Package org.jboss.cache

Source Code of org.jboss.cache.RegionManagerImpl

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* as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the
* distribution for a full listing of individual contributors.
* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
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package org.jboss.cache;

import net.jcip.annotations.ThreadSafe;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import static org.jboss.cache.Region.Type.*;
import org.jboss.cache.buddyreplication.BuddyFqnTransformer;
import org.jboss.cache.buddyreplication.BuddyManager;
import org.jboss.cache.config.Configuration;
import org.jboss.cache.config.ConfigurationException;
import org.jboss.cache.config.EvictionConfig;
import org.jboss.cache.config.EvictionRegionConfig;
import org.jboss.cache.eviction.EvictionTimerTask;
import org.jboss.cache.factories.annotations.Destroy;
import org.jboss.cache.factories.annotations.Inject;
import org.jboss.cache.factories.annotations.Start;
import org.jboss.cache.factories.annotations.Stop;
import org.jboss.cache.jmx.annotations.ManagedAttribute;
import org.jboss.cache.jmx.annotations.ManagedOperation;
import org.jboss.cache.lock.LockManager;
import org.jboss.cache.util.concurrent.locks.LockContainer;
import org.jboss.cache.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLockContainer;
import org.jgroups.Address;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

* The default region manager, used with MVCC locking.
* @author <a href="mailto:manik AT jboss DOT org">Manik Surtani</a>
* @since 3.0.0
public class RegionManagerImpl implements RegionManager
    * The default region used in XML configuration files when defining eviction policies.  Any
    * eviction settings bound under this 'default' Fqn is appplied to {@link org.jboss.cache.Fqn#ROOT} internally so
    * any region that is not explicitly defined comes under the settings defined for this default.
   public static final Fqn DEFAULT_REGION = Fqn.fromString("/_default_");

   private RegionRegistry regionsRegistry;
   private boolean defaultInactive;
   protected static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(RegionManagerImpl.class);
   protected static final boolean trace = log.isTraceEnabled();
   CacheSPI<?, ?> cache;
   private boolean usingEvictions;
   private EvictionConfig evictionConfig;
   private final EvictionTimerTask evictionTimerTask = new EvictionTimerTask();

   private final LockContainer<Fqn> regionLocks = new ReentrantLockContainer<Fqn>(4);
   protected Configuration configuration;
   protected RPCManager rpcManager;
   protected LockManager lockManager;
   protected BuddyFqnTransformer buddyFqnTransformer;
   private boolean isUsingBR;

   // -------- region lock helpers

   protected final boolean isRegionLocked(Fqn fqn)
      return regionLocks.isLocked(fqn);

   protected final void lock(Fqn fqn)

   protected final void unlock(Fqn fqn)

   public void injectDependencies(CacheSPI cache, Configuration configuration, RPCManager rpcManager, LockManager lockManager,
                                  BuddyFqnTransformer transformer, RegionRegistry regionsRegistry)
      this.cache = cache;
      this.rpcManager = rpcManager;
      this.configuration = configuration;
      this.lockManager = lockManager;
      this.buddyFqnTransformer = transformer;
      this.regionsRegistry = regionsRegistry;

   public void start()
      if (trace) log.trace("Starting region manager");
      isUsingBR = configuration.getBuddyReplicationConfig() != null && configuration.getBuddyReplicationConfig().isEnabled();
      evictionConfig = configuration.getEvictionConfig();
      if (evictionConfig != null && evictionConfig.isValidConfig())
         this.evictionConfig = configuration.getEvictionConfig();
         // start with the default region
         EvictionRegionConfig defaultRegion = configuration.getEvictionConfig().getDefaultEvictionRegionConfig();
         if (defaultRegion.getEvictionAlgorithmConfig() != null) defaultRegion.getEvictionAlgorithmConfig().validate();

         // validate individual region configs now
         for (EvictionRegionConfig erc : configuration.getEvictionConfig().getEvictionRegionConfigs())

         log.debug("Not using an EvictionPolicy");


      if (isUsingEvictions())
         evictionTimerTask.init(evictionConfig.getWakeupInterval(), configuration.getRuntimeConfig().getEvictionTimerThreadFactory(), regionsRegistry);

   protected void stop()
      if (isUsingEvictions()) evictionTimerTask.stop();

   protected void destroy()

   public boolean isUsingEvictions()
      return usingEvictions;

   public boolean isDefaultInactive()
      return defaultInactive;

   public void setDefaultInactive(boolean defaultInactive)
      this.defaultInactive = defaultInactive;
      Region defaultRegion = regionsRegistry.get(Fqn.ROOT);
      if (defaultRegion != null) defaultRegion.setActive(!defaultInactive);

   public void setContextClassLoaderAsCurrent(Fqn fqn)
      if (fqn.isChildOf(BuddyManager.BUDDY_BACKUP_SUBTREE_FQN))
         if (fqn.size() <= 2)
            fqn = Fqn.ROOT;
            fqn = fqn.getSubFqn(2, fqn.size());
      Region region = getRegion(fqn, false);
      ClassLoader regionCL = (region == null) ? null : region.getClassLoader();
      if (regionCL != null)


   public Region getRegion(Fqn fqn, boolean createIfAbsent)
      return getRegion(fqn, ANY, createIfAbsent);

   public Region getValidMarshallingRegion(Fqn fqn)
      if (fqn == null) return null;
      return getRegion(fqn, Region.Type.MARSHALLING, false);

   public Region getRegion(Fqn fqn, Region.Type type, boolean createIfAbsent)
      if (isUsingBR && fqn != null && buddyFqnTransformer.isBackupFqn(fqn))
         fqn = buddyFqnTransformer.getActualFqn(fqn);

      if (trace) log.trace("Contents of RegionsRegistry: " + regionsRegistry);
      Fqn fqnToUse = fqn;
      if (DEFAULT_REGION.equals(fqnToUse)) fqnToUse = Fqn.ROOT;
      // first see if a region for this specific Fqn exists
      if (regionsRegistry.containsKey(fqnToUse))
         Region r = regionsRegistry.get(fqnToUse);

         // this is a very poor way of telling whether a region is a marshalling one or an eviction one.  :-(
         // mandates that class loaders be registered for marshalling regions.
         if (type == ANY
               || (type == MARSHALLING && r.getClassLoader() != null)
               || (type == EVICTION && r.getEvictionRegionConfig() != null))
            return r;

      // if not, attempt to create one ...
      if (createIfAbsent)
         Region r = new RegionImpl(fqnToUse, this);

         // could be created concurrently; so make sure we use appropriate methods on regionsRegistry for this.
         Region previous = regionsRegistry.putIfAbsent(fqnToUse, r);
         if (previous != null) r = previous;
         if (type == MARSHALLING)
            // insert current class loader into region so at least it is recognised as a marshalling region
         return r;

      // else try and find a parent which has a defined region, may return null if nothing is defined.
      Region nextBestThing = null;
      Fqn nextFqn = fqnToUse;

      while (nextBestThing == null)
         nextFqn = nextFqn.getParent();
         if (regionsRegistry.containsKey(nextFqn))
            Region r = regionsRegistry.get(nextFqn);
            if (trace) log.trace("Trying next region " + nextFqn + " and got " + r);

            // this is a very poor way of telling whether a region is a marshalling one or an eviction one.  :-(
            // mandates that class loaders be registered for marshalling regions.
            if (type == ANY
                  || (type == MARSHALLING && r.getClassLoader() != null)
                  || (type == EVICTION && r.getEvictionRegionConfig() != null))
               nextBestThing = r;
         if (nextFqn.isRoot()) break;

      // test if the default region has been defined.  If not, and if the request
      // is for an eviction region, return null
      if (type == EVICTION && nextBestThing != null && nextBestThing.getFqn().isRoot() && !regionsRegistry.containsKey(Fqn.ROOT))
         log.trace("No default eviction region; returning null");
         nextBestThing = null;

      return nextBestThing;

   public Region getRegion(String fqn, boolean createIfAbsent)
      return getRegion(Fqn.fromString(fqn), createIfAbsent);

   public boolean removeRegion(Fqn fqn)
      Region r = regionsRegistry.remove(fqn);
      if (r == null) return false;

      return true;

   public EvictionTimerTask getEvictionTimerTask()
      return evictionTimerTask;

   public Configuration getConfiguration()
      return configuration;

   public void activate(Fqn fqn) throws RegionNotEmptyException
      activate(fqn, false);

   public void activateIfEmpty(Fqn fqn)
      activate(fqn, true);

   private void activate(Fqn fqn, boolean suppressRegionNotEmptyException)
         if (trace) log.trace("Activating region " + fqn);
         Region r = getRegion(fqn, false);
         if (r != null)
            if (!defaultInactive && r.getClassLoader() == null)
               // This region's state will no match that of a non-existent one
               // So, there is no reason to keep this region any more

               // (Brian) We shouldn't do this anymore; now outside code
               // can have a ref to the region!!
               if (configuration.isFetchInMemoryState())
                  activateRegion(r.getFqn(), suppressRegionNotEmptyException);
         else if (defaultInactive)
            // "Active" region is not the default, so create a region
            r = getRegion(fqn, true);
            // FIXME - persistent state transfer counts too!
            if (configuration.isFetchInMemoryState())
               activateRegion(r.getFqn(), suppressRegionNotEmptyException);
      catch (RuntimeException re)
         throw re;
      catch (Exception e)
         throw new RuntimeException(e);

    * Causes the cache to transfer state for the subtree rooted at
    * <code>subtreeFqn</code> and to begin accepting replication messages
    * for that subtree.
    * <p/>
    * <strong>NOTE:</strong> This method will cause the creation of a node
    * in the local cache at <code>subtreeFqn</code> whether or not that
    * node exists anywhere else in the cluster.  If the node does not exist
    * elsewhere, the local node will be empty.  The creation of this node will
    * not be replicated.
    * @param fqn Fqn string indicating the uppermost node in the
    *            portion of the cache that should be activated.
    * @throws RegionNotEmptyException if the node <code>subtreeFqn</code>
    *                                 exists and has either data or children
   private void activateRegion(Fqn fqn, boolean suppressRegionNotEmptyException)
      // Check whether the node already exists and has data
      Node subtreeRoot = cache.getNode(fqn); // NOTE this used to be a peek!

      if (log.isDebugEnabled())
         log.debug("activating " + fqn);


         // Add this fqn to the set of those we are activating
         // so calls to _getState for the fqn can return quickly

         BuddyManager buddyManager = cache.getBuddyManager();
         // Request partial state from the cluster and integrate it
         if (buddyManager == null)
            // Get the state from any node that has it and put it
            // in the main cache
            if (subtreeRoot == null)
               // We'll update this node with the state we receive
               // need to obtain all necessary locks.
               Node root = cache.getRoot();
               subtreeRoot = root.addChild(fqn);

            List<Address> members = cache.getMembers();

            // Don't bother trying to fetch state if we are in LOCAL mode
            if (members != null && !members.isEmpty())
               rpcManager.fetchPartialState(members, subtreeRoot.getFqn());
         else if (!buddyFqnTransformer.isBackupFqn(fqn))
            // Get the state from each DataOwner and integrate in their
            // respective buddy backup cache
            List<Address> buddies = buddyManager.getBackupDataOwners();
            for (Address buddy : buddies)
               List<Address> sources = new ArrayList<Address>(1);
               if (!cache.getMembers().contains(buddy))
               Fqn buddyRoot = buddyFqnTransformer.getBackupFqn(buddy, fqn);
               subtreeRoot = cache.peek(buddyRoot, false, false);
               if (subtreeRoot == null)
                  // We'll update this node with the state we receive
                  // need to obtain all necessary locks.
                  // needs to be a LOCAL call!
                  NodeSPI root = cache.getRoot();
                  subtreeRoot = root.addChild(buddyRoot);
               rpcManager.fetchPartialState(sources, fqn, subtreeRoot.getFqn());
  "Attempting to activate a backup region.  Not attempting to retrieve any state as this will be pushed.");
      catch (Throwable t)
         log.error("failed to activate " + fqn, t);

         // "Re-deactivate" the region
         catch (Exception e)
            log.error("failed inactivating " + fqn, e);
            // just swallow this one and throw the first one

         // Throw the exception on, wrapping if necessary
         if (t instanceof RegionNotEmptyException)
            if (!suppressRegionNotEmptyException) throw (RegionNotEmptyException) t;
         else if (t instanceof CacheException)
            throw (CacheException) t;
            throw new CacheException(t.getClass().getName() + " " +
                  t.getLocalizedMessage(), t);

   public boolean isInactive(Fqn fqn)
      Region region = getRegion(fqn, false);
      return region == null ? defaultInactive : !region.isActive();

    * Causes the cache to stop accepting replication events for the subtree
    * rooted at <code>subtreeFqn</code> and evict all nodes in that subtree.
    * <p/>
    * This is legacy code and should not be called directly.  This is a private method for now and will be refactored out.
    * You should be using {@link #activate(Fqn)} and {@link #deactivate(Fqn)}
    * <p/>
    * @param fqn Fqn string indicating the uppermost node in the
    *            portion of the cache that should be activated.
    * @throws CacheException        if there is a problem evicting nodes
    * @throws IllegalStateException if {@link org.jboss.cache.config.Configuration#isUseRegionBasedMarshalling()} is <code>false</code>
   protected void inactivateRegion(Fqn fqn) throws CacheException
      NodeSPI subtreeRoot = null;
      InvocationContext ctx = cache.getInvocationContext();
      ctx.getOptionOverrides().setLockAcquisitionTimeout((int) (cache.getConfiguration().getLockAcquisitionTimeout() + 5000));

         // Record that this fqn is in status change, so can't provide state

         if (!isInactive(fqn))

         // Create a list with the Fqn in the main cache and any buddy backup trees
         BuddyManager buddyManager = cache.getBuddyManager();
         ArrayList<Fqn> list = new ArrayList<Fqn>();

         if (buddyManager != null)
            Set buddies = cache.peek(BuddyManager.BUDDY_BACKUP_SUBTREE_FQN, false, false).getChildrenNames();
            if (buddies != null)
               for (Object buddy : buddies)
                  list.add(buddyFqnTransformer.getBackupFqn((String) buddy, fqn));

         // Remove the subtree from the main cache  and any buddy backup trees
         for (Fqn subtree : list)
            subtreeRoot = cache.peek(subtree, false);

            if (subtreeRoot != null)
               // Remove the subtree
               cache.evict(subtree, true);

   public boolean hasRegion(Fqn fqn, Region.Type type)
      Region r = regionsRegistry.get(fqn);
      if (r == null) return false;
      switch (type)
         case ANY:
            return true;
         case EVICTION:
            return r.getEvictionRegionConfig() != null;
         case MARSHALLING:
            return r.isActive() && r.getClassLoader() != null;
      // should never reach here?
      return false;

   public void deactivate(Fqn fqn)
         Region region = getRegion(fqn, false);

         if (region != null)
            if (defaultInactive && region.getClassLoader() == null)
               // This region's state will no match that of a non-existent one
               // So, there is no reason to keep this region any more

               // FIXME (Brian) We shouldn't do this anymore; now outside code can have a ref to the region!!
               // FIXME - we should always clean up; otherwise stale data is in memory!
               if (cache.getConfiguration().isFetchInMemoryState())
         else if (!defaultInactive)
            region = getRegion(fqn, true);
            // FIXME - we should always clean up; otherwise stale data is in memory!
            if (cache.getConfiguration().isFetchInMemoryState())
      catch (RuntimeException re)
         throw re;
      catch (Exception e)
         throw new RuntimeException(e);

   public void reset()

   public List<Region> getAllRegions(Region.Type type)
      List<Region> regions;

      if (type != ANY)
         regions = new ArrayList<Region>();
         // we need to loop thru the regions and only select specific regions to rtn.
         for (Region r : regionsRegistry.values())
            if ((type == EVICTION && r.getEvictionRegionConfig() != null) ||
                  (type == MARSHALLING && r.isActive() && r.getClassLoader() != null))
         // put all regions
         regions = new ArrayList<Region>(regionsRegistry.values());


      return regions;

   public void setUsingEvictions(boolean usingEvictions)
      this.usingEvictions = usingEvictions;

   public void setEvictionConfig(EvictionConfig evictionConfig)
      // JBAS-1288
      // Try to establish a default region if there isn't one already
//      boolean needDefault;
      List<EvictionRegionConfig> ercs = evictionConfig.getEvictionRegionConfigs();
      // Only add a default region if there are no regions. This is
      // contrary to the idea that there *must* be a default region, but some
      // unit tests fail w/ APPROACH 1, so for now we go with this approach.
//      needDefault = ercs.size() == 0;
      if (evictionConfig.getDefaultEvictionRegionConfig().getEvictionAlgorithmConfig() != null &&
            !ercs.contains(evictionConfig.getDefaultEvictionRegionConfig())) // then the default is a real region too; not just a template for others
         ercs.add(0, evictionConfig.getDefaultEvictionRegionConfig());

      // create regions for the regions defined in the evictionConfig.
      // scan to be sure the _default_ region isn't added twice
      boolean setDefault = false;
      for (EvictionRegionConfig erc : ercs)
         Fqn fqn = erc.getRegionFqn();
         if (trace) log.trace("Creating eviction region " + fqn);

         if (fqn.equals(DEFAULT_REGION) || fqn.isRoot())
            if (setDefault)
               throw new ConfigurationException("A default region for evictions has already been set for this cache");
            if (trace) log.trace("Applying settings for default region to Fqn.ROOT");
            fqn = Fqn.ROOT;
            setDefault = true;
         Region r = getRegion(fqn, true);

   @ManagedOperation(description = "A String representation of all registered regions")
   public String dumpRegions()
      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
      if (regionsRegistry != null)
         for (Region r : regionsRegistry.values())
            sb.append("\tRegion ").append(r);
      return sb.toString();

    * Returns a string containing debug information on every region.
   public String toString()
      return "RegionManager " + dumpRegions();

   public CacheSPI getCache()
      return cache;

   // --------- for backward compat --------------
    * Starts the eviction processing thread.
   public void startEvictionThread()
      evictionTimerTask.init(evictionConfig.getWakeupInterval(), configuration.getRuntimeConfig().getEvictionTimerThreadFactory(), regionsRegistry);

    * Stops the eviction processing thread
   public void stopEvictionThread()

   @ManagedAttribute(name="numRegions", description = "A count of all regions")
   public int getNumRegions()
      return regionsRegistry.size();

Related Classes of org.jboss.cache.RegionManagerImpl

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