Package org.jboss.aop.advice.annotation

Source Code of org.jboss.aop.advice.annotation.AnnotatedParameterAdviceInfo$MultipleParameterType

package org.jboss.aop.advice.annotation;

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;

import org.jboss.aop.advice.AdviceMethodProperties;
import org.jboss.aop.advice.AdviceType;
import org.jboss.aop.advice.InvalidAdviceException;
import org.jboss.aop.advice.annotation.AdviceMethodFactory.ReturnType;
import org.jboss.aop.advice.annotation.assignability.AssignabilityAlgorithm;
import org.jboss.aop.advice.annotation.assignability.VariableHierarchy;

* Information about an advice method whose parameters should annotated according to
* <code>ParameterAnnotationRule</code>s.
* @author Flavia Rainone
class AnnotatedParameterAdviceInfo extends AdviceInfo
   // the annotated parameter types
   private ParameterAnnotationType paramTypes[];
   // the context dependent annotated parameter types
   private ParameterAnnotationType contextParamTypes[];
   // the type of advice this advice info represents
   private AdviceType adviceType;
   // hierarchy of variable types
   private VariableHierarchy hierarchy;
   // indicates whether this advice mthod was considered valid during the
   // construction of this object
   private boolean prevalidated;
    * Creates an annotated parameter advice info.
    * @param properties        the properties to which <code>method</code> must
    *                          comply with
    * @param method            the advice method
    * @param rules             the annnotated parameter rules this method should
    *                          comply with
    * @param contextRules      second priority rules this method should comply with
    * @param mutuallyExclusive a list of mutually exclusive context parameter rules
    * @param compulsory        a list of the annotated parameters whose use is
    *                          compulsory only if the precondition annotation is
    *                          present among the annotated parameters.
    * @throws InvalidAdviceException thrown when the advice method does not
    *         comply with a rule regardless of the joinpoint being intercepted.
   public AnnotatedParameterAdviceInfo(AdviceMethodProperties properties,
         AdviceType adviceType, Method method, ParameterAnnotationRule[] rules,
         ParameterAnnotationRule[] contextRules, int[][] mutuallyExclusive,
         int[][] compulsory, ReturnType returnType)
      throws InvalidAdviceException
      super(method, 0);
      this.paramTypes = createParameterAnnotationTypes(rules);
      this.contextParamTypes = createParameterAnnotationTypes(contextRules);
      this.adviceType = adviceType;
      this.hierarchy = new VariableHierarchy();
      if (returnType == ReturnType.VOID && method.getReturnType()!= void.class)
         throw new InvalidAdviceException("The " + adviceType +
               " advice method '" + method + "' return type must be void");
      for (int i = 0; i < mutuallyExclusive.length; i++)
         int[] exclusiveParamTypes = mutuallyExclusive[i];
         int found = -1;
         for (int j = 0; j < exclusiveParamTypes.length; j++)
            if (contextParamTypes[exclusiveParamTypes[j]].isSet())
               if (found != -1)
                  throw new InvalidAdviceException(
                        "Mutually exclusive parameter annotations '"
                        + contextParamTypes[exclusiveParamTypes[found]].rule
                        + "' and '" + contextParamTypes[exclusiveParamTypes[j]].rule
                        + "' found on " + adviceType + " advice method '" + method +
               found = j;
      if (compulsory != null)
        for (int i = 0; i < compulsory.length; i++)
           ParameterAnnotationType precondition = paramTypes[compulsory[i][0]];
           if (precondition.isSet())
              for (int j = 1; j < compulsory[i].length; j++)
                 if (!paramTypes[compulsory[i][j]].isSet())
                    throw new InvalidAdviceException(
                          "Compulsory " + paramTypes[compulsory[i][j]].rule
                          + "-annotated parameter not found on " + adviceType +
                          " advice method '" + method +
                          "' (this parameter is compulsory in the presence of a " +
                          precondition.rule + "-annotated parameter)");
   public boolean matches(AdviceMethodProperties properties, ReturnType returnType)
      if (!prevalidated)
         return false;
      for (ParameterAnnotationType paramType: paramTypes)
         if (!paramType.validate(properties))
            return false;
      for (ParameterAnnotationType paramType: contextParamTypes)
         if (!paramType.validate(properties))
            return false;
      if (method.getReturnType() == void.class && returnType == ReturnType.NOT_VOID
            && properties.getJoinpointReturnType() != void.class)
            "return value cannot be void (it must match the joinpoint return type)");
         return false;
      else if(method.getReturnType() != void.class &&
            method.getReturnType() != Object.class &&
                  method.getGenericReturnType(), hierarchy))
               "return value cannot be assigned to type '");
         return false;
      return true;

   public void resetMatching()
      for (int i = 0;  i < paramTypes.length; i++)
      for (int i = 0; i < contextParamTypes.length; i++)
   public short getAssignabilityDegree(int annotationIndex, boolean isContextRule,
         AdviceMethodProperties properties)
      if (isContextRule)
         return contextParamTypes[annotationIndex].getAssignabilityDegree(properties);
      return paramTypes[annotationIndex].getAssignabilityDegree(properties);
   public void assignAdviceInfo(AdviceMethodProperties properties)
      int args[] = new int[parameterTypes.length];
      for (int i = 0; i < paramTypes.length; i++)
      for (int i = 0; i < contextParamTypes.length; i++)
      properties.setFoundProperties(this.method, args);
    * Creates a parameter annotation type array correpondent to the parameter
    * annotation rules contained in <code>rules</code>.
    * @param rules the parameter annotation rules
    * @return a parameter annotation type array correspondent to <code>rules</code>
   private final ParameterAnnotationType[] createParameterAnnotationTypes(
         ParameterAnnotationRule[] rules)
      ParameterAnnotationType[] types = new ParameterAnnotationType[rules.length];
      // create appropriate annotated parameter types for each AP rule
      for (int i = 0; i < rules.length; i++)
         if (rules[i].isSingleEnforced())
            types[i] = new SingleParameterType(rules[i]);
            types[i] = new MultipleParameterType(rules[i],
      return types;
    * Applies all parameter annotation rules to the advice method parameters.
    * @param properties the properties which the searched advice method must comply
    *                   with
   private void applyRules(AdviceMethodProperties properties)
      Annotation[][] paramAnnotations = method.getParameterAnnotations();
      ParameterAnnotationType typeFound;
      boolean nullifyRank = false;
      for (int i = 0; i < paramAnnotations.length; i++)
         typeFound = null;
         for (Annotation annotation: paramAnnotations[i])
            // no valid annotation found for parameter i yet
            if (typeFound == null)
               typeFound = findAnnotationType(annotation, i);
            else if (findAnnotationType(annotation, i) != null)
               throw new InvalidAdviceException("Parameter " + i  + " of " +
                     adviceType + " advice method '" + method +
                     "' contains more than one valid annotation");
         if (typeFound == null)
            if (paramAnnotations[i].length == 0)
               throw new InvalidAdviceException("Parameter " + i  + " of " +
                     adviceType + " advice method '" + method +
                     "' is not annotated\nFor interception of joinpoint " +
                     properties.getJoinPoint() + " expecting one of annotations: " +
                     getDescription(paramTypes) + getDescription(contextParamTypes));
            AdviceMethodFactory.appendNewMatchingMessage(method, "parameter ");
            AdviceMethodFactory.appendMatchingMessage("' is not annotated correctly. Expecting one of: ");
            this.prevalidated = false;
         // this happens when target or caller are nulls
         // in this case, this advice should have the smallest rank, since
         // any other advice is preferable (in case of overloaded advices)
         nullifyRank = nullifyRank || (typeFound.rule.lowerRankGrade(properties));
      if (nullifyRank)
         rank = 0;
      this.prevalidated = true;
   private String getDescription(ParameterAnnotationType[] types)
      StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
      for (int i = 1; i < types.length; i++)
         buffer.append("\n          ");
      return buffer.toString();

    * Searches for an annotation <code>Annotation</code> on parameter annotation
    * rules.
    * @param annotation the parameter annotation to be searched on the parameter
    *                   annotation rules
    * @param i          the number of the advice parameter that is annotated with
    *                   <code>annotation</code>
    * @return           the parameter type if there is a rule correspondent to
    *                   <code>annotation</code>; <code>null</code> otherwise
   private final ParameterAnnotationType findAnnotationType(Annotation annotation,
         int i)
      for (int j = 0; j < paramTypes.length; j++)
         // found
         if (paramTypes[j].applies(annotation, i))
            return paramTypes[j];
      for (int j = 0; j < contextParamTypes.length; j++)
         // found
         if (contextParamTypes[j].applies(annotation, i))
            return contextParamTypes[j];
      return null;
    * Contains validation data concerning a parameter annotation rule.
   abstract class ParameterAnnotationType
      ParameterAnnotationRule rule;
      public ParameterAnnotationType(ParameterAnnotationRule rule)
         this.rule = rule;
       * Verifies if <code>parameterAnnotation</code> is of this type, and, if it is,
       * sets the parameter index information.
       * @param parameterAnnotation the parameter annotation
       * @param parameterIndex      the parameter index
       * @return <code>true</code> if <code>parameterAnnotation</code> is of this type
      public final boolean applies(Annotation parameterAnnotation, int parameterIndex)
         if (parameterAnnotation.annotationType() == rule.getAnnotation())
            setIndex(parameterIndex, parameterAnnotation);
            return true;
         return false;

       * Validates the occurences of this parameter type, according to the annotaion rule
       * and to <code>properties</code>.
       * @param properties contains information about the queried method
       * @return <code>true</code> if the occurrences of this parameter type are all valid
      public final boolean validate(AdviceMethodProperties properties)
         if (rule.isMandatory() && !isSet())
            AdviceMethodFactory.appendNewMatchingMessage(method, "mandatory ");
            AdviceMethodFactory.appendMatchingMessage("-annotated parameter  not found");
            return false;
         return internalValidate(properties);
       * Records that the parameter identified by <code>parameterIndex</code> is of
       * this type.
       * @param parameterIndex the index of the parameter
       * @param annotation     the annotation used on parameter <code>parameterIndex
       *                       </code>
      public abstract void setIndex(int parameterIndex,
            Annotation annotation);

       * Returns <code>true</code> if there is a parameter of this type.
      public abstract boolean isSet();
       * Validates the occurences of this parameter type, according to the annotation rule
       * and to <code>properties</code>.
       * @param properties contains information about the queried method
       * @return <code>true</code> if the occurrences of this parameter type are all valid
      public abstract boolean internalValidate(AdviceMethodProperties properties);
       * Resets all advice method properties information that has been set during
       * validation.
      public abstract void resetValidation();
       * Returns the sum of the assignability degrees of every paramater of this type.
       * @param properties       contains information about the queried advice method
       * @return                 the assignability degree if this parameter type on the
       *                         advice method
      public abstract short getAssignabilityDegree(AdviceMethodProperties properties);
       * Assigns information regarding all occurences of this parameter type on the
       * advice method to <code>args</code>.
       * @param args array containing information of parameter type occurrences
      public abstract void assignParameterInfo(int[] args);

    * A parameter type whose annotation can occur only once in an advice method.
   class SingleParameterType extends ParameterAnnotationType
      int index;
      public SingleParameterType(ParameterAnnotationRule rule)
         this.index = -1;
      public final void setIndex(int parameterIndex, Annotation annotation)
         if (this.index != -1)
            throw new InvalidAdviceException(
                  "Found more than one occurence of '"
                  + rule + "' on parameters of " + adviceType + " advice method '" +
                  method + "'");
         this.index = parameterIndex;
         rank += rule.getRankGrade();

      public final boolean isSet()
         return this.index != -1;
      public final boolean internalValidate(AdviceMethodProperties properties)
         if (index != -1 && !AssignabilityAlgorithm.VARIABLE_TARGET.isAssignable(
               (Type)rule.getAssignableFrom(properties), hierarchy))
            AdviceMethodFactory.appendNewMatchingMessage(method, rule);
            AdviceMethodFactory.appendMatchingMessage("-annotated parameter is not assignable from expected type ");
            AdviceMethodFactory.appendMatchingMessage(((Type) rule.getAssignableFrom(properties)));
            return false;
         return  true;

      // this class doesn't set any field during validation
      public final void resetValidation() { }

      public final short getAssignabilityDegree(AdviceMethodProperties properties)
         if (this.index == -1)
            return -1;
         return DEGREE.getAssignabilityDegree(
               (Type) rule.getAssignableFrom(properties));
      public final void assignParameterInfo(int[] args)
         if (this.index != -1)
            args[index] = rule.getProperty();

    * A parameter type whose annotation can occur more than once in an advice method.
   class MultipleParameterType extends ParameterAnnotationType
      private int[][] indexes;
      private int[] originalIndexValues; // for resetting purposes
      private int indexesLength;
      // maximum size is the total number of arguments
      public MultipleParameterType(ParameterAnnotationRule rule, int totalArgs)
         this.indexes = new int[totalArgs][2];
         this.indexesLength = 0;
         this.originalIndexValues = new int[totalArgs];
      public final void setIndex(int index, Annotation annotation)
         if (indexesLength == indexes.length)
            throw new RuntimeException(
                  "Unexpected call to setIndex method during processing of '" +
                  method + "'");
         indexes[indexesLength][0] = index;
         originalIndexValues[indexesLength] = ((Arg) annotation).index();
         indexes[indexesLength][1] = originalIndexValues[indexesLength];
         indexesLength ++;
         rank += rule.getRankGrade();
      public final boolean isSet()
         return indexesLength > 0;
      public final boolean internalValidate(AdviceMethodProperties properties)
         Type[] expectedTypes = (Type[]) rule.getAssignableFrom(properties);
         Type[] adviceTypes = method.getGenericParameterTypes();
         if (indexesLength > 0 && expectedTypes.length == 0)
            AdviceMethodFactory.appendNewMatchingMessage(method, "joinpoint has no arguments; unexpected ");
            AdviceMethodFactory.appendMatchingMessage("-annotated parameter found");
            return false;
         if (indexesLength > expectedTypes.length)
            AdviceMethodFactory.appendNewMatchingMessage(method, "found more ");
            AdviceMethodFactory.appendMatchingMessage("-annotated parameters than the number of arguments available on the joinpoint");
            return false;
         boolean[] taken = new boolean[expectedTypes.length];
         for (int i = 0; i < indexesLength; i++)
            // parameter index is set on @Arg annotation
            if (indexes[i][1] != -1)
               // negative index
               if (indexes[i][1] < 0)
                  throw new InvalidAdviceException(
                        "Negative joinpoint parameter index found at method '" +
                        method + "'");
               // wrong index
               if (indexes[i][1] >= expectedTypes.length)
                        "there is no joinpoint argument with index ");
                  AdviceMethodFactory.appendMatchingMessage(", since there are ");
                  AdviceMethodFactory.appendMatchingMessage(expectedTypes.length == 0? "no": expectedTypes.length);
                  AdviceMethodFactory.appendMatchingMessage(" joinpoint arguments available");
                  return false;
               // wrong type
               if (!AssignabilityAlgorithm.VARIABLE_TARGET.isAssignable(
                     adviceTypes[indexes[i][0]], expectedTypes[indexes[i][1]],
                  AdviceMethodFactory.appendNewMatchingMessage(method, "advice parameter ");
                  AdviceMethodFactory.appendMatchingMessage(", of type '");
                  AdviceMethodFactory.appendMatchingMessage("', cannot be assigned to the value of joinpoint argument with index ");
                  AdviceMethodFactory.appendMatchingMessage(indexes[i][1] + ", whose type is '");
                  return false;
               // index set more than once
               if (taken[indexes[i][1]])
                  throw new InvalidAdviceException(
                        "Joinpoint parameter index '" + indexes[i][0] +
                        "' cannot be assigned to more than one " +  rule +
                        "-annotated advice parameter (on " + adviceType +
                        " advice method '" + method + "')");
               // mark index as set
               taken[indexes[i][1]] = true;
         for (int i = 0; i < indexesLength; i++)
            // parameter index is already set
            if (indexes[i][1] != -1)
            boolean found = false;
            for (int j = 0; j < expectedTypes.length; j++)
               if (adviceTypes[indexes[i][0]] == expectedTypes[j] && !taken[j])
                  indexes[i][1] = j;
                  taken[j] = true;
                  found = true;
            if (!found)
               for (int j = 0; j < expectedTypes.length; j++)
                  if (AssignabilityAlgorithm.VARIABLE_TARGET.isAssignable(
                        adviceTypes[indexes[i][0]], expectedTypes[j], hierarchy) &&
                     indexes[i][1] = j;
                     taken[j] = true;
                     found = true;
               if (!found)
                        "not found a match for argument ");
                  AdviceMethodFactory.appendMatchingMessage("; expected one of types: ");
                  for (int j = 0; j < expectedTypes.length; j++)
                     if (!taken[j])
                        AdviceMethodFactory.appendMatchingMessage(" ");
                  return false;
         return true;
      public void resetValidation()
         for (int i = 0; i < indexesLength; i++)
            indexes[i][1] = originalIndexValues[i];
      public short getAssignabilityDegree(AdviceMethodProperties properties)
         if (indexesLength == 0)
            return -1;
         Type[] expectedTypes = (Type[]) rule.getAssignableFrom(properties);
         short level = 0;
         for (int i = 0; i < indexesLength; i++)
            level += DEGREE.getAssignabilityDegree(
         return level;
      public void assignParameterInfo(int args[])
         for (int i = 0; i < indexesLength; i++)
            args[this.indexes[i][0]] = this.indexes[i][1];

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