Package org.jboss.cache.interceptors

Source Code of org.jboss.cache.interceptors.PessimisticLockInterceptor

* JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
* Distributable under LGPL license.
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package org.jboss.cache.interceptors;

import org.jboss.cache.CacheImpl;
import org.jboss.cache.Fqn;
import org.jboss.cache.InvocationContext;
import org.jboss.cache.Node;
import org.jboss.cache.NodeSPI;
import org.jboss.cache.config.Configuration;
import org.jboss.cache.factories.annotations.Inject;
import org.jboss.cache.lock.IsolationLevel;
import org.jboss.cache.lock.LockingException;
import org.jboss.cache.lock.NodeLock;
import org.jboss.cache.lock.TimeoutException;
import org.jboss.cache.marshall.MethodDeclarations;
import org.jboss.cache.marshall.MethodCallFactory;
import org.jboss.cache.marshall.MethodCall;
import org.jboss.cache.transaction.GlobalTransaction;
import org.jboss.cache.transaction.TransactionEntry;
import org.jboss.cache.transaction.TransactionTable;
import org.jgroups.Address;

import javax.transaction.Transaction;
import java.util.*;

* todo refactorings ideas
*      - thre are many places in code that handles that coputes the lock owners: either GTX or Thread.local. The
*      lockOwner can be abstractised  as a LockOwner that can be extended by CurrentThreadLock owner and
       GlobalTransaction owner. This would make the code nicer.

* An interceptor that handles locking. When a TX is associated, we register
* for TX completion and unlock the locks acquired within the scope of the TX.
* When no TX is present, we keep track of the locks acquired during the
* current method and unlock when the method returns.
* @author Bela Ban
* @version $Id: 5394 2008-03-07 02:43:26Z mircea.markus $
public class PessimisticLockInterceptor extends MethodDispacherInterceptor
   private TransactionTable tx_table;
   private CacheImpl cacheImpl;
   private NodeSPI rootNode;

    * Map<Thread, List<NodeLock>>. Keys = threads, values = lists of locks held by that thread
   //         private ThreadLocal<List<NodeLock>> lockTable;
   private long lock_acquisition_timeout;

   public PessimisticLockInterceptor()

   public void injectDependencies(Configuration configuration, CacheImpl cacheImpl, TransactionTable txTable)
//   public void injectDependencies(@ComponentName("LockTable")Map<Thread, List<NodeLock>> lockTable, Configuration configuration, CacheImpl cacheImpl, TransactionTable txTable)
//      this.lockTable = lockTable;
      lock_acquisition_timeout = configuration.getLockAcquisitionTimeout();
      this.cacheImpl = cacheImpl;
      this.tx_table = txTable;

   public Object invoke(InvocationContext ctx) throws Throwable
      if (rootNode == null) rootNode = cache.getRoot();
         return super.invoke(ctx);
         // This is functionality from the UnlockInterceptor:
         // for non-tx calls, release any locks acquired.  These used to be in a separate Map<Thread, List<NodeLock>> called a lockTable,
         // but that has been dropped in facour of storing the invocation-specific locks in the invocation context.  Cleaner to have it all
         // in one place, plus much more performant.

         if (ctx.getOptionOverrides() == null || !ctx.getOptionOverrides().isSuppressLocking())
            Transaction tx = ctx.getTransaction();
            if (tx == null || !isValid(tx))
            { // no TX
               List<NodeLock> locks = ctx.getInvocationLocksAcquired();
               if (trace)
                  log.trace("Attempting to release locks on current thread.  Locks for the invocation is " + locks);

               if (locks != null && locks.size() > 0)
                  Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread();
                     // make sure we release locks in *reverse* order!
                     for (int i = locks.size() - 1; i > -1; i--)
                        NodeLock nl = locks.get(i);
                        if (trace) log.trace("releasing lock for " + nl.getFqn() + ": " + nl);

   protected Object handlePutDataMethod(InvocationContext ctx, GlobalTransaction tx, Fqn fqn, Map data, boolean createUndoOps) throws Throwable
      return handlePutMethod(ctx, fqn);

   protected Object handlePutDataEraseMethod(InvocationContext ctx, GlobalTransaction gt, Fqn fqn, Map newData, boolean createUndoOps, boolean eraseContents) throws Throwable
      return handlePutMethod(ctx, fqn);

   protected Object handlePutKeyValueMethod(InvocationContext ctx, GlobalTransaction gtx, Fqn fqn, Object key, Object value, boolean createUndoOps) throws Throwable
      return handlePutMethod(ctx, fqn);

   private Object handlePutMethod(InvocationContext ctx, Fqn fqn)
         throws Throwable
      if ((ctx.getOptionOverrides() != null && ctx.getOptionOverrides().isSuppressLocking()) || configuration.getIsolationLevel() == IsolationLevel.NONE)
         if (trace) log.trace("Suppressing locking, creating nodes if necessary");
         int treeNodeSize = fqn.size();
         NodeSPI n = rootNode;
         for (int i = 0; i < treeNodeSize; i++)
            Object childName = fqn.get(i);
            Fqn childFqn = new Fqn(childName);
            NodeSPI child_node = n.getChildDirect(childFqn);
            if (child_node == null) child_node = n.addChildDirect(childFqn);
            manageReverseRemove(ctx.getGlobalTransaction(), child_node, true, null);
            n = child_node;
         acquireLocksWithTimeout(ctx, fqn, NodeLock.LockType.WRITE, true, false, false, true, null, false);
      return nextInterceptor(ctx);

   protected boolean skipMethodCall(InvocationContext ctx)
      return (ctx.getOptionOverrides() != null && ctx.getOptionOverrides().isSuppressLocking() && !MethodDeclarations.isPutMethod(ctx.getMethodCall().getMethodId()));

   protected Object handleLockMethod(InvocationContext ctx, Fqn fqn, NodeLock.LockType lockType, boolean recursive) throws Throwable
      acquireLocksWithTimeout(ctx, fqn, lockType, false, false, false, false, null, false);
      if (recursive)
         //acquireLocksOnChildren(cache.peek(fqn, false), lockType, ctx);
         acquireLocksOnChildren(peekNode(ctx, fqn, false, false, false), lockType, ctx);
      return null;

   protected Object handlePrepareMethod(InvocationContext ctx, GlobalTransaction gtx, List modification, Address coordinator, boolean onePhaseCommit) throws Throwable
      // 2-phase commit prepares are no-ops here.
      if (!onePhaseCommit) return nextInterceptor(ctx);

      // commit propagated up from the tx interceptor
      Object retVal = nextInterceptor(ctx);
      return retVal;

   protected Object handleOptimisticPrepareMethod(InvocationContext ctx, GlobalTransaction gtx, List modifications, Map data, Address address, boolean onePhaseCommit) throws Throwable
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Optimistic prepare methods should never be received by the pessimistic lock interceptor!!");

   protected Object handleCommitMethod(InvocationContext ctx, GlobalTransaction globalTransaction) throws Throwable
      if (trace) log.trace("bypassed locking as method commit() doesn't require locking");
      Object retVal = nextInterceptor(ctx);
      return retVal;

   protected Object handleRollbackMethod(InvocationContext ctx, GlobalTransaction globalTransaction) throws Throwable
      TransactionEntry entry = tx_table.get(globalTransaction);
      if (trace)
         log.trace("called to rollback cache with GlobalTransaction=" + globalTransaction);

      if (entry == null)
         log.error("entry for transaction " + globalTransaction + " not found (transaction has possibly already been rolled back)");
         Iterator removedNodes = entry.getRemovedNodes().iterator();
         while (removedNodes.hasNext())
            Fqn f = (Fqn);
            cacheImpl.realRemove(f, false);
         // 1. Revert the modifications by running the undo-op list in reverse. This *cannot* throw any exceptions !
      if (trace)
         log.trace("bypassed locking as method rollback() doesn't require locking");
      Object retVal = nextInterceptor(ctx);
      return retVal;

   protected Object handleMoveMethod(InvocationContext ctx, Fqn from, Fqn to) throws Throwable
      long timeout = ctx.getContextLockAcquisitionTimeout(lock_acquisition_timeout);
      // this call will ensure the node gets a WL and it's current parent gets RL.
      if (trace) log.trace("Attempting to get WL on node to be moved [" + from + "]");
      if (from != null && !(configuration.getIsolationLevel() == IsolationLevel.NONE))
         lock(ctx, from, NodeLock.LockType.WRITE, false, timeout, true, false, null, false);
         if (ctx.getGlobalTransaction() != null)
         acquireLocksOnChildren(peekNode(ctx, from, false, true, false), NodeLock.LockType.WRITE, ctx);
      if (to != null && !(configuration.getIsolationLevel() == IsolationLevel.NONE))
         //now for an RL for the new parent.
         if (trace) log.trace("Attempting to get RL on new parent [" + to + "]");
         lock(ctx, to, NodeLock.LockType.READ, false, timeout, false, false, null, false);
         acquireLocksOnChildren(peekNode(ctx, to, false, true, false), NodeLock.LockType.READ, ctx);
      Object retValue = nextInterceptor(ctx);
      // do a REAL remove here.
      NodeSPI n = peekNode(ctx, from, false, true, false);
      if (n != null)
      return retValue;

   protected Object handleRemoveNodeMethod(InvocationContext ctx, GlobalTransaction tx, Fqn fqn, boolean createUndoOps) throws Throwable
      // need to make a note of ALL nodes created here!!
      List<NodeSPI> createdNodes = new LinkedList<NodeSPI>();
      // we need to mark new nodes created as deleted since they are only created to form a path to the node being removed, to
      // create a lock.
      boolean created = acquireLocksWithTimeout(ctx, fqn, NodeLock.LockType.WRITE, true, false, true, true, createdNodes, true);
      TransactionEntry entry = null;
      if (ctx.getGlobalTransaction() != null)
         entry = tx_table.get(ctx.getGlobalTransaction());
         for (NodeSPI nodeSPI : createdNodes)
      acquireLocksOnChildren(peekNode(ctx, fqn, false, false, false), NodeLock.LockType.WRITE, ctx, entry, true);

      if (!createdNodes.isEmpty())
         if (trace) log.trace("There were new nodes created, skipping notification on delete");
         Object[] args = ctx.getMethodCall().getArgs();
         if (trace)
            log.trace("Changing 'skipNotification' for method '_remove' from " + args[args.length - 1] + " to true");
         args[args.length - 1] = Boolean.TRUE;

      Object retVal = nextInterceptor(ctx);
      // and make sure we remove all nodes we've created for the sake of later removal.
      if (ctx.getGlobalTransaction() == null)

         for (NodeSPI nodeSPI : createdNodes) cacheImpl.realRemove(nodeSPI.getFqn(), true);
         cacheImpl.realRemove(fqn, true);

         NodeSPI n = peekNode(ctx, fqn, false, true, false);
         if (n != null)
      // if this is a delete op and we had to create the node, return a FALSE as nothing *really* was deleted!
      return created ? false : retVal;

   protected Object handlePutForExternalReadMethod(InvocationContext ctx, GlobalTransaction tx, Fqn fqn, Object key, Object value) throws Throwable
      acquireLocksWithTimeout(ctx, fqn, NodeLock.LockType.READ, true, true, false, true, null, false);
      return nextInterceptor(ctx);

   protected Object handleRemoveKeyMethod(InvocationContext ctx, GlobalTransaction tx, Fqn fqn, Object key, boolean createUndoOps) throws Throwable
      return handleRemoveDataMethod(ctx, tx, fqn, createUndoOps);

   protected Object handleRemoveDataMethod(InvocationContext ctx, GlobalTransaction tx, Fqn fqn, boolean createUndoOps) throws Throwable
      acquireLocksWithTimeout(ctx, fqn, NodeLock.LockType.WRITE, false, false, false, false, null, false);
      return nextInterceptor(ctx);

   protected Object handleAddChildMethod(InvocationContext ctx, GlobalTransaction tx, Fqn parentFqn, Object childName, Node cn, boolean createUndoOps) throws Throwable
      acquireLocksWithTimeout(ctx, parentFqn, NodeLock.LockType.READ, false, false, false, false, null, false);
      return nextInterceptor(ctx);

   protected Object handleEvictMethod(InvocationContext ctx, Fqn fqn) throws Throwable
      acquireLocksWithTimeout(ctx, fqn, NodeLock.LockType.WRITE, false, true, false, false, null, false);
      return nextInterceptor(ctx);

   protected Object handleGetKeyValueMethod(InvocationContext ctx, Fqn fqn, Object key, boolean sendNodeEvent) throws Throwable
      acquireLocksWithTimeout(ctx, fqn, NodeLock.LockType.READ, false, false, false, false, null, false);
      return nextInterceptor(ctx);

   protected Object handleGetNodeMethod(InvocationContext ctx, Fqn fqn) throws Throwable
      acquireLocksWithTimeout(ctx, fqn, NodeLock.LockType.READ, false, false, false, false, null, false);
      return nextInterceptor(ctx);

   protected Object handleGetKeysMethod(InvocationContext ctx, Fqn fqn) throws Throwable
      acquireLocksWithTimeout(ctx, fqn, NodeLock.LockType.READ, false, false, false, false, null, false);
      return nextInterceptor(ctx);

   protected Object handleGetChildrenNamesMethod(InvocationContext ctx, Fqn fqn) throws Throwable
      acquireLocksWithTimeout(ctx, fqn, NodeLock.LockType.READ, false, false, false, false, null, false);
      return nextInterceptor(ctx);

   protected Object handlePrintMethod(InvocationContext ctx, Fqn fqn) throws Throwable
      acquireLocksWithTimeout(ctx, fqn, NodeLock.LockType.READ, false, false, false, false, null, false);
      return nextInterceptor(ctx);

   protected Object handleReleaseAllLocksMethod(InvocationContext ctx, Fqn fqn) throws Throwable
      acquireLocksWithTimeout(ctx, fqn, NodeLock.LockType.READ, false, false, false, false, null, false);
      return nextInterceptor(ctx);

   private boolean acquireLocksWithTimeout(InvocationContext ctx, Fqn fqn, NodeLock.LockType lockType,
                                           boolean createIfNotExists, boolean zeroLockTimeout,
                                           boolean acquireLockOnParent, boolean reverseRemoveCheck, List<NodeSPI> createdNodes, boolean skipNotification)
         throws InterruptedException
      if (fqn == null || configuration.getIsolationLevel() == IsolationLevel.NONE) return false;

      boolean created;
      long timeout = zeroLockTimeout ? 0 : ctx.getContextLockAcquisitionTimeout(lock_acquisition_timeout);
      // make sure we can bail out of this loop
      long cutoffTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeout;
      boolean firstTry = true;
         // this is an additional check to make sure we don't try for too long.
         if (!firstTry && System.currentTimeMillis() > cutoffTime)
            throw new TimeoutException("Unable to acquire lock on Fqn " + fqn + " after " + timeout + " millis");
         created = lock(ctx, fqn, lockType, createIfNotExists, timeout, acquireLockOnParent, reverseRemoveCheck, createdNodes, skipNotification);
         firstTry = false;
      while (createIfNotExists && (peekNode(ctx, fqn, false, false, false) == null));// keep trying until we have the lock (fixes concurrent remove())
      return created;

    * Acquires locks on the node and on its parrents. Read locks are acquired for exsiting ancestors, with two exceptions:
    * 1) createIfNotExists is true. If an ancestor is created on the fly, then an WL is acquired by default
    * 2) acquireWriteLockOnParent is true. If so AND {@link org.jboss.cache.Node#isLockForChildInsertRemove()} then a read
    * lock will be aquired for the parent of the node.
    * @param createIfNotExists  if true, then missing nodes will be cretaed on the fly. If false, method returns if we
    *                           reach a node that does not exists
    * @param reverseRemoveCheck see {@link #manageReverseRemove(org.jboss.cache.transaction.GlobalTransaction, org.jboss.cache.NodeSPI, boolean)}
    * @param createdNodes       a list to which any nodes created can register their Fqns so that calling code is aware of which nodes have been newly created.
    * @param skipNotification
   private boolean lock(InvocationContext ctx, Fqn fqn, NodeLock.LockType lockType, boolean createIfNotExists, long timeout,
                        boolean acquireWriteLockOnParent, boolean reverseRemoveCheck, List<NodeSPI> createdNodes, boolean skipNotification)
         throws TimeoutException, LockingException, InterruptedException
      Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread();
      GlobalTransaction gtx = ctx.getGlobalTransaction();
      boolean created = false;
      // if the tx associated with the current thread is rolling back, barf! JBCACHE-923
      if (gtx != null)
      Object owner = (gtx != null) ? gtx : currentThread;
      NodeSPI currentNode;
      if (trace) log.trace("Attempting to lock node " + fqn + " for owner " + owner);
      long expiryTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeout;
      currentNode = rootNode;
      NodeSPI parent = null;
      Object childName = null;
      int currentIndex = -1;
      int targetFqnSize = fqn.size();

         if (currentNode == null)
            if (createIfNotExists)
               // if the new node is to be marked as deleted, do not notify!
               currentNode = parent.addChildDirect(childName, !skipNotification);
               created = true;
               if (trace) log.trace("Child node was null, so created child node " + childName);
               if (createdNodes != null) createdNodes.add(currentNode);
               if (trace)
                  log.trace("failed to find or create child " + childName + " of node " + currentNode);
               return false;
            if (!currentNode.isValid() && createIfNotExists) currentNode.setValid(true, false);

         NodeLock.LockType lockTypeRequired = NodeLock.LockType.READ;
         if (created || writeLockNeeded(ctx, lockType, currentIndex, acquireWriteLockOnParent, createIfNotExists, fqn, currentNode))
            lockTypeRequired = NodeLock.LockType.WRITE;

         Fqn currentNodeFqn = currentNode.getFqn();
         // actually acquire the lock we need.  This method blocks.
         acquireNodeLock(ctx, currentNode, owner, gtx, lockTypeRequired, timeout);

         manageReverseRemove(gtx, currentNode, reverseRemoveCheck, createdNodes);
         // make sure the lock we acquired isn't on a deleted node/is an orphan!!
         // look into invalidated nodes as well
         NodeSPI repeek = peekNode(ctx, currentNodeFqn, true, true, true);
         if (currentNode != repeek)
            if (trace)
               log.trace("Was waiting for and obtained a lock on a node that doesn't exist anymore!  Attempting lock acquisition again.");
            // we have an orphan!! Lose the unnecessary lock and re-acquire the lock (and potentially recreate the node).
            // check if the parent exists!!
            // look into invalidated nodes as well
            if (parent == null || peekNode(ctx, parent.getFqn(), true, true, true) == null)
               // crap!
               if (trace) log.trace("Parent has been deleted again.  Go through the lock method all over again.");
               currentNode = rootNode;
               currentIndex = -1;
               parent = null;
               currentNode = parent;
               parent = null;
               if (System.currentTimeMillis() > expiryTime)
                  throw new TimeoutException("Unable to acquire lock on child node " + new Fqn(currentNode.getFqn(), childName) + " after " + timeout + " millis.");
               if (trace) log.trace("Moving one level up, current node is :" + currentNode);
            // we have succeeded in acquiring this lock. Increment the current index since we have gained one level of depth in the tree.

            // now test if this is the final level and if we can quit the loop:
            //if (currentNodeFqn.equals(fqn))//we've just processed the last child
            if (currentIndex == targetFqnSize)
            if (!fqn.isChildOrEquals(currentNode.getFqn())) // Does this ever happen?  Perhaps with a move(), I suppose?  - MS
               String message = new StringBuffer("currentNode instance changed the FQN(").append(currentNode.getFqn())
                     .append(") and do not match the FQN on which we want to acquire lock(").append(fqn).append(")").toString();
               throw new LockingException(message);
            parent = currentNode;

            childName = fqn.get(currentIndex);
            currentNode = currentNode.getChildDirect(childName);
      } while (true);
      return created;

   private void acquireLocksOnChildren(NodeSPI parentNode, NodeLock.LockType lockType, InvocationContext ctx) throws InterruptedException
      acquireLocksOnChildren(parentNode, lockType, ctx, null, false);

    * Acquires nodes on the children of this node. nodes on the node itself are not aquired.
    * If the supplied parent node is null the method returns(no op).
   private void acquireLocksOnChildren(NodeSPI parentNode, NodeLock.LockType lockType, InvocationContext ctx, TransactionEntry entry, boolean addChildrenToDeletedList)
         throws InterruptedException
      if (parentNode == null)
      long timeout = ctx.getContextLockAcquisitionTimeout(lock_acquisition_timeout);
      GlobalTransaction gtx = ctx.getGlobalTransaction();
      Object owner = (gtx != null) ? gtx : Thread.currentThread();

      Set<NodeLock> acquiredLocks = parentNode.getLock().acquireAll(owner, timeout, lockType);
      if (acquiredLocks.size() > 0)
         if (gtx != null)
            cache.getTransactionTable().addLocks(gtx, acquiredLocks);
            if (addChildrenToDeletedList)
               for (NodeLock l : acquiredLocks)

    * Used by lock()
    * Determins whter an arbitrary node from the supplied fqn needs an write lock.
   private boolean writeLockNeeded(InvocationContext ctx, NodeLock.LockType lockType, int currentNodeIndex, boolean acquireWriteLockOnParent, boolean createIfNotExists, Fqn targetFqn, NodeSPI currentNode)
      int treeNodeSize = targetFqn.size();
      // write lock forced!!
      boolean isTargetNode = currentNodeIndex == (treeNodeSize - 1);
      if (isTargetNode && ctx.getOptionOverrides().isForceWriteLock()) return true;
      //this can be injected, from the caller as a param named wlParent
      if (currentNode.isLockForChildInsertRemove())
         if (acquireWriteLockOnParent && currentNodeIndex == treeNodeSize - 2)
            return true;// we're doing a remove and we've reached the PARENT node of the target to be removed.
         if (!isTargetNode && peekNode(ctx, targetFqn.getAncestor(currentNodeIndex + 2), false, false, false) == null)
         //if (!isTargetNode && cache.peek(targetFqn.getAncestor(currentNodeIndex + 2), false) == null)
         //if (!isTargetNode && cache.peek(new Fqn(currentNode.getFqn(), targetFqn.get(currentNodeIndex + 1)), false) == null)
            return createIfNotExists;// we're at a node in the tree, not yet at the target node, and we need to create the next node.  So we need a WL here.
      return lockType == NodeLock.LockType.WRITE && isTargetNode;//write lock explicitly requested and this is the target to be written to.

   private void acquireNodeLock(InvocationContext ctx, NodeSPI node, Object owner, GlobalTransaction gtx, NodeLock.LockType lockType, long lockTimeout) throws LockingException, TimeoutException, InterruptedException
      NodeLock lock = node.getLock();
      boolean acquired = lock.acquire(owner, lockTimeout, lockType);
      if (acquired)
         // Record the lock for release on method return or tx commit/rollback
         if (gtx != null)
            cache.getTransactionTable().recordNodeLock(gtx, lock);

    * Test if this node needs to be 'undeleted'
    * reverse the "remove" if the node has been previously removed in the same tx, if this operation is a put()
   private void manageReverseRemove(GlobalTransaction gtx, NodeSPI childNode, boolean reverseRemoveCheck, List createdNodes)
      if (gtx != null) //if no tx then reverse remove does not make sense
         Fqn fqn = childNode.getFqn();
         boolean needToReverseRemove = reverseRemoveCheck && childNode.isDeleted() && tx_table.isNodeRemovedInTx(gtx, fqn);
         if (!needToReverseRemove) return;
         //if we'll rollback the tx data should be added to the node again
         Map oldData = new HashMap(childNode.getDataDirect());
         MethodCall undoOp = MethodCallFactory.create(MethodDeclarations.putDataMethodLocal_id,
               gtx, fqn, oldData , false);
         //we're prepared for rollback, now reset the node
         if (createdNodes != null)

    * Remove all locks held by <tt>tx</tt>, remove the transaction from the transaction table
   private void commit(GlobalTransaction gtx)
      if (trace) log.trace("committing cache with gtx " + gtx);
      TransactionEntry entry = tx_table.get(gtx);
      if (entry == null)
         log.error("entry for transaction " + gtx + " not found (maybe already committed)");

      // first remove nodes that should be deleted.
      Iterator removedNodes = entry.getRemovedNodes().iterator();
      while (removedNodes.hasNext())
         Fqn f = (Fqn);
         cacheImpl.realRemove(f, false);


Related Classes of org.jboss.cache.interceptors.PessimisticLockInterceptor

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