getIndices();
                    for (int j = 0; j < indices.length; j++) {
                        target = bi.position + indices[j];
                        ih = findHandle(ihs, pos, count, target);
                        if (ih == null) {
                            throw new ClassGenException("Couldn't find target for switch: " + bi);
                        s.setTarget(j, ih); // Update target     

     * Append another list after instruction (handle) ih contained in this list.
     * Consumes argument list, i.e., it becomes empty.
     * @param ih where to append the instruction list
     * @param il Instruction list to append to this one
     * @return instruction handle pointing to the <B>first</B> appended instruction
    public InstructionHandle append( InstructionHandle ih, InstructionList il ) {
        if (il == null) {
            throw new ClassGenException("Appending null InstructionList");
        if (il.isEmpty()) {
            return ih;
        InstructionHandle next =, ret = il.start; = il.start;
        il.start.prev = ih; = next;
        if (next != null) {
            next.prev = il.end;
        } else {
            end = il.end; // Update end ...
        length += il.length; // Update length
        return ret;

     * Append another list after instruction i contained in this list.
     * Consumes argument list, i.e., it becomes empty.
     * @param i  where to append the instruction list
     * @param il Instruction list to append to this one
     * @return instruction handle pointing to the <B>first</B> appended instruction
    public InstructionHandle append( Instruction i, InstructionList il ) {
        InstructionHandle ih;
        if ((ih = findInstruction2(i)) == null) {
            throw new ClassGenException("Instruction " + i + " is not contained in this list.");
        return append(ih, il);

     * Append another list to this one.
     * Consumes argument list, i.e., it becomes empty.
     * @param il list to append to end of this list
     * @return instruction handle of the <B>first</B> appended instruction
    public InstructionHandle append( InstructionList il ) {
        if (il == null) {
            throw new ClassGenException("Appending null InstructionList");
        if (il.isEmpty()) {
            return null;
        if (isEmpty()) {
            start = il.start;
            end = il.end;
            length = il.length;
            return start;
        } else {
            return append(end, il); // was end.instruction

     * Append an instruction to the end of this list.
     * @param ih instruction to append
    private void append( InstructionHandle ih ) {
        if (isEmpty()) {
            start = end = ih;
   = ih.prev = null;
        } else {
   = ih;
            ih.prev = end;
   = null;
            end = ih;
        length++; // Update length

     * Append an instruction to the end of this list.
     * @param i instruction to append
     * @return instruction handle of the appended instruction
    public InstructionHandle append( Instruction i ) {
        InstructionHandle ih = InstructionHandle.getInstructionHandle(i);
        return ih;

     * Append a branch instruction to the end of this list.
     * @param i branch instruction to append
     * @return branch instruction handle of the appended instruction
    public BranchHandle append( BranchInstruction i ) {
        BranchHandle ih = BranchHandle.getBranchHandle(i);
        return ih;

     * Append a single instruction j after another instruction i, which
     * must be in this list of course!
     * @param i Instruction in list
     * @param j Instruction to append after i in list
     * @return instruction handle of the first appended instruction
    public InstructionHandle append( Instruction i, Instruction j ) {
        return append(i, new InstructionList(j));

     * Append a compound instruction, after instruction i.
     * @param i Instruction in list
     * @param c The composite instruction (containing an InstructionList)
     * @return instruction handle of the first appended instruction
    public InstructionHandle append( Instruction i, CompoundInstruction c ) {
        return append(i, c.getInstructionList());

     * Append a compound instruction.
     * @param c The composite instruction (containing an InstructionList)
     * @return instruction handle of the first appended instruction
    public InstructionHandle append( CompoundInstruction c ) {
        return append(c.getInstructionList());

     * Append a compound instruction.
     * @param ih where to append the instruction list
     * @param c The composite instruction (containing an InstructionList)
     * @return instruction handle of the first appended instruction
    public InstructionHandle append( InstructionHandle ih, CompoundInstruction c ) {
        return append(ih, c.getInstructionList());

     * Append an instruction after instruction (handle) ih contained in this list.
     * @param ih where to append the instruction list
     * @param i Instruction to append
     * @return instruction handle pointing to the <B>first</B> appended instruction
    public InstructionHandle append( InstructionHandle ih, Instruction i ) {
        return append(ih, new InstructionList(i));

     * Append an instruction after instruction (handle) ih contained in this list.
     * @param ih where to append the instruction list
     * @param i Instruction to append
     * @return instruction handle pointing to the <B>first</B> appended instruction
    public BranchHandle append( InstructionHandle ih, BranchInstruction i ) {
        BranchHandle bh = BranchHandle.getBranchHandle(i);
        InstructionList il = new InstructionList();
        append(ih, il);
        return bh;

     * Insert another list before Instruction handle ih contained in this list.
     * Consumes argument list, i.e., it becomes empty.
     * @param ih  where to append the instruction list
     * @param il Instruction list to insert
     * @return instruction handle of the first inserted instruction
    public InstructionHandle insert( InstructionHandle ih, InstructionList il ) {
        if (il == null) {
            throw new ClassGenException("Inserting null InstructionList");
        if (il.isEmpty()) {
            return ih;
        InstructionHandle prev = ih.prev, ret = il.start;
        ih.prev = il.end; = ih;
        il.start.prev = prev;
        if (prev != null) {
   = il.start;
        } else {
            start = il.start; // Update start ...
        length += il.length; // Update length
        return ret;

     * Insert another list.  
     * @param il list to insert before start of this list
     * @return instruction handle of the first inserted instruction
    public InstructionHandle insert( InstructionList il ) {
        if (isEmpty()) {
            append(il); // Code is identical for this case
            return start;
        } else {
            return insert(start, il);

     * Insert an instruction at start of this list.
     * @param ih instruction to insert
    private void insert( InstructionHandle ih ) {
        if (isEmpty()) {
            start = end = ih;
   = ih.prev = null;
        } else {
            start.prev = ih;
   = start;
            ih.prev = null;
            start = ih;

     * Insert another list before Instruction i contained in this list.
     * Consumes argument list, i.e., it becomes empty.
     * @param i  where to append the instruction list
     * @param il Instruction list to insert
     * @return instruction handle pointing to the first inserted instruction,
     * i.e., il.getStart()
    public InstructionHandle insert( Instruction i, InstructionList il ) {
        InstructionHandle ih;
        if ((ih = findInstruction1(i)) == null) {
            throw new ClassGenException("Instruction " + i + " is not contained in this list.");
        return insert(ih, il);

     * Insert an instruction at start of this list.
     * @param i instruction to insert
     * @return instruction handle of the inserted instruction
    public InstructionHandle insert( Instruction i ) {
        InstructionHandle ih = InstructionHandle.getInstructionHandle(i);
        return ih;

     * Insert a branch instruction at start of this list.
     * @param i branch instruction to insert
     * @return branch instruction handle of the appended instruction
    public BranchHandle insert( BranchInstruction i ) {
        BranchHandle ih = BranchHandle.getBranchHandle(i);
        return ih;

     * Insert a single instruction j before another instruction i, which
     * must be in this list of course!
     * @param i Instruction in list
     * @param j Instruction to insert before i in list
     * @return instruction handle of the first inserted instruction
    public InstructionHandle insert( Instruction i, Instruction j ) {
        return insert(i, new InstructionList(j));

     * Insert a compound instruction before instruction i.
     * @param i Instruction in list
     * @param c The composite instruction (containing an InstructionList)
     * @return instruction handle of the first inserted instruction
    public InstructionHandle insert( Instruction i, CompoundInstruction c ) {
        return insert(i, c.getInstructionList());

     * Insert a compound instruction.
     * @param c The composite instruction (containing an InstructionList)
     * @return instruction handle of the first inserted instruction
    public InstructionHandle insert( CompoundInstruction c ) {
        return insert(c.getInstructionList());

     * Insert an instruction before instruction (handle) ih contained in this list.
     * @param ih where to insert to the instruction list
     * @param i Instruction to insert
     * @return instruction handle of the first inserted instruction
    public InstructionHandle insert( InstructionHandle ih, Instruction i ) {
        return insert(ih, new InstructionList(i));

     * Insert a compound instruction.
     * @param ih where to insert the instruction list
     * @param c The composite instruction (containing an InstructionList)
     * @return instruction handle of the first inserted instruction
    public InstructionHandle insert( InstructionHandle ih, CompoundInstruction c ) {
        return insert(ih, c.getInstructionList());

     * Insert an instruction before instruction (handle) ih contained in this list.
     * @param ih where to insert to the instruction list
     * @param i Instruction to insert
     * @return instruction handle of the first inserted instruction
    public BranchHandle insert( InstructionHandle ih, BranchInstruction i ) {
        BranchHandle bh = BranchHandle.getBranchHandle(i);
        InstructionList il = new InstructionList();
        insert(ih, il);
        return bh;

     * Take all instructions (handles) from "start" to "end" and append them after the
     * new location "target". Of course, "end" must be after "start" and target must
     * not be located withing this range. If you want to move something to the start of
     * the list use null as value for target.<br>
     * Any instruction targeters pointing to handles within the block, keep their targets.
     * @param start  of moved block
     * @param end    of moved block
     * @param target of moved block
    public void move( InstructionHandle start, InstructionHandle end, InstructionHandle target ) {
        // Step 1: Check constraints
        if ((start == null) || (end == null)) {
            throw new ClassGenException("Invalid null handle: From " + start + " to " + end);
        if ((target == start) || (target == end)) {
            throw new ClassGenException("Invalid range: From " + start + " to " + end
                    + " contains target " + target);
        for (InstructionHandle ih = start; ih !=; ih = {
            if (ih == null) {
                throw new ClassGenException("Invalid range: From " + start + " to " + end);
            } else if (ih == target) {
                throw new ClassGenException("Invalid range: From " + start + " to " + end
                        + " contains target " + target);
        // Step 2: Temporarily remove the given instructions from the list
        InstructionHandle prev = start.prev, next =;
        if (prev != null) {
   = next;
        } else {
            this.start = next;
        if (next != null) {
            next.prev = prev;
        } else {
            this.end = prev;
        start.prev = = null;
        // Step 3: append after target
        if (target == null) { // append to start of list
            if (this.start != null) {
                this.start.prev = end;
   = this.start;
            this.start = start;
        } else {
            next =;
   = start;
            start.prev = target;
   = next;
            if (next != null) {
                next.prev = end;
            } else {
                this.end = end;

     * Move a single instruction (handle) to a new location.
     * @param ih     moved instruction
     * @param target new location of moved instruction
    public void move( InstructionHandle ih, InstructionHandle target ) {
        move(ih, ih, target);

     * Remove from instruction `prev' to instruction `next' both contained
     * in this list. Throws TargetLostException when one of the removed instruction handles
     * is still being targeted.
     * @param prev where to start deleting (predecessor, exclusive)
     * @param next where to end deleting (successor, exclusive)
    private void remove( InstructionHandle prev, InstructionHandle next )
            throws TargetLostException {
        InstructionHandle first, last; // First and last deleted instruction
        if ((prev == null) && (next == null)) { // singleton list
            first = last = start;
            start = end = null;
        } else {
            if (prev == null) { // At start of list
                first = start;
                start = next;
            } else {
                first =;
       = next;
            if (next == null) { // At end of list
                last = end;
                end = prev;
            } else {
                last = next.prev;
                next.prev = prev;
        first.prev = null; // Completely separated from rest of list = null;
        List target_vec = new ArrayList();
        for (InstructionHandle ih = first; ih != null; ih = {
            ih.getInstruction().dispose(); // e.g. BranchInstructions release their targets
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("{ ");
        for (InstructionHandle ih = first; ih != null; ih = next) {
            next =;
            if (ih.hasTargeters()) { // Still got targeters?
                buf.append(ih.toString(true) + " ");
       = ih.prev = null;
            } else {
        if (!target_vec.isEmpty()) {
            InstructionHandle[] targeted = new InstructionHandle[target_vec.size()];
            throw new TargetLostException(targeted, buf.toString());

     * Remove instruction from this list. The corresponding Instruction
     * handles must not be reused!
     * @param ih instruction (handle) to remove
    public void delete( InstructionHandle ih ) throws TargetLostException {

     * Remove instruction from this list. The corresponding Instruction
     * handles must not be reused!
     * @param i instruction to remove
    public void delete( Instruction i ) throws TargetLostException {
        InstructionHandle ih;
        if ((ih = findInstruction1(i)) == null) {
            throw new ClassGenException("Instruction " + i + " is not contained in this list.");

     * Remove instructions from instruction `from' to instruction `to' contained
     * in this list. The user must ensure that `from' is an instruction before
     * `to', or risk havoc. The corresponding Instruction handles must not be reused!
     * @param from where to start deleting (inclusive)
     * @param to   where to end deleting (inclusive)
    public void delete( InstructionHandle from, InstructionHandle to ) throws TargetLostException {

     * Remove instructions from instruction `from' to instruction `to' contained
     * in this list. The user must ensure that `from' is an instruction before
     * `to', or risk havoc. The corresponding Instruction handles must not be reused!
     * @param from where to start deleting (inclusive)
     * @param to   where to end deleting (inclusive)
    public void delete( Instruction from, Instruction to ) throws TargetLostException {
        InstructionHandle from_ih, to_ih;
        if ((from_ih = findInstruction1(from)) == null) {
            throw new ClassGenException("Instruction " + from + " is not contained in this list.");
        if ((to_ih = findInstruction2(to)) == null) {
            throw new ClassGenException("Instruction " + to + " is not contained in this list.");
        delete(from_ih, to_ih);

     * Search for given Instruction reference, start at beginning of list.
     * @param i instruction to search for
     * @return instruction found on success, null otherwise
    private InstructionHandle findInstruction1( Instruction i ) {
        for (InstructionHandle ih = start; ih != null; ih = {
            if (ih.instruction == i) {
                return ih;
        return null;

     * Search for given Instruction reference, start at end of list
     * @param i instruction to search for
     * @return instruction found on success, null otherwise
    private InstructionHandle findInstruction2( Instruction i ) {
        for (InstructionHandle ih = end; ih != null; ih = ih.prev) {
            if (ih.instruction == i) {
                return ih;
        return null;

    public boolean contains( InstructionHandle i ) {
        if (i == null) {
            return false;
        for (InstructionHandle ih = start; ih != null; ih = {
            if (ih == i) {
                return true;
        return false;

    public boolean contains( Instruction i ) {
        return findInstruction1(i) != null;

    public void setPositions() {

     * Give all instructions their position number (offset in byte stream), i.e.,
     * make the list ready to be dumped.
     * @param check Perform sanity checks, e.g. if all targeted instructions really belong
     * to this list
    public void setPositions( boolean check ) {
        int max_additional_bytes = 0, additional_bytes = 0;
        int index = 0, count = 0;
        int[] pos = new int[length];
        /* Pass 0: Sanity checks
        if (check) {
            for (InstructionHandle ih = start; ih != null; ih = {
                Instruction i = ih.instruction;
                if (i instanceof BranchInstruction) { // target instruction within list?
                    Instruction inst = ((BranchInstruction) i).getTarget().instruction;
                    if (!contains(inst)) {
                        throw new ClassGenException("Branch target of "
                                + Constants.OPCODE_NAMES[i.opcode] + ":" + inst
                                + " not in instruction list");
                    if (i instanceof Select) {
                        InstructionHandle[] targets = ((Select) i).getTargets();
                        for (int j = 0; j < targets.length; j++) {
                            inst = targets[j].instruction;
                            if (!contains(inst)) {
                                throw new ClassGenException("Branch target of "
                                        + Constants.OPCODE_NAMES[i.opcode] + ":" + inst
                                        + " not in instruction list");
                    if (!(ih instanceof BranchHandle)) {
                        throw new ClassGenException("Branch instruction "
                                + Constants.OPCODE_NAMES[i.opcode] + ":" + inst
                                + " not contained in BranchHandle.");
        /* Pass 1: Set position numbers and sum up the maximum number of bytes an
         * instruction may be shifted.
        for (InstructionHandle ih = start; ih != null; ih = {
            Instruction i = ih.instruction;
            pos[count++] = index;
            /* Get an estimate about how many additional bytes may be added, because
             * BranchInstructions may have variable length depending on the target
             * offset (short vs. int) or alignment issues (TABLESWITCH and
             * LOOKUPSWITCH).
            switch (i.getOpcode()) {
                case Constants.JSR:
                case Constants.GOTO:
                    max_additional_bytes += 2;
                case Constants.TABLESWITCH:
                case Constants.LOOKUPSWITCH:
                    max_additional_bytes += 3;
            index += i.getLength();
        /* Pass 2: Expand the variable-length (Branch)Instructions depending on
         * the target offset (short or int) and ensure that branch targets are
         * within this list.
        for (InstructionHandle ih = start; ih != null; ih = {
            additional_bytes += ih.updatePosition(additional_bytes, max_additional_bytes);
        /* Pass 3: Update position numbers (which may have changed due to the
         * preceding expansions), like pass 1.
        index = count = 0;
        for (InstructionHandle ih = start; ih != null; ih = {
            Instruction i = ih.instruction;
            pos[count++] = index;
            index += i.getLength();
        byte_positions = new int[count]; // Trim to proper size
        System.arraycopy(pos, 0, byte_positions, 0, count);

     * When everything is finished, use this method to convert the instruction
     * list into an array of bytes.
     * @return the byte code ready to be dumped
    public byte[] getByteCode() {
        // Update position indices of instructions
        ByteArrayOutputStream b = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(b);
        try {
            for (InstructionHandle ih = start; ih != null; ih = {
                Instruction i = ih.instruction;
                i.dump(out); // Traverse list
        } catch (IOException e) {
            return null;
        return b.toByteArray();

     * @return an array of instructions without target information for branch instructions.
    public Instruction[] getInstructions() {
        ByteSequence bytes = new ByteSequence(getByteCode());
        List instructions = new ArrayList();
        try {
            while (bytes.available() > 0) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new ClassGenException(e.toString());
        return (Instruction[]) instructions.toArray(new Instruction[instructions.size()]);

    public String toString() {
        return toString(true);

     * @param verbose toggle output format
     * @return String containing all instructions in this list.
    public String toString( boolean verbose ) {
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
        for (InstructionHandle ih = start; ih != null; ih = {
        return buf.toString();

     * @return Enumeration that lists all instructions (handles)
    public Iterator iterator() {
        return new Iterator() {

            private InstructionHandle ih = start;

            public Object next() {
                InstructionHandle i = ih;
                ih =;
                return i;

            public void remove() {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

            public boolean hasNext() {
                return ih != null;

     * @return array containing all instructions (handles)
    public InstructionHandle[] getInstructionHandles() {
        InstructionHandle[] ihs = new InstructionHandle[length];
        InstructionHandle ih = start;
        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            ihs[i] = ih;
            ih =;
        return ihs;

     * Get positions (offsets) of all instructions in the list. This relies on that
     * the list has been freshly created from an byte code array, or that setPositions()
     * has been called. Otherwise this may be inaccurate.
     * @return array containing all instruction's offset in byte code
    public int[] getInstructionPositions() {
        return byte_positions;

     * @return complete, i.e., deep copy of this list
    public InstructionList copy() {
        Map map = new HashMap();
        InstructionList il = new InstructionList();
        /* Pass 1: Make copies of all instructions, append them to the new list
         * and associate old instruction references with the new ones, i.e.,
         * a 1:1 mapping.
        for (InstructionHandle ih = start; ih != null; ih = {
            Instruction i = ih.instruction;
            Instruction c = i.copy(); // Use clone for shallow copy
            if (c instanceof BranchInstruction) {
                map.put(ih, il.append((BranchInstruction) c));
            } else {
                map.put(ih, il.append(c));
        /* Pass 2: Update branch targets.
        InstructionHandle ih = start;
        InstructionHandle ch = il.start;
        while (ih != null) {
            Instruction i = ih.instruction;
            Instruction c = ch.instruction;
            if (i instanceof BranchInstruction) {
                BranchInstruction bi = (BranchInstruction) i;
                BranchInstruction bc = (BranchInstruction) c;
                InstructionHandle itarget = bi.getTarget(); // old target
                // New target is in hash map
                bc.setTarget((InstructionHandle) map.get(itarget));
                if (bi instanceof Select) { // Either LOOKUPSWITCH or TABLESWITCH
                    InstructionHandle[] itargets = ((Select) bi).getTargets();
                    InstructionHandle[] ctargets = ((Select) bc).getTargets();
                    for (int j = 0; j < itargets.length; j++) { // Update all targets
                        ctargets[j] = (InstructionHandle) map.get(itargets[j]);
            ih =;
            ch =;
        return il;

    /** Replace all references to the old constant pool with references to the new
     *  constant pool
    public void replaceConstantPool( ConstantPoolGen old_cp, ConstantPoolGen new_cp ) {
        for (InstructionHandle ih = start; ih != null; ih = {
            Instruction i = ih.instruction;
            if (i instanceof CPInstruction) {
                CPInstruction ci = (CPInstruction) i;
                Constant c = old_cp.getConstant(ci.getIndex());
                ci.setIndex(new_cp.addConstant(c, old_cp));

    private void clear() {
        start = end = null;
        length = 0;

     * Delete contents of list. Provides besser memory utilization,
     * because the system then may reuse the instruction handles. This
     * method is typically called right after
     * <href="MethodGen.html#getMethod()">MethodGen.getMethod()</a>.
    public void dispose() {
        // Traverse in reverse order, because is overwritten
        for (InstructionHandle ih = end; ih != null; ih = ih.prev) {
            /* Causes BranchInstructions to release target and targeters, because it
             * calls dispose() on the contained instruction.

     * @return start of list
    public InstructionHandle getStart() {
        return start;

     * @return end of list
    public InstructionHandle getEnd() {
        return end;

     * @return length of list (Number of instructions, not bytes)
    public int getLength() {
        return length;

     * @return length of list (Number of instructions, not bytes)
    public int size() {
        return length;

     * Redirect all references from old_target to new_target, i.e., update targets
     * of branch instructions.
     * @param old_target the old target instruction handle
     * @param new_target the new target instruction handle
    public void redirectBranches( InstructionHandle old_target, InstructionHandle new_target ) {
        for (InstructionHandle ih = start; ih != null; ih = {
            Instruction i = ih.getInstruction();
            if (i instanceof BranchInstruction) {
                BranchInstruction b = (BranchInstruction) i;
                InstructionHandle target = b.getTarget();
                if (target == old_target) {
                if (b instanceof Select) { // Either LOOKUPSWITCH or TABLESWITCH
                    InstructionHandle[] targets = ((Select) b).getTargets();
                    for (int j = 0; j < targets.length; j++) {
                        if (targets[j] == old_target) {
                            ((Select) b).setTarget(j, new_target);

     * Redirect all references of local variables from old_target to new_target.
     * @param lg array of local variables
     * @param old_target the old target instruction handle
     * @param new_target the new target instruction handle
     * @see MethodGen
    public void redirectLocalVariables( LocalVariableGen[] lg, InstructionHandle old_target,
            InstructionHandle new_target ) {
        for (int i = 0; i < lg.length; i++) {
            InstructionHandle start = lg[i].getStart();
            InstructionHandle end = lg[i].getEnd();
            if (start == old_target) {
            if (end == old_target) {

     * Redirect all references of exception handlers from old_target to new_target.
     * @param exceptions array of exception handlers
     * @param old_target the old target instruction handle
     * @param new_target the new target instruction handle
     * @see MethodGen
    public void redirectExceptionHandlers( CodeExceptionGen[] exceptions,
            InstructionHandle old_target, InstructionHandle new_target ) {
        for (int i = 0; i < exceptions.length; i++) {
            if (exceptions[i].getStartPC() == old_target) {
            if (exceptions[i].getEndPC() == old_target) {
            if (exceptions[i].getHandlerPC() == old_target) {

    private List observers;

    /** Add observer for this object.
    public void addObserver( InstructionListObserver o ) {
        if (observers == null) {
            observers = new ArrayList();

    /** Remove observer for this object.
    public void removeObserver( InstructionListObserver o ) {
        if (observers != null) {

    /** Call notify() method on all observers. This method is not called
     * automatically whenever the state has changed, but has to be
     * called by the user after he has finished editing the object.
    public void update() {
        if (observers != null) {
            for (Iterator e = observers.iterator(); e.hasNext();) {

Related Classes of org.apache.bcel.generic.InstructionList

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