Package org.glassfish.cluster.ssh.connect

Source Code of org.glassfish.cluster.ssh.connect.NodeRunner

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package org.glassfish.cluster.ssh.connect;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.logging.*;
import org.glassfish.common.util.admin.AsadminInput;
import org.jvnet.hk2.component.Habitat;
import org.glassfish.api.admin.SSHCommandExecutionException;
import com.sun.enterprise.universal.process.ProcessManagerException;
import com.sun.enterprise.universal.process.ProcessManager;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.Node;
import com.sun.enterprise.util.SystemPropertyConstants;
import com.sun.enterprise.util.StringUtils;
import org.glassfish.cluster.ssh.launcher.SSHLauncher;
import org.glassfish.cluster.ssh.connect.NodeRunnerSsh;
import org.glassfish.common.util.admin.AuthTokenManager;

public class NodeRunner {
    private static final String NL = System.getProperty("line.separator");
    private static final String AUTH_TOKEN_STDIN_LINE_PREFIX = "option." + AuthTokenManager.AUTH_TOKEN_OPTION_NAME + "=";
    private Habitat habitat;
    private Logger logger;
    private String lastCommandRun = null;
    private int commandStatus;
    private SSHLauncher sshL = null;
    private final AuthTokenManager authTokenManager;

    public NodeRunner(Habitat habitat, Logger logger) {
        this.logger = logger;
        this.habitat = habitat;
        authTokenManager = habitat.getComponent(AuthTokenManager.class);

    public String getLastCommandRun() {
        return lastCommandRun;

    public boolean isSshNode(Node node) {

        if (node == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Node is null");
        if (node.getType() == null)
            return false;
        return node.getType().equals("SSH");

    public boolean isDcomNode(Node node) {

        if (node == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Node is null");
        if (node.getType() == null)
            return false;
        return node.getType().equals("DCOM");

     * Run an asadmin command on a Node. The node may be local or remote. If
     * it is remote then SSH is used to execute the command on the node.
     * The args list is all parameters passed to "asadmin", but not
     * "asadmin" itself. So an example args is:
     * "--host", "", "start-local-instance", "--node", "n1", "i1"
     * @param node  The node to run the asadmin command on
     * @param output    A StringBuilder to hold the command's output in. Both
     *                  stdout and stderr are placed in output. null if you
     *                  don't want the output.
     * @param args  The arguments to the asadmin command. This includes
     *              parameters for asadmin (like --host) as well as the
     *              command (like start-local-instance) as well as an
     *              parameters for the command. It does not include the
     *              string "asadmin" itself.
     * @return      The status of the asadmin command. Typically 0 if the
     *              command was successful else 1.
     * @throws SSHCommandExecutionException There was an error executing the
     *                                      command via SSH.
     * @throws ProcessManagerException      There was an error executing the
     *                                      command locally.
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException The command needs to be run on
     *                                       a remote node, but the node is not
     *                                       of type SSH.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException     The passed node is malformed.
    public int runAdminCommandOnNode(Node node, StringBuilder output,
            List<String> args) throws
            IllegalArgumentException {

        return runAdminCommandOnNode(node, output, false, args);

    public int runAdminCommandOnNode(Node node, StringBuilder output,
            boolean waitForReaderThreads,
            List<String> args) throws
            IllegalArgumentException {

        if (node == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Node is null");

        final List<String> stdinLines = new ArrayList<String>();
        stdinLines.add(AUTH_TOKEN_STDIN_LINE_PREFIX + authTokenManager.createToken());
        args.add(0, "--interactive=false");            // No prompting!

        if (node.isLocal()) {
            return runAdminCommandOnLocalNode(node, output, waitForReaderThreads,
                    args, stdinLines);
        else {
            return runAdminCommandOnRemoteNode(node, output, args, stdinLines);

    private int runAdminCommandOnLocalNode(Node node, StringBuilder output,
            boolean waitForReaderThreads,
            List<String> args,
            List<String> stdinLines) throws
            ProcessManagerException {
        args.add(0, AsadminInput.CLI_INPUT_OPTION);
        args.add(1, AsadminInput.SYSTEM_IN_INDICATOR); // specified to read from
        List<String> fullcommand = new ArrayList<String>();
        String installDir = node.getInstallDirUnixStyle() + "/"
                + SystemPropertyConstants.getComponentName();
        if (!StringUtils.ok(installDir)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Node does not have an installDir");

        File asadmin = new File(SystemPropertyConstants.getAsAdminScriptLocation(installDir));

        if (!asadmin.canExecute())
            throw new ProcessManagerException(asadmin.getAbsolutePath() + " is not executable.");

        lastCommandRun = commandListToString(fullcommand);

        trace("Running command locally: " + lastCommandRun);
        ProcessManager pm = new ProcessManager(fullcommand);

        // XXX should not need this after fix for 12777, but we seem to
        pm.execute()// blocks until command is complete

        String stdout = pm.getStdout();
        String stderr = pm.getStderr();

        if (output != null) {
            if (StringUtils.ok(stdout)) {

            if (StringUtils.ok(stderr)) {
                if (output.length() > 0) {
        return pm.getExitValue();

    private int runAdminCommandOnRemoteNode(Node node, StringBuilder output,
            List<String> args,
            List<String> stdinLines) throws
            SSHCommandExecutionException, IllegalArgumentException,
            UnsupportedOperationException {

        // don't want to call a config object proxy more than absolutely necessary!
        String type = node.getType();

        if ("SSH".equals(type)) {
            NodeRunnerSsh nrs = new NodeRunnerSsh(habitat, logger);
            return nrs.runAdminCommandOnRemoteNode(node, output, args, stdinLines);

        if ("DCOM".equals(type)) {
            NodeRunnerDcom nrd = new NodeRunnerDcom(logger);
            return nrd.runAdminCommandOnRemoteNode(node, output, args, stdinLines);

        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Node is not of type SSH or DCOM");

    private void trace(String s) {
        logger.fine(String.format("%s: %s", this.getClass().getSimpleName(), s));

    private String commandListToString(List<String> command) {
        StringBuilder fullCommand = new StringBuilder();

        for (String s : command) {
            fullCommand.append(" ");

        return fullCommand.toString();

Related Classes of org.glassfish.cluster.ssh.connect.NodeRunner

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