Package com.sun.enterprise.deployment.annotation.handlers

Source Code of com.sun.enterprise.deployment.annotation.handlers.ManagedBeanHandler

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package com.sun.enterprise.deployment.annotation.handlers;

import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.*;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.annotation.context.ResourceContainerContext;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.annotation.context.ManagedBeanContext;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.util.TypeUtil;
import org.glassfish.apf.*;
import org.glassfish.internal.api.Globals;
import org.jvnet.hk2.annotations.Service;

import javax.annotation.ManagedBean;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;

public class ManagedBeanHandler extends AbstractHandler {

    public ManagedBeanHandler() {

    public HandlerProcessingResult processAnnotation(AnnotationInfo element)
        throws AnnotationProcessorException {

        AnnotatedElementHandler aeHandler = element.getProcessingContext().getHandler();
        if( aeHandler instanceof ManagedBeanContext ) {

            // Ignore @ManagedBean processing during ManagedBean class processing itself
            return getDefaultProcessedResult();

        ManagedBeanDescriptor managedBeanDesc = new ManagedBeanDescriptor();

        ManagedBean resourceAn = (ManagedBean) element.getAnnotation();

        // name() is optional
        String logicalName = resourceAn.value();
        if( !logicalName.equals("")) {

        Class managedBeanClass = (Class) element.getAnnotatedElement();


        Class[] classInterceptors = null;
        Map<AccessibleObject, Class[]> methodLevelInterceptors = new HashMap<AccessibleObject, Class[]>();
        Map<String, InterceptorDescriptor> interceptorDescs = new HashMap<String, InterceptorDescriptor>();

        // For now, just process the javax.interceptor related annotations directly instead
        // of relying on the annotation framework.   All the existing javax.interceptor
        // handlers are very tightly coupled to ejb so it would be more work to abstract those
        // than to just process the annotations directly.  Also, do javax.interceptor
        // annotation processing reflectively to avoid dependency on javax.interceptor from
        // DOL module.

        // TODO refactor javax.interceptor annotation handlers to support both ejb and non-ejb
        // related interceptors

        Annotation interceptorsAnn = getClassAnnotation(managedBeanClass, "javax.interceptor.Interceptors");
        if( interceptorsAnn != null ) {
            try {
                Method m = interceptorsAnn.annotationType().getDeclaredMethod("value");
                classInterceptors = (Class[]) m.invoke(interceptorsAnn);
            } catch(Exception e) {
                AnnotationProcessorException ape = new AnnotationProcessorException(e.getMessage(), element);
                throw ape;

        Class nextIntClass = managedBeanClass;
        while(nextIntClass != Object.class) {
            Method managedBeanAroundInvoke =
                getMethodForMethodAnnotation(nextIntClass, "javax.interceptor.AroundInvoke");

            if( (managedBeanAroundInvoke != null) && !(methodOverridden(managedBeanAroundInvoke,
                    nextIntClass, managedBeanClass)) ) {

                LifecycleCallbackDescriptor desc = new LifecycleCallbackDescriptor();

            nextIntClass = nextIntClass.getSuperclass();

        for(Method m : managedBeanClass.getMethods()) {
            processForAnnotations(element, m, methodLevelInterceptors, managedBeanDesc, managedBeanClass);

        for(Constructor c : managedBeanClass.getDeclaredConstructors()) {
            processForAnnotations(element, c, methodLevelInterceptors, managedBeanDesc, managedBeanClass);

        if( aeHandler instanceof ResourceContainerContext ) {
            ((ResourceContainerContext) aeHandler).addManagedBean(managedBeanDesc);           

            // process managed bean class annotations
            ManagedBeanContext managedBeanContext =
                new ManagedBeanContext(managedBeanDesc);
            ProcessingContext procContext = element.getProcessingContext();

                procContext, new Class[] { managedBeanClass });

            List<InterceptorDescriptor> classInterceptorChain = new LinkedList<InterceptorDescriptor>();

            if( classInterceptors != null ) {

                for(Class i : classInterceptors) {

                    InterceptorDescriptor nextInterceptor = processInterceptor(i, managedBeanContext,

                    // Add interceptor to class-level chain

                    interceptorDescs.put(i.getName(), nextInterceptor);



            for(Map.Entry<AccessibleObject, Class[]> next : methodLevelInterceptors.entrySet()) {

                AccessibleObject o = next.getKey();
                Class[] interceptors = next.getValue();

                boolean excludeClassInterceptors =
                        ( getMethodAnnotation(o, "javax.interceptor.ExcludeClassInterceptors")
                            != null );

                List<InterceptorDescriptor> methodInterceptorChain = excludeClassInterceptors ?
                        new LinkedList<InterceptorDescriptor>() :
                        new LinkedList<InterceptorDescriptor>(classInterceptorChain);

                for(Class nextInterceptor : interceptors) {
                    InterceptorDescriptor interceptorDesc = interceptorDescs.get(nextInterceptor.getName());
                    if( interceptorDesc == null ) {
                        interceptorDesc = processInterceptor(nextInterceptor, managedBeanContext,
                        interceptorDescs.put(nextInterceptor.getName(), interceptorDesc);

                MethodDescriptor mDesc = getMethodDescriptor(o, managedBeanClass);
                if (mDesc != null) {
                    managedBeanDesc.setMethodLevelInterceptorChain(mDesc, methodInterceptorChain);

        return getDefaultProcessedResult();

    private void processForAnnotations(AnnotationInfo element, AccessibleObject o,
                 Map<AccessibleObject, Class[]> methodLevelInterceptors,
                 ManagedBeanDescriptor managedBeanDesc, Class managedBeanClass)
                 throws AnnotationProcessorException {

        Annotation ann = getMethodAnnotation(o, "javax.interceptor.Interceptors");
        if(ann != null) {
            try {
                Method valueM = ann.annotationType().getDeclaredMethod("value");
                methodLevelInterceptors.put(o, (Class[]) valueM.invoke(ann));
            } catch(Exception e) {
                AnnotationProcessorException ape = new AnnotationProcessorException(e.getMessage(), element);
                throw ape;
        } else {
            // If the method or constructor excludes
            // class-level interceptors, explicitly set method-level to an empty list.
            boolean excludeClassInterceptors =
                    ( getMethodAnnotation(o, "javax.interceptor.ExcludeClassInterceptors") != null );
            if( excludeClassInterceptors ) {
                MethodDescriptor mDesc = getMethodDescriptor(o, managedBeanClass);
                if (mDesc != null) {
                            new LinkedList<InterceptorDescriptor>());

    private MethodDescriptor getMethodDescriptor(AccessibleObject o, Class managedBeanClass) {
        MethodDescriptor mDesc = null;
        if (o instanceof Method) {
            mDesc = new MethodDescriptor((Method)o);
        } else if (o instanceof Constructor) {
            Class[] ctorParamTypes = ((Constructor)o).getParameterTypes();
            String[] parameterClassNames = (new MethodDescriptor()).getParameterClassNamesFor(null, ctorParamTypes);
            // MethodDescriptor.EJB_BEAN is just a tag, not to add a new one
            mDesc = new MethodDescriptor(managedBeanClass.getSimpleName(), null,
                    parameterClassNames, MethodDescriptor.EJB_BEAN);

        return mDesc;

    private InterceptorDescriptor processInterceptor(Class interceptorClass, ManagedBeanContext managedBeanCtx,
                                                     ProcessingContext procCtx)
        throws AnnotationProcessorException {

        InterceptorDescriptor interceptorDesc = new InterceptorDescriptor();

        // Redirect PostConstruct / PreDestroy methods to InterceptorDescriptor
        // during annotation processing

        // Process annotations on interceptor
        procCtx.getProcessor().process(procCtx, new Class[] {interceptorClass});


        Class nextIntClass = interceptorClass;
        while(nextIntClass != Object.class) {
            Method interceptorAroundInvoke =
                getMethodForMethodAnnotation(nextIntClass, "javax.interceptor.AroundInvoke");
            if( (interceptorAroundInvoke != null) && !(methodOverridden(interceptorAroundInvoke,
                    nextIntClass, interceptorClass)) ) {

                LifecycleCallbackDescriptor desc = new LifecycleCallbackDescriptor();

            Method interceptorAroundConstruct =
                getMethodForMethodAnnotation(nextIntClass, "javax.interceptor.AroundConstruct");
            if( (interceptorAroundConstruct != null) && !(methodOverridden(interceptorAroundConstruct,
                    nextIntClass, interceptorClass)) ) {

                LifecycleCallbackDescriptor desc = new LifecycleCallbackDescriptor();

            nextIntClass = nextIntClass.getSuperclass();

        return interceptorDesc;

    private Annotation getClassAnnotation(Class c, String annotationClassName) {
        for(Annotation next : c.getDeclaredAnnotations()) {

            if( next.annotationType().getName().equals(annotationClassName)) {
                return next;
        return null;

    private Method getMethodForMethodAnnotation(Class c, String annotationClassName) {
        for(Method m : c.getDeclaredMethods()) {
            for(Annotation next : m.getDeclaredAnnotations()) {

                if( next.annotationType().getName().equals(annotationClassName)) {
                    return m;
        return null;

    private Annotation getMethodAnnotation(AccessibleObject o, String annotationClassName) {

        for(Annotation next : o.getDeclaredAnnotations()) {

            if( next.annotationType().getName().equals(annotationClassName)) {
                return next;

        return null;

    private boolean methodOverridden(Method m, Class declaringSuperClass, Class leafClass) {

        Class nextClass = leafClass;
        boolean overridden = false;

        if( Modifier.isPrivate(m.getModifiers())) {
            return false;

        while((nextClass != declaringSuperClass) && (nextClass != Object.class)) {

            for(Method nextMethod : nextClass.getDeclaredMethods()) {

                if( !Modifier.isPrivate(nextMethod.getModifiers()) &&
                    TypeUtil.sameMethodSignature(m, nextMethod) ) {
                    overridden = true;

            if( overridden ) {

            nextClass = nextClass.getSuperclass();

        return overridden;


Related Classes of com.sun.enterprise.deployment.annotation.handlers.ManagedBeanHandler

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