Package org.hornetq.tests.unit.core.postoffice.impl

Source Code of org.hornetq.tests.unit.core.postoffice.impl.BindingsImplTest$FakeMessage

* Copyright 2009 Red Hat, Inc.
* Red Hat licenses this file to you under the Apache License, version
* 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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package org.hornetq.tests.unit.core.postoffice.impl;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.transaction.xa.Xid;

import org.hornetq.api.core.HornetQBuffer;
import org.hornetq.api.core.HornetQException;
import org.hornetq.api.core.PropertyConversionException;
import org.hornetq.api.core.SimpleString;
import org.hornetq.core.filter.Filter;
import org.hornetq.core.message.BodyEncoder;
import org.hornetq.core.paging.PagingStore;
import org.hornetq.core.postoffice.Binding;
import org.hornetq.core.postoffice.BindingType;
import org.hornetq.core.postoffice.impl.BindingsImpl;
import org.hornetq.core.server.Bindable;
import org.hornetq.core.server.MessageReference;
import org.hornetq.core.server.Queue;
import org.hornetq.core.server.RoutingContext;
import org.hornetq.core.server.ServerMessage;
import org.hornetq.core.server.impl.RoutingContextImpl;
import org.hornetq.core.server.impl.ServerMessageImpl;
import org.hornetq.core.transaction.Transaction;
import org.hornetq.core.transaction.TransactionOperation;
import org.hornetq.tests.util.UnitTestCase;
import org.hornetq.utils.TypedProperties;
import org.hornetq.utils.UUID;

* A BindingImplTest
* @author clebert
* Created Mar 12, 2009 9:14:46 PM
public class BindingsImplTest extends UnitTestCase
   // Constants -----------------------------------------------------

   // Attributes ----------------------------------------------------

   // Static --------------------------------------------------------

   // Constructors --------------------------------------------------

   // Public --------------------------------------------------------

   public void testRemoveWhileRouting() throws Exception
      // It would require many iterations before getting a failure
      for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++)

   public void testRemoveWhileRedistributing() throws Exception
      // It would require many iterations before getting a failure
      for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++)

   private void internalTest(final boolean route) throws Exception
      final FakeBinding fake = new FakeBinding(new SimpleString("a"));

      final BindingsImpl bind = new BindingsImpl(null, null);
      bind.addBinding(new FakeBinding(new SimpleString("a")));
      bind.addBinding(new FakeBinding(new SimpleString("a")));

      Thread t = new Thread()
         public void run()
            catch (Exception e)

      Queue queue = new FakeQueue(new SimpleString("a"));

      for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
         if (route)
            bind.route(new ServerMessageImpl(i, 100), new RoutingContextImpl(new FakeTransaction()));
            bind.redistribute(new ServerMessageImpl(i, 100), queue, new RoutingContextImpl(new FakeTransaction()));

   class FakeTransaction implements Transaction

      /* (non-Javadoc)
       * @see org.hornetq.core.transaction.Transaction#addOperation(org.hornetq.core.transaction.TransactionOperation)
      public void addOperation(final TransactionOperation sync)


      public boolean hasTimedOut(long currentTime, int defaultTimeout)
         return false

      /* (non-Javadoc)
       * @see org.hornetq.core.transaction.Transaction#commit()
      public void commit() throws Exception


      /* (non-Javadoc)
       * @see org.hornetq.core.transaction.Transaction#commit(boolean)
      public void commit(final boolean onePhase) throws Exception


      /* (non-Javadoc)
       * @see org.hornetq.core.transaction.Transaction#getCreateTime()
      public long getCreateTime()

         return 0;

      /* (non-Javadoc)
       * @see org.hornetq.core.transaction.Transaction#getID()
      public long getID()

         return 0;

      /* (non-Javadoc)
       * @see org.hornetq.core.transaction.Transaction#getOperationsCount()
      public int getOperationsCount()

         return 0;

      /* (non-Javadoc)
       * @see org.hornetq.core.transaction.Transaction#getProperty(int)
      public Object getProperty(final int index)

         return null;

      /* (non-Javadoc)
       * @see org.hornetq.core.transaction.Transaction#getState()
      public State getState()

         return null;

      /* (non-Javadoc)
       * @see org.hornetq.core.transaction.Transaction#getXid()
      public Xid getXid()

         return null;

      /* (non-Javadoc)
       * @see org.hornetq.core.transaction.Transaction#markAsRollbackOnly(org.hornetq.api.core.exception.HornetQException)
      public void markAsRollbackOnly(final HornetQException exception)


      /* (non-Javadoc)
       * @see org.hornetq.core.transaction.Transaction#prepare()
      public void prepare() throws Exception


      /* (non-Javadoc)
       * @see org.hornetq.core.transaction.Transaction#putProperty(int, java.lang.Object)
      public void putProperty(final int index, final Object property)


      /* (non-Javadoc)
       * @see org.hornetq.core.transaction.Transaction#removeOperation(org.hornetq.core.transaction.TransactionOperation)
      public void removeOperation(final TransactionOperation sync)


      /* (non-Javadoc)
       * @see org.hornetq.core.transaction.Transaction#resume()
      public void resume()


      /* (non-Javadoc)
       * @see org.hornetq.core.transaction.Transaction#rollback()
      public void rollback() throws Exception


      /* (non-Javadoc)
       * @see org.hornetq.core.transaction.Transaction#setState(org.hornetq.core.transaction.Transaction.State)
      public void setState(final State state)


      /* (non-Javadoc)
       * @see org.hornetq.core.transaction.Transaction#suspend()
      public void suspend()


      /* (non-Javadoc)
       * @see org.hornetq.core.transaction.Transaction#getDistinctQueues()
      public Set<Queue> getDistinctQueues()
         return Collections.emptySet();

      public void setContainsPersistent()
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub


      public void setTimeout(int timeout)

      public Transaction copy()
         return null;

      public void afterCommit()

      public void afterPrepare()

      public void afterRollback()

      public void beforeCommit() throws Exception

      public void beforePrepare() throws Exception

      public void beforeRollback() throws Exception

      /* (non-Javadoc)
       * @see org.hornetq.core.transaction.Transaction#isPaging()
      public boolean isPaging()
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return false;

      /* (non-Javadoc)
       * @see org.hornetq.core.transaction.Transaction#setPaging(boolean)
      public void setPaging(boolean paging)
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub

      /* (non-Javadoc)
       * @see org.hornetq.core.transaction.Transaction#isContainsPersistent()
      public boolean isContainsPersistent()
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return false;

      /* (non-Javadoc)
       * @see org.hornetq.core.transaction.Transaction#getAllOperations()
      public List<TransactionOperation> getAllOperations()
         return null;


   class FakeMessage implements ServerMessage

      public ServerMessage copy()
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return null;

      public ServerMessage copy(final long newID)
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return null;

      public MessageReference createReference(final Queue queue)
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return null;

      public int decrementDurableRefCount()
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return 0;

      public int decrementRefCount() throws Exception
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return 0;

      public void encodeMessageIDToBuffer()
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub


      public int getMemoryEstimate()
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return 0;

      public PagingStore getPagingStore()
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return null;

      public int getRefCount()
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return 0;

      public int incrementDurableRefCount()
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return 0;

      public int incrementRefCount() throws Exception
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return 0;

      public ServerMessage makeCopyForExpiryOrDLA(final long newID, final boolean expiry) throws Exception
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return null;

      public boolean page() throws Exception
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return false;

      public boolean page(final long transactionID) throws Exception
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return false;

      public void setMessageID(final long id)
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub


      public void setOriginalHeaders(final ServerMessage other, final boolean expiry)
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub


      public void setPagingStore(final PagingStore store)
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub


      public boolean storeIsPaging()
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return false;

      public void bodyChanged()
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub


      public void checkCopy()
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub


      public boolean containsProperty(final SimpleString key)
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return false;

      public boolean containsProperty(final String key)
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return false;

      public void decodeFromBuffer(final HornetQBuffer buffer)
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub


      public void decodeHeadersAndProperties(final HornetQBuffer buffer)
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub


      public void encodeHeadersAndProperties(final HornetQBuffer buffer)
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub


      public HornetQBuffer getBodyBuffer()
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return null;

      public BodyEncoder getBodyEncoder() throws HornetQException
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return null;

      public InputStream getBodyInputStream()
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return null;

      public Boolean getBooleanProperty(final SimpleString key) throws PropertyConversionException
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return null;

      public Boolean getBooleanProperty(final String key) throws PropertyConversionException
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return null;

      public Byte getByteProperty(final SimpleString key) throws PropertyConversionException
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return null;

      public Byte getByteProperty(final String key) throws PropertyConversionException
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return null;

      public byte[] getBytesProperty(final SimpleString key) throws PropertyConversionException
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return null;

      public byte[] getBytesProperty(final String key) throws PropertyConversionException
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return null;

      public SimpleString getAddress()
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return null;

      public Double getDoubleProperty(final SimpleString key) throws PropertyConversionException
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return null;

      public Double getDoubleProperty(final String key) throws PropertyConversionException
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return null;

      public HornetQBuffer getEncodedBuffer()
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return null;

      public int getEncodeSize()
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return 0;

      public int getEndOfBodyPosition()
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return 0;

      public int getEndOfMessagePosition()
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return 0;

      public long getExpiration()
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return 0;

      public Float getFloatProperty(final SimpleString key) throws PropertyConversionException
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return null;

      public Float getFloatProperty(final String key) throws PropertyConversionException
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return null;

      public int getHeadersAndPropertiesEncodeSize()
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return 0;

      public Integer getIntProperty(final SimpleString key) throws PropertyConversionException
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return null;

      public Integer getIntProperty(final String key) throws PropertyConversionException
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return null;

      public Long getLongProperty(final SimpleString key) throws PropertyConversionException
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return null;

      public Long getLongProperty(final String key) throws PropertyConversionException
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return null;

      public long getMessageID()
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return 0;

      public Object getObjectProperty(final SimpleString key)
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return null;

      public Object getObjectProperty(final String key)
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return null;

      public byte getPriority()
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return 0;

      public TypedProperties getProperties()
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return null;

      public Set<SimpleString> getPropertyNames()
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return null;

      public Short getShortProperty(final SimpleString key) throws PropertyConversionException
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return null;

      public Short getShortProperty(final String key) throws PropertyConversionException
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return null;

      public SimpleString getSimpleStringProperty(final SimpleString key) throws PropertyConversionException
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return null;

      public SimpleString getSimpleStringProperty(final String key) throws PropertyConversionException
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return null;

      public String getStringProperty(final SimpleString key) throws PropertyConversionException
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return null;

      public String getStringProperty(final String key) throws PropertyConversionException
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return null;

      public long getTimestamp()
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return 0;

      public byte getType()
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return 0;

      public HornetQBuffer getWholeBuffer()
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return null;

      public boolean isDurable()
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return false;

      public boolean isExpired()
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return false;

      public boolean isLargeMessage()
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return false;

      public void putBooleanProperty(final SimpleString key, final boolean value)
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub


      public void putBooleanProperty(final String key, final boolean value)
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub


      public void putByteProperty(final SimpleString key, final byte value)
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub


      public void putByteProperty(final String key, final byte value)
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub


      public void putBytesProperty(final SimpleString key, final byte[] value)
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub


      public void putBytesProperty(final String key, final byte[] value)
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub


      public void putDoubleProperty(final SimpleString key, final double value)
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub


      public void putDoubleProperty(final String key, final double value)
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub


      public void putFloatProperty(final SimpleString key, final float value)
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub


      public void putFloatProperty(final String key, final float value)
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub


      public void putIntProperty(final SimpleString key, final int value)
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub


      public void putIntProperty(final String key, final int value)
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub


      public void putLongProperty(final SimpleString key, final long value)
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub


      public void putLongProperty(final String key, final long value)
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub


      public void putObjectProperty(final SimpleString key, final Object value) throws PropertyConversionException
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub


      public void putObjectProperty(final String key, final Object value) throws PropertyConversionException
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub


      public void putShortProperty(final SimpleString key, final short value)
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub


      public void putShortProperty(final String key, final short value)
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub


      public void putStringProperty(final SimpleString key, final SimpleString value)
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub


      public void putStringProperty(final String key, final String value)
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub


      public void putTypedProperties(final TypedProperties properties)
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub


      public Object removeProperty(final SimpleString key)
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return null;

      public Object removeProperty(final String key)
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return null;

      public void resetCopied()
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub


      public void setAddress(final SimpleString destination)
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub


      public void setDurable(final boolean durable)
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub


      public void setExpiration(final long expiration)
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub


      public void setPriority(final byte priority)
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub


      public void setTimestamp(final long timestamp)
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub


      public Map<String, Object> toMap()
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return null;

      public void decode(final HornetQBuffer buffer)
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub


      public void encode(final HornetQBuffer buffer)
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub


      public void setAddressTransient(SimpleString address)
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub

      public UUID getUserID()
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return null;

      public void setUserID(UUID userID)
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub

      /* (non-Javadoc)
       * @see org.hornetq.core.message.impl.MessageInternal#isServerMessage()
      public boolean isServerMessage()
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return false;

      /* (non-Javadoc)
       * @see org.hornetq.core.message.impl.MessageInternal#getTypedProperties()
      public TypedProperties getTypedProperties()
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return null;

      /* (non-Javadoc)
       * @see org.hornetq.core.server.ServerMessage#getDuplicateIDBytes()
      public byte[] getDuplicateIDBytes()
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return null;

      /* (non-Javadoc)
       * @see org.hornetq.core.server.ServerMessage#getDuplicateProperty()
      public Object getDuplicateProperty()
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         return null;


   class FakeFilter implements Filter

      /* (non-Javadoc)
       * @see org.hornetq.core.filter.Filter#getFilterString()
      public SimpleString getFilterString()
         return null;

      /* (non-Javadoc)
       * @see org.hornetq.core.filter.Filter#match(org.hornetq.core.server.ServerMessage)
      public boolean match(final ServerMessage message)
         return false;


   class FakeBinding implements Binding

      public void close() throws Exception
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub

      final SimpleString name;

      FakeBinding(final SimpleString name)
      { = name;

      public SimpleString getAddress()

         return null;

      /* (non-Javadoc)
       * @see org.hornetq.core.postoffice.Binding#getBindable()
      public Bindable getBindable()

         return null;

      /* (non-Javadoc)
       * @see org.hornetq.core.postoffice.Binding#getClusterName()
      public SimpleString getClusterName()

         return null;

      /* (non-Javadoc)
       * @see org.hornetq.core.postoffice.Binding#getDistance()
      public int getDistance()

         return 0;

      /* (non-Javadoc)
       * @see org.hornetq.core.postoffice.Binding#getFilter()
      public Filter getFilter()
         return new FakeFilter();

      /* (non-Javadoc)
       * @see org.hornetq.core.postoffice.Binding#getID()
      public long getID()

         return 0;

      /* (non-Javadoc)
       * @see org.hornetq.core.postoffice.Binding#getRoutingName()
      public SimpleString getRoutingName()
         return name;

      /* (non-Javadoc)
       * @see org.hornetq.core.postoffice.Binding#getType()
      public BindingType getType()

         return null;

      /* (non-Javadoc)
       * @see org.hornetq.core.postoffice.Binding#getUniqueName()
      public SimpleString getUniqueName()

         return null;

      /* (non-Javadoc)
       * @see org.hornetq.core.postoffice.Binding#isExclusive()
      public boolean isExclusive()

         return false;

      /* (non-Javadoc)
       * @see org.hornetq.core.postoffice.Binding#isHighAcceptPriority(org.hornetq.core.server.ServerMessage)
      public boolean isHighAcceptPriority(final ServerMessage message)

         return false;

      /* (non-Javadoc)
       * @see org.hornetq.core.postoffice.Binding#route(org.hornetq.core.server.ServerMessage, org.hornetq.core.server.RoutingContext)
      public void route(final ServerMessage message, final RoutingContext context) throws Exception
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub



   // Package protected ---------------------------------------------

   // Protected -----------------------------------------------------

   // Private -------------------------------------------------------

   // Inner classes -------------------------------------------------


Related Classes of org.hornetq.tests.unit.core.postoffice.impl.BindingsImplTest$FakeMessage

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