Package org.glassfish.deployment.common

Source Code of org.glassfish.deployment.common.DeploymentContextImpl

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package org.glassfish.deployment.common;

import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.ServerTags;
import org.glassfish.deployment.versioning.VersioningUtils;
import java.lang.instrument.ClassFileTransformer;
import org.glassfish.api.ActionReport;
import org.glassfish.api.deployment.InstrumentableClassLoader;
import org.glassfish.api.deployment.OpsParams;

import org.glassfish.api.deployment.archive.ReadableArchive;
import org.glassfish.api.deployment.archive.ArchiveHandler;
import org.glassfish.api.admin.ServerEnvironment;
import org.glassfish.internal.api.ClassLoaderHierarchy;
import org.glassfish.internal.deployment.*;
import org.glassfish.loader.util.ASClassLoaderUtil;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.logging.Level;

import org.glassfish.hk2.api.PreDestroy;
import org.glassfish.hk2.classmodel.reflect.Parser;
import org.glassfish.hk2.classmodel.reflect.Types;

import org.glassfish.logging.annotation.LogMessageInfo;
import org.glassfish.logging.annotation.LoggerInfo;
import org.glassfish.logging.annotation.LogMessagesResourceBundle;

* @author dochez
public class DeploymentContextImpl implements ExtendedDeploymentContext, PreDestroy {

    private static final String SHARED_LOGMESSAGE_RESOURCE = "org.glassfish.deployment.LogMessages";

    @LoggerInfo(subsystem = "DEPLOYMENT", description="Deployment System Logger", publish=true)
    private static final String DEPLOYMENT_LOGGER = "";

    public static final Logger deplLogger =

    private static final String INTERNAL_DIR_NAME = "__internal";
    private static final String APP_TENANTS_SUBDIR_NAME = "__app-tenants";

    ReadableArchive source;
    ReadableArchive originalSource;
    final OpsParams parameters;
    ActionReport actionReport;
    final ServerEnvironment env;
    ClassLoader cloader;
    ArchiveHandler archiveHandler;
    Properties props;
    Map<String, Object> modulesMetaData = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    List<ClassFileTransformer> transformers = new ArrayList<ClassFileTransformer>();
    Phase phase = Phase.UNKNOWN;
    ClassLoader sharableTemp = null;
    Map<String, Properties> modulePropsMap = new HashMap<String, Properties>();
    Map<String, Object> transientAppMetaData = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    Map<String, ArchiveHandler> moduleArchiveHandlers = new HashMap<String, ArchiveHandler>();
    Map<String, ExtendedDeploymentContext> moduleDeploymentContexts = new HashMap<String, ExtendedDeploymentContext>();
    ExtendedDeploymentContext parentContext = null;
    String moduleUri = null;
    private String tenant = null;
    private String originalAppName = null;
    private File tenantDir = null;

    /** Creates a new instance of DeploymentContext */
    public DeploymentContextImpl(Deployment.DeploymentContextBuilder builder, ServerEnvironment env) {
        this(,  builder.sourceAsArchive(), builder.params(), env);
    public DeploymentContextImpl(ActionReport actionReport, Logger logger,
        ReadableArchive source, OpsParams params, ServerEnvironment env) {
      this(actionReport, source, params, env);
    public DeploymentContextImpl(ActionReport actionReport,
        ReadableArchive source, OpsParams params, ServerEnvironment env) {
        this.originalSource = source;
        this.source = source;
        this.actionReport = actionReport;
        this.parameters = params;
        this.env = env;

    public Phase getPhase()
        return phase;

    public void setPhase(Phase newPhase) {
        this.phase = newPhase;

    public ReadableArchive getSource() {
        return source;

    public void setSource(ReadableArchive source) {
        this.source = source;

    public <U extends OpsParams> U getCommandParameters(Class<U> commandParametersType) {
        try {
            return commandParametersType.cast(parameters);
        } catch (ClassCastException e) {
            return null;

    public Logger getLogger() {
        return deplLogger;

    public synchronized void preDestroy() {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
          // ignore, the classloader does not need to be destroyed
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
          // ignore, the classloader does not need to be destroyed

     * Returns the class loader associated to this deployment request.
     * ClassLoader instances are usually obtained by the getClassLoader API on
     * the associated ArchiveHandler for the archive type being deployed.
     * <p/>
     * This can return null and the container should allocate a ClassLoader
     * while loading the application.
     * @return a class loader capable of loading classes and resources from the
     *         source
     * @link {org.jvnet.glassfish.apu.deployment.archive.ArchiveHandler.getClassLoader()}
    public ClassLoader getFinalClassLoader() {
        return cloader;

     * Returns the class loader associated to this deployment request.
     * ClassLoader instances are usually obtained by the getClassLoader API on
     * the associated ArchiveHandler for the archive type being deployed.
     * <p/>
     * This can return null and the container should allocate a ClassLoader
     * while loading the application.
     * @return a class loader capable of loading classes and resources from the
     *         source
     * @link {org.jvnet.glassfish.apu.deployment.archive.ArchiveHandler.getClassLoader()}
    public ClassLoader getClassLoader() {
      /* TODO -- Replace this method with another that does not imply it is
       * an accessor and conveys that the result may change depending on the
       * current lifecycle. For instance contemporaryClassLoader()
       * Problem was reported by findbug
      return getClassLoader(true);

    public synchronized void setClassLoader(ClassLoader cloader) {
        this.cloader = cloader;

    // this classloader will be used for sniffer retrieval, metadata parsing
    // and the prepare
    public synchronized void createDeploymentClassLoader(ClassLoaderHierarchy clh, ArchiveHandler handler)
            throws URISyntaxException, MalformedURLException {
        this.addTransientAppMetaData(ExtendedDeploymentContext.IS_TEMP_CLASSLOADER, Boolean.TRUE);
        this.sharableTemp = createClassLoader(clh, handler, null);

    // this classloader will used to load and start the application
    public void createApplicationClassLoader(ClassLoaderHierarchy clh, ArchiveHandler handler)
            throws URISyntaxException, MalformedURLException {
        this.addTransientAppMetaData(ExtendedDeploymentContext.IS_TEMP_CLASSLOADER, Boolean.FALSE);
        if (this.cloader == null) {
            this.cloader = createClassLoader(clh, handler,;

    private ClassLoader createClassLoader(ClassLoaderHierarchy clh, ArchiveHandler handler, String appName)
            throws URISyntaxException, MalformedURLException {
        // first we create the appLib class loader, this is non shared libraries class loader
        ClassLoader applibCL = clh.getAppLibClassLoader(appName, getAppLibs());

        ClassLoader parentCL = clh.createApplicationParentCL(applibCL, this);

        return handler.getClassLoader(parentCL, this);

    public synchronized ClassLoader getClassLoader(boolean sharable) {
        // if we are in prepare phase, we need to return our sharable temporary class loader
        // otherwise, we return the final one.
        if (phase==Phase.PREPARE) {
            if (sharable) {
                return sharableTemp;
            } else {
                InstrumentableClassLoader cl = InstrumentableClassLoader.class.cast(sharableTemp);
                return cl.copy();
        } else {
            // we are out of the prepare phase, destroy the shareableTemp and
            // return the final classloader
            if (sharableTemp!=null) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    // ignore, the classloader does not need to be destroyed
            return cloader;

     * Returns a scratch directory that can be used to store things in.
     * The scratch directory will be persisted accross server restart but
     * not accross redeployment of the same application
     * @param subDirName the sub directory name of the scratch dir
     * @return the scratch directory for this application based on
     *         passed in subDirName. Returns the root scratch dir if the
     *         passed in value is null.
    public File getScratchDir(String subDirName) {
        File rootScratchDir = env.getApplicationStubPath();
        if (tenant != null && originalAppName != null) {
            // multi-tenant case
            rootScratchDir = getRootScratchTenantDirForApp(originalAppName);
            rootScratchDir = new File(rootScratchDir, tenant);
            if (subDirName != null ) {
                rootScratchDir = new File(rootScratchDir, subDirName);
            return rootScratchDir;
        } else {
            // regular case
            if (subDirName != null ) {
                rootScratchDir = new File(rootScratchDir, subDirName);
            String appDirName = VersioningUtils.getRepositoryName(;
            return new File(rootScratchDir, appDirName);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public File getSourceDir() {

        return new File(getSource().getURI());

    public void addModuleMetaData(Object metaData) {
        if (metaData!=null) {
            modulesMetaData.put(metaData.getClass().getName(), metaData);

    public <T> T getModuleMetaData(Class<T> metadataType) {
        Object moduleMetaData = modulesMetaData.get(metadataType.getName());
        if (moduleMetaData != null) {
            return metadataType.cast(moduleMetaData);
        } else {
            for (Object metadata : modulesMetaData.values()) {
                try {
                    return metadataType.cast(metadata);
                } catch (ClassCastException e) {
            return null;

    public Collection<Object> getModuleMetadata() {
        List<Object> copy = new ArrayList<Object>();
        return copy;

    public Map<String, Object> getTransientAppMetadata() {
        HashMap<String, Object> copy = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        return copy;

    public void addTransientAppMetaData(String metaDataKey, Object metaData) {
        if (metaData!=null) {
            transientAppMetaData.put(metaDataKey, metaData);

    public <T> T getTransientAppMetaData(String key, Class<T> metadataType) {
        Object metaData = transientAppMetaData.get(key);
        if (metaData != null) {
            return metadataType.cast(metaData);
        return null;

     * Returns the application level properties that will be persisted as a
     * key value pair at then end of deployment. That allows individual
     * Deployers implementation to store some information at the
     * application level that should be available upon server restart.
     * Application level propertries are shared by all the modules.
     * @return the application's properties.
    public Properties getAppProps() {
        if (props==null) {
            props = new Properties();
        return props;

     * Returns the module level properties that will be persisted as a
     * key value pair at then end of deployment. That allows individual
     * Deployers implementation to store some information at the module
     * level that should be available upon server restart.
     * Module level properties are only visible to the current module.
     * @return the module's properties.
    public Properties getModuleProps() {
        // for standalone case, it would return the same as application level
        // properties
        // for composite case, the composite deployer will return proper
        // module level properties
        if (props==null) {
            props = new Properties();
        return props;

     * Add a new ClassFileTransformer to the context
     * @param transformer the new class file transformer to register to the new application
     * class loader
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the class loader we use does not support the
     * registration of a ClassFileTransformer. In such case, the deployer should either fail
     * deployment or revert to a mode without the byteocode enhancement feature.
    public void addTransformer(ClassFileTransformer transformer) {

        InstrumentableClassLoader icl = InstrumentableClassLoader.class.cast(getFinalClassLoader());
        String isComposite = getAppProps().getProperty(ServerTags.IS_COMPOSITE);

        if (Boolean.valueOf(isComposite) && icl instanceof URLClassLoader) {
            URLClassLoader urlCl = (URLClassLoader)icl;
            boolean isAppLevel = (getParentContext() == null);
            if (isAppLevel) {
                // for ear lib PUs, let's install the
                // tranformers with the EarLibClassLoader
                icl = InstrumentableClassLoader.class.cast(urlCl.getParent().getParent());
            } else {
                // for modules inside the ear, let's install the
                // transformers with the EarLibClassLoader in
                // addition to installing them to module classloader
                ClassLoader libCl = urlCl.getParent().getParent();
                if (!(libCl instanceof URLClassLoader)) {
                    // web module
                    libCl = libCl.getParent();
                if (libCl instanceof URLClassLoader) {
                    InstrumentableClassLoader libIcl = InstrumentableClassLoader.class.cast(libCl);


     * Returns the list of transformers registered to this context.
     * @return the transformers list
    public List<ClassFileTransformer> getTransformers() {
        return transformers;

    public List<URI> getAppLibs()
            throws URISyntaxException {
        List<URI> libURIs = new ArrayList<URI>();
        if (parameters.libraries() != null) {
            URL[] urls =
                    parameters.libraries(), env);
            for (URL url : urls) {

        Set<String> extensionList = null;
            extensionList = InstalledLibrariesResolver.getInstalledLibraries(source);
        }catch(IOException ioe){
            throw new RuntimeException(ioe);
        URL[] extensionListLibraries = ASClassLoaderUtil.getLibrariesAsURLs(extensionList, env);
        for (URL url : extensionListLibraries) {
            if (deplLogger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
                deplLogger.log(Level.FINEST, "Detected [EXTENSION_LIST]" +
                               " installed-library [ " + url + " ] for archive [ "+source.getName()+ "]");

        return libURIs;

    public void clean() {
        // need to remove the generated directories...
        // need to remove generated/xml, generated/ejb, generated/jsp,

        // remove generated/xml
        File generatedXmlRoot = getScratchDir("xml");

        // remove generated/ejb
        File generatedEjbRoot = getScratchDir("ejb");
        // recursively delete...

        // remove generated/jsp
        File generatedJspRoot = getScratchDir("jsp");
        // recursively delete...

        if (parameters.origin == OpsParams.Origin.undeploy ||
            parameters.origin == OpsParams.Origin.deploy ) {
            // for undeploy or deploy failure roll back
            // remove the internal archive directory which holds the original
            // archive (and possibly deployment plan) that cluster sync can use


             // remove the root tenant dir for this application

            // remove the root tenant generated dir root for this application
        } else if (parameters.origin == OpsParams.Origin.mt_unprovision) {
            // for unprovision application, remove the tenant dir

            // and remove the generated dir
            File generatedRoot = getScratchDir(null);

    public ArchiveHandler getArchiveHandler() {
        return archiveHandler;

    public void setArchiveHandler(ArchiveHandler archiveHandler) {
        this.archiveHandler = archiveHandler;

    public ReadableArchive getOriginalSource() {
        return originalSource;

     * Gets the module properties for modules
     * @return a map containing module properties
    public Map<String, Properties> getModulePropsMap() {
        return modulePropsMap;

     * Sets the module properties for modules
     * @param modulePropsMap
    public void setModulePropsMap(Map<String, Properties> modulePropsMap) {
        this.modulePropsMap = modulePropsMap;

     * Sets the parent context for the module
     * @param parentContext
    public void setParentContext(ExtendedDeploymentContext parentContext) {
        this.parentContext = parentContext;

     * Gets the parent context of the module
     * @return the parent context
    public ExtendedDeploymentContext getParentContext() {
        return parentContext;

     * Gets the module uri for this module context
     * @return the module uri
    public String getModuleUri() {
        return moduleUri;

     * Sets the module uri for this module context
     * @param moduleUri
    public void setModuleUri(String moduleUri) {
        this.moduleUri = moduleUri;

     * Gets the archive handlers for modules
     * @return a map containing module archive handlers
    public Map<String, ArchiveHandler> getModuleArchiveHandlers() {
        return moduleArchiveHandlers;

     * Gets the deployment context for modules
     * @return a map containing module deployment contexts
    public Map<String, ExtendedDeploymentContext> getModuleDeploymentContexts() {
        return moduleDeploymentContexts;

     * Gets the action report for this context
     * @return an action report
    public ActionReport getActionReport() {
        return actionReport;

    public File getAppInternalDir() {
        final File internalDir = new File(env.getApplicationRepositoryPath(), INTERNAL_DIR_NAME);
        return new File(internalDir, VersioningUtils.getRepositoryName(;

    public File getAppAltDDDir() {
        final File altDDDir = env.getApplicationAltDDPath();
        return new File(altDDDir, VersioningUtils.getRepositoryName(;

    public void setTenant(final String tenant, final String appName) {
        this.tenant = tenant;
        this.originalAppName = appName;
        tenantDir = initTenantDir();

    private File initTenantDir() {
        if (tenant == null || originalAppName == null) {
            return null;
        File f = getRootTenantDirForApp(originalAppName);
        f = new File(f, tenant);
        if (!f.exists() && !f.mkdirs()) {
          if (deplLogger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
              deplLogger.log(Level.FINEST, "Unable to create directory " + f.getAbsolutePath());
        return f;

    private File getRootTenantDirForApp(String appName) {
        File rootTenantDir = new File(env.getApplicationRepositoryPath(), APP_TENANTS_SUBDIR_NAME);
        File rootTenantDirForApp = new File(rootTenantDir, appName);
        return rootTenantDirForApp;

    private File getRootScratchTenantDirForApp(String appName) {
        File rootScratchTenantDir = new File(env.getApplicationStubPath(), APP_TENANTS_SUBDIR_NAME);
        File rootScratchTenantDirForApp = new File(rootScratchTenantDir, appName);
        return rootScratchTenantDirForApp;

    public String getTenant() {
        return tenant;

    public File getTenantDir() {
        return tenantDir;

    public void postDeployClean(boolean isFinalClean) {
        if (transientAppMetaData != null) {
            if (isFinalClean) {
            } else {
                final String [] classNamesToClean = {Types.class.getName(), Parser.class.getName()};
                for (String className : classNamesToClean) {
        actionReport = null;

     * Prepare the scratch directories, creating the directories
     * if they do not exist
    public void prepareScratchDirs() throws IOException {

    private void prepareScratchDir(File f) throws IOException {
        if (!f.isDirectory() && !f.mkdirs())
            throw new IOException("Cannot create scratch directory : " + f.getAbsolutePath());

Related Classes of org.glassfish.deployment.common.DeploymentContextImpl

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