Package org.jboss.on.embedded.ui

Source Code of org.jboss.on.embedded.ui.NavigationAction$Tabs

* Embedded Jopr Project
* Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Red Hat, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
package org.jboss.on.embedded.ui;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;

import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.rhq.core.domain.configuration.definition.ConfigurationDefinition;
import org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.Availability;
import org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.AvailabilityType;
import org.rhq.core.domain.resource.Resource;
import org.rhq.core.domain.resource.ResourceCategory;
import org.rhq.core.domain.resource.ResourceCreationDataType;
import org.rhq.core.domain.resource.ResourceType;
import org.richfaces.component.UITree;

import org.jboss.seam.ScopeType;
import org.jboss.seam.annotations.In;
import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Name;
import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Scope;

import org.jboss.on.embedded.manager.ResourceManager;
import org.jboss.on.embedded.manager.ResourceManagerFactory;
import org.jboss.on.embedded.ui.nav.BaseTreeNode;
import org.jboss.on.embedded.ui.nav.DummyTreeNode;
import org.jboss.on.embedded.ui.nav.JONTreeNode;
import org.jboss.on.embedded.ui.nav.PlatformResourceTreeNode;
import org.jboss.on.embedded.ui.nav.ResourceTypeTreeNode;
import org.jboss.on.embedded.ui.nav.TreeNodeWithResource;

* NavigationAction creates the navigation objects.
* @author Jessica Sant
* @author Charles Crouch
* @author Ian Springer
// TODO (ips): Remove obsolete commented-out code.
// TODO: Go through this class and try to ensure the minimum amount of things are public.
//       Most actions should be dealing with CommonActionUtil for getting hold of resources etc.
public class NavigationAction implements Serializable
    static interface Tabs {
        String CONFIGURATION = "configuration";
        String METRIC = "metric";
        String OPERATION = "operation";
        String CONTENT = "content";

    private Set<JONTreeNode> expandedYet = new HashSet<JONTreeNode>();

    private int openDepth = 0;

    public int getOpenDepth()
        return this.openDepth;

    public void setOpenDepth(int n)
        this.openDepth = n;

    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(NavigationAction.class);

    private Object navigationState;

    public Object getNavigationState()
        return navigationState;

    public void setNavigationState(Object navigationState)
        this.navigationState = navigationState;

    private ResourceManager getManager()
        return ResourceManagerFactory.resourceManager();

    @In(value = "rootNode", create = true)
    private JONTreeNode rootNode;

    // Its only SummaryAction.getResourceTypePath which needs this to be public
    // This returns a DummyTreeNode so its generally not going to be useful to other clients
    public JONTreeNode getRootNode()
        return rootNode;

//    @Out(value = "navTree", required = false, scope = ScopeType.EVENT)
//    public HtmlTree getNavTree()
//    {
////      if (navTree == null)
////      {
////         navTree = buildNavTree();
////      }
//        return navTree;
//    }
//    @In(value = "navTree", required = false, scope = ScopeType.EVENT)
//    public void setNavTree(HtmlTree navTree)
//    {
//        this.navTree = navTree;
//    }
//    private HtmlTree navTree;

//   @Factory("navTree")
//   public HtmlTree buildNavTree()
//   {
//      // <rich:tree switchType="ajax" value="#{navigationAction.rootNode}" var="item" nodeFace="all">
//      HtmlTree tree = (HtmlTree) getApplication().createComponent(HtmlTree.COMPONENT_TYPE);
//      //tree.setId(getUniqueId());
//      //HtmlTree tree = new HtmlTree();
//      tree.setSwitchType("ajax");
//      tree.setVar("item");
//      tree.setNodeFace("all");
//      ValueBinding valueBinding = getApplication().createValueBinding("#{navigationAction.rootNode}");
//      tree.setValueBinding("value", valueBinding);
//      //<rich:treeNode type="all">
//      HtmlTreeNode node = (HtmlTreeNode) getApplication().createComponent(HtmlTreeNode.COMPONENT_TYPE);
//      node.setId(getUniqueId());
//      //HtmlTreeNode node = new HtmlTreeNode();
//      node.setType("all");
//      //<s:link view="/secure/summary.xhtml" propagation="end">#{}
//      HtmlLink link = (HtmlLink) getApplication().createComponent(HtmlLink.COMPONENT_TYPE);
//      link.setId(getUniqueId());
//      //HtmlLink link = new HtmlLink();
//      link.setView("/secure/summary.xhtml");
//      link.setPropagation("end");
//      valueBinding = getApplication().createValueBinding("#{}");
//      link.setValueBinding("value", valueBinding);
//      // <f:param name="path" value="#{item.path}"/>
//      UIParameter param = (UIParameter) getApplication().createComponent(UIParameter.COMPONENT_TYPE);
//      param.setId(getUniqueId());
//      //UIParameter param = new UIParameter();
//      param.setName("path");
//      valueBinding = getApplication().createValueBinding("#{item.path}");
//      param.setValueBinding("value", valueBinding);
//      link.getChildren().add(param);
//      node.getChildren().add(link);
//      tree.getChildren().add(node);
//      return tree;
//   }
//   private Application getApplication()
//   {
//      return FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getApplication();
//   }
//   private int counter = 0;
//   /**
//    * Returns an id which is unique to this *instance* of the class.
//    * Used to supply id's to the JSF components we create programmatically
//    * @return
//    */
//   protected String getUniqueId()
//   {
//      return "jon_treeid_" + counter++;
//   }

//   private HtmlPanelGrid navPanelGrid;
//   public HtmlPanelGrid getNavPanelGrid()
//   {
//      if (navPanelGrid == null)
//      {
//         Application application = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getApplication();
//         navPanelGrid = (HtmlPanelGrid) application.createComponent(HtmlPanelGrid.COMPONENT_TYPE);
//         TreeWidgetFactory factory = new TreeWidgetFactory(application);
//         factory.buildTree(navPanelGrid);
//      }
//      return navPanelGrid;
//   }
//   public void setNavPanelGrid(HtmlPanelGrid navPanelGrid)
//   {
//      this.navPanelGrid = navPanelGrid;
//   }

    // session scoped variable holding the path of the most recently
    // selected entry from the navigation
    private String currentPath;

    public String getCurrentPath()
        return currentPath;

    public void setCurrentPath(String path)
        this.currentPath = path;

     * loads the breadcrumbs for the node specified by the currentPath variable
     * @return the breadcrumbs (descending list of parent to children) for this node
    public List<JONTreeNode> getBreadCrumbs()
        JONTreeNode selectedNode = getSelectedNode();
        // add the current node
        List<JONTreeNode> breadcrumbs = new ArrayList();

        JONTreeNode parent = selectedNode.getParent();
        while (parent != null)
            // make sure the most recently added parent ends up at the front of this list
            breadcrumbs.add(0, parent);
            parent = parent.getParent();

        // remove the first breadcrumb node, if its the dummy tree node (which it should be
        if (breadcrumbs.get(0) instanceof DummyTreeNode)

        return breadcrumbs;

    // @TODO if isAvailable is moved to CommonActionUtil, the methods below for enabling tabs should
    // probably move there too or just move it to a Tab related class
    public Map<String, Boolean> getEnabledTabs()
        Map<String, Boolean> enabledTabs = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(4);
        JONTreeNode currentNode = getSelectedNode();
        if (currentNode instanceof TreeNodeWithResource)
            Resource resource = ((TreeNodeWithResource)currentNode).getResource();
            if (hasConfiguration(resource))
                enabledTabs.put(Tabs.CONFIGURATION, true);
            if (hasMetrics(resource))
                enabledTabs.put(Tabs.METRIC, true);
            if (resource.getResourceType().getCategory() != ResourceCategory.PLATFORM && hasOperations(resource))
                enabledTabs.put(Tabs.OPERATION, true);
            if (isContentBacked(resource))
                enabledTabs.put(Tabs.CONTENT, true);
        return enabledTabs;

    private boolean isContentBacked(Resource resource)
        return (resource.getResourceType().getCreationDataType().equals(ResourceCreationDataType.CONTENT));

    private boolean hasOperations(Resource resource)
        List operations = getManager().getOperationsForResource(resource);
        return (!operations.isEmpty());

    private boolean hasMetrics(Resource resource)
        Set metrics = resource.getResourceType().getMetricDefinitions();
        return (metrics != null && !metrics.isEmpty());

    private boolean hasConfiguration(Resource resource)
        ConfigurationDefinition resourceConfigDef = resource.getResourceType().getResourceConfigurationDefinition();
        return (resourceConfigDef != null && !resourceConfigDef.getPropertyDefinitions().isEmpty());

    // @TODO Another method that we should move to CommonActionUtil. I also think there should be a way
    // @TODO to combine this with isAvailable, so mostly have the calls to isAvailable call this, and check
    // @TODO against a string instead of a boolean, and it shouldn't need to have Resource as a parameter.
     * gets the available status for the current resource being viewed
     * @return UP, DOWN or UNKNOWN (or SUMMARY if this isn't a ResourceTreeNode)
    public String getAvailableStatus()
        String status = "SUMMARY";
        JONTreeNode currentNode = getSelectedNode();
        if (currentNode instanceof TreeNodeWithResource)
            Resource resource = ((TreeNodeWithResource)currentNode).getResource();
            return getAvailableStatus(resource);
        return status;

     * gets the availability status for the given resource
     * @param resource the inventoried resource being queried
     * @return UP, DOWN or UNKNOWN
    public String getAvailableStatus(Resource resource)
        Availability availability = getManager().getAvailability(resource);
        AvailabilityType type = availability.getAvailabilityType();
        //noinspection UnnecessaryLocalVariable
        String status = (type != null) ? type.getName() : "UNKNOWN";
        return status;

     * true if the given node is the same as the currently selected node, false otherwise
     * @param node the node to test if its the same as the currently selected node
     * @return true if the given node is the same as the currently selected node, false otherwise
    public boolean equalsSelectedNode(JONTreeNode node)
        JONTreeNode currentNode = getSelectedNode();
        return node.equals(currentNode);

    // TODO figure out where path is getting set to / when viewing the root page
    // its getting set in the redirect to index.xhtml
    // TODO could consider renaming this getCurrentNavigationNode()
    public JONTreeNode getSelectedNode()
        if (log.isTraceEnabled())
            log.trace("Finding node for path [" + getCurrentPath() + "]...");
        JONTreeNode selectedNode = getRootNode().findNode(getCurrentPath());
        ResourceManager resourceManager = ResourceManagerFactory.resourceManager();
        if (selectedNode == null)
            log.debug("Unable to find node with path [" + this.currentPath + "]; defaulting to platform node...");
            // TODO (ccrouch): I'm seeing this on login now. Comment out for now.
//            String errorMsg = "Unable to find node with path [" + this.currentPath + "]; defaulting to platform node...";
//            LOG.error(errorMsg);
//            this.facesMessages.add(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, errorMsg);
            this.currentPath = getResourcePath(resourceManager.getPlatform());
            selectedNode = getRootNode().findNode(this.currentPath);
        return selectedNode;

    // TODO move to CommonActionUtil
    public boolean isAvailable(Resource r)
        Availability availability = getManager().getAvailability(r);
        return availability.getAvailabilityType() == AvailabilityType.UP;

    // TODO look at making this private or used by only CommonActionUtil
    public JONTreeNode findNode(String path)
        return getRootNode().findNode(path);

    public String getResourcePath(Integer resourceId)
        // this just happens to be the current implementation for generating the path
        // if we wanted to change it, we just need to change the methods in this class
        // and ResourceTreeNode
        // TODO this could call a static method on ResourceTreeNode to keep this
        // implementation better encapsulated
        return String.valueOf(resourceId);

    public String getResourcePath(Resource resource)
        return getResourcePath(resource.getId());

    // TODO consider have this return TreeNodeWithResourceType
    public ResourceTypeTreeNode findNodeByResourceTypeAndParent(ResourceType resourceType, JONTreeNode parentResourceNode)
        return ((BaseTreeNode)parentResourceNode).findNodeByType(resourceType);

    public Boolean openNodeAdvisor(UITree tree)
        JONTreeNode data = (JONTreeNode)(tree.getTreeNode().getData());
        if (!expandedYet.contains(data) && isWithinNStepsOfPlatform(this.openDepth - 1, data))
            return Boolean.TRUE;
            return null;

    private Boolean isWithinNStepsOfPlatform(int n, JONTreeNode node)
        if ((n < 0) || node == null)
            return Boolean.FALSE;
            return (node instanceof PlatformResourceTreeNode) || isWithinNStepsOfPlatform(n - 1, node.getParent());

    // unfortunately can't tell whether this is an open or close event
    // so we have to re-do the childMap in all cases
    public void changeExpandListener(org.richfaces.event.NodeExpandedEvent event)
        UIComponent comp = event.getComponent();
        UITree tree = (UITree)comp;
        JONTreeNode jonTreeNode = (JONTreeNode)(tree.getTreeNode().getData());

//   /**
//    * Sorts the list of datasources by the given column name in ascending or descending order.
//    * If the given column name doesn't match, the list is not sorted
//    *
//    * @param column the column to sort by
//    * @param ascending true if the list should be sorted in ascending order, false if in descending order
//    * @param listToSort the Resource list to be sorted
//    */
//   //TODO: need to figure out where this sort method fits best
//   public void sort(final String column, final boolean ascending, List<ResourceListItem> listToSort)
//   {
//"sorting - " + column + ", " + ascending);
//      final NavigationAction navigationAction = (NavigationAction) Contexts.lookupInStatefulContexts( "navigationAction" );
//      Comparator<ResourceListItem> comparator = new Comparator<ResourceListItem>()
//      {
//         public int compare(ResourceListItem c1, ResourceListItem c2)
//         {
//            if (column == null)
//            {
//               return 0;
//            }
//            if (column.equals(navigationAction.getColumnJndiName()))
//            {
//               return ascending ?
//                  c1.getName().compareTo(c2.getName()):
//                  c2.getName().compareTo(c1.getName());
//            }
//            else if (column.equals(navigationAction.getColumnType()))
//            {
//               return ascending ?
//                  c1.getResource().getResourceType().getName().compareTo(c2.getResource().getResourceType().getName()):
//                  c2.getResource().getResourceType().getName().compareTo(c1.getResource().getResourceType().getName());
//            }
//           if (column.equals(navigationAction.getColumnStatus()))
//            {
//               return ascending ?
//                  c1.getAvailability().compareTo(c2.getAvailability()):
//                  c2.getAvailability().compareTo(c1.getAvailability());
//            }
//            else return 0;
//         }
//      };
//      Collections.sort(listToSort, comparator);
//   }

Related Classes of org.jboss.on.embedded.ui.NavigationAction$Tabs

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